Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Working on my next post now. Hey @Nariata, Think I could get a clearer picture of the situation with Anakin's gunship? Like, what is the terrain of the location they crashed in? Is there cover provided by wreckage or none at all? Are the CIS mounting any serious efforts to neutralize the survivors? What about on the GAR side? Has there been any battalion-wide orders being issued? Just to make sure I dont step out of line or inadvertently use plot armor when writing my next post
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nariata
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Nariata The Silent

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Working on my next post now. Hey @Nariata, Think I could get a clearer picture of the situation with Anakin's gunship? Like, what is the terrain of the location they crashed in? Is there cover provided by wreckage or none at all? Are the CIS mounting any serious efforts to neutralize the survivors? What about on the GAR side? Has there been any battalion-wide orders being issued? Just to make sure I dont step out of line or inadvertently use plot armor when writing my next post


So the surrounding area around the Gunship is mostly the flat terrain of the airfield. There will be divot's in the ground, but they are few and far in between. If you plan to reach the wreck then you must traverse no mans land under fire from droids, AAT's, and whatever else the CIS has in store. The orders should be issued, as the security of the chosen one is paramount to the war effort. And to the people trying to kill survivors, you will have to wait and see ;) (hint, hint)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eschatologist
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So I didn't want to push the fight further than getting the company into position on the edge of the airfield, to the north and on the left flank of the CIS forces. For any interested parties, the company is garrisoning three defensive positions, with one platoon held in reserve, and Whit is setting up heavy weapon emplacements and anti-personnel measures [flashbangs, poison gas, incendiaries, land mines etc] to handle withdrawal and removal of saber troops. He is going to dig in and then begin to engage troops, hopefully drawing fire from the gunship and, when reinforcements arrive, have a good fallback/support position from which to base attacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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So I didn't want to push the fight further than getting the company into position on the edge of the airfield, to the north and on the left flank of the CIS forces. For any interested parties, the company is garrisoning three defensive positions, with one platoon held in reserve, and Whit is setting up heavy weapon emplacements and anti-personnel measures [flashbangs, poison gas, incendiaries, land mines etc] to handle withdrawal and removal of saber troops. He is going to dig in and then begin to engage troops, hopefully drawing fire from the gunship and, when reinforcements arrive, have a good fallback/support position from which to base attacks.

I could potentially coordinate with your characters. I plan on mounting a rescue effort with my characters and NPC Jedi but we're a pretty small unit. Plus, since my characters are Commandos, they can take advantage of the cover given by your unit and secure Skywalker. But that's just an idea. Do you wanna talk in PM's about a plan?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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I'm a little confused as to what my and Xyanthra are supposed to be doing at this point...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Exodus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Our characters were standing on the edge of the battlefield by a turret. The battle was taking place in-between us and the temple. The plan was to try and get back to the temple, skimming as much fighting as possible. What happened to them and the clones the way back after Varrik was pulled away is up to you guys.

Again, sorry. Even with the collaboration aside, it was the only way I could reach to everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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I know I'm mad late, but any room for an extra CS?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nariata
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Nariata The Silent

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alright, I'll throw my hat in the ring as a clone trooper, since we now have a good share of force users.

Name:ARF-1352 "Paladin"

Race: Human

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Affiliation: Grand Army of the Republic

Rank: Lieutenant of 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 21st Nova Corps "Galactic Marines"

Physical Description: Distinguishes himself from his clone brothers by shaving his head bald and adorning his arms with Mandolorian tattoos. He also has a large tattoo of the Republic's Insignia on the back of his head.

Mental Description: CT-1352 was born in 31 BBY, being in the second batch of clones the Kaminoans made for the Republic. During training he was assigned to Gamma Squad, where he earned his nickname due to his skill with vibro blades. He was originally trained to be a Clone Assassin, but tests showed he did not have the fanatic loyalty needed for the role, and was transferred to Advanced Recon Force as asn Infantry Scout.

Paladin was commissioned late into the first year of the war, and put under the command of Jedi General Pong Krell as an advanced recon scout. He survived two months under the ruthless general, a feat which made him a respected veteran in his high casualty unit.

During the Battle of Umbara, he and his squad were ordered to scout out the Umbaran Capital by General Krell. The two day march to the city claimed the lives of the rest of his Squad, turning his assignment into a solo mission. He scouted out the city, placing bombs and killing Umbaran militia along the way. The intel he collected proved invaluable to General Kenobi when he began his assault on the city.

Following the betrayal and subsequent death of General Krell, Paladin was transferred to Ki Adi Mundi's command and served in the famed Galactic Marines. His skill with vibro blades proved invaluable in the close quarters combat of boarding actions.

Paladin continued serving in the Galactic Marines for a number of years, seeing action on numerous planets, most notably Mygeeto. During his time with the Marines he had risen to the rank of Captain and commanded an aggressive Vanguard company.

Following the death of Palpatine, the Republic and the Jedi realized the growing danger presented by "rogue assets". A task force was formed, combining the small numbers of Covert Ops and Clone Assassins into a new division, called Clone Sentinels. They also put out a call to volunteers for the new regiment, a call which Paladin answered.

Sentinels were tasked with huntinbg down rogue force users, clone deserters, and Separatist leaders, as well as dismantling Palpatines massive network.

Due to his rank and experience, Paladin was given command over the wetwork operations of the division. Using unconventional weapons, such as slugthrowers, flamethrowers, and vibroblades allowed the Sentinels to hunt down the dark Jedi followers of Palpatine, and even drive the Nighsisters into hiding.

Things turned sour for Paladin during his hunt for rogue Jedi Barriss Offee. After receiving intel that said Offee was on a transport vessel, Paladin ordered the craft shot down. However, examination of the crash shippeds showed Offee was never on board, and it was indeed merely a transport vessel carrying ten families to a new colony.

Following this, he requested his own court martial, but was denied due to his exlempary service. He fell into a deep depression, and grew more and more reckless during operation, constantly endangering his own life.

His descent of self-destruction was only stopped when General Ki Adi Mundi's himself confronted him and convinced him to reenlist back with the Galactic Marines. He agreed, on the condition that he be demoted to lieutenant, and be allowed to train one platoon with the new techniques he used during his time with the Sentinels.

Mundi's agreed to both requests, and Paladin has been serving under him since.


Specialized Maroon Marine Armor

Synthmesh Helmet

DC-17M Blaster

Custom made vibroblade, "Droid Bane"


Thermal Detonator (With remote Detonator)

I think i missed this :O I'll accept if you're still interested :3

I know I'm mad late, but any room for an extra CS?

Always! Espically if you have ideas for a CIS/Mandalorian/Bounty Hunter/Blackguard/Sith/Anything not GAR or Jedi.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xyanthra
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@mattmanganon It looks like you and I are fighting the Neo-Crusaders that Anora sent to keep us occupied while she talked to Varrik. They managed to blow up one of the turrets, but are badly beaten in the process; so we just have to write out that battle, basically, and maybe our reactions to Varrik getting pulled away/speaking to Anora. If you want to collab any of the fight let me know, but I'm ok with people writing for my character as long as they do it respectfully.

I'm gonna wait for you to write up your next post before I do mine, unless you'd prefer that I post first.

@Exodus I'm glad you moved things along, I don't like having to write every single thing my character does if it holds up the story. I'd rather someone just move me along with them to keep it going. Also, one comment, your character called Vishara a Master... she's just a Knight though ;)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Exodus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Yeah, I actually researched a tiny bit on how Jedi address each other formally. Generally what I found was this:

X being their name, of course...

Non-Jedi to any Jedi: Jedi Master X / Master Jedi X
Jedi to Padawan: Padawan X
Jedi/Padawan to Master Jedi: Master X
Jedi to any Jedi mentoring a Padawan (even a Knight): Master X

The only one that doesn't seem to be agreed upon is Master to Knight. Some say Knight X, some say Master X.

Informally, pretty much every interaction is just X, with the exception of Padawans, who refer to all higher ranks as Master or Master X. Friends of different ranks (Obi-Wan and Anakin for example) will just use X.

Personally I think Knight X sounds weird, and I didn't know if Lenik was her Padawan. Regardless, I'll use Master X.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xyanthra
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Ahhhh. Good point. Knight Vishara sounds weird. I rescind my comment, and will adopt your method :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nariata
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Nariata The Silent

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nice post Rultaos!@Rultaos Now the fun begins :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

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Nice post Rultaos!@Rultaos Now the fun begins :D

Better thank Eschatologist for that. He gave a lot of information and ideas =). Our collaborative post will happen either in his next post, or the one after it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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@mattmanganon It looks like you and I are fighting the Neo-Crusaders that Anora sent to keep us occupied while she talked to Varrik. They managed to blow up one of the turrets, but are badly beaten in the process; so we just have to write out that battle, basically, and maybe our reactions to Varrik getting pulled away/speaking to Anora. If you want to collab any of the fight let me know, but I'm ok with people writing for my character as long as they do it respectfully.

I'm gonna wait for you to write up your next post before I do mine, unless you'd prefer that I post first.

If you could post, that'd be brilliant. Also, i'd love to collab on a post, it's always nice to mingle with other characters, without filling the IC with it :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nariata
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Nariata The Silent

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@Eschatologist Very, very good post. I can't wait to see more!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eschatologist
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Eschatologist Don't Tread On Me

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Well shucks. You're going to make me blush.

I am just glad I got to have a character beat a sith to death with a shovel. We can cross that one off the bucket list at long last.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nariata
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Nariata The Silent

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well shucks. You're going to make me blush.

I am just glad I got to have a character beat a sith to death with a shovel. We can cross that one off the bucket list at long last.

Technically you haven't encountered a true Sith quite yet but we'll let that slide. ;) I cheered when that satisfying crunch sound came out xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xyanthra
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<Snipped quote by Xyanthra>

If you could post, that'd be brilliant. Also, i'd love to collab on a post, it's always nice to mingle with other characters, without filling the IC with it :)

Ok, I'll post later when I get home from work :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Are you guys open?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Are you guys open?

As far as I know, yes we are. Though our GM would prefer characters on the side of the Sith/CIS to balance things out
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