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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Lian timidly took the cake. She focused her eyes on him for a moment, before she stretched her left leg out a bit. "I wounded my left leg years ago and it never healed right. It get's sore from time to time." She said softly then took a small bite of the cake he gave her. She couldn't remember every eating something so sweet in her twenty-seven years of living.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fredrick shrugged at Lian.

"Whatever, just trying to be fucking friendly."

He turned away, and started tapping his fingers on Dragonslayer. Since she clearly wanted to be alone, he wasn't going to bother her.

Then the skinny fucker decided to bother her too and Freddy rolled his eyes. He kept paying attention to Cass and Lian, eavesdropping a bit. He was about to completely write off Cass as an arrogant bastard, when he offered Lian cake.

Fredrick glanced over and nodded in approval. Okay, so he may be an arrogant bastard, but he at least had some good in him. Anyone who gave others baked treats couldn't be too bad.

Though it was possible he was just being a typical fuckboy. Whatever, Freddy wanted to reserve his opinions for now.

"God, that makes me want to fucking bake..." Fredrick grumbled to himself.

Mangy, meanwhile, was reading the noted in Marc's lap. He whined at the mention of dragons, and seemed to shiver a bit. He glanced at his master's missing arm.

The wardog then noticed Fredrick being grumpy about the elf girl. Mangy reluctantly stepped away from the smart dwarf, before approaching Lian. He yawned and plopped next to her, laying against her leg.

What could he bark? Mangy was all abouts da bitches.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

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Cassius somewhat smiled. "I hope you enjoy it."
He sat down near her as he examined her leg. He questioned what kind of injury it was, but he saw no good in pressuring such a question, but instead he pulled out a flask of water and sat it by her. Probably because of the cake, or he thought she was thirsty.

"I have an injury of a sort." he pointed to his forehead to show in the direct center there was a scar, it was somewhat a small oval. Then he moved his hand to his right cheek, these looked like small slashes. He exposed his right arm to show off another slash mark, then the elbow on the same side of the slash. It looked like a shrunken heart.

"They are not... pleasant memories. But the important thing is we draw breath and are not six feet under with trees growing through and around our flesh. Though I'd rather be that knowing I'd nurture nature then rest in a wooden box. But to each their own." He chuckled as he covered his arm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Lian quietly studied the scars. "I wouldn't mind being something that helped a tree grow." She said softly as she looked back at her leg. "When I was younger I was attacked by a bear and it mauled my leg. I'm lucky to still have my leg. Even more lucky that I can use my leg." She said closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Glancing up from her sketchpad Henrietta stared at Lian's leg for a few moments before commenting, "I could probably make a brace for you, similar to my battle harness, which would make walking a lot easier Lian."

Turning her attention to Fredrick, the dwarven artificer continued, "In fact, I could probably build you a whole new arm too Freddy... one with a retractable blade... and which could shoot fireballs..." With her eyes glazing over again Henrietta flipped to a fresh page of her sketchbook and started manically doodling pictures of fire-breathing dragons toasting darkspawn while flying overhead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

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Cassius somewhat frowned at the story.
"Better you survive with mark of the encounter rather then die and accomplish nothing in life. But yes, bears are quite tenacious. I'm sorry you had to go through with that." He gave a sincere bow before getting up to offer cake to the rest of the party.

He lastly walked over to Henrietta. "What is red Lyrium by the way? From what the zealous person said, it sounds dangerous. But aren't all resources dangerous to an extent?" He raised a brow a bit as he placed the cake in her hand. The cakes themselves were generally pretty small, but easy to ration.

Each of the cakes were yellow and had a butter cream frosting mixed with vanilla extract. It was good if one was tired and needed a wake up call, or just wanted a nice burst of energy. If one had a good sweet tooth, it too would be nice. Or if just having a bad day, it would generally be a high light of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Thank you for that offer but I'm going to say no. Having the limp is a reminder of my past. And I'm so used to it anyways." Lian said as she pushed her golden hair behind her elf ears. Despite having the cake she held back a yawn. She was sleepy but would stay up for a bit longer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


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Fredrick frowned.

"See, Etta, I'm tempted tos ay yes because that would be really fucking badass. But, thing is, I have no doubt in my mind that you would power it with red lyrium and the souls of dead babies. And I have too many issues with mysterious magic as it is," Fredrick said, "Like, literally, if I fuck around with red lyrium or any other magical bullshit I'll probably grow a second head or some stupid bullshit like that."

Mangy barked in approval.

"No, Mangy, I would not be twice as smart. I'd be twice as medical problems is what I'd be."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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"Don't be silly..." Henrietta mumbled as she added extra flames to her drawings, and a unicorn firing ice beams out of its eyes. "Why would I use dead baby souls? Live baby souls have far more power..."

"What is red Lyrium by the way? From what the zealous person said, it sounds dangerous. But aren't all resources dangerous to an extent?"

Blinking up at Cassius from behind her goggles Henrietta seemed puzzled to see the Mage standing in front of her for a moment before something seemed to click inside her head and she suddenly smiled at him merrily. "We're not exactly sure what the red lyrium is, although I had a very interesting... discussion with the dwarven arcanist back in Skyhold about it while we were there."

As if suddenly entirely focussed Henrietta carefully packed her drawing implements away and folded up her sketchpad before placing it to one side. "From what she told me, while biting her pillow, the red lyrium is a version which seems to have been corrupted by the darkspawn taint in some way, making it stronger and more volatile than the regular variety." The artificer shifted in her seat slightly as she spoke, as if nervous about something, or remembering something which caused her seat to suddenly feel uncomfortable.

"Many consider red lyrium dangerous, after what it did to the Templars at Therinfal, but if handled correctly, with the right precautions, as we saw with General Samson's armour, red lyrium can also be a very useful tool. The potential of such a mineral are astounding, it could change the very nature of the world as we know it!" While starting calmly enough the dwarf became more and more excited as she spoke, and was soon waving her hands in the air maniacally as she giggled and grinned up at Cassius.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

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Cassius stared like a child as their parent told them a bed time story. The more her excitement grew, the more he emulated it.
But a dangerous volatile substance? How dangerous he did not know.

"It sounds like if it was refined properly or broken down into a smaller component, it could be used for something good and uncorruptible. But based on what you said, it was only used for good in one instance. Perhaps in our very life time we can make it so in many instances. But on one hand it can also be used for foul purposes." He said flatly, showing intrigue in a grin.

"Well... enjoy your cake. No need to dissect it." He teased.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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Lifting himself up onto his feet Martin took a step towards the campfire, clearing his throat with an almighty bellow as he did. "Alright you pack of maggots!" He called out, making sure the whole Company, or at least those of the Company who hadn't snuck off to the brothels and taverns in the city, could hear. "I for one think it's about damn time we all got some rest. I want to be up bright and early in the morning, with packs stuffed and wagons loaded by dawn."

As he spoke Martin emptied out his pipe, tossing the ashes into the fire as he tapped the bottom of the barrel. "It's a good two days cross country to where the Inquisition recorded the Deep Roads entrance, and the maps Varric provided should give us a nice clear route from there once we get underground. There's been reports of bandits in these hills, as well as rogue Mages and a few Venatori still clinging on by their fingernails, so I want you all well rested."

Turning round in a full circle, looking each member of the party in the eye for a moment Martin made sure they all knew what was meant by the next statement, probably the most important thing he'd said since they'd disembarked from the Siren. "And if there's any problem, any trouble whatsoever, make damn well sure the world is ending before even thinking of waking me up!" With that the old soldier stomped over to the shade he'd set his sleeping roll up in and lay himself down. Moments later the deep, sonorous rumbling of the old man's snoring began to echo over the camp, letting everyone know the party was done for the night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

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Cassius chuckled to himself, covering his mouth a bit. Such Guile... Authoritarian type people always amused him.
He never heard of Venatori though, some thing he'd remain oblivious to.

"Before I rest. Can you tell me what a Venatori is? I'm quite curious, but regardless it sounds quite dangerous. If you have a bestiary, I could probably understand a bit better." He chuckled again. Maggots are for the dead and decaying,something we are clearly not... I might not be the smartest...but there are better ways to assert ones dominance rather then attitude or punching someone. He was slowly stopping as he let out a breathe.

"And... is there anything you'd like me to prepare? Provisions? These small cakes could help wade hunger as well as provide a burst of energy, even if just a small amount." He slowly walked over to Lian. He felt most comfortable by her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Lian finally let out a small yawn as she went to lie behind where she had been sitting. She had decided to sleep near the fire because it reminded her of her clan. She would spend nights out by the fire by herself. She closed her eyes as her Nug took his normal spot next to her feet. Her golden hair had fallen to cover her face in a thin curtain. She didn't fall asleep though, she was listening to the conversations around her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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"Before I rest. Can you tell me what a Venatori is?"
β€œHey! Did I hear that right? You don't know what the Venatori are? Have you been living under a rock? You sound like a 'Vint, but the Venatori are – well, sort of were – an open secret back home. And you've never heard of them?”

Henrietta sighed heavily as she packed away her equipment and moved over to her 'bedroll'. "They weren't called a secret society for no reason. I'm sure any number of Tevinter citizens would never have heard of them." The dwarf said, pulling a lever on the side of her bed roughly.

With a series of pings a rattle and what sounded suspiciously like a bug farting Henrietta's bed quickly unfolded around her, cushions inflating themselves and a mug of steaming cocoa complete with marshmallows popping out of a side panel on a small tray.

"They were working with Corypheus, trying to bring about a 'Golden Age' for Tevinter, but none of them realised the Old One was merely using them for political power within the Imperium." As she spoke Henrietta sipped her cocoa, smacking her lips appreciatively as the warming fluid slipped down her throat.

"Since the Inquisition took their Master down, the last few Venatori have been on the run. All their assets in the Imperium have been seized and their slaves freed, or at least sold to better households, which from what I've heard about the Imperium amounts to the same thing as freedom."

Setting her empty mug back on its tray, Henrietta watched with quiet satisfaction as the assembly quickly slid back into the 'bedroll' where it would be cleaned and refilled by the following night. "Of course, having worked with the Inquisition we're not likely to be their favourite people right now, but since there's so few of them left with any real power I'd doubt we'd run into any we couldn't deal with."

The artificer sometimes felt as if she should take her bedroll apart to check exactly how it worked, as she'd been a little preoccupied when first constructing it, having just met a cute Elf and found herself in desperate need of a bed at the time, and for the life of her had no memory of how she'd actually built it.

Such things were for another time though, and wary from her journey Henrietta rolled over and made herself as comfortable as she could on the well-padded, ergonomically designed, self-adapting bedroll as she could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Paxton had to pull himself out of his own thoughts in order to focus on Martin, his mind was still on the poor bastards that got forced into becoming golems. He couldn't help but smirk at Martin's little announcements, the older mercenary reminded Paxton so much of his former Knight-Enchanter instructor he couldn't help but feel eighteen again still trying to figure out how to hold his sword. Luckily for Paxton he had a female Templar that was more than happy to show him how to properly grip his hilt. With yet another smirk at his reminiscing of his younger self's misadventures Paxton rose from his seat.

"Well I will see you lot in the morning. Try not to blow anything up while I'm asleep, I'm looking at you little Miss Harrowmont." He said before he stretched and headed off to the ragged bed roll that he set up under a large tree. He wasted no time plopping down on the mat and making himself comfortable. The massive crimson beast that was Sasha quickly came and curled up next to her adoptive farther and soon the two were letting out soft snores that some how perfectly harmonize with each other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Live... You know, Etta, I'd ask if you're serious, but I don't think I want to hear the answer."

Fredrick heard Martin's announcement and shook his head.

"Bah." Fredrick said.

"Bah. Bah!" he repeated angrily, getting up and approaching his tent.

"Good night, fuckwaffles! Wake me up and I will come down on you with the wrath of an angry god!" he said, before slamming his tent flap.

Mangy followed, barking an apology for his master's behaviour as he entered the tent.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

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Cassius looked at Fredrick. "Waffle...? Do those even exist? I mean I'd know..." He shook his head.
"No such thing, as a testament to ignorance of others." He furrowed his brows.

Cassius however simply nodded. "Still didn't fully answer my question. I'm asking for a biological construct, not a history of what they are. But I suppose that information does not hurt to know either." He smiled as he laid down.

"Though we could talk in the morning." He waved a bit as a sign he was dozing off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WildCobra
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WildCobra The Wild Cobra

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The early hue of dawn was peaking up out of the cover of the night's sky. Karras had opted out to go ahead to and scout ahead for any signs of trouble. He had been scouring about throughout the night after a shaky voyage across the Waking Sea. There had been only but a few dog sized spiders wandering along the edge of a nearby forest path, until a few well placed arrows through and in-between carapace took care of that problem.

Any other forms of danger or threats seemed to vacant of the area as he went over traversed through the area again. Letting out a satisfied grunt, he slung his great bow back over him and made his way back to were him and the rest of the mercenary company and made their landing. It took him some time to return, seeing that the sun had nearly rose up and the dark night dissipated. Karras could smell the wafting scent of meat burning over a fire before he even neared them meaning that they were already up and bustling about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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Martin greeted the breaking dawn by breaking wind, loudly and persistently for a full minute before finally rolling onto his back and rubbing the sleep from his eyes with both hands. With a spluttering cough and a loud groan the old soldier slowly rose up onto his feet and started making his way around the burnt down embers of the campfire, still glowing slightly as the last of the fresh wood from the night before was turned to ash.

Some of the party were already up, sitting around chewing on whatever it was they'd found for their breakfasts, but quite a few were still tucked up safely in their beds, wrapped tightly against the morning chill. "Al'right, you maggots!" He called out at the top of his lungs, swinging his boot into one of the militia members of the Company whose bedroll just happened to be the closest at hand. "Time to get yerselves up and awake. We'll be heading out within the hour and I want this place cleared and stripped by then."

Turning away from the grumbling malcontents Martin made his way out into the bushes to make his morning ablutions before finding his way down to the small stream set a short way from the campfire. Washing himself as best as he could be bothered he strapped his armour into place and made sure his sword was securely in place before heading back to the rest of the party.

Most of the work had been done by the time he got back, the serfs and minions of the Company well versed in the art of breaking camp and already stowing what needed to be taken with them on the old wagon which served as the baggage train for the mercenary group. Stepping over to his bedroll Martin pulled it back to reveal the heavy, iron-bound chest which was the Company treasury.

"Any problems?" He asked, looking up into the tree overhanging his bed. He didn't need to check if she was there, he knew she would be hanging close this early in the day, preferring to wait until night fall to move around on her own.

"Nothing to worry yourself with." The silken voice replied, its every tone sounding like a threat to someone's life. Despite how long he'd known the girl Martin still found himself wondering at time exactly where Nighthawk had learnt to talk like that, and what horrors she'd visited on the people who lived there in the process. And he never doubted she'd been the horror in whatever wild places they may have been.

Hoisting the chest up onto his back, bracing it against his shield, Martin hobbled over to the waiting cart before lunking it down beside the sacks of food and the spare arms. Lifting himself up beside it Martin settled himself into place as he carefully watched the others preparing for the road ahead,
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