Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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"A bed... really?" The transparent teen pondered aloud to himself as he looked at the absurdly large king size bed that dominated one of the corners of his newly acquired room. In honesty this wasn't the first basic living appliance the ghost boy had shook his head at as he had looked over the room, a few others being a fully stocked mini fridge brimming with junk food and sodas as well as a rather impressive bathroom with what was honestly the biggest bathtub the lad had ever seen. "This stuff is going to go to some serious waste. It's like they have no idea what the needs of a strapping young ghost are." The young spirit said with a smirk before turning to the literal wall sized T.V. that was behind him. "But this, this is a step in the right direction." He said, rubbing his hands together at the thought of a week long slasher movie marathon, but he was pulled from his horror filmed filled thoughts when he noticed movement from outside his window down on the beach. "Oh that's right, people. Gore later introductions first Johnny." He said aloud, a wicked grin coming across his ghostly face before he disappeared entirely into a faint wisp of smoke.

The warm and sunny feeling of the day would soon fade away as a bone chilling fog would fall upon and envelop the beachgoers. A series of faint ghostly moans would accompany the fog, their whispering being completely and utterly unconceivable. But what would truly be the main focus of this unearthly event would be the thunderous voice that dominated the cacophony of disembody moans. "HEED ME YOUNG MORTALS FOR I AM THE HARBINGER OF YOUR IMMINENT DEMISE!!" This deep, raspy, nearly maddening voice would appear to be coming from all sides of the young hero team. "YOUR REVELRY HAS DISTURBED MY MILLENNIUM LONG SLUMBER AND FOR THIS IS SHALL RAIN ALL THE UNSPEAKABLE HORRORS THAT ONLY THE DEEPEST REACHES THE NETHERWORLD CAN WITHSTAND!!!" The voice would soon let out a spine tingling cackle that dripped with pure malice.

It was half way through this horrifying laugh that it started to change into a boyish chuckle. Soon after the voice changed the fog faded and the ghostly moans silenced. "Oh man that was funny!!" The young, much less sinister sounding, voice said as the spectral teen appeared, holding his sides doubled over laughing. "I'm sorry guys I was just yanking ya chain." He added as he straightened up and offered everyone a smile. "I'm Johnny by the way."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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@Saarebas @Weird Tales



Jesse knew she was being a bad girl teasing Charles but couldn't help herself because his reaction to her suit was priceless as well as flattering. She knew she looked good because she'd seen the reaction in uncle Bruce's eyes as well as the other males and a couple of the ladies of the Justice League but none so extreme.

When Gamer swooned at her over the top never gonna happen suggestion of nude hot tub bathing then ran off she let the poor boy go an catch his breath.

Then she stood back up and looked around an giggled as she said

" Let's get the party started."

She once more became a blur as she headed to the beach and started the BBQ fire, opened the chips, opened the trays of slaw, potato salad, actual salads, deserts and everything else you might expect at a good beach party. It would appear to many that she'd multiplied she moved so fast hyped up at the response to her team's invitation.

Sure being here was a bit of a demotion after working with the JL on a few missions with her dad an mom but it was also liberating not having to worry about the direct observation of her seniors. She planned on making this Titans annex the best in the world though she wasn't clear on how she'd do that at the moment.

She spotted James and his display of power and appeared before him shaking his hand saying

"James so good of you to join us, love the Jurassic shift careful you don't scare off the fish.

I'm Jesse Chambers the appointed leader of this party but you may call me your Majesty"

She laughs softly looking around them an adds

"Actually Jesse would be fine.

Enjoy the spread and have fun because barring we receive an emergency call I want everyone to get to know one another before we start all the work needed to make us a team"

She's off in a flash and over at the DJ table flipping switches an selecting music (Boom, Boom Satellites "Easy Action)

When Haunt pulled his stunt she had to admit it had a delightful goosebumps effect that might have elicited a Shiver from her if he'd have gone much farther.

"Hi Johnny go to see you in high spirits I'm Jesse the Hostess of this collection of confusion"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Charles stayed off a distance from the others glancing back at them then looks away taking a deep breath and his gamer mind activating helping to calm him down faster. he looks up to the sky then sigh "Why did I ever accept that invitation.... no going back now" he sighs "...I'm going have to get use to this 'leader'..." he says to himself, shaking his head. then takes a deep breath and walks back to the others, he would keep his eyes directed down towards the ground or up to the sky more so he wouldn't see anything to rile him up again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Draco was kind of surprised at just how... well, flirty J'zen was. He really wasn't used to being flirted with; It just never really happened for him in the past. Oh sure he was good a public speaking and all that but he had always had his attention focused elsewhere instead of seeking out a girlfriend or the like. "Maybe you could show me your room sometime?" He asked playfully back before his gaze followed the leaving J'zen for a few moments before he shook his head and focused on the world around him again.

To say that shit hit the fan in a hurry would have been an understatement... expect that it didn't. In rapid session a sea monster and a supernatural enemy quickly reveled themselves to be friends... well, not so much friends as allies. Both times Draco had braced for action but found himself without an enemy to fight. Some might have considered this a bit of a let down (The fact that he couldn't do a great deed in his Goddess's name was somewhat disappointing he had to admit) but Draco simply took the time to calm himself and observe how his team mates talked to each other and interacted. There was work that needed to be done to get this band of strange misfits into an organized team ready to combat evil and a small part of him smiled at the challenge.

Deciding to start making some head way with that, Draco calmly approached Jesse now that she wasn't being swamped by perverted teenage boys and offered her a small smile and a warm nod in greeting. "So Jesse, if you don't mind me asking what sort of team building training exercises were you planning on using?" Sure it was business talk, but it was better then suffering a nose bleed and a fainting spell at the sight of her.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

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Stephen was ready for a fight when the sea monster appeared, before becoming a friend. He got a chuckle outta the ghost boy's act, he didn't get worried by it since he deals with that sort of thing all the time. He watched everyone interact with one another. He nodded as everyone talked, grabbing a drink looking over, seeing Charles looking at the ground or sky. Stephen walked up and clapped a hand on the kid's shoulder. "You know, you are going to have to work on that. Hard to fight villains if you can't look at the cute ones." He said to him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Jesse looked up from the DJ system seeing Draco and smiled.

"Well Draco that is an excellent question but one with no simple answer because even the most skillfully wrought training regime can't instill the chemistry needed to make a real team. In all honesty I believe before we are through that our group will have trimmed it's self down to half our present register.

It's a sad fact of life but one observed many times by history"
says Jesse with a slight pout

She looks over the assembled hoping briefly that she's wrong but knowing she likely hopes in vain.

"Goddess I hope we prove the exception.

I want to begin by not forcing anyone to attend the training sessions so that I can see who is seriously committed to being a part of the Titans of their own accord.

We will be starting with what I call a Show-Off session where we each demonstrate what we all think individually our greatest strengths in front of the rest of the team. After that we'll each pair off or even triple off with those we believe we can best work with and use the practice chamber on a rotating schedule; right now we're all just a gaggle of individuals.

Once that is done we'll pair up teams till they learn that as a group we are stronger."

Jesse laughs softly noting Drake's trying to avoid staring at her. She does blush slightly though because even though most males don't think so she notices things about them she finds appealing.

"It's okay to look you know it's not as if I'm unaware of how I look"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James laughed at Jesse's comment of not scaring off the fish and he could tell that this girl probably would have a low attention span thanks to her super speed, James would probably have to stay in the moment.

"I already ate a few on the way here, that's one of the reasons I was late" he replied chuckling. He did have to admit that Haunt's prank gave him goosebumps, but he knew it was all good fun.

"Hello Johnny, I might right a paranormal book on you. You should go along perfectly well with my Dogman and Jersey Devil forms" he responded to the spirit giving him a thumbs up. He then looked at the others and smiled.

"Let's party like a Sasquatch!" he shouted pickup a bottle of root beer and holding up as a toast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Charles would look at Stephen with slightly annoyed look "it's not that I can't look at cute girls, It's the fact of the very revealing clothing" he states "makes it bit hard when I see things like that" he states and rubs his forehead with a sigh "...this is going to be troublesome" he says shaking his head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the feminine male has finally arrived at the beach, everyone was already there and getting to know each-other. That was good that they were communicating with each-other. Arriving to his spot, J'zen placed a towel on the sand and sat right on it, he grabbed the sun-screen lotion before squirting it into his hand and began to lotion both of his legs and arms. After that, when he was all ready to go into the water, someone who seemed to be a serpent appeared, it was awfully scary but at-least they were part of J'zen's team so that didn't really matter. Then the ghost appeared, which made the girly-boy jump slightly but held his scream, so he just stood up from the sand and headed over to the beach. As the others were communicating with one another- J'zen decided to go for a swim, he loved the water and to swim freely was an A+ plus in his book.

"Here I come, ocean!"

And with that, the girly-boy took off his shorts to reveal his tight one piece, before making a run for it to the water. He wasn't a really good swimmer but that didn't mean that he couldn't swim close to the shore. J'zen dived into the water, opening his eyes to see the cute little fishes swimming around him, the water was crystal clear and everything underwater was clear and beautiful. J'zen swam up as he untied his hair to reveal his long and beautiful smoothly hair that has been pinned up into a ponytail. "Mmm... so there's only one girl here... and about uhh about four guys.. including me, is five? That would be awkward for the girl, seeing as how she'll be the only girl here and all these boys are all staring at her, she does have a good body though. Thank-god I don't go that road, well she's pretty and all but I have a feeling she'll probably end up liking one of these boys. Ah, love. It's so beautiful." he'd sigh while day-dreaming for a moment before snapping back into reality as he continued to swim freely around the ocean. As he noticed the others partying and grabbing a root bear, J'zen quickly got out of the shower as his body was shining like an armor and his curves were squeezed and show able due to his swim-wear.

"Hey guys!" the girly-boy giggled before reaching for a root-bear and holding it up for a toast as-well, though, he had to tippy toe seeing as how the others were taller than him. Toast to the new Titans family!

@SirSqueakalot91@Saarebas@Weird Tales@RumikoOhara@Bright_Ops
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bourgeoisie
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The Operative

"Operative, what the hell are you doing up there? Aren't you supposed to be a part of a team?" A voice spoke in the camoflagued figure identified as Unit a51FLwo8641i, as a sea monster and ghost appeared with the group of teenage heroes.

The armored figure perched on underside of the T shaped building nodded that he had heard his handler's words. Not answering, he continued to observe the group below him. He had been hanging upside down since the early morning, and now watched the proceedings below him with curiosity. The figures were his age, yet seemed so different than others had had met in the laboratory.

"They are more...vibrant," the figure thought, watching as a blonde haired girl zip around the ground in a blur, "How are they so... alive?"

"Confirm individual, blonde, super speed." Unit a51FLwo8641i asked his handler taking note of other apparent threats. Normally, individuals were unable to hear or see him if he didn't want them too, but meta-humans were not part of the tests the laboratory ran on him. New factors meant new plans of attack, new plans of escape, all to be formulated on the go.

Tilting his helmeted face, Unit a51FLwo8641i zoomed in on the speedster as his handler reported back.

"Records indicate that the speedster is one Jesse Quick. Child of two other superheroes, designated leader of the group. Similar kit to you Unit a51FLwo8641i, but lacks psionic powers," The gruff voice said as Unit a51FLwo8641i heard a lighter flick over the comm, "Remember kid. your here for a reason. Go on down, make some friends"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

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Stephen chuckled at the kid. "Hey, don't worry. You'll have to get used to it. Most villain girls wear outfits like that because it distracts people. I'm sure our boss will be more then happy to model outfits for you till you get used to it." He said and grabbed a drink. "Or I can cast a spell and make everyone appear naked for you." He said as he took a drink. He held his drink up for the toast with everyone else.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"are you insane or something!" Charles says to Stephen "you want me to die? you might as well just rip my eyes out it would have the same result" he states shaking his head "if it was even possible to really do such with this body.." he says looking at his hand then just turns and walks away deciding it'll be better entirely if he simply sticks to himself when he isn't absolutely needed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Johnny couldn't help but grin, most of the time he revealed himself to the living he was greeted with frantic screams and people trying to splash holy water on him, and that was when he wasn't putting on the whole evil spirit routine. All and all these guys seemed pretty okay in Johnny's book already and just from a quick look it seemed they had quite the range of people, from spell slingers to the more traditional spandex wearing heroes. Johnny was pulled out of his people watching when the shapeshifter, Johnny had ran into quite a few of his lot in the past, caught his attention with saying how he would be great to write about. "A whole book 'bout lil ol' me? Well I'm down right flattered." He said, putting on quite the convincing southern droll, before laughing. "Seriously though dude that would be cool, and make sure to spare no details in regards to my amazing good looks." He added in a joking manor. As everyone began to grab drinks and toast Johnny couldn't help but smirk. "Oh root beer my favorite, though it goes right to my thighs." He said, the sarcasm practically visible in his tone. He grabbed one of the bottles but left it unopened as he raised it for the toast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bourgeoisie
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The Operative

Breathing slowly, Unit a51FLwo8641i began extending his grappling line, and slowed. Time around the figure slowed to a crawl, and even the blonde speedster seemed to slow down to a more normal pace. Swinging his body, Unit a51FLwo8641i began building, moving at an achingly slow rate as the long seconds passed as his handler continued to count down.

Once he built up enough momentum, Unit a51FLwo8641i detached his cable and flew into the air. Extending his arms to his side, he began to fall towards the group of teenagers many stories below him. The world seemed so much more vibrant now, the colors more saturated, details crisper. He could see the way the speedsters hair moved in the wind, blowing softly in an unseen wind, a pink haired figure suspended in mid-jump above the ocean, and the other figures frozen in their interactions. He felt an odd pang in his chest, something he had never felt before. It was an unpleasant burning sensation, a phantom itch that Unit a51FLwo8641i knew he would never be able soothe.

Ignoring the feeling and half way down the tower, Unit a51FLwo8641i brought his knees to his chest, and straightened out as he fell. Feet pointed towards the ground, the boy began counting the seconds until impact. When he reached five, his feet broke the water's surface, the impact sending up a large spray of water up. His eye tracked the individual drops as his body descended into the depths.

Once he was completely engulfed by the clear water, he began swimming back up towards the surface.

"Well then Operative, that's one way to make an entrance." Unit a51FLwo8641i could practically hear the grin in his handler's voice as he broke the surface.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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"You bet, I'll call it 'An Interview of With A Ghost'" James laughed out and had to double over to catch his breath at the joke. Vampires weren't exactly his thing, but he knew enough about the novels about them to know when to tell a joke.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help myself with my humor sometimes" he said to Johnny still laughing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

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Stephen walked over to Draco and Jesse. "Need some help cooking?" He asked and stood next to them. "Oh and Draco, I would like to hear more about this Goddess you have, if you have time." He said. "That way when we do the interview, I can have a basic idea of her. Jesse, if you would like to do an interview as well, I would love to have both of you on the show. Maybe have both of you on at the same time. The loyal follower and the new leader, has a good ring to it." He said and took a drink.

@Bright_Ops @RumikoOhara
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Jesse looked at Stephen as she set the sound system to a playlist that included a good deal of Dub.
"I think loyalty is a bit much to ask at this point, as for an interview I'll setup a meeting with my publicist..

She giggles then runs over to the BBQ pit and starts a fire using just friction.
"As for help BBQING sure if you think you can handle it
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Of course I can handle it." Stephen said as he got the meat. "You've been doing all the running around, maybe you should relax and get to know you team. Since, you know, you are going to lead us and all. Go talk with your minions, have fun." He said as he got the food ready.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Jesse paused an looked a Stephen an grinned
"I'd love a little help but would also like to point out I've been using the time I play hostess to observe you all "

She relaxes even taking a seat on a lounger near the pit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Oh?" Stephen asked. "And just what, pray tell, have you observe so far?" He asked her and started to cook. "And what have you learned about our little," he waved a hand trying to think of the right word, "clan?"

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