Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Artos handed him back the ring, explaining what it did. "Interesting, should be useful."

Walking next to the squeaking wheels of the cart he heard Vivian and the new guy start fooling around. Everyone giving a little lighthearted teasing to the pair.

"A little stress release never hurt anyone." Bjoric chuckled. "Though are ye sure ye didn't hit yer head on the way down?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The fighting was still taking too long. Even with their second wind they were still fighting. Sergei's fight with the Marilith was the only thing that seemed fruitfull as his hammer did tremendous damage to her face and body. Another hit like that and she would be turned into a small heap on the ground. However, even with it's defeat the city was beyond from saving now. There was too many demons and the portals at the monastery where still open. Retrievers had entered the city. Three guards tried to take down one but with it's cleaver like feet it tore into guard cleaving him in half from the right shoulder blade ti his left hip. The other two looked on in horror. The cleaver like feet came down again this time , the guard it was meant for dodged. "We can't kill these things?...." One yelled.
"Well we have not other choice but to try. IF we run it will just chase us down." The other responded. "I got an idea... get ready to climb its back got it?!" The other nodded. The guarded left the defensive position and charged forward and then lowered himself in a slide and just in time as he felt the wind on a swing from the creature. He slid underneath it and swung upwards with his sword cutting open it's belly. It screamed in pain as its body crashed to the ground. It wasn't dead yet though.
The Other took this as a advantage to run up and with his sword shoved the blade into its mouth. The blade going through and piercing into the depth's of its brain. It went limp. "Hey... we can kill these things." With each demon they city killed it seemed two more replaced it from the portals and that they lost a man in the confrontation. Their numbers were dwindling and the order could not help as they were cut off and in the square.

But not all was lost. A voice entered the head of the great inquisitor. "Sergei,....... Sergei. I am Pelor. I have a task for you my son." The voice said. "After the victory here you must retreat to a tavern. There you will wait and hold up with the rest of your men. My Ally Corellan Larethian is marching a army of elves to Zaphere for reinforcements but even with them this will not be enough. A host of people will arrive at the tavern, two of them already present within, you will go with them and take them into the catacombs. The demon Eliphas is too strong and powerful. His detection was too late. In the catacombs hidden in its deep darkness is a chamber. The chamber kept secret with a binding on its door. You will know it when you see it. It is time to awaken the my angel of death and rebirth from the depths of her hybernation. It will take you and this group to get there, while the remains of your men and Corellan's army distracts the forces of evil.

This group in question is as follows: A Halfling named Ellis, and a Priestess named Ceris. They are already at the tavern. The rest of the group is a few days away from here. They will arrive at the tavern, and they are as follows. Hugh the ex paladin, Sana the Gypsy, Artos the Magus, Ellyn the Bard, Bjoric the Cleric, Vivian the war blade, Garrek the fighter, Deila the Shaman and Das the kafshe."

"This mission is important my servant. This is our chance to demolish this demon's desire for conquest,.... for good this time"

The Tavern

"I will not speak to you, you pathetic worm!" The drow yelled at Ellis. Ellis sighed. He rose up the cleaver and then looked to Samuel.
"No lie, this will hurt...." He said and then came down the cleaver upon Samuel's wrist. The blade serperated the hand from the body. Samuel went wide eyed and screamed out in so much pain he had passed out once more. Ceris winced at the hit and then shook her head as their target passed out once more.

"I do not know why he just wont tell us what we want to know... does he fear his master more then he does us?" She asked Ellis and he just shrugged. He placed the cleaver on the table and removed his top. He shook his head side to side. Ruined my shirt too, I like this shirt.
"Well I don't know about you but I am pretty hungry." He said as he put on a new shirt. "You know what sucks is that shirt was a gift from a very high ranking noble.... " He said.

"Did the noble know he was giving it as a gift?" She asked with a small smile forming. Ellis looked to her and smirked. "Nope...." He answered. She laughed a little as she stopped the bleeding of the draw with her spell. She only healed him enough to stop the bleeding. She then shook her head at her little friend. "How can you be hungry at a time like this?...." She asked and he shrugged.
"I don't know , just got a strong case of the munchies and I can't help it." He said. He gestured for her to follow him up the stairs.

She did so and they opened the basement door and closed it. The owner looking at them. "Still hasn't talked yet huh?..." Ellis nodded to the answer. "Yeah, he is a lot more strong willed then I thought.... if you got any ideas to make him talk let us know." He answered.
"Oh can we have the usual, I am starving." He asked and the man nodded and shoved back the coin to Ellis. Ellis rose a brow.
"Hey your trying to save this damn city,... if you save it and get my customers back I feel giving you guys a few free meals will be a good enough payment." He responded. Ellis nodded and moved to a table and waited as his food was being prepared.

The Sandy Hills

Vivian laughed with Sana after what Garrek said. It was so true. Both seemed to have lived a sheltered life, but Artos was a little bit more knowledgable then Ellyn. She looked to Das and just smiled. It was already Noon and they where a good distance away from the abandoned city. They were still not as close to the city of Zaphere as they had wanted but it would have to do. Then something happened. Rodger stopped moving. She looked down and saw his legs still going but they were not going anywhere. The new canopy had nothing to do with it.... what the hell. Suddenly a large encampment decloaked from the invisibility spell that was placed on it and they could see Rodger with his head against a tent trying to push it. Vivian made the sounds for him to stop and when he did so she looked around this encampment. It was huge with what would seem like a whole lot of elves. The elves where in heavy armor with lances and swords at their sides.

She pushed Das's hands off and pushed off the wagon and looked around. Two elves spotted her and drawed their weapons and headed for her. "Stop!" He voice cried out and the two stopped and looked to their left. Standing there with is mane blowing in the wind and its large wings folded to its sides and a horn coming from his head, was Corellan Larethian. The elf soldiers stopped their advance and put away their weapons and nodded to the group.

Corellan Larethian stepped closer to the party. "Welcome to Zaphere's reinforcements. You are friends of Ellis the halfing are you not?" He asked them. Vivian nodded and looked to the others then back to him. "Yes,... well most of us are." She answered. The great deity nodded.
"Then you are welcome here,... but you can not stay here long. Me and Pelor need you elsewhere.... I will speed up your pace by giving you a bigger wagon with more horses. You must get to the tavern,... the future of this world depends on your success in this mission. A mission whose details will be explained at the Tavern." He looked to the others such as Sana and Hugh.

"I know some of you think you could just run from it all,... but if Eliphas is not stopped here right now... there will be no safe haven. He will wash over this world like he had a thousand years ago. We had to deploy our strongest weapon to defeat him. You will go awaken that weapon at Zaphere. The details of how and where will be explained there.... rest, eat, drink. Then you must go."

Vivian looked around at her companions and then back to the talking pegasus. She nodded and sighed. This adventure just kept getting better and better. Corellan even had to say that running was not a option.

Garrek got nervous at the sight of so many elves and gulped. When they did not attack him he was a little less nervous. Then a winged horse began talking making everything even more weird. He then looked to Ellyn and smiled. "Well seeing as we get to rest, perhaps I can find a make shift forge here and start enhancing that harp" He said and gestured to her... He then got close to stand next to her. "Plus seeing as you want a new dress... might want to see if one of these elves could weave one, and asked them to craft one that wont deprive you of movement. He said. He then looked to the others and studied their reactions. It seemed they had no choice in the matter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sana was finally able to control the laughter and took a few deep breaths as she rested on her knees and placed her head against his. Looking as the vines began to grow she looked around and saw what Deila was up to and smiled. “Thank you,” she said. The shade was a nice change to the sun beating down on them. At Bjorics words she chuckled somewhat and then noticed the wagon had stopped moving; rising up and grabbing her bow off her back as she hopped out of the back of the wagon and began to move towards the front to see what was going on.

Then her eyes fell on the encampment as it revealed itself and perked a brow; not sure if she should draw an arrow or not she held her position with just the bow itself in her fingers but left the arrows in their quiver. Listening to what was said before brushing her hair out of her face. Great, more people to assume things she thought to herself but kept her mouth shut. He spoke of Ellis, so perhaps the little one was at least safe for now and supplies would be given. As far as Sana was concerned that was the best she could hope for at this point.

It looked to be a long road ahead of them to the city and the tavern and even a longer one once they arrived. Sana decided to just wait and see what unfolded; it was all she could honestly do at this point. Sana had never had a pleasant feeling towards any god types, whether they were good or bad. Slinging her bow back across her back she made her way back to their wagon and climbed back inside. Sitting next to Hugh and leaning against him slightly as she closed her eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@InertiaShe saw the man standing there and giving special interest to the treasure she had received from the group. Not knowing what this guy was trying to say she gave the greeting Deila had seen so many times before. She hugged him. Then Deila pointed at the bracelet and said, "Deila, metal." Happy she was being accepted the shaman walked along with the cart. She started again with the using the words that Das had taught her.

@Afina Sana Had spoke to her. This was a great group! Deila said the druidic word for vine and followed with, "Cart." She Knew the normal etiquette of a group was you did not touch the Alpha but this was different. Still, years of training Deila dared not to risk offending Sana. She dipped her head and averted her gaze to show respect. Falling behind from the interaction this shaman caught up to the horse once more.

As the invisibility ended and the elves appeared the shaman looked to the group for the appropriate response. Seeing the group not taking offense to this she looked back at the elves with child like curiosity. Druidic, "Greetings I am known as Deila, by chance do you understand me?" She would have waited for the reply but they had horses and she knew they would understood her. She quickly walked over to them and asked her questions in calm whispered tones. "Are you well? Where did you come from? What does the land look like where you are from? Are those with you nice to you? How far was your journey? Would you like some water?" As she conversed with the horses she placed a hand on their neck stroking their mane reassuring she was harmless.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ellyn was extremely embarrassed about the whole situation that is currently going on, it seems to be very inappropriate and there is more important stuff to do then sexual matters at the hand, although it did feel reassuring when Artos gently ruffled her blonde hair, her embarrassment going away slowly, however that victory was short lived as the teasing then began… Why would Artos touch her breasts in the first place?? they weren't that interesting, it was inappropriate and umm she wouldn’t allow that, whatsoever.

Thankfully something stopped the groping session between Das and Vivian, noticing that there was something wrong with Hugh’s horse with it’s legs moving… but nothing else seemed to, then all was revealed as a spell decloaked everything that was invisible, revealing elves, campments and a very glamourous pegasus.

The pegasus seems to know what was going on with the city showing loads of smoke and explained that they cannot stay here for long, they can only eat, drink and rest, for they have to activate a special weapon or item of some sort; and thanks to Garrek, her orc friend; she knew what to do, shifting herself over to see which one of the elves can weave a dress or at least a suitable outfit for her to move in, unlike her dress earlier that has most likely vanished by getting washed out from that rock she layed it upon to dry when the tides turned in. Taking off the cloak off her shoulders slowly and giving it to Artos as she did so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hugh just let himself pass into comfort as he felt Sana lean against him. He sat rather broadly and appeared like an unmovable object, giving support to her body. He slowly puffed at his pipe, as his thoughts passed along. He was very contented and looked so, with the slight smile appearing on his face.

His peace was interrupted by a sudden change in situation, when he looked at the wrong time to see the stranger groping their leader. A single eyebrow raised up, producing the most appropriate quizzical expression. He didn't know how to react to this first scenario, but the next thing he heard made his mind scramble with confusion. It appeared that the bard had very little sexual experience, and it would probably not be like that for long.

Sana burst out laughing and started rolling on the ground in reaction to Ellyn and Hugh started to chuckle expressively. The entire situation was comical to him, as everyone was laughing and he was joining in. His eyes began to water from the laughter, as he wiped them off and cooled down after a few seconds of hard laughing.

Sana had been laughing into Hugh's knees, and he just patted her on the back as she let it out. It wasn't long before she gained control of her laughter and rested her head on Hugh's knees. He looked up and around with a smile on his face. He looked at peace for the moment, like he wasn't about to be engaged in a fight for his life.

It surprised him when a canopy came over the wagon and blocked out the sun, but he was happy with result. Shade was great. Far better than pure darkness, like what they had tried a few days earlier. Of course the pleasantness of the shade was interrupted by the wagon being stopped suddenly, and the sound of confrontation.

It appeared that they had come face to face with an encampment of elves and there were a lot of elves, all here to fight this one character they called by the name Eliphas. They droned on about how it was going to decide the fate of the world and how there would be no safe haven.

"Riiiiight." Replied Hugh, as he seemed to talk feeling there would be no response. He had heard all too many times about the fate of the world or something resting in the outcome of some fight. He had lost enough to know that was never the case. "I'm not fighting for the rest of the world. I don't care about the world's problems. All I know is that a lot of people might die today, and I'd rather not see that." He griped the words. It was rather impossible to see Hugh ever going back to being a paladin. He had seen enough of saving the world to realize that it was only about the people right there, right then.

The world had a natural order that would never be stopped, but some people liked to cause a lot of ruckus just because they wanted to feel bigger than that. That in itself pissed Hugh off enough to battle tyrants. To him, tyrants just seemed like spoiled children whom hadn't the good parents to teach them right, and now the world had to deal with their stupid kids as adults.

Hugh began puffing on his pipe once again, calming himself from the small amount of banter. He wasn't particularly interested in more chatter with the elves, almost as if he had actually had a conversation with them. He simply remained seated, all of his weapons available for quick access.

He was especially brought out of his slight grumpiness by Sana coming over and leaning against him once again. He felt at ease and contented, stealing this precious moment with Sana and savoring it in his memory. He let out a calm sigh and said, quietly, "I suppose I can take on another tyrant just one more time."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Elven Encampment

Vivian stood there watch and looking all around her as the elves moved about the encampment. Their steeds all looked like the one that talked to them except they lacked the horn. These were not just any elves, these where high elves. Only they where known for their pegasus mounts. Everything was so wonderful to behold in her eyes as she watched the prepare for a battle that will soon take place in the city. Some stood back with their bows firing arrows into the targets. Two elves in particular stood in a white circle and they spared with their large curved blades. She even looked to their new wagon. It was white and much larger. Big enough to fit the whole party in the back of it. Then there were the horses leading the wagon. They were the only ones who did not have wings, but they did have horns and they were stocky in muscle. She never had seen anything like this place and it made her smile a lot.

Suddenly she felt a hand touch her shoulder and it was that of Garrek. "It is odd to stare at so many elves without them wanting to kill me..." He said and she looked to him and sighed in agreement. "Both our races have always been enemies with them, it is almost too odd to stand on the same side as them. I suppose when there is a lot at stake they will push back their hatred for us to fight a common enemy." She replied receiving a nod from him. He looked to the elves sparing..... "I would like nothing more for them to teach me how to be so... expertly one with their blade. Almost as if the swords were extensions on their bodies." He said and then left her side walking over to them.
His sudden appearance caused them to stop and look at him.
"What do you want?... to join in or something?" They asked and he shook his head a little nervous.
"Um no, not quite.... I would like to learn how to master my sword even more like you two have mastered yours." He said and they looked to each other and then back to him. The one on the left raising a brow.
"A orc that want's to learn how to fight from a elf?. That's a first." The one responded and then gestured for the other to leave the circle. The elf then invited the orc in. "Draw your weapon orc,... lets see how much I have to teach you before we start" He said.

Garrek nodded drawing his great sword and holding it up as he stepped into the circle. Vivian moved a bit close so she could watch and she wasn't the only one. Other elves had decided to as well. The elf nodded and then swung and the orc instinctively moved his sword to block but the elf spun in a quick maneuver in the other direct and dropped his sword down to nail Garrek in the leg tripping him up. Garrek went up into the air then down on his ass. The elf lowered his sword and extended his hand to Garrek. Garrek looked up at him and then reached to accept it as he got helped up. "You were too fast for me..." He said and the elf shook his head.

"No, your speed was not a problem. You had your eyes on my blade not on me. If your eyes where directly on my face you would have been able to predict my movements. You would have known that I was not going to push with my first attack ,but then transform it into something different." The elf explained and then rose his sword up. Garrek did so as well. "Again,..." He said. This time he swung and he held his greatsword up moving it slightly to block it and then he was able to time it just right so he could spin his sword around to block the second attack. After awhile he was getting the hang of it as he began not to hesitate anymore.

Vivian watched as the sparing took place and sighed. She looked around to try and locate the others wondering how they were doing. She decided to go and find out. She then spotted Corellan and moved towards him. He saw her approach and nodded. She stopped and moved to a bench and sat down. "You were the one who took of with Ellis the other night weren't you?" She asked and he nodded. "How is he?... was he successful?" She asked and she could see him smile.

"He is alright do not ready, as for whether or not he was successful that is for you to find out. My only role here is to fight the armies of the abyss." He explained and she rolled her eyes at him.
"You god types are all the same, you can't just give us the answer you have to tell us that we have to go find it ourselves. It is a load of bull shit." She said and Corellan shook his head.

"Why is it our job to hold your hands?.... why must we tell you how to live. We gave you free will so you can decide on your own. You could never tell yourself you have lived if you had not lived for yourself and not for what we have told you. All the paths you took were that of your own. Nothing was predetermined and your choices led you to your spot. Would you have been happy if we told you everything that was going to happen and give you all the answers?... no you would be bored because the fun part of life is learning and experiencing it all with out it being spoiled." He said. Vivian sighed,....

"I would have liked to have know what would have happened to him though,... if I had known I could of saved him....." She said. He looked to her and sighed. "Do you believe you truly could? Do you honestly think you would have been successful at doing so? Besides he would not want to see you blaming yourself for something you had no control over." Once more he was right and she leaned over placing her face within her hands. "You need to forgive yourself,... no good will come to it."

The Oasis

Ellis sat at his table Ceris sitting right next to him. On the table was a good sized meal for the two of them. Ellis had in front of him a good sized steak with smashed potatoes and with a side of chopped carrots that were boiled to a soft texture. She had the same except instead of carrots she had some of the local fruit. The called it dragon fruit. It was called that because of the shape and texture of the outside liked like horns. It was said to be very good and she was looking forward to this meal. She had not eaten anything sense her rebirth and she was rather eager. She took her nife and two pronged fork and cut into the meat and then stuck the piece in her mouth and she smiled at how good it tasted.

"Oh I missed this,.... I miss having to rely on such things as this to sustain myself." She said and Ellis smiled at her taking his own time to eat. Seeing her smile and everything made all of his ordeals worth it. All of this,... it was not for the city, the world or some asshole on a expensive seat. All of this was for her. He did not have to save the world for everyone. He was saving it for her, for one person. That's all that mattered right now. He took a drink of the honey mead that was handed to him and he smiled. "I say, sir... I have had some very good mead in my time but that was pretty good." He said receiving a nod. Ceris looked to him and then to the mead and tried it herself. She didn't rather enjoy it. It tasted sweet. Too sweet for her takes and she looked to the owner... "You got any wines? Berry wines to be exact?" She asked. The owner nodded and went to get her some. She was glad she tasted some of Ellis's before she got one for her self.

She looked to Ellis and smiled and went back to eating. Once the meal was done they sat there and Ellis patted his stomach. "That was good,... three days of living off jerky and water makes a meal like that taste like something the gods themselves would make." He said. Ceris got up and tugged on him. She gestured back to their holdings in the basement and he rose a brow. He followed her and down into the basement. She lead him into a room and opened the door revealing a bed. Once he stepped in she closed it and locked it as he hopped on the bed and looked at her. His face went red as he saw what she was doing as she stepped closer to him....."Oh boy...."


As everyone enjoyed their moment of peace the city fought as much as they could. Many bodies laid in the street. Not just guards though, demons laid there too as the guards would manage to kill a few. The clerics and paladins fighting beside Sergei were battered and beaten but they continued to fight. Once such paladin activated a spell of magic circle against evil to give a boost to everyone and then cast a massive lay on hands spell. Those who had wounds or bruises would find them selves to be healed and rejuvenated. This gave them their third wind. Enough so that they pushed the enemy back. Until the enemy from the monastery began to reinforce the enemies push here. Eventually the fighting died down as Eliphas's forces decided to take a break for awhile. Retreating if you will. Several of the guards and paladins let their tired legs collapse from underneath them.

However some of the guards went about checking on everyone handing out water of food to them. Making sure that everyone was alright. Clerics did the same bandaging and healing anything that the paladin's spell did not touch. They had a moment of peace. A peace that would not last long at all......

The Catacombs

The energies of the holy inquisitor as he spent them against his enemies seemed to spread out and even fill the catacombs with a holy aura. It eventually flowed and hit a secret chamber going underneath the walls and circling around a certain casket. With in sat a short girl with short dark hair and white clothes. Suddenly her eyes began to crease and then suddenly open. She looked into the darkness of her sarcophagus and suddenly its lid rose up and moved to the side as she dropped it. It shattered as she moved into a sitting position. Her hand going to her forehead as she felt her sight returning and the headache vanish from the sudden rush of light hitting her face. It was only torch light but it was none the less bright. She then sighed as she felt the aura's above. One in particular did not please her. "I had failed it seemed the last time we meet." Was all she said. She looked around the chamber and then climbed over the side. She thrust a hand out and to the side and a glaive formed into her hands. She began to use it as a support and then moved to the chambers doors to open them but they would not budge. She found out it was only open-able from the other side. She then closed her eyes to try and teleport but something was blocking her power. She sighed and looked to a dark corner and moved to sit in it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sana looked over to Hugh and forced a smile on her lips as she reached over and caressed his cheek gently. “We’ll get through this,” she said softly; leaning in and brushing her lips to his, a content sigh escaping her lips into the kiss. “I know this isn’t what you wanted,” she said in a caring voice as she broke the kiss and gazed up to him. “And yet if you hadn’t come along we would not be here together and I would very likely have been sacrificed,” she said as she cupped his face in her hands, her fingers delicately running along his jaw line. “You’re the reason I still draw breath, I wouldn’t want another to stand by my side through this,” she added as she fingers slowly slipped from his features.

“I am going to see if I can find some more arrows for the road ahead,” she said with a smile before she hopped out of the back of the wagon and adjusted the hood of her mantle before making her way into the encampment; in search of supplies. She wasn’t exactly sure where to go or who to ask so she wandered slowly; taking in the sights and sounds. She felt out of place there, a gypsy was never one to blend into the surroundings of such a group of people.

As she walked she thought about what all Hugh had been through in his life. She wondered if she was being unfair to him wanting him to be along with her and the rest. Part of her wished she could send him away to safety so he would not have to face another possible travesty but what she had said was true. Out of them all, some more powerful than others, she would choose no other to have by her side than him. No one else gave her the sense of safety that he did and no other made her want to fight harder than him.

Sana stopped wandering as she spotted one of the members of the encampment with a bow slung to his back with similar markings that was on the bow her sister had bribed the elves to make her so long ago. It was not exact of course and his bow was far longer than hers but it was a start. Walking over to him she cleared her throat. "Would you by chance know where I could find another quiver of arrows for this?" she asked as she unslung the bow from her back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As soon as Ellyn spotted some elven weavers they dragged her into one of the tents that was placed in this strange unusual encampment and instantly got to work, feeling sorry for her as an underdress is not enough, they ripped the under dress off her, not impressed by it; leaving Ellyn to cover up the very revealing underwear that she did. The elves were actually smirking at her slender figure, with her soft skin finally exposed; they knew… They knew that just from the embarrassment she was experiencing Ellyn never had this done before…

Nonetheless they got to work and it took a good 20 minutes, half an hour before they have officially waived the most amazing outfit which suited Ellyn’s body shape quickly, it didn’t seem restrictive as her dress was; the most interesting part about it…? they weaved some boots to go with it! HOWEVER! it wasn’t complete, another elf, which was just stood against the wall quietly looked at the battle outfit and shook his head with disapproval; finally adding some metalcrafts on it, which took another 20 minutes or so.

Then… it was done, the outfit just screamed out Ellyn’s name in all its elegance and beauty, the third elf then just pointed at a fitting room, which she entered into quickly and placed it on… Finally walking out of the fitting room in her new attire, her stomach shown off completely; which Ellyn unusually liked, her boots went right up her thigh and the skirt didn’t even look like a proper skirt, luckily the outfit did come with tights. Ellyn finally admired herself at how she looked with this outfit on before thanking the elven weavers and metal crafter, hugging them as she walked out the tent to see what was going on.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Das the Outsider

”I once conformed, it was horrible.”

Das felt a little annoyed. A tiny bit was due to the interruption of him helping Vivian’s breasts out, but most of it was for a different reason altogether. He felt they were wasting time. Although he had no idea who these people were, or even who these elves were, let alone know about their quest; he did know that he had just witnessed a city in flames, and now everyone was dawdling with a bunch of strange beings.

He scratched his head for a moment before announcing his feelings, “shouldn’t we be getting out of here? I mean talking ponies are cool, but burning cities seem more urgent, unless I’m missing something here.”

Being thrusted midway into this quest, he was sure he was missing something, but he figured someone had to question it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Elven Encampment

Vivian rose up and nodded to Das. "We know Das,... once the elves are done preparing our new wagon with more horses and supplies we will leave. We have not forgotten about Zaphere don't worry" She said. Sure enough as she said that a elf approached them and bowed. "Your wagon is ready..." The elf said and she nodded."Alright everyone lets get moving before we are too comfortable." She then looked back to Das and nodded and then followed the elf to the wagon. She inspected it herself seeing what had been put into it. She saw in the back that there was only two things inside two barrels. The one on the right was full of cold water. The other had food within it. On the sides of the wagon were bed rolls and several equipment for survival. She nodded and moved to the captain's seat and climbed up to it. She saw Rodger had been joined by three other horses and she smiled. Now the stress would be lessened on him from here on out. She then looked towards the burning city waiting for those to enter the wagon before flicking her wrists to get the wagon going. Hang in there Ellis we will be there to help you soon.

Garrek heard Vivian speak out and head to the wagon. He lowered his sword and put it away bowing in thanks to the elf who was showing him how to properly and more effectively wield a sword. He jogged up and climbed up on the seat next to Vivian and smiled. He then looked in behind waiting for the others to get in. Once they were all there he tapped on her shoulder. "We all ready to go." He said. The wagon began to move and the pace was much more faster then there last wagon. Garrek just looked towards the burning city of Zaphere and hoped they would get there before it was too late.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sana waited as the elf she had addressed held up a hand and went off for a moment, when he came back he handed her a quiver of arrows unlike any that she had seen before. Reaching out she took them gingerly from his hand and pulled one of the arrows from the quiver as he explained that they were silver arrows. She thanked him as she slung the quiver across her back, opposite of her other quiver. She wanted them for quick reach but knew that she could still use her regular arrows for lesser creatures. “Thank you again,” she said before turning as she heard Vivian and nodded. “Sorry for the short thanks but I have to run,” she said before waving and running off back to the wagon.

Jumping in the back she smiled over towards Hugh and took a seat next to him, leaning close as she rested her head on his shoulder and lacing her fingers with his. “Seems Roger has some help now,” she said motioning to the new addition of horses. “At least now he can relax a bit,” she said as she sat there. Tilting her head back she looked up at Hugh and smiled softly, he seemed to have a calming effect on her that she was enjoying immensely. Even with the world seeming on the verge of collapse around them she felt relaxed and at ease when she was around him. Oddly she wasn’t worried. She knew full and well that everything could make a turn for the worst and they could all end up dead in the end but even that thought didn’t seem to bother her right then.

There, in the wagon, there was some peace for now. Sana figured that she might as well enjoy what peace they could steal away right now instead of dreading what might happen. It never did well to worry about what if’s. Turning her body slightly she rested her free hand in the crook of his elbow and pulled herself slightly closer. She wanted to curl up in his lap right then but figured he may just need to relax a bit himself, so she opted to just rest next to him for now. She just sat there against him, gazing up at him and taking in his features, letting each one sear into her memory.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hugh simply closed his eyes as Sana ran her fingers over his cheeks and gave him a soft kiss, lending reassuring words. He sighed and just felt the hand on his face, bringing his own hand to hers. The feeling was comforting and never seemed to get old. He just held onto the moment until she went away to attend to business involving arrows.

He would always feel stressed by the whole situation they were all in. He could just always feel like he was going to lose it all to another bad guy and another war. All of these fights seemed to be started by someone else and then plopped in the laps of others for them to take responsibility for the mess. Regardless, Hugh would remain to fight this battle. He wasn't going to back out. Sana would be there, and he would suffer it all just to make sure she was safe. He would become an unstoppable force of nature to get to her.

He sat still for the moment, after her leaving to attend to an errand, and puffed on his pipe. He could live a good life after all of this. He could feel a little bit of anger building up inside at the thought of someone keeping him from the life he wanted to live. This character, Eliphas, would have to die. There was no doubt about that. The tyrant had to fall and Hugh would take part and be sure he did. This might be the last battle keeping him from his peaceful life. The result would be what his freedom and happiness depended on. There was a natural order of life and death, and it should not be interrupted by some freak.

Sana returned suddenly and Hugh's eyes lit up at the sight of her. He took in all of her features and let her pass before his eyes before she sat down. He looked at the ground as she snuggled up close to him, a smile appearing across his face. He felt so warm and fuzzy inside. He felt vulnerable every time she got close to him and he couldn't get enough of her.

She spoke of the new addition of horses to their entourage. It made him feel happy to know Rodger would not be overworked. He was a strong horse, but not strong enough to keep pulling them forever. He wanted his horse to relax for a bit. He looked at her as she leaned her head against him and a wave of happiness came over him. He had no idea what to say. He almost felt better leaving it silent. He loved having her there for him. He couldn't let go, now. He had to hold on tightly to this moment.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ellyn walked out of the tent politely to see the newly-revamped wagon was about to leave, and she got a bit worked up about it, she was angry because she didn’t even have time to relax; she only had time for some elven weavers to laugh at her body while she tried to hide her own body in embarrassment… nonetheless she was pretty happy about her new outfit, with all the purple and black; it suited her really well and even the metal bits she adored.

Getting up on the wagon she looked at her friends and finally sat down on her own, she wondered how others would think of her outfit… do they think it suits her shape nicely?? or is it a big no-no?? right now, she didn’t exactly care… she enjoyed wearing this already and she knew it was better then her dress that was highly restrictive in many ways.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

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Das the Consigliere

”I know nothing, I see nothing!”

Das gave a low whistle and jutted a finger in Ellyns direction, “I like the new clothes, it really brings out…”

He paused and his amber eyes flickered over her for a second, “brings out the feminine side, but with a bite.” He mockingly growled and bit the air before grinning widely and drunkenly.

He strapped a thumb under his ragged fur vest and pulled it slightly off his chest in a showcase, “and I should know something about clothes.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Four hours had passed sense they had left the elven encampment. It did not take much effort for their new wagon and its team of horses to pull up over a hill outside the city of Zaphere. The city looked like it had seen its worse. The biggest thing to take notice of was towards the entrance was bodies. They were dead with blood staining the dirt below them. a few children could be seen. Anyone who resisted the demons were right there. However, as the got closer they saw that it wasn't just the city that suffered losses. The demons had as well as their own bodies littered the streets. Vivian stopped the wagon at the entrance and began to lead the horses to the side and hopped off unhooking them and taking them to the stalls. Once she had done that she proceeded down the dirt road taking in all that there was to be seen. Clerics, paladins, city guards and soldiers, and civilians all laid before them. Some where left alive in their homes but anyone caught trying to escape would meet a swift death. As she moved along she then noticed a very familiar tavern sign and moved to it. She pushed the door in and walked into the Oasis. Her hands on her swords as she did so.

What she saw was a slightly empty tavern. She said slightly because she saw at a table sat a halfling. Right beside him sat a woman dressed like a priestess of some holy order or something with her white robes. She had short black hair and was a bit pale. She did however know who the halfling was. She ran to the table and stopped. "Ellis?... is everything fine?"

Ellis perked a brow and nodded. "Here? Yes,... out there? not so much." He said smiling and gesturing for her to sit. She instead moved to hug him before sitting. Once she did she looked to the woman and then back to him. "Whose this?"

Ellis smiled and rose his head up with pride. "This, is the new and improved Ceris. Corellan Larethian saved her and placed her back in her original body. Now we sit here as a bit of a resistance movement against Eliphas. We are losing,... the order and the city seems to be able to hold itself for awhile but the demons never end. Thus I have found someone that can help us with that..." He said and got up to lead everyone who entered down into the basement.

When they did they would see a drow, named Samuel tied to a chair with a missing hand and torn leather armor from cuts and and bruises. His toes crushed and his remaining hand smashed. "Been working a number on him but he hasn't talked. I have not given up on him yet. See we need to locate where Eliphas is and he is not making it easy. This loyal bastard wont talk." He said.

"Also was visit a hour or two ago in my head by Corellan Larethian. We have a new quest. To find some weapon and activate it or something? Apparently this weapon defeated Eliphas before but it failed to make the death permament." He explained. He then sighed and moved to a table showing maps of the catacombs. "Apparently it is in a secret chamber down in catacombs some where." He explained.

Garrek just stood there looking at the drow male in the seat and thought maybe he could but it seemed like the halfling was giving up on trying to. He shrugged listening to it all. So this woman, was the lich in the city. Interesting. He wanted to know her story but that could wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The wagon moved on and it seemed their travels would move much faster now, sighing slightly Sana remained silent after telling Ellyn that she liked the new look. Resting there against Hugh, she just kept herself in thought, occasionally curling closer to him as the wagon kept moving. When they approached the city she leaned forward to take a look and rose a brow as she unslung her bow from her back and drew a regular arrow from its quiver. Hopping out of the back of the wagon as they entered town and looking around. “This is not good,” she muttered under her breath as she followed Vivian into the Tavern. Seeing Ellis gave her some slight relief. “It is good to see you alive little one,” she said as she placed her arrow back in its quiver and reslung her bow across her back.

Seeing Ceris caused her to raise a brow but she kept quiet and listened. She still felt that no matter what the woman owed the group a rather large apology for her actions and trying to sacrifice them but Ellis seemed unharmed and she gave her word, so she would hold to it whether it came or not. Following Ellis and Vivian down she stopped as she saw the Drow and it did not sit right with her. She understood that sometimes extreme measures were needed but she felt it was lowering themselves to what evils would do. She just hoped their end result would be better than what the evil lay out there had planned. Still, she would have no part in torture, no matter the cause.

Turning she sought Hugh out and stepped over to him, resting her hand to his chest. “I’ll be in the tavern,” she said as she walked back to the main area and sat down at the bar and rested her elbows on the counter. If they were losing a battle already, what different would a couple of humans, elves, a dwarf, an orc and an Halfling make she wondered to herself but she kept all her thoughts to herself and just looked at the wood grain of the bartop. She knew if she spoke or others spoke to her she wouldn’t be able to bite her tongue long and she felt it was best at this moment in time that if she couldn’t be positive she could at least be silent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Ugh." Another city, the sight of the damage and death made her don the armor until now rode in the back of the cart. Deila ready for danger became more alert. The smoke choked her. The shaman sent Bulbo out of dangers way. The surrounding was mostly stone so she brought those spells to the front of her mind. This was going to get dangerous. Grandmother had nothing good to say about towns and cities. They were death traps, death always followed where a town grew.

Deila could see the horses were moving there ears and on alert as well. The shaman could feel the panic in the air, but refused to give in. The only reason Deila didn't jump out of the cart was Sana. There was a lot of survival skills she felt the shaman could still learn. The shaman at first wanted to leave. She wanted to be safe and back in the safety of an old lush forest. No. This is the diversity, the challenge would make her stronger. Being able to thrive in a harsh environment would help her able to endure. This was a shamans true strength. Any one can live in an environment they were born into. Going to unfamiliar terrain and thriving, this was what made a shaman. If she survived this day, Deila swore to thank the five spirits.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He then sighed and saw that there was likely nothing more to be taken from the drow so he just decided to put the man to death and then moved back to the maps. " I have faith in Corellan's plan,... he helped me save someone important to me. Now she is a big piece in my life." He said as he exited the basement. "Seeing her smile when she got to eat actual food made me happy. I love her and I will always protect her. First thing's first going with the great horses plan. As you can tell there is not much action in the streets right now so if we start now it will be the best. We only have to make for the catacombs. Ceris has been equiped with the tools and magic to get us to the secret chamber to use this weapon whatever it is. I will not lose faith in Corellan's plan. He helped me and Ceris when we needed it most. I will always be thankful in him." He said. He then sat down at a table and began going over the map of the city and then its underground network. "Well according to this map, we won't even have to exit this tavern. There is a entrance into the catacombs from a sewer line right underneath here." He said.

"Whatever is there must be useful if Corellan wanted to send us after it." He said and then he looked about. " I will do anything to destroy that demon. I will do anything to protect her. If this weapon will help then I will hunt for it. " He then rose up and proceeded back down to the basement seeing a sheet covering the dead drow. He smiled and nodded to Ceris. He then noticed the steel door and when he opened it. Sure enough it led into the sewers. "It wont be long before the city recieves reinforcements from Corellan. If you would all follow me. I think we have a city to save. If I can save a lich from damnation I am sure I can do this as well"

Vivian sighed and figured they might as well get it over with. They came this way. Perhaps once this is all over they could all go and rest. She looked forward to it and she was happy for Ellis and everything. "So have you two.... you know.."

"Done it?" Ellis finished the question and then smirked. "We can talk about that later.... Sana can stay here if she wants perhaps have Hugh as well. Need someone covering our backs incase hell comes knocking at our door."

Garrek just followed the halfing and just waited. He would go with the halfling figuring the enemy might be using the sewer drains as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

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The Marilith screamed in pain as Sergei's magic imbued warhammer smashed down on the she-demon's scale face. Holy fire exploded everywhere across her head and chest, tearing and burning away at the Marilith's cursed aura and wretched form. Unsurprisingly, the Marilith writhed in agony and collapsed backwards as Sergei held her hair firmly, pulling him down with the demon. The Guild entrance caved in with the falling Marilith as the vacuous catalyst of the building's further destruction. Swung around once more, the Inquisitor released his grip from the demon's fibers once the swing had entered its base. Sergei through his body upward just as he let go, using his shield to cushion the landing and create the necessary resistance as he slid across the street, sparks from metal meeting cobblestone until his momentum was dragged off.

Sergei got himself up, feeling uneasy from the brief moments of airtime with Marilith's snappy reflexes. With his age, such movements proved more taxing on him but hyped adrenaline fought back, keeping him fragilely focused on the task at hand. The Marilith eventually came achieved her bearings as well with most of the Inquisitor's magic painfully wearing off with a her upper-right portion of her figure burned badly and already cauterized. Rises from the debris around her, the Marilith screamed in defiance at the Inquisitor; it was perhaps the only thing she could say since her jar and throat suffered damage as well. Sergei responded in kind with his hammer igniting in white flames once more, clashing it against his re-equipped shield to intimidate and provoke. Enraged by the display, the demon of six blades slithered into a mad charge toward her opponent, revenge ever motivating her blind desire to kill the one responsible for her pain.

Just as she was about to bring her swords down on her small opponent in multiple striking vectors with a mad serpentine grin across the Marilith's face, a boom of thunder and lightning struck her back side, throwing the demon off balance. Before the Marilith could identify the sudden attack, ropes and cables snared her limbs from her own control while an array of magic spells barraged against her, keeping the demon from putting up a resistance. Through her feeble attempts she cough glimpses of Order soldiers, Zaphere guardsman, and Guild mages coordinating against here; the same measly souls she had been massacred earlier now filled with moral and determination to put her down. Ensnared to such a degree, the Marilith fell forward and impacted the ground hard.

The Marilith soon tried desperately to escape from her bindings but the combined effort of the powers set against her had now made that impossible. As if the she-demon couldn't lose anymore hope, looking up, she set her ugly terrified eyes upon the Inquisitor beaming down upon her, his hammer still aflame. The demon hissed defiantly but Sergei paid no mind to her desperate attempts and grabbed the Marilith's hair, pulling her head up before driving the apex tip of his warhammer into her skull. The Marilith shrieked once more, pain fueling her non-stop wailing as streaks of burning white paved out from the hammer unto her flesh and scales. The finishing blow finally came with Sergei casting a powerful spell, light radiating off of the steel of his warhammer vibrantly and intensely until rays of sunlight pierced the Marilith's head, silencing her screams almost immediately. The demon's form quickly turned ash as she was incinerated by holy fire whilst the soldiers cheered and roared for her demise in which Sergei yelled in triumph along with them.

The Cultists that remained broke ranks as their demonic champion fell before the Inquisitor and the combined efforts of Zaphere's armed and capable people. Seeing most of their enemy fleeing and attempted to regroup with the new insectoid monstrosities that arrived to reinforce them, the men and women of the Order, the Guild, and the Guard and militia charged forward with renewed moral and vigor, no longer held back by their earlier indifferences.

"Cast them down, warriors of Zaphere!" the Inquisitor cried with his hammer in the air, attempting to further inspire the everyone jumping into the fray, "We must prevail against the enemy that threatens us all!"

Sergei was about to charge forward long side his kin until something captured his attention. A voice, a warm ethereal voiced echoed through out the confines of his mind.

Sergei...Sergei... echoed the ethereal whisper, I am Pelor. I have a task for you my son.

Pelor. The deity Sergei had sworn to serve unquestionably and unwavering loyalty to, had spoke to him. Was this for actually for real? Could a deity of which the highest ranking members of the Order could supposedly speak to be calling out to him?

After the victory here you must retreat to a tavern. There you will wait and hold up with the rest of your men. My Ally Corellan Larethian is marching a army of elves to Zaphere for reinforcements but even with them this will not be enough.

Corellan Larethian? My word...thought Sergei. Either he was really going insane or he had stepped into something much larger than he ever imagined.

A host of people will arrive at the tavern, two of them already present within, you will go with them and take them into the catacombs.

Images flowed through Sergei mind, illustrating each word and syllable that came into being. He could almost virtually see the dark depths of the catacombs and the individuals Pelor began to speak of. There was no doubt about it, he was communing with a deity.

The demon Eliphas is too strong and powerful. His detection was too late. In the catacombs hidden in its deep darkness is a chamber. The chamber kept secret with a binding on its door. You will know it when you see it. It is time to awaken the my angel of death and rebirth from the depths of her hybernation. It will take you and this group to get there, while the remains of your men and Corellan's army distracts the forces of evil.

Eliphas...So this was the mastermind behind of not only his own grief but bane of the entire city of Zaphere. Everything that has transpired has been conjured and devised by this demon lord. Sergei relished the opportunity to take such a hated and cursed entity down.

This group in question is as follows; A Halfling named Ellis and a Priestess named Ceris...They are already at the tavern.

A Halfling and a Priestess eh...? It was an odd team up and the pondering thought of their pairing was an amusing one. Judging has been a common practice through out a great deal of his life, but even he knew when his opinion had little place and thus kept it as such.

The rest of the group is a few days away from here. They will arrive at the tavern, and they are as follows...

Hugh the Ex-Paladin...

A former Paladin? What heretical nonse- Sergei quickly stopped himself, self-reminding himself he was pretty much in the presence of a god.

Sana the Gypsy...

Artos the Magus...

Ellyn the Bard...

Bjoric the Cleric...

Vivian the War Blade...

Garrek the Fighter...

Deila the Shaman...

and Das the Kafshe...

Sergei's eyes physically narrowed out of confusing concern, perhaps not really wanting to know what that last title meant.

This mission is important my servant. This is our chance to demolish this demon's desire for conquest...For good this time.

And just light that, the ethereal-like feeling evaporated along with the soothing voice it carried. Sergei could mentally confirm that Pelor was no longer present and eventually snapped back to reality, re-finding himself on a bloodied battlefield of rightous warriors and damned dirty cultists. Pelor's words rang heavily upon him, but with a goal now set in motion, Sergei could not hope to ignore or deny the request. Whether anyone else would even believe him in which he really expected none int he first place. At any rate, there was a battle in need of winning; destiny was with him.
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