Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@KindledBeastAxel glared at Roman." Considering I'll go into a coma without it. Did you bring a needle?" the pirate asked out of breath way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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@Demonic Angel
"Oh yeah, let me just grab you one from my trusty supply. No but here I'm sure I can find one." Roman quickly scanned the room Intel he found a drawer labeled "syringe" he went through it and grabbing a syringe packet and opening it. He looked around for a moment. " "I'm such a hero coming to the aid of a dame in distress." he glanced over at Axel noticing she was still glaring. He walked over and handed her the syringe and veil.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@KindledBeast@Overlord24" Cute Roman. Real cute. To answer your question Match Stick yeah. He's wasn't good to me. James would strike you with a fists before reading to his kids. If the man never got his way then you would either get shot at or something thrown at you. That was if you were lucky. During sword training if you cried due to getting cut Hook would either do it over and over or just hit you. So yeah my dad was a bundle of joy to be around when my mother left for someone else and he decided to play mad doctor just to have his own perfect Peter Pan."Axel said as she flinched while opening the packet. She looked at the boys wondering if she should warn them but decided against it. Then the pirate did what she had to using her arm then placed the syringe aside drinking the rest of the liquid slowly." Wonder if the nurse has anything for burns cause these hurt more than a regular flame Match Stick."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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Jay looked in the most surprised and offended look he could possibly give. Trying his best to look sincere since the surprised part was him fibbing. "Teacher you cannot be serious, she got upset with me over telling her she can't do everything herself. I didn't do anything to her, if nobody saw me do anything how can I get in trouble? Especially for merely expressing my mind." Jay stated crossing his arms knowing he couldn't be punished because HE didn't do anything. Jay scoffs some turning away waiting for Inigo to climb up onto his shoulder before proceeding to head to his next class. "The teachers really are selective in who they punish aren't they. I'm kind of hating this school already." Jay complained inside his head. Inigo could easily figure what he was thinking from his annoyed expression. "So gym is next right, maybe you'll get to play dodge ball." Inigo stated quietly with a grin. Jay shook his head doubting they do such a childish thing in their university, but as long as it had nothing to do with bar chin ups, he'd be content. Smiling some figuring those two blockhead siblings were upset which was a comforting thought, somehow made his way nearby the nurses office maybe just because he overheard talking stopping at the doorway.

"I know. I know." Leo sighed looking at himself in the mirror. "Are you alright? I can stay with you." Leo offered not exactly in the mood to head to the gym knowing somehow that he was going to end up running into one of those student, which he wanted to pummel all of them, just for getting in his way unnecessarily. Pretty sure the coward wouldn't accept an off ground one on one fist fight. Leo waited for his sister to respond.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@SleepingSilenceAxel took another swig just to wrinkle her nose between the pain from her burns and the taste. Footsteps echoed only to seem to stop right at the door. This caused the girl to lean for a better view." You know you can come inside Jay. Hate to ask you but do you have anything on you for burns? I kinda lost my temper with Match Stick over here and I'm not planing to get up right away."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@Demonic Angel
Jay's first question popping in his head is why didn't the nurse office have anyone there...or burn ointment. Jay looked at Inigo for a moment as Inigo nodded some. "I'm on it." Inigo replied scurrying off to Jay's room. Quickly stepping inside seeing Roman and the other student, he was pretty sure was called Axel. Jay smiled some scratching his nose a bit with his finger. "Well no, not on me. But I can use a little magic to get some." Jay bluffed some. "How exactly did you hurt yourself like that?" Jay asked Axel curiously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@SleepingSilence" I inherited my creator's sort temper. Match Stick over there pissed me off so I swing at him a lot. Didn't expect the whole fire thing though. Which was really cool by the way." the girl stopped just to take another swig." Careful there's shards of glass everywhere. I'm going to ask you and Roman to act like my crew. At least until the one guy isn't going to kill you. If anything goes wrong tell him I was the one to do it. Then I'll take care of it because it's better if I get expelled than you two." she stated in a calm voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@Demonic Angel
"I mean I don't want to drag either of you into trouble, but I know a way he'd leave all three us be for good." Jay half suggested rubbing the back of neck making it sound more casual than something he actually wanted. "I wouldn't want to get you in trouble, but I'm grateful for what you did, I didn't do anything to her, she just ran off like that over a mere comment." Jay stated looking at Roman. "Do you two know each other?" Jay asked him curiously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@SleepingSilence" I can take anything that moron dishes out. Whether it be throwing punches to getting sliced. To be honest I rather enjoy pain anyways. As I keep saying it's better for a science experiment like me to get hurt. That and my father would work something out with the school to keep me here until Pan and his family is dead anyway." The pirate said as she got up. She went over towards the medical supplies grabbing some gaze and alcohol for the wounds. The pirate also disposed of the used syringe and bottle." All I'm aking is for you all to trust me. But if I think you're going to betray me I'll beat you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"No one cries out in pain when their feelings are hurt. And don't think I don't know the difference between cries Jay. I raised a lot of kids. I know the difference. You hurt her somehow. I am sure if I have someone look at her they will find a wound. Is that what you want?" The old lady challenged. She didn't care what he said. She knew that he had done something to the girl that had run out of the room.

"Thank you Leo. I appreciate the offer. But I am fine. The wound is small. I don't need your help. It will heal. I just didn't want to transform in front of the others. I hate not having control of my curse. You go to class. I'll be there as soon as I am calm enough to return to normal." Katherin assured him. She didn't want to go back to class but she had to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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@Demonic Angel
"Yeah yeah don't mention it." Roman said as he found a spot in the nurses office to it down with stuff to distract him. He was playing with the stethoscope when he noticed Axel talking agin. He raised his hand to his chest and made it look a little wobbly. "Wellnyou see axel I only trust people who trust me. So now this falls upon you." he said gesturing a bow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@KindledBeast@Demonic Angel
Jay nodded his head in approval, and smiled. "I have confidence in both of you, helping me when you didn't have to. I'd consider you both friends, if you'd accept." Jay replied figuring staying here wouldn't be a bad thing, knowing Leo wouldn't come here if his sister wasn't here already. While wondering what was taking Inigo so long, knowing he could go quite a far distance on only a little time, despite being small. Jay looked toward the door and back at them a couple of times. "Speaking of the devil." Jay thought as Inigo sneaked himself in quietly, putting the burn cream inside his back pocket as secretly as possible. Jay nonchalantly pulls it out and extends his arm, opening his hand. "Here use this, its fast acting, should get rid of the pain too." Jay offered Axel, the burn cream in a small tube. Thinking of his teachers words, that he will be punish as he waited for the appropriate time to ask Inigo another favor regarding his two new problems.

Leo sighed slightly, but didn't want too act over protective knowing she didn't like it as the parents did it often, especially to him. Leo nodded in response and just left the bathroom looking at the clock in the hallway. "I wonder if I have enough time to go to my room..." Leo ponders in his head putting one of his hands inside his pocket hearing a mild beeping sound, it wasn't a good sound. His phone battery was dying because he forgot to charge it this morning, now he debated internally if the phone or class was more important, weighing the pro and cons which was ironically wasting time he didn't really have.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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@KindledBeast@SleepingSilence" Alright it's settled. Thank you both." Axel said as she applied the cream to her side and hands. Jay was right it worked like a charm though most likely the pirate's hands would scar. Other than that it wasn't a bad day." Alright Jay if there is anything I need to know now is the time. You too Roman. That way we can come up with a story that make me take the fall."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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@Demonic Angel
"Far be it from me to let a dame in distress take the fall. I say we just go with it." Riman said kicking his feet up on one of the tables. There was no way in hell he was going to let Axel take the fall for what happen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@KindledBeast" I have a feeling you're a very stubborn peraon. Alright but we have to have stick to the same story. No matter what." The girl stated as she sat on one of the beds.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@Demonic Angel@KindledBeast
Jay wasn't exactly sure how to respond, because he was exactly aware of what happened and it's nothing the teachers could prove upon that he was certain. But he didn't want to reveal the true story because he get caught in a fib and he wouldn't risk that upsetting friends he just made. Jay shook his head. "No matter what you say, the teacher is convinced I am the sole perpetrator, so all I need to do is prove that wrong." Jay answered sounding confident. "I can fight my own battle with the principal, if you want to help me. I need to find a way to get those two no longer target me. So they don't try to get me in any more trouble." Jay replied crossing his arms, looking down. Jay turned his back them both and leaned on a counter top. "He's the type of guy that probably wants to try to get people he doesn't like expelled, he may go after you two now."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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@SleepingSilence @Demonic Angel
"He's irrational as well, do something to his sister and he'll become enraged thus making him the aggressor. As things currently are the teachers don't know what happened, so all we have to do is warp what really happen to better suit us. I mean the girl does seem rather sensitive. She might have burned herself while cooking." Roman said as a smile found it's way to his face once agin. "I'd rather not get them expelled but I mean we could lure them to the woods and I could really sink my teeth into that red bastard...." Roman said becoming excited he stopped for a moment calming himself down. The thought of a nice hunt always got him too excited.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@SleepingSilence@KindledBeast" Best to keep the woods as a last resort. Last thing we want is to add more attention towards Jay. You should keep your head down for a while cause I don't want you getting into more trouble as is." The pirate sighed before ruffling her black hair. She stood up then began cleaning up the glass. As Axel was cleaning an idea popped into her head." What if Roman and I get his attention instead? I could always play my father which is no big deal. I could threaten to hurt her if he tries something, which in turn keeps the guy away from you. If he decides to attack me Roman then you could always... Talk things over if you caught my drift."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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@Demonic Angel
"Yeah I'm fine with "talking" to him." Roman said with a sarcastic attitude.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@KindledBeast@SleepingSilence" Okay. Jay I'll need you to swallow your pride and apologize to her. Just hear me out first. Roman will be by your side since I don't think he believes me. If I could get the two separated than I can threaten his sister's life. No problem. Afterwards might get bad but no matter what Roman doesn't leave your side." The pirate said this in a serious tone. No matter what she was going to get the heat off of Jay. As well as keep both of her "crew members" save. Maybe even get them to help out in her father's goal much later.
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