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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pataki
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Pataki Shy raccoon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dipping his hands back into the scalding water, biting back a hiss that threatened to slip from his lips. The family were in the middle of eating breakfast-- which Bug had just gotten done a few minutes before they all came rushing down to eat. Bacon and omelets with cheese; his mouth was watering just from the smell but he pushed those thoughts back along with the growling of his stomach.

Shaking fingers lift a plate from the water and begin to dry it off with a rag before sitting it on the rack, the sound of snapping fingers made Bug jump a bit causing the water to sip on his feet-- "Ah--" Snapping his mouth shut even if his feet along with his hands were burning. Turning his head to see Mrs. Fray who had a disgusted expression, she kept snapping her fingers as if calling a dog. "Over here now, you little insect !" By the harsh tone of her voice Bug knew she wasn't happy... But then again she never was.

Chains rattled on the hardwood floor, slowly making his way over to the table and Mrs. Fray-- Peter snickered taking a bite of his food. Bug didn't speak, he hadn't been given permission to yet. For a few moments She was quiet but with her silence came fear, nervously he picked and pulled on his ragged shirt. Why wasn't she hitting him yet ? The thought alone was scary in itself, "Tell me, what do you see here ?" She asked, pushing the plate into his face. Was this a trick question ? Licking his lips before speaking. "Th-- the uh, omelette..." Forcing on the words. Fingers grabbed his face, nails digging into his cheeks forcing him to look at it then back to her. "That wasn't what I asked... It's burnt on the edges. I can't eat this so you are just going to have to make it again." Letting go of him giving him a look over before tipping the plate letting the food drop to the floor next to his feet. "Oh, and clean that up." She muttered, picking up her coffee and taking a drink.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pataki
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Pataki Shy raccoon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Swinging himself back around to face the frying pan, flipping the omelet over a few times keeping a close eye on it, so he didn;t burn this one. Dread was settling in the pit of his stomach-- Annabelle had seen him staring at her, if she told on him he'd get in trouble. Grabbing a plate and flopping the egg onto it, a small smile on his face. It wasn't burnt.

Walking back over to the table with plate in hand, Mrs. Fray glanced at it. "Oh, would you look at that." She laughed, waving her hand at Bug. "But I'm not hungry anymore, so just give it to the dog." Blinking a few times fingers tightening about the plate, mouth slightly hanging open. She did that just to spite him, just because she knew she could. Peter couldn't hold back the laughter any longer, jabbing a finger at Bug. "You sure are stupid, Bug."

Calmly he bent down to pick up the food that Mrs. Fray had precisely dropped, biting his lip before stuffing the mush of cold eggs into his mouth even licking his fingers and the floor-- it had been a few days seen he'd last eaten. Feeling a hand grab his hair pulling him up a bit. "Stop that ! It's disgusting." She let go, It was worth it. At least he got something in his stomach, picking up the rest of it and dropping it in the dog bowl.

Using his shirt to wipe his mouth, nothing was below him. Bug would do just about anything for food, sighing things went back to normal in a matter of minutes. He started clearing the table. Peter went off to go play in his room and Adam went to his study, Mrs. Fray spoke with Bug about where he had to be since Annabelle was having her friend over. Grabbing the glasses and plates off the table and placing them in the sink. From the corner of his eye he watched the dog enjoying what he couldn't.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pataki
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Pataki Shy raccoon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When she pulled into a 'hug' if you could call it that, he was scared she'd start choking him or something. It wouldn't of been the first time she's caused him harm and it wouldn't be the last-- the words stung, but she said those things all the time. Letting his eyes drop down to his barefeet, slowly nodding his head.

Annabelle terrified him to the point of almost pissing his pants, "I'll be quiet, you won't even know I'm here..." Bug said that just to get her off his back and to reassure her that he meant it. Lifting his foot in the air a bit with the heavy chain wrapped around his ankle-- it was the thing that kept him stuck in this house. Picking up the chain, showing her he could be able to handle this. If they put him in the closet or down in the basement than he guessed that would make Annabelle happy.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pataki
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Pataki Shy raccoon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Freezing in place when he heard Annabelle and her friend go up the stairs, sighing in relief. He just had to stay out of the way, like he wasn't even there-- invisible. Sometimes he wondered what it was like to have friends, go places and just be a normal kid but that didn't seem to be how his life was. Bug had learned to accept his place in the family being nothing more than a servant or pet.

Moving around the kitchen trying to make it to the hallway, he'd just have to stay in the closet until Annabelle's friend left-- which he didn't know when that would be. Hours passed by sitting in that cramped space and he really had to pee, but was scared to risk getting seen but Bug couldn't hold it any longer. Slowly opening the door a bit, peeking out the house was dark-- it seemed like a good chance to make a run for the bathroom.

Even if he wasn't allowed to use it unless given permission first, but he'd just take the punishment. Picking up the heavy chain so it didn't make much noise, tip toeing out of the space and into the kitchen making it to the bathroom. Trying to make it fast, in no time he was zipping up his fly and was heading back to the closet when he heard giggling-- he almost jumped out of his skin hiding behind a corner hoping it wasn't Annabelle or her friend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pataki
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Pataki Shy raccoon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Pushing himself up against the wall more trying to make him as small as possible, holding his breath. Please... Please don't see me. Just go back upstairs. Biting down hard on his bottom lip to keep himself from speaking, she couldn't see or hear him. Bug knew that it wouldn't end well if she saw him, Annabelle would lose another friend because of him.

His knees began to buckle under his own weight-- even if he didn't weight what a normal 14 year old should. Plus the chain was slowly falling from his sweaty hands. No. No ! A thud echoed through the house has the chain flipped from his fingers, with shaking hands he tried to pick it up before the girl could move over to him. Stupid ! Why was he so stupid ?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pataki
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Pataki Shy raccoon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Swallowing back the fear that was swelling up inside, stomach turning and twisting at the girls voice-- it was so caring. Something he wasn't use to, this is just a bad dream. Wake up, Bug. WAKE UP! his tongue is like lead in his mouth. He opens it to speak feeling sick for a moment, but not a single sound comes out. He can’t say a word. He can barely even move, suddenly, a spike of realization of what she wants from him Bug feels his insides knot up as he chokes out, "Bug..." But the words come out strangled, his throat tightens up making it hard to breath.

Wishing she would just go away, wishing he never opened his mouth. It was better without her finding out about him. It was better for everyone... The urge to smash the back of his head into the wall seems more pleasing right now, at least then he wouldn't have to be here anymore. A few minutes pass by with them just sitting across from each other, Bug is afraid to move-- but slowly he moves from the shadows into the dim light of the kitchen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pataki
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Pataki Shy raccoon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Everything happened so fast, No, he wants to say. He screams it in his head, this wasn't good this was wrong if Annabelle or the rest of the family found out he'd be in for a beating of a lifetime. Shuddering at the thought, bags were being pushed into his arms-- talk of food and kind words. Something he hadn't heard in a LONG time, It takes him a moment to realize what Lily was planning.

Almost instantly the color drains from his face, a worried look on his face. Flinching away at her touches, Bug is terrified. His body is aching and trembling, he doesn't know what to do. He's standing with a bag of food gripped between his fingers, almost scared he'll wake up and this wasn't real. When he watches her return with forks, he reaches for it-- the object feels strange in his hands after such a long time. Why was she doing this ? Did she want to get him in trouble ?

Glancing down at the salad then to Lily, looking for permission that this was okay. Even if he knew it was wrong, everything was wrong. But he quickly loses it and starts shoving the food into his mouth, barely chewing before swallowing the bites, the feeling of REAL food were wonderful. This tastes so much better than cold leftovers. He's unaware of the soft moaning sounds he's making, until he looks up at Lily with a full mouth.

Quickly dropping his fork and pushing the plate away, feeling ashamed. His stomach feels sick nervously he picks and pulls at the bottom of his oversized shirt with his head down, "Uh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean it." The fact that he was pleading with her for eating the food-- asking for forgiveness. Bug feels tears stinging in his eyes, guilt washes over him with every passing moment. He starts shaking and tears are sliding down his cheeks. He's scared and so, so desperate. He turns to look in the bathroom, wanting to force his fingers down his throat.

"This is bad... If Annabelle, or-- " He couldn't finishes his sentence he was so overwhelmed, he feels so small and stupid. He has never done something like this before and now he knows why. Why did she have to have such a kind voice. Why did he let her trick him into eating when he wasn't given permission, pushing himself into the corner hugging his knees to his chest. Wiping his eyes, trying to keep quiet he couldn't risk them hearing him, Bug hated himself right now more then ever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pataki
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Pataki Shy raccoon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hugging himself tightly raking his fingers through his hair, murmuring to himself. Bug didn't want to look at her-- he knew she was just trying to be nice... But it was dangerous. Last time something like this happened he couldn't walk for a good week until the marks healed on his back and legs, but he craved any kind positive affection which he never got from anyone in the family.

"How can I trust you? You're friends with Annabelle... Why would you wanna be friends with me, I mean Annabelle is better." He'd never had any friends before-- but he was told millions of times that no one would want to be friends with a nothing like him. "They uh, they told me that people can't be friends with a monster." Bug was just repeating what Mr and Mrs. Fray had drilled into his head over the year.

Bug knew he was nothing, a monster. A thing that wasn't good for anything-- that he was lucky they even let him live and stay here. They didn't ask for him but they made the best of it. Thinking they were good people for keeping Bug and giving him another to keep living and all he had to do was a little housework. Shifting his gaze to meet hers, room? He didn't have a room. Besides the closet when Annabelle or peter had friends over, but he slept under the kitchen table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pataki
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Pataki Shy raccoon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Clearing his throat before speaking, it had been a few hours since he'd last called so he thought it would be a good time to call and check up on his lovely daughter and to make sure the boy was staying out of trouble. "Hi, angel! How are you and your friend, Lily doing? Are you having fun." Pausing for a moment to regain his thoughts making sure not to leave out any important details. "Is ah, Bug staying out of trouble?"

He knew sometimes that bug could get a bit out of hand but for the most part he just did what he was told, that didn't stop Adam from worrying that he would ruin everything they worked hard for-- that thing wasn't going to mess up the life they had build. Not if he had anything to do about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pataki
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Pataki Shy raccoon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jolting upright when he hear Annabelle's voice, a shudder ran down his spine. She was the cause of most of his nightmares at night. Did Lily tell one him ? Oh god, he knew he shouldn't of eaten or even spoken to her. Letting his eyes drop to the floor he knew how she was with him looking at her-- he wished she'd just go away, even Peter didn't bother him this much.

It was like she made it her mission in life to make him suffer, he just wanted to back to sleep... just for a little. He was so tired, his whole body ached. Why did her voice sound so soft like she cared even if she was using cuss words, was this another one of her games ? Bug hoped she wasn't going to make him eat something gross or worse... he shook himself from his thoughts before his mind could wander to that dark place.

"Yeah? Did ya' want somethin' ?" Normally she'd make him cook her food or something. Rubbing his eyes, yawning. Moving back a bit so she wasn't breathing down his neck, then again she could just pull him back. Nervously fidgeting with his fingers-- it was a habit he couldn't break given how much shit he was put through everyday.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aline


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