Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago



21XX, somewhere within the Moon Fortress Elysium...

Heavy footsteps echo through the half finished fortress as a mysterious reploid wearing heavy battle armor and a helmet that covers all of its face save for a T-shaped visor walk its hallways until reaching a throne room of sorts where another reploid, this one clad in blue armor over which a white cloak was drapped, waits for him.

????: "Hahaha, look what do we have here... What can someone as mighty as you want with the likes of me?"

????: "Cut your mockery, maverick. You already know what I want, so why are you still here?"

????: "I'll see to it personally, but first... I need to be sure that the one on that throne is indeed you!"

The warlike reploid then shot a barrage of powerful shots towards the blue one from his shoulder mounted autocannon.

The blue reploid didn't even bothered to dodge, instead, the color of his armor changed to a much paler blue and a large block of ice appeared between him and the shots, blocking them completely. Then, he turned back to his normal color and raised his right arm, now turned into a cannon, towards the warlike reploid.

????: "Is that enough for you, or do you want to remember how plasma tastes?"

The sound of charging was the only thing heard in the chamber for a long while, before the warlike reploid turned his back towards the blue one nonchalantly.

????: "Hahaha, I guess what they say is true. Either you die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain... Don't worry, I'm on your case."

He then left Elysium towards Earth.

Maverick Hunters hangar...

The reploids of the unit 777 of the Maverick Hunters are gathered in the hangar waiting for their commander to arrive. The tension is relatively high as most of them keep staring at the newest addition to their unit, a female hunter of all things...

Hunter A: "What Commander Signas has in mind? A reploid like her shouldn't leave the navigator pod.

Hunter B: "You're right pal, but at least you gotta admit that she's hot..."

Hunter A: "Can't deny that, but I bet 5k that she's going leak her hydraulic fluid as soon as the blast begin flying."

Before the pair of unruly hunters could continue their not-so-discrete talk, the 777th unit sub-commander, Bonzai Leafrimmer arrived on scene and announced that the commander have finally arrived and ordered the two who had been talking to go get ready for their mission.

????: "Now, now, Bonzai, there's no need to go bananas because of those two, they were just blowing some extra steam."

The voice belonged to no one other than the units commander, in formally know as D. around the base.

????: "Though, of course, I can't let someone berate one of my subordinates like this, even if they too are my subordinates, so you two are going to serve on the lab for a week after this, got it?"

Hunters A & B: Yes, sir!

The commander them moved to the side of the new hunter, and quickly moved his right arm, wrapping it around Merro's shoulders.

????: "Double that when the subordinate in question is this cute."

He lowered his head until his mouth was at he same level as Merro's ears so that only her could hear his next words, a smirk formed on his lips, clearly he was finding the whole situation too damn good to be true.

????: "Don't you think, Merro?"

Moving to their shuttle he spoke in a rather more grandiose than needed voice.

????: "Ok, hear me you bozos, our mission is to quell the rebellion around the XZ monument, when we get there we will rendezvous with a scout that's currently on scene and do whatever is necessary to succeed. But remember, no harming the civilians, that's not good for the paycheck."

He then got into the shuttle while waving his buster in an exaggerate way.

Maverick Hunter 777th Unit Commander: Dynamo

F. City...

A scout wearing a camo coat watches as the shuttle of the 777th unit lands on a relatively safe area. He approaches the group as soon as he certifies himself of their identities and relays the needed information quickly.

Commander D.: "Ok, people, your heard the man. We'll split in two groups of three members each, I'll go with these two guys, Bonzai, you lead the chick and the scout. Our meeting point is the XZ monuments. MOVE YOUR ASSES!"

OOC: Goddamnit! This post was enormous, now I'm tired. You're free to pst now, guys.

.@Lvl Down@Sho Minazuki@Nightrunner
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

*This post is reserved for the Hunter HQ*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

*And this for the RP log*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Background music: http://www.brawlcustommusic.com/game/162 "Password")

The daytime was bright, a little too bright. Merro thought as she continued on her way to HQ. Merro stopped to look at the sky, as she watched all the transport cars and ships flying overhead she was knocked to the ground. After the initial shock left, she looked for the reason she why she was just decked. She saw a fairly large reploid looking around very confused.

Reploid: What did I hit?

He kept on looking around continually overlooking Merro as he did.

Merro: Why that arrogant son of a....

Merro balled her hand in front of her only to see that it was invisible. Merro silently laughed at herself as she got up. She started laughing a little and the reploid who had bumped into her was starting to get scared.

Reploid: Who's there! Show yourself!

Merro thought quickly what she would do to repay this reploid for bumping into her. She stopped laughing and got very close to the reploid. She silently placed a small device on his back and whispered something very softly. The reploid visibly began to shake and his voice started to show that he was really scared. Merro stifled her laughing and walked away. She continued on her route to the Maverick Hunter HQ; along the way she began to think about all that had happened since she started work there. Merro really didn't like the idea that she had to start fresh as a low-ranking spy reploid, but she was happy to finally be transferred to this 777th Unit. (A unit that was much higher in rank.)

Merro: Maybe i'll actually get a mission that will keep me busy for a bit.

Previously, serving in her last unit, Merro had surpassed every test and accomplished every mission in her rank with record speed and accuracy. No one really knew why she was a prodigy at the art of subterfuge they just knew that it was incredible and her talent was needed in other more high ranking missions. Merro finally made it to HQ and walked through main area to an elevator. She didn't need to ask for directions, she had the whole blueprint of Maverick Hunter HQ in her memory (acquired of course through illegal means). As she waited for the elevator, she began to pin point the reploid's location that had bumped into her. Once she found him she began to search the Maverick HQ databases for information on this reploid.

Merro: I really shouldn't be doing this but who was this idiot that ran into me?

Merro had just finished researching that reploid when the elevator doors opened. She was greeted almost immediately by a larger hunter who put his arm around her shoulder. Merro was very surprised at this sudden movement and thought to turn invisible. That was, until she saw who it was that had put his arm around her. She would have slapped or kicked any other reploid that had tried this, but she couldn't disrespect a high ranking hunter. So she bore with it, that was until he whispered into her ear. Merro couldn't take it anymore, she got out of his grasp and stood in front of the commander. Merro reporting for duty sir! she said in a very embarrassed and flustered voice.

She quickly boarded the shuttle with the rest of the hunters but quickly became very ncomfortable as she was the only female on the craft.She didn't like being stared at, but she really didn't like it when some baboon looking Hunter sat down next to her.

Merro (Mind): Ugh..... why is this monkey sitting next to me....?

The trip wasn't very long, but it seemed like an eternity for Merro. Everyone tried not to stare at her or pretended not to, but she could feel all those eyes looking at her. She wanted to go invisible, but that would have only attracted more attention. She was so relieved when the craft finally landed and was one of the first to get out of the crowded craft. They were greeted by a forward scout and soon after everyone got off. Once everyone got into formation, Commander D issued the order to split into 2 groups.

Commander D.: "Ok, people, your heard the man. We'll split in two groups of three members each, I'll go with these two guys, Bonzai, you lead the chick and the scout. Our meeting point is the XZ monuments. MOVE YOUR ASSES!"

Merro wanted shout in protest but very grudgingly joined Bonzai's group. This was going to be a long mission indeed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 16 days ago

Raven | F City

"Yoooo, glad you all could come, The XZ Monument will be today's attraction, now if you would all look to your left you'll see the scenery, really, really boring city scenery... It's kinda empty around here", he said as he greeted the team that had arrived. He seemed to be more liberal than other reploids, it was unusual, maybe it was a scout thing? Probably not. Most don't remember scouts being this mouthy.

"Oh by the way, name's Raven. Scout. Things look ready to get a little wild around the monument. I spotted an armor though, didn't look like any of ours. Kinda irks me I lost track of it though, so should probably watch out for that... Well anyways, crowd looks crazy, what's your plan on convincing them that message wasn't real?", he asked. The area around them was a somewhat isolated area of F City. You can hear the crowds in the distance in the direction of the monument. Place was in flames in some areas too... Despite all this though, Raven kept on a positive smile, which in a time like this was a little out of place. In any case, his hands were close to his busters, in case something jumped at them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

F. City - Ruined Suburbs

Just as the two groups split, a loud crash could be heard from Commander D.'s direction, Bonzai ordered the two younger hunters to forge onward as he went back to investigate the sound "Reinforcements will meet with you near the XZ monument," the simian reploid said.

It didn't took much time for Raven and Mero to navigate the deserted landscape, until they reached a broken highway. Going by foot would take ages, even if they both had high mobility specs, however, Raven had already anticipated that and previously contacted an advanced scout party that left a couple of ride chasers for them at the place. Now that Bonzai wasn't here, they could go one on each vehicle.

It didn't took long after the hunters boarded the chasers to go through the broken terrain, to a group of 6 wayward mechaniloids taxis to catch up to them and engage in a deadly race down the perilous track.

Just as if the situation wasn't bed enough, Raven spotted a group of four artillery mechaniloids (*OOC: those big ones that shoot indestructible missiles) raining fire upon the city from the top of the office building where they were headed. Above them a battered warship, that once belong to Repliforce's Air Force Commander Storm Owl, before X and Zero shut him down was parachuting even more war machines into the city.

Time was of the essence for that mission, but what could the lone hunters do to change the tide of this battle?

.@Sho Minazuki@Lvl Down
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Merro was very surprised to see such an attack at a demonstration in the city. Could X really have this much influence on the rest of reploid kind. It was unbelievable. Sure Merro had done her research on X. Sigma required at least that much, but she never thought he could be this influential. She zoomed in on the problems ahead of her, a few missile shooting mavericks, a battle ship dropping troops, and now being chased by taxis? What has this world come down to she though to herself as she dodged some of the fire from behind. Merro also began to examine where the missiles were heading. Once she had finished plotting its trajectory, she was amazed that they were already heading for Captain D.'s group. "They must have been waiting for us." Then again, Merro thought, perhaps there was a traitor or spy somewhere among the Hunters at HQ. If it was one thing she learned as a spy, its that even in times of peace, there will always be spies. She kept a metal note of that thought, it just seemed to quick of a retaliation. They must have know the exact coordinates of the parties arrival, information like that was usually linked to navigators. Even if Merro had found out who the spy was, if there was one at all, she wouldn't reveal them. No, she would just keep a good eye on them and see what they are up to. Catching a spy is the easy part, figuring what the spy has done and what their connections are is the hard part. She laughed as a laser hit her in the back. It harmlessly deflected elsewhere not even phasing Merro. Looks like she didn't have to worry about fire from her pursuers, at least not with those weapons.

Merro continued to speed down the highway, she was quickly approaching a large set of buildings that she would have to go through in order get to the missile launchers. She signed what she was going to do to Raven, and asked him to take care of the pursuers. Places like these are always full of surprises, and Merro loved surprises. She liked to disable them before they became a surprise. Merro cloaked her self while riding her chaser. As soon as she entered the city, she jumped off and let the chaser careen down the road out of control. She knew something was off, and she was going to figure out why.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 16 days ago

Raven | F City

The ride chasers were definitely needed. Earlier Raven had actually trekked the highway for scouting, but this time they needed to get there ASAP, so he couldn't take his time like before. The other one Merro was to accompany him and head for the monument as an advance force to get a first word on the situation. Though it appears their party came just in time. It looks like the area around the monument was about to become a battle zone with all the artillery and hostile mechaniloids now appearing, four large artillery mechs, and a small army of smaller ones coming from a warship now appearing. He recognized the division it belonged to, Storm Owl's. With one buster out, Raven started firing at the passing flying mechaniloids, taking a couple down before jumping a few more obstacles along the highway.

"If they were waiting for us, then let's not disappoint", he responded to Merro. As he was saying that, he moved his head to the side as he noticed buster fire from behind. Merro sped on ahead and cloaked as she entered the main part of the city, on the other hand, Raven near the edge of the city skid his ride chaser sideways, letting him turn and face the pursuers... Only small mechs with small arms fire. Perfect. The ride chaser skid to a halt, with Raven raising his leg over it, letting him get off without having to move from his spot, pulling out his twin busters.

"Showtime", he smirked. The small arms fire wasn't able to hit him at all, his body moved in unnatural and fast positions each one letting him fire from both busters, and within moments the several small mechs were shot down.

"Alright... Time to get to that monument", and with that he darted off. The large artillery mechs were going to be a little out of the way, but at the very least he should be able to examine the situations around them, so he headed to the nearest one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Merro walked around silently, she scanned every building in the vicinity for a circuit spark, no matter how small it was. A few bleeps on her map showed up. They weren't electrical ports or sockets; she could tell because the bleeps were in a very strategic formation, each one covering an entrance to the city. Merro wasn't much of a fighter, all her slender frame would allow was a laser gun, and a weak ine at that. She usually used it to cut wires or surgical points in mechs, not shoot it at someone. However, with how everyone was spaced out she decided to have some fun. She quickly and silently jumped up a building that had 1 ambusher in it. She snuck around and inspected his backside. She quickly scanned the robot and found its blueprint in the database. She found a specific area, and with a quick and surgical strike of her laser, she cut the cords connecting the the sight and communication functions. The area around the neck of this specific model was fairly weak, so it was the best place to strike. As planned, the poor victim began to flail about trying to communicate with his allies. But it was to no avail. With that finished, Merro quickly went around the city and did the same to the rest of the enemies. It took longer than expected, but she accomplished it, and began to make her way towards the artillery shooting at Captain D.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

F. City - Construction Area

As the hunters were passing through a maze of crumbling buildings were the occasional mechaniloid would pop-up and try to ambush them, while still trying to reach the artillery robots, they ended up in a large construction site were the steel framework of a huge skyscraper laid bare.

From the top of it, Raven and Merro would be easily able to reach the mechaniloids that were laying support fire all over the city, crippling the enemy's offensive power and allowing the Maverick Hunter to turn the tide of battle as soon as they had dealt with the airship.

A radio message from alia arrived as soon as they began climbing the devoid building.

Alia: "Raven, Merro, are you still out there? I've found a way to deal with both of our problems, but I'll need Merro's cooperation if we are going to succeed... I need Merro to hack into the artillery mechaniloids CPUs and deliver this program."

After waiting for the hunters' confirmation, Alia sent the program to Merro via the Maverick Hunters secure network.

Alia: "When you install it, the mechaniloids will try to shoot down the airship and then, self-destruct. Even if they aren't able to bring the ship down, they should damage it to a point were combat operation becomes impossible. Good luck out there!"

Just as Alia was about to the comlink, a warning siren sounded on her monitors.

Alia: "Raven, Merro! My scanners show a giant mechaniloid closing in on you at very high speed it seems to be a construction type, and he's gone maverick too, keep your guard up!"

Not even a minute passed after Alia stopped talking, and a giant mechaniloid, whose original purpose was to turn refuse and debris into rubble with its shredder like maw, strong enough to chew through reinforced concrete with easy close in on Raven and Merro's position and began to climb the building in their pursuit.

Luckily it was slow, but its weight, combined with the fact that it was chewing away the the support beams, was making the whole building start to crumble on them. The only option that Raven and Merro had now was to climb the structure by kicking up the falling beams and pieces of concrete, while trying to avoid being smashed by them, or falling into the mechaniloid's maw and that while trying to find a way to disable the wayward machine before it became even more destructive. To do that they would most likely have to knock it off of the building and them drop the load of the crane that was atop the building to smash the thing's body with the supermassive steel beams.

.@Lvl Down@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Merro didn't panic when the building started to fall to pieces on them. One of the first lessons she had learned as a spy, was to never reveal emotions; and the second was like unto it, feel no emotion. Stay calm and focused, or you will make a mistake. With that thought in mind, Merro used her extremely agile frame (with triple jump capabilities) to avoid the falling debris. Although she wasn't making much headway. As she dodged falling beams, Merro went over the program that Alia had sent to her. Certainly, it was a good virus, and Merro intended to use it the way she was instructed. However, she felt that there was another good use for it. She quickly scanned the program file, copied it, then began to tinker with it. This was a very dangerous thing to do, as opening a potential virus inside your frame was just asking for trouble. Especially when you were busy dodging steel beams.
Merro continued to work on the program, slowly. She couldn't focus all her attention in it. To do that would mean she'd get crushed and then shredded to bits. So after a little time, she managed to successfully change the programming around a little, and it was finished. 1 shut down program ready to go! She told her self. Merro went invisible and made her way to the side of the building, and started going down towards the maverick. Sadly, on her way down, she was a little careless, and a good chunk of cement cracked her illuminater orb slightly. Already, a portion of her was visible.
Not letting this dissuade her from her goal, Merro eventually got close enough to actually land on top of the maverivck. She didn't stand on top of him, that would have just asked for more trouble. To make things worse, the building was almost entirely about to timber on the 2 of them. Merro quickly made her way around the maverick looking for an opening. Construction machines where easy to find openings because they always needed to be worked on. So Merro quickly found an open spot in the maverick's heavy plating and placed a small disrupter cell (infused with the modified virus) inside the machine. Almost immediate it began to work and the shredding began to stop. Soon enough, the shredding stopped and the robot had been shut down.
"Well that was exciting."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

F. City | Construction Site

Just as Merro dealt with the giant mechaniloid, the wireframe of the building cracked and finally collapsed, tons of steel and concrete crashed against the ground bellow producing a hellish sound and a dust cloud about half as tall as the building was. However, the agile hunters managed to reach the top of the adjacent building at the very last second and began to deal with the artillery mechaniloids immediately.

Merro cloaked herself despite her frame still being cracked and quickly delivered Alia's program to the four missile launchers. In an instant the skies over F. City where red with the flames that poured from Owl's former warship, miraculous ly it didn't fell right away, but managed to beat a retreat towards the XZ monument.

F. City | The XZ Monument

Merro and Raven chased the warship, jumping from roof to roof and taking care of the few stragglers that they came across, until it stop right above the monument. It lowered its height much as it could and then, lowered a cargo platform, towards which a group of maverick reploids moved while carrying what looked like a resting pod that they dragged from a passage located under the monument.

Signas *over the radio*: So, that was it. The maverick behind that forgery were looking for something hidden under the monument and used that transmission and the attack as a distraction.

Alia *over the radio*: I'm picking a reploid signature from that pod. Its pattern matches with... X? When? Did he? It can't be...

Signas *over the radio*: Alia, what's happening with you? Do you know something about this situation? *static* Alia! Alia, answer me! *more static* Raven, Merro, I know that it might be asking much of you, since neither of you has been built for combat, but you're the only ones near the monument at this moment. Don't let those mavericks take that pod away, no matter what... *heavy static* Raven? *heavy static* Merro? *heavy static* Can you hear me? *heavy static | com off*

The hunters quickly jumped off the high building and took the lightly armored mavericks by surprise, dealing with them in one fell sweep. However, when they were about to look inside the pod...

????: I'm afraid I can't let third rate hunters like you have that thing. Hahaha!

When they turned around to see the source of the mysterious voice, a thunderous crash assaulted their ears as a reploid in a huge, black Ride Armor jumped from the airship right behind them...

????: You see, the one that I'm working for is very interested in the reploid that's inside that capsule, so...

A burst of bullet shot from the maverick's shoulder-mounted autocannon cleared the dust from the air and at that moment both Raven and Merro's eyes widened as they recognized the foe in front of them, the second deadliest maverick criminal of recorded history only slightly behind Sigma.

The ex-maverick hunter, Vile...

.@Lvl Down@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Merro was speechless. She thought Vile had been destroyed with Sigma. *"Of course he didn't die. He never dies, no matter how slim his chances of survival are."* Merro knew she couldn't do anything against Vile, but she feared the most was that Vile would recognize her. The last thing Merro needed was her past to be dug up again and ruin her life. Merro had no idea what to do, there was no possible chance she could fight Vile. Not with her minuscule laser that she used to cut wires. She couldn't cloak due to the recent crack her frame had sustained, what should she do. Vile wasn't exactly a merciful Maverick; then Merro had an idea. She knew that Vile was lazy, and there in was his fault. He wouldn't go around chasing weaklings like her, he would just do his mission than leave. Merro charged a large amount of energy in the Lumi-spheres on her armor and let out a massive flare of light that would blind anything, even Merro. (Which is really impressive) Merro didn't need to see in order to enact her plan, while the light was there, she quickly placed a micro transceiver on the pod then, took off running in the other direction. She had recently scanned the field and so in order to navigate while blinded, Merro pulled up that scan and tracked her progress as she ran. She hoped Raven would be able to make it out. If it was one thing scouts were good at, it was running.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 16 days ago

Raven | XZ Monument

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes... And by sore, I mean I didn't want to see you", he commented, it was Vile. He'd heard stories, but never imagined to see him in the flesh... Or... Circuitry, whatever it is. Mostly since Vile was deemed destroyed some time back. He knew he couldn't beat this guy, so his first instinct was to run... But how? Vile used ranged weaponry, and could easily shoot him down despite how fast he moved. He radioed in HQ.

"How soon can we expect back-up?", he inquired. They can't lose that capsule, but they also can't beat Vile... So maybe they can hold him here until back-up arrives. He kept a single hand on one of his busters while he waited for a response. It looked like Merro had other plans, but whatever the enemy wanted, they wanted too.
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