Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Character you have created: Malcolm Laurence
Alias: Dominus Mortis. Normally Just Mortis.

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): FFA07A

Character Alignment: Villian
Identity: Unknown
Character Personality: Malcolm has lived a long time and has experienced a variety of emotions during his long life and more in his unlife as a result he has all but left human emotions aside replacing them with cold logic. Malcolm has always been cynical and pessimistic never finding joy in anything he does this is mainly due to his little grasp on his humanity and ergo his disregard for all life.

Malcolm has a short temper that quickly shows itself when he is dealing with creatures he deems as lower life forms these being mostly human being who have not achieved what he views as enlightenment.

Uniform/costume:Malcolm wears a dusty molding robe that cling loosely to his skeletal body. It was a rich purple colour which has now become a duller kind of purple. The hem of his robe has a gold pattern sewn into it.The stitching on his robes comes undone in places showing off his rotting flesh and skeletal figure. His robes seem to have almost endless storage capacity this is simply a simple enchantment that makes the pockets of his robe deeper than they actually are.

Origin Info/Details:
Malcolm had always been interested in death. Born to a family that dealt in death. His father a coroner and his mother a Funeral Director Malcolm was to say the least, surrounded by death from birth. It was when he began to bloom as a man did his fixation with the occult and the undead truly started to go too far. He was shipped off to med school after finishing his study and was soon finished and pronounced doctor Malcolm Laurence.

After his studies he became fixated on cults and black magic to do with death. He used his family's wealth to purchase hundreds of occult paraphernalia which he used to further his knowledge and slow fall into darkness. When he turned 28 he joined a cult that worshiped one of many of the gods of death he had read about in his occult books.

His cult meetings and his dealings with them started to become a lot darker as he was egged on by cult members to start killing prostitutes on the streets of London. It wouldn’t be his first kill and the idea of fulfilling the wishes and pleasing the twisted god of Death he worshiped he would happily do whatever they asked of him.

Malcolm killed eleven people before the police really started to actively hunt for him. His killing spree had left a mark on the city of London and his strange obsession with the body parts he took from his victims worried the cult he belonged too and many of the members voiced their concerns as to the attention that Malcolm was bringing to the cult. Malcolm would have none of it ignoring them, he was planning something big and it was on the night after they voiced their concerns he set his plans into motion.Ambushing the cult members during a meeting they were having to expel him from their group, he worked magic through their minds forcing them to kill themselves. As his ritual reached its climax he looked at what he had achieved.

The leather bound book that lay in the middle of the ritual circle ebbed with dark magics and evil intent. It was his phylactery and he would hide it from anyone who would wish to destroy it. For it contained his soul and with it he would be closer to death and his god than any other person he knew of. He smiled as he felt his heart stop beating his body going cold as his bodily functions shut down. The culmination of his years of research and work had lead up to this point and he would relish every moment of it.

Raising his hands he gathered the souls of the dead cult members along with the souls of the people he had killed and gestured to the book which sprang open the pages turning madly until it stopped on no particular page. The souls were sucked into the book which snapped shut the moment the last soul entered it. Smiling with satisfaction he left the church but was upset to find that the police had found him. Somehow they overpowered him imprisoning him for his crimes. It was not long before the people of london heard about his crimes. They were outraged and forced their way into the jails taking Malcolm from his cell and burning him at the stake. Something that hadn’t been done in a long time.

They then dumped his charred body in the river. His journal was sold at a police auction to an avid occult collector and has since then been called the murder journal and passed from hand to hand before finally falling into the hands of a collector in New Haven. His body reforming in the city he now looks for his phylactery under the guise of Dominus Mortis, Master of Death.

Hero Type (Select one): Mystic/Supernatural
Power Level (Select one below): City Level (Possibility for World Level)

Powers (Be Specific): Mortis is a Lich and has command over black magic called Necromancy. He can communicate and speak to the dead and see ghosts or the spirits of those departed. He can detect mass death from a mile away small amounts of the dead half a mile.The more saturated an area is with death the stronger his magic is.He can use this magic to cause a variety of effects listed below:

He can bring life to dead bodies creating thralls that he can control either as mindless zombies or as full fledged undead retaining all of their knowledge of their previous life and abilities as long as raising them from the dead was something they willingly agreed too. As well as create: Ghouls, Banshees, Revenants, animated skeletons, Wights and Wraiths.

Given enough time he can perform a mass resurrection covering a city wide area this spell brings all dead back to life as mindless zombies with a hunger for flesh.

Can manifest his dark intent or the deathly energy around him, into bolts of dark energy, sharp waves or as black flames.The waves of energy extremely sharp and will leave deep grooves in even thick steel. The bolts move as fast as bullets and have the same penetrating power as a 50. Caliber bullet.The fire is almost unquenchable and can reach extreme heats.

Has a passive aura of dread and the temperature around him to drop to -10 degrees celsius. Can focus this aura through his eyes affecting one person instead of diluting the effect over an area this also causes intense moments of fear or pain in the individual he targets.

Able to project his body on the an astral plane to communicate with people over long distances, he can uses bodies as a medium to communicate through. He can also move the body his Phylactery is connected to, as long as that body is dead or dying.

Able to create shields of bone on his body or summon pillars of bones or dead bodies from the ground to block damage or block off places. These pillars of bones or shields of bones can fire off splinters of bones that can cut through flesh like butter.

Can summon a swarm of insects that feast on flesh to attack his enemies or use them as a way to scout out an area.

Can summon an ethereal scythe that does no physical damage to what it hits but instead cuts at the foe's soul doing damage to a person's soul causes them intense pain and if enough damage is sustained their soul is destroyed and the person's body becomes a shell for a new soul.

Being a Lich Mortis cannot be killed as he is already dead the only way to truly destroy him is to destroy his phylactery, his body on it’s own is fairly durable able to receive a large amount of damage before he is unable to keep his consciousness bound to the body. His body does have basic regeneration and will repair itself after half a day's worth of meditation.

When his body is destroyed a new one will form in a 10 mile area around it coalescing out of glowing smoke. His phylactery is not easily destroyed and requires an immense amount of magic to destroy or know the secret to destroying it from Mortis himself.

Simply possessing the phylactery (a Journal) can cause a person to become paranoid and obsessed with the journal, wanting to keep it safe and write down all of their secrets that happens to them. The journal will write back to the person promising them whatever they want as long as they keep the journal safe and tell no one of it. They will recognise Mortis as a god when they see him, hailing him as a messiah. This has caused a couple of cults to spawn in his honor. Mortis suffers none of the penalties a living body and is immune to disease, poison, fatigue, pain and other effects that plague only the living.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: 10
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Never Ending
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Low
Weaknesses: Holy Magic, Phylactery, Positive Vibes
Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?): None
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aura
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey all
Sorry I haven't responded for ages. I kinda just got a new job and moved states so yeah ><
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

no worries, life happens
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I'll be working on some stuff over the next couple of days. I have a couple of collabs that I'm working on, hopefully we'll get those done and posted soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Hey guys, I was out of town for a weekend and I'm moving on wednesday, hopefully I'll be able to make posts soon!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

So yea, I'm a bit behind with Frogs. Will be up tonight or tomorrow
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just waiting on the Dilpo Doc Colab. Heh.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hey guys, I was out of town for a weekend and I'm moving on wednesday, hopefully I'll be able to make posts soon!

Good luck and I hope so too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 9 days ago

Just waiting on the Dilpo Doc Colab. Heh.

Hey, I started on something...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

To those within NSA, what's the news on the collab btw? How and when are we starting it?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hey, just found out about this and I would love to create a character to be a sidekick to a Hero and eventually evolve into an adult hero themselves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@The Survivor Welcome aboard! We're always accepting new players so if you have an idea run it past us or if you have a sheet make sure to tag one of the GMs. Nitemare shape or Dedonous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aura
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I edited my character info. Hope it's ok now :D
Made it a bit dark :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character you have created: Han Xiao Fredrickson
Alias: Wuxia
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): Brown
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Identity: Wuxia- Hidden
Character Personality:

Before the serum, Han was a lovable, empathetic, sensitive, emotional teenager. He liked to play video games and eat unhealthy foods, read books and work on his computer. He was very accepting of all mindsets and despised conflict and violence.

But after, well, many of those traits carried over such as the acceptance and unhealthy foods and video games. But the operations he underwent to adjust his body to the serum and the injection and modification itself. It was beyond painful, total and complete agony. It changed him. It made him quick to anger, condescending, arrogant. It also made him vengeful and merciless. He's kind to those he likes and rude to those he doesn't and pitiless to those he hates. Han is determined, fearless, stubborn. All these traits were due to the serum and the unbelievable pain he went through and although there is a vestige of his old self, it is overshadowed by his new one.


First off, let's start with his appearance out of costume, before and after the flawless serum.

Han was a chubby, even fat boy, his lazy and unhealthy lifestyle catching up to him in his teenage years. His haircut in this photo is the same as it is after the serum, just with a more Bruce lee vibe to it.

As you can see, the flawless serum burned off all the fat leaving extremely little, it also stretched out his bones, adding another 2 inches. His hair, as stated before, is still as long as in his before picture. On his back, are four holes with a black covering, where he was hooked up in the accelerated recovery chamber.

Now onto his outfit, not having much to put an outfit together, Han made his own outfit using his own intellect and the materials he had available to him.

Using an old set of paintball body armor he found, he reinforced it with various materials. Along with that he wears finger less black gloves and black cargo trousers, tucked into black combat boots. All topped off with the bottom half of a paintball helmet, that covers the nose, mouth, and chin. His head and eyes are exposed.

Origin Info/Details:

Han Xiao Fredrickson was born in Lost haven, Maine. His mother died in childbirth and his father never entered the picture. He was adopted by a gay married couple when he was 3 years old, The Fredricksons. Growing up, he loved sweets and food and everything that makes you soft (As he would put it now.) He had an interest in video games and computer science from an early age and excelled in math and science. While not the most in shape kid, Han was plenty popular, the lovable friend to many people. Never lovable like a boyfriend, but lovable like a puppy, which always annoyed Han. Still, he couldn't complain about his childhood.

Then, the summer of his 16th year, he was walking down the street in the evening with his crush, Lily Wallowitz. She was Latina, with dark skin, black hair, and green eyes, which absolutely enthralled Han. It was the evening that would change his life forever. Two men in masks dragged them both into an alley, kicking and punching and sedated Han, jamming a needle into his neck. The last thing he saw was Lily being slapped unconscious by the other man. When Han awoke, he was in a sterile room, in white clothes. Just a bed, no windows and a single locked door. He waited for about 30 minutes, trying several ways to get out, before a young man with combed blonde hair and ice blue eyes walked in. He introduced himself as the son of the CEO of Lawson Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, Jeremiah Lawson, and Han had been chosen for a special honor. He was going to be the first successful subject of a formula called 'The Flawless Serum.' Or so Jeremiah hypothesized, as this was it's first complete form and many lives had been sacrificed to complete it.

He explained Han was the perfect subject due to his flabby and lackluster body and superb intellect. The serum would turn him into the peak of Human physical and mental form. Terrified at what this would bring, he fought the guards all the way to the testing chamber, which held a round white pod elevated at an angle with all types of wires and other various devices coming out of it. Han was forced into it, being restrained and strapped down. He shouted and screamed, but no one came to save him. He watched helplessly as rows of needles rose from either side of him and slammed into his body, injecting a blue liquid. He screamed in agony, dozens of needles piercing his body, but this was tickling compared to what was about to happen. The needles withdrew and the pod closed.

What happened next, Han doesn't even recall, just bright light and horrific, blinding, stinging pain. It seemed like days, every once in a while stopping to be stabbed and ripped at with needles and sharp objects. Han would go in and out of consciousness. Sometimes from exhaustion, sometimes from the shear shock of the pain. He felt like he was in hell, like this was his punishment for all eternity. Then it stopped and it was dark for a while. Then he woke up, in a giant tube. The water around him was green-ish and he seemed to be breathing through a mask. His mind and his vision were fuzzy and he heard someone talking to him. Jeremiah Lawson. Lawson went on and on about now he was the perfect human that his tests had been successful and the things that they could do together.

Then someone broke in. The lab had been breached and an unknown person was causing havoc to bust something out. Someone out. Finally Han's mind cleared a bit more. And he and the newcomer coordinated to bust out of the lab and out of the building Han was being kept, which was in Augusta, apparently. Han discovered that the serum had totally changed him and that he was indeed, the perfect human. He also discovered that he had been missing for four months. The hero and Han returned to Lost Haven, to report he was safe and changed. He told his story to police, that a mysterious organization starved him for science and didn't tell him anything at all. It wasn't hard to fool everyone that he was the victim of a psycho and now he was okay. Though he did have trouble explaining how he gained two inches and lost 40 pounds of fat and gained 30 of muscle. But he was able to direct conversation to avoid that subject.

Meanwhile, he pleaded to the hero that saved him to teach him how to fight so he could take down Lawson Pharmaceuticals and prevent more people from being abducted. The Hero agreed and after gathering some supplies and makeshift armor, Han took on the role of Wuxia, pledging to destroy Lawson and take down his company.

[b]Hero Type (Select one):
Other: Perfect Human: the Flawless Serum unlocked the hidden physical and mental reserves of the human body. Han is stronger, faster, smarter, better than any human before and all natural as well.
[b]Power Level (Select one below): City Level
Powers (Be Specific): Enhanced Strength, Speed, Endurance, Brain Capacity, Reaction time.
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: Can lift up to 1,000 pounds.
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Can run a mile in 75 seconds and is faster in reaction than the most elite of 'normal' human warriors.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Can hold up to 1,000 pounds for 3 hours, can run as fast as he can for 3 hours without absolutely needing to stop, pushing to the max.
Agility: 10x more agile than the peak human, able to jump 12 feet in the air of he gets a running start.
Intelligence: Incredibly intelligent, the serum unlocking mental capacity even further to get near genius level.
Fighting Skill: Untrained.

Resources: Minimal

Han is Hot-headed and often let his emotions control him, which can land him in some hot water. And although he is the perfect human, a well placed bullet or knife strike will kill him the same as anyone else.
Supporting Characters:

Henry Fredrickson, Father: He does not yet know about Han's new power, only that Han came home after been missing for four months shredded and the past few weeks he's been scarce. But he'll soon find out.

Leon Fredrickson, Father: He also does not yet know about Han's power and is worried that Han's experience being kidnapped might have scarred him forever.

Lily Wallowitz: Still the girl Han is in love with, but it seems she doesn't even recognize him any more. Seems like no one does...
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes.

Sample Post:

Han felt weightless, light, and cool. His head was swimming, his back ached. In fact, just about his whole body ached. Ached a lot. Vision came to him slow and a green hue seemed to coat everything. He heard someone talking in the background and finally his vision cleared. He was looking at a lab, he vaguely noticed the fact that he himself was in a tube with what appeared to be green water. He was sluggish and slow, like he had barely any control over his body. He saw a scientist look up from a monitor and at him and turned to a man in the corner. "Sir, he's awake." A blonde handsome man in a business suit walked out of the shadows and approached the tube. Han's eyes narrowed and an anger began to burn in his chest. "Ah, Han, you are a marvelous being! You survived! The world's first perfect human being. I know it hurts and I know you're probably sore to your very bones right now but look at yourself, you're a new man, my friend!"

Han did indeed look down at himself slowly and was shocked at what he saw. He was ripped, bulging chest, abs, muscular arms, everything. Even his legs, which were covered in skin tight boxers, were defined with thigh and calf muscles. Han looked slowly back up, examining his arms and hands, as a flurry of bubbles blocked his vision. It was just now that he realized that he was wearing a mask to breath. "Impressive, no? Months of treatment and therapy, plus a close call that required electromagnetic tubes to be installed into your back, but you are indeed flawless now." His words began to fade away as Han's eyesight darkened and one of Lawson's scientists said "Sir, we're losing him, he's going to fall unconscious." Lawson walked away and waved the scientist off, saying "No matter, we have more tests to run any-"

There was an explosion that rocked Han's tube and sent the scientists sprawling. A commotion. But Han was falling deeper and deeper as the fighting got closer. Then it was in the lab and all of a sudden, Han was alert and light, his head clear. He saw someone standing at a monitor, adjusting things and looking up, nodding to Han. They were drugging me, Han thought. He got angry. Really angry. He felt strong. Stronger than he ever had in his life. The teenager looked at his hands and looked at the glass. He reeled back and sent his fist slicing through the water, smashing into the glass.


A spider web of glass cracks appeared. Han knew he could go stronger, he threw another punch.

The web got bigger and he saw as the water began to leak out. Han looked at his knuckles, they weren't even bruised. Han threw his final punch, stronger than ever before. He spilled out into the lab and cried in pain as he remembered that he had electromagnetic tubes within him. He shrieked as he pulled himself off of them, electricity crackling through him as he finally broke free and flew forward, tumbling to the ground. When he opened his eyes, he saw them standing over him, hand outstretched. "Welcome back, Han. You've been missing for four months."

So yeah, still looking for a mentor if anyone is interested.

@Nitemare shape
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

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@The Survivor A+ hero name. He and cabbie need to smash triads together.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GamerXZ
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Pirouette is busy moving into a new home right now and said it was ok for me to move on with the rest of you. So, is there anyone who'd like to work on something with Evergreen?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 9 days ago

@The Survivor: The application looks fine to me. Before we accept, I think we need to find someone to volunteer to be the "hero" who freed your character.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Dedonus Agreed
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

/me waves his hand. They are both martial artists!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Hellis Are you offering to be my mentor :3 ?
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