Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Character you wish to play: Ardam 'Leopard' Pardalis

Race: Human

Faction: The Imperial Remnant, Nominally

Background: Ardam's history is a common one. He was born in a small village, on the Agri World of Sagma, to a mother and father who were not ready to accept the constantly rising taxes of a government lightyears away. He watched his parents rebel, along with uncountable thousands of others, and watched them have the honor of being cut down by the brilliant blue blades of the 'defenders of peace and justice'. Orphaned, he fled from consoling family members and struck out on his own, beset by grief and rage made only more burning by his utter impotence. He fled into the city, taking shelter in the poor and destitute parts of the sprawl, begging and eventually stealing to feed himself. Like countless homeless children, he was inducted into a gang, and cut his teeth learning to fight for territory and trust his fellow members, and to always follow orders.

He grew quickly, forced to mature through a life of danger without the protection of family or the law. He learned to shoot and stab and hide. He came to love the thrill, the changeable and chaotic world of those who live on the edges of society. He came to love technology, weapons of all kinds. He pestered the illegal gunsmiths to teach him, and learned quickly. He stole books from libraries and magazines from stands to fuel his fascination, and by his fifteenth birthday became not only a valuable soldier for his boss but an indispensable weapon-smith.

His seventeenth birthday marked the start of another common story. It couldn't have been predicted: one theft too far, from one person too powerful, and the next day soldiers of the Republic, with a saber-wielding human at their front, come to take back what was stolen and enforce their peace. No-one will ever know who fired the first shot, but Ardam fired the last. The corpses of his friends around him, the less loyal fled, an old slugthrower in his hand. He got lucky, he knows that now: how the Jedi didn't see it coming is beyond him, but for all it's power the force didn't stop that one bullet.

Ardam fled, of course. Took what gear he could and left. Years of scraping by on the edge of the galaxy, taking whatever jobs came his way, selling his deadly services for money, the taken saber always on him, never used. Five years later, he found himself on a Star Destroyer. Showing the lightsaber, proof of his kill, earned him a command and a steady wage, and after all these years a purpose beyond survival. He was going to Coruscant.

Character Class: Soldier

Items: A pair of old slugthrowers, with revolving cylinders and large calibers. Flamethrowers, stun nets, carbonite throwers, landmines and poison gas. Sniper rifles, blaster shotguns, and vibroblades.

Character Personality: Ruthless. Efficient, abstemious and frugal. Ardam loves danger and hates idleness. He dislikes authority and hates taking orders, but does anyways. He tries to stay one step ahead of everyone he meets, and craves knowledge like an alcoholic craves whiskey. He enjoys authority, values intelligence and determination, and hates conceit. He is not prideful, and strives to know himself. He craves freedom, and sees his work as a means to that particular end. He appreciates innovation and dislikes dogma, but thinks poorly of those who ignore proven successes to appear clever and creative. He is quick to become the friend of people, but truly cares for few anymore. To Ardam, all things are fungible, and ends justify means, depending on the benefit of the end and the sacrifice of the means.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Light Side

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards: Yes, but I prefer not to. Ardam is tall, with a medium build. His angular face is topped with a mop of messy blonde hair, and has upon it a pair of accusatory eyes and a constant smirk. He is rarely outside his bulky powered armor, bought from a trader who didn't recognize its mandalorian origins but still charged him an exorbitant price. His skin is pale and marked with evidence of his life in squalor and violence. His hands are dexterous, his gait light, and his bearing straight and attentive. He is not prone to unnecessary movements, and does not fidget. His armor is marked tan and black, his form spattered with usually full holsters, each bearing a different and unusual weapon, each always in pristine condition, matching the attire.

Sample Post: It was a dream he'd had more than once. He was in the familiar workshop, with the familiar smell of the blood of dead friends. A familiar Jedi stood across from his adult, fully ready form, brilliant beam of light held at the ready. The exchange went the same way each time.

"Who are you?" The jedi intoned, the young head topping his muscular form furrowed in anger and confusion.

Ardam inched one hand to the weapon slung at his chest. "The one who got away, Jedi.". He spat the last word, his anger briefly piercing through the air of lazy contempt he maintained.

From there, the dream played differently each time. This version of the Jedi threw a hand forward, and a sledgehammer caught Ardam in the chest, flinging him back inexorably. Microrockets in his greaves responded to his thoughts, letting him keep his stability as he flew back with the current of Force, bringing the weapon to his shoulder, a reticule appearing on his visor. He squeezed the trigger, and a cone of plasma flew out, like the breath of an Arkanian, scorching everything in its path. The Jedi, no doubt readying himself to block a single bolt, rolled away from the danger, propelling himself with the force. Ardam cursed, and realizing he wouldn't get another chance, dropped the deck-clearer, unsheathing the vibroblade and catching the lunge of the lightsaber in one smooth movement.

The Jedi had the advantage of speed, but his armor gave him the upper hand in strength. He wrestled with the jedi with his free hand, parrying the saber with the vibroblade. The scream of energy on energy filled the room, hurting Ardam's ears even through the helmet. He saw the Jedi wince with each hit. Ardam began to get the upper hand in the grapple, but the jedi flicked the saber off, the line of hellfire retreating back into the hilt. Ardam's blade swung towards the robed figure, but before he could connect he was forced to jet away, the blade extending again, pointed directly at his heart. He could feel the heat of the smoldering metal and ceramic: if it wasn't for his armor, he'd most likely be dead. He reached the other edge of the room, and let the jedi catch his breath. Ardam removed two pistols from their holsters: one thick and black, the other thin and silver, one in each hand. He knew a pistol in both hands was awful, but it was necessary for now.

He fired the black blaster pistol several times, and the Jedi parried each red bolt with ease, sending three of the five blasts directly back at him, only two of which he dodged. The Jedi smirked, and called out defiantly

"Your friends thought that would work, criminal scum! It didn't!"

Ardam fired the other weapon. A cacophonous bang filled the room as a tiny metal cone, 11 milimeters wide, sprinted across the room, well over ten times faster than a blaster bolt, and invisible to the naked eye. If the Jedi was a master, he might have stopped it quick enough. If the jedi hadn't gotten into the rhythm of deflecting Ardam's blaster bolts, he might have done something. He didn't. In a tiny fraction of a second, the cone of metal powdered the Jedi's skull, and mushrooming out within his brain cavity, rendered him dead almost instantly.

"That did."

He holstered his revolver, and awoke in his familiar bed aboard the Gravitas, a smile wide on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Character you wish to play: Ardam 'Leopard' Pardalis

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Shoraddik
Species: Wookiee
Force Abilities:

  • Core Abilites
  • Force Perception
  • Mind Trick
  • Force Stun

Non-Force Abilities:

  • Form VI-Niman, Jar'Kai duelwielding
  • Capable Diplomat
  • Relativly Good Cook (For both wookiee and non-wookiees)
  • Has knowledge of unarmed combat as well as blaster combat
  • Wookiee strength and stamina

Shoraddik first joined the Jedi order in the hopes to continue to foster peace between Kashyyk, part of a long time dream of his to have Kashyyk become the center of the democratic peace in the known universe. As with most of his species Shoraddik tends to keep himself a calm and peaceful believing that true power comes from knowledge to the force in lieu of physical prowess. Shoraddik dispises some of the misguided views that others hold about wookiees and through his actions and his deeds tires his hardest to show that wookiees are not always brutes but can be resonable and often times the reasonable voice in the crowd.
Shoraddik was born on Kashyyk during the year 69 BBY, although he can't remember either his mother or father he does remember a fairly standard childhood. From an early age he Shor seemed to have an unnatural perception of the world around him, almost to the point that he predicted events that were to happen among the tribe to the point where his clan chieftan believed that he was to be a mystic. Even before he reached the age to take his trials into manhood the clan noticed that he was faster, more agile than others that had come before him. It wasn't until that one of his other clansmen remembered another that showed similar signs and told the cheif that they should call him. It was on that day that Shoraddik met Jedi Master Tyvokka.

After it was confirmed that he was indeed force sensitive, Tyvokka conscripted the newfound man and the two traversed the galaxy to the Jedi Temple to begin Shoraddik's training. Shor found great peace in meditation quickly learning to hone his innate traits learning to push the bounderies of his perception to limits that he previously thought unimaginable. It was soon discovered that Shor was a natural in using the Force quickly adapting to the core abilites, particularly his speed and telekenisis, Master Tyvokka realized the great potential that his new conscript showed to become a great Jedi. Once he came of age Master Tyvokka took him under his wing to be his padawan.

Under the tuetalage Master Tyvokka, Shoraddik became a fast learner in the ways of Force Perception soaking up all of the things that his Master could teach. To Shoraddik if he could predict the future he could bring peace to the galaxy, what he believed to be the ultimate goal of the Jedi.

Tyvokka trained Shor in all the ways of the Force and as Shor's training in Force Perception he found that he was able to manipulate the mind of others to a certain extent. Tyvokka told him that he had learned the art of the Jedi Mind Trick. A powerful tool but it should be used if normal diplomatic procedures should fail, warned Tyvokka, Shor learned first hand that it must only be used as a last resort.

Because of his lack of true combat prowess and the fact that he despised actually fighting, Shor researched and meditated on a way that he could defend himself and not have to draw his lightsaber. One day while training with another padawan Shor was about to lose the bout when other padawan ceased his attack and stood frozen in place. It was then that Shor realized that he could forceably stun a foe by manipulating the Force within them.

Although his prowess with the force was impressive Shor found it difficult to wield a lightsaber effectivlly in combat, to the end that Tyvokka began teaching him the Diplomat's Form to give him some sort of advantage in combat. As his training progressed the talk of war within the Outer Rim due to a shortage of bacta began forcing the Jedi Council into action, and it was Master Tyvokka who answered the call to work as a diplomat in what was to be called the Stark Hyperspace War.

44 BBY- Stark Hyperspace War
At the age of fourteen Shor got his first taste of real political work following Master Tyvokka as ambassador in the negociations that would soon become known as the Stark Hyperspace War. During the initial negociations Tyvokka's instincts told him the story about the short supply of bacta was false and that Iaco Stark was witholding the real information was something far more devious. His intuition was right when shots were fired and the Trade Federation's new prototype droid was tested and proven to be a success.

Master Tyvokka was wounded in the trade off and Shoraddik did his best to lead but spent most of is time trying to save his master, to no avail. As Tyvokka lay dying the others looked to him to lead something that Shor was not used to but dispite his lack of leadership potential Shor lead the rest of the diplomatic team until Master Qui-Gon-Jin arrived and learned of what happened. On the spot Master Jin realized Shor's great skill and potential and the two, along with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon and the rest of the team gathered enough troops to fight back against the Stark Combine.

Shor was present for all five battles which resulted in the Republic's victory eventually. What wasn't known was Shor's involvement in bringing Iaco Stark into the Republic's fold and the eventual surrender of the Combine. Due to the diplomatic training he recieved through his training with his former Master, Shor was instrimental in turning the tide both diplomatically and militarlly.

Knighthood: Becoming a Consular
After his stint in combat Shor vowed that he would never again draw his lightsaber for combat again. Once the now Master Plo Koon offically knighted him Shor dedicatied his life to the diplomatic pursuits of the Jedi Consular. Dedicating his life for the next twenty-five years to the study of galatic history, diplomatic relations, as well as his normal training all in the hopes that he would never have to resort to violence ever again.

During his leave as diplomat Shor worked with the Galactic Senate as well as settling numerous disputes along the Outer Rim. While out on these diplomatic missions rumours of an attack on his home world as tensions between the Republic and Federation grew even more tense. While he was sworn to a life of peace Shor's intuition kept bothering him more and more and it seemed that the more that he was around Supreme Chancilor Palpatine something never felt right. His concerns about the Chancilor were soon put to rest as news of a Wookiee chieftans dissapearance brought Shor's attention back home.

The Battle of Kashyyk
After hearing about the Trandoshian attack and capture of a major chieftan Shor immeaditly offered to go and attempt diplomatic communication believing that he would be the best possible person to open these lines. When the Trandoshian's would not respond to traditional means Shor feared that his work alone would prove fruitless so Shor called upon a friend of former Master an ithorian by the name of Wooror Taldura. The master's prowess in the diplomatic arts was legendary and Shor valued his opinion highly, both professionally and personally. With the arrival of the Delta Squad Commandos Shor knew that things were about to spiral into complete war if things didn't change soon and he hoped that Delta Squad's covert manuevers could end this before it began. Little did Shoraddik know that things were at an end in the Clone Wars, though not as he would expect. While Delta Squad did complete their mission, the Sepretist's droid army came in full assualt and with the arrival of Grand Master Yoda Shor knew that he would have to take on the role that he no longer wished to play. As if sensing his doubt and confusion Yoda sent Shor and Worror back to Courscant to wait at the temple. Shoraddik, saddened and almost angry about not staying to help his brothers and sisters, dutifully followed the orders of Master Yoda.

  • The Stark Hyperspace War- While the battle is well known and the losses were inumerable, Shoraddik played a key role in the negociations that led to eventual defeat of the Stark Combine. What isn't known is the deep seeded anger and sadness felt when Shoraddik lost his master in sensless fighting. With great meditation and even greater restraint Shor was able to repress these feelings but the anger still dwells within him and he fears that he may yet one day give in to the temptation of the Dark Side because of it.
  • The Clone Wars-Battle of Kashyyk- Having only recently returned to the Temple after leaving the battlefield that would be Kashyyk, Shor believes that it was his place to fight alongside his brothers and sisters to defend his homeland. Upon Master Yoda's instructions he left but once again his sense of self impeaded upon his greater duties as a Jedi. With this wound still fresh in his mind, he has begun to question if he should have disobeyed Yoda's request and fought with his people.


So tell me what you guys think...still working on editing
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I like it. Wookiees do tend to live a long time, I mean look at Chewie who was 240 when he was killed in the old EU, and Chewie's father was considerably older. It works.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So what would someone working for the Remnant know about the leadership of it? Who would Leopard being working for directly, and what would I know about coming plans?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

What...just like it is?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

What...just like it is?

Yes. We're 140 years after the Battle of Endor, so he'd still be well within the life expectancy of a Wookiee
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

So what would someone working for the Remnant know about the leadership of it? Who would Leopard being working for directly, and what would I know about coming plans?

Leopard would most likely be getting his orders from an officer from a specific squadron. The upper leadership of the Empire is a mystery to most, though there are certain rumors going around. I will be introducing an Imperial character that has some knowledge of the inner workings of the leadership in the near future.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Well should I move him over
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yeah, go ahead, I'm going to approve him as is
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

\(>¤<)/....easiest game app ever
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Characters Application:

Screen Name: NiteMare Shape

Character you wish to play: Joren Kel

Race: Human

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): He is more or less independent, not really belonging to any faction

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!):
Joren Kel is the son of the renowned Jedi knight Van Kel. Joren had been identified as a force sensitive at a young age, and as soon as he was old enough, taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to undergo training. He was naturally adept in the Force, and impressed his instructors with the speed and ease at which he seemed to pick things up. It was because of this that Grand Master Roan Skywalker had taken a special interest in the boy. Over the years, Skywalker had developed a special relationship with young Joren, becoming an unofficial mentor to the youngster.
When Joren was 22 years old and a newly minted Jedi Knight, his Master, Quil Skreel joined his father in mediating a moisture farming dispute on the desert world of Er’Kit. Joren had asked to go on the trip, however Master Skreel refused to take him along, insisting that he would be better served by staying at the temple and preparing himself to take on a padawan of his own, and thus should remain behind on Coruscant. While it should have been a simple matter, it turned out to be anything but. What the Jedi did not know, was that on Er’Kit there was a small cluster within the native population that harbored deep anti-Jedi biases. While in the process of the mediation, the Jedi were attacked by the anti-Jedi element. The Jedi were taken by surprised and while they should have easily taken the attackers down, they themselves fell.
Joren reacted to the news that his father and master had been taken from him in the same day poorly. He was angry, and he was resentful. He blamed himself for their deaths, believing that had he been there to help, they would have survived.
After the death of his father and Master Skreel, the young Jedi Knight decided that he did not want to waste his life the way that the two most important beings in his life had. So he packed the few possessions that he had and caught a transport off of Coruscant, and away from the Jedi.
Joren effectively vanished to the smuggler’s moon of Nar Shaddaa. While on the smuggler’s moon, he befriended a Mandalorian by the name of Dono Kiilar. The two met while Joren was making a living hustling at Sabaac inside of Jaspeel's Cantina. Joren had hustled a local gang leader named Shortly after, Dono introduced Joren to his friends Nyna Shar and Kelsa Sila. Soon after, the quartet undertook minor smuggling operations aboard the converted luxury yacht Darq Dreams.

Character Class (choose one):

Force Sensitive (Jedi, Sith, Witches of Dothamir, Emperor's Hands, and all other Force Users)

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookiee crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc): Blaster Pistol, which is his primary weapon, a lightsaber (which he keeps hidden from his friends), He also travels aboard the freighter Darq Dreams with his companions, Nyna Shar, Dono Kiilar, and Kelsa Sila

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Joren is a bit of a free spirit. Although his father tried to raise him with Jedi values, Joren has for the most part shunned those teachings, wanting nothing to do with the Jedi Order, the Republic, or anything else for that matter. In a way, he blames his father's death on his devotion to the Jedi Order, and he refuses to allow that to happen to him. Joren wants to live his life as he sees fit, and not as servant to the Force.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Light Side

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG?:

Before giving up his life as a Jedi

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):

Joren sat in a darkened corner in the very back of Jaspeel's Cantina. Jaspeel’s used to be a nice place, or more accurately, as nice of a place that could be found be on Nar Shaddaa. Unfortunately things have changed, a local gang known as The Kaths have claimed it as their turf. Since the Kaths moved in, business has been bad. At one point, Jaspeel’s was considered a safe haven. Beings from all walks of life would come here and drink and gamble in relative safety. Unfortunately, that was no longer the case. The Kath’s were a ruthless lot, and they took great pride in the violence that they were able to commit against anyone who they deemed worthy.

Voices rise and fall as a couple of Duros get into a heated exchange with a Rodian over a game of Sabaac. Before anyone even looks in their direction, the table is toppled over as the argument erupts into a full on brawl. Joren took a sip of his Jawa Juice as Jaspeel's bouncers grabs the two Duros and the Rodian and threw them violently out the door. Joren smiles to himself and takes another drink, taking some comfort in knowing that even with all the craziness going on in the galaxy, some things never change.

The chatter in the cantina goes quiet for a moment, even the music stops. Joren looked, expecting to see a group of Kaths walking through the door. Joren sighed in relief as instead of members of The Kaths, Joren sees a lone man wearing dark blue Mandalorian armor with a blood red lining around the visor.

The Mandalorian walked over to where Joren is sitting and pulls out the chair beside him. The Mandalorian takes off his helmet, and as usual he has a jovial grin on his face. Not exactly what most people expect when they see a Mandalorian, then again Dono Kiilar isn't your average Mandalorian.

"Good news vod'ika, I found out where they are holding our shipment."

"I knew you'd come through, let's go get it."

"Not so fast Joren, they're holding her in the sublevels of their main base of operations. There are two ways in, and neither of them are going to be easy."

"I wouldn't expect anything less, let's go."

"Very good, Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur"

Joren and Dono got up from their table and left the cantina, so that they could come up with a game plan to take back the shipment that the Kaths took from their ship as repayment for the credits that they feel that Joren had stolen from their leader, Amaral Kenso. Joren and Dono were both well aware that the Kaths had eyes and ears everywhere, and that if they were going to make plans for moving against the Kaths, they’d need to do so someplace safe. As they left the cantina, Joren thought about the last words that Dono had uttered on their way out of the cantina, and Joren knew that he was absolutely right in his assessment. This day was a good day for somebody else to die.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cold Hands
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Cold Hands Guilds Resident White Walker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

One Umbaran sith coming up.
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Crap, looks like I just missed my opportunity to play a sith...lemme look around and see what else might appeal to me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Crap, looks like I just missed my opportunity to play a sith...lemme look around and see what else might appeal to me.

Nope, not at all. If you want to play as a Sith, go for it. The Rule of Two is certainly up for interpretation. ;)

I'm not limiting the game as far as force users
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Figured I'd just leave this here...WIP

Star Wars: The Rise of the New Empire CS:

Screen Name: Nitemare Shape

Character you wish to play: Grand Admiral Vonn Sayall

Race (such as Human, Wookiee, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Human

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): Imperial Remnant

Background (list the history of your character here): Growing up in an aristocratic family on the planet Bastion, it was determined from an early age that Sayall would attend the Imperial Academy and prepare for a life as an officer. His training in the academy went extraordinarily well, and Sayall graduated at the top of his class, with the rank of Captain, and his own ship "The Firebrand." Vonn quickly moved up the ranks of the military, earning himself the rank of Admiral, and answers only to Grand Moff Zim Dexen himself.

Character Class (choose one):

Soldier (stormtroopers, Moffs, tribal warriors, Republic commandos, fighter pilots, and all other warriors and soldiers) Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, Wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc): Standard Issue Imperial Officer equipment, Vibro-knife, blaster pistol. Oh yeah, and a Super Star Destroyer

Character Personality (Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Vonn Sayall is cold, ruthless, and calculating. He will do whatever it takes to return the Empire to its former glory. Money, ships and the lives of his subordinates mean nothing to him, he sees them as resources, tools to be used and discarded, and is willing to lose as many as it takes as long as victory is attained.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Dark Side

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards:

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue or meet the RPG Advanced guidelines of 12 lines):
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cold Hands
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Cold Hands Guilds Resident White Walker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Pyrx Reyta / Darth Carsic


Member of the Rootai ruling class / Sith Lord

The Reyta family of Umbara had held its position as a member of the Rootai for the past two hundred years. Pyrx’s upbring had been like every member before him, but seeing as his father had been killed he’d been raised strictly on the influence of his mother and closest family. His force sensitivity though was hid, considering his mother's disdain of the Republic. No son of her’s would be turned into some pompous Jedi. Though wasn’t necessarily raised by his mother since she had to help rule their people, so in her stead a tutor was was brought in to raise and educate the young Pyrx since nobility was taught by only the most peerless of educators. So in turn an outworlder, a Bith under an assumed named that much was known upon the first meeting. However being a product of their society, Pyrx’s mother let him teach her son as long as the job was done properly and without question

This mysterious Bith though wasn’t all that he seemed though, while he had that mysterious appeal it didn’t take the young Pyrx to understand the true nature of his so called teacher. Even despite being a younger being. Revealing himself to be a Sith. It surprised and delighted Pyrx, a way to thirst his unquenching thirst of power. He didn’t care about his mentor’s former life, only the ways of the Sith. His teachings went hand in hand. While studying mathematics, in secret he was being taught how to wield a lightsaber.

As the years past and Pyrx grew into an adult Umbaran, his lessons were coming to an end or at least to his way of thinking. He also grew tired of being in the shadow of his mother, he wanted his family's extensive gas and mineral mining operations. Planting the seeds for his ascension starting with his mother, who he flung from a balcony. Calling it suicide, which no one questioned but talked about it in secret away from his ears. His mentor, this unnamed Bith Sith. He killed in his sleep out of convenience and as an outsider his death wasn’t as troublesome.

Taking control of his family's assets and his mother position on the council he began to bore of his life on the top. Even if he was seizing other family’s holdings, bolstering his wealth in the process. He wasn’t content though even though Pyrx had wealth, power and the dark side of the force backing his actions. Turning his ambitions inward to the council, playing the others for fools. Pitting other council nobles against one another to make his ascension that much sweet. He was going to be the king of Umbara one way or another. As he schemed and plotted, Pyrx also acted as an ambassador to the New Republic. As a token of good will since his people had allied back behind the Empire in the past.

As the years passed he grew a bit worried, not with his takeover of Umbara but his knowledge of the Sith would pass away from existence. He needed a pupil to care on the legacy of the Sith. To carry on the legacy of Sith on. Not because of their history but lineage and tradition, he wanted to some teach and bring down the damned Republic once for all. Sending the both the Jedi and the Empire remnants back to oblivion.

Force Sensitive

Lightsaber (Red)

Skilled Diplomat
Ultraviolet Vision
Cunning Intuition
Ability to influence(Lesser Minds)
Form VII Vaapad Double Sided Saber Combat

Character Personality
LIke all Umbaran’s Pyrx was baptized in secrecy, manipulation and misdirection. This is considered an understatement though since his depths of these elements reach deeper than most. His lustful desire for power isn’t sated by the norms of his own society, but being a king or emperor of Umbara sounded very appealing. However maneuvering around fellow Umbaran’s is difficult as the senators of the Republic know all too well since their reinduction to the senate. Anyone who has plotted against him as met out with ends that would be considered vulgar even by his own races standards, but to show for this cruelty no one has dared tried to usurp him. On the flip coin though Pyrx rewards unwavering loyalty with a generosity of a king. Calm and composed he isn’t one to act rashly, but when his anger stirs there is nothing but revenge that can sate that thirst.

Character Alignment
Dark Side

Pyrx is gaunt but by no means unhealthy. He is actually quite tall and strong for his species. In accordance to his own species he is in suburp health but to others mostly humans he has the appearance of the horseman death, partially because of milk white skin and sunken pale blue eyes. Pyrx has been bald for as long as he could remember, but in unison with is rounded chin his head is in an egg shaped fashion. Clasped in a shadowcloak, much like the rest of his kin. Hiding the slim digits of his fingers to the slimness of his physical being. Beneath his shadowcloak lay rich interplanetary clothing to highlight his elevated status to all species alike.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue or meet the RPG Advanced guidelines of 12 lines):

(I have to put up sample post but this is what I got so far.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have a couple of ideas, I'm going to shoot you a PM 'Shape, let me know what you think
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[quote=@Cold Hands]

[b]Pyrx Reyta / Darth Carsic

(I have to put up sample post but this is what I got so far.)

Looks good so far

I have a couple of ideas, I'm going to shoot you a PM 'Shape, let me know what you think

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cold Hands
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Cold Hands Guilds Resident White Walker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My bad on the errors a bit tired. Also Umbaran pictures are hard as hell to find so I had to go with a description.
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