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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: His House → Simone’s Coffee → The Park
Interacting With: Nina @kittyluna45

Austin’s eyes snapped open. It was freezing cold. He scrambled to his feet, looking around with a shiver as memories of last night flooded back to him. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his forearm, and he pulled his sleeve down to reveal a nasty, infected gash. With a groan, he pulled his sleeve back down and walked around, getting his bearings a little more, before he sped straight to his house.

The boy had practically burst through the doors when he arrived, almost knocking them off the hinges, and immediately rushed to the living room. He was greeted by his sobbing mother, who immediately embraced him and pulled him to the couch.

”Austin! Where have you been?”

”Last night was all such a blur… I was either frozen or passed out for most of it…” He sighed, before looking around. There was his brother - who wasn’t being an asshole for once - his mum, and…

”Mum… where’s dad?” Austin’s heart leaped into his mouth. Was he actually missing his dad for once? His mother simply looked at him with sympathy.

”Austin, your dad… he left last night.” She put her hand on his cheek as he sat there, speechless. Since he wasn’t exactly going to speak anytime soon, she continued. ”It was late, he’d gotten home from a stressful day of work, you were missing, and your brother had taken his Jack Daniels-”

”I had not!” Austin’s brother retorted. His mother rolled her eyes and carried on.

”-it was just a hard day. Long story short, we got into a big fight about where you might be, he said some hurtful things, I said some hurtful things, and he packed up and left.” She began choking up. ”I’m so sorry.”

Austin could do nothing but let the tears come down his face as she shook his head and repeated the word ‘no’ to himself over and over. He stood up, walking out and pulling the door wide open, not letting anyone stop him, before closing it behind him. He took sharp intakes of breath as he tried to calm himself down.

The poor Brit took a time to process it all, before coming to a sudden realisation. He quickly whipped out the flask from his pocket, opening it up and smelling the contents. That wasn’t Bailey’s, it was Jack Daniels! He shook his head slowly.

”It wasn’t Scott that took dad’s Jack Daniels… it was me! I must’ve gotten the two mixed up when I poured it in my flask! That explains why I passed out so quickly… oh god, Tessa! I’ve gotta go!”

Unfortunately for Austin, the chance to process fully what his mother just told him had to come later - his girlfriend was more important. The boy was just about ready to speed off when he felt his phone go off in his pocket. With a more-than-relieved sigh, he pulled it out, reading the message.

Be at Simone’s in five
From Tessa

”Thank god.” He muttered, tucking it away and setting off at a steady walk. He wasn’t in the mood for speeding around just yet; it’d be better to take in the sights to take his mind off what just happened. Besides, Simone’s wasn’t that far from his house. It wasn’t like he was in a rush.

After a couple of minutes, Austin was at the front door of Simone’s. Taking a moment to wipe tears from his eyes, he opened the door, walking in and looking around for Tessa.

”Hey Austin, she isn’t here yet. Do you want something to drink?” Nina’s voice spoke up from across the counter, as the girl worked on wiping something dry.

”Dry cappuccino’ll do.” He said, before snorting quietly. ”Sorry, went full-on common on you.”

Nina blinked and then shrugged. ”Don’t worry about it. Tuesday night was crazy. We’re all just lucky no one ended up that badly hurt.” She turned towards the espresso machine and soon the sounds of steaming milk and machinery could be heard.

”Don’t speak too soon. Got a nasty gash on my arm, and I think it’s infected. All I know is it hurts like hell.” He walked over, resting on the counter.

”You should stop by the clinic then after you meet up with Tessa. Speaking of…” Nina handed a cup over the machine and paused. ”She should have been here by now. Her doctor’s office isn’t that far away.”

”Maybe she got caught up in talking to someone? I do that a lot.”

”She isn’t the type to keep people waiting… hold on a sec.” Nina pulled out her phone and typed something rather quickly. A moment passed and a buzz was heard on the phone. Nina frowned as she looked at the screen. ”Hmmm…”

”What does it say?” Austin nearly jumped on poor Nina.

”I asked my brother if Tess had swung by our house, but nothing. And nothing from Tess herself…”

Worry spread across his face. ”Maybe she’s grounded?” He tried to reassure himself that it was all okay; Tessa was fine, it was just nothing. But, no matter how hard he tried, that tang of panic and doubt remained. Especially with what happened at the memorial service...

”Oh she’s super grounded, but…” From the look on Nina’s face, it was obvious that several wheels were turning in her head until… ”Austin… the park. We need to get to the park, now.”

”I can carry you there, it’ll be the fastest way.” He held out his arms in invitation.

Nina tugged off her apron and slapped it on the counter. ”Sorry boss! Taking my lunch!” She then ran around the counter and practically vaulted into Austin’s arms. ”Thanks… let’s go.”

Austin nodded, and the world became a blur around them. ”Try not to throw up all over me; it’s a strange experience at first.” He turned down a few streets and narrowly missed a few corners before making it to the park, stopping and carefully setting Nina back on her feet. ”Are you okay? Do you feel dizzy or like you’re gonna pass out?”

Nina gently put a hand to her head for a moment. ”I’ll be fine eventually… however we need to find Tess and quick. If everything is happening just like 3 years ago… well… oh right, you don’t know, do you?”

”I’ve heard snippets of it around town, but not really much. Best example for me would be what happened at the memorial service. Saw it on the news when I got home.” He shuddered.

”This is the park they found Jan… Tessa’s sister.” Nina seemed to pale a bit at the memory.

”Oh.” His face drooped. ”Oh, oh oh oh oh. We need to find her.” He looked around frantically. Nina nodded in response to that and started looking around as well. ”Tessa?” He called out. ”Tessa, are you here!?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Alicia's House
Interacting with: Each Other @Nallore @kittyluna45

Alicia was sitting down on the futon her mother managed to bring down her laptop as well as some movies for her to watch. She wanted to go up to her room for some privacy but she couldn’t go up the steps to her room because of her cast. Letting out a sigh as she started to get bored and took out her phone to text Katalina and Jade. "When are you guys getting out?"

Alicia hit send and leaned back in the futon and turned on the TV and started to search for something to watch.

Alicia's phone would soon buzz with an text. "Mom signing the discharge paperwork now. Want me to come over? If so, is your mom home? - Kat."

Another buzz to Alicia's phone. "Uncle Charlie is taking his sweet-ass time to get here. I might be another hour. >_>"

Alicia heard her phone going off twice and looked down at her phone seeing two texts from Kat and Jade. "My mom is home right now, so you two are free to come over to my place if you want to hang out."

A reply soon came from Kat. "Mom is willing to drop me off. See you in like 10."

Alicia looked down at her phone again and smiled really happy to see her girlfriend again. "Awesome can't wait to see you again. <3 :)" Alicia hit send and awkwardly stood up and started to clean up the area around where she had been sleeping.
After a few minutes, the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of Katalina, most likely.

As soon as she heard the doorbell ringing Alicia quickly stood up and went over towards the door and opened it seeing Katalina outside and smiled. "Hey lovely how are you?" Alicia smiled brightly as she went to hug her girlfriend and kissed her lovingly, she held the kiss there for several seconds before letting go. "Would you like to come in?"

Katalina kissed back happily and nodded. "I would love to come in." She stepped in and wrapped an arm around Alicia and looked at her. "Did you hobble over to the door to let me in?" She seemed to lead Alicia back to the couch and sat down next to her.

Alicia felt her heart skip a beat when Kat kissed her back and smiled as they moved over towards the couch and sat down. "It wasn't that far of a walk from the couch to the door. I only use my crutches if I have to go further like the kitchen or the bathroom." Alicia answered as she turned slightly to rest her leg on the couch and looked at Kat. "How is your head feeling by the way?"

"My head is feeling fine thank you. I just needed a days rest and to... y'know, not fool around too much. How about you? How are you feeling, besides your leg?" Katalina scooted closer to Ali and gently wrapped an arm around her.

"That’s good that your feeling better." Alicia said smiled when Kat wrapped an arm around her. Alicia rested her head up against Kata's shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment feeling comfortable in her girlfriend's arms. "I'm feeling better, though im pretty much bored out of my mind, I can't even go up to my room which sucks." Alicia said with a sigh.

Katalina let out a small giggle as she pulled Ali close and kissed her gently on the temple. "Well, you finally have some time to catch up on some of those games you got behind on. I remember you complaining about that just before school started, huh? But I'm sure I'll konw the boredom feeling soon. Being grounded will suck."

Alicia looked up into Katalina's eyes when she kissed her temple and gently ran her hand up and down her girlfriend's leg lovingly. "True. I could do that now since I do have the time, my mom and dad didn't say I couldn't play any games while grounded so that's a plus." Alicia leaned up and kissed Kat on the cheek. "But all of my gaming stuff is in my room.." Alicia said softly.

"I can go get it for you if you want?" Kata's cheeks seems to turn very red when Alicia ran her hand along her leg. She scooted a bit to get up form the couch.

Alicia watched as her girlfriend stood up from the couch and offered to grab some of her gaming stuff and nodded. "If you don't mind, its upstairs my Xbox One should be hooked to my tv still, and I'm down one controller sadly by the way." Alicia said sotly referring to when Grant accidentally broke the controller just a few days before.

My uncle finally came like a few minutes ago. I asked if I could hang with you for a bit, he said okay. Should be there in about ten minutes or so. Better have some chips waiting for me.—Jade
To Alicia

Alicia felt her phone going off again and looked down at her phone seeing it was Jade. "Great! See you soon Jade! :) <3" Alicia hit send and looked up at Katalina and smiled. "Jade will be here in about ten minutes." Alicia said softly as she got up and grabbed her crutches and headed into the kitchen to grab some snacks.

"Would you like some help?" Katalina got up and followed Alicia to the kitchen. "I mean with the crutches, it would be hard to carry food back to the living room, right?"

"Yes please." Alicia said softly as she went towards the pantry and started grabbing a few bags of chips and handed some to her girlfriend and some cans of soda as well, before making her way back towards the living room. Katalina took the chips and soda back to the living room and set them on the table.

As both of the ladies were doing their own thing in the kitchen and living room, there was a sudden knock at the door. Based on how furious the knock was and how many there were, it could only be one person because there was only one person that would knock like that: Jade Taylor.

Alicia was setting up some of the snacks on the coffee table in the living room, and then she could hear the sudden and furious knocks on the door and obviously she knew that it was Jade. She hobbled over towards the door looking at Jade and smiled at her friend happily. "Hey Jade, how are you feeling?" She asked having not seen her since yesterday since their little chat back at the clinic.

"Like someone ran me over with an earthquake generator." Jade laughed. "What about you two? Any better than yesterday?"

Alicia laughed softly and moved to the side a little bit to let Jade into the house, once her friend stepped inside she shrugged slightly. "I've been having a little bit of pain, but the doc Okada hooked me up with some pain meds, and being grounded isn't all that fun either." Alicia answered and went back to sitting down on the couch.

"I don't have a pounding headache anymore, so that's an improvement for sure. Otherwise still grounded, but as long as Mrs. Smith is watching over us, I'm allowed to be here." Kata waved to Jade from the couch and scooted over a bit to allow room for both Alicia and Jade.

"Wow, you two got the banhammer, huh? My uncle hasn't really said anything about my punishment - not that I would listen even if he did." Jade said, laughing as she made her way over to the couch, sitting  next to Alicia.

"Yeah it kind of sucks." Alicia said and smiled when Jade sat down next to her and reached over to grab a bag of potato chips and handed it towards Jade. "And got you snacks like you asked princess." Alicia said jokingly. "So what do you two want to do?"

"Hell if I know. I just responded to your invite. Kind of bad on the host — that being you — if you don't have anything planned." Jade said, resting her head against the comfy couch.

Katalina seemed to suppress a giggle at that. "Well we were setting up to play video games for a bit before you texted... but Ali's down a controller. We could take turns or something?"

"One controller? What happened--" Jade just remembered, "oh right, Grant busted her other one." Jade laughed and shrugged. "Yeah, I'm down with that. Not like we have any better options." Jade said, getting into a more comfortable sitting position on the couch.

"Well you kind of egged him on and that’s how he accidentally busted it." Alicia laughed softly as she at up and grabbed the remote to change the settings and turned on her Xbox One and went to the game library. "So what do you gals want to play, I have Dark Souls Two, Mortal Kombat X, or Battlefield." Alicia said.

"I really don't care; one of you pick." Jade shrugged.

Alicia looked over towards her girlfriend and handed her the controller and smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I guess you get to pick Kat."

Katalina smiled and kissed her back on the cheek. "Mortal Kombat is always fun, and some of the characters do have... interesting wardrobe choices." She giggled a bit as she scrolled down to the Mortal Kombat icon.

"Oh come one, Kata, you can say it." Jade smirked, "they dress like sluts." She laughed.

Alicia blushed slightly when Kat kissed her on the cheek and smiled as her girlfriend chose the game and reached over to grab herself a can of coke and opened it. Alicia giggled slightly at Jade's comment to some of the costumes for the characters in the game. "I'd like to see you dress up as one of those characters Jade."

"If you wanted to see my tits, just ask." Jade laughed, nudging Alicia slightly.

Katalina looked over at Jade and blinked. "Jade, are you hitting on my girlfriend right in front of me?" Her tone indicated that she knew it was a joke, but the question remained.

"You sound jealous. Do you want to see my tits too?" Jade said, partially sticking her tongue out at Kata.

Alicia's face turned a bright red suddenly at Jade's comment and looked over towards her girlfriend for a moment and looked back over at Jade. "Well everyone wouldn't mind seeing them I think." Alicia said jokingly and reached over to grope her girlfriend's breasts playfully. "I have my own pair to look at as well." Alicia giggled playfully.

Katalina let out a small squeek as her breast was groped, and looked at Alicia. The redhead's face matched her hair in color. "Ali!" She looked over at Jade and bit her lip. "Ahh we're not alone."

"Oh, come now, Kata. You can't possibly think that I'm bothered by this, can you?" Jade laughed, "cause, if I'm being totally honest, it's kind of hot." Jade openly admitted to Alicia and Katalina.

Alicia couldnt help but giggle at Katalina's reaction when she groped her, and looked over towards Jade and blushed slightly. She leaned forward and started to kiss her girlfriend and held the kiss there for several seconds before pulling away and winked towards Jade. "Hope you liked that little show then." Ali giggled.

Watching Ali and Kata kiss like that, even if just for a few, long, hot seconds, it had made Jade fan herself with her shirt. she felt her nipples starting to get hard. "Geez Ali, you're almost a big of tease as your tits." Jade puffed, avoiding ALi's eye contact. She kind of had to cause Jade clearly had the look of lust on her face.

Katalina blushed as she pulled back from Alicia, or she would have if she could have gotten any redder at that point."Are you the jealous one now Jade, or is that something else I dectect in your eye?"

"I am not, I have no idea what you--"

Alicia turne to look over at Jade and couldnt help but laugh seeing her friend's reaction and gently patted her friend on the shoulder. "If you have permission you could always kiss Kat or me." She said jokingly resting her head up against Katalina's shoulder.

"Alicia!! W-what are you saying?" For the first time in her life, Jade was completely speechless.

Katalina looked almost as speechless as Jade. She looked at her girlfriend and pulled her a bit close. "Ali, what are you saying indeed?"

"What? I'm just joking about that, unless you two are into that sort of thing." Alicia said looking between her girlfriend and then Jade seeing the looks on their faces.

Kata looked over at Jade and then Ali, and coughed. "I mean... uh... are you?"

Even after hearing them out, Jade was silent for almost a full minute. She was considering what to say. Hell, Jade wasn't really sure how to react to this. Yeah both Alicia and Kata were hot vixens(more Ali than Kat), and sure there were a couple of times where Jade thought of Alicia in a way that could only be described as hot and steamy, but now that the chance of it becoming a reality has presented itself to her, Jade was unsure how to feel about it.

"I guess it's worth a shot, right?" Jade shrugged, "I mean, Ali was the one who offered, and — well, I mean, you only live once, right?" Jade's cheeks were positively pinkish red, but she was definitely game. Her eyes went to Katalina, as if she was the deciding factor if this went forward or not.

Alicia's face turned slightly red and looked over towards Jade and then at her girlfriend, at one point she did have a little crush on Jade, but that was before she started to have feelings for Katalina. She rubbed the back of her neck slightly and looked over toward her girlfriend and wondered if it was alright.

Katalina looked like she could light a fire with her face at that point as she looked between Alicia and Jade. "I mean you are very attractive Jade, so I mean... my goodness... c'mere." She reached over and tugged Jade slightly over by the arm and pulled her into the cuddle she and Ali were already in.

"You aren't so bad yourself." Wow, did Jade actually just say that out loud? Yup she sure did, and just like that, her arm was tugged assertively, and brought in to a flesh orgy with Kata and Alicia. "So what now?" Jade asked clueless on how to proceed from here.

Alicia had a really surprised look on her face when Katalina pulled Jade over towards them until she was sandwiched between her girlfriend and best friend. She looked into Jade's eyes for a moment and leaned forward and kissed Jade and held the kiss there for several seconds before breaking it her face was really bright red by now. "Well that's what you do right, you acted like you never kissed anyone before Jade.."

"You know that I have!" Jade defensively said after Alicia had graced her lips on Jade's own. "it's just I don't have much experience with kissing my best friend." She said.

Katalina had to giggle for a moment before leaning over and kissing Jade on the cheek and then Alicia. "What she said. I mean, this will be interesting to navigate as time goes on, but you're right, you only live once and I'm willing to try. Besides, I have been wanting to get to know you better Jade, and well, I guess in more ways than one I will."

"Yeah, same for me as well. I figured you would be against this, but I guess you're not as innocent that most give you credit for." Suddenly, with a bit of a push from Alicia, Jade's inner-vixen was showing through. First, Jade would return Alicia's kiss with her own, letting their lips meet slowly as their respective flesh would touch. An exchange of saliva was made, and Jade pulled back slowly, looking at Alicia directly into her eyes. A smile formed on her mouth.

Alicia looked towards her girlfriend as Kata leaned forward and kissed Jade on the cheek, which was very sexy, and then her eyes met Jade's as her friend leaned forward and pressed her lips up against her own. She never thought she would actually kiss Jade, her best friend and returned the kiss, then Jade pulled away feeling her heart beating and smiled back at Jade. "That as pretty sexy." Alicia said softly biting her lower lip slightly.

"That was pretty sexy to watch." Katalina's voice sounded a bit raspy, as if full of a new sort of emotion. "Also, never mistake me for innocent Jade." There was almost a teasing quality in the red-heads voice as she reached over and pulled Jade in close and kissed her softly on the lips. 
"Dually noted." Jade said.

A chirp of surprise sounded off from Jade as Katalina had pulled her in for a kiss. She was right not to presume that she was innocent. In her mind, Jade was kicking herself because Kata, despite her previous demeanor, was a redhead. Those redheads were feisty as all hell. When it had sunk in that Kat's lips were touching Jade's, she couldn't help but let her libido side come out as a rather passion-filled moan sounded off. Jade also found her hands feeling around Kata's back.

Kata pulled back and blushed deeply, and gently tugged Alicia close as well, and wrapped her arms around both Jade and Ali. 

Alicia leaned back as she looked between her girlfriend and best friend, she watched Katalina kissing Jade which was rather hot seeing the two of them kiss. Then Kat broke away from the kiss feeling her girlfriend wrapping her arms around her and Jade Alicia quickly did the same, and kissed both girls on the cheek and smiled. "That was actually pretty fun." Alicia said blushing slightly. "Lets uh get back to our game shall we?" Alicia mentioned before quickly snatching up the controller and started up the game.

About thirty minutes later Alicia's mother had gone down the stairs having been doing some paper work upstairs seeing Jade, Alicia and Katalina playing a game on the tv before heading back up stairs to let them have their fun together.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HalfOfLancelot
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HalfOfLancelot What's worse: being heartbroke or roachbit?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by HalfOfLancelot
Avatar of HalfOfLancelot

HalfOfLancelot What's worse: being heartbroke or roachbit?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

i fell for you in the rain
and i'd fall again and again
to smell like petrichor on your lips
and speak parseltongue in your mouth

Sneaking out, day two.

Ashton was never much of a rebellious youth, yet here he was: sneaking out against his parent’s wishes when there was a murderer out and about in the streets. As stupid as it was, it was kind of thrilling. The day before, he never really got a chance to check up on his friends in the clinic, so that’s what he jumped out the window for today. Everyone had looked rather worse-for-wear when he had last saw them.

And Jesus Christ, he had put someone in the clinic. Ashton’s insides churned when he recalled that white-hot sensation streaking through his arm, out of his fingers and into the defenseless back of a dear friend. It had been a necessary attack, but one that had kept him up last night nonetheless. He’d have to go apologize to Jade sooner or later; the thought of seeing her gripped him with guilt and made him feel uneasy.

Based on various posts on social media, it seemed that while some people were discharged from the clinic, others remained. There was no harm in visiting the clinic, right? Murderers wouldn’t stalk a clinic. And he knew that because...


Well, he supposed that he didn’t know. But he was restless enough to risk it. Ashton was brave enough (or perhaps foolish) to walk along the empty streets of the normally bustling town, with no one knowing where he was. The empty streets were rather eerie, and fear was lingering in the air. It was to be expected; the town was reliving its darkest hours once more.

The momentum of the decision was enough to send Ashton leaping out his window, but he still glanced around uneasily. Yes, it was a foolhardy idea to go sneaking out again, but it was too late to go back now. He was closer to the clinic than he was to his house. If anything--

Oh fuck, is that dad’s car!?

A familiar dark sedan was cruising a few blocks away. Ashton’s heart dropped as panic washed over him. If he was caught out here, he was so fucking screwed. Immediately he leapt into action, sprinting away from the car on instinct. His heart was pounding as his feet propelled him further down the street. Right before rounding a corner, he risked a glance over his shoulder and saw that the car was thankfully turning the opposite way.

Before he could expel a relieved sigh, Ashton slammed into something solid. With a slight gasp of shock, he barely had the time to register the wall of pain as momentum continued to carry him forward, even as his body screeched to a halt.

Now, prior to this entire fiasco, Fox, the lone object that had the misfortune of getting in Ashton’s way, had been having quite the ordeal. Not only had the streets been literally empty on his walk back toward the clinic, enhancing that ‘someone’s definitely following me’ feeling, but it had also decided to rain. Thus, umbrella-less with another sweater thrown on (this one had a fox on it, with a rabbit knitted under its tail; cute grandma, cute) meant he’d be soaked through the minute he walked out. Luckily, before he’d even stepped foot outside his home, the elderly shop owner shoved an umbrella into his hand and told him to be safe before opening his antique store—the rain somehow drew the musk of old furniture out from the inside. It confounded him, too.

With the umbrella clutched in one hand and his cell phone in the other, Fox prepared himself for just about anything. Be it a mugger or a rabid dog or, God forbid, a serial killer. From Utah to backwoods Washington and not two days would pass before someone wore his skin and danced to Buffalo Bill’s Goodbye Horses. The thought, and partially the cold, gave him chills.

And then the moment he stepped into the clinic yesterday, Fox immediately knew he wouldn’t have a fun time. And then he didn’t. Because cute boys kissing. And something inside him told him, ‘Oh, yes, please,’ while everything else screamed and raged inside. The conflict tore away at him and, well, after a few words, Fox forgot the basket he’d been told to retrieve and got the hell out of there, ignoring the nurse’s odd stare at his probably red as fuck face.

To think he’d have to face either one or both because he'd been stupid enough not to actually do as told. Once he’d slipped in, almost literally, had an argument with the nurse and promptly sneaked into King’s room to face a salacious wink and kissy face, Fox bolted just as before. This time the nurse made note and screamed at him the entire way out.

Now, not even bothering to pay attention and rather screamed internally while running through rain and wind, it shouldn’t have been a surprise that he smacked right into someone. Literally. Faces met, the umbrella fell to the ground, the basket sounded like it hit something, and Fox found himself face-to-face with bright, green eyes. And also lip to lip. Jesus Christ.

After the initial shock of falling, Ashton had to take a couple of seconds to register what had just happened. While the force of the impact had been slightly painful, the fall had been cushioned by a pair of blue eyes and soft lips. The moment the two hit the ground, Ashton’s chapped lips landed on something soft.


With a jolt, Ashton realized that he was literally on top of someone, with their lips locked in an accidental kiss. He froze in shock, his mind grinding to a halt as he assessed how ludicrous this situation was. It was like something out of a cheesy romantic comedy--crashing into someone, falling on top of them, their lips accidentally meeting… And he supposed that the man underneath him was his soulmate, right? Heh. Fox didn’t take the situation any better, either, though he supposed that assumption would be right.

For a moment, Ash swore that his limbs absolutely refused to move. His mind was racing now, trying to figure out how the hell he was going to apologize for this, and more importantly, how he was going to disengage himself from this collision. Normally, the proper response would be to scramble off of the poor man as fast as possible, help them to their feet and apologize profusely.

For reasons Ashton couldn’t fully explain, a spontaneous idea came to head. Might as well own this accident. Ashton leaned back, separating their mouths for the slightest moment before brushing turning this accidental meeting of their lips into an actual kiss with the slightest bit of pressure. Fox responded in kind with a brush of his nose against Ashton’s cheek, savoring the feel of the soft glide of a pair of strange lips. Ashton carefully disengaged their tangled limbs, supporting his own weight above Fox’s, letting him slide a leg between Ashton’s. A gasp was all it took to keep Fox going, nodding his head lightly to bump it against Ashton’s. He bit down a curse against his lip before silencing any anxious reluctance from Ashton.

It was a daring, and unexpected move from Ashton, only spurred on by how responsive, albeit amateurish, Fox beneath him. Ashton surprised himself when he went leaned in to fully capture Fox’s lips. A gentle glide of lips that willed Fox’s hands to grip the dampness of Ashton’s shirt. Their bodies moved automatically, before either thoughts could catch up with their motions; a hand planted on ribs, careless of the rain soaking them to the bone, and lips fervent and pressed in soft, compliant sounds.

The lull and mesmerizing feeling of two bodies pressed together had Ashton’s eyes slowly sliding shut before he realized that holy shit, I’m kissing a complete stranger. Panic clouded his mind once again, and his eyes snapped open.

What the hell am I doing!?

Sheepishly, Ashton lifted his face off of Fox’s, surprised at how reluctant he was to break away from the kiss. His heart was pounding from this unexpected development, as he stared down at the face below him, close enough to feel each other’s huffs and gasps brush against their lips. Their breathing came out heavy and labored, and it was all Ashton could do to maintain this position—unable to get off of Fox in spite of his mind screaming that what he was doing was bad, wrong, no. He felt his limbs lock into place, and the only thing Ashton could do was pray that his heart didn’t fall out of his chest.

After a pulse and a breath, Fox tilted his head and furrowed his brows. To Ashton, it probably looked as if everything caught up and Fox seemed ready to absolutely pummel him. Before the larger half could seriously consider taking flight over fight, Foxtrot let out an annoyed whimper, blinking away the rain in his eyes and smashed their lips together. His hands found the light stubble invigorating against his palm, chin rubbing against the five o’clock shadow while his hands slipped further back to play at the blonde strands of hair in their grasp. Just absolute insanity and all thoughts be damned. The consequences, at this moment, looked minor to how it would feel if he didn’t take the chance, didn’t go all in. Well, all in for him, the innocent little closeted gay boy.

Ashton could feel the blood rush to his face, the heat radiating from his cheeks somehow managing to warm up his entire body. He completely forgot the fact that it was raining, and managed to ignore the fact that the raindrops were seeping into his clothing, and dripping down his face. He was completely focused on the pair of reddened lips pressing against his, the slight tugs at his hair, and the warmth of a cheek brushing against his own. Ashton’s fingers curled on the damp sidewalk to support his weight, as he placed his other hand on Fox’s cheek. It was crazy - making out with an absolute stranger was so wrong. But despite the grossly overused cliche, it felt so right and natural.

Their noses bumped together as Ashton readjusted his lips, and his tongue slid out to drag along Fox’s lower lip. A light gasp of breath at the warm press had Fox lurching forward, hands clamped against the side of Ashton’s face before they slid behind his shoulders to rake his fingers against Ashton’s damp shirt. He complied wholeheartedly and let Ashton take the lead in commanding the kiss. Each sweep of tongue against teeth and lip sucking on lip drew out responsive sounds from Fox, urging Ashton on to continue for the sake of pleasing them both.

Later on, Fox would likely look back at this moment and dread the fact that he gave a complete and utter stranger his first kiss. Honestly, he probably came off terrible, sloppy and lucky that the rain soaking them to the bone (he’d likely catch a cold from all this) covered the wetness of his responding kisses. Just awful smacks in his mind and odd movement, but he quickly caught on to the rhythm that Ashton set. From the moment they started kissing, Fox instinctually knew who needed to lead and he followed willingly in his shock. When things turned sour, Fox reassured Ashton with the firm pressure begging the other to continue, not to stop because everything so far in his life had been a shitstorm. He wanted this one thing for as long as he could take it—just one good thing in this flurry of crap the world threw at him.

Feeling the ache in his back, Fox pushed upward, a hand grasping the collar of Ashton’s shirt to pull himself up once the other got the message. He brought them both upright, letting Ashton’s hands curl around his waist and pull him close while Fox’s fingers gripped Ashton’s damp shirt clinging to his chest. More and more, Fox grew the courage to press his luck in the slide of their kisses, biting down on Ashton’s lower lip, anxious for the most part, but not lacking in assertiveness. Nonetheless, the eagerness took Ashton by surprise and the moment Fox backed off, eyes half open and full of anxious indecision, Ashton went in with a growl on the tip of his tongue.

Honestly, Ashton wasn’t quite sure what he had expected when he decided to honest-to-god kiss Fox, but this probably wasn’t it — not that he was complaining. There were many potentially disastrous ways this could’ve ended. Fox was responding to the kiss as much as he could, but there was a certain stiffness, perhaps, to the way that Fox’s lips moved against his that suggested he wasn’t completely well-versed in the art of making out.

When Fox paused again, Ashton took the opportunity to take the kiss into a new direction; less of an aggressive lip lock, and more gentle, unhurried, sweet. His hand slipped to the base of Fox’s back, his fingers gripping his shirt as Ashton’s eyes fluttered open to meet lidded brown eyes. Anticipation and petrichor urged Ashton onward, delighting Fox with the soft, sensual meet of their lips. The pitter patter of droplets splashing against them and the sidewalk thankfully seemed the only noise aside from the quiet whispers and heavy breaths between them. No cars rumbled on in the distance, leaving the two alone in an otherwise odd predicament.

The held breath—anticipation, anxiety, you name it—expelled itself through Fox’s nose the more they furthered their kisses. Only quiet huffs between quick pauses in their touches heard, enough of an insistence to continue unhurried, lingering and unrushed in their heated movements. More and more like the old movies his mother used to watch. The thought of him and this utter stranger featuring in black and white grainy crackles of film that accompanied the sweet sounds of their lips meeting had Fox’s heart pounding a fervent beat against his ribs. And yeah, it did feel amazing and cheesy, and yeah he'd admit that he’d chase that feeling for the rest of his life because, however long this lasted, he knew he'd be chasing this feeling for the rest of his life. He just hoped to God Ashton would too and maybe with him in particular, however dumb that sounded and would sound later. Who knew. Who the fuck knew.

Fox took a pause to lean in, lifting on his knees and smiling at the whimper below him before a rush of green blurred his vision. Their noses bumped and they both huffed a laugh cut short by the insistent smack of lips. The short, playful burst of kisses grew sloppy in the lightening mist of rain. Teeth clacked in the way of smiles and Fox found himself curled into Ashton’s lap, feeling the burst of amusement hitting his jaw line. Ashton seemed enthused by the change of pace, content to wrap his arms around Fox’s waist and trail light kisses against Fox’s jaw. They let the moment sink in, breaking apart ever so slowly to stare brown into green flecks of gold.

A laugh, more so a quiet rumble, broke the silence between them and Fox lifted himself slightly and slowly, not caring that Ashton’s hands still held tightly to his hips. He tilted his head and bit his lip, not really certain what exactly could be said in this moment.

“Um, so… Hey. I’m Ashton,” Ashton offered, sheepish and self-conscious in the instance between their kisses and the brief silence. He lifted a hand from Fox’s hip to rub his back lightly — was it too awkward of a gesture? Probably. His lips twisted upwards in an abashed grin. Now that the spell was broken, the mortifying feelings that he probably should’ve felt earlier were creeping up and overwhelming him. But it was too late to run off and hide now. He had to own up to his--well, their hasty decision. As strange as their first encounter was, he didn’t regret the kiss. Ashton’s first one in, well, who knows how long at this point. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed intimacy with someone — even if this person did happen to be a complete stranger. “Nice to meet you?”

“You could say that,” Fox replied with an equally abashed look. He took a deep breath, still smiling in spite of the current thoughts all centered around his idiocy—certainly not around the kiss ‘cause, huh, that was probably the highlight of his day. “I’m Foxtrot. Fox for short,” he introduced himself, responding to the pat on his back with a pat of his own, his hand squelching slightly in the dampness of Ashton’s shirt as it hit his chest. “That’s a great way to lose a first kiss, that’s for sure,” Fox muttered, though he glanced up at Ashton with a quick smile, “I wouldn’t change it, though. If that’s… not weird, at all. I mean, if it is… then yeah? I don’t—um, I’m not exactly sure how to act in a situation like this.

“But I know the second one requires dinner and a movie,” Fox recovered, adding on an anxious smirk that barely tugged at the corner of his lip.

Oh fuck. Ashton managed to keep that awkward grin on his face, even if he wanted to grimace. That was his first kiss? If he had known… No, it was too late for thoughts like that now. Besides, Fox said it himself, that it was a great first kiss. And he meant that, hopefully. For both their sakes’. ”It’s an unconventional way to make a first impression, I admit.” Ashton admitted with a light chuckle, ”It’s a bit weird, but… Good weird, I guess. I don’t regret it either.”

As if suddenly noticing the water dripping down his face, Ashton pushed back his wet hair and glanced upwards at the falling rain. He got to his feet with slightly shaky legs and offered a hand out to his new friend. ”I don’t know how to react either, but maybe we should start by getting out of the rain.”

“Unconventional just makes you more attractive,” Fox said, if a little too truthful there. He dropped the And so does all that rain dripping down your very nicely toned body. The effort to not look down took its toll and eventually, upon taking the hand and standing, Fox did take a cursory glance downward. Added with a sharp intake of breath he quickly turned around to grab the basket he dropped who knows how long ago and turned back toward Ashton. “But, yeah, you’re right. I’m just starting to notice the freezing cold,” he said grabbing Ashton’s hand without thinking and escorting him into the building.

After grabbing a pair of rather hefty looking towels from a nurse who looked this close to done with teenage bullshit, Fox laid everything out and sat huddled as close as he possibly could to Ashton. Not… not because of any like sexual intentions, but… hey drying rain in soaked clothes left people frozen solid. Don’t blame him for wanted some body heat. Now, it was just a matter of texting his mother that he’d be a bit late.

Haha. How is that gonna work out.

Hey mom, just got done making out with a boy I just met in the pouring rain. I might be a little late so put lunch in the microwave!

Nope the fuck out. Nope. Nope.

So, instead of doing the responsible thing, Fox merely pouted right up into Ashton’s side, straining for any kind of topic of conversation for two individuals who just got done making out. In. The. Pouring. Rain.

Jesus what was he thinking. He’s a good kisser, was exactly what he was thinking (and is, haha. Ha). Lord save him—he needed a lengthy talk with Mal and the nearest Catholic church after this.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Every Student
Location: The Park

Once Nina had hopped out of Austin's arms, she started looking around frantically for any signs of her BFF. It wasn't like Tessa to be late, so we was pretty sure that something had happened. "TESSA! Where are you!?" Nina ran over to the slide. Thank god, there was no one there... yet... But she had a bad sinking feeling.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out two items. Her lighter and her phone. She opened her phone and quickly typed out something.

This is Nina Jelen. Something is wrong. Tessa Grey is missing. If you can please help look for her. At the park where they found her sister. Please hurry and help!

She scrolled through her contact list and hit pretty much every single student she knew at Verona High, well at least the ones she had numbers for. Over the years and various group projects she had quite a few numbers available to her. She tucked her phone away and prayed for the best.

She held her lighter firmly in the palm of her hand, and flicked open the top, and then closed it, over and over, as if waiting. She continued to look around the park and call out for Tessa, getting more frantic every moment that she heard no response from her best friend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interacting With: @kittyluna45's Katalina Hargrave & Nina Jelen (via text), and @Altered Tundra's Jade Taylor @McHaggis's Jay Hunter-Darling (via text)Location: Alicia's House.

Alicia watched as her mother came down the stairs looking at the three girls on the couch playing a game, she had been upstairs the last couple of hours doing some paperwork. "I called for some pizza for lunch if you two are going to be staying for lunch?" Alicia's mom said with a smile. Alicia paused the game that they were playing and looked towards Katalina and Jade for a moment before looking back at her mom. "Yeah that sounds good thanks mom." Alicia said with a soft smile as she continued their game, that's when she got a text and wondered who it was and saw that it was Nina.

"This is Nina Jelen. Something is wrong. Tessa Grey is missing. If you can please help look for her. At the park where they found her sister. Please hurry and help!"

Alicia froze for a second seeing that the text was urgent and that something had happened to Tessa, she looked over towards both of her friends who also got the same text most likely. They had gone through a lot the last two days and she didn't want to see anything bad happen to her other friends. "I just got a text from Nina, something happened to Tessa." Alicia said and then suddenly remembered that she was grounded and her ankle was broken, but she wanted to go out and help. "I'm going to text Jay." Alicia quickly swiped through her contacts until she found Jay's number and sent him a quick text.

"Yo Jay I kind of need you help and want to search for Tess, could you I dunno port on over to my place and pick me up? Kat and Jade are both at my place I dunno if you can or not. But I really want to help."

Alicia texted and then hit send and sighed softly, she hated disobeying her parents when she was grounded but she didn't care one of her friends was in trouble and she wanted to help them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location Alicia’s House
Interacting With: Alicia Smith @Nallore, Kataline Hargrave @kittyluna45, Jay Hunter-Darling @McHaggis Grant Jackson Wells via Text

Just watching TV, just playing some video games, and just kissing occasionally, Jade was actually enjoying herself more than she would. After that initial awkwardness that would come with sharing lips with both Katalina and Alicia, Jade actually found it quite exciting. Of course, they wouldn't be doing that when Alicia's mom would come into the room, obviously spying on them, making sure nothing was going on. Obviously something was, but she had no idea exactly what, did she? ALicia's mom probably just thought that Jade was being the third wheel while Katalina and Alicia would occasionally share some make-out sessions while Jade took to beating the crap out of Sub-Zero on Mortal Kombat using one of her favorites, Scorpian. God she loved that one.

As Alicia's mom came into the living room and told the girls that she ordered pizza, she subtly asked if they were staying. "Hell yeah I am!" Jade said bluntly. "I mean, yeah, pizza sounds great," Jade said, quickly recovering from her rather blunt, honest remark.

When Alicia's mom left to the kitchen, Jade was continuing ruling at Mortal Kombat until Alicia suddenly spoke of something not so good. Tessa had been kidnapped. Jade turned her head, hearing the noise from the game saying FINISH HIM! But she didn't. Tessa was gone, kidnapped — whatever it was, she was gone, and video games were the least of the worries for Jade. 

"What?" Jade asked, trying to keep her voice as low as she possibly could. She looked to both Katalina and Alicia, trying to gauge their expressions on exactly what just happened. As she looked at them, Jade heard her phone ring. "Oh what now?” She took it out, and saw that Jay also texted her, saying the same thing. "Well, seems like Nina isn't the only one who knows. Jay just texted me. Seems like it was just down the road." Jade rubbed her temples, typing back to Jay.

To: Jay
Got discharged today. I am here with Alicia and Kata. Alicia is kind of on house arrest. Might need your warmhole powers to get us out.

Jade had finished typing, setting her phone in her lap. She sat there thinking for a moment, looking at both Katalina and ALicia briefly. It was about a minute before she realized that she would have to text someone else. Taking out her phone, she started texting.

To: Grant
Hey, in case you haven't heard already, Tessa's missing. I'm sure Nina probably texted you, but yeah, just in case you didn't know already.

Jade sent that text to Grant, hoping that the more people that knew, the better the chance of finding her. Wow, apparently having talks with Jay and Scout were a lot better for Jade than she originally thought. Who knew?

Location The Woods — With Group II
Interacting WithAlice Malone via voice message and text message @Undine, Jade Taylor via text, and the rest of his family minus Wesley

When Grant woke up this morning, he found himself feeling a lot better than the night previous. After all of that crying and confiding in Alice, he was feeling good about this morning. He woke up, did his usual morning rituals: he took a shower, brushed his teeth, and put on a suitable morning outfit. Before he would go downstairs to join his family, he grabbed his phone, and started to call Alice. As the rings went on, it was obvious to Grant that he was going to get a voice message. That was okay. He would simply leave one. When he heard the beep, he started talking. “Hey Alice, it’s Grant. I didn’t say it last night because I was too much of a wreck, but I just wanted to say thank you for last night. I couldn’t have made it last night without you, so thank you. I hope to see you soon. Bye!“ Grant finished, putting his phone in his pocket, and joined his family downstairs for breakfast.

Everything that he loved was prepared: eggs, hash browns, bacon, pancakes, and a fruit salad. Every single one of his siblings were there — even Thomas, which Grant was surprised since he had just got Tenure at a major hospital in Seattle, his mother was there, and both of his grandparents were there. The only person that seemed to be absent was his father, Wesley Wells.

They ate breakfast in moderate conversation. Most of it was just about how crime recently was spiking, and the events of that party and just the fallout. Grant was relatively quiet. Everyone knew why he was. With Olivia pretty much telling him that she was moving to Nevada because of how worried her parents were and then with Alice dropping him off, and him confiding in her. They all knew that he wasn’t going to be speaking much, but that was okay. They didn’t press him. He would occasionally join the conversation here and there, but for the most part, Grant kept to himself, eating his breakfast in moderate silence.

Just about when everyone was done, they each put their plates into the sink, and as noted by Jack before everyone sat down to eat, they all joined each other in the family room(the first left when you walk into the Wells’ House). Everyone took a seat in the chairs and couches that surrounded a centerpiece, wooden table.

Jack, sitting where Wesley usually sat, cleared his throat. “I’m sure everyone here is wondering why I called for this family meeting after breakfast.”

“It’s rather obvious, isn’t it?” Adam said, shifting in his seat.

“Oh? Enlighten us, Adam. What do you think this is about?” Thomas inquired of his brother.

“Something happened to father, and grandpa wants to make sure we’re alright.” Adam said, rolling his eyes somewhat.

“Okay, so if that’s true, then why don’t you go ahead and tell us, grandfather.” Thomas looked to both his brother and Jack.

“Your brother’s right, Thomas. Something did happen to your father.” Jack cleared his throat, shifting forward in the chair he was sitting in, “after that altercation with Grant, and after you four,” he looked to Grant, Ava, Adam, and Danielle, “took his car, he and I had a discussion about you guys, about your mother, and about what I knew all along about how he treated you guys. He knew he had a problem, so he went to go get help.”

“Help?” Grant said, surprising everyone.

“He went on a journey, so to speak. He checked himself into an Anger Management facility in Vancouver. Frankly, he had done it a few weeks ago, but put it off because of work.”

“So, he’s getting help. For what? Being a wife-beater? A child-beater?” Ava said, obviously disgusted with the whole topic.

“Ava Brianna Wells!” Amy said sharply, eyes narrowing at Ava.

“What? We all know it’s true. Him going to some anger management classes or whatever isn’t going to change the fact that he beat us.” Ava said, about to stand up.

“No, but the fact he recognizes that he needs help is a start.” JAck said, simply sipping his tea.

“Grandfather, you can’t--”

“He’s right, Ava.” Thomas said, looking at everyone. “Father knows he has a problem. I think this is good for him.”

“Of course you would say that. He never laid a finger on you.” Ava scoffed.

“True as that may be, let’s at least let him do this, and see what happens.” Thomas said, looking towards Grant, “little brother, you haven’t said anything. Surely there’s some kind of response you want to say.” Thomas didn’t take his eyes off of Grant.

“Thomas, I don’t think..”

“No, it’s fine DanI. I don’t mind talking.” Grant said, looking at everyone.

He really didn’t know how to feel about this. His father, out of all of his siblings, seemed to beat on him more, and that’s what had him conflicted the most about. Would he be happy that his father finally was going to get help? Was he like Ava and simply thought too little, too late? Was he like Thomas and that at least he saw that he had a problem, and was trying to fix himself for the better of the family? Grant really didn’t know because he found himself at the point of the all three points of that triangle where he could go in either direction. He simply didn’t know.

“I don’t know. I just don’t know,” Grant said, feeling awkward in even talking about it. It wasn’t just a couple of days ago where enough had been enough, and Grant had raised his hand to his father for the first time. Still, there wasn’t a lot he wanted to say. He just didn’t know what to say, or how he was feeling. “I just--” Grant was interrupted by the overwhelming amount of rings from everyone’s phone. They all looked at each other, and read what it said. Some had calls while the others had text messages. Grant looked at his, and saw he had a text message from both Jade and Nina. Both using different ways of saying it, but it said the same thing:

“Tessa’s missing!” Grant, along with everyone else, said at the same time. Instantly, everyone got up. Jack gestured everyone out. They all got into their cars. Jack and Ellen got into their car, Thomas got into his, Adam and Ava got into theirs, and Grant rode with DanI in hers. They all drove off in that exact order, and they were heading out.

As each car went off in separate directions, but seemingly taking routes to the Police Station, Grant took out his phone, and texted Alice.
To: Alice
Oh my god, Alice! Tessa is missing! Please tell me you’re safe! Oh god, please tell me you’re okay! Please tell me you’re safe!

Grant was freaking out. First Olivia leaves, now Tessa was missing. If Alice were to --no, he couldn’t think like that. She was okay. She had to have been. If she wasn’t.. “DanI, before we go to the police station, can we swing by Alice Malone’s house? I need to make sure she’s okay. Please?” Grant asked her, looking at her.

She nodded, and would take a turn going towards Alice’s house. She knew that look on her brother’s face. She knew that something had connected between the two, and she knew that he wanted to make sure she was alright too.
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