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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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The Second Republic of Boletaria
Spring, 1920

The First Elections

Boletarian soldiers and workers gather for the first elections in Wrenclaw on 19 January 1920.

Independence had been gained. Through bloodshed and war had oppressors been toppled, had the chains been broken. Boletaria could now stand free amongst the other nations of the world and the people rejoiced. Streamers, banners and flags adorned the war-torn city of Wrenclaw, fluttering from the ragged skyline of broken towers and open windows. The Boletarians had prevailed. The foe had been ousted from the land.

After the Terrible War, Boletaria had established itself as a republic and democracy with the establishment of the Constitution of 1920. The constitution was modeled after constitutions of established northern and southern democracies with most notable influences taken from the Kingdom of Soroya and the Dalmance Republic. The Constitution decrees the establishment of a Parliament, and a Prime Minister and cabinet with whom laid the executive powers.

The time for an election had come not a day after the treaty had been signed. Large crowds gathered in vast open forums and in streets bedecked with rubble to cast their votes at swiftly established polling stations. Many consisting of nothing more than a slightly better dressed Boletarian calling out to crowds from atop a wagon as the people made their votes, to be stored in chests carried by said wagon and counted within the confines of the Wrenclaw Town Hall.

Above all however came the call for one man to lead. Teodor Ladzinski. General of the Boletarian Free Army and proclaimed liberator of his people. The former General had restructured the BFA into a tangible and capable force which had proven itself in the anvil of war, as a clandestine army operating in an enemy-occupied country, separated by over hundreds of kilometers from any friendly territory. Yet somehow, victory had been achieved and the people now called Teodor's name.

The Liberator

"I recall the day quite clearly. The day Teodor Ladzinksi was elected as Prime Minister, he prowled the halls of the Town Hall, his large greyhound besides him and one could only feel at awe by the sight. The man aptly titled the Liberator was a grey eminence indeed. His influence undeniable, his support irrepressible as the people's voices clamored over the din.

The man who had overseen the war effort of the Boletarian Free Army, who had ensured our liberation. Was to become our first Prime Minister."

- Recollections of a Boletarian politician, the day Teodor Ladzinksi was elected Prime Minister following the First Elections.

Prime Minister Teodor Ladzinksi inspects soldiers of the Boletarian Army, previously of the Boletarian Free Army.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Age of Imperialism 2.0: TURN 1 | Summer 1920 (June) (Turn 1, Part 3 of 3)

June 2nd: The city of Sakaan, the normally jubilant and quiet capital of the Glorious Nation of Nioda awoke to rumblings and shouts. With a population of just under 30,000,000, the total gross production of foods, fruits and salts amounted to less than enough to feed half the population. Rotten cabbage became the weapon of choice, pelting wandering Sakaan District Police officers and attacking already empty stalls of food. The crowd continued to gain momentum, and they headed toward northern Sakaan, their aimless measure of hunger turning to a bastion of the wealthy elite: the Kujiya Hotel.

The Kujiya Hotel, Sakaan, Nioda. May 31st, 1920. Two days before it was burned to the ground

They wasted little time to setting it alight. The structure, which had been erected in 1687, burned for days and would not fully be put out by local Sakaan firefighters until June 8th. The crowd by then had been dispersed, more by their own hunger than any action by the Sakaan government.

June 3rd: Foreign Councilor Yvael Hurdu of the Grand Survaek Empire is admitted to see the Dignitary of the Grand Duchy of Eissenheim's Joachim hans Ulrich. After a brief fifteen minute conversation where Hurdu, who obviously had no idea why he was sent besides continuing to repeat that Eissenheim was "a necessary partner for Survaekom economic and strategic security," Ulrich allegedly smashed a bottle on the ground and had Hurdu escorted out "for fear of broken glass." In a communique to the Grand Duke himself, Ulrich said "If he'd mention strategic security one more time I was likely to have the man shot."

June 4th: Brian Kerchek, a former admiral of the Empire of Zellonia is admitted to see Youssef Amrani, the Foreign Diplomat to the Diyarbakir. In Kerchek's report back to the Zellonian Emperor, the conclusion was thus: "While Amrani was excited to be visited by diplomats from the Zellonic Isle, he was reportedly upset that a nation that fought alongside the Survaekom aggressors had the audacity to visit a nation that broke free from the yolk of Survaekom aggression."

June 6th: The Honnerian Republic reluctantly admitted Carver Wellington to speak to Jacques Droulez, the Honnerian Minister of Affairs, but had little to say, speaking mostly of his visit as a favor to his father, a member of the Zellonian Parliament. With nothing to offer, Droulez escorted Wellington out and saw him off.

June 9th: A teenage boy named Jerzy Józefiak is shot and killed while climbing the stairs of the Korenian Parliament. Ordered back by armed military police twice, he clambered to the second to the top stair and looked back at the gathered crowd. Then he climbed the final step. He was shot and killed, shot six times in the chest. His body, lost in the ensuing swarm of bodies that became the June 9th Riots, is a relic to the Age of Democracy, so called by Korenian dissidents in the wake of Bradel's ascent to power. Bradel, awat at his personal villa in Northern Korenia, was allegedly alerted to the event but has not been seen since he dismissed the Korenian Parliament until the fall.

June 10th: Sekigahara Tosu, the weathered diplomat of the Republic of Fuso was surprised at the scruffy edged photo that Li Xiu set in front of him. "It sometimes takes the reminder of a thousand bristling spikes that even the porcupine is no less lethal than the lion." It was a photo, snapped by a young and budding photographer on the Qingstao coast at the arrival of the Soroyan fleet. They had stayed for less than 48 hours before being recalled. "Soroyan battleships, you see," Xiu told Tosu. While it wasn't true (there had been no battleships in the Soroyan fleet), Xiu was a man of diplomacy, not war. Tosu was offered tea and rice cakes, dry and brittle compared to their Fusan counterparts. They talked for days, and at last Xiu sent a proper document to Tosu for him to overlook:

June 12th: Deputy Foreign Minister Huj Veliu of the Grand Survaek Empire is admitted to see the Laevatian Prime Minister himself, Conrad von Morthendt. Conrad expressed his sympathies in a weak and inept government that disallowed participation in "that sporting war," presumably referring to the Terrible War. Morthendt reported interest in an alliance and the strengthening of the Tervasan continent, but only if the Grand Survaek Empire were interested in discontinuing it's alliances in North Centran.

A city street in Akmene, the capital of the Kingdom of Laevatia

June 15th: The Survaekom diplomat is intercepted on board his ship in the Verian harbor of Oi and sent back, threatened with arrest if he returns.

June 18th: The Empire of Chaegon has colonized Satabo Island off the east coast of Serranthia. The Satabian's numbered only 700,000 and were mostly cut off from the world since the 1867 Soroyan Trade Mission that saw the creation of a single factory complex. The new colony was the first of Chaegon's in Serranthia, and saw an excess of praise back on the mainland.

THE WORLD (bigger map): i.imgur.com/qnjLQwC.jpg

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

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Fusan Diplomat Kiname Yushuji, assigned to Tiam

"This backwater kingdom is less then my ideal assignment but it has potential to serve us. The leaders are weak and the government easily swayed through sweet words and "supportive gifts". Its people are no different, unhappy with how it is and yearning for a change. All of the refugees from Fuso have clearly introduced them to an awakening of sorts to what a real Faresian nation in this age should be like; it would be wise for them to follow in our footsteps, with Fuso guiding its every step of course.

I see a potential for us to perhaps make use of such a backwards nation, they would clearly be a most valuable assist to Fuso in at least manpower and land. Not that it has much else to really give. The food here is either bland or overcooked in some way, the tea is more water and herbs than leaves, and people are fascinated by simple things like my pocket watch. Not too surprising given that the number of factories I'm told are working at the moment can be equated to two glorified workshops and a giant washing machine.

The senators who are in the right mind will surely see Tiam in its sad state as open to our divine intervention, with our help this little "empire" in our backyard might actual be something of use. The general surely will support this idea even if no one else will. I'll draft up a letter in the morning to send to his holiness, the Emperor would be a fool not to take advantage of this opportunity. But I suppose I'll keep up the facade for a while longer, until I can convince the minister to reassign me else where; if nothing else Tiamese women sure are fine."

- Yushuji writing in his journal

Fusan Diplomat Sekigahara Tosu, assigned to Qingstao

"Neogitations have finally reached a climax today; I would have pushed for something more but to be quite honest I might have caught something. I've been coughing all day and it feels like there are stones in my lungs and my throat is rough wood, must be a nasty cold or something close. I've sent for medical requests along with my latest letter, for myself and for the some of the people. I know that at least a few crafty people will come over here and try to set up some sort of shop here with Fusan goods available.

Of course I've heard the news that once again the warlord leadership has changed and the current one and Great Almighty Lord Whathisface no doubt has blocked attempts to pass through his borders in a sign of strength or whatever. I'll just have to go bug one of the captains or one of the gents at the IRFN command to send stuff over via ships. Nothing too fancy like a proper convoy, just a ship or two to go back and forth to go back and forth for supply runs and stuff, maybe one day I'll be able to get a proper convoy, the treaty seems like a reasonable enough excuse now that's its been signed.

The Qingstao ambassador, one mister Li Xiu, has given me a picture recently along with a small saying of "It sometimes takes the reminder of a thousand bristling spikes that even the porcupine is no less lethal than the lion.". Clever saying I will admit, but turning away the Soroyan fleet like that is something which I will open applaud for its bravery and gall if nothing else. Seems like they still have the strengths to laugh at lions, a most impressive feat indeed."

- Tosu writing in his journal
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


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JUNE 22, 1920

Ambassador Retires

After returning from an unsuccessful visit to the Grand Duchy of Essenheim, Deputy Foreign Minister Yvael Hurdu resigned from the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. The veteran official explained, "My mind isn't as sharp and my memory isn't as clear as it used to be. I must swallow my pride and open the way for one of our New Generation to take my place. Aed willing, they will do better than I did last week." Many are saddened by Deputy Minister Yvael's departure, and even more so by the circumstances of his fading mind. Our prayers for good health are with the man, and our prayers for success with his predecessor.

The replacement in question is Voli Haldu, a young Byrnian Diplomatic Corps agent with an excellent record. When approached by the IPS, he had the following to say: "My first order of business is to visit the Grand Duchy of Essenheim, offering the Grand Survaek Empire's apologies for our last delegate's poor conduct. Naturally, I will also attempt to bring forward proposals for the common good of our nations: An embassy exchange, opening trade, non-aggression, and perhaps mutual defense should our interests sufficiently align."

Foreign Minister Expelled from Veria, Turns to Mille-Sessau

The head of the Diplomatic Corps, Foreign Minister Aedis Haerk, was apprehended and expelled from the Verian port-city of Oi early last week. Shortly thereafter, the Imperial Diplomatic Corps released a statement condemning the "grave and unprovoked insult directed at a diplomat and statesman of the Empire." Nevertheless, the Foreign Minister diligently continues his mission of rapprochement between Survaek and its fellow Tervasan powers. He is currently in the Kingdom of Mille-Sessau, neighbor and regional competitor to Veria.

Haerk had the following to say about the goals of his visit upon arriving: "After suffering such hostility from the Verians, it is clear that Mille-Sessau is a necessary partner of Survaek in trade and defense, for the good of the Grand Empire and the good of Tervasa. Many options are on the table to secure this, such as material military aid, technological exchange, and perhaps even minor policy changes within the scope of viable reforms. I trust the Sessauans to negotiate in good faith and accept a fair deal, recognizing the many common interests and common threats faced by our two nations."

Foreign Minister Aedis Haerk, photographed shortly before his voyage to Veria.

Surv-Akur Arms Bureau Revitalized

After thorough review by the Surv-Akur high command and the Imperial Bureaucracy, the Surv-Akur Arms Bureau will return to normal operations. The state agency, responsible for managing Army industry as well as a host of technological innovations and designs vital to military production, was plagued by inefficiency and corruption after the mass resignation of Surv-Akur officials following the Treaty of Parma. 403 functionaries and 38 high officials were fired following the state review, and 1,200 new functionaries and 50 high officials were hired to replace them and address under-staffing issues. Furthermore, the Arms Bureau will now exist under the joint supervision of the Surv-Akur and the Imperial Bureaucracy, ensuring transparency and strict oversight.

Now purged of graft and properly staffed, the Surv-Akur Arms Bureau can resume research, development, and production. A number of Crown Manufactory, Inc. factories whose production had been suspended will now be able to continue their contracts with the Surv-Akur Arms Bureau. Foedinei in particular, where the largest small arms and uniform manufactories are located, will see a rise in state employment and production.

Crown Manufactory, Inc. Uniform Factory A. The factory, located in the Foedinei Old Manufactory District, will resume production next Monday.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Age of Imperialism 2.0: TURN 1 | Summer 1920 (July) (Turn 2, Part 1 of 3)

July 2nd: The Republic of Kalpia continues to thrives and grow. The masses are put back to work, and, due to it's immense natural resources and location as a central hub of trade on the Peninsula, sees growth unfettered by nations involved in The Terrible War. The Kalpian Parliament, after meeting and discussing twenty-four hours prior, decide to outlaw the Kalpian Socialist Union. The people, those who supported the socialist policies of the KSU, were incensed. Along the "Kalpian Arm," such as in Brimburg, several minor politicians climb to their soapbox to discuss the unconstitutional banning of a political party.

July 4th: The Grand Survaek Empire reopens the Royal Sajjir Academy. The Academy, having stood for millennia before the Terrible War, has returned to being a great place of learning. It immediately begins the admissions process, receiving applications from nations such as Mille-Sessau, Veria, Laevatia and even as far north as the Chaegon Empire and Republic of Kalpia.

Foedinei coast, near where the Sajjir Royal Academy sits, 1920

July 7th: The Saiyako Automotive Industries is nationalized by the Imperial Republic of Fuso. The premier automobile manufacturer in the nation. Owning several factories itself, the companies owner Shimazu Tadayoshi reported himself honored to be so valued to the government.

July 8th: The Empire of Vornehm unveils their new 85mm mortar. A considerable step up from their 73mm war called the chucker, it's seven pounds heavier and requires a full three man time. In testing however, it's range is thirty percent further and it's explosive capabilities are much larger. Similarly, the first Gewehr-20 rifles start rolling off the assembly lines and sent to the Vornehm Imperial Army armories to be assigned to local garrisons.

Vornehm 85mm mortar prototype

July 9th: The Republic of Kalpia begin testing new designs for a high speed armored car capable of sustaining infantry assaults and breakthroughs. The prototype put the armored car designers of the Nomeo Automotive Industries in awe. The prototype designer used high grade petrol to fuel the six cylinder engine, and during its test trials the engine caught fire. The test driver escaped, but the fire burned most of the car to the ground. After the burnt out wreck was analyzed, an explosive charge was set underneath it to remove any evidence of it's existence.

Wreckage of the Kalpian armored car prototype

July 10th: Chief Designer Nenad Unkovic of the Osladian Empire had been heralded as the savior of an empire for his design of the O-26 tank that nearly pushed the Free Boletarian Army out of the homelands. His new found success led him to become what Osladians called the father of new warfare for his insistence that armored vehicles could push through enemy formation and destroy them. With success at his back, Nenad began drinking. When not designing new weapons of war (most of which were failures anyway), he had a drink in his hand. For Nenad, business and pleasure were one and the same. Many of his colleagues often alleged he was drunk at the state bureau, and others still said when drunk enough, he would dispel state secrets to anyone in ear shot. On the 10th of July, when Nenad did not arrive to work, his colleagues immediately alerted the municipalities.

They searched his home and there too he was absent. He was found in a ditch just outside of his neighborhood. Alive, but hungover. He was apprehended for questioning, and that was when things turned south for Nenad Unkovic. Fearful of his life, he confessed. So drunk was he, that he admitted he'd told several seemingly overly interested men (and one very masculine looking woman) about an upcoming design: an armored vehicle much smaller than the O-26, but faster. A two-man crew instead of a five man one. When asked the official government designation of the prototype, Nenad could not answer. Even at the hands of the DSSS, he said the bureau had never named the project. When asked on the whereabouts of the data he'd left the office with, he said he simply lost it. They dragged him out into the yard and Nenad got to see what it looked like from the other side of a Dragomov M96.

July 14th: Formal training begins for the pilots of the Boletarian Air Force. While unremarkable from the outside, the force was undergoing intense modernization and onlookers watched from hills as pilots took off in their Osika Widow-1 trainers, taking it through the paces to prepare themselves for flying the quicker, more robust Strzelec-1F fighter.

Boletarian pilots train in the Widok-1, here shown learning how to fly in formation.

July 17th: The Empire of Zellonia negotiates a deal to produce 500 of the Republic of Kalpia's armored car model Athihk K.18-II. This version has replaced the front facing 7.7mm machine gun with a 20mm gun capable of eight rounds per minute, with the machine gun being moved to a rear mount. Production immediately begins on the model, now called the Zellik Model II by the Royal Zellonian Army.

Athihk K.18-II, the upgunned version features a front facing 20mm gun seen here with Zellonian Royal Army camoflauge

July 21st: An explosion rocked the Satarino Munitions Factory in the Korenian Republic. The destruction of Herada's primary ammunition manufacturer forced the return of Minister Bradel, who used the explosion as a tool to implement martial law. A pair of Oslaian O-26 tanks parked outside the front of the Parliament Building turned their turrets on the gathered crowd there, threatening them with death. Korenian soldiers marched the streets, and at seven-thirty in the evening martial law began. Anyone outside after such time was accused of dissidence and sedition and rounded up for questioning.

A photograph taken in East Herada, Korenian Republic, July 21st, 1920

Month's Losses (July, 1920)
  • Second Boletarian Republic
    • 3 Novice Pilots
    • 3 Light Trainers (Osika Widow-1 | 3 Crash Landings)

-- S0up
-- Voltus_Ventus
-- The Grey Warden
-- Mardox
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

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The National News of the Imperial Republic of Fuso
July 9th, 1920


New employees already working on the first new cars

After the death of his father, Shimazu Saitama, Shimazu Tadayoshi has announced that he will be carrying on the work of his father in the automotive industry, renaming the joint cooperation between his father and a friend (Toriishi Yakoto) from "Saitama-Yakoto Joint Motor and Engineering Cooperation" to simply "Saiyoko Automotive Industries". There are concerns from the general public that Tadayoshi will be unable to live up to his father's standards but in a statement he released, Tadayoshi said, "There will be nothing to fear about the quality not quantity of Saiyoko vehicles; thanks to contribution and subsidies from the government, Saiyoko Automotive will have both the resources and manpower to devote to both the manufacturing of cars and the designing of Fusan military vehicles."

Hours later, a representative released another statement that the production line was already getting warmed up and engineers were hard at work drawing up plans for possible armored units for the military. Speculation and curosity has already filled the hearts and minds of many as the people wonder what will the first domestic Fusan tanks look like. Some experts advise that the company copy a western vehicle while others are saying that this would be the perfect test of the military mind of our nation. Rumor has it that General Tojuki himself who has been gaining considerable power in the past few months is personally helping out the engineers!


Recently things have been looking up in our great nation; cities are being rebuild, lives restored, men returning to work. The Emperor has announced even more laws and policies to rebuild our nation. Factories are working as best as they can to manufactor the luxuries that not only we want, but the rest of Faresia and the world could want. With the reestablishment of Saiyako Industries, newer farming tractors and machines are available on the market with the company currently offering them at a discounted price. New factories are also begining construction, although it is unknown currently if this is a Saiyako factory or another company's. "As much as we wish," the Emperor quipped, "Factories do not grow out of the ground. Nor on trees. I assure you that the brightest minds of Fuso have tested that theory and have yet to return to me with results."


As we regain our footing after the long and harsh occupation by Vornehm forces, additional diplomats are being sent to places such as the west and other Faresian countries. Respected diplomat Kiname Yushuji has been sent to Tiam as Sekigahara Tosu "the Dragon of Meiji" has already opened up a trade pact with the expansive Qingsdao Domain as well as a cooperation agreement. According to the agreement, Fuso will assist in the creation of two additional factories for the Domain and in return, their ports and docks will be open to Fusan vessels. This comes as welcoming news as news from the west says that there as been another shake up in the local warlord leadership.

According to sources, the Senate is currently debating about sending a diplomat into the warlord lands to see if there cannot be some form of transportation access. While many rumors and candidates fly, there are words that some within the Imperial senate wish to see the warlords eradicated or "tamed".

In the west however, Consul Kaeroe Enuchi has officially made land fall in Soroya. According to one of his staffers, Enuchi is there to lead a "reconnecting" with Fuso's western model. Hope that new agreements in trade, research and political relations will come of this diplomatic mission; Enuchi says that he is also there after hearing about the Treaty of Sikea. Enuchi, a life long pacifist who was one of the voice against Fuso's entrance into the Terrible War says that the treaty is a "keystone of the bridge of peace we all must undertake if we are to prevent such a war from ever befalling humanity again."

Kaeroe Enuchi dressed in typical western fashion
as he poses for a picture for the Imperial Press.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


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Kalpian News-1920-July

Economic Growth

Nomeo Automative Industries factory in Brimburg

The president have decided to follow the advise of some minister of economy Asion Niesom about nationalizing the industries in order to lower unnemployment and to manage more efficienly the factories of the country, this have reflected greatly in the economy of the country as now more veterans from the civil war have a job and no longer are dependant of their military pensions , the one that created the base of this theory of intervention is the Kalpian Soligum Lesitrio Phut who mentioned this kind fo economic system is his book "Modern Study of the Peninsulan economies" , he is a honorary member of the Kalpian Unity Party (KUP) and because of that some in the parlament has seen the action of the president with suspicion specially after the KSU was outlawed by the parlament at the start of the month.

New Model Arthip A and the RBT Grand Prix

Arthip A in a automobile exposition

The Nomeo Automative Industries have released a new model of automobile for the rich with high standarts , the car Athip A is a luxurious car made by the most skilled workers of the NAI company , the NAI had this car in blueprints for some years but it wasnt until now that with the rising economic conditions and the reconstruction in the country that they have been able to find people interested on having this kind of car , between the people interested there are some ministers and generals , also the NAI have announced their participation of the regional automobile race of Rabentrop most known as the RBT Grand Prix where pilots shows their skills every year , the Prix started as an independent initiative of some automobile clubs in Rabentrop but it has evolved with the time to the point to have the support of the mayor of the city , the Prix has not been held since the end of the civil war and now after the conditions have improved they desire to make this Grand Prix the best of the decade several funds has been alocated by this and several companies and independent pilots prepare to participate , because of the magnitude of this race every foreign company is invited to participate and the RBT Grand Prix organizators expect that several foreign cars will show for the Grand Prix.

First Minister Aclen Bomanot Siquiouquio prepares a new diplomatic visit

The first minister Aclen Bomanot has expressed his desire to keep up with the diplomatic visits to foreign countries , in this case Montevedro the nation that could not be visited because of unnexpected events , however this time the first minister promises to speak with the leaders of the nation and to express their interest in maintaing good relationships , he goes with 100,000,000 Mariats (10,000,000 Consumer Goods) which the goverment of the Republic of Kalpia will give to the goverment of Montevedro as a financial aid , the first minister is accompanied the minister of economy Asion Niesom to propose a free trade aggreement as he did with the nation of Montevedro which will benefit both growing nations .

Also the first minister will make a maritime travel to the nation of Kelric for the purposes of debating about the political situation of the Korenian Republic and also about other important matters , the first minister will speak about maintaining close relationships between both countries for the benefit of both , there are some funcionaries of the parlament that have expressed their support to the diplomatic visit to Kelric and to Montevedro , no party has expressed their opinion about this diplomatic visits however for now.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

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The Osladian Empire

God Save the Tsar!

The Revival of Osladian Diplomacy

In the immediate months following the signing of the Treaty of Parma, the Osladian Empire fell into a stagnant isolation. Quietly beginning programs of rebuilding and re-organization. However, with the onset of summer at hand, Tsar Anton I openly stated his refusal to become an isolationist state.

"The Osladian Empire of our fore-fathers was built not just by the hands of Osladians, but by the hands of Tangars, Loremi, Hurzlanders, and distant allies to our rightful claims. As Emperor and servant to my people, I will not allow our cause to falter in the face of defeatism and isolation."

In August the official head of the Osladian Embassy in Herada, Count Neculai Ardelean, was given the task of brokering new economic and diplomatic ties to the Korenian Republic. Put directly on the table by the Osladian government was a treat of non-aggression and mutual judicial extradition rights. Due to the ongoing crisis within the Republic, the Osladian government did not expect immediate replies from the state.

In addition to Oslad's diplomatic ventures in Korenia, mystery fell over Oslograde in early August when Romanowan foreign minister Avgust Olegovich Sharapov arrived in the city via aircraft for a meeting with Tsar Anton and Prime Minister Selidov. Photos by both the Osladian and Boletarian press were quick to reach the presses and within a day of his arrival it seemed the entire continent anxiously pondered what the bold Sharapov and the Tsar were meeting for.

Romanowan Minister Sharapov (right) with Prime Minister Selidov (left) in Oslograde, circa 1920.

Zellonian diplomat and veteran of the Terrible War, Ralf Vungton, was welcomed warmly in Oslograde by those who had read of his tactical brilliance against the Commonwealth of Ostruznica during the war. However behind closed doors little was truly spoken of with the war hero. Tsar Anton however met personally with the man and the two were said to have spoke for hours of their experiences during the Terrible War, both from the perspective as Anton being only a regimental commander and Vungton being a strategist and leader. By the end of the Zellonian's visit the Tsar wished the man well on his future endeavors for his nation and hoped for future meetings with the Zellonian Empire.

Oslad Shall Sail!

Prior to the signing of the Treaty of Parma, the Imperial Osladian navy accounted for 23 Destroyers, 10 Light Cruisers, 12 Submarines, 3 Dreadnoughts. However over the course of the war and the Boletarian uprising the once feared navy of the Empire was in complete ruin. However not all vessels were destroyed, multiple ships rebelled against the Osladian Empire and joined the now Boletarian Navy. While other vessels were diplomatically turned over to new states such as Loremia and the Romanow Islands.

It went without saying that the loss of the Imperial Navy struck deep at the morale of the mourning and broken Osladian people, and whispers filled cabinet meetings on the inevitable revival of the Osladian navy. In July an official statement was released on the current predicament that the Osladian military faced on the sea. Grand Admiral Konstantine Dultsev came forth before the press and gave a short, to the point speech.

"It is with great pleasure that I come before the media of our Empire today. During the Terrible War I personally commanded the Imperial Navy in offensive and defensive campaigns throughout the conflict, and I saw many true Osladians die with honor and bravery. In memory of the brave sailors of who served on vessels such as the Borodino, the Tsaryov, and the Yudina I come before you today to tell you this. Oslad shall sail again."

Shortly after the Admiral's statement it was announced that the Oslad Nautical Bureau, or ONB, would be re-organized and re-established to fit the budget for the Empire. However, no statements were released on what direction the new navy would go in or what vessels would be designed and constructed in the coming years.

Osladian Postage Stamp depicting Grand Admiral Dultsev, "For United Oslad, long live the Imperial Navy!"

Dark Tide Rising

Stanislaus Petrovic had served in the Imperial Osladian Armed Forces as a infantryman during the Terrible War. Coming from a modest upbringing with a doctor for a father he felt it was both his patriotic duty and his familial duty. Enlisting like so many others in the rush to serve Emperor and Country Stanislaus was assigned to the 23rd Infantry Division, the 23rd Kastsyuchyn, in the 3rd Army Corp stationed in the Hurzlands.

In his years of service Stanislaus fought against the rebellions in the Hurzlands against the Hurzlander Commune, a conflict that had turned Stanislaus into a rigid anti-communist, and later directly on the front lines in Boletaria when the 3rd Army Corp was relocated. While serving in the trenches, specifically in the mid-west sector near the border of Boletaria and southern Hurzland, Stanislaus suffered a bullet wound to the left arm that led to his hospitalization in September of 1918. Due to the severity of the wound the then Sergeant Stainslaus would remain in hospital for a year and would permanently have difficulty utilizing his left arm and hand, which resulted in his discharge from the Imperial Army and return to civilian life for the end months of the war.

The disgruntled and bitter sergeant took residence in Oslograde and became a cleaner at a pub. It was a quiet life and Stanislaus was said to be a reserved and quiet man, keeping much to himself and when not working often isolating himself for many hours in his apartment. However, despite his curious isolation and anti-social behavior, Stanislaus kept one close contact. Tamás Apse, an amateur politician and leader of the Iron Hundred. The two men kept close contact and met on a weekly basis, discussing politics and philosophy. Stanislaus had become infatuated with Tamás and his talk of ethnic Osladian nationalism, and the failure of the Terrible War falling upon 'the others'. The Iron Hundred had, since 1917, existed as a minor and irrelevant nationalist and traditionalist gang. However, Stanislaus became like hundreds of other bitter and demoralized veterans of the post-war era, a revanchist and angry man seeking justice for misdeeds done to him and his countrymen. Due to the close friendship held between Tamás and Stanislaus, the crippled writer was quick to rise to be a high position within the party as a propagandist and public speaker alongside his compatriot Tamás. By mid 1920 the Iron Hundred had indeed reached hundreds, the black tide of nationalism had begun to rise as a symbol of hope to a demoralized and hopeless populace.

Stanislaus Petrovic (far left) and Tamás Apse (center) at an Iron Hundred religious mass, circa 1920.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


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JULY 19, 1920

Special Envoys Sent North and East

As a part of the Grand Survaek Empire's great diplomatic restoration, the day before yesterday his Imperial Majesty Yvor III Khaitis ordered special envoys to the Republic of Kalpia, the Glorious Nation of Nioda, and the Empire of Vornehm. These dignitaries are not members of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps, but rather direct agents of the Emperor's Court. Their task? In addition to sending his regards and wishes for national fraternity among our peoples, they will seek to arrange state visits by the Sword of Aed himself! The Emperor has also suggested to IPS agents that he may make these visits, if accepted and properly arranged, the beginning of a World Tour!

The Emperor's Court has expressed high hopes for the dignitaries. "The nations in question have common interests with the Grand Empire, and the only one that was ever our enemy experienced firsthand the treachery of the anti-Survaekom alliance," explained Grand Vizier Taral Sardiu. "In cooperation, our four nations can ensure each other's mutual prosperity and security, more so than most other states. But even if progress towards treaties and pacts moves slowly, the impact of the Emperor's presence abroad cannot be understated. By his example and leadership, leaving his Palace and his country, the world will know Survaek's honor and good faith."

Should the missions be successful, his Imperial Majesty's round of visits would begin April of next year. Until then, the Emperor will be attending to such important tasks as overseeing military restructuring and arranging the Historic Council to be held this November.

Court envoys shortly before leaving for Kalpia.

Surv-Vyaez Arms Bureau Back in Action

As internal military reviews and restructuring continue in the wake of the Parma Resignations, another great Bureau has been restored to functionality. The Surv-Vyaez Arms Bureau, responsible for overseeing the Imperial Navy's designs and production, will resume operations at pre-war levels next Tuesday. Like its Surv-Akur counterpart, it will now exist under the joint supervision of the military and the Imperial Bureaucracy.

The great Surv-Vyaez Industrial Dockyards of Byrnis and Rjjin once employed over one-hundred thousand at the peak of war production; at peace-time production levels, they are expected to immediately generate from forty to sixty thousand new jobs. Furthermore, indirectly, the Bureau's reactivation will invigorate many other industries: Mining, steel mills, foundries, chemical factories, and national laboratories are all projected to grow from 4 to 8 percent over the next two months. In addition, of course, thousands of new positions for sailors and technicians in the Surv-Vyaez itself will open up as vessels finish production! A good day for the economic health of the Empire!

A Wave-Class Cruiser enters a soon to be re-activated dockyard for long-needed repairs and maintenance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Age of Imperialism 2.0: TURN 1 | Summer 1920 (August) (Turn 2, Part 2 of 3)

August 3rd: The Grand Survaek Empire lays down the hull of a dreadnought in it's Byrnian Surv-Vyaez Arms Bureau Shipyards. The Imperial-class exemplified itself with excellent service during the Terrible War. A source of pride for the Survaekom, already the Survaekom Wind was being touted as the future of the Empire.

Blueprints of the Survaekom Wind, the Imperial-class Dreadnought slated for 1921

August 6th: Continuing training, the Second Boletarian Republic incurs more losses as novice pilots learn the ropes of taking off, landing and formation flying. While casualties are an inevitability, it's a reminder that those that do survive will come out much better off. By the end of August, the remaining pilots will graduate as fully fledged flyers of the Boletarian Air Force.

Fellow Boletarian aviators inspect the the crash of a Widok-1, pilot's fate unknown

August 3rd: The Kingdom of Soroya officially decrees the existence of the Treaty of Sikea. With the Terrible War over, Soroya believes that all nations should downgrade their naval capabilities in order to lessen militaristic intent in the world. The Treaty would be as such:

Every nation, especially naval minded nations such as the Grand Survaek Empire, Zellonian Empire and Tsardom of Ventius had the largest questions about the treaty, as diplomats were sent within hours of receiving the telegrams.

August 11th: The Empire of Chaegon marches 30,000 men south into the Kingdom of Tarania, a long held puppet since even before the Terrible War. These men, 5,000 of whom did not even have rifles, were marched to the Taranian capital of Kodcz and held the King, King Zeg of Tarania hostage for sixteen hours until he forcefully filled the paperwork to sign his state into becoming a Chaegonian protectorate and extension of the empire. The Duchy of Pozzouli is incensed and immediately expels the Chaegonian embassy there. Montevedro condemns Chaegonian aggression in the region.

August 18th: The Kingdom of Soroya unveils a new prototype, the Lux, a tankette that is a moderate step up from it's Jentink tank that allowed it success in the Terrible War. The tankette concept was a typical interwar product, born in the fertile mind of Soroyan Engineer Major Giffard Pieter Claude Bijleveld (born 1868), who had already worked on the tactical development of tanks during The Terrible War. He never stopped theorizing about future tank warfare and, eventually, built in his own garage a very small tank with various commercially available parts. This concept of a one-man tankette was a complete rethinking of tank design, in complete overhang of previous concepts. This concept of a very economical and small tank was ensuring that the average infantryman could be protected when assaulting a static line of defense (typically protected by rifle and machine-gun fire). As a tank with a new, well-adapted light suspension, it was very fast and could be equipped with largely available automobile engines (a Kujdt-12 for the first one). The tracks were furnished by the Soroyan Manufacturing Inc traction Co, and the axle came from a Kalpian truck. It was to be protected only on the sides from small arms fire, but the main structure was made of wood.

New Soroyan tankette protoype Lux

This tankette was seen mostly as a self-propelled skirmisher, an auxiliary transport and scout. First shown to the War Office. The War Office, in turn, contracted Bijleveld to built 4 models in record time in March 1920, for a new live demonstration and more tests, followed by eight improved “Little Luxes” to form an active evaluation unit. Despite an initial interest, no large scale order was placed yet. The idea was indeed dropped after it clearly demonstrated that a single man couldn’t effectively steer and fire at the same time. Later on, a single Lux was rebuilt to accommodate a two-men crew. In June, the Soroyan Armor Department also took the idea seriously, releasing a two man tankette rolling on Kalpian tracks on August 7th, 1920.

August 27th: The Duchy of Pozzouli demands that Taranian independence be recognized once again by the Empire of Chaegon or face severe political and economic sanctions and possibly intervention.

Month's Losses
  • Second Boletarian Republic
    • Novice Pilots: 1
    • Light Trainer (Osika Widow-1): 2

Signatories of the Treaty of Sikea (1920 [1/5]
-- Empire of Chaegon
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Emperor Alviero Giannelli, leader of the Chaegon Empire delighted in how the annexation had gone. The Taranians had not resisted and no casualties had been taken. The diplomatic repercussions however, were somewhat problematic. Montevideo was to be sent a letter of apology stating that the actions were for Tarania's own good and Pozzouli was to be sent the same but with the firm stance that the annexation would stand. Giannelli stroked his chin wondering how to make himself look good to the international community. Then, his eyes chanced upon another open letter. It was from Soroya, declaring a Treaty to limit naval power. The Emperor smiled, this was perfect! Signing it would show that the Chaegon Empire was not a threat to the international community without harming military capabilities. The Chaegonians had never really relied on the Navy too much only limited Dreadnoughts... Which the Chaegon Empire had yet to build. Signing it would also encourage other nations to limit their navies which would allow Chaegon to worry about other things than a naval arms race. Without hesitation, the Emperor sent an ambassador to Soroya to sign the Treaty of Sikea.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


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Kalpian News-1920-August

The Republic of Kalpia Condemns the Annexation of the Kingdom of Tarania

Parlament after the decision to Condemn the Chaegon Empire won with a percentage of 80%

On August 12th the Republic of Kalpia was in a state of surprise by the Chaegon Empire because of their recent annexation of the Kingdom of Tarania a kingdom that has been controlled by the Chaegon goverment for a long time , this has been tolerated by their neighbours because the people of Tarania could atleast rule themselfs internally like any other independent nation , but now the Chaegon Empire has ended the independence of Tarania and violated their sovereignt over their land , this act has rised concerns in the southern region of Central specially for the nation of Montevedro and the duchy of Pozzouli , however our nation is also concerned by the action of the Chaegon Empire several parties have give their opinion about the Chaegon Empire and most of them denounce the Chaegon Empire , because of this the parlament has decided to give a official condemnation againts the Chaegon Empire , the one giving the speech was the president Karlht Mariath .

"The Empire of Chaegon have annexed the Kingdom of Tarania and have overthrown their leaders , they have violated the sovereignty of Tarania and have also made the people of Tarania subjects of a emperor that they feel nothing for , because of that we as a nation that looks for peace and stability in the region have to denounce the acts of the Chaegon Empire and ask to the rest of the international community to do the same"

Treaty of Sikea

KUP members in the rally againts the Treaty of Sikea

Two weeks after the speech of the president , the parlament have decided to join the effort to avoid a naval arms race by signing the treaty of Sikea , their have been to show consistency in the fact that Kalpia really looks for peace and security for Centran ,however the Kalpian Unity Party have pronounced againts this treaty and says that it will weaken the nation of Kalpia and the power projection of the country , both things needed to preserve a the political dissuasion of Kalpia in the region.

Days after the pronunciation , the KUP made a rally near the parlament which gathered hundreds of citizens from Mistburn in order to protest againts the decision of the parlament to sign the Treaty of Sikea, the rally lasted for several days until the leaders of the KUP decided to stop it , this action from the Kalpian Unity Party have shown their growing numbers and the strenght that they now possess .
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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The Osladian Empire

God Save the Tsar!

The First Step

Romanowan Destroyer Krakovic, renamed to Antoniv, sailing just off shore, circa 1920.

In late August, after a week and a half of closed door discussions, Romanowan foreign minister Avgust Olegovich Sharapov returned to his home isle with word to the Duke of the Islands, Lukyan IV, with the Osladian offer. After consideration Duke Lukyan accepted Tsar Anton's offer to once again rejoin the Osladian Empire. Though this technically broke the restrictions put upon the Empire in the Treaty of Parma, few Osladians seemed to hold issue with the Romanowan Islands rejoining the Empire. In return for their loyalty and naval assistance, the Romanow family would keep their titles upon the island and continue to rule as they always have, and very little was expected to truly change in the average Romanowan's life. However, in days immediately following this declaration the streets Sarasov filled with new garrison units shipped in from the mainland of the Empire. In a public declaration the Duke of the Romanows stated that, in the face of Soroyan diplomatic aggression, it is best for the Islands to rejoin the Empire and support Tsar Anton so as to defend the Romanowan way of life. Foreign Minister Sharapov has once again returned to Oslograd and is expected to begin a new position as a diplomat and official with the Office of Foreign Affairs starting in January, 1921.

The Treaty of Sikea

Despite apparent transgressions committed by the Empire that violate the Treaty of Parma, Prime Minister Demian Selidov has once again shipped off from Oslograd aboard the Osladian Light Cruiser Cybulka to attend the signing of the Treaty of Sikea. Before departing the aging Prime Minister stated the following.

"As Oslad once again rises to her feet we must step into the forefront of diplomacy and politics as well. We, like many of those who have suffered losses in the previous years, wish to put the past behind us and enter a new era of peace and stability for the entire continent. Thus, Tsar Anton and the Duma feel it is the duty of our government to sign the Treaty of Sikea with our Soroyan brothers. Both for the good of Oslad, and for all civilized peoples."

Many political analysts look at the recent decision by the State Duma and the Tsar as a way of saving face to prevent their Parma violation from disgracing them to fellow Centran powers. However it stands regardless, as far as the Empire has shown, they wish to begin anew and will work with their former enemies to ensure the longevity of peace.

-- The Osladian Empire signs the Treaty of Sikea

A Royal Heir & The Duma

With the Tsar's 31st birthday approaching in July gossip has risen involving the lack of an Imperial heir. If, for whatever reason, the Tsar does not produce a son - or daughter- the heir apparent would fall to the Tsar's uncle, Andrev. Some have even speculated the Tsarina to be infertile and thus unable to produce a royal heir. However, as of current there remains no evidence of any rumors.

Court gossip aside, the political landscape of the Osladian Empire continued to face changes as Tsar Anton stepped further and further away from his father's legacy and continued to carve his own policies. With the reintegration of the Romanowan Islands to the Empire the issue of recognition in the Duma came to view. With that came the question 'Is the Duma truly even important'? Discussion within the Imperial Cabinet was a mess at best. The traditionalists still within Tsar Anton's cabinet decried the Duma as simply a branch of legislature to keep the common folk from revolting. While the more libertarian and republicanist elements of the Cabinet pressured the young Tsar to begin integrating the Duma truly as a legislative branch of government and host more free elections. At last in mid September, a decision was made.

Starting in March of the following year a new election for the State Duma would be held and the newly elected officials would work with the Tsar's cabinet to establish a new constitution for the Osladian Empire. While this enraged the truly monarchist elements of the government and some of the nobility, others rejoiced at the liberal decision and the idea of moving forward with a new and modern constitution to fit the era the Empire was now entering. However, in the election only three parties would be allowed into the Duma for the first electoral period. Starting in 1926 parties would be far more open and a more diverse Duma would be permissible. The allowed parties were the liberal opposition named 'The Liberal Democratic Coalition, the conservative & monarchist 'Union', and finally the social democratic 'Agrarian Front'.

Following these declarations Oslograd was shook by hundreds of protesters from the Iron Hundred. While the protest itself remained peaceful, the Iron Hundred proved to be an annoyance for the general populace of Oslograd as entire streets become impassable as black shirted men and women marched chanting rhetoric calling the Imperial Cabinet corrupt and 'Soroyan bought pig-dogs'. However despite the protest the Tsar remained steadfast in his statement that the Iron Hundred, like the reds, would have to wait until the Duma had been stabilized and prepared for the introduction of more radical elements of Osladian society. Needless to say, the Iron Hundred was not pleased by this.

The State Duma in Oslograd, circa 1921.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Age of Imperialism 2.0: TURN 1 | Fall 1920 (September) (Turn 2, Part 3 of 3)

September 1st: The Duchy of Pozzouli sends a declaration of war to the Chaegon Empire over the recently annexed Kingdom of Tarania. Tarania, a longtime friend and trading partner of Pozzouli, was linked through blood; though this was not the sole reason for the declaration. "A point must be made of democracy," the Duke of Pozzouli, Duke Aosta proclaimed in the Pozzoulian Senate. "Today it is Tarania, tomorrow it is us." A general mobilization occurs, with the Pozzoulian Army reporting to their garrisons within hours.

September 2nd: Pozzoulian submarine P-16 smashes into P-26 in the harbor, as the entire submarine fleet is ordered out at once. All hands on P-16 are lost, and the half submerged wreck halts the remainder of the Pozzoulian fleet for two days as naval barges move in to clear the wreckage. Pozzoulian Army officers were seen first distressed on the harbor's edge, then shaking their head at the incompetence of the navy.

Pozzoulian Submarines P-16, P-19, P-24 and P-25 hours before departing

September 7th: The Pozzoulian 1st Fleet under Admiral Leonetto Amadei sets sail from northern Pozzouli toward Chaegon aboard his flagship the Temperanza.

Pozzoulian 1st Fleet sails for Chaegon

September 9th: The Pozzoulian 1st Army under General Corrado Gabriele prepares for combat operations, but never boards their escorts and convoys.

September 11th: Flying in via aircraft, diplomats and security agents land at Sarenk, Romanow Islands and commence short but intense negotiations begin. By the end of the day the worried Romanow diplomat relented. Without the backing of any nation besides a worried Soroya, the Romanow Head of State, Duke Lukyan IV, was forced to accept complete annexation or face war. The threat of war, many believed in Romanow and Oslad alike, was a bluff. It was a bluff that Duke Lukyan IV could not endeavor to risk.

September 16th: While cruising along the Chaegonian coast, the Pozzoulian 1st Fleet spots a pair of cruisers and a dozen destroyers steaming up the coast. They give chase but due to the Temperanza's slow speed, they quickly lose sight of the enemy fleet, and turn about to continue raking the coast for enemy fleets.

September 19th: During the night, the Chaegonian submarine Nestico sinks the Pozzoulian destroyer San Pio while it refuels with a tanker off the tip of Tarania and slips away while under threat of depth charges.

September 22nd: The Taranian Free Army rises up in northeast Tarania along the Kudjian Mountain Range. The TFA supports a free Tarania but makes up a surprisingly small minority, most of whom seek to be part of a larger power. While striking several towns on the outskirts of Tarania, they capture many guards who are--surprisingly to the TFA partisans--low on ammunition and mostly poorly equipped. The response from the Chaegonian Army is minimal.

Taranian partisans, captured Chaegonian soldier on far right
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The Grand Survaek Empire



Jalek Gveyeldi, ranking Imperial Diplomatic Corps Officer of the Survaekom delegation to Soroya, was not fond of photographs. Nor was he fond of Centran fashion, white-columned "classical" Centran architecture, conciliatory diplomacy towards former enemies of the Grand Empire, or the Soroyan language. Yet, the loyal servant of the Sword of Aed endured all of these for the good of Crown and Country. It was habit, after all, that he and his perpetually tired-looking face go to meet whoever and wherever needed, stopping for portraits or photographs whenever requested. He had served with such deference since before the reign of Shayaer, and his age certainly wasn't going to make him any less complacent.

Of course, he had lodged a complain with the Diplomatic Corps and even written to his Imperial Majesty in protest over the last few weeks, but to no avail. The Grand Survaek Empire would sign the Treaty of Sikea, and Officer Jalek Gveyeldi would sign it by his own hand. In fact, as far as the Imperial Press Service was concerned, now that Gveyeldi had sat for a photograph, it had all already happened. Their typists were already tapping away at the article: He could hear them in the next room over, chatting with one another and a few counterparts from other nations represented in Soroya.

With a heavy, labored sigh, the diplomatic officer rose from his seat. It was time to walk to the main conference hall, where fresh ink and a very large sheet of paper awaited him. Upon entering the room, he gave his best smile and was sure to bow to every other dignitary, including the Soroyans. "A good day for Survaek, and for the whole world!" he even said, managing something close to convincing enthusiasm. For such an old and experienced diplomat, the proceedings were something of a blur that he navigated on pure instinct, and soon he found himself with a pen in hand, elaborately signing the Aed-forsaken treaty in the finest Classical Survaekom calligraphy he could manage with a Centran pen.

At least that was something Jalek could be proud of: A proper signature. They ought to have taken a photograph of that, not his tired old body in a ridiculous outfit. A little something to glorify Survaek in the midst of what he deeply suspected was a grave mistake.


-- The Grand Survaek Empire signs the Treaty of Sikea.
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The National News of the Imperial Republic of Fuso
October 4th, 1920


New Saiyako Industry's heavy duty tractor

Hailed by the reopening of Saiyako Motor Industries, there has been another new push towards the reinvigoration of our nation's agriculture. In addition to the new heavy duty vehicles which Saiyako Motors has already started to build, break throughs in the art of fertilizers and reconstruction of both old and damaged pipe lines to provide more irrigation are hoped to increase the amount of crops per harvest. Some worry that these changes have come to late in the year to take full effect however, one farmer in Kahime notes, "They give us machines and plows when the fields already have seeds, they give us fertilizer when the seeds have already grown." Local magistrates and regional officials however that these changes "will not provide immediate benefits for this year, but if we are patient, they will undoubtedly assist in the many years to come."

The Ministry of Agriculture is hoping that with all the new programs to mechanize and modernize, the age old traditional tilling the earth will result in fruitful harvests and the bounties of nature be presented to us. Several shine masters also claim that prayers will help just as much as the machinery, sparking controversy when Shimazu Tadayoshi, CEO and owner of Saiyako Motors, said "then let us stop farming and see how much bread the gods will provide us".


Of recent, there seems to be a new craze sweeping the nation: flying. Although there is no official program, some have taken upon themselves to create "sky guilds" for flying and airplane enthusiasts. These clubs vary from simple hot air ballooners to complex discussions on how the west manages to create its flying machines. The prestigious University of Meiji says that several of its engineering and physics students have teamed up to discuss not only how to create planes, but also make them better. This new "Flying Club" at the University has already seen some small gliders being thrown from the roof although nothing major. However, the increase of flying enthusiasm comes those who wish to tame the sky in full sized gliders, already leading to an increase injury rate. Doctors warn those who participate in not only gliding activities but general flying-related activities that failure to control your craft can lead to broken bones and possibly fatal injury.


After receiving a warm welcome, diplomat Kaeroe Enuchi as announced that, with the approval of the Emperor, he has signed the Treaty of Sikea. "This is a great step for humanity," Kaeroe wrote proudly in his letter, "For we may have just ended any and all wars and conflicts between nation states. I see a future of peace and harmony awaiting not only Fuso, but everyone who lives on this beautiful earth."

-- Fuso has signed the Treaty of Sikea
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Age of Imperialism 2.0: TURN 1 | Fall 1920 (October) (Turn 3, Part 1 of 3)

October 1st: The Second Boletarian Republic puts out a design contract for a close air support fighter. Both national industries Osika Aeronautics, already riding the coattails of a success fighter from earlier in the year begin working on a design, while the Lovric Aviation Company (LAC) also receive a bid for the contract and start work on their own prototype. LAC, a former aviation designer that began with gliders and trainers, hopes to one up Osika to earn some time in the national spotlight of the new nation.

October 4th: The Republic of Kalpia colonizes in Western Serranthia. The people there are lackadaisical, nomadic and more interested in tribal feud than colonial administration. The Kalpian regime is docile at first, and the people seem grateful at shipments of food and the pending education that seems to go with it. Within a month, the Kalpian Colonial Regiment is established by 2,500 Serranthian men who feel the military is a good (or necessary) career path. The regiment is lead by a Kalpian Captain who drills them when necessary.

Kalpian Colonial Regiment, Formation Day, October 4th, 1920

October 6th: A convoy of fourteen convoys arrive in northern Pozzoulli. With well wishes from Kalpia, the ambassador in the Kalpian embassy and the Duke Aosta of Pozzoulli meet. "These," he says, "are the tools of democracy. To let Tarania fall is treason, though we admit our own involvement is impossible at this time." Among the convoy are 10 Ailshint L40 reconnaissance planes, 72 Athiht K-18 armored cars, 40 Athiht K-18.II armored cars and 5,000 mortars and machine guns.

Ailshint L40 scout plane, circa 1919

October 7th: The Empire of Chaegon begins gearing up its factories. While militarily unprepared, the industrial capacity of Chaegon was unmatched only by the United Kingdom of Athos & Stule in the east. Factories begin producing major weapons of war.

October 8th: The 1st Pozzoullian Army begins landing on the southern shore of Tarania. The beaches, initially held by the Chaegonian Imperial Guard, are quickly taken when the guard retreats after heavy bombardment from the Pozzoullian 1st Fleet. The army, under General Gabriele, marches into the Taranian capital of Kodcz later on and find an empty Chaegonian garrison. They continue to move north until they find the renewed defensive line of the Imperial Guard of Chaegon.

1st Pozzoullian Army landing on Taranian beaches, October 8th-13th, 1920

October 9th: The Osladian Empire accepts a contract bid from it's only armor design bureau. They unveil the Mulnya-201. Called Mulyna or “tracker”, the Mulnya-201 as it was first known, had learned a great deal from the Soroyan Jentink. The design was made by Professor S. Karakov, under the supervision of the Imperial Tank & Armor Bureau. The general layout was kept unchanged. Driver was at the front, with a fully revolving turret with the main armament and commander cupola behind him, engine at the rear and steering tail, but to improve speed the main concern was to redesign completely the suspension. At the same time Hondeveld-Beukelaar Co. in Soroya was working on the next generation of the Jentink with the same consideration, giving it a coil spring suspension. The first model to test these new suspensions was the Mulyna-201, delivered in April, 1920. It was equipped with a Kalpian licence-built engine by CMB Factory derived from the Terk-10 truck engine. Many problems were detected in trials which led to modifications to the design in order to improve defects such as the failing suspensions, bad maneuverability and its ineptitude to cross even 1.5 m (4.92 ft) wide trenches.

Mulnya-201 tankette prototype, notice lack of weaponry

The first Mulnya-201 prototype was delivered and tested in mid-May 1920 before a composite commission, which included the head of the state. It still showed some deficiencies, notably on rough terrain. It proved its inability to cross 2 m (6.56 ft) wide trenches and was stuck in those beyond 1.2 m (3.94 ft) deep. But on usual flat terrain speed was considered enough and other advantages combined led to the first order of tanks, with a production scheduled to start in February 1921 at the Sarenk Factory, later renamed Anton factory. The first were quickly found to have many manufacturing issues. Ball bearings and carburetors had to be imported.

October 15th: The front is established, as the Pozzoullian 1st Army runs into the Imperial Guard fifteen kilometers north of the Taranian capital. After some initially probing, they find the Imperial Guard has entrenched themselves in the hills of the Taranian highlands and General Gabriele awaits further orders from high command.

Po-Chaegonian War, 1920-current

October 21st: The Imperial Republic of Fuso opens the Najin Flying Club, where budding aviators can go to fulfill the growing hobby of flight. Restricted to mostly gliders and antiquated prop flyers, it is nonetheless becoming a national pastime to fly along the Fusan coast on a warm, sunny afternoon.

An instructor of the Najin Flying Club watched by fellow enthusiasts, circa 1920

October 28rd: The Second Boletarian Republic requests a bid for an armored car for it's developing armies. The venerable Rosiak Engineering Ltd and National Arms Factory companies both take on the contract and expect to have prototypes within a few months.

Month's Losses (October, 1920)
  • Second Boletarian Republic
    • Pilots: 6
    • Light Trainer (Widok-1): 11
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


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Kalpian News-1920-October

New Mistburn and Doxon

Early this month the goverment decided to send an expedition to colonize the western serranthia , the expedition was funded thanks to the largue reserves of the goverment , the total cost of the expedition was 750,000,000 Mariats most of the parlament that the benefits from the colonization would be greater than the cost of the expedition itself and this has proven true since the new citizens of the republic have been very friendly to us and have shown a their respect towards us by participating in the newly formed colonial military , the colonial governor of New Mistburn ,Tin Ogio Voglo, have given a lot of good expectatives for the future of the colony , also it has been found that the people of the new colonies are very productive and their manpower will be added to ours making us stronger in terms of industrial capabilities .

The SKS expands

The president a few weeks ago proposed to the parlament the expansion of the SKS in order to keep improving the security in the coutnry , the president has also said that the recent actions of the Chaegon Empire made him take this decision , several parties in the republic have approved this course of action in terms of national security for the whole nation , the goverment havent emitted more information about how the SKS will expand , however the people believe that it will be for improvement.

Kalpia Supports Pozzouli

Since the start of the conflict between the Chaegon Empire and the Duchy of Pozzouli the kalpian goverment has supported the duchy, because they defend the independence of Tarania and because of it has been clear to the goverment that it their duty to support such nations and support them until are the difficulties are ended , the recent arrival of Kalpian equipment is a proof of this and it is expected that the Kalpia goverment will continue to send more equipment until the conflicts ends.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Chaegon Empire


Emperor Giannelli had been rather distressed by the Duchy of Pozzouli declaring war and had appointed a new general to attend to the matter. However, he had also noticed that the people of Tarania mostly approved of joining the Empire. This gave him an idea. The nations of Kalpia and Pozzouli were acting against him because they supposedly wanted to protect democracy and liberty. However, what if Tarania wanted to join the Empire? Pozzouli would have a rather weakened Casus Belli.

With this in mind, Emperor Giannelli arranged for an election in both Tarania and Chaegon. He then arranged for his underlings to begin producing media encouraging the people to approve of the annexation. However, he made sure that someone suitably loyal would count the votes.

The Trenches

General Niniano Petroni walked among the defensive lines. He had done his best to stave off the Pozzouli soldiers but the navy's inability to halt the enemy fleet had allowed the ships to get too close and his men had to retreat to avoid being bombarded. No matter. Reinforcements would be here soon and he was in an excellent position. The Emperor was also doing some political strategy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Age of Imperialism 2.0: TURN 1 | Fall 1920 (November) (Turn 3, Part 2 of 3)

November 1st: The Pozzouli submarine P-13 sinks a Poseidon-class Destroyer as the The Chaegon Armada returns to Liren for refueling. Torpedoed as she was heading into the harbor slit, two other Chaegonian destroyers immediately begin dropping depth charges in an attempt to locate the submarine, but it slips away undetected.

November 2nd: The Imperial Guard digs in and are joined by 5,000 Taranian Volunteers, though most of them are without weapons; as is the case for much of the Chaegonian Army. The journal of Paul Conrath, Imperial Guard, 15th Rifles:

Chaegonian Trenches, November, 1920

Emperor Giannelli has forgotten us. We have not yet met the enemy and already we are defeated. There is but one rifle for every four men, and I am not among the lucky ones. We have machine guns and mortars set up, watched over by a dozen men who have nothing else to bide their time with. Even the Taranians who join us are appalled by the poor conditions here. Alfredo says the ships passing the coast are not Chaegonian, but Pozzoulian. We sleep to pass the time, or play hide and seek with the enemy. Judging by the number of shots they take at us daily, they are not for lack of rifles. I have seen General Petroni march through the trenches and inspect our positions, but he has said little and I wonder if he believes that we can win.

New men are being trained, more rifles are being produced. But the Emperor has lost his mind. He sends orders commanding many thousands of men. Eighty thousand men to hold the line! There are less than forty-thousand of us. Perhaps with the annexation of Tarania, the emperor has thought himself all powerful.

November 8th: The Imperial Republic of Fuso begins building a factory in Najin.

November 9th: The Grand Survaekom Empire reveals the SV-11 Triple Turret, sporting three 12" guns in a single mount. This is the first ever seen, and would allow dreadnoughts to inflict terrible casualties on opposing navies.

November 21st: The Pozzoulian 1st Army begins Operation Jester, a push from the 17th Infantry Division and the 33rd Artillery Regiment, a total of 13,000 men and 10 Cannone-75 artillery guns. The battery opened up for fifteen minutes, then the men went over the top of the trenches and surged forward. The Battle of Izzi (1920) had begun

Operation Jester, 1920

Battle of Izzi
  • Forces
    Empire of Chaegon
    -- 11,000 Regulars (4,000 Rifle I (Chekov/11,000 Equipment I)
    -- 66 Artillery I (Hellraisers)
    Grand Duchy of Pozzouli
    -- 13,000 Men (13,000 Rifle I (Gazzari-98/13,000 Equipment)
    -- 10 Artillery I (Cannone-75)
    -- 10 Armored Car I (Athihk K.18)
  • Battle
    Operaton Jester materialized out of a desire to keep Chaegonian industry out of the war. With an under equipped enemy, General Corrado Gabriele knew that with a quick push up the coastal road, he could potentially smash the Imperial Guard and break free for a march straight to Liren. Planning began in late October for a push, though such a maneuver was risky due to the already thinly spread line across the Taranian highlands. General Gabriele would use ten of the Kalpian based Athihk K.18 armored cars to push up the coastal road and break through the trench line there. The only defenses the Chaegonians had were their Hellraiser artillery batteries. Used defensively however was a sporadic stop gap. Through early November, Gabriele began shifting elements of the 33rd Artillery Regiment to the left flank and stockpiling shells for a barrage. The men were ready.

    Pozzoulian riflemen hours before the commencement of Operation Jester, November, 1920

    After a fifteen minute barrage, Gabriele ordered Light Force Coronado, named after Lieutenant General Petra Coronado to take the Coastal Road. He rode in one of the Athihk K.18's, renamed Po-4 toward the enemy trench line, with elements of the 17th Infantry Division falling in on foot after. The morning of the 21st, the 10 Po-4's took off with infantry jogging behind. One of the Po-4's had a radiator leak and stopped the offensive. The Chaegonians met the Po-4 advance with return rifle fire, and several artillery guns were fired with their barrels dropped but failed to score any hits.

    Two Po-4's refueling before the push up the Coast Road to Izzi

    While crossing a trench, one Po-4 blew it's front tire. Chaegonian soldiers clambered on top and pulled the crew out, taking them hostage. The line however was broken after only thirty minutes of fighting. The Po-4's loitered, killing scores of Chaegonian's until the infantry caught up to storm the trenches. The trenches were assaulted and after three days of fierce fighting, taken by the Pozzouli's. A third of the Chaegonians, men without any weapons fled from the battle immediately to secondary lines that had been taken beyond Izzi. By November 25th, Pozzouli soldiers had marched into Izzi, which was neither joyous nor sympathetic.
  • Losses
    Empire of Chaegon
    -- 1,197 Regulars (-357 Rifle I, -1,217 Equipment I)
    -- 4 Artillery I (Hellraisers)
    Grand Duchy of Pozzouli
    -- 3,530 Regulars (-3,520 Rifle I, -3,641 Equipment I)
    -- 1 Artillery I (Cannone-75)
    -- 3 Armored Car I (Athihk K.18)
  • Aftermath
    The Imperial Armada took less casualties than the Pozzoulians, who were forced to bear the brunt of a frontal assault for a fifty kilometer stretch of land and the city of Izzi, which now provided a small port for larger operations. Chaegonian regulars, being trained, will be available at the beginning of the new year, and the new rifles being produced were being boxed and shipped toward the front. The Chaegonian Army, which had zero trucks to transport, were forced to use borrowed vehicles from the Chaegonian population.

November 26th: The Empire of Mille-Sessau reaffirms territorial claims over the Republic of Samovia, which declared independence from Sessau in a brutal war with Soroyan support ten years ago. "It has come to the attention of this Parliament, that the time may yet come Sessau sees her lands returned to her," Deputy of the Parliament Clement Savier said on the senate floor. Empress Alexandra de Vaille had no comment on the matter.

Month's Losses (November, 1920)
  • Second Boletarian Republic
    • Pilots: 1
    • Light Trainer (Widok-1): 2
  • Grand Duchy of Pozzoulli
    • 3,530 Regulars (-3,520 Rifle I, -3,641 Equipment I)
    • 1 Artillery I (Cannone-75)
    • 3 Armored Car I (Athihk K.18)
  • Empire of Chaegon
    • 1 Destroyer I (Poseidon-class)
    • 1,197 Regulars (-357 Rifle I, -1,217 Equipment I)
    • 4 Artillery I (Hellraisers)

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