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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sweedishdelight
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Sweedishdelight Romance Enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Belle's eyes slowly fluttered open as she began to awake although she was tempted to close her eyes once again, especially in the darkness when it could be day or night. The young woman shivered slightly feeling the cold within the building and buried herself deeper into the thick sleeping bag only allowing the top half of her head exposed. The once very clean and beautiful girl was covered in dirt and soot, her once straight glowing hair matted and in tangles and her clothes torn. It was extremely hard to wash on a regular basis, especially now that she was by herself. When her brother Daniel was still alive one of them would take watch when the other would wash up but now Belle often was in a constant state of terror.

The last few months had really been the hardest she could ever experience and in all honesty she questioned why she kept going. Wouldn't it be so much easier to just let one zombie bite her and be done with it all? Maybe... But something inside of her still wanted to live, even if it was just a glimmer. Slowly rolling back the sleeping bag she silently crawled out and reached for her bag feeling around inside being very careful with her movements, it was incredible how the zombies had such a fixed sense of hearing and she wasn't tempted to sound off the alarms by banging around a few cans.

Pulling out a can she felt the torn label now very sure what is was but reached for the can opener and slowly sawed off the lid. Feeling into the can with her fingers she felt an almost syrupy liquid and little chunks of something that was squishy but a bit firm. Peaches Belle raised the can and took a sip followed by another and reached for a slice of peach chewing it slowly. Using one hand to rummage through her bag she realized that she only had a couple of cans left... Soon enough she would have to scavenge once again, it wasn't something she looked forward to.

Belle wasn't the same girl as she was even a month ago, she used to have more hope inside of her and would often try to make others feel better by explaining how things weren't as bad they appeared and they would be rescued... Everything would get better. Lowering her head Belle sighed quietly and set down the can before picking up something and stepping through the empty building. Moving to open the door it made a loud clank but than she saw light and cringed, her eyes closing. The room she was staying in was a broken down meat cooler and the rest of the building was long abandoned, maybe even before the apocalypse... But who knew?

Within the light if anyone were to see Belle they would see a slim pale care with a pair of ripped jean shorts and a grey tank top that was once white. Her hair fell over her shoulders and her eyes slowly opened as they adjusted to the light. Held in her hand was a worn machete stained with blood, she hadn't had extra water in a couple of days and hadn't gotten to clean the weapon but it worked well enough.

Raising her gaze to the outside of the building she saw the wasteland before her, once before this town must have looked gorgeous... The sun shining with green forestry and little houses, a nice church and the bank next to a little family diner... Now everything was blackened and dull, even the sun seemed to shine a bit duller then once before. The young woman couldn't help but wonder if there was anyone else out there... Of coarse there had to be but she hadn't seen a trace of survivors in months, she remember thinking in the first month of everything that soon they would be rescued and be taken someplace safe... but it never happened.

No wonder you barely have any food, you think too much Belle scolded herself before heading back into the cooler and grabbing her thick brown leather jacket and sliding it on. Slipping down her shorts she replaced them with a pair of dark denim jeans that were torn at the knee but overall clean enough. Followed by this she pulled on a pair of thick glasses that she had found within the warehouse. If a drop of zombie blood were to enter her blood stream, or even saliva she could become a zombie herself and with that had to be extremely careful. Walking out and closing the cooler door she pulled the bag over her shoulders and headed down the hallway of the warehouse and down it's broken steps trying to avoid knocking over any bricks.

Stealth was her main option at the moment. If she were quiet she could avoid most of them unless they came in a hoard, at one point she had several weapons but after what happened to Daniel.... She had no ammo left. There was a grocery store across the town but Belle had no desire to go inside knowing it was dark, large and she had no idea of what horrors awaited her but the little diner held some promise, it's roof had been caved in and the sun on most days kept is bright. Walking very carefully and silently she headed towards the diner, looking over her shoulder constantly and around her making sure she was prepared, for anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anima
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Going outside the walls. It was a near death sentence and all who ventured beyond the safety of the metal knew it. Even so, supplies needed to be obtained — food, electricity, and ammunition if any still existed. The world belonged to the dead now as the living dwindled each day. What should have remained in the ground, were rising up, yearning to live again. The life they received, however, was that of monsters.

Having volunteered when many stepped aside, Carmen walked as quietly as she could. The footsteps of the four others who came with her — all men — sounded jarringly loud to her. She wanted to turn around and tell them to mind their steps, but that would only cause more noise — and unneeded tension. The senses of the living were at their peak, listening for the moans.

“We’ve hit all these stores already.” A man wearing a black mask and googles looked around. His blue fatigues were worn — as was the same with the others including Carmen’s. Water was in short supply. Hell, water tokens were cut from biweekly to monthly. Everyone reeked, but compared to the dead, it was normal. “We’ve still got some daylight. Might wanna venture further outside the reconned area.”

“No eyes, no go,” Carmen said. She signaled the scavenging crew to stop as they ducked into a abandoned building — or so it looked from the outside. “Another team had the same idea. Only two out of the five made it back. We’d practically be walking blind! Not to mention cut off. No comm buoy’s outside the recon area.”

Jeff, the person who voiced the idea initially sighed. “We’re running out of options. The other teams picked the whole damn radius clean.” He pointed to the wall behind him. “We can try hitting the Target, but I sure as hell ain’t stepping in there without an armored car. That place is a freakin’ jackpot, if you can get there and out without getting chomped that is. No, we have to push out.”

“I sure as hell am not going to Target.” Joey, the youngest of the group stepped forward. He removed his mask and took a full draft of polluted air.

“Out of options Carmen,” Jeff said. As to emphasis his point, he flexed his hand around the hatchet that he thought he knew how to use. “We’re going.”

“This is a really bad idea,” she said. “At least send a me—“

“We won’t be long. What are you afraid of? Quietly in, quietly out. Nothing to it.”

A million logically arguments came to mind, but Carmen remained silent. Logic could only do so much with stubbornness.


Jeff blinked before shouldering his pack for a snugger fit. “Daylight’s burning. Lets go.”

It was well into the evening. Daylight slowly dwindled to but a trickle. Carmen ran down the abandon streets; her breathing was sharp. As her legs carried her away as quickly as possible, a piercing high shriek filled the deserted streets. It was a cry that no walker could make, for theirs was the sombre, saddening moan. No. The noise came from something worse. It came from the hunters.

The group became separated. As Jeff said, they found a few local stores where supplies rested. For a time, it was a shopping spree. The group stuffed their stacks with what others left behind and moved on. Walkers had to be put down, but it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle. Carmen was ready to admit that the sortie was a success until Joey opened that door. It took only seconds for everything to go to hell.

Now, after lord knows how long had passed, Carmen was lost. Instead of bringing her things back to the city, she was running farther into the unknown. Losing the majority of her things to gain more speed, no matter how fast she ran, the screams of the hunters were always nearby.

Her vision beginning to blacken. She needed to get off the streets and catch her breath. Any second now, she knew she’d be on the ground either passed out from fatigue and becoming defenseless. She scanned frantically for a building and spotted a small diner. It wasn’t ideal, but it’d have to do.

As she made her way over, her eyes locked on to a sight, she hadn’t expected. It took her a few seconds to register that the woman in the brown jacket wasn’t a walker, but a human. A goddamn human!

Without introducing herself, she ran up and grabbed the girls wrist and dragged her to the diner. She was still breathing heavily behind her mask, and her tactical vest and scavenged things weren’t helping. For now, she hoped the woman would just follow. The hunters were close, and she didn’t want to be out in the open when they arrived.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sweedishdelight
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Sweedishdelight Romance Enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Belle raised her eyes to the sky knowing that soon enough the sky would darken and the others would come out fully. She didn't know what they were exactly, zombies of coarse with their insatiable hunger for human flesh but they moved so quickly, faster than she could ever run. Walking a bit faster towards the diner she held her machete even more firmly but didn't expect the sudden grip pulling her.

Instantly thinking it was a zombie she raised her machete but as she was pulled it fell to the ground with a clang. "Wha-?" She asked as she looked at what was pulling her and despite the heavy protective layers of clothing she could tell it was a human. Why was this person here? What did they want? Hearing a sudden scream that seemed undeniably close Belle's eyes widened knowing exactly what it was.

Pushing open the door to the diner Belle pulled her grip from the other person and ran towards the back avoiding the trash and chunks of crumbled roof that was scattered along the floors. Having an idea of the best place they could hide she climbed over the counter and to the side corner where a door was marked 'Employees only'. Pushing open the door Belle ran inside and waited for the other survivor to enter before closing the door and locking it.

The room was small but contained a few counter with a fridge, a table with several chairs and a couch pressed up against once of the walls, a bit of the ceiling was caved in but relatively unscathed compared to the rest of the diner. Breathing in soft pants Belle tried to gradually calm down her breathing and slowly raised her eyes to the person now in the same room with her. "Don't hurt me." Belle stammered feeling so frightened without her machete in her hand, or any weapon for that matter. She had heard of survivors snapping and killing others, or resorting to cannibalism, rape, and she wasn't prepared to defend herself.

Inching her way back from this person she didn't remove her eyes just in case any sudden movements were made. Belle's soft hazel eyes stared not knowing whether she should trust this person or not... Who knew of their intentions?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anima
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Carmen was thankful that the woman dropped the weapon. She wasn't ready to deal with a wound or a risk of infection. It'd eat through her meager field aid kit, which could probably only handle one bandaging. There used to be so much, but with the rioting happening within the quarantine city, production had slowed down while the guards sought order. On some occasions, lethal force was authorized. The faces of every person her baton fell upon still stuck with her. Unlike the undead, those injuries or kills never went away. She just got better at ignoring them - largely unsuccessful.

Making sure the doors were closed, Carmen studied her surroundings. The other survivor had moved towards the back as she moved that way as well. Surprisingly, the place wasn't full of walkers. Normally, she'd walk in, and several would be gunning for her almost immediately. Of course, her blunt weapon was more than enough to put them down, but there had been far too many close calls. A single walker was easy. Three or more proved more difficult.

Carmen walked into the employee room as she turned to stare at the woman. She was blonde, dirty, and looked frightened as if Carmen were the cat and she was the mouse. Closing the door as quietly as possible, Carmen slung the pack off her back and set it in a corner. The guard sighed in relief as the weight was off her shoulders. Her heart still hammered maddeningly fast as she removed her mask and goggles. Removing the wood, her matte of black hair fell forward as her face shone with sweat. Her right hiking boot had come lose. She'd tend to that later.

Her sparkling violet eyes observed the blonde. "I'm not going to do anything to you," she said finally. Her heart beat - though still pounding in her ears - had begun to slow. "I wasn't expecting anyone - a survivor - to be out here."

Walking to the couch, she plopped down as she removed her vest and upper half of her blue fatigues to reveal a black tank top. She looked at the slightly collapsed roof as the echoes of the hunters belted through the air. She kept her weapon close incase it was needed. "Traveling alone isn't always the safest thing you know?" Carmen said. She wondered how the others were doing. If Jeff and Patrick had gotten away. She rolled her eyes and muttered to herself, "See Jeff, told you this was a shit idea."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sweedishdelight
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Sweedishdelight Romance Enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Watching as the other survivor pulled off their pack and than the mask and goggles Belle was surprised to not see a tough gruff face but a strong yet obviously feminine profile with soft eyes. The multiple layers had disguised her easily even though it wasn't it's intention. As the woman spoke Belle remained silent not sure what to say, when being on your own for several months with nothing to accompany you besides your thoughts you lost the ability to socialize properly.

As Carmen sat down Belle kept her stance on the other side of the room, her back facing the counters and she gripped the edges tightly. "I didn't exactly have a choice..." She spoke softly as she looked at Carmen knowing she must be staring.

The woman before her seemed strong and unlike Belle completely able to protect herself, at least that's what she thought. "Are there other survivors besides you?" Belle asked curiously as she pulled back a chair from the table and slowly sat down, hugging her jacket closer to her body.

Belle had once been very healthy and although slim was strong, most days she felt weak and lightheaded, with that came the occasional chills. The blond very lightly strummed her fingernails against the table, a nervous habit she had picked up.

"I haven't seen a survivor in months... Not one living person," She began as she pushed back her dirty hair from her eyes, "You are the first." She gave the smallest hint of a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anima
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Carmen tilted her head slightly to the side. Did the woman really not know about the quarantine cities? Though she was a ways out, it should have been hard to miss. Hell, patrols frequented the outside perimeters, scavenging for anything that could be usable. Surely she would have crossed their sectors? Maybe she'd just arrived Carmen thought to herself. Judging from her answer, she probably didn't come from another city. How had she survived?

"Yes," Carmen said. Damn how the blonde looked tired and malnourished. In another life, she must have been beautiful. Now, with cosmetics and make up all gone, a new standard of beauty had been adopted. Reaching into her bag, Carmen pulled out a can of chicken noodle soup. A treat she'd been saving for herself. She got up and walked to the table the survivor stood at. "Probably the last can of those I'll find in a while. Enjoy it."

Stepping back, Carmen crossed her arms as a chill seeped through the building's cracks. She shuddered. "Must have been hard," Carmen said. She wanted to return a smile, but such gestures were hard to do these days. There weren't too many things to smile about. "I'm Carmen. A guard at East-QC 24. Might be easier to go by names, if you don't mind trusting a complete stranger with it. In the morning, I plan to make my way back there. You're free to tag along, if you want to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sweedishdelight
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Sweedishdelight Romance Enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Belle's eyes followed Carmen's movements and widened as she pulled out a can of soup, the label was worn and torn but didn't look dented. Why was this perfect stranger sharing food with her? Maybe where she came from they have more? She reckoned thoughtfully but definitely questioned it, most especially since the world was in shambles.

"T-Thank you," Belle whispered softly and reached into her bag for her can opener. "We can share it?" She offered quietly feeling a bit more comfortable with Carmen now despite her instincts telling her not to. It was a challenge to trust people in this day and age, after everything that had happened humanity was reduced to pure survival, such things had manners and respect were long ago tossed out the window, although apparently not in this case.

As Carmen commented on her situation Belle half shrugged her shoulders as she struggled with opening the can, her fingers trembling lightly Listening to Carmen she realized how strange it was hearing a voice besides her own, it was wonderful and sad all at once, she had once taken such as thing for granted. "Carmen," Belle repeated and nodded as she listened to the woman speak, seemingly compassionate for offering to take her along.

"My name is B-Belle," She introduced tucking back another strand of scraggly hair and she nodded slowly, thoughtfully. What would happened if she declined this offer? She couldn't honestly make it on her own for much longer, food was scarce and she could barely protect herself. "If I stay here I will die... I would like to travel with you, although I can't p-promise I won't slow you down." Belle spoke very honestly, knowing her energy was low and her will was broken but something did want her to continue on. "I'll try my best." She promised raising her soft eyes to look at Carmen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anima
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Her confidence could use some work Carmen thought as she walked away. She spotted a small milk cart on the other side of the room as she walked, grabbed it and brought it back. Using it as a makeshift chair, she sat on the opposite end of the table. "Then we'll leave in the morning," she said. "With luck, we'll make it back without too much trouble. The other scavengers I was with, well, they should have dispersed the walkers far enough to give us an opening."

Carmen tilted her head ever so slightly at the can. "I think ... you could use that much more than me. Don't get offended, but you're really all skin and bones," she said. Checking the door, Carmen was relieved to see that nothing was pounding against the employee door. She wasn't sure just how long it'd hold. "I think it'd only be fair for me to explain the quarantine city before you get there. There are people - living people - who live there. However, each city, from what I've heard is ruled under martial law. Guards have unrestricted authority, curfew, rations, the works. Once you're in, you can't really leave per say.

"To be honest, while the dead can't get in, supplies are scarce. Which is why you have scavenger-guards like me. There are rural quarantined cities we traded with, but the routes are swarmed. Send out a caravan, and that'd be that. No word or anything. Just gone. With that, do you still want to come with me? You'll have to adapt - quickly. Everyone pulls their weight."

The room had certainly darkened from the conversation. It wasn't the guards intention, but telling the girl now instead of hearing it from a senior guard was certainly kinder. Cracking a thin smile, Carmen tapped her hand against the table. "Don't let me scare you away though. The safety of the walls is worth the excessive rules."
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