Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Jennifer Henderson
Los Angeles California

Jennifer nodded her head before walking briskly to the bedroom. She needed to put on some clothes, even if walking around the house naked made her feel free. Jennifer picked out a pair of denim shorts and a white with "Young and Reckless" written stylishly across it in pink. She didn't really care how she looked, because her clothes would be gone the second she used her ability. Sometimes she wished she could somehow get her clothes to convert like her body could, but she figured that wouldn't make any sense. This was the thrill she needed. She turned on the television and figured she'd watch something on Netflix till Noah arrived.

"The Office should be good." It was a comedy that she and her husband often watched together when they had the chance. Jennifer couldn't relate to it, but she always found it great to see Michael enjoy it so much.

Michael Henderson
Olympus Testing Facility; Medical Wing

Michael stared at the door of the room he was pushed out of before he saw three other medical personnel heading to the room with a stretcher. They looked at Michael as if he was out of place.

Am I supposed to just continue working?

With the door now open, Michael watched the three who had just entered lift the lifeless body of the doctor onto the stretcher. Michael couldn't believe the man was dead. Everything had happened so fast... He looked at the security personnel who were looking down at the now sleeping patient.

"We gotta radio this in." One of the men said.

"Stross is gonna be pissed. The geezer was the head of the medical wing.

"He's replaceable..." The man who seemed a lot colder than his partner looked at Michael who seemed pretty lost to the situation. "You! Tell us what went down in here."

Michael entered the room and sighed before speaking.

"I came in here to assist the doctor... While his back was turned the Evo grabbed him and..." Michael turned to the stretcher making its way out with the deceased doctor on it. "Did that to him. Then I pressed the button on the wall." Michael lied to keep himself safe.

"Well shit. I guess the doc should have used more sedatives like he's supposed to. If your good, continue your work. Mr Stross may want to have a word with you about this incident." The man said before grabbing his radio to get ready to report what had happened.

"All channels, all channels, this is Officer Sykes. We have a Code Black in the medical wing involving Dr. Lorenz..." That was all Michael heard as he exited the room and headed to the next. What had he gotten himself into...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

Member Seen 3 days ago

Having Ditched the General's Car at the Colorado Bus station, Alexander had taken the Dash apart, removing the GPS device, he rigged it up to run on a battery. then he'd attached it to a departing bus.. or Five departing buses.. he'd created five identical signals, all going in different directions. with a smile on his face, and some quick fingers on his tablet, he had a bus ticket printed out, straight from the bus database.. "here you go" holding the ticket to the driver, who checked it. "alright, get on" handing it back and Alexander climbed up, and sat down in a seat. "Las Vegas.. should be fun!" he said to himself.

Turns out, Las Vegas was fun, to much fun.. the City of Lights was not a place for someone like him, not at all.. damn near everything was ran Electronically, and it called to him, the whole city sang to him in a way that only he could hear. yes, he'd learned at the base to ignore the "song" of the devices, but in a city like Vegas, it was impossible and he became lost. with his shoulder bag with him, he'd first entered an casino, a fake id was no problem for him, though he was using his printer to much, it didn't have limitless supplies. with the ID he'd first found the slots, the lovely slots. their song was the sweetest and he was instantly hooked. taking a whole isle, he stood and stared, letting his power work directly, with no tricky device or gadget. time slowed down as his brain kicked into overdrive as the machine's lovely digital song spoke to him, and he to it. in his eyes, a holographic representation formed and he began disassembling it, learning each and every piece and what it did, why it did what it did, how it was programmed. his eyes were moving fast to anyone that looked. and in a matter of seconds, though to him it had been minutes he knew how the slot machines worked... a little to well, as he blinked, and every slot machine in a twenty foot radius engaged, the dials spinning, shocked those that were sitting in front of a slot machine, as the lever wasn't pulled, but when the lucky sevens hit on every single one, and quarters began falling, all hell broke loose.. needless to say, he left that casino, but know he knew all he needed to about slot machines, and his mind was already working out a way to improve it in every aspect. that wasn't all the trouble to hit Vegas, following him a wake of trouble followed.. Atm's spitting out money, big slot machines with cars for prizes, going off, along with the police reports of an individual. a young male, being seen dismantling things in various locations all over the strip or being involved in drunken altercations. after a week of that straight, he boarded another bus, looking tired, he crashed, clutching his bag as he was driven to LA.

Getting off the bus, he groaned as he stretched. opening his pack, he rummaged around til he found the rolls of hundreds, fifties and twenties he had in the bottom.. he learned in Vegas money was a necessity, on the base he got whatever he wanted, in the real world it didn't work like that. taking out the roll of twenties, he looked around for a place to eat at, he was hungry and thirsty.. not knowing that his escapade in Vegas had made more then local news.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polyurethane


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jack Harper, Los Angeles apartment

Jack looked down at his bowl of frosted flakes, then to an open letter next to his bowl. A lot of bad shit was happening ever since the world found out that some people were... Different. Ever since Jack had discovered he was special he knew he had to keep low and develop his abilities. So far he had done a good job hiding from the world, but last week he received this letter telling him he needed to come in and get his blood checked. Ever since he got the letter he had been working on changing his DNA to read up normal on the test. He was nervous because he had no way of testing it at home. Today was the last day he had to go in and get tested, he was leaving right after he finished his cereal. He took his last bites then grabbed his letter and left.

As he drove to the address he thought about what might happen if he wasn't able to change his DNA, and what he might have to do to ensure his freedom. Random thoughts of escape plans ran through his head when he heard a ladies voice speak.

"Turn right in 500 yards and your destination will be on the left." He looked down at his phone in the seat next to him and closed the GPS, he could find it from there. As he walked into the building he looked around. It just seemed like a medical facility, nothing too intimidating. There were a few people rushing down one of the halls, it made him wonder what had happened. He walked up to the front desk to check in.

"Hello, I'm Jack Harper, I'm here to get my blood tested, prove I'm just your every day human heh" The lady behind the counter didn't look amused. She handed him some papers to fill out and told him he would be called back for testing in a moment. He filled out the papers and soon enough he heard his name called. He followed a cute girl to the back where they would test his blood.

"So we'll just give you a little prick, take some of your blood and run it through the machine over here and then we'll know whether you're normal or not." the nurse said. These last words disgusted him. Normal? What is normal, and who's to decide what is normal and what is not? He hid his disgust and put on a fake smile, nodding to show he was ready. The nurse pricked his finger then took a small amount of blood then went over to the machine. Once she placed it in the machine, Jack stared intently at it. For a moment it remained red, and his heart skipped a beat. Then it began to change blue, meaning it had worked.

"It looks like you're all clear" The nurse said as she started throwing away used materials. "You're good to go Mr. Harper, just make sure to sign out at the front desk."

Jack left the room and made his way to the front desk to sign out and be on his way. Now that they thought he was normal he could continue to progress unnoticed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa stood on the roof of a large hotel. How she got there? It was a pretty fun story.. How she would get down? That was the problem as she didn't know how. She looked around and swallowed. ''Okay.. Thinking of a place didn't work.. But how does this stuff work?'' she asked herself. She sighed and took a deep breath. Maybe she had to be in danger, just like the first time? She shivered and shook her head.

She sat down and thought of how she got where she was right now. This afternoon she was working in the park as a model for the new clothing line of a new fashion designer. Lucky for her it didn't happen while at work! After the shoot was done, she had a last little talk with the designer about the clothes and she had given the young man her card, both for model as well as for photographer and he had smiled. She then had walked home but when she had looked at the sky, she had suddenly been in it! She had looked around and the next thing she saw was this roof.. And now she was stuck on it. She had tried the door that she had found but it was locked.. The last time something like this had happened, she had been stuck for several days, also on a roof. This was really her lucky day!
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