Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

All credit to @Fizzy for a banner! Finally!


Returning players, read this again. A lot is the same, but there are a couple new things!


There are stories everywhere, tales of the unexplained and the impossible. On any street, in any city in the world, you'll find someone who swears they've seen a ghost, and sometimes they'll show you where - for a price, of course. Every night, a child tells their parents they know there's a monster under their bed, and won't go back to their room until the place has been thoroughly examined by the keen eyes of their mother. Newsstands are crowded with tabloids that tell of wolf-men and moth-men and creatures from beyond understanding. Sometimes, far from the city lights, a driver will see a shape on the side of the road, something hulking with vicious eyes and too many limbs, caught in the glare of their headlights for only a second. They're tall tales, great anecdotes to tell at parties if the power's gone out or the beginning of a screenplay that gets turned into another disappointing late-autumn movie. But the stories are still there, in every bar in every city in every nation, passed from person to person. And those stories have a kind of power - in time, the ones that aren't forgotten become of them become legends, parables, folklore.

But the fact is that stories are all they are, right? Everyone knows that hauntings are really just fumes trapped in poorly-ventilated rooms or super-low-frequency infrasound from air-handling equipment. Parents slay the the imaginary monster with a word or a willow-branch, but later the children know that the monsters never really existed. The readership of the Fortean Times shrinks every year. But sometimes people really do disappear, vanishing in the velvet, devouring darkness of the Interstate. Videos come up on Youtube that can't be dismissed as simple fakery with computer-generated effects and rubber masks. Cults will spring up overnight then leave nothing but sigils and patterns burned in a floor, members left mad or dead or worse. Most of the time, even these are mundane. They're hoaxes, or someone trying to leave their old life behind, or nobody seeing the signs until it was far, far too late. Most of the time, there's nothing more to the stories.

But not always.

And that's where you come in.


Welcome to the world of Priest & Hawthorne Investigations - a world quite like our own, but, of course, with some important differences. Magic, monsters, and ghosts are all real here - though they are uncommon enough that the general population is both unaware of and doesn't give much credence to them. In the parlance of modern fantasy, this setting is a "masquerade" world, one where the supernatural world and mortal worlds are largely separate, with the supernatural largely hidden behind variously-elaborate disguise and artifice. All the same, companies like Priest & Hawthorne Investigations - and even a handful of clandestine government agencies - exist around the world not necessarily to enforce a divide between normal people and the paranormal or supernatural, but more to help and protect people who are completely unprepared to deal with these things themselves. Working in the background and behind the scenes, they keep their hands full exorcising ghosts, banishing demons, and keeping an unwitting public safe from creatures, people, and even whole hidden nations they never knew meant them harm.

PHI and their contemporaries are certainly not out to “destroy” the paranormal; instead, they exist to keep the balance of power from getting out of hand; both with the mortal world and among one another. If a coven of vampires makes enough trouble or someone takes a daughter’s disappearance hard and starts to look for answers beyond the comfortable ignorance of conventional wisdom, they might find their way to the comfortable leather chairs of the PHI offices. When ghouls or imps start getting noticed at the University of Washington campus, Priest & Hawthorne usually get the call to investigate. If a Prince of Faerie is killed by an agent of a Vampire court, PHI will be involved. They’re problem-solvers, guardians of the comfortable lies built around centuries of reason and rationality. PHI’s investigators can’t always make the problem go away as completely or as silently as everyone might like - but even the worst cases tend to be written off as “funny ol’ world, isn’t it,” to the blissfully unaware.

The company itself is run out of an impressively-historical building in Seattle’s Pioneer Square, and has a reputation as the premier paranormal and supernatural investigation firm in the Pacific Northwest. To be fair, that reputation has more weight with creatures from the spooky side than with mortals, who generally haven't heard of PHI, and PHI likes it that way. The founders, Samuel Priest and Adelina Hawthorne, went into business in the late 1800s and though they’ve both moved on since to open other branches, the Seattle office remains the original and largest, with its handful of agents and assorted staff. Exactly how it is that people come to be aware of PHI is a matter of considerable debate - the company doesn’t exactly advertise in the Yellow Pages - but despite the mystery, business is steady and reliable. Most of the people who work there have their own theories as to how PHI’s gold-embossed business cards find their ways to clients. No two theories are exactly the same - and none of them are completely correct.

At Priest & Hawthorne Investigations, you keep the supernatural and mortal worlds safe - not only from one another, but from themselves. Maintaining that balance is often a delicate, headache-inducing job, and even bigger than you might expect. There is a surprising amount of paperwork.

And lately, business has been good. Maybe a little too good. There have been more hauntings lately, but more troubling are reports of madness, of inexplicable suicides and even the marks of true dark, dangerous magic. You’ve had your hands full already, but there’s bad news on the horizon...



Okay, so, let’s try this (again)! I’ve always had a soft spot for urban fantasy, and I’m hoping this will be a lot of fun. From a purely out-of-character perspective, this setting should wind up feeling more like Hellboy, The Dresden Files, or even a little bit of Ghostbusters or Tad Williams’ The Dirty Streets of Heaven. The game's setting, at least at the start, is the city of Seattle, Washington, in the United States, in a contemporary, modern timeframe. You should expect mystery, having to find and follow clues, a certain noir atmosphere, and plenty of character interaction. I will, as the GM (and with a character in the mix) drop guideposts when I need to, but generally it’ll be up to you to figure out where to go next. You’ll have to talk to one another, argue, fuss, make decisions and have agency.

There is a story, but I like to think I’ve planned something pretty flexible. Still, this is a two-way street - I can adjust the story based on what the characters do, but as players, you in turn have to realise that the story probably won’t stretch to you having a “lol random” moment and driving the Mystery Machine off a cliff. I don’t necessarily expect anyone to do do that, but…well. Communication is important, for partners of any kind. :3


And now, some character information!

I want to be very clear that your characters are all going to be the protagonists of this story. They’re the good guys - or, at least, the less-bad-guys, depending. I don’t expect everyone to get along all the time, but at the same time your characters work together regularly and have to at least be civil with one another and, as it were, face the same direction when the time comes. You’ve all known one another for at least a little while, and are probably reasonably close-knit. You are, after all, doing a dangerous job that almost nobody would believe you actually have. Just imagine the cast comparing notes on how to avoid being audited - for those of you who have social security numbers, anyway.

This means that no, your character is not a moody loner who can’t stand people, communicates only in ironic sneers, or is so withdrawn they stand by the wall and do nothing but observe. Your internal monologue does not look like “bloodpaindeathbloodfleshbloodpaindeath.” You are also not a “sleeper agent” unless you really really really impress me with the whys and wherefores.

I’m expecting your characters to be old enough to be out of college. Unless you give me a really good reason, you should also expect to have a body of knowledge as well as the physical and mental maturity of at least a human in their mid-twenties who has either grown up in or adapted to the modern world. Not knowing how a smartphone works is funny exactly once, you know?

You also - and this might be the exciting part - don’t have to be human! Priest & Hawthorne is a very inclusive bunch. Still, remember that this is, in many ways, a clandestine organization. Your characters will, to one degree or another, have to live and work in a large and modern city. If they’re twelve feet tall and covered in scales, that’s going to be something of a trick - but if you convince me how that works, I’ll totally let you do it! I’m not exactly limiting you on what myths, legends, fairy tales or whatever else you might like to draw inspiration from, so tell me a compelling story. I am more interested in what is interesting, both alone and in a narrative sense, than anything else.

That said, I am going to limit outright non-human creatures. Monsters and faerytale creatures are uncommon, and ones that want to work for PHI are even less so. The supernatural world probably looks on PHI and their peers with a certain amount of suspicion, if not outright hostility. This means you’re really going to have to impress me with a non-human character. This limitation includes half-humans and were-creatures.

There will, however, be far fewer limits on the various flavors of human! Wizards and witches? Sure! A character who found a mystical artifact and is empowered by it? Go ahead! A human carrying an inherited curse where they become a man with a pig’s brain by day and a pig with a man’s brain by night? Um…well, sure, go ahead, I’ll read it, at least. A pyromancer, an exorcist, or a telepath? Why not! I would even encourage a plain, vanilla human, because I want to know how they fell in with PHI. :3 I don’t plan on killing anyone unless we have a fairly serious discussion beforehand, and there’s plenty of room to tailor our adventures so that everyone will have something to do.

Now, this is important: This RP is not first-come, first-served. Think of your character sheet like an audition. Yes, even returning players. Impress me with your cleverness, with your writing, with your ideas. I want to see that you have a reasonably complex version of who your character is, why it is they work at PHI, or even what they think of the explosion in IPAs at every bar in Seattle (As a woman who does not care for IPAs, I personally find it a little depressing). Show me something you’re proud of. I’m not promising that everyone will get in, but I encourage effort. The cast is in all likelihood going to be fairly small, as well.

I don’t really have a set of “roles” for the cast members in mind. I’m really hoping for a group of characters that can work together well, and allow that to form sort of dynamically, or with a little bit of mutual cooperation once the cast list is finished.

And now, a character sheet!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

@vietmyke, @Austronaut, here's the new OOC! :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Austronaut
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

For your reconsideration, its everyones most ambivilent professor! Voted most likely to be that teacher you hate in highschool! Putting the math in mathamagics! Emmaline Von Morganstern!

I will assume everyone read that in a boxing announcer voice.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

I'm so glad to see her again! I'll read this in a moment, my tea is brewing. :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

@Austronaut - You are, of course, in. :3 I would prefer to have more than one character before starting this again, though...*laughs*
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sorry lol, didn thave much access to anything but my phone yesterday- commencement and whatnot- not mine unfortunately. (and I still don't have access to my own personal computer.)

Anyway, here is Mr. McCalister! - I'll be editting/overhauling him a bit when I have access to my own computer tonight

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
Avatar of Naril

Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

Excellent! Nice to see you again, too. :3

I'll look forward to edits and modifications - the rules have changed slightly for character sheets, but I'm sure you won't have a problem with them. I really like Jacob and his daughter, too - I'll try to avoid having creepy things happen to her this time. Maybe!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

Good morning, everyone! What a lovely weekend.

I am, of course, around to answer questions - though I suspect that I'll have a quiet time in the shop regardless. I'm glad to see you two, though. :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Habibi359
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Habibi359 from Uranus

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well now! How about g'old

joining the fray? I had lot of fun writing the character and playing with him; If it's still possible and wanted, I'd gladly come again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

@Habibi359 - Of course! But take a look at the character sheet template again - the rules have changed a little. :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Habibi359
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Habibi359 from Uranus

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Naril Oooh, you sly succubus! You have my fingers itching! And looking back at the sheet, I think I'll flesh it out a tad during next week.

In other news, if last cat of our original team finds it here, should we just go ahead and continue our original story?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

We'll see how it goes. :3 I have a different opening in mind, and wrote several different chapters of this story - we'll probably start with a different one. Probably! Maybe. Depends on how lazy I get. *grins*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Uh, I'm going to the beach for the next few days, I think Jacob is fine as is I guess, most of the changes I was planning on making were aesthetic changes, so his background, skills, personality, bio are all more or less staying the same
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

That's fine. It'll probably take me a few days to write the new IC post, life being what it is. :3 I like the busy-ness, though. Keeps me from getting bored.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lady horatio
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lady horatio

Member Seen 11 mos ago

[delighted screeching]

I am so, so mad that I missed the activity kicking back up on the old thread! *pokes head in shyly* If you're open to having me, I would absolutely love to update Mandy's character sheet and re-submit it. I had so much fun with you guys.
1x Like Like 2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Austronaut
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The gang is all here! Clearly this thread made an impact on us.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

@lady horatio

I am more than pleased to have you back! In fact, I'll demand that you re-submit Mandy's sheet. :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lady horatio
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lady horatio

Member Seen 11 mos ago

-more happy pterodactyl noises-

Thank you, @Naril! :333 In that case, I'll have it up today. I already started drafting her new background scene last night.

It's so nice to see you all!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 28 days ago

I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to reading it. :3

We'll be starting with something a little more silly and action-loaded at least for the first scene - but I'm trying to amuse myself along with all of you, and I just spent lot of time at a garden center... *grins*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lady horatio
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lady horatio

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Almost done with my character sheet, I swear! I got stuck on two possible directions for my background scene; I finally chose, but might end up writing the other one later. :P
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