Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hmm, now that I think about it, not entirely sure if 'Cold' is a domain at all...
Any thoughts?

Edit: Ninja'd ^^'
Won't be around these next few hours, but if anyone else wants to submit a CS, feel free. Rtron and I will consult and select the ones to approve.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Well, someone beat me to the 10th spot. But I'm still gonna post my CS in a little while in hopes of being accepted anyway
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Indeed. There's a limit on accepted characters, not applications.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Behold, he who will drown the world and then cuddle it lovingly!

I tried to make Undasis as two-sided as I possibly could: Male/Female, Loving/Destructive, Parental/Abusive, Soft/Stern and so on. Tell me how I did, I'm always looking to improve.

Name: Undasis ("undas" being the Latin word for "waves")

Alias: God of the Waves, Guardian of the Sea, The World-Drowner

Gender: At times Undasis is both male and female, sometimes neither, and occasionally both. Mostly, however, it is appropriate to refer to Undasis as a "he"

Domain: Water
Portfolio: Oceans/The Sea

Domains/Portfolio Description:
The domain of water is a tricky one to describe. It is both a loving and a cruel mistress; water is a giver of life to those who drink from it, growth to the plants it rains on, and certain death to those who fall between it's crushing waves.

Likewise, the sea may bring peace to those who swim in it's luxurious shores and a full belly to those who gather fish from it, but to drink too much sea-water is to embrace death for most mortals. At times the sea will provide, and at times it may rise up in a vengeful, inescapable tsunami and crash itself against shores or cities.

The sea is home to life too abundant and diverse to comprehend, but with this life comes danger. Sailors may bring home stories of monsters lurking in the depths; humongous, shadowy creatures stalking them for days before suddenly vanishing as they pulled towards the safety of the shore.


As the God of Oceans, Undasis embraces both sides of the sea. He has power over it's strong waves and it's playful shores. Undasis knows it's cool, soothing touch and the painful, fatal suffocation to those who fall too deep beneath it, and both are in his sphere of power.

Undasis desires to create sea-life as well. Beautiful and delicately painted fish or terrifying monsters who exist only to consume the bodies and souls those poor fools who unknowingly enter their domain.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Despite the permanency of the ocean, Undasis seems to be a god inflicted with the most extremely fragile whim.

But more on that later, firstly you must know that he craves one thing above all: wealth. Not wealth in the form of foolish and empty currency some mortals may create, but wealth of a very, very different sort.

He desires wealth in the form of life - myriads of intricate sea creatures, all separate and unique but all coming together form the a massive, flourishing ecosystem. This is more a desire of the calmer side of Undasis (the calm side also being known as the "Woman of the Waters")

He desires wealth in the form of power - for better or worse, Undasis craves power over all that there is. This is precisely why he loves water. He is eternally astonished with the irresistible force of waves and oceans. If he could, he would drown the whole world in oceans. He would force every walking creature to learn to swim or face destruction as waves pour onto the land from all sides, and without hesitation he would murder any god who attempts to oppose him in this. This is more a desire of the angrier side of Undasis (also called "The Kraken")

Now, as for his always changing whims: like the ocean, you cannot easily predict on any day whether Undasis will be as subdued as calm waters, as playful as a gentle shore, or as ferocious as a tsunami. However, he is not random by any means; just as the ocean requires winds to stir up a storm, so Undasis requires an annoyance or an affront to anger him into a rage.

When he is in a ferocious mood, he is normally called by mortals and gods alike "The Kraken"

On the other hand, the more gentle side is known as "The Woman of the Waters"


Musical theme:
I know it's not the best song instrumentally, but in order to show the victim side of our Sea god, I choose a song showing his fear and anguish over the constant changes he must endure from Woman of the Water to Kraken:
Red - Fight Inside

"All the pain, I want it to end
But I want it again"

"Enemy, familiar friend
My beginning and my end"


The ocean gives, the ocean takes away.

So it is with Undasis. While he provides the world with food from fish and the gentle healing powers of water, he can also be extraordinarily selfish and greedy- afterall, among his greatest desires is the will to drown the whole world

When in her calmer form ("The Woman of the Waters"), Undasis is loving and gentle. She will comfort you like a mother comforting her child, and will do anything to see a smile dance across your face. Undasis may also be playful in the extreme, or even childish.

On the other, darker hand, the more aggressive side of Undasis ("The Kraken") is serious and destructive. He will drown you at the slightest offense, and loves nothing more than to see mortals gape in terror at the raw power of the ocean.

Undasis will often seem schizophrenic. He/She may argue with himself, complain about the "other voice" in his head (most assume the other voice is The Kraken speaking when Undasis is in Water Woman form or the Water Woman speaking when he's in Kraken form), and/or behave erratically if aggravated.


So, as you can see, there are really two separate version of Undasis: one loving and gentle, and one hateful and destructive. Which side you see depends on how you behave around him, his general mood that day, and a little bit of luck.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ethan Starks
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Ethan Starks Hero of Tomorrow

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@Kho Lol Duffman beats Sauron. xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jetipster
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jetipster Not all those that wander are lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hmm, now that I think about it, not entirely sure if 'Cold' is a domain at all...
Any thoughts?

Thanks for the advice :)

Actually much happier with the CS now with more narrative ideas unravelling in my mind...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Escre and Arguis could possibly be friends, due to his interest in Knowledge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Escre and Arguis could possibly be friends, due to his interest in Knowledge.

They could cooperate. Friendship is somewhat of a foreign concept to Escre.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Lugubrious Hmm, interesting character, but you need to remember that all gods, no matter their domain, can create life once they level up a bit. Due to Escre having Life as a domain, I would understand that he is more skilled, perhaps, at creating living beings inherently, so would probably have reduced level requirements to be able to create unintelligent and intelligent beings.

With that in mind, I just want to know what you mean by this: 'With this power (Life), Escre can also make its own living things, but without another god's cooperation they're better served as minions than sentient beings.'
Does this mean Escre requires another gods cooperation to create sentient beings? If so, why this limit on a god who rules over Life? Or am I misunderstanding? A very interesting character, but that just confused me a tad bit.

@jetipster You are most welcome! ^-^ reread the CS, he really does have more exciting possibilities now. Looking forward to it!

@Ethan Starks It is my duty to best @Rtron in every way >.> hehe
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Updated my CS again.

Does anyone have any criticisms/comments on it? I've never done a character like Undasis before, so I would like to know what others think

EDIT: Also, is sea-life the same portfolio as sea? I would like to think so, but I need to be sure before I- excuse the cliche- unleash the kraken
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

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@Lugubrious Hmm, interesting character, but you need to remember that all gods, no matter their domain, can create life once they level up a bit. Due to Escre having Life as a domain, I would understand that he is more skilled, perhaps, at creating living beings inherently, so would probably have reduced level requirements to be able to create unintelligent and intelligent beings.

With that in mind, I just want to know what you mean by this: 'With this power (Life), Escre can also make its own living things, but without another god's cooperation they're better served as minions than sentient beings.'
Does this mean Escre requires another gods cooperation to create sentient beings? If so, why this limit on a god who rules over Life? Or am I misunderstanding? A very interesting character, but that just confused me a tad bit.

@jetipster You are most welcome! ^-^ reread the CS, he really does have more exciting possibilities now. Looking forward to it!

@Ethan Starks It is my duty to best @Rtron in every way >.> hehe

Oh, I see. It would make sense that Escre would be able to create life more easily and quickly than other gods. Perhaps Escre lacks the creativity to make unique things on its own. Then, cooperating with another god to create life would both speed up the other gods' creations and make interesting things that Escre has influence over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Lugubrious :OOO! Well that IS interesting! A god who has the power but lacks the creativity! My goodness that's good. And it will probably make Escre a much sought-after friend for any god trying to create intelligent beings in the first couple of turns. Very nice! I like
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Hael I quite like the schizophrenia going on there, really playing on nature's ability to heal and destroy. Of course, it won't give the mortals being swept up by the Kraken any consolation to know that their sea god is just half mad and doesn't really mean to destroy everything in his wake xD great way to explain natural disasters too, I can just imagine xP

As for sea life coming under Oceans, I would say that having the portfolio of Sea/Ocean does give Undasis greater power over sea life, as they are technically part of the sea. However, they are still life-forms and any god can create them, but they come under Undasis' domain. If you do want to increase his power over sea life in future, you can always add them as a portfolio.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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xD great way to explain natural disasters too, I can just imagine xP

Yep. A tsunami is Kraken, but fish washing up on the shore is the Woman of the Waters.

Of course, it won't give the mortals being swept up by the Kraken any consolation to know that their sea god is just half mad and doesn't really mean to destroy everything in his wake

I'm planning on creating intelligent sea-life to compensate for the lack of intelligent worshipers on those big rocks called continents.

One sort of smarty sea-life will be the Mermaids/Mermen. They'll worship the Woman of the Waters and protect altars to Undasis. They'll probably mainly see the Kraken as a negative but necessary counterpart to their Fair Lady.

Another sort will be a smaller but still terrifying group of Kraken-like creatures, who bring sacrifices to the altars to appease Undasis' blood-lust, so that he won't wipe them out or turn the sea to blood or something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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<Snipped quote by Kho>

Yep. A tsunami is Kraken, but fish washing up on the shore is the Woman of the Waters.

<Snipped quote by Kho>

I'm planning on creating intelligent sea-life to compensate for the lack of intelligent worshipers on those big rocks called continents.

One sort of smarty sea-life will be the Mermaids/Mermen. They'll worship the Woman of the Waters and protect altars to Undasis. They'll probably mainly see the Kraken as a negative but necessary counterpart to their Fair Lady.

Another sort will be a smaller but still terrifying group of Kraken-like creatures, who bring sacrifices to the altars to appease Undasis' blood-lust, so that he won't wipe them out or turn the sea to blood or something.

Sounds like a hard race to go against. Better befriended then against.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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<Snipped quote by Hael>

Sounds like a hard race to go against. Better befriended then against.

Of course!

But note that there won't be like a million of them. Rather than a million (1,000,000) 5-foot tall humans, there's gonna be like twenty-thousand (20,000) 100-foot tall Krakens.

When and if I have to fight, the Mermen/Mermaids will make up the bulk of my army, whereas the Kraken's will function like siege-beasts aiding the destruction of cities or massive battles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Hael When it comes to creating things, go all out. The world is your oyster (or perhaps it would be more fitting to say that all the oysters in the world are yours? xD terrible pun, sorry for bringing that into existence O.O)
Remember the level requirements for creating living creatures and intelligent beings though. All under Game Mechanics.

Last thing before I go for the night.

Applications will remain open until tomorrow, Tuesday 2 June, 12.00 pm GMT+0
Rtron and I will then sift through all applications and produce a list of accepted characters. Wish you all the best of luck! Must say that the quality has been damn good, am glad it didn't turn into a constant barrage of straight-out rejections from my end (which I must say I have had the greatest misfortune to have had to do on pretty much every occasion I started an RP.)

Thank you all for putting up with the wait and creating these great CS's, will do my all to have this up and kicking tomorrow. I hope it will live up to all of our expectations.

Edit: Feel free to keep the discussion going! It really does help to have a good understanding of each other's characters before the RP starts.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Great by me! I'm excited to see what the list of accepted characters will be ^-^
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

How can I discuss our characters when I'm in fear of being denied?

Umm...anyone wanna...uh...talk about the connection between our denials, I mean our characters? I think mine would probably be fairly picky in who he/she denies, I mean interacts with. The Woman of the Denial, I-I m-mean the Water is fr-friendly but will inevitably b-be forced i-into denial, I mean se-seclusion b-by the Denial half of her personality, I-I mean th-the Kraken half.

*breaks down crying*

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Venku
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Name: Alexavier

Alias: Reiva Xela

Gender: Male

Domains/Portfolios: Order (Harmony)

Domains/Portfolio Description: Domain: Order is pretty self explanatory. It's strength doesn't lie in power but rather the sheer amount of portfolios that can be added to it. Time, weather, emotions, the list goes on. The power of order can and will(if strong enough) protect against or even undo chaotic damage.

Portfolio: Harmony is the power of things working together. It allows combining things in a way that will much surpass they're normal power. For example if you cause fire and wind work in harmony you get and extremely strong, extremely hot fire that only fire deities can surpass. Or an army that works in harmony will be able to defeat the combine force of 2 armies of the same size that have no harmony between them. It also can be used to aid multiple other deities in creating and cause their works to be of even better quality than normal.

Alignment: Neutral

Personality: He usually friendly and actively seeks out those he thinks are fun. Even if he disagrees with someones methods or goal he may help them out because he finds it interesting. He usually doesn't care what people or other deities do. He seems laid back and kind of careless, but that only applies to things that don't affect those he cares about. His goal is for him and those he cares for to survive what he believes is the inevitable destruction of this world. As such he will work with anyone as long as it helps him get to his goal. While his domain is Order it does not define him other than his powers. He is not above causing chaos himself in fact it is necessary for order and chaos to both be present, and even work together sometimes.

Appearance: A human from 5'11"- 6'4" it depends. He has an above average physical build, black hair, eyes that seem to contain a storm within the irises, and tan skin. He is usually wearing simple adventurers clothing.
He has other appearances but they are either unknown to others or not worth mentioning.

Musical Theme: Epic

Description: He seems of little consequence due to his relatively low level portfolio but to those who know of the true power of the Harmony portfolio he is seen as either someone to befriend or not bother at all. He is a benevolent god to those who follow him and and a cold-blooded demon to those who oppose him. He is uninterested in things that don't affect him or those he cares for. As his domain is so powerful he is definitely noticed but seems to be a smaller threat than those with more visibly powerful portfolio's.
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