Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aoi Don Maquia

Aoi was never a morning person, and despite her around the clock bubbly attitude, she could never motivate herself to wake up at the time she told herself to the night before. This was made a lot worse when Akio moved in not long after their first "date", considering she'd be a lot more spent by what they would inevitably do. And of course, she had the covers for herself, it was just how it had to be, a part of the deal, and Akio simply had to deal with it. When the older member of this flourishing couple had kissed the clown to get up, the smaller female would react by releasing loud groans before covering her face in the cover, essentially burying herself in them. It would be about the time when Akio would walk out of the bathroom that Aoi was already putting on her night T-shirt to cover herself for whatever reason.

As Akio went to check herself out at the mirror, Aoi scurried behind her and got on the tip of her toes so she could lay her chin on the muscular girl's shoulder. Her eyes were oozing with provocation and lust as she slid her hands over the Tendou's abdomen, preventing the girl from being fully clothed. The way she caressed her girlfriend was nothing far from sexual, but just as she reached the bra's level, Aoi would randomly whip out a card from under the piece of clothes as a form of tease. She then placed it between the tall girl's cleavage before running off to the bathroom and locking the door behind her to avoid any payback.

"Now Link! Fill up your hearts! So you can shoot your sword with power! And when you're feeling all down, the fairy will come around~"

She had the habit of singing under the shower for quite some time now, and she never stopped until the water stopped running. She thought that the noise it made would hide the sounds but she sang to obnoxiously loudly that it was impossible to not hear her. She when exited the steaming room, she was already wearing her custom flak jacket with blue and fuchsia spread in various pockets just to add her own style. She was ready for her first mission as a Jonin, and quite strangely she didn't feel anxious about it at all. It was like stage fright really, many would be scared to screw up, but she was one of those rare people who simply had fun exposing themselves to rather demanding crowds, but it would be true that remarks weren't very well taken in her mind.

"Let's go Kiki~ Move yo lazy bum!"

She'd ordered around her significant other in a humorous way as she opened the entrance door to her home, leaving it open for Akio to leave as she stepped out while pick her phone out of her pocket. For a second she tried to recall the names of the people she was going to be doing the mission with, excluding Akio of course. First came Rin, because she had already done a mission with that ice minx but the other one was a person she had never met before... All she knew was that he had red hair like Daiki. That and his name started with an S. After a minute of searching, she finally found the name Souken, and realized he had just recently added his number for the mission.

meat u gaiz at teh norf gait!!!!~~~~~ =^3^= ok?????

And with that she turned to face her girlfriend, hand slightly extended so her lover could take it as they would be walking for a little while to reach the Northern gate from where they were.

"Excited for the mission?~"


To the cyborg, the heir of the Hyuuga seemed rather strange to say the least. She was a Princess, born out of royalty despite her position as a bastard child, a fact well known to well informed individuals like N.C.4. Why didn't she savor that title? The bot couldn't get its finger on it at all, but it didn't seem to have a major issue toward it, if anything it saved that concept in its memory bank so it could associated it with multiple other behavioral traits in Chihiro's being. Then came the idea of nicknames, something it had learned about and knew the reasons behind, but didn't understand why it would have one. Would it be because she saw it as a human? But it wasn't a human. Or perhaps she sees it as a pet? But it isn't an animal. Its linear mind found this subject peculiar to say the least, disregarding completely her burst of anger as it was something all too common for it.

"... Hiro. Acknowledged."

It responded rather late before following the girl into her household. Though it did turn its head to give one quick peek toward the knocked down Gin who was attempting to come back with a burning passion. N.C.4 could only hazard a guess as to why he was so eager to get to the princess of the Hyuuga. It came to the conclusion that Gin, an outside, was trying to mate with Chihiro. He seemed rather low in the social food chain to even consider that, let alone get her honest attention. To N.C.4, he was probably the lower life form of the team, considering Chihiro was borderline prodigy with her Byakugan and itself was recognized as much higher than most shinobi its current level was at. But, he had his use, and was more or less vital to the well being of this operation.

Each person they've crossed, the robot gave a blank stare at them and followed them for exactly ten seconds before resuming looking forward. It stayed relatively close to the Hyuuga, keeping an exact distance of three meters so it could intervene in case an unfortunate incident would occur. Once they were in the special room with the flashy table, the bot didn't even flinch or react in awe when the table manifested itself. It simply stared at it, studying it right on the spot before looking back at the Hyuuga. She wanted them to wear suits, and while it seemed rather superficial at first, tactically it would be the better choice. So it didn't say anything and agreed. However, as it received the suit, it didn't bother to go in a changing room, and simply stripped before the princess. It went down to its black boxers and white, sleeveless shirt. Its surprising dexterity allowed it equip itself with the suit quite easily, fitting in like a glove.

"Inconspicuous. I commend your meticulousness."

It complimented the Hyuuga before brushing its finger on the table as if it already knew how to use it. Manipulating the hologram with ease, it selected various options so that they would have a mansion manifested before them. Various dots would form on different spots of the building and a list of events was enumerated on the upper left hand corner. With that done, the robot started to talk with its typical, monotone voice.

"Now. We will be meeting with the head of the Tonaka. This operation will work under the guise of Hiro making a diplomatic contact with the influential family of the Earth Kingdom."

It clicked on a couple of different slots, revealing the profiles of two individuals in particular. They were their targets and a large amount of information about their past and current appearance were visible.

"The head of the family, Cho, and his daughter, Fi, are our targets. In Cho's personal bedroom, three rooms down to the meeting lounge we'll be in, is where the Tonaka Talisman is said to be. Mister Gin's Hidden Mist Ability will be immensely useful here. Hiro will locate the Talisman with her Byakugan. Mister Gin will head straight for the daughter, said to be in the neighboring room. I will eliminate those in the lounge. Once done, you will each plant a bomb. We cannot afford any traces left behind. Any questions?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Assassin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shouken Washi

"The Oasis"


Shouken had just finished his bowl of cereal when his phone buzzed and lit up. He closed his book on Genjutsu Strategies and rinsed his bowl before noticing the unrecognizable phone number. After unlocking his phone, Shouken read the message and could barely make out what was said. He did, however, manage to make out the name below the message reading, "Aoi". Once deciphered, Shouken figured he should make his way out as soon as possible. He threw on his khaki pants and his black jacket and proceeded to the village streets.

That past 2 years were quite dull for Shouken. His missions were not as lively and everything seemed to be going quite slow. Though this was not a terrible thing, Shouken longed for more action and adventure in his life. Shouken hoped his next mission would give him what he was looking for, for he was supposed to travel to his birth village of Sunagakure.

After a short walk, Shouken began to draw near the North Gate. His house was only located about a mile away so the walk was terribly bad. It seemed he was the first to arrive so he found a seat on a stump shaded by a short tree, just short enough that Shouken had to slightly duck under it's hanging limbs to reach his rest.

Shortly after getting comfortable, Shouken noticed two young ladies approaching, hand-in-hand. He recognized Aoi from various reports and events and know of Akio Tendou being her relationship to Aoi.

Shouken rose from the stump to greet his squadmates. He approached them with a smile and introduced himself.

"I am Shouken Washi. I have heard many great things about the both of you and I am glad to be apart of this team.."

He extended a hand towards Aoi with his smile deluted down to a simple grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kimono
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Kimono Forgotten Dreams

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yuna Hōjō ~ "The Butterfly"


Her spying would have to wait it seemed, but she couldn't deny that not being able to follow the androgynous figure disappointed her. But a new mission meant a completely new adventure. One where she could meet new people, explore new worlds, and find herself on a thrilling journey. Of course, the duty of a ninja meant violence, but she usually tried her best to deal with such formalities without killing force. Despite her profession, she was indeed a pacifist on her own terms. Conflicting views really.

But Yuna didn't stand around to ponder any longer.

Through the crowds on Akimichi Avenue, a strange sight was to be had. A cheetah, of normal length and build, was sprinting at top speed towards it seemingly distanced destination. Many people gasped and screamed, but had little to no time to react any further, cause by the time they may have pulled our their phones to call animal services, the cheetah had disappeared around the corner. The feline animal jolted through alleyways, leapt over fences, took a moment to lick its...nevermind, and then finally arrived at the Hokages Building.

The elegant creature purred softly and then as quickly as it had appeared moments before, it suddenly vanished. And in its place was a girl. Yuna of course. She paused awkwardly as she noticed her human tongue licking across the back of her hand. She hurriedly wiped off the saliva on her clothes and walked inside. Yuna, get it together, your not a cat anymore...

It should be noted that this was her first time with this new squadron of chunin. For unknown reasons, she had been excavated from her old team and placed with this new team instead. Despite never having met them, she was enthralled by the fact that she soon would. Inquisitive beyond belief, anything new grasped her attention like a good book. Then again, old things had a soft spot in her heart too. Either that, or the activist within her couldn't stand to see the destruction of a national monumental structure that had for years provided Konohagakure with the accessibility of communication to other villages. Yes, this was an attempt to segway into a PSA about the Konoha Aviary.

The More You Know!

She re-opened the messenger bag strapped over he shoulder, took out more flyers, and continued her personal mission, even as she was walking down the hall to receive her real mission. Persistence, persistence, persistence. "Take a flyer. Save the Konoha Aviary", she passionately proclaimed. The workers simply took the flyers and went back to their business. When she finally reached the Hokage's office, she interjectingly handed out the last stack of her flyers to a working passerby, "Pass these out for me will you? Thanks!". And then, she entered.

10 minutes later...

That was incredibly quick. A hasty briefing, but it seemed she got all the information she needed. And all the new faces made her pleasantly intrigued. Especially the one who would be her team leader. She was incredibly, fascinated and intrigued by his persona, his mugged countenance, his facial scars. And he was a Minamoru no less, a clan she was well aware that had major property and financial holdings throughout all of Konohagakure. The idea of the Minamoru's taking over her family's "Bathhouse and Inn" business sometimes relayed through her mind. But over her dead body. A martyr to be--if she must. A noble way to depart from this world in her opinion. But even still, she was simply compelled.

She watched him leave the room and soon followed. She peaked her head out the door and looked at him, a soft and charming smile appearing on her lovely face. "Minamoru, hi. I'm Yuna Hojo of the Hojo clan. We own the Hojo Bathhouse and Inn's and I was hoping that after we complete this mission you could help in saving the Konohagakure Aviary". By the time she finished saying this, she was already standing right in front of him, her hands holding out a loose flyer she had kept in her messenger bag. "I know that your family is a larger player in the political and financial formalities of Konoha. If you could find it in your heart to help save the historic landmark, I'd be humbly in your debt". Her words came out smooth as butter and her face lit up with a congatious vitality. She was certainly a very good speaker, passionate, charismatic(if not annoying sometimes), and enthusiastic, a talent that developed naturally with her feministic and social activist mindset.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Yamato Minamoru, “Young Master”

“Watashi wa Kami, I am God.”

Yamato had stood in front of the Hokages' office for a while, noting a few things like random passerby's and a stall with food across the yard. Then, he noticed the annoying sound of Sentou's voice.. Hokage... I'll fucking kill you.. he thought to himself as he realized now that his initial words to Sentou and Shin were actually a predictive truth. He started frowning in anger again as he closed his eyes, trying to contain his anger. "... hearing us. His foul mouth of his can get him arrested." One.. two.. three.. slowly his fists balled up again, a tick that might've remained from earlier years. He might've grown up, but some things are hard to get rid of. Then Sentou's annoying voice shrieked up again, this time adressing Yamato personally. He would open his eyes, the anger clearly being readable in his eyes as he looked down on Sentou. Yamato had grown, and had become taller than Sentou. He had always been a tiny bit taller, but now he could really feel that he was looking down on her, literally. She even had the audacity to grab his arm.. he didn't move yet, only looking at her as she yapped on. Normally, in his earlier years, he would've immediately pulled himself loose and punched her. But he tried very hard to contain himself, straining himself a bit in the process as he could feel his fists tense up uncontrollably.

She spoke of uttering crap.. with his foul mouth. This Sentou kid was insane. Yamato glanced at Shin to see if he was going to say anything and looking at what his facial expression was like. It'd be a deciding factor in whether Yamato would punch only Sentou, or both of them. When Sentou was done Yamato pulled his arm up roughly and jerked it backwards, forcing Sentou to let go before she could do it herself. “First of all, I didn't swear at you, you dumb fucking idiot. So quit your 'holier than thou' attitude, before I fucking kick your ass. There was no foul language or foul mouthing. I can't believe they let deaf people into the police force now.” he said, trying to stay calm. His voice went up and down in terms of aggressiveness, as he tried to contain himself and slipped every now and then.

But he reached a boiling point and at that point he didn't even bother containing himself anymore. His hand shot forwards and grabbed Sentou by her shirt, and pulled her closer, bowing down a bit to look her directly in her eyes. Their faces were inches apart, nearly touching. A deadly stare ensued afterwards, as Yamato stared her down. “And you will definetely be taking orders from me. You're not endangering my mission by saying that you're a cop, and doing your own thing. This is my mission, so..”

A voice from Yamato's side interrupted the scene, seemingly without even realizing what was going on. Yamato looked to the side and stood back straight, however he was still holding onto Sentou's shirt and he wasn't letting go. He looked at Yuna, who was a new face to him, and listened to her talk. She spoke of the Hojo bathhouse.. somehow that sounded familiar. “Hojo Bathhouse. I know the place. Does it matter?” he said before she continued on about that derelict, half broken down aviary. “Tsk.. I wouldn't know why you want to save that place.” he said as he looked at the paper she wanted to hand him. He then looked back at her face, a rather rude way of saying 'I'm not taking that paper'. Never the less, he considered the offer. There was political influence to be gained from doing such a 'noble' act of saving a landmark. “I'm Yamato Minamoru.. not my father. I don't take charity cases, you'll have to speak to him. Now..”

He looked back at Sentou and spoke to her once more, to conclude her rather idiotic attempt at usurping his power as jonin. “If you want to pretend that your stupid glorified rent-a-cop status means anything on my mission, I won't let you endanger the mission. You'll be taking my orders, or you can go back to your police captain. I won't have idiots like you doing whatever the hell they want on my mission. And if you were smart, you'd shut up and realize that I am right. Even someone like Shin can see why it would be bad to give you full control over what you do in a team-focussed assignment.” With that all said, he finally shoved Sentou back rather hard. She'd likely be pushed into the ground, but that wasn't really a concern of Yamato's. He wasn't going to deal with Sentou's shit, or that of anyone else's today. This was his first S-rank mission and he wanted to complete it with flying colours. Besides.. Sentou had no idea what she was talking about. The police was in no way a higher 'authoritarian plane' and in fact, the police took orders from jonin.

Yamato didn't want to deal with Sentou - or Shin, for that matter, if he decided to say something about what just happened - and turned back to Yuna. “Now that that's done, we need to wait for the rest.” he said simply and leaned against the building again, his agitated frown still present on his face. If it weren't for Sentou, this day would've gone a lot, lot better.. slowly he closed his eyes as he waited for the rest of his team to show up. Something that was taking them too long in his eyes already.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Gypsy

"Damn woman, Why do you not answer me~!" the near naked girl pouted as she kept staring at her cell phone waiting for her best friend to reply to her text message. Unfortunately that text never came, but the text she received was the head to the gate of the Hokage's office. "Tch, putting me into another mission huh, i just hope the gypsy had better teammates then the last crew, they were just awful. In the end i had to carry the team." Placing the phone inside her short jacket he headed towards the building.

It's been 2 years since that little fight with the mafia, along with her best friend. Ever since Takeshi has left her in his apartment and when on his so-called soul searching mission. She and her new friend Yang has been kicking back in his apartment, which was cool for her. His place beat the shit out of hers anyways. Missions, drinking and the occasional 'justice' was in her lifestyle for the past 2 years. Of course there was Yang who sparred with her on a daily basis and Chihiro who she frequently visited. She had gotten stronger than she was before and her Steel release was a lot more powerful than before. The only thing that hadn't changed.

Was her appearance, or her breast size.

On the way she bought herself a case of Pockies to keep herself satisfied as she neared the building and entered. There she saw the Yamato Minamoru, the young master, Sentou Uchiha and Shin whats-his-face. "I'm liking this team already." she muffled as bits of biscuits flew out of her mouth before she swallowed. Waving towards them, she saw Sentou talk to Yamato before taking his arm...then again letting go for some reason. Having no reason to talk to Sentou she made her way towards Yamato "Yo! Young Master-taicho!" she saluted him with a grin "The text said that Daiki-taicho is actually my leader, but the gypsy guesses he has yet to make an appearance." She looked around to see a White haired girl standing by before looking back "So how is your day been so far, did that Uchiha chick piss you of?" she looked at around to see sentou was at a safe distance. Leaning over towards Yamoto as she whispered in his ear.

"Actually, i'm looking forward if she even touches me and uses her power, everyone here will know that you should never fuck with the Gypsy~" standing back she grinned at him playfully and saluted him again "Looking forward to be working with you, Yamoto-taicho!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 2 days ago

Akio Tendou

Akio let out a small moan as Aoi began to tease her, worried that she wanted to continue where they left off(something she wasn’t against by by means, but then her shower would’ve been for nothing) but to her disappointment relief, Aoi was only teasing. Taking the card from out of her cleavage and placing it on the cabinet before she put on her combat uniform. She thought about putting on some make-up for the trip, but considering where they were going, it would be a waste. She finished about the same time that Aoi finished her shower, indicated by how she finally stopped her overly loud singing.

She came out already dressed, which Akio didn’t really stop to think about, as the girl’s abilities meant that she didn’t mind getting wet and could probably absorb it up to use for her slime later on. As her harlequin lover called for her to hurry up, calling her by a pet name that Tendou constantly struggled to figure out if she found cute or annoying, Akio made sure to grab her weapon pouch and a carrying a good amount of hidden weapons with her before she followed, closing (and locking) the door behind her. As they walked to the meeting point, Aoi’s hands moved to interlock with hers and Akio returned the gesture, pulling the clown girl closer to her as she did so and placing a small kiss on her nose, just how she liked it.

“A mission about finding some boogey man kidnapping people in a god-forsaken desert, with as of yet no real leads, within a 3-day time limit? I’m absolutely ecstatic.” The white-haired kunoichi ran her free hand through her hair as she replied with more than tinge of sarcasm. Excited, more like nervous as all hell, and though she hid it well from most, Aoi would be able to tell rather easily. She had gotten good at reading her, and while the Tendou was getting better, it was still hard to figure out what was going on in the petite Jonin’s mind most times. That’s why I love her, though, you can never know what to expect with Aoi around.

Akio chuckled, her thoughts helping to calm her down a little, when they finally arrived at the gate. Only one of their team members was here, a rather tall looking chunin by the name of Shouken. As he introduced himself. Kio just gave a nod at first, looking him over with with an evaluating eye.He doesn’t look like a strong fighter, even with that sword on his back, but I’m sure the Hokage wouldn’t send an incompetent on such an important mission. If he’s here, he’s got to have at least some skill, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.

"Glad to meet you as well, Shouken, and allow me to officially introduce myself and my partner here. My name is Akio Tendou, and this is Aoi Don Maquia, who will be our commanding Jonin for the mission. You probably know this already, but since this is our first time meeting, it's best to introduce ourselves and get somewhat more familiar with each other. Now then, we just have to wait for our final teammate, then I believe we can be on our way to Sunagakure. I wished they'd hurry it along, though, we are on a bit of a time schedule."

As she finished introducing herself, Akio looked around for their other team member, the Reikan girl. She’d heard some rumors about her, but didn’t out much basis in such things, preferring to make judgements with her eyes rather than her ears about a person. And even if the rumors were true, which doubted, what the girl did with her private life was none of her business. As long as she could hold her own in a fight, and gave Aoi the proper amount of respect, she was fine by the Tendou’s standards. However, if she continued to keep them waiting like this, she wouldn't be fine for much longer.



@Altered Tundra

Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi

Tatsuya woke up as he usually did, to the sounds and smells of his mother’s tinkering in their basement. Nothing like the sound of power tools and the smell of alcohol to start your morning, though to him, it would be weird to not here some kind of loud noise in his home. As he got out of bed, he stretched a bit with a yawn, before he heard slightly different sound to accompany the chaos of the morning. A sort of tapping coming from the window. Dressed in nothing in his boxers, Tatsuya slowly got up to investigate, opening the curtains to see . . . nothing. Before he could start to contemplate if he was starting to go in sane, however, a white mask in the shape of a . . . duck(?) suddenly popped up from the bottom of the window sill, which caused Tatsuya to jump backwards in fright. He had barely held back the scream in his throat, having to swallow it down before he felt was ready to speak again.

“ . . . Uh . . Hello, Anbu-san, To what do I owe the visit?” In his head, Tatsuya was trying to think of anything at all he could’ve done or been involved in that would draw the attention of an Anbu. Even though he was 16, he was only a genin. Surely the Hokage wouldn’t -

“Hokage-sama has called you to join an important mission, I suggest you hurry and get dressed and prepared for a long trip. You’ll be briefed on the details with your team at the hokage mansion. That’ll be all.” The duck anbu gave a nodded, before using a shunshin jutsu to poof away. Tatsuya was then left to stand their with his eyes wide and mouth wide open, trying to process the information he’d just heard. The thought of a mission from th Hokage was definitely exciting, but he knew that his mother would go ballistic if she found out, and while he’d obviously still end up going, he wanted to avoid the scene. Still, I can’t just leave without saying good-bye . . . I got it

Tatsuya quickly got dressed in his combat garb, attaching Ketsui’s specialized sheath to his back and putting on the Chakra gauntlet. After making sure everything was in place for the mission, he walked out of his room . . . only to run right into his sister, who had come upstairs to call him down for breakfast. The two went down in a tangle of limbs and curses, which quickly escalated into shouting and blows as the the situation progressed, until a strong pair of hands reached and separated the two, slamming them hard into the sides of the wall.

“Okay, what the hell is happening here?” Katsuo asked, sounding tired and not in the mood to deal with both his wife’s noise and his children’s bickering. “Manami, when I told you to get your brother down stairs, I meant in one piece, and Tatsuya, what are you doing dressed up like you’ve got a mission to prep for.”

“Probably the same reason he loved to wear your apron when he was younger, it makes him feel important and what not.” Manami added her two cents to the conversation, her voice as mocking as always. This remark caused Katsuo to sigh, wondering why his daughter had turned into such a hateful piece of work. The only time she was pleasant to be around was when she was working, and that’s only because she hardly ever talked.

Tatsuya ignored his sister’s remark, instead taking a breath as he thought about the best way to tell him father, but coming up short of any tactful ways to reword it, decided that t would be best to tell his fatheri straight. “Well, Dad, I kinda got a mission just right now from the Hokage . . . from an Anbu operative with a duck mask. Anyway, I’m to come to the tower right away, and I would rather not tell Mom about this. You know how she’d react to this, so can I just grab my breakfast and go before she finishes up what ever she’s doing down there.” Tatsuya hoped that his father would be sympathetic to his need for urgency right now. One should never make the Hokage wait for anything.

Katsuo’s eyes widened at the news, his hands curling up into fists as the anxiety and the anger coursed through his body, before he let it out in a tired sigh,

“I’ll . . . I’ll let her know, but I hope you’re out of the village by the time I do, or else who knows what kind of hell she’ll raise over this. Your breakfast is downstairs, eat it and run off, not wise to make powerful men wait. And . . .be careful out there, okay son?”

Tatsuya nodded, giving both his father and his sister(who was shocked by the news and unsure of how to react) a hug good-bye, before waving them off and double timing it down the stairs. He devoured his breakfast like a vacuum before chasing it down with a nice glass of orange juice, before bursting out of the house and setting a fast pace to the hokage building.

He arrived soon enough and only slightly out of breath, looking up at it for a bit, sick with anxiety. His hand found it’s way to Ketsui, the feeling of the sword’s handle in his hand calming him down and reminding him that this is where he wanted to be. If he was going to become a great ninja, this could be the make or break moment he’s been dreaming off to propel him down that course. Entering the building with a slight hop in his step before he quickly calmed himself down, he quickly was directed by one of the helpful staff where the meeting place was, seeing along the way for a few flyers that talked about saving the old Aviary.

“Interesting,” He thought, somewhat understanding why someone would want to keep such an old building around. It was a part of their history as a village, a sign of their empire, so to speak, so to have it torn down would be a real shame. However, it really didn’t have any use to it, and was falling into dangerous disrepair because of it. Taking it down seemed like the more practical thing to do. Food for thought, if nothing else, I suppose. Tatsuya though with a shrug, pocketing the flyer as he continued on to his destination. The staff member had told him he was in a team with a Jonin by the name Tsukiko Umene. The name rang a few bells, having heard about her from people on the street, something about her being ‘dangerously unstable’.

As he entered the room where the teams were assembled, however, he came across the sight of one older looking boy with scars threatening some girl with long hair, recognizing the girl to be one of the new police detectives and the boy to be the famed Minamoru prodigy.

I’m glad I’m not on the same team as those two. He thought, noting from what he could see that they were most certainly not friends of any sort, and that the Minamoru guy was just as intimidating as people had said, if not a bit more so. He looked around a bit until he found a woman matching the description the staff member had given him. Damn, she’s hot for ag-no, Tatsuya, focus on the mission. She’s way too old for you anyway. When he looked back up, he saw a black haired boy around his age walking up Tsukiko, seeming to be offering her chocolates. Is that just a friendly gesture, or is he trying to hit on the Jonin who’s likely way too old for him . . .weird, very weird.

Deciding that he’d done enough standing around, Tatsuya walked up to the two, clearing his throat as he approached to get their attention before introducing himself.

“Hi, I’m Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi, Genin, and it’s a pleasure to meet you both. I already know your name, Tsukiko-sensei, it’s been mentioned a bit around my father’s shop from time to time, but what are rumors and gossip. I’m sure you’re nothing like that . . . right?” He said with a somewhat nervous chuckle, before his eyes went to his companions weapons, a gleam sparking in his eye as he sensed an opportunity. “You now, speaking of my father’s shop, we focus on custom orders mostly, preferring to make a weapon of fine quality through ancient family techniques. They’re a bit pricey as a result, but definitely worth every penny spent. But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself the kind of quality you can expect from our store in my very own hand-made sword, Ketsui.”As he spoke, Tatsuya pulled his blade from his sheath, putting it out in front of him to show off the fine craftsmanship, as it held a good mix of both style and functionality to it’s design, with the latter of course taking first priority.

“Not only does it look amazing, but it even has special abilities given to it by my family’s specialized seals, inscribed into it during the forging process, though for you that would cost extra. However, if you were to purchase some of our more common wares, like a set of kunai or shuriken, I could try and convince my father to give you a discounted price.” He gave them a smile, before he re-sheathed Ketsui. taking a second to listen to the blade sing as it slid down the sheath. He held out his hand out towards whoever would be accepting of the deal. “It would, of course, have to wait until after the mission, but I promise you that it’ll be one of the finest weapons you’ve ever laid your hands on. This I promise you on my honor as a Kajiya.”


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gin Kakiyama, Hyuuga Compound, Briefing Room

It took Gin a moment to get to his feet but he managed to get there nonetheless. He didn't like his face being exposed when a mission was going to begin, it was just a weird quirk of his luckily, before he had made his way to the compound, he had packed in his bag a spare mask. Gin placed on his face as he listened to the details of the mission. His eyes showed confusion about why they were going into this home to kill the family all for a talisman but didn't say anything about it. "Any questions?" He sighed as he crossed his arms and leaned slightly to the right with his head back and cocked to the side. If anyone knew Gin, this was one of the few quirks he had when he started taking things seriously. He sighed before he scratched the back of his head and placed his hands on the table.

"Well, it seems simple enough but should we expect any other resistance besides who we are dealing with? It's a wealthy family after all. I would like to know if they have anyone with sensory abilities in their bodyguard roster but do we even have any intelligence information like that? I mean, the Mist Jutsu is great for assassination missions and other related missions like you said but if they have any sensory nins do either one of you have any jutsus that can counter them? I Just want to make sure this goes off without a hitch. I don't want Chihiro getting hurt." He looked over a Chihiro. She seemed like she was still angry with him but he only gave her light chuckle. "Then again, I know here well enough that that won't happen anyway." With that he gave her an eye smile before looking back at the pictures."But just to make sure I understand this...I will be putting up the hidden mist jutsu before we hit the three rooms. I will go for the daughter while Chihiro goes for the Talismen and you get those in the lounge. This should, if done properly, no more than 4 mins top then right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chihiro Hyūga

Gin entered the room and she rolled her eyes, picking out a suit his size and throwing it at him, he smiled and started to strip "Dont you fucking dare.." to which he laughed and shrugged going to change in the mens room. Waiting for the trick to work, Chihiro was thoroughly disappointed Jun didn't fall of it and instead changed in front of her, still leaving enough for her to wonder what the fuck gender Jun was. "Mother fuck, I'm going to solve this, Ill pull their pants down if I need to, but Im not gonna let this one slide..." she evilly plotted in her head. Her phone buzzing, she waited while Jun gave a briefing of the mission to both of them, well really to Gin since she had heard a decent amount of what the mission had already been about, and it seemed one thing was really clear, they wanted to make sure that she was going to go unharmed. It kind of annoyed her and she sighed "You guys don't have to worry about me getting hurt, as long as im not dead, im sure I can manage jeez, you guys need to worry about each other as well as yourselves, we're a team after all remember that."

Listening to Gin she pointed to certain places on the building "It should take a little longer depending on the difficulty of getting to what we need, Jun will most likely handle the lounge with a struggle more then anything since it's the most populated area and will have the most fight. As for the daughter...well that's a given that you'll probably have to face a pain in the ass amount of guards to get to her, maybe not if Jun makes a big enough noise and they call for back up, so Jun should most likely start the attack first. As for me, there's no telling where the damn talisman will be behind and what's guarding it so, it might or might not be tricky, it should be longer then four minutes that's for sure. But we should try to get out after everything happens relatively fast, so at the max hopefully only twenty minutes, that's max, that sound good?" she put her hands behind her back and waited for them to offer criticism or something of the sort.

Looking at the table, she thought for a moment, thinking about what could possible be guarding the talisman "This could quickly turn into a major pain in my ass, dammit...I really hope it's a trap more than a couple of guards. Something like that is gonna have a big bitch guarding, a very big bitch, maybe even a couple of bitches...UGHHGHGHGHGHGHGHHH" her ADHD mind went off other places, before she remembered her phone and pulled it out, quickly reading the text and replying.

>Woman, what's happening at your end? - The Gypsy.

>Ahhhhhhh, sry I'm doin a briefing with my team mates going over plans - Chi-Chan
>It fucking sucks I didn't get you on my team T.T, but it's alright babe - Chi-Chan @Akashi Mayhiro
>We'll just have to make up for some lost time...a lot of lost time lmao - Chi-Chan
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sentou Uchiha, *insert whatever lightning related alias*

Authority, most people owe it to themselves but having authority means responsibility, Sentou just pissed off a wild boar and somehow he took it way too seriously as expected, some people just can't take a joke, Sentou's smiling the whole time. She glared at him with her fully developed sharingan. "Oh.... can't take a joke when it's obviously a joke? HA!" She yawned as she slowly puts back her clothes on slowly and proclaimed her last laugh. "Grumpy people really do lack a sense of humor, don't they. Oh well, I look forward working with you, Mr. Tensai-sama." Literally meaning genius lord, the police only take orders from fellow police Jounin or any higher position of police and the Hokage and other Kage itself, if Yamato think of it the same way as listening to a mere Jounin, then he got it wrong.

The Uchiha young lady received a phone call from her police captain to which the call is handed over to a "stranger". "Oh alright? That's it. Okay...Okay. I still got a solid from you... and thanks." She said and approached Yamato. "Yo~ Captain. It's about the mission. More details that is and you're the captain so I might as well tell you first." She said while putting her clothes on and played with her phone, reading the details. "According to the mission. We know that we are heading to Itokuma Island and the extra details that entails is that we will be working with another party so, it's a first time ever Shinobi Alliance mission with us, we'll be meeting these trio on their base of operations in Itokuma Island, I figured we're not alone. Last part of the message, goodluck Yamato-chan and look forward meeting you! Says sweet honey, a pseudonym whoever that is. Oh and they got us an airship, can't say no to that and we'll meet one of them in the airship."
"P.S first investigation is at a casino." Sentou finished reading the message. "Captain, you got your phone with you?" She asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jaakuna Sawada, "The Lonely Star"

Jaakuna was just mere steps from home. At long last and after that mission that was to aid the devil herself, Jaakuna had made ithome. Even though later than he would have hoped. He hadn’t been home for at least a few days. He could already hear what his mother was going to say. You’re late. Do you have any idea how long you kept me waiting. Yup, Jaakuna could just picture his eardrums being blown up as soon as he stepped through that door.

Taking in a deep breath, Jaakuna turned the doorknob and opened the door to his house. As he opened it, he was shocked of what greeted him: a hug from his mother and sister. It was so tight that Jaakuna, for just a brief moment, felt the life of him being squeezed out.

“Why are they hugging me?” He said lowly for he was shocked and surprised.

As the hug remained, Jaakuna felt the wetness of tears on his jacket. The sounds of crying followed as he looked down at his family that embraced him and Jaakuna knew then that something was off. He knew that the sudden burst of tears and crying was not just because Jaakuna had finally gotten home. Something bad happened.

As they released him, Jaakuna looked at his mother and sister. “Tell me, what happened to make you two cry like this?” Jaakuna said, asking his family what happened.

They both looked at him. Aisha couldn’t hold her tears as she became a flowing river of tears and embraced Jaakuna. The blonde would pat her on the head, but he still looked to his mother. “Mother, please.”

Chrome sighed as if she didn’t want to say it, as if it were too painful for her to say out loud. “It’s about your brother…” Chrome said.

And then she told him about how Hideyoshi didn’t make it out of his last mission, at how he was killed in the line of duty, but the details remained fuzzy for Jaakuna. He did not hear them. All he heard was Hideyoshi and killed. It was like everything else was white noise to him. Whatever seemed real before that moment was no longer that case. Yet, Jaakuna did not break into a sobbing mess like his sister or didn’t have expressions of sadness like his mother. Jaakuna had no facial expression whatsoever.

“Dinner…I’ll make dinner. You two just rest..” Jaakuna said, completely ignoring what just happened.

“That dream again…” Jaakuna said, rising up from his bed.

Two years it’s been since he heard that news and one year since he moved out of the Sawada home and into Hideyoshi’s former apartment. With the money that Jaakuna got from that mission with that child star and the missions that followed allowed him to finally get a place of his own and with the inheritance that he got from Hideyoshi’s trust, Jaakuna was able to afford that apartment. He still remains in a state of disbelief about Hideyoshi, even after two whole years of his brother’s death.

In the year he had lived in his apartment, Jaakuna has rarely gone to visit his family. Be it cause he has been too busy with work or just the fact that he didn’t want to see them cause of Yoshi, the fact remained that the last time Jaakuna saw them was around the time that he moved out.

Hopping up from his bed, Jaakuna proceeded to gather up his clothing that he was going to wear today. He chose black pants, a maroon t-shirt, a gold and black jacket with a checkered pattern on the right side and same colored shoes.

When Jaakuna put it on, he heard a knock on his door. Walking up to see who it was, there was an Anbu Black-Ops member that had a letter in their hand that was marked with the symbol of the ANBU Black-Ops. Jaakuna took it and closed his door. He opened up the letter and it read:

Jaakuna Sawada,
Please come to the Office of the Hokage.
You are needed for an important mission.
—ANBU Black Ops

After Jaakuna read that letter, he shrugged as he grabbed his to-go bag. He knew that this mission was probably an important one since an Anbu came to hand-deliver the letter to Jaakuna personally.

Regardless of what it was, Jaakuna soon headed out

Roughly about twenty minutes of traversing through the sky thanks to his Meteor technique, which Jaakuna has been able to sustain for a full minute longer on average. It was an improvement to say the least.

When he arrived in the Hokage’s office, he was assigned to Team Yamato. Jaakuna briefly acknowledged Yamato, who has changed in these past two years. He took notice of the scars on his face and the armor he had on. He saw that there was no longer a mane of green hair on his head, but rather black and white. Or is that silver? Whatever, not like I care. Jaakuna really didn’t.

“I really don’t care if you’re the leader or not, I’m not going to call you sensei.” Jaakuna said to Yamato, “but I’ll do as the mission entails and by extension, what you command. You want me to do a stakeout, I shall do it or if you want me to fight a horde of enemies, I will do that too.” Jaakuna said, taking his eyes away from Yamato.

Next his eyes came to Sentou, his childhood friend who had been there for him during the funeral service of Hideyoshi’s funeral. At the very least one of his closest friends was still around. Jaakuna even took notice to her longer hair. It suited her. Even though Jaakuna did not feel the same way about her as he did before(he had a big crush on her), he admitted to himself that she looked good in that style.

Shin was on his team as well. From the looks of it, his friend didn’t change all that much except he was now a detective. “Never would have pegged you for a cop, Shin,” Jaakuna briefly commented as he examined the next person on their team.

The new girl, Yuna Hojo. She seemed interesting. Jaakuna had visited the Hojo bathhouses. They were well-decorated and even better accommodated for the many cliental they served. Aside from her clan’s bathhouse, Jaakuna did not know much about her. He only knew of what he heard through the grapevine and from friends. They said she’s an active activist for feminism and any kind of social situation.

“So, this is the team huh?” Jaakuna shrugged after looking at everyone.

Rin Reikan, "Jagged Bust"

“Still no word from him huh?”
“Seems like it.”
“And what about the Leaf? Are they sure that father was involved?”
“Rin, please. You know as well as I do that your Father had shady business connections and even worse, his beliefs about the Forth Mizukage and the rule that came with it all those years ago.”

Rin was going to say something, but she didn’t. No, that’s not right. She couldn’t say anything -- at least nothing that came to mind. Her father had been gone for over a year now. At first, she was glad he was gone. No more of his limited physical abuse or unlimited verbal abuse, no more of him always making her feel like a pile of shit when company was around and no more of her trying to be someone she obviously wasn’t. Yes, she was glad he was gone.

At first anyways.

As time went on, Rin realized that she missed her father’s abuse. It was like she expected it daily, as if it was something she was looking forward to, but then she realized something. All of that abuse she suffered at the hands and mouth of her father was the only one-on-one father-daughter time she had with him. It sounded silly and completely insane, but it was the truth. Rin missed all of that, but now with him gone, she couldn’t rely on the father she never had to begin with.

“Yes, you’re right. I just wish..”
“Yes I know darling. Me too.”

Without even saying anything else, Rin got up from the patio outside and would proceed to go inside. Suddenly, before she could, an Anbu Black-ops agent appeared before her and her mother.

“Lady Hana Reikan, “ He bowed to Hana and raised his head to Rin, “Young Rin, you are wanted for a mission. Proceed to the Northern Gate at once.” The Anbu said as he had disappeared just as fast as he had given Rin her new mission details.

“I guess I’m off mother.” Rin said, sighing, waving goodbye to her mother as she too departed.

“My Rin, now all grown up..” Hana stared at her daughter take her leave as a proud mother. Finally Rin came into her own.

Before Rin had left the house, she grabbed her to-go bag and went towards the gate, but it was all in a one fell swoop, so not much time passed in that regard. When Rin took to the rooftops, she saw that each leap took her closer and closer to the gate., the size of it getting larger and bigger. Each time she jumped from each rooftop, her long pink and purple hair would sway into the air and her bust going up and down with her rather schoolgirl-ish outfit.

It wasn’t long that she was at the last rooftop and with one last leaping bound, Rin landed right next to her teammates. She knew them. One of them she had been on a mission with before and that was the recently promoted Aoi. The other two, while she knew of them, she didn’t know them personally. One was of the Tendou clan. A blonde and the other of the Washi family. Both adequate shinobi, so Rin wasn’t going to bust their chops for this.

“Shit, I guess I’m the last one,” Rin said, chuckling. She eyed her team briefly before looking towards the gate, “so, are we going to go or we just going to stand here admiring the wonderful Northern Gate?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimono
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Kimono Forgotten Dreams

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yuna Hōjō


The arrival of new faces(from her respective) was simply magnifique. She watched curiously at their interactions with one another, trying to use her intuition and perception to understand their synergy and emotional logistics between one another. But she was the "new girl", so it would ultimately have to be her who would have to make an effort to fit in to their not so tight group. So much animosity it seemed, quite remarkable, or just the norm. But either way, that wasn't a good thing. "Charity case? Is that how you see this?".

Yuna squinted her eyes in a somewhat glaring manner. She crossed her arms and raised her finger in the air. "Well, let me just tell you tha...". But before she could even legitimately respond, the Minamoru Yamato fellow was verbally hankering on some girl who had proclaimed herself to be of higher authority than him. And it didn't matter that she proclaimed herself to be joking, because he wasn't. Clearly.

Perfect then. I'll go straight to the source and cut out the middle man. I like to get things done myself anyways, she thought. She continued to watch as new people arrived. One with blonde hair and a pained expression approached, seeping antipathy as he addressed their team leader. No hello, hi, how ya been, good to see you. It was a peculiar display of rebellion that Yuna thought, something definitely happened between them and I've got to find out what it is--To be truthful, she wanted to know for no reason other reason other than to just be nosy. Her mother always said her curiosity would be her downfall, or something like that. Yuna couldn't help that she was always intrigued by things. And always wanted to know about things. Thats why she loves reading all kinds of books. To be knowledgeable. It was one of her greatest loves.

After the police chick, used her phone to disclose the more in-depth details of their mission, Yuna shook her head rapidly and raised her hands in the air in front of her to get their attention. "Guys...guys, oh, and girl, hi. Umm--I'm Yuna of the Hojo Clan. Just wanted to say that I honestly have no clue who any of you guys are, as you probably didn't know who I was till just now, but I'm...". She often slurred her speech a bit to sound more approachable.

Yuna, choose your words carefully...

"intrigued to join your...loving family and to see how this goes.", she awkwardly finished. Loving family? Seriously? Ugh. What the hell was I thinking. She smiled affectionately to them all, her extremely feminine face radiantly trying to appease the intense atmosphere. "But ummm...I'm kind of the type of person who likes to get things done, and...to get them done in a timely manner. And On top of that, there is this meeting I'm hosting later this evening to save the Aviary, which I'd love for you all to sit in on of course. However, if we could move this along, I'd sincerely grateful to all of you."

She elegantly clasped her hands together in front of herself and smiled softly with her eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aoi Don Maquia

Aoi blushed as her girlfriend kissed her nose, she loved that and it made her extra happy that her lover actually took the care to remember and deliver at such a moment. Hand on hand, they walked toward the designated destination, the walk taking a little while but they left early enough to arrive on time. Aoi noticed Shouken who was patiently waiting for the duo, never once making it occur to Aoi's head that they were maybe late, but that lack of self-consciousness wasn't going to be a strong point in the clown's leadership. Like the typical person, she bowed to the individual and looked around for the missing member while Akio righteously introduced him. Hopping on the top of the gate, she went on lookout to find the ice user coming inbound.

Before she jumped down to greet the more mature looking female, she noticed the extent of how much she did mature: The bouncing masses on Rin's chest were the main cause of Aoi's pupils moving in an erratic way. But it'd end quickly as the mission was of much greater importance at this point. Jumping back down, she took another ridiculous pose before her group of little ones, making a somewhat colorful intro since she was the best Jonin around after all. Releasing a batch of confetti to seal the deal of ridiculousness, she was indeed trying to mark her new and first students.

"Okay everyone! Souken! Rin! Akio~! I'm Aoi-Sensei and I... Will be your guy to that desert place I forgot the name..."

She had a stream of amnesia strike her mind as she forgot the major village they were going to visit, grabbing the map she had stored earlier before the mission had started and unwrapped it to study its contents. She looked at the multiple drawn lines that indicated different destinations and what not, figuring where was Konoha in all this before searching for anything else. Konoha had the big green leaf on it so it was easy to find, however the sand place was a lot more difficult. He index finger followed a specific trail until she reached the word "Sunagakure", that must be it and it rang a bell.

"SUNAGAKURE! That's where we're going~ So... We can talk planning when RUNNING!"

She turned hands balled into fists and pressed against her sides as she looked at the exit of the village. She looked up to the various fork of paths presented at the exit, and one was going to lead toward Sunagakure. Right, left, middle... The typical choice in fairy tails. Unsure on how to proceed, she blatantly estimated the direction they should take based on a gross interpretation. They were going left, when in reality the best route would be through Motorani path, the one in the center. Unsure as to what she really did, she turned her head to face Akio with a somewhat worried look she could easily interpret. She was a bit aware that she wasn't that good in orientation and had just a hunch that this wasn't the right way.


N.C.4 zoned out as it stared almost blankly in the hologram as the others were exposing their own thoughts and estimations on the mission at hand. It seemed almost disconnected from what they were saying, like it had no interest in their input, however the reality of it was that it saved the data they were exposing and adding any relevant idea into its mind's process, essentially calculating the many possible alternatives by considering every factor available. Many were false, a few were right, but in the end the plan remained firm. The hidden mist technique would have to be used the instant the first drop of blood would be spilled. This would require them to act fast and the amount of time they were giving themselves was beyond exorbitant compared to the dire situation they will be in.

"2 Minutes and 56 seconds. With a 10 second margin of error. Your acquired skills and the probable alternatives leave me to conclude that this mission would be terminated within that time span."

The bot would then proceed to extracting a scroll from its leftover clothes and activated its contents, releasing three spherical objects which it would then hurl toward its two colleagues and keeping one of itself. They were special bombs meant for high collateral damage, well established for this kind operation. Randomly cracking its neck by tilting its head, it manipulated the table's machinery to finally close off the hologram. It gave a quick glace to its colleagues, making sure they were ready so they could continue the briefing in the transport they were going to use.

"We must go. Now."

It solemnly ordered as it make a complete 180 spin to exit the room and enter the center area of the Hyuuga mansion, awaiting the planned and secure limousine the 11th Corp had prepared just for them. Right on time, it entered through the clan's front gate and parked itself right at the center, ready to greet the heir and the bodyguards. A chauffeur walked out of the diver's seat and promptly went to open the passengers' so the group could enter. N.C.4 would be the first to walk in, insuring maximum security, while the two others were to follow and install themselves into the bowels of the vehicle.

The inside was fancy, all black but without a seat belt to be seen. It was lit by many neon-like lights to add style and luxury to the Princess' travel. There was also a minibar farther back where they could have a drink. N.C.4 sat itself straight on the seat right next to the opened door, as if it was guarding the door from the very beginning. It stayed calm until the car would depart, with only the three Chuunin warriors in the limousine.

"Mister Gin. Your swordsmanship has been commended as great. However, your general prowess is much inferior to that of us both ... Hiro wields the Byakugan, making her suited perfectly for the role of gatherer. You will be solely tasked of creating the mist and neutralizing the daughter, Fi. Nothing more. None of you will commence the assault with every member of the meeting neutralized. This feat will be done by me alone, do not intervene. You will place your bomb in the area you've accomplished your primary goal. Over 3 minutes and 30 seconds, Protocol Beta will activate."

It said as if it was giving a speech, giving zero opportunity for both of them to speak until it was done. It had no qualms in exposing the weaknesses of one of its colleagues, never going to the point of sugar coating it and directly reminding him of his inferiority compared to the two others. It did however hide the fact that he was more of a safety tool if anything were to go sour. His life was completely expendable and depended solely on the success of this mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Assassin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shouken Washi

"The Oasis"


Shouken noticed Rin approaching and realized she was the teammate they were waiting on. She didn't really pay him much mind, but it never phased him for he returned the favor. Shouken did however admire her appearance which lead to him glancing at all 3 of his squadmates and coming to the realization that he was in a squad with 3 beautiful homosexuals. He giggled to himself at the thought as it quickly escaped his mind being less important than the mission at hand. His eyes squinted and his grin expanded as he watched Aoi cluelessly debate which route to take.

He understood the Kage's decision but would have thought a more experienced Jonin for the mission. However, Shouken trusted the Kage's judgement and would remain loyal to Aoi at all costs. He was glad to have such a talented ninja in control.

"Not questioning your authority, Aoi-sensei, but may I suggest the Motorani Path?"

He made sure his tone was correct and that he made it clear that there was no 'smartassness' in his tone. The Motorani path was the route he and his father used when they moved to Konoha. Even though he was very young, Shouken still knew it pretty well and was more than confident that it was the fastest and safest way.

He noticed Aoi's gaze fixed on Akio so he immediately directed the question towards her, believing she may 'wear the pants' in the relationship.

"Unless you know a better route, Akio-Chan?"

His focus shifted to the Kunoichi, awaiting her reply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Daiki pulled his white-t down and donned his trousers. The morning had been filled with mental battles, challenging workouts, and of course a delicious breakfast made by Avaron; who had taken it upon herself to move in with him. It was a small cabin he had his family construct for him outside the reach of the compound in the wilderness of the Leaf. The next few hours flew by as he cleaned himself and found his usual ninja attire.

Being away from the others had its ups and ultimately was better for him, especially since he had become a Jonin. Leading missions and acquiring a sharp instinct for combat, cooperation, and understanding had changed him. Avaron, who had declared they were to be together, was left disappointed as he kept her at arm's length. A night of pleasure every once in awhile revealed that he cared but he was never willing to fully commit, he wasn't sure he was ready to be involved with someone yet, even if everyone else saw otherwise.

Daiki headed out with a short wave after receiving an abrupt message from an Anbu. The flat mask was detailed with winding red paint. Once inside the building, he noticed the others from his past. Aoi and Yamato, along with himself had been promoted to Jonin; and with his avid use of the Sharingan, Yamato and his rivalry couldn't had been more brutal.

Once the briefing was done, Daiki—who had a mighty growth spurt over the years—waited outside on the opposite end of Yamato's own team. Reihana Minarmoru, her name had stuck out to him for obvious reasons and he could only hope she wasn't like her elder brother. Lucky for him, she approached him with a kind smile and cheery attitude. Daiki smiled at her before gently kicking off the wall and holding a hand out towards her to shake.

Excited shouldn't be the word but I'm glad you're enthusiastic about this. This mission will be … ambitious if not dangerous. The Hokage is playing a dangerous game with these Jashin Worshipers.” Saying those words reminded him of her kidnapping. His eyes softened as he placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

Are you afraid, Rei? I know it was a while back but scars like those don't heal easily. Back then, your brother protected you. Will I need to do the same?” The question was rhetorical and filled with a indecisive tension.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 2 days ago

Akio Tendou

Like Aoi, Akio couldn't help but notice Rin's generous bust size, having to remind herself that the girl was only 15 years old. She didn't stare like the harlequin, however, it was more of a casual glance that lasted a little bit longer than neccessary, her shock noted by the slight widening of her eyes. If those get any bigger, she's going to end up needing a back brace before long. But seriously, what the hell are they feeding that girl? Makes you wonder about if what they say growth hormones in the food is actually true? Then again, she could just be naturally well-endowed, I've never seen her mother so it's certainly possible that Reikan women are just like that. But still . . . fucking hell, they're huge! Her observations were cut short, however, by Aoi's usual antics. When she forgot where it was they were going, Akio couldn't help but shake her head and sigh a little. She loved Aoi more than anything, but she really wished she'd be more attentive, especially as a Jonin. She was to be the best the village nad to offer, and while her silliness was charming and adorable, Akio wished she'd tone it down a bit on missions.

When Aoi got confused on which route to take, Akio was conflicted in whether to sigh again, or tease Aoi a bit beause her worried face was just so cute to see. Luckily, the situation was taken out of her hands by Shouken, who reminded Aoi of the correct way in a respectful manner, and even asked Akio for her opinion. Huh, he may not look too impressive, but at least he knowsa thing or two about respect.

"I was just about to suggest the same, Shouken, but I like the intiative." Akio said, giving thr younger chunin a nod before heading down the correct path with Aoi. Thinking back on it, Akio couldn't blame her significant other's forgetfulness too much, as Akio may have . . . 'distracted' her once or twice while they were going over the plans for the mission.

Shaking the less than pure imagery from her head, Akio turned to the other two as they made their way to Suna.

"Okay, My thoughts on the plan are simple, once we meet with the Suna rep, we'll travel,around the village to see if we can get more info amongst the rumors and gossip if need be. If they give us enough info from the start, we should start combing the desert for clues among the areas where the kidnapping tends to happen and see what we can find out from there." Akio then focused on Shouken, remembering a detail about him that could prove useful in coming events. "Shouken, do you keep in contact with any old friends in Suna who might know something about the kidnappings? It would also help if you knew your way around the dunes, but you haven't been to Suna for a long time, right, so it's understandable if you don't."

Akio was really hoping the boy had at least kept in touch with his old home, as having a source on the inside could really help with the info gathering. People tended to open up more if one was from the same villageasyou then if you're and outsider asking questions. With her piece said, Akio opened the plan to the floor with a wave of her hand.

"So, any questions, additions, and/or concerns about the plan?"



@Altered Tundra
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gin Kakiyama, Hyuuga Compound

Though no one could see it under his mask, Gin had frowned when he heard the amount of time they had to complete the mission. That's a pretty tight window but I think we can manage." He looked over to Chihiro, his eyes squinted before giving his usual "smile", not as perverted but more along the lines as a caring friend. He caught the scroll that was tossed to him as he glanced over at NC4 before promptly turning 90 degrees to depart from the briefing room all the while contemplating on what to expect when he got to his objective. He stopped at the entrance of the manor and gestured for Chihiro to go first, the smile never left his face. As Chihiro would move past him he would silently follow suit and into the limousine. He sat down and looked around the limousine before pulling out a bottle of water and having a sip of it.

"Mister Gin. Your swordsmanship has been commended as great. However, your general prowess is much inferior to that of us both ... Hiro wields the Byakugan, making her suited perfectly for the role of gatherer. You will be solely tasked of creating the mist and neutralizing the daughter, Fi. Nothing more. None of you will commence the assault with every member of the meeting neutralized. This feat will be done by me alone, do not intervene. You will place your bomb in the area you've accomplished your primary goal. Over 3 minutes and 30 seconds, Protocol Beta will activate." If Chihiro looked at him while NC4 said this, she would notice that in his brief moment when he was about ask her something the smile that he wore disappeared almost instantaneously as he looked at her, not a trace of his usual perverse smile crossed his face but replaced with an icy glare with a trace of agitation that was focused in NC4 in a side glance. He said nothing for a moment, something he was used to doing. But within the two years that he remained in Konaha with the fight against Yamato that was needless to say disgraceful, and dealing with the arrogance and ignorance of some of the other ninja, he decided enough was enough.

"No-no...You don't know a fucking thing about me you cunt..." His voice was calm but with a steely edge to it. He leaned back and placed his hands behind his head while he stared at NC4 and watched her body language. " Inferior? Why because I don't have the Byakugan? You don't need some bloodline limit to be a good combatant. "Protocol beta," guess if the time frame goes it blows up anyway, huh?. Look I'm not some expendable piece of shit you fucking bitch. You want this mission to go by easily, you'll give me the fucking respect I want and deserve, otherwise find another way to make yourself some cover because you won't get it from me." He sat there in silence, undeterred from what he said. In the past he would have just been bluffing but this time he meant it, at least not for NC4. She could probably handle her own but he wouldn't provide her the cover.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chihiro Hyūga

"Mister Gin. Your swordsmanship has been commended as great. However, your general prowess is much inferior to that of us both ... Hiro wields the Byakugan, making her suited perfectly for the role of gatherer. You will be solely tasked of creating the mist and neutralizing the daughter, Fi. Nothing more. None of you will commence the assault with every member of the meeting neutralized. This feat will be done by me alone, do not intervene. You will place your bomb in the area you've accomplished your primary goal. Over 3 minutes and 30 seconds, Protocol Beta will activate."

"That's a tad bit harsh now Ju-" she looked at Gin who was no longer his usual stuff.

"No-no...You don't know a fucking thing about me you cunt..." His voice was calm but with a steely edge to it. He leaned back and placed his hands behind his head while he stared at NC4 and watched her body language. "Inferior? Why because I don't have the Byakugan? You don't need some bloodline limit to be a good combatant. "Protocol beta," guess if the time frame goes it blows up anyway, huh?. Look I'm not some expendable piece of shit you fucking bitch. You want this mission to go by easily, you'll give me the fucking respect I want and deserve, otherwise find another way to make yourself some cover because you won't get it from me."

"ENOUGH! FOR FUCKS SAKES!" looking at Jun "I dont give a damn if you're the mission leader or smartest or strongest, we are a team, so we will act as a team and we will all get the fuck along together, like one big fucking friendship family, IS THAT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH?! YES? ALRIGHT! SO FOR THE REST OF THE FUCKING CAR RIDE, HOW ABOUT WE PLAY THE MOTHER FUCKING QUIET GAME? EH! YEAH THAT SOUNDS REAL FUCKING NICE I THINK, FUCKING CHRIST!" she glared at the both of them and put a strand of hair behind her ear. Tucking the scroll into her bag, she tapped her leg impatiently and crossed her arms, looking out the window. "This fucking...god dammit I get stuck with two who cant even pretend to like each other, I just wanted a simple mission, but no Im stuck with a borderline robot she he, and now a pissed off Gin..." looking at her phone she sighed, no texts...

> "Hope you aren't mad me babe..." - Chi-Chan @Akashi Mayhiro
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Yamato Minamoru, “Young Master”

“Watashi wa Kami, I am God.”

From nowhere Momoi appeared. Yamato had little knowledge of her besides hear-say, but he wasn't going to be bothered with that now. He simply answered her question, firmly as always. “No, Daiki is still inside. Dogs are not that fast. Rei is inside with him. I guess we will wait for your slow team.” He didn't bother to open his eyes, still leaning back his head against the office building, trying his best to keep himself calm. It was proving more challenging than ever before. Momoi spoke, also, of Sentou, to which Yamato simply answered again with no real emotion or anything of that sort. “None of your concern, Gypsy.

Yamato's eyes opened with an annoyed look, shooting Sentou an annoyed look as she continued to say stupid things. Claiming, now, that it was a joke all along. Sure. “Jokes are meant to be funny. Just shut up.” he simply said, his eyes closing again as he leaned his head back against the office building. Just his luck. First S-ranked mission, and he was immediately stuck with a new girl, a stuck up rent-a-cop and the most emotional guy in this entire village. Maybe Daiki would switch place with him.. it was probably less bad to lead Rei than it was to lead these idiots.

Speaking of the most emotional guy in the village, he arrived after missing pretty much the entirety of the briefing. Ofcourse he would. He immediately put up a tough guy attitude to which Yamato could only laugh softly, hearable only to those close to him. It was a mocking laugh, one of those laughs that just speaks books about what Yamato really thought. If this was two years ago, Yamato might've tried to punch Jaakuna for having such a big fucking mouth, but now Yamato really had nothing to prove to these idiots. He was above them - each and every one of them. And despite what Sentou might think, fake-joking or not, he was above her too. She'd listen to his orders or get left behind - if he didn't outright kill her for treason.

“I don't give a fuck what you call me Jaakuna, as long as you do as I say.” Slowly he moved his head forwards and opened his eyes, looking at the small group near him. Momoi, Sentou, Shin, Jaakuna, Yuna.. What a bothersome group of people. It was like watching the biggest group of fuck-ups as they try to do something worthwhile. Jaakuna said something among the lines of 'this is the team, huh?' to which Yamato could only snicker. “Can you call it a team?” he said, taking a step forwards. With his step his battle armour produced sounds of metal rummaging against metal. It was ofcourse only partial plate - there was no way Yamato was sacrificing movement for protection. So the plates only covered vital areas such as his front and back. He wanted to have some quiet for now, there'd been enough talking for now and the only people they were waiting on really were Rei and Daiki, who were both still inside. Yamato couldn't really do anything but grumble at it - Daiki was on he same rank as him and he didn't really feel like it'd be a good thing to argue with Daiki now.

Speaking of teams, Yuna decided only now that she'd introduce herself. She also spoke (again) of that stupid Aviary. And then she asked if they could hurry up. Motherfucker.. this team was already filled to the brim with idiots who thought that they'd have something to say. Without adjusting his body to face Yuna, he simply faced away from everyone as he looked into the distance. “Don't worry about timeliness. You won't be home tonight. This mission has been set up to last several day - we're not doing a singular operation. This is much bigger - why do you think there were two teams put on this mission. It looks like you'll have to cancel your aviary meeting.”

That said, if they ever wanted to get done, they'd have to actually leave. So where was Daiki.. as if speaking of the devil, Yamato noticed him coming out of the building with Rei and setting up across the way from Yamato to divert the teams. That'd work, but most of Daiki's team was already near Yamato, given that Momoi had moved over to him, and Shin had stuck with Sentou it seemed. “Alright team, let's go.” he said, ringing his voice through the area as he set forwards to go meet with Daiki. His eyes were filled with annoyance, for once not because he saw Daiki, but because his team was just so damn annoying. Yamato walked up to Daiki and stood in front of him, ready to discuss some things, making sure to maintain a distance between Daiki and Yamato, and everyone else. It wasn't their place to hear everything. Despite their state as 'nemesis' of eachother, they had to make due with this mission, and Yamato was smart enough to realize that, and mature enough to act on it. He spoke to Daiki in a rather normal way, as it was now time for the mission, and as such they'd have to temporarily forget that they hate eachother. It stayed on the back of Yamato's mind, obviously, but he had grown enough in the past two and a half years to let that be what it was. “We have to head to Itokuma island, in the island waves. I think we can move at a speedy, but leisurably pace. No need to rush us into exhaustion the very first day, I think. Agreed? Good. Your team seems to be complete and so is mine, so we're about ready to get moving. Ready, Daiki?”

For Yamato's standards that was a reasonably fair, no, beyond fair talk, as he spoke even more friendly than he ever had, let alone to Daiki. But there was a reason for that. Daiki had gotten stronger ever since becoming a jonin. It was needless to say that Yamato still had the upper hand, and he would absolutely win in a fight - but this was no longer a beatdown if it ever came to it. It'd be a hard earned fight for Yamato, as Daiki was no longer just a pushover. And that was worthy of respect from Yamato, even if Daiki was still a Naito piece of trash.

As soon as Daiki gave the okay - possibly after actually meeting his team, whom all had decided to stay with Yamato - Yamato's voice would ring through the area once more. “Alright, shut up, and let's move.” And with that they started moving towards their target, with Yamato and Daiki at the front. And between them, Yamato held a deadly silence. He focussed completely on trying to think of what was going to happen, but honestly, he had no idea. They were meeting with a trio of people according to Sentou and her random bouts of information, and then they were subdueing the Jashinists.. truthfully, that means anything can happen. He tried to think of what to do if they got double crossed by the trio of shinobi. He maintained a fast, but do-able speed. Doing that, they'd arrive while only worn down a tiny bit, sacrificing speed for stamina-maintenance.

Reihana Minamoru, “Little Master”

“For the Minamoru, everything.”

Rei grabbed a hold of Daiki's hand with a smile, shaking it softly and gently like a girl of her stature should. She listened carefully to his words, before answering him. “That's alright, I'm sure we'll be fine. You and Yamato are here after all. And I can h-” She was slightly interrupted when his hand grabbed her shoulder for, according to Rei, no reason. The interruption was excused, as Rei had a light voice and it was totally possible that he just hadn't heard her, given the noise the crowd around them was producing. Perhaps meeting in the plaza in front of the Hokage's office wasn't so smart..

His next words shook Rei a bit, causing her to be silent for a few moments before her face contorted into an angry, very very angry face. She had the look of a woman who bursted, and women that burst are crazy as hell, everyone knew this. “Bakayaro! Konoyaro! I can perfectly handle myself, back then I was a little kid who wanted to be a medical nin, now I am a real shinobi! Graaah, I'll kick your ass Daiki!!” she yelled at him, eyes full with womanly anger, even going so far that her eyes turned darker. But she regained her composure quickly, very quickly, switching from angry to happy in the blink of an eye. A short girlish giggle came from her mouth as she looked at Daiki's face, wondering if he got scared just then. Maybe he even saw something of Yamato in her? Oh, that'd be cool to hear, she thought. “Hihi, sorry Daiki-kun. I'm not a little girl anymore and I can't wait to prove my worth to you and Yamato! So if you think you need to protect me, think again. Just make sure to call me when you! yourself need protection.”

That was when Yamato arrived, and walked up to Daiki. Rei had been in Yamato's life long enough to know that he'd want her to move away a bit, so she just waved at Daiki and smiled, proclaiming “Bye!”, before walking away and looking at the team in front of her. She tried to figure out who to talk with, her eyes going over the group. Shin, Jaakuna.. Sentou.. Momoi.. god. She wished Giichi and Rin were on this mission, then she would atleast be in a team with people she knew. But this was the perfect chance to meet new people. Gently she would walk up to Yuna, waving at her and smiling at her. “Hello, I'm Rei Minamoru! Glad to meet you!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Meanwhile at Shimizu

Government: Republic Democratic
Leader: Prime Minister, Shin's Grandfather

The land of unity located at the northern gulf of the fire country, neighboring countries are Stone and Lightning, a country lies in between its neighbors, Shimizu The Land of Unity. Centuries ago and after the war Naruto and Sasuke co-founded Shimizu and so made it a central hub for ninjas alike, Samurai, and non ninja. The purpose of this country is unity and peace, uniting a force that is to be reckoned, the citizens of Shimizu are mixed and all came from various villages especially and respectively from the five great nations and as time passes by Shimizu is recognized as a sovereign estate and a country that represents peace, unity, and freedom. What best describes the country is simply united nations.

Shimizu, total view

"Technological breakthroughs enhances lives!"

A country like no other, Shimizu is one of the most advanced countries on par with the Rain and Lightning Villages in terms of modernization, it flourishes and surpasses the hidden leaf in every aspect possible. The country is surrounded by pure water as to where the country got its name hence Shimizu meaning pure water. Technology in Shimizu, so advanced that the skyscrapers, roads, fashion, and vehicles are to die for that its population increases drastically, yearly.

The capital city is named Shimizu like its country, wherever you go technology is always a spot on, ranging from modern ninja tools, vehicles, and buildings, name it, it is all there. After all Shimizu meaning pure itself brings out the fullest expectation of pure technology livelihood and recreational slices of architectural styles such as roads, buildings etc from various countries. It is to make everyone feel at home and reminisce the traditions of the respective countries that one may came from but not all are like that, after all this is Shimizu.

Shimizu, the capital

The capital of Shimizu is indeed an advanced city from the looks of it but let us not be deceived by appearance alone. The city is where most activities take place such as industrialized works, projects, God of Shinobi Games, various workplace and many more. People who stay in the capital are workaholic people, most of them but not really. These people are considered the ones who keeps business running, they are contributes of society and building the future foundations and foundations of Shimizu. Living in the capital is very costly although it is advisable and a hot recommendation by people, it is not an easy life as one has to work 10 hours a day minimum and work at a complex schedule, the wage is high and it is not easy to earn it, no wonder why a lot of people work in the capital to earn as much as they can.

Gonba Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant

Shimizu consists of various mix of the great five villages and more. Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant invested by Gonba Ichiraku in honor of the Ramen Guy totally makes the restaurant one of the Its and must eat places in Shimizu.

Notable Places in Shimizu



A meeting is held at the Five Kage Summit in an unknown location, perceived as underwater submarine fashion in Shimizu, here a meeting is held as the Five Kage Summit!
The Shinobi Alliance Council
13th Hokage, Zeno Hakarasu

The one and only Hokage of the leaf, Zeno Hakarasu the Hokage of the leaf.
9th Kazekage, Marina

Descendant of Gaara, the latest Kazekage of the Sand Village. Loud and impulsive. She is only 22 years old and one of the youngest Kages in history.

10th Tsuchikage, Tsubaki

The judgemental, spiteful, and arrogant Tsubaki, the Tsuchikage of the Stone.

10th Raikage, Raima

The Raikage of the Clouds, Raima; the strongest lightning user alive surpassing even the likes of Sentou Uchiha. She doesn't get along well with the Kazekage as they are alike although she's more rational. Raima is only 25 years old and had been a Kage since she was 15 and she's the youngest Raikage to ever lead her country. She's also one of the youth Kages among the Kage like Marina.

14th Mizukage, Setsura Reikan

The "James Bond" and handsome D.I.L.F of the 5 Kage. Setsura rarely gives a crap or never at all gives a crap to what anyone is talking about. Instead he works at his own pace by deducing everything they have just said. He's a nice guy and dislikes dealing with such excruciating long periods of meetings. He keeps his expression as cold stare of not giving a crap.

Councilman, Ryuuji Muramasa

Discussions about nuking Itokuma Island intensifies as the Five Kage and councilman Muramasa continues to feud. There's only three days before the final decision comes to reality, so far he is the aggressor and pro nuking the island plagued with Jashin. Mizukage is against them as well as Zeno whereas Tsuchikage and Raikage are in full agreement with Ryuuji and so far 6 council members are still not in terms of agreeing with Ryuuji, Tsuchikage, and Raikage. They are being broadcasted live as a live meeting.

"The only way to end the Jashin is to wipe them all out in an instant and that's why Fury is required." Muramasa said with assurance that the most rational way is blowing up the island. The rest are not happy about this because there are plenty of innocents.

Marina replied. "OH COME ON YOU STUPID OLD MAN! There are plenty of innocent people out there and it's only 80% of the island infested by Jashin worshipers for sure---." Before she could continue, Raima stops her.
"Quit yapping bitch. It's been 40 years since our previous leaders have been dealing with this crap. What makes you think there is another way? Every year, countless men are sent to end this shit but forty years?! FOR FORTY YEARS UGH! Nothing has happened and to think that old man Gaara wasn't able to do a thing about it, I don't expect you to have a solution to this problem as well." Calling her names in an nonprofessional manner casually as well as mocking her ancestry and ancestor, the Raikage and Kazekage argued like the usual teenage girls like as if they are fighting over a boy or on a beauty pageant.

"Heh? Is your body as big as your brain, Raima? If you think nuking the island is a solution then you're wrong. A lot of people are going to die." They continued arguing with impractical words from sequence to sequence, it took about 4 minutes of yapping at each other until Ryuuji silences them.

"Silence young ladies." Zeno said. "True. For forty years non of our world leaders were able to end such uprising but there's no time for having regrets. What happened in the past is for us to solve, causing such destruction will just agitate the citizens of the Mist and like I said before, it can cause a world war. Be mindful that whatever decision we make will affect countless lives, not only today but generations after, it is like a domino. One slip and chaos will emerge. Destroy Itokuma, you do realize that it will only breed hatred and protestants as well as people gunning for revenge don't you, Raikage, Tsuchikage, Councilman Ryuuji?

The Tsuchikage yawns. "Like what the heck, sometimes an earthquake has to happen in order to shake people up and those who remain are the ones unshaken. Clearly, those unshaken will transform as diamonds, destroying Itokuma is the most possible action. We can just rebuild it and the heck. What part of shake did you not understand, Hokage? You have to crush a stone if it's not worthy, natural selection. These people are weak and only the strong remains. Surely, the 5 Kage have the power to end such conflict but we're no Naruto and Sasuke. We can go in there with a plan or without a plan. Let me remind you that, every year our people have to keep dying because of us leaders? Sending anyone in Itokuma is suicide I tell you. Blow up the island for fucksake badabingbadaboom! SPLAT! After all what's the point of saving those people if they don't do shit themselves and act hostile towards our men, none of them can tell the difference between ally and enemy. Not only that but you fuckers are not so attentive. How the fuck can you fail to see this!" Tsuchikage shows a bunch of temples.

He continues. "These temples are being summoned every time some weird shit happens with the Jashin. Talk about fashionista on architecture, these cultists had been building monuments for the past forty years!" He yelled and pointed out the facts and Jashin's motive. Zeno added. "You are indeed correct, Tsuchikage. These temples, according to my policemen, Kaito Maru and Seijuro Uchiha based on the info they got from our deceased men; countless slaves were used to build these temples or monuments and the end result was morbid, after the building the temple, the slaves are offered as a sacrifice for their God, Jashin. This is complete madness and idiotic. The boo--."

The ladies were silently listening to the information that is being said to them.

Ryuuji enters the conversation. "Not just monument. Temple of the promised or simply put it HAVEN. Have you ever heard that these temples are just one to make name for themselves and to worship their moniker." He seemed to have went off topic for a little while. The lady kages in unison replied. "AND YOUR POINT IS?" The Kages attention got lost in the flow of the debate as well when Ryuuji starts spouting out weirdness.

"We'll continue this meeting later at 6pm." He walks out of the room. All the Kages were speechless. The Mizukage on the otherhand got last minute curiosity but still he doesn't give a fuck.

Sentou Uchiha

The meeting between Kage and the council is not yet over. It cuts to the teams headed and geared for the suicide mission that had failed for forty years. Team Yamato and Team Daiki made their move and together they board the airship that was given to them by the Shinobi Alliance Party that is on their side and as they advance they are already in the airship. Surprisingly, Sentou didn't expect the Captain of the Airship would be Maya Yamanaka

Both of them raised their voice on each other like as if they are on each others throats, they give each other hug as a greeting of long time no see. Maya Yamanaka is the woman that Sentou, Shin, and Rin met two and a half years ago, she is their close acquaintance and offers them transportation and shinobi tools, she's the common transporter lady in Konoha as most people would rent her stuff. The airship is on camouflage mode and auto-pilot mode.

Inomaya "Maya" Yamanaka

"Using my maiden surname just to attract boys nonetheless, I am married!"

"I guess that's all of you. Your mission will be three days, I'll see you around then." She said and gave them scrolls of ninja tools:
Boruto's elemental bombs sealed in generic seals and on scrolls. (Major spoiler for those who haven't watched Boruto.)

After such time the two teams reached the base of operations that they are in. From there they will meet the trio:

These Shinobi are called the Gekidomikka meaning furious three. They aren't just shinobis. Kanata Futami the blonde hair guy is from the land of lightning, he is a master of magnet release, Misaki Tokugawa, the oranged haired girl in a boy's outfit is a Samurai and is a master of Iaido and gender unknown, and the black haired dude whose named Hiroshi is a Shimizu citizen, he is a master archer. Altogether they are from Shimizu the land of unity.

Our shinobis are greeted with a display of harmony, "Let me love you~ Baby! I can't help but falling in love with you! Oh yeah~" Kanata is singing while playing his acoustic guitar, Misaki plays the tambourine while Hiroshi beatboxes. "Welcome, Konoha Shinobi! Welcome Konoha Shinobi! Welcome Konoha Shinobi! WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! Let's make some love, throw it out on the top, bottomless ice, let us love you!" Their singing eases the mood and they sparkle while humming and lastly they wink.

Without any rush, the boys took the girls. Kanata flirts with Reihana and Yuna and dragged her gently on the coffee table. "Ojou-sama, would you like a drink? You must be tired." He said with a handsome tone and offers a white clean and hot towel to her and sat beside her with his arm over her shoulder. "Kanata Futami. Nice to meet you, Reihana-sama, Yuna-sama. Yuna my great lord, your bath house is where I want to be and forever will I spend with you, Rei-sama." He winks at Rei with the divided attention but he still is fabulous.

Then to Momoi is Hiroshi. "Oh, you are a beautiful Goddess! Punish me all you like, Momoi-sama but first let me offer you a taste of freedom. "Would you like a booze? And then you can punish me all you like!"

Last but not least to Sentou who got herself in a weird situation as worse as Aoi would do to her. The girl or boy, simply put it androgynous orange haired person grabbed Sentou tightly, pressing her in the wall, threatening her to take off her clothes and was harassing and abusing her. "TAKE OF YOUR CLOTHES, I'm gonna give you the best day of your life! HURRY THERE'S NO TIME!" She said while she's attemtping to strip Sentou anyway by taking off her police tie first. "Oh come on let go of m---." And then she got a kiss to the lips.

An unexpected meeting! To think that their ally would be a bunch of sadist, masochist, and playboy!

Looks like the trio did their research on the Konoha Shinobi. Meanwhile the boys are ignored heavily like as if they don't exist at all.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Gypsy

"Hmmm...Fair call then, Taicho." The blonde haired girl stood back as Yamato answer her questions, she didn't really care if he hadn't answered her, both ways she was satisfied with the outcome. "So the rumours were true, you act like the calm and collected type, far from the younger self." she mused before grinned again and bowed to him "The Gypsy looks forward to working with you on this mission!" true to his word Daiki had exited out of the building with a younger white haired girl "Ah, speaking of the devil." her eye gleamed with amusement at her REAL leader. "Oi! Shirou-taicho!" totally regarding his real name and his ranking. The Gypsy had called him back the name of the main character of a manga she was currently reading. She was willing to put everything on the like that Shirou and Daiki were twins- however that was 2 years ago. Now he looked more manly.

"Ah, sorry Sorry, i didn't mean to call you that, Daicho!" she placed her hand on her hip as looked at him with a grin. "Pleasure to be working with you, name's Momoi Hiromoto Yasei! Or just call me Gypsy!" she wagged a finger at him "No Suffix please, The gypsy hates that." Her attention turned to the white haired girl next to him. "Hey there, the Gypsy hasn't seen you before." walking towards her she held her gloved fist towards her, hoping to get a fistbump back "Just call me Gypsy, Snow white. Pleasure to be working with you as well."

It was Yuna's turn to speak...but she was mumbling a lot, so she tuned her out and stared at the clouds, still waiting for the fistbump. As the girl finshed her introduction. The blonde haired girl looked at her with dead eyes.

"The Gypsy doesn't like you, If you're going to impress me and actually believe that you can be a valuable teammate, show me." she answered back "I'm going to pass on you little Aviary, sorry."

Her Phone Vibrated inside her jacket, using her free hand she pulled out her phone.

>Ahhhhhhh, sry I'm doin a briefing with my teammates going over plans - Chi-Chan
>It fucking sucks I didn't get you on my team T.T, but it's alright babe - Chi-Chan
>We'll just have to make up for some lost time...a lot of lost time lmao - Chi-Chan

>It's fine Chi-chan, i'm doing the same here. It does suck that the old farts haven't realised that we are the best tag-team in the hidden leaf! :( I'm going to hold you to that...after all. You won the bet, remember ;3

Chuckling to herself she received another message

>Hope you aren't mad me babe... - Chi-Chan

>Not in this lifetime, i love you to death! ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ
> Urgh, this yuna girl reminds me to that lady that was really a dude...this chick is giving me the creeps...at least i think it's a chick..every heard of the girl called Yuna Hōjō? @AgentFallenSoul

Pocketing her phones once more, Yamoto overviewed the mission they were going to undertake. The blonde hair girl nodded as she cleared out all perverted and unnecessary thoughts. Hell, without anyone known, her pulled out a small notebook and scribbled down main pointers of the mission "It's bad to underestimate anything in the mission. Guess i'll have to think ahead while thinking with the squad...." humming to herself while keeping an ear out for any important info.

As The Young master finished his briefing. The girl pocketed her stuff once more and slammed her fist into her open palm. "Let's get this train rolling!"
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