Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I'm certain our otherworldly hosts will accept the outcome of this fight graciously." Elren said, alluding to both his intentions, and his opponents usage of the word. The boy glanced at Laiss for a moment - perhaps he could see his true colours?

From the centre of the arena, Elren's blade sat far behind the ill-intentioned boy. It would be a chore to retrieve it if the first stage of his plan went well, but what was a small dash to the edge of the arena versus life and death? He eagerly and cautiously awaited for his opponent to approach him so that he could execute his plan, but noticed that his opponent hadn't made a move yet. Perhaps he was having doubts regarding the act of killing? Similar to the doubts that Elren had regarding the fight, albeit for different, less honourable reasons. Still, Elren attempted to urge the other contender to step closer.

"Well, I can't just stand here forever, and we're probably not going to be leaving until we've had a...clear winner." The white-haired boy shrugged.

"We may as well end this quickly."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I suppose we will," said the Tegerfelden scion regretfully, carefully reaching for the dagger beside him.

It was a well-balanced weapon, he noted, hefting it up to feel its weight. Though he was far more experienced with longer weapons (such as longswords or rapiers), the blade that had been assigned to him by the hosts felt comfortable within his right hand, the velvety black leather providing him with a strong grip. Fascination for the tool immediately boiled up within his soul, and he yearned to give it a few experimental swings to understand the dagger better. Yet he controlled himself; this was a weapon that he would use for only purpose - to kill. It was not an instrument of honourable combat like the epées of his mortal life. It was a tool of murderer, and to relish in its usage felt quite ... well ... immoral to Liudolf.

Some would say that he was overcomplicating the issue, but in his heart, the young noble felt rather at odds with the barbaric purposes that this beautiful weapon would be subject to.

It was true that his opponent was unlikely to be in a deceased state permanently, but the expectations of the mortal world were rather difficult to disassociate from his new life.

"Let us begin then," murmured Liudolf solemnly, his slow steps resounding against stone as he approached his opponent, dagger pointed forwards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marianne's attention snapped to the edgy man. "But... I can't just let 'em kill like that!" She said, extremely panicked. Marianne didn't really know the circumstances on what was really happening.

"People only get to live once!" Her words were ironic. She didn't remember the events that happened before she arrived at this strange academy. She had forgotten them since she was, again, an idiot.

Her frantic pacing had turned into a crawl, and then Marianne just laid on the ground. Her eyes were tearing up. "People ain't... People ain't supposed to be killin'. It ain't right. It just ain't right..." She said. Something about people killing others just made her feel like something happened. She couldn't remember what happened, however. She just felt like something was wrong.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Victor kind of felt bad that the girl was crying over people killing each other, but there was nothing he could really do about it. It’s not that he felt bad about telling her, it’s that it was a little uncomfortable to just sit near someone who was basically crying and not doing anything about it. In all honesty, he was more annoyed than guilty, but he at least felt slightly guilty, so that was something, right?

Looking at the girl, she was shorter than him. Victor was pretty tall for his age, and she seemed to be about his age. It occurred to Victor that he didn’t even know her name.

“Look, you made a girl cry.” His grandpa said in a bored, provocative tone. “I’m disappointed that I have a grandson like you”

“Just shut up.” Victor muttered tiredly.

The girl was crying a little, and the atmosphere was getting pretty uncomfortable. Victor sighed and got up, walking towards the girl. He sat down in a cross-legged position near her, so he could be heard. He sat quietly for a second, watching the death matches. He sighed again after the pause, and began trying to console her a little.
“You know…” Victor said tentatively. “I think that at least they won’t die forever…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Why isn't it obvious?" Altzer said, pretentiously.

It was getting dangerous now, he wasn't sure what exactly the point of the exercise was but he wanted to test his knife throwing skills. He hadn't had any solid practice since he'd accidentally gotten on a plane to Russia. Luckily the dagger was right next to him, he discretely placed his hand near the handle.

"It's your dazzling personality."

With that he quickly grasped the knife and flicked his hand to send it flying through the air towards the girl's head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"What do ya mean by that?" Marianne said, tears dripping from her eyes. "People only got one life..."

Her tears were running dry. Her loud wailing turned into a quiet sob. She slowly got up from her lying down position and sat right beside the edgy man. She was quite confused, and the man seemed to know what was going on.

"Where are we?" She said, wiping tears from her eyes. Her voice was still changed from the crying. "An' how did I get here?"

Marianne intently listened to the first time in years. She wanted to know where she was. She had no memory of what happened hours before. All she remembered (vaguely) was falling down, getting caught in a net, getting burned to death, getting moved from that net onto a hellish landscape that turned normal, and being sent on this arena.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Believe it or not, we're in hell." Victor said.

His expression remained even and he continued watching the death matches, but he continued explaining.

"Far as I know, we're all dead. I'm assuming we are, anyway." Victor said. "I don't know how you got here, but I got stabbed and died."

He shrugged at that. The event was a minor annoyance compared to what was going on right now, and he still resented the girl who did it, despite the advantages of being dead. As bodies flew and blood flowed, Victor sighed. He couldn't really think that they brought them here just to kill each other, because that was rather dumb. Why bother saving 30 teenagers from hell just so half of them could kill the other half?

In Victor's mind, it didn't make much sense. But there was another thing that might make it seem sane: they were in hell. Hell was a place of eternal torment, normally. Eternal meant eternal, meaning they got no breaks which meant that they wouldn't die. So, assuming they were still in hell, they wouldn't die completely, contrary to everything he was currently seeing.

"The thing is, I don't think they brought us all the way over here to just die." Victor said finally. "That's just stupid. Since we're all already dead, why should we die a second time? I figure there's something else."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyanide Sweetie
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Cyanide Sweetie DarlingOfDecay

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"It's your dazzling personality."Poppy snorted loudly at his remark, and then promptly sneezed as she sucked a hair up her nose. Mid sneeze she felt a whoosh of air pass by her head, flipping around wide eyed she saw the blade flying through the air past just where her head had been. She narrowed her eyes, she just knew those blades were going to be a pain in her ass!
Just as the thought crossed her mind the blade quivered and stopped it's decent. Hanging in mid air it slowly rotated and shot out making a bee line towards her ass. "The fuck!?" She squeaked scrambling to get away from it. She smashed into the guy. "What are you doing?! Stop it!!" Just how many freaky powers did this ass hole have?!? She drew back her first to punch him in the face again but was interrupted by a sharp pain in her right ass cheek. She let out a howl grabbing at her ass, the howl eased gracefully into hysterical laughter as she felt the dagger burrowed into her soft flesh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Elren smirked for a brief moment. He had successfully placed himself under the guise of conceding. Arms above his head still, he waited. It was tiring, but necessary. His opponent had seemingly gotten over their conflicted feelings. This proved true for Elren also, although for different reasons. The opponent held their dagger toward the white-haired boy. This was fine. It was something Elren believed he could avoid in order to get off a single strike. His opponent was approaching, and Elren waited for the perfect moment to strike. The white-haired boy glanced to his own dagger, behind him. He judged the distance again. It was out of nervousness really. Failure would present undesirable consequences, afterall.

The boy lunged forward at his opponent, aiming a punch towards the man's face - more specifically his nose, with the intent to disable him. Incapacitation would be the first step to Elren's plan.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So his opponent had decided to feign surrender. A dirty tactic to be sure, but there was no need to the Tegerfelden scion to acknowledge it as of present. Lunging in such a manner would likely leave one's body off-balance, especially if whatever the attempted attack was were to miss. And it did miss, the aristocratic teenager's years of training in the Aargau School having honed his skills quite immensely. He neatly sidestepped to the left, avoiding the wild strike with practiced ease, positioning himself to stab forth at his opponent's extended arm. It was definitely no sabre, foil or epée, but the range of his beautiful weapon was still enough for his purposes - after all, the other teenager had closed the distance enough for the dagger to be extremely viable indeed.

One would wonder why Liudolf had deigned to strike at the extended forearm rather than the fist. His reasonings were pragmatic; to attack at the fist would be useless if his opponent were to recover rapidly enough to rebalance and pull back, but by stabbing at a far less mobile part of the arm, he had cut off many of his opponent's 'escape routes' and possibly assist in overextending the other teenager.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Following his previous pattern of behaviour, his next action should have been to burst into laughter yet again. However, his throat was rather dry from the previous onset and he'd rather not laugh again under the circumstances. Although, that may have been the blood, but the point is, Altzer did not feel like laughing.

Instead, he opted for a good natured grin.

"I can assure you that I only have the one ability." He said, [b][color=yellow]"Perhaps that power is your own, or someone else's. Speaking of my ability, would you like another demonstration?"[/b]

He threw a card that had been hidden in his sleeve towards the girl, and as before it glowed blue and turned into a shark, mouth wide open heading straight for the petite blonde.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyanide Sweetie
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Cyanide Sweetie DarlingOfDecay

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Poppy stopped laughing as soon as the pale boy started talking. "YapYapYapBlahYap" Poppy rolled her eyes, she was hardly listening so she almost missed him say."blahblah yap bleh snarksnark blahblahblah yapyapblah- demonstration?" Demonstration? What? Hell no- she watched him as he seemed to flick his wrist and a card shot out at her. Knowing where this trick led Poppy loosened her stance and locked her knees. A moment's before impact poppy reached around her and yanked the blade out of her ass. As the shark slammed into her,she grunted at the weight, it maked her slide back a good foot. The sharks rows of razor teeth clamped down on her shoulder, shredding her skin. She took a moment, biting her smiling lip as the chills slide down her spine. Resurfacing to the situation she quickly slammed the blade into the shark's skull. The hilt of the dagger had barely tapped its head when the shark transformed back into a card. Already in full momentum Poppy grunted as the knife sliced her leg. She shivered at the pain, she felt really warm. More than likely it was due to blood that was still flowing down her body from the shark bite, and from her self inflicted wound. Looking around herself Poppy was feeling light headed, she noticed that the shark had shoved her mere inches from the edge of their arena. the grand far below swayed as she got increasingly more dizzy. She took a shaky step forward
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