Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mass City

Mass City

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Mass City
If you wanted to get Eagle involved in something, I'm about to have Star Ruby snoop in on Mythica and The Chairman's deal, maybe you could work that?

ok that could work@Horrid
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


I have changed my post, and hopefully it makes more sense than my last one did. I'd like to thank you for having patience with me, I'm only 19 and so I'm very ignorant in many fields. Hopefully this critique doesn't become a constant between us.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pietra
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


I have changed my post, and hopefully it makes more sense than my last one did. I'd like to thank you for having patience with me, I'm only 19 and so I'm very ignorant in many fields. Hopefully this critique doesn't become a constant between us.

It's totally fine, Marik, I'm 19 too- I'm completely ignorant about a lot of things, like sports, and lots of components of history. Just one thing; I mentioned in the post where I introduced Carla that she was trained in the Marine Corps alongside Rose... so she wouldn't be as clueless as you're writing her. Believe it or not, policemen are actually pretty badass sometimes, and not all of them are corrupt. The vast majority are well trained, and really, really good at handling criminals. I thought it was pretty obvious that Carla would have disarmed your character before putting him in the vehicle, that it didn't need saying. Making policemen out to be idiots, especially ones previously in the Marine Corps, even in fiction, is incredibly insulting. Just... no. That's so disrespectful of the people who protect our country from within, the people who risk their lives daily to save others.

Carla is a junior police detective, previously trained in the Marine Corps. Here's a link to see what's required of Marines, and here to see what's required for detectives. Yeah. See the problem with how you portrayed her, as a fumbling idiot?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Marik>

It's totally fine, Marik, I'm 19 too- I'm completely ignorant about a lot of things, like sports, and lots of components of history. Just one thing; I mentioned in the post where I introduced Carla that she was trained in the Marine Corps alongside Rose... so she wouldn't be as clueless as you're writing her. Believe it or not, policemen are actually pretty badass sometimes, and not all of them are corrupt. The vast majority are well trained, and really, really good at handling criminals. I thought it was pretty obvious that Carla would have disarmed your character before putting him in the vehicle, that it didn't need saying. Making policemen out to be idiots, especially ones previously in the Marine Corps, even in fiction, is incredibly insulting. Just... no. That's so disrespectful of the people who protect our country from within, the people who risk their lives daily to save others.

Carla is a junior police detective, previously trained in the Marine Corps. Here's a link to see what's required of Marines, and here to see what's required for detectives. Yeah. See the problem with how you portrayed her, as a fumbling idiot?

Uh, it’s almost like you’re saying I don’t respect the police, which I do. Let me remind you that I am playing a fictional criminal with fictional values who just may fictionally kill a few cops because he feels like it, so you’ll have to excuse me for wanting to do a badass thing in a universe where the GM said himself that the police force may not be as smart as they should be. I’m sorry if you’re insulted by this, but it’s all fun and games. If I were to write a song with words in it like “Fuck the police” it might actually be bringing up issues with the system in place, and not just a forward insult to the people in question.

All I’m saying is, try not to take this so seriously. Now, I’ll wait for the GM to take a look at this and if he feels I need to, I’ll edit my post again, but at the moment I don’t really have the time.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pietra
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Marik You took an NPC who had the qualification of being trained in the Marine Corps, and made her completely useless, and said she "fumbled with her keys", and that she and her senior officer didn't disarm your character. Not even four year olds would be stupid enough to leave a criminal armed. Obviously they took his weapons, I just didn't think that it was necessary to say every single thing that happened, that it seemed quite obvious. It's a standard rule of writing- if you can infer that something happened without saying it (like waking up, or opening their mouth as they begin to speak), you don't need to write it.

What, should I go through the process of the turning of the engine when Rose is on her motorbike? No, because we know it happened, it's obvious. Don't be so fucking disrespectful of both me, the police force, even if it's fictional, and my character, even if she's just an NPC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright. please, that's literally enough. I'm calling upon the power of Poly.

Either chill the Hell out and touch bums, or take it to PM. No offense to any of you, but I believe that I'm speaking for everyone when I say;; No one wants to hear your dank banter, mates. Seriously.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SugarRush
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SugarRush XD rawr

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yikes. Chill down up there. Roleplaying is supposed to be for fun, it seems like some are missing the basic point of that. I thought people learned from that dude a couple pages ago that freaking out about roleplaying makes you look childish. No post is perfect, nor does it have to be. Just enjoy interacting with other writers and don't force things to happen, just go with the flow.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gurren1
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Gurren1 Got Mechs?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

What happend here? Also Acid Striker killed the first hero of the RP even if it was just a NPC now on to the next victim.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I didn't sign up for this...

I just wanted to hunt werewolves.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pietra
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sorry, everyone, I'm just personally offended whenever policemen and/or marines are made out to be idiots. Most of my best friends are now training to become members of the marine corps, as I live near the training place in SC, and a lot of my relatives are policemen, or in the military. It might not occur to you that portraying a certain archetype as idiots is offensive, but really, it is incredibly insulting. Please treat people with respect and dignity, even when writing fiction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I ended up going to party for the end of the school year. I'll start working on one now. :))


I'll have my character respond to the press. Is Gwen the only character at the mall?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Phoenix, Teen Tornado, and me were thankfully able to put his terror to an end.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

<Snipped quote by BlueAjah>

I'm so sorry!! I'm so terrible. I totally forgot! I'll edit it and add you in!! It's been a long day...

SECOND EDIT: Okay, I edited it!! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, guys, it's clear that we've had a misunderstanding here that spiraled out of control.

Don't be so fucking disrespectful of both me, the police force, even if it's fictional, and my character, even if she's just an NPC.

This remark was completely unwarranted. It's clear to me that Marik intended no disrespect to you or any governmental organ, he was just trying to write his character out of a corner. Did he do it in a way that wasn't terribly logical? Sure, but that's an honest mistake. No reason to blow up, just calmly state what's wrong with the post and move on.

Now, let's put all of this behind us and move on.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gurren1
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Gurren1 Got Mechs?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I will get a post up in the morning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

finally made a villain. Say hello to Sea Bastard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So, in the event that Uprising makes it out of this situation I’m in, I was hoping that an alliance could be forged. If it was possible for him to join my tyranny, would you prefer to keep control of him, or would that fall to me?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

finally made a villain. Say hello to Sea Bastard.

Accepted, though I can't help but wonder how he drove his ship on torrents of blood all the way up 1-77 without getting pulled over.

So, in the event that Uprising makes it out of this situation I’m in, I was hoping that an alliance could be forged. If it was possible for him to join my tyranny, would you prefer to keep control of him, or would that fall to me?

I'm thinking I'll keep control of him, if that's alright.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm thinking I'll keep control of him, if that's alright.

Yeah, that works. It keeps the guy consistent, and it keeps me from just getting him to do whatever I want, you being able to choose his decisions based on the character you’ve crafted. So it’s all good!

I’ll either get a post up tonight, or after work tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Dude...DUDE. I fucking love you XD I get to fight the Kamen Rider of this little Rp. That makes me happy.
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