Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


location: Newman, infirmary

As the minutes seemed to tick by with not much happening, Niesha became more annoyed. If they were going to charge the place, they wouldn't have handed over their weapons: well she wouldn't have. She couldn't speak for the rest. Finally though things seemed to be happening and they were finally let on. Niesha stayed with the wagon, and she would stay with Sophie.

"you're right. I can't. Doesn't mean I still can't kick butt. Thanks." she said as Sophie was carried into what she assumed was the infirmary. Looking about, Niesha studied it. It was clear that something had happened, even if she couldn't tell what. She itched to check their medications, to see what they had and what she could work with, what she could create. It had been a long time she she had compounded anything, but she still remembered it.

Making sure Sophie wasn't going to fall off the gurney and that nothing had changed in her status, she said "she needs at least a litre of fluids, and if you have any IV antibiotics that would be great, but if not I can make some up if you have something I can crush the meds I have with. It won't be as good as proper ones, but it will work just as well" or so she hoped. She had already laid her cards on the table, and perhaps the medical officer or officers would have a need of her. Being inside walls again, being in relative safety allowed her to relax slightly, allowed her to want to be needed again, and to help Sophie would simply be good. "please, let me do something. I want to help. she's my friend. She didn't lose much blood, it was burned before that could happen, but there's the risk of dehydration because of that and infection. She's already been bitten, don't let her suffer anymore then she has to."

She just couldn't see to stop the babble of words escaping her mouth, nervous, afraid and worried all contending within her to essentially escape in the chatter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Newnan Inner Wall Gate Tower, then Newnan Infirmary.

Kristina looked down at the bat wielding girl for a moment hearing her call her something she didn't understand but she knew the rest of what she had said, as much as Kris hated it though the woman was right. Then Kristina turned to look up at Ashton she nodded towards him, though she didn't know him that well she knew that he already had a lot of stuff on his plate, she also did need to have time to mourn. "Sure thing, oh yeah and here I think this belongs to you..." Kristina said softly as handed Ashton back his hat. She looked down at the group of women in front of the gate as it was opened Kris stood just outside as they finally were let in side. Kristina eyed the Valkyrie like women they looked very intimidating as she got a better look at who were in the wagon seeing Niesha and the injured woman, Kris shivered seeing the unconscious woman's recently cut off hand. "Right so the infirmary is this way."

Kristina said as she quickly walked down the street and straight towards the Courthouse she hesitated entering the building again she knew most likely that Maria's body was still in there. She sighed softly as Kris opened the doors and led the way into the infirmary Kristina froze for a moment and watched as Sid and Meg were about to cover Maria's body. Kristina slowly approached them and looked down at her sister laying there peacefully.

Kristina turned to look over at Victor, she knew that he had done his best to try and save her she looked down at Maria once more and slowly ran a hand through Maria's hair letting out a soft sigh. "Thanks for doing your best Doc..." Kristina said softly looking towards the doctor. Kristina looked towards the new girl and then looked at the other unconscious girl and bit her lower lip for a moment, she knew that Niesha wanted to help. Kristina turned to look at both Sidd and Meg, she needed help carrying her sister's body out along with the others that they had lost today. Kristina slowly started to wrap Maria's body up in the white blanket wiping away some more tears, Kris took out the small photo her sister had kept all these years once more before putting it back into her pocket and turned to look at the woman she had helped escort in and motioned towards Victor indicating that he was the doctor here current.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Agnes Brynja Johannsson

Location: Newnan Gates >> Inside Newnan's Walls

As they all made their way inside, Bryn took in the surroundings and wondered just what the fuck had went down in this, quite literally, bloody place. She noted so many dead bodies, both fresh and fetid, as she idled Grace further inside. She was very glad to still have her weapons and planned to keep it that way. She wasn't entirely sure what to make of this bunch of survivors but so far they didn't seem entirely unreasonable. Not like some that she had encountered in her time travelling around Georgia and Florida.

She heard a truck pulling around and then saw the Southern Belle from earlier beckoning her over to it as she jumped into the back of it. Raising an eyebrow, Bryn pulled Grace over to the truck and looked into the bed of the truck as best she could and saw all manner of goodies laying within it. This must be the distraction ammunition. She listened to the plan and it didn't rightly sound completely insane, just like 45% insane if she had to put a number on it.

Strapping her bat onto her backpack, Bryn prepped Grace for the work ahead and then looked back to the Southern Belle. "If we usin' the truck, this mean I can be puttin' Grace someplace safe or we still needin' her dulcet tones to draw in 'em Snarlers?" She was fine having Grace out there, just meant if shit went South she could get herself out of harms way a little quicker, might even be able to help at least one of the people of this town to safety if it were possible and required. She knew the basic premise of the plan by this point, she just needed some clarification on which part she was playing in it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 days ago


Meg saw the body before the strange doctor covered her with a thin white sheet. Her best friend laid there - she couldn't tell why. Last she'd noticed was Maria leaving the courthouse in the middle of chaos, but Meg never saw her till this very moment. Boy was she one hundred percent done with the apocalypse. Newnan lost way too many great individuals, Maria included - surely Lady Luck was gonna give them all a break for the next, I don't know, ten years?

But knowing luck, it was never on their side.

Sidd hadn't been as close to Maria as Meg had been - he'd barely known the Newnan Legolas other than through word of mouth. But of course, each death still dampened his mood, with every useful person dead, he was still alive. He nodded in Froggy's direction before letting go of his sister's body to approach him and Maria's body. It would be best if he would handle it instead of Meg.

He didn't hear when Kris had arrived, along with another woman laying on a gurney with a red head demanding attention. Focused on letting Kristina see her sister for the last time, he then let her cover the body. This was the closest he could get to letting the sister have peace, where the disposal of the dead bodies - the victims of the apocalypse - would possibly involve cremation when things were calmer to avoid the chances of loved ones coming back from the dead.

Meg certainly didn't recognise who the red-head was - and Meg knew a lot of faces, and part of her was vary. Was she another danger? Someone posing as a Newnanite? What the hell was going on? She leaned closer to Kris, avoiding Maria's body as she mumbled, "Who the hell is she? Do we even know her?" Meanwhile, Siddharth assisted Kris in carrying her sister out of the infirmary to make space for the people that were still alive. He figured Meg would help Froggy as the nurse, if he needed more help.

LOCATION – Carrollton, GA

Jesus fuck.

That walker in the car? Fuck that guy. Davina's heart raced as she kept her eyes locked into the dead ones of the walker - a simple businesswoman, going by the looks of her rotten attire. She'd followed Tati around, keeping an eye on the surroundings as well as the dead woman in the car, lest she somehow decided to exit through the window or cause attention to fall on the two Russian girls. "Ve have enough," warily looking at the hoard that was slowly headed their way, she hurriedly followed behind Tatiana and shut the door behind her.

Now, that would've been a problem if there was a giant hoard waiting inside too, but if there were any- most would've come out at the sound of the spluttering engine. It was best not to leave it just to chance, though, Davi knew that. Instead, she hid her gun and pulled out her trusted hammer - a quiet way to go to so that the girls could go about their business gaining little attention from the dead.

"Use your knife and check left. I'll go right and we meet at middle, got it?" Divide and conquer, as they say. Davi trusted Tatiana enough that she wouldn't die while gathering supplies alone for a moment. Plus, it was a small enough store, the whole point was to minimise the time they spent holed up here while the approaching hoard outside got closer.

Davi would prefer not to be a sitting chicken, or however the fuck that saying went.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Location: Newnan Infirmary

Richard was already glowering when more people began arriving into the infirmary. Victor glanced up and left Sidd to deal with Maria's body for a moment as he stepped forward. He glanced over to Richard and perked an eyebrow. Richard found himself wishing for the silent shower room and the sofa again. Why had he agreed to come here again? Oh that's right, Froggy was a fucking guilt tripping dickwad is why. He glared in Victor's direction and grunted. Hearing the Freya wannabe (hey, he knows Norse Mythology everyone!) cracking a semi-joke, Richard couldn't help but chuckle. "Well I reckon that's one way to put it, yeah. Killin' people for shits and giggles tends to get you chucked on the naughty list right sharp." When she asked who the doctor was, Richard looked towards Victor and gave a nod to the woman before turning the majority of his attention back onto his guard duty.

Spying Kristina returning to the infirmary, Victor bowed his head slightly to her and let her work with Sidd to move and remove her sister's body. It was always a sad thing to see but Victor was so used to it by now that he barely registered the emotion behind it when it came to the losses of others. He gave her a light pat on her shoulder as she moved past him again. It was all he could do and he knew she would be sick of kind words soon enough.

Victor opened his mouth to speak in response to the armoured woman once Kris and Sidd had left the room but was quickly cut off as a tiny, red headed girl began to bark orders. Victor could practically feel his hackles rising as he puffed his chest out and glared down at the petite girl, waiting until she was done demanding things before speaking out. "Do not presume to order me around, jeune femme. For now this is my space, my infirmary and these are my patients. If you do not like it, you are free to leave." Victor then turned away from the girl and gave his attention back to the armoured woman that had carried his latest patient in.

Richard sat in his chair and began pissing himself laughing as Victor flat out ignored the banshee red head and tears fell from his eyes. "Aw man, gingey, ya best be sittin' down 'cause our Doc ain't havin' none o' yer shit today!"

Victor glanced over at Richard and gave him a stern glare, raising a single finger up to his lips and making a shushing noise before giving him a quick, playful wink that no one but Richard would have seen. Richard snorted and covered his mouth with his non-gun aiming hand. Victor began to look over his new patient and surmised that the young red headed girl did in fact know what she was talking about. But he wasn't about to let someone play at being doctor right now. He looked to the armoured woman and gave her a nod before speaking. "Merci for bringing 'er to me. I will see she is given all she needs." He then turned his attention to the shrill girl and eyed her for a moment before speaking. "You may know what you are talking about but until I 'ave time to quiz you properly, you must stay out of my way and only assist me when called for. Comprenez vous?"

Without even waiting on an answer, Victor danced around the infirmary and set up an IV bag and set the dosage of antibiotics to help stop the spread of any infection from the wound, but knew that it would not help the bite if the infection had spread far enough before it was amputated. He looked to the warrior as he set the IV into Sophia's arm. "'ow quickly did you manage to amputate the wound? 'ow did you cauterize it?" After inserting the needle into Sophia's arm, he busied himself with taking a sample of Sophia's blood and began to run a quick test on it. He was relieved when he found that she was a blood type that they had in stock.

He would ask the others for their blood samples after he had had his questions answered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Black James!

Location: Newnan Main Road, Gates

The black and pewter Silverado pulled around from the Armory, piloted by Newnan's own default sniper/concierge hogger. It pulled to a stop near the Nordic Girls' wagon, which was presently in front of the Courthouse. He nodded to the tall, fierce-looking lady in full mail armor, and to the two men escorting them all. Pretty girl. Nice armor. He would have loved to get a hold of a set of his own, despite the fact that it would horribly clash with his overalls. Probably his stetson, too. But back to business.

James whistled for a young lady passing by and handed off his walkie-talkie, with the instruction to "Run this back up the tower, honey. Spotter needs it more'n we do."

He waited with concerned impatience as Zoie outlined the plan to the new girl on the bike. It was necessary for all members of this little party to know what to do, and when to do it. Still, he could imagine the muted snarls of the Dead outside the walls, pressing ever closer. James wanted to be done with this task, and quickly. The had gone through enough today without a prolonged Dead Guy siege.

When the woman with the impressive baseball bat asked about transportation, James piped up, speaking in a polite (if hurried) Southern twang. "Evenin' ma'am. Name of James Mandingo Grady, friends call me Black James(!). As Miss Zoie 'splains it, we gonna need that crotch-rocket you on. Now, she gots the plan goin'; ain't much else to tell. We hold up a bigassed slingshot, Miss Zoie fires off them party favors. Now we gotta move 'fore we lose the light."

Terse, maybe. But he meant it as kindly as the urgency of the situation would allow. James put his truck into gear and eased the accelerator down, drawing them closer to their next task.

"'Sides, I got two sides of beef needs savin', 'fore she spoils."

Bridgette Vinters

Location: With the wagon, in front of the Courthouse

The wagon was directed (ahem sorry, escorted) to an area of street in front of a building that, back before the world fractured, must have been a municipal building. The two men that gave them escort seemed civil enough, friendly even, in a guarded "I'm willing to shoot you dead" kind of way. Whatever happened here must have been massive. At least they were behind solid walls.

The feelings of muted gratitude for the walls and fuzzy empathy for the people behind them faded, at least temporarily, as their conveyance rolled past the Hordebuster on the way to the Courthouse. Bridgette gave the iconic truck a one-finger salute as she led Cadence past it. Yeah, that was the booze-fume dumptrain that brought a horde of Biters down on their location. Damned big one, too. It was only right that they redirect their mistake.

When they finally came to a halt, Astrid helped Redhead get the Future Mrs. Hook inside the building. Batgirl was busy talking to her Away Team about whatever the hell nigh-suicide she wished she was doing. Now Bridgette was alone with their weapons and supplies. Yup, just their weapons and supplies, Cadence, Edgar, their escort, and a good number of curious eyes. Truly alone.

Bridgette climbed up the wagon and sat on its edge, high above the eye level of the people milling around. She wanted a good vantage on her situation, and wanted to ensure that curious eyes didn't turn into curious hands with their belongings. She kept her face stern, but occasionally nodded at passersby in the interests of not being seen as a threat. These people obviously had enemies, aside from the non-breathing kind. She had no desire to be mistaken for one of them.

Her elevated line of sight gave her a good, full view of the Away Team getting set up to Away. She already knew the basic concept; slingshot with bungee cords and gardening tools. Sounded fairly basic. But what she saw - great, winged hewing spears instead of rakes and such - made her lose her inward calm for a moment. The spears were very much like her own. She was very familiar with those weapons, as well she should be. She had made them almost three years ago.

Bridgette saw Ash walking up behind them, looking ruggedly weary as he fell into military step behind the procession. He seemed quite the presumptuous one, holding his carbine in front of him and standing up straight, look of dead certainty in his tired eyes. Oh yes, very certain. She'd have to remedy that.

"Hey, Walldick!" she spat at him. "Oh, I'm sorry. Captain Walldick. Where the hell do you people get off salvaging our fucking supplies?" She pointed toward the trio in the Distraction Team, hefting spears in preparation of the maneuvers to come. She shifted her voice into a low, accusatory tone, "None of you asshairs are touching our shit until I get answers."

Ashton Holloway

Location: Newnan Inner Wall, Southern Gate Post

Wow, she seemed pissed. The last issue seemingly ironed out, all parties inside the gates, and a joint mission to protect them all underway, and now Surly Viking Chick wants to start problems. Fine. Ash looked over to where Bridgette was pointing, and finally put a few pieces together.

Newnan had come across the walled and locked away settlement built out of the Renaissance Festival a while back. He had not been there personally, but from report from James it held very little in the way of obvious supplies. The weapons they recovered looked a lot like the ones that this livid woman carried with her, the spears (most readily observable) of almost identical construction. Then there was the comment she made earlier, about crafting her own weapons. Blood and sweat going into them, something like that. Ash stared at the woman, realization dawning on him.

This lady seemed really upset. Too upset to be short a few melee weapons and some armor. He suspected there was more. In time, they might just have to revisit the Fair in earnest. But for now, he wanted to make sure that their community was safe and his new guests were relatively satisfied. "Fairburn, right? That place was abandoned, Miss. Not a whole lot in there, I wouldn't call it supplies, persay. Rest assured we're mostly honest folk here. You've got questions, and we'll be happy to answer after the emergency's done, ok?"

This didn't seem to satisfy her, at least not completely. At least she wasn't about to cause a commotion about it, so time to explain was bought. Ash was about to continue, when his radio crackled to life.

"Captain? Hey, Ash? This is Jim, at the gate. You umm... You need to handle this, sir."

The tone of his voice was disturbing, almost heartbreaking to hear.

"It's Alicia, sir. She's come home."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Zoie Crawford

Location: Armory --> Back Of James' Truck

"Mr. James be right. Figuring if wes can gets that hoard there to follows us with some noise and bright flashes, we cans make sure they don't screw with our town. Once wesa gets far enough out, we get your baby in the bed of the truck and haul ass back here for a nice sleep behind high walls," she said quickly, wanting to get things under way.

Taking a deep breath, she looked over towards the court house and hoped that everything was going good in there. Wondering if Froggy was okay and if Froggy was being able to handle everything that was getting thrown at him. She was glad Froggy didn't know about this stunt she was about to pull. He always seemed to be cautious, telling her not to rush into things. She usually didn't listen. It was just her nature.

Patting the top of the truck she smiled over to James. "Let's get this rodeo under ways folks." Sitting down in the bed of the truck she waited for things to get underway, not bothering to deal with the raised voices she was hearing. Boss could handle things right now, her main concern was getting this hoard the fuck away from Newnan.

Astrid Hansen

Location: Infirmary

Astrid looked over towards Niesha slowly as her mouth started vomiting up demands, orders, and pleas. The Valkyrie just stood there, giving the woman an odd look as her brows furrowed and she shook her head. Rule 1, Cardio. Rule 2, keep your mouth shut until you know people and only speak exactly what you need. Seemed she didn't know the rules. Astrid could only mouth the word wow before looking over towards the man who seemed to be in charge of the medical stuff.

"Depends on who you kill, right person gets you on Odin's good child list," Astrid finally said in response to the redneck. Smirking a bit as Frenchie laid into Mouth. Nodding slightly at the thanks she received as she adjusted the strap that held her shield to her back.

"Welcome. Bit between the thumb and index finger, single slice of axe blade to remove within one minute. I burned her with a blow torch to stop the bleeding directly after. Had to move quick. Hoard is on the way," Astrid explained as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Seems you have enough in here. Gonna go pull up a chair and watch that Country Chick go play round up with the hoard outside. Seems like it will be entertaining," she added before nodding her head in goodbye and exiting the infirmary to go find Bridgette. It wasn't hard. She heard the woman calling out Walldick. Smirking to herself she made a beeline for her partner in survival.

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Carrollton, Ga

Tati nodded slightly as she made her way to the left and started to do the check. They had done this enough times, they knew what to do. Thankfully they had been together long enough at this point to have a system worked out; it had kept them alive all this time. They both knew what they could handle and what they couldn't. Tati was better outside in the wilderness, Davi seemed to thrive in more urban settings. The girl was quick on her feet and tough as nails. Tati was very glad to have her covering her back all this time, she doubted she would have been able to get through any of this without Davi.

Slowly opening the door to the back of the DMV she peaked in, looking around slowly before stepping in fully. She left the door wide open, not wanting to cause any noise if it closed hard, not wanting it to accidentally lock. The front room was clear, it was better to keep the exits open at this point. Moving quietly she started to scour her way around the back and nearly let out a scream of joy when she found a vending machine that was fully stocked.

Thing was, she had no quarters, and a knife wasn't going to bash out the glass. Time to find Davi, she was the one with the hammer. Turning she went to go find her friend and suddenly her ankle was grabbed by the half remains of a Walker, its entrails hanging out as it tried to gnaw at her ankle. Tati falling and slamming against the floor, knocking a chair over in the process as she tried to kick the bastard away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


location: Newman, infirmary

Niesha didn't particularly enjoy being challenged, not did she care for her requests to be taken as demands. "I'm very aware that this is your place, sir, and apologize if my requests, my knowledge and pleas are considered demands, however I cannot change your perception, but let me make this clear: if I was demanding you would know. I can see you have already had enough loses for one day, and thought you might considered being able to save someone uplifting. I'm a pharmacist with the knowledge of how to make drugs, I assumed that might be a useful talent that you could use, but clearly not based on your attitude to me. I want to save my friend. I've been alone a long time, after watching my people be destroyed, so once more I apologize for any crankiness, shrillness and General upleasantness. She's the first person to give a damn whether I lived or died in months, and I won't let that be thrown away" Niesha kept her voice calm, level and soft.

In this world, if you were perceived as weak you already were. And if she was going to get any foothold here, to be doing what she loved best, she couldn't be seen as weak. She wouldn't back down from this 'doctor'. But she knew she had to be careful, this wasn't her community, she wasn't responsible for their lives, and had to shift from the leader like attitude she had developed when she was the only pharmacist with assistants back before this all began.

She couldn't be seen as emotional. It made it harder when she couldn't process them at times. Falling silent, she studied everything once more, her eyes sharp. Processing things would calm her, and watching the doctor would give her a measure of just how good he was. There was a difference between being trained for it, and having learned along the way-she should after all known, being the latter. She wished once more that she had continued into medical school, but compounding had seemed so much more interesting to Niesha.

The doctor seemed able enough, and Niesha let out a slow breath. Maybe Sophie was in good hands. Bridgette had, hopefully, got to the amputation in time. They'd done it quickly, and in Nieshas experience that generally meant the difference between life and death. But also the persons strength of will was a playing factor, and Niesha had to hope that Sophie wanted to live in this world.


Niesha wouldn't be aware that she had whispered that plea, full of desperation, and hope. Hope was something she hadn't had in a long time, and something she hadn't yet processed. The moment she thought she was dead was still fresh, and then the movement, the flash of hope that she was going to be saved, had brought something back to her she had thought long gone. She went from being the walking dead, to alive once more. And she didn't want that to go again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Newnan Infirmary.

Kristina smiled sadly at Victor as he patted her on the shoulder letting out a soft sigh as she stared down at the white sheet covering her sister's body, she would look over at Richard giving him a slight glare she didn't blame him for her sister's death but she did blame him for separating her from Maria all those months ago. So long as he didn't get up in her face or piss her off Kristina wouldn't have any problems. Kristina looked towards Meghna as she approached her and asked who the three new people were, Kris saw them all outside the gate the one on the gurney. "I honestly have no clue, the Viking chick and another were standing outside the gates. Theres a huge herd of Walkers entering the outer wall and came to warn us about it. I don't think they are with the group that attacked us." Kristina said softly.

Kris looked towards the redhead she could feel what she was going through she had done the same while her sister was fighting for her life, and knew the helpless feeling as well. Kristina shot another glare at Richard at his comment but didn't say anything, Kristina slowly lifted the blanketed body of her sister. She followed Sid out of the Infirmary, as she was outside Kristina watched as Zoie, James and the new comer with the badass bat and motorcycle started to talk about their plans to get the herd away from Newnan.

Kristina followed where they were taking the bodies once they were there Kristina laid her sister's body down on the ground and removed the blanket covering her head slightly. She would wipe away another tear before quickly covering it up for the last time and looked down at her feet. "Sorry that i'm an emotional wreck right now.." Kristina said tucking away a strand of her hair behind her ear and looked towards Sid.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Agnes Brynja Johannsson

Location: With the diversion team.

Being her usual, stoic faced and silent self. Bryn listened as this James fellow began to get a little anxious and looked like he was about to take off as soon as he was given the go ahead. She wondered, besides the horde incoming, what he was so anxious to get moving for and then she found out. Meat. Food. Fresh? That couldn't be right. Bryn raised a questioning brow and opened her mouth as if to ask a question before thinking better of it. She shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to Zoie who was now speaking.

Fair. The plan was pretty loose but also seemed rather foolproof. Besides being a moving target and distraction for the Snarlers, she wasn't sure exactly how she could help with the catapult but she'd move as directed and take it from there. She started Grace up and revved the engine gently as James began to shift the truck into gear. They were making their way out to make a show for the oncoming unwanted guests. Well this was definitely one way to get herself into the good books of the bastards that ran this place. Risking your life in front of a horde on a rather exposed motorcycle? Definitely merited her getting to keep her weapons in her possession at all times, that was for fucking sure.

Bryn figured that they didn't need her verbal approval to get things underway and she was ready to head off and do what she was bidden. At least for now. She wanted to avoid being trampled and torn by the vast amount of former American residents that were shuffling their way towards them.
Dr. Victor Bonheur

Location: Newnan Infirmary

As he walked away to the fridge to grab a bag of blood to transfuse into his newest patient, Victor listened to the Viking woman's answers and nodded along as she spoke. "Very good, very good." He busied himself with warming the bag of blood as he then listened to the little redheaded woman ranting yet again at him. Even if her tone was calmer and softer, he knew very well that she was most unhappy beneath the surface. The apocalypse may have changed a lot of things, but not human nature. If anything, it brought out the worst parts of human nature even more. After she was done talking, Victor gave her a deadpan stare and felt the temperature of the blood bag as he considered his words.

"If you are quite done, I believe I told you to stay out of my way until called for. Now correct me if I am wrong, but you are still in my way. I do not care who or what you are, if you are not trained in Orthotics then you can take a seat and I will call you when I need you. I do not plan to let this girl die today. Now shoo." Victor was firm with his words, the kindness was there as it was natural for him but he had dealt with enough shit today and was taking no more. It had been a stressful day and things didn't appear to be getting any less tense. The last thing he needed was someone demanding things of him, whether she admitted they were a demand or not, Victor was all too aware of what her words were.

The bag of blood was now warm and Victor set the transfusion up so that his new patient would replace what blood she had lost. "And do not kid yourself, jeune femme. No one truly cares if anyone lives or dies in this world. Not unless they are family."

Richard Johnson

Location: Newnan Infirmary >> Outside the courthouse

Richard had smirked at the viking woman's words and felt his shoulders shaking slightly with the amusement. It was soon cut short however as Victor's words came out of no where and caused Richard to turn around and look over to the doctor with a look of concern on his face. He may have only known the man since this morning but it was clear that Richard did not think that this was regular behaviour for the Doctor to be portraying. Frowning, Richard motioned over one of the other men guarding the front door of the Infirmary and had him switch places with him, having him guarding their prisoner. Richard wheeled himself over towards Victor whilst keeping space away from him as he worked. Richard motioned the young red haired woman towards himself and spoke softly to her. "Listen sweetheart, best be sittin' down until our Doc calms his shit, yeah? Ain't worth the fight. He'll see yer buddy is okay."

He moved himself out of the way to let the woman by and he looked up at Victor, trying to get his attention. He was being ignored. "Fine then Doc, have it yer own stubborn ass way." Richard began to wheel himself back over to his spot when he heard the the viking woman saying her farewells and she mentioned a "Country Chick" and Richard knew exactly who she was talking about. Only Zoie would try something so fucking dangerous and crazy. It hurt him, but he pushed himself up and out of his wheelchair and began to walk towards the door of the infirmary, his weapons on his belt and his shotgun in his hand. Victor looked up at this point and scowled at Richard. He would have probably chased after him if he wasn't dealing with the future Mrs. Hook.

Richard shuffled his way out of the infirmary and grabbed a spare body, a young woman with black hair, to guard the door of the infirmary with the older gent that was currently doing so. "Oi! Some fucker gonna open this damn door for a cripple?!" The young woman that had been tasked with guarding the door ran forward and held it open for him. He grunted his thanks to her and slipped outside, the door closing behind him. He stumbled his way down the stairs and looked around for Zoie. He spotted a wagon pulled by a horse and that there were two viking women, not just one. Great. More women, exactly what this place needed. It had been pretty sausage heavy before but now it was starting to turn into a right taco party.

He ignored the argument that was clearly ongoing and instead shuffled around looking for Zoie and calling out his name for her. "Daisy Duke! Get your fine fuckin' ass here 'fore I lose my shit!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Black James!

Location: Newnan Gates, and what lay beyond

James held a determined look on his face as he eased his truck to Newnan's southern gate. The task set before him was of the utmost importance to the continued survival of his new home. He was tired, so very tired, but full of resolve to see this last task completed before he rested. Lowering the window, he called to the watchman at the gate, Jim. Nice enough guy, that Jim. Just now, he looked an awful lot like a man who had just seen Ed McMahon naked, save for his bifocals and a set of golden, sparky pasties and holding a three speed, humming cucumber - but a zombie. It was a mix of grotesque horror, sadness, and utter, shocked disbelief. It was a look that instinctively hurt his heart, as he had felt just that earlier today when he lost his troublemaking buddy, the lovely and talented Taco Belle.

Black James wasted no more time trying to speak with him, instead simply motioning for one of the men posted at the gate to open up on the quick and let him through.

The sun hung low in the sky, promising nightfall within the hour. If they were lucky, they would be done in about a half hour, and home before the last rays of the sun departed the walls of Newnan. The lady with the spiky bat pulled ahead James following suit to look for a good place to set up their first volley.

He spotted a wide intersection with optimal visibility out ahead of the horde, squealing his tires loudly with his truck's deceleration, both to draw the attention of the undead and their motorcycle riding companion. With as much care as a man can have, seeing as an army of rotting corpses was fairly near to their position, James hopped out of the cab of his truck and into the back. "A'ight, ladies! Fun's starting 'bout nowish!"

James picked up one of the spears in the back of the truck and slid it, pointy end upward, into one of the stake holes along the side of his truck's bed. He tied a quick overhand knot around the ends of the bungee cords, securing them together, and hooked the uberbungee around the head of the spear, on the blunt part just above the wings. "Hey there, Red!" he called to Agnes, "Hop on up. Do it just like this; we secure the line an' Miss Zoie'll be playin' Angry Bombs with the Dead'uns."

Bridgette Vinters

Location: With the wagon, in front of the Courthouse

It was a fair enough statement that their place looked abandoned. They had intended for it to look that way when they left. The two of them had even buried a plethora of non-perishables and tools, including the bulk of Bridgette's forge equipment. There was a treasure trove of things they had squirreled away, including a hidden stash of certain living agricultural goodies that needed almost nothing in the way of human interaction to flourish. The look on this Captain's face was ignorance. Even if they left the place wide open, there was a majority chance that things would be as they left it.

The plan was, as she and Astrid discussed it many times over the past year or so, to find people they could trust and bring them back to the fairgrounds, or alternately find a set location with decent folk that they could reinforce with their presence, their expertise, and their supplies. Looking at this place, she couldn't tell whether she wanted to settle down here, or recruit as many as she could and leave.

For now though, she would continue to act in the manner of a woman offended by the presence of her work in strange hands. True, Bridgette was not comfortable with it. The desire to reclaim her work and set them in their rightful place among her horse's tack or at her side was present. Not insurmountable, but present nonetheless.

She maintained her vigil sitting atop the wagon, stocked with the weapons and belongings of her companions. Rage painted her face, demonstrating a depth of emotion that she did not actually possess. Best to keep the people here slightly defensive. Not overly, not enough to warrant an expulsion, but enough to convince the guy in charge that she had a legitimate complaint that needed to be addressed.

The touch of irony in the situation was that this strategy would only work with more or less decent people. If she truly believed that these people were soulless plunderers, her actions might very well take the situation in a direction contrary to her continued safety. Walldick was probably a good guy. But Bridgette needed more than that before she let her guard down or gave these people an inch more latitude with her girls, at least voluntarily. Bitch Mode Engage.

It was at this juncture that she noticed Astrid return to their wagon. She looked quite like a mildly detached big sister expecting an explanation for the ruckus. "Fuckers have been to our home, Astrid. Taken our supplies." She winked quickly, and gave a hint of a head shake. The tiniest corner of a smile inferred to her long-time companion that while their show cards were burgled, the main event was likely untouched and safe. "We need someone on this spot, making damn sure more of our shit doesn't go MIA. Guy promised an explanation when they're done out there being heroes. They're not touching us or ours without a fight until."

"You talk to folks, or whatever. I'll call for you if I've got to piss."

Bridgette, truly the negotiator of the group.

She did pause her facade of brewing rage for a moment, when she saw the look on Ash's face. He had just gotten troubling news on his radio, cracking his smug, self-assured exterior. She didn't catch the message as she was speaking at the time, but the look o his face told enough of the story. This was something personal, and very, very bad. Truth - Bridgette actually felt sorry for the man. Part of her wanted to help, whatever the problem was. But now was not the time.

Ashton Holloway

Location: Newnan Inner Wall, Southern Gate Post

"It's Alicia, sir. She's come home."

Anyone with a walkie, or stationary radio tuned to their primary frequency inside Newnan just heard that piece of news. Ash's heart dropped. Damned near broke, all over again. For a split second, he made himself believe that she was alright, that somehow the crazy bitch had found a way out of her situation and was coming back home with the horde, covered in black blood and entrails, masquerading as one of the Dead. She had always been a survivor, it's what she did. Alicia would outlive them all.

What scared him, really scared him, was how much he wanted to believe that. Ash was almost committed to the lie, the sheer, utter denial of what he thought he had emotionally processed earlier. The core of him, the part that was truly himself no matter what else happened to or around him, fought hard for his sanity. Forcing himself to believe the ugly truth about his lost love, tearing away the sweet, delightful blanket of lies he almost convinced himself of.

Somewhere deep down, he knew that if he made himself believe she was alive, his mind would crack beyond repair when he actually saw her. He had to hurt himself to stay sane. Any minute now, the horde would change direction, if Zoie and Co. had any success whatsoever. He had to move now. His heart felt like lead. He didn't know how much longer he could stay strong, or even if he was anymore. Just one more push. One more difficult task to perform today, and he could stop. He owed it to Alicia. Hell, he owed it to Caesar.

A voice, his, sounded clearly inside of his own skull. It was the Soldier, the part of him that keeps moving forward, doing what must be done, regardless of how much the world around him had turned into chaotic shit. "Give the order, Captain!" it screamed. "One foot in front of the other, you worthless fuck. You promised to take care of her. This is your responsibility. You deserve this. You deserve this."

Ashton thumbed on his walkie, addressing whomever had the sniper tower's radio. His voice was unnaturally calm, but had a strange edge to it. It was difficult to place. It was frightening. "Tower, send down Alicia's M24 immediately, full ammo. You have fifteen seconds." There was a gravelly nihilist's quality to his speech. Caesar would have been proud.

The rifle was down in less than ten. Ashton traded Leann's carbine out for it, and pointed toward the Armory. The girl that James had given his walkie to just a minute before made the trade, turning heel and running for the Armory as if the devil himself were breathing down her neck. But Ash wasn't the devil. At that moment, he might have been close. "Time to go, Captain." rasped The Soldier in the back of his psyche. "Don't give yourself an excuse to fail. Move your narrow ass up that post, now."

Ash ran to the gate and ascended the post. Jim, present and attentive, took the rifle from the Army Engineer and gave him a hand up the last two rungs of the ladder. Jim didn't say a word, merely pointing in the direction he needed Ash to look and stepping out of the way.

Ash's breath trembled slightly as he raised the scope of Alicia's sniper rifle to his eye. The first couple seconds of his search were met with a feeling of rabid futility. He was terrified that he couldn't find her, even more terrified that he would, and yet still more terrified that he would miss his opportunity and hate himself forever, dooming her to an unlife, not sure if any part of her was cognizant of her state. He didn't want to see her, but he had to.

A few seconds' worth of pulse pounded in his ears, deafening to Ash. Those seconds were what he required to find the object of his search. It was a sorrowful kick in the teeth. A pain, actual and almost debilitating, ripped through his chest when he saw her, finally confirming the raw horror of the report James had given him earlier in the day. Alicia was dead. Ripped open, defiled by corpses. Her abdomen was destroyed, its contents spilling out but still attached inside, threatening to trip her up with every gruesome step. Her eyes were fixed and dull, visible only at this distance through the scope of the rifle Ash appropriated from the tower. Alicia's rifle. The very weapon Ash would use to put her back down.

His conscious mind repeated the obvious truth of the situation to himself, over and over again, as if he needed convincing. She was dead. Alicia was dead. A woman he had come to love was gone, but that didn't mean that this world was done with her. Alicia was dead. She was dead, but trying to come home.

It was an act of love, giving her this gift. Truly he knew it. Ash waited another heartbeat before exhaling slowly an squeezing the trigger. Almost silent leaving the barrel of the weapon, it flew toward its intended target faster than one could blink. The bullet hit, tearing part of her face away. "You have to want to help her, Captain. Wipe your fucking tears away and make it happen." bolstered The Soldier, being quite the chatterbox inside of his braincase today. But he was right. Ash inhaled sharply through his nose and began exhaling slowly through his mouth again, determined to make this shot count.

He lined it up, pouring whatever karma or chi or divine favor he had at his disposal into the shot. The voice was quiet, confident that Ash was putting his all into the task at hand. He put pressure on the trigger, making microadjustments to his position and aim. When his moment came, he whispered into the air, as if his words could be projected through the scope to his target below, "I will always love you, Alicia. And I am so very sorry."

Her body dropped bonelessly to the ground. For a second, Ash considered putting the barrel of the rifle under his chin and kicking the trigger. He felt such relief, and such agony.

Ashton Holloway found himself walking back up the road, half in a daze. He climbed into the driver's seat of his Hordebuster and closed the door behind him. Alicia's rifle leaned against the passenger's seat. He stared at his walkie, waiting for news from the Distraction Team. Otherwise Ash was an emotional blank, sitting in his truck, overlooking the scene in front of the Courthouse, alone in the quiet, incapable of complex thought or feeling.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago



location: Newman, infirmary

Niesha could actually feel herself shaking, with the anger this doctor sparked in her. "Don't think you know me, Doctor. You're wrong. In this world, we are all family. And you don't have to like all your family members, but in this world, you have to save them, or you are no better then the dead. If you think otherwise, you've lost your humanity. So don't kid yourself, Doctor. You care whether someone lives or dies, or you wouldn't still be doing this.

If I didn't care, I wouldn't be here. And neither would you"

As a man wheel his way over to her, she gave a soft laugh at what he said "The people we care about are always worth the fight. Doctors are arrogant by nature, generally, and most refuse to believe they are wrong, even when you can point the evidence out to them that they are. You just simply have to be more stubborn then them."

Niesha did however move aside, but she didn't sit. She was more then ready to go to Sophie's side, if the other woman woke. Her first look in this place shouldn't be the grumpy doctor's face, but someone familiar. She watched with the careful eyes a biochemist should have, watching for even the smallest mistake. She just couldn't help herself. She had to say something. She was tired, and wanted to be able to help, not be uselessly standing on the side lines. "Do you want the damn antibiotics or not? And Acetaminophen will keep a fever down if she has one, but I wouldn't recommend it. Using it may mask other dangerous symptoms, in case you haven't found that out yet. Fever can be good, when fighting bites" Niesha had learned that to her sorrow. Those she couldn't save still haunted her. They always would.

She knew she probably shouldn't speak, but she didn't know what this doctor knew, and she had experiences that she had learned out on the road, with her people, and in the community, before...well before. She had this knowledge that she felt was important to share, felt it was required in case something happened. Now that there were others, that she was here, it seemed essential that she transfer what medical experiences she had had. And maybe they could get a step closer to figuring out how this happened. Once they did...they might be able to find a cure. She swayed slightly, her thoughts wondering along those lines, weary. She leaned against the wall, staring at Sophie.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Zoie Crawford

Location: Back Of James' Truck

Zoie waited for the BBB to join them and perked a brow as she heard Richard yelling out for her. She wanted to go over to him and explain what was going on but she knew that she really didn't have the time right then. She needed to make sure that this was done for the safety of the town, that meant making sure he and Froggy were safe as well. Sighing she stood up in the back of the truck and waved over to Richard. She hated seeing him already up and about, he should be in bed getting his rest, not out trying to keep her from doing something "Zoie."

"Sorry Honky Tonk! Zoie Momma gotta play round up! Get yer ass back in bed, yous be no good to me if ya can't move!" she yelled over to him before grabbing the edge of the truck with one hand as James said it was time to go. She blew him a bit of a kiss as they drove off. She knew he was going to blow a gasket since she was running off like this, how she knew she didn't know, you know? There was just something about the tone of his voice and the fact that he was up walking around already that told her he was not taking kindly to her running off like this.

Holding on as they made their way outside she sighed a bit, seeing the incoming hoard that was approaching. Hopefully this would work. Waiting for James to stop she stood there and watched. Once he had, she waited for the two to get the slingshot put into place and pulled out one of her little distractions. Climbing onto the hood of the truck she secured it on one side of the chords and pulled the pin before leaning back and letting it fly.

It went up and into the air, exploding with a a loud bang and a lot of fire, flare and smoke. Zoie stood up, trying to gt a better look at the hoard to see if it worked. The hoards heads slowly turned and started following towards where the explosion happened. "Sweet baby jesus! It worked!," she said clapping her hands together before jumping back down into the bed of the truck.

"Alright Mr. James, let's move it! Gotta keep dangling that carrot in front of them," she said as she waited for everyone to load and mount up again and take off further down the road. Step one was done, hopefully it would continue to go like this. The town needed a break, not another disaster.

Astrid Hansen

Location: Main Street in Newnan

Astrid perked a brow slightly over at Bridgette as she went on one of her rambles. She understood where her friend was coming from but she also knew that saying the wrong thing could cause more harm than good. "Bitch, breath," she said with a slight smirk on her lips. Astrid was use to her friends colorful and brash manner, the rest of the folks here probably were not. Taking a breath she looked around, spotting Ash as he came back from the wall. Something had obviously gone down and she needed to speak to him about what exactly had happened there. Astrid wasn't intel, not to stand around waiting to get her ass handed to her.

She was about to head over to him when she heard the explosion outside the wall and even though she couldn't make out the yell that happened it was clear that the redneck woman was happy about it. God that woman had a set of pipes on her. Could have got that hoard to follow her just using that damn vice of hers. Turning she looked back at Bridgette and nodded. "I'm gonna find out stuff, you wait here. I'll fill you in soon as I find out anything."

Turning she looked around and saw Ash climb into his truck, probably a good idea not to bother him just yet. Only other person on the street she knew was Richard. Well she didn't know him but she had seen him in the OR. Might as well get an update on the girl who had had to have her hand cut off by her own axe and maybe find out some other things. Stepping over to him she adjusted the strap on her shield. He looked too injured to pose much of a threat if shit went down but she wasn't about to just assume he was fully out of commission, especially not after his yelling at Zoie. He obviously still had something left in him.

"What, red in there drive you out or you leave not to hear her ramble?" she said as she stepped over to Richard and then turned to glance around the place as people continued their clean up and such in the aftermath of all the shit that had gone down. Astrid was joking about what she said, having no clue the woman was still letting the diarrhea pour from her mouth. "I'm Astrid, that be Bridgette over there. Mind telling me who the rest of these folks are?" she asked as she wrapped her fingers around the strap of her shield and tugging on it slightly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Agnes Brynja Johannsson

Location: With the diversion team.

Bryn had done her duty, drawing the dead towards them as they made their way out of the gates. There were one too many meaningful looks passed between people in this town and she wasn't a fan of it. She may not communicate a lot, but she knew that non-verbal communication in front of strangers never bode well for the stranger. And in this scenario she was the stranger. A slight frown played on her face and she played her part in the plan without a complaint. As the truck screeched to a stop, Bryn parked her bike up beside the truck, the side away from the Snarlers, and hopped off per the gents instructions. She hopped up into the bed and grabbed a spear, repeating the actions of James as she tied up and off and held the spear steady as she was told.

She looked back to Zoie and then flinched as the damn plan actually seemed to be working! The band had been expected but the mass light had hurt her eyes slightly, but fortunately she had been looking away some when it had went off. She blinked a couple times as she jumped off the truck and hopped back onto Grace. She revved the engine, drawing as much attention as was possible from the impending doom of zom-pede and continued to draw them away as per the plan. This chick was fucking crazy, and honestly, Bryn kind of liked it.


Location: Newnan Infirmary

Richard saw Zoie jumping on the back of a truck and he heard her calling out to him but he didn't fully register her words due to the blood pounding in his ears. She was actually going out and doing something fucking crazy again. And he was in no state to stop her. He groaned and spat on the ground in sheer frustration at the situation. If Lorna and Maria weren't already dead, he'd be planning how to get his payback on them, but they were dead. So there was no use wasting energy planning shoulda couldas. He looked up as he heard a new but familiar voice talking to him.

He chuckled a little at her words, but there was a sour note behind the tune of his laughter that would be clear to Astrid. "Could say that, girl is gonna turn that patient Doc into a sociopath, I tells ya." He shrugged his not so bruised shoulder slightly and grimaced through the pain that shot through his arm. "Nice t'meet ya Astrid. Bridgette, unique names there. I'm Richie, or Dick to big Froggy in there and Honkey Tonk to 'Country Chick' as ya call her. Call me whatever ye want just not Richard if ya will." He rolled his eyes and smirked a little, even if it was a bit bitter.

"Richard it is then," she said as she glanced around and took in what was going on around them. Hearing the booms going on outside she had to smirk a bit. Seemed that country chic had a way of making herself known. Granted if they were trying to move the hoard away from the town, that was a useful skill to have.

Meanwhile in the infirmary...

Victor actually stopped what he was doing as he heard the silly woman continuing to interrupt him. He dropped everything he was doing and turned to stare at her with his mouth agape in sheer and utter confusion at the stupidity that she was displaying. I was a good thing that Richard was not in the infirmary at this moment because Victor officially lost his shit.

"Vous êtes un enfant putain! Si je devais tout sens, je vous expulser d'ici! Je suis putain malade et fatigué d'être remis en question à chaque occasion! Pourquoi les gens ne peuvent tout simplement se taire et de me laisser faire mon putain de travail?! Ma patience est parti. Tout cela grâce à vous, enfant. Félicitations à vous. On t'a bercé trop près du mur? Je devrais vous frapper. Ou je ne serai jamais avoir la paix et de calme pour sauver la vie de cette femme." His native tongue rolled out of him faster and faster as the volume of his voice rose higher and higher. He was turning red in the face, the sheer arrogance and ignorance of this woman was unbelieveable! He felt his hands shaking and clenched them tightly into fists. His nostrils flared as he stepped closer and closer to this tiny little woman. He towered over her and honestly, in this moment, he looked terrifying.
Back outside...

That's when Richard heard the screaming happening. He thought he was imagining it at first but that definitely sounded like Froggy. Astrid perked a brow at the screams and shook her head, seemed that someone was having one hell of a fit. One worthy of Bridgett even. "Eh, I'll introduce ya soon but I think we's gots a Frog 'bout ready t'splode. Be right back." With that, Richard quickly hobbled off towards the Courthouse and made his way inside.

Astrid figured why the hell not and turned on her heels, following Richard and holding the door open for him before she continued on her way as they headed for the sound of the screaming. She didn't speak French but the tone was more than she needed to hear to know that the one that Richard called Froggy was not happy in the slightest. "Wonder what set him off," she pondered out loud as she stepped in front of Richard slightly and held the OR door open for him to head inside, following him quickly as the door swung closed behind them.

Richard gave a curt nod to Astrid as she held the doors open for him. He hated being helpless but he didn't care enough right now. Hi main concern was seeing to Froggy so that Daisy Duke didn't give him an earful later for not watching out for him. He walked into the infirmary, hearing the words of venom dripping from Froggy's lips. Well fuck even if he couldn't understand him, he knew that this was bad news. "The fuck did ya do to piss off the fuckin' doctor?!" Richard hobbled over to Neisha and looked her up and down before glancing over to Victor.

Astrid stood there perking a brow a bit as she watched the look on the doctors face and then Richard pipping up into the little tiff. Well this was interesting to say the least, seemed the red head had been running her mouth enough to tick off the man. Granted she didn't know how hard it was to really make the man angry, for all she knew he could be set off by anything but still; in this day and age you didn't piss off doctors, they were too few nd far between.

"Casse toi!" He practically spat the final words at Neisha as he threw his hands up into the air and waved them away, as if directing her to leave. He walked over to the medical cabinets and containers and began to lock them all up, one by one before standing beside Sophia and looking to Neisha once more. He was still red in the face but his voice was slightly calmer, if a little aggressive sounding. Clearly the arrival of Richard had caused him to cool his jets some. "You 'ave two choices; Come 'ere and do this by yourself or get the fuck out of 'ere and let me do my fucking job!" He stood with his arms crossed over his chest and he glowered angrily at the red haired woman.

"Well, unless you're a doctor, I would probably suggest leaving before the poor girl dies," Astrid stated in a clam but flat tone. For her she really couldn't care one way or the other. It wasn't herself or Bridgette on the table. Astrid had done what she could to get the girl to safety and make sure she didn't turn. Her job was done, she didn't have the skills to do anything else, therefor it wasn't her worry.

Richard had never imagined he'd ever hear the Doc swear, nevermind lose his cool but it had happened. Scowling, Richard felt the blood pulsing through him more and more. He was mad. He was angry at Zoie for putting herself in danger. He was angry at the three muska-tardos for beating the shit out of him, He was mad at being helpless. He was mad at these people being fucking idiots. He was mad that he had lost people today, even if he didn't like them all that much. He needed to let it all out and unfortunately for this chick, she'd pushed the last of his buttons today.

Spinning on the spot, Richard brought his clenched fist up and around to clock Neisha square on the jaw on the left side of her face. That got Astrid to cock a brow in surprise but she just stood there watching. She wasn't about to jump in the middle of a fight that wasn't hers. He wasn't proud about hitting a woman, but she was going to cause her friend to die and, frankly, Richard was having none of that. The force of his fist caused her to fall backwards and she was out cold. Her body sprawled onto the seat that Richard had asked her to take not long before and he wrinkled his nose as he realised what he had done. He could feel the pain in his ribs and wondered if he'd made it worse. The pain wasn't searing anymore but that didn't mean he couldn't have done something he wasn't aware of. His face was like fizz and he looked to Victor and Astrid before shaking his fist out from the hit. "Well someone had to shut her the fuck up."

"Well that was interesting," Astrid quipped as she looked around the room and grabbed a few zip ties that were laying on the counter from people tieing up the other person being held prisoner right then; figuring when the girl wakes up it would only get worse if she wasn't restrained. Leaning down she secured her ankles, then her wrists in front of her. For good measure she gagged her, the woman's mouth had be what set this whole thing off wasn't it? Astrid took a look at her, she seemed okay if not just knocked out and would probably wake up in a few minutes. Dragging her out of the way and along the wall she dusted her hands off and looked back at the two men. "So, gonna finish taking care of the one handed wonder now?"

Victor raised a brow at Richard's reaction but said nothing. He watched as the viking woman began to hog tie and gag the bothersome woman and, once she was removed from his general area, Victor let out a breath of relief. "Merci beaucoup." He gave a gentlemanly nod towards Astrid and a firm nod to Richard before continuing his work on the handless patient before him. He did all he could and ensured that she had the correct dosage of antibiotics required for such a shock to her body. He added a little morphine into the mix to help her sleep easier, but not too much. It was too valuable to overuse right now.

Richard let out a breath of relief and realised that just hitting something, sorry, someone helped him to feel a little better. Didn't say much for his current state of mind but it certainly helped him to not want to kill someone. That much was for sure. He looked over at Astrid and smirked. "Thanks for the hand. Don't right think I coulda done nothin' there. Here's hopin' she doesn't try t'kill me when she comes 'round."

Astrid nodded towards the men and adjusted the strap of her shield a bit, situating it better on her shoulder before leaning back against the wall and crossing her arms over her chest. "No worries. Rather have her hog tied and gagged than waking up and causing even more problems," she said as she stood there, looking down and picking at her nails a bit. She figured she would stay in there for a bit, see if the girl woke up. Richard might have knocked her out but if the woman really tried to cause an issue once she woke up she doubted he was in condition to deal with the way he was hobbling about. The Doc may have but you didn't let doctors handle the brawls, they were there for patch ups.

Victor ignored the exchange between the two and continued his work. He ensured the wound was clean, sterilised and bandaged appropriately before busying himself around with mixing more antibiotics for later use. He hoped that this amputation had been enough to save this poor girl's life. Satisfied that nothing else was going to kick off, Richard grabbed his wheelchair and settled himself back into it again. He looked between Victor and Astrid and then realised he'd forgotten something. "Oh, Doc, this is Astrid. Astrid this is Doc, or Froggy, or if you're feeling fancy, Victor." Victor glanced up and gave a quick wave and smile before diving back to his work. Richard just shook his head and sighed.

"Froggy? That is an... Interesting nickname. Makes me curious to how you got it," Astrid interjected as she was properly introduced to the man. She had a couple of ideas, random as they may be. Like he speaks French, French like Frog Legs right? So Froggy? Yeah, that could be it. Most nicknames though had a reason behind them even if it was just irony.

Victor looked up and quirked a brow. "I am a bit busy at the moment. Best to ask Miss Zoie. She is the one who gave me it after all." A small smile spread across his face as he got back to work.
*Rolls for Neisha getting hit, knocked out cold and Richard's injuries being affected by the punch were all rolled by Lady A and this post has been pre-approved by her before posting.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jack Hudson

Location: DMV in Carrollton, Georgia

Jack woke up quickly, a cold sweat on his forehead. He had dreamed of a distress call like any other he might have received in Chicago. A woman's husband was getting abusive, and he went with his partner to respond. They had kicked down the door, and once inside, the husband had been armed. The dream grew blurrier and blurrier by the moment, but he felt his chest, expecting a bullet.

There was nothing there.

He let out a soft breath, allowing himself to calm down. He had been in Georgia for a while, though he didn't know the exact time. Last night, he had stumbled upon what looked like a DMV office, painted white with an orange roof. Hardly anyone seemed to be around, and it was as good a place to sleep as any. Gone were the days when he and Sutton could take turns keeping watch. Jack only had himself to rely on. He had slipped inside the DMV as quietly as possible. After doing a quick sweep of the place (too quick for his liking), he had let his exhaustion get to him, and collapsed after barricading himself in the tiny bathroom.

He had used his rope and a few clove hitches to close off the door as best as he could. He then went over the entire area, covering up any windows and such he found with his tarp, in order to keep anyone from seeing inside. Then, with the lid down on the toilet seat, he had slept sitting up, gun in one hand, knife in the other. If all went well, no walkers would be able to come inside, as if anyone was going to be killing Jack Hudson, it was going to be Jack Hudson.

Not some dead pisser, that's for sure.

Listening carefully, Jack couldn't help but be wary. Anything, or anyone, could have come inside the building while he slept. He had spotted what might have been crawl space earlier when he first entered, and suspected that someone might have been hiding down there. Of course, his memory of the previous day was so hazy, due to his sleep deprivation and desperate need to get access to some water.

Distantly, Jack heard crash and a thud, and he couldn't help but swear. It was either some undead sonovabitch or some poor bastard. He gathered his tarp up from the window and quickly folded it into a sack, putting his supplies inside. Keeping his gun and knife on him, he removed the rope from the door, and tied them into almost straps for the sack. Slinging it over his shoulders nearly like a backpack, he opened the bathroom door softly, and went in search of the noise. His knife had slipped into his pocket, and he held his gun at the ready, moving silently from area to area. He made his way towards the back of the DMV, he quickly spotted the source of the noise.

There was some girl flailing on the ground with a walker.

Good morning to you too, sunshine, Jack thought quietly to himself, not wanting to alert the walker. Or potentially any of its friends. Walking towards it, Jack kicked at the walker, hoping to send it the walker back, against one of the walls if possible.

"You got any other friends beyond this pissah?" Jack asked, glancing over at the girl.

He quickly switched his gun for his knife, and stabbed the walker in its brain. He pulled his hunting knife free and wiped it against the wall, prodding the walker with his foot, as if to ensure that he really had killed it. Chuckling a bit, he did a quick inspection of the rest of the room, before offering a hand to the girl.

"I'm Jack," he offered with a small smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Tatiana Korvo

Location: DMV Carrollton, Ga

Tatiana kicked at the walker, rolling over and trying to grab her hunting knife that she had dropped in the surprise. Grunting to herself as she tried to keep quiet, not wanting to alert any others that might be around but hoping that Davi had heard her at least. "Nyet! Nyet!" she hissed under her breath, kicking again as the thing kept trying to turn her into a tasty meal.

She didn't see where the man came from but she breathed a sigh of relief as he kicked the Walker away from her, though years of being on the road with Davi had taught her to be cautious. Scrambling she grabbed her knife and pushed herself back against the wall as the man disposed of her would be eater quickly. She sat there, breathing heavily as she pulled her knees up to her chest and let out a long huff. Nodding her head slightly to his question. "Da," she said in her thick Russian accent, as she took his hand and was helped to her feet.

"Ya Tatiana, moy drug gde-to zdes'," she added before smacking herself in the forehead. She was so used to having Davi around and speaking in Russian most of the time she just went with what was natural and spoke in her native tongue before realizing that the man she was speaking to had an American accent, even though it wasn't one she was really familiar with outside of a movie she remembered.

"Sorry, I am Tatiana, my friend is in here somevhere," she said, straightening out the Russian and switching over to English for Jack. "Da'nk you for your help," she added in a grateful voice as she smoothed out her shirt. Glancing around she didn't see any sign of Davi and it worried her. Stepping around and calling out quietly, the place was small if Davi was still in the building she could have heard her. When there was no answer her worry increased.

Walking around she checked the place and peeked outside. The car was still there, the gas cans inside the door. Had Davi just wandered off? Swallowing slightly she looked back over at Jack and bit her bottom lip nervously. A woman, alone, with a man, in these times.... Yeah, that didn't usually play out well, there were not many moral people still walking around these days. She hoped that his gesture to save her instead of letting her get bit was a good sign but then again, maybe he just didn't want to deal with her turning as well and had other plans. Maybe sheathing her knife hadn't been the best idea.

Part of her wanted to quickly take it back out, to show she was ready to fight. Another part of her though didn't want to offend him if he was in fact just being kind with his actions. With Davi out of sight, Tatiana was alone right then and being alone was perhaps even worse these days than most other things. Clearing her throat a bit she kept her guard up but at least tried to remain calm, the former ballerina standing there fidgeting a bit with her fingers as she looked back over towards Jack.

"Vhere you come from? You alone?" she managed to to finally ask in a bird like voice that was thick with her mother tongues accent, one that grew thicker the more nervous she was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Newnan Infirmary.

Kristina stood there over her sister's body for a moment as she looked around as she saw the other people of Newnan carrying and dragging and carrying bodies behind the courthouse, most of them were of course were the Walkers and the people that had attacked the settlement. Kristina decided to go for a little walk alone by herself. Kristina made her way back towards the main street she watched as James Grady, the bat lady and Zoie were all gathering and getting ready to go out and distract the Walkers outside and draw them further away from Newnan. She heard Ashton's radio going off, mentioning someone by the name of Alicia, she didn't know who this person was but then again she didn't know anyone at all in this group.

Kristina eyed the two women in armor again as the two of them talked to one another, she watched the truck drive off towards the gate and Ashton heading there as well. She thought for a moment to head over there and see what was up, but decided against it, Kristina looked over seeing the door open and saw Dick there and glared at him then one of the women headed over to talk with him. Kristina wanted to punch him one more time, but knew that she would most likely get in trouble with that. She sighed softly as she quickly jumped to hear an explosion out in the distance. And then Kristina saw Ashton coming back his expression completely changed she silently watched him making his way towards the Buster and climbing into the cab and shutting the door behind him.

Kris decided to head into the Infirmary to see if she could be of any use to anyone there, she silently followed behind Richard and Astrid as she stood outside of the infirmary. Kris watched as Froggy was flipping his shit at the new girl and the Miss Captain Hook soon to be, and then she watched Richard pretty much socking the redhead in the face and knocking her down onto the ground. Either Dick was really pissed or just annoyed either way she didn't like him hitting a woman. "Wow hitting a woman already Dick Face very low for you." Kristina said glaring at him.

Kristina watched Astrid going to grab some zip ties and handcuff and gag the woman, she looked at them both with slight irritation maybe Niesha deserved it or not she wasn't sure. Kristina walked and sat down at the other end of the infirmary.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Black James!

Location: Newnan City, outside the Walls

"Hot DAYUM, that's a blast!" joked James as he hopped from the back of his truck and clambered back behind the wheel. There was massive danger, true, what with a horde of Walkers doing the Undead Shuffle right behind them, but Zoie's plan to divert them was downright fun in its application.

Between the bombs and the rev of the motorcycle, sure enough those rotting bastards were starting to turn around and take notice. Now here came the fun part: Keep close enough to them to hold their interest, but stay far enough ahead so that they didn't get turned into a Big Black Manwich and two sides of Ladies' Fingers. The closest thing to fast food left in this world, and only the frigging dead people got to partake.

Just didn't seem fair to him, not one bit. Not that he was seriously considering resorting to cannibalism, mind you. The man just had a hankering for Two All-Beef Patties, Special Sauce, Lettuce, Cheese, Pickles, Onions on a Sesame Seed Bun. Comma. Damnit. Fries and a chocolate shake would go down good, too. Nope, the closest thing to it he would get, ever again in this lifetime, was badly injured and stuck in a tree near the Agriculture area within the outer wall. He had to get back soon, put that poor animal out of its misery. Then into his smoker. Yummy yummy, beef in tummy.

They had to make noise? FINE. James swung down the driver's side sun visor and selected a CD appropriate to the situation. Grinning like a parolee in a whorehouse, he slid the shiny music disk into the console's player and made a selection, and cranked up the volume. It sounded a bit like this.

Mental promises of wood-fired meat dancing heavily in the back of his mind, James cruised into the next intersection where they had to force the horde into a direction change, and repeated the slingshot maneuver. This time, however, they had a little musical accompaniment. He sang along, loud and proud, with the chorus. Ordinarily, such an action in their given situation would be insane, even suicidal. Perhaps this was why he was so startlingly full of glee and vigor.

The next turning point found the indomitable Black James bobbing his head and dancing in the truck bed as he set up his spear, still singing, "I play chicken with the train, play chicken with the train, play chicken with the..."

Just sometimes, he loved his work.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Atop the wagon, in front of the Courthouse

With a sad and heavy heart, Bridgette realized that there was real, honest commotion going on inside of the municipal building, in front of which her wagon was positioned. Yes, commotion was afoot, an she wasn't part of it. She could use a little stress relief today; the day hadn't exactly been ideal. A quick and brutal workout would suffice nicely. Then again, group full of new people. If they checked out okay, maybe they could show the new girl what they did for fun in sunny Newnan.

Worse came to worst, someone in this crater had to have a stash of liquor she could trade for.

While she had decided to stick with the wagon for the next while, Bridgette was curious to find out a little more about her surroundings. Obviously, she was in the historic downtown. Craning her neck about, she got a good 360° view. They had a motor pool, fair number of people. Weapons, ammo. People in positions of authority. Even in the aftermath of what amounted to a profoundly sub-par day, these people were in a better position than many she had seen and summarily avoided out in the world.

Okay, keep up the bravado, but dial it back. The brutal shieldmaiden suddenly wanted to know more about this place. She had seen Walldi- <ahem> Ash climb into his truck and just sit there. Perhaps he needed time to himself, after doing whatever needed doing. So there Bridgette sat, getting a good look at the man in the driver's seat of the vehicle that brought them all together, in the most ass way possible. There he sat, staring at something below the dash.

Ashton Holloway

Location: Hordebuster, across the intersection from and facing the Courthouse

Alone with one's thoughts is generally a position benign in nature. Helpful, even. Probably not in Ash's case, however. There he sat in a vehicle he once called home, trying hard to have anything resembling an emotion. To pass the time during, he listened carefully to any news which may or may not flood through his radio.

Sitting, waiting, taking some "Me Time" now that his people weren't under immediate danger of annihilation. Regularly, he tilted his eyes up to view the scene in front of the Courthouse. Two guards still with the wagon, angry Viking lady still on top. No one running, no one screaming, no one dying, as far as he could tell. There would come a time, and probably very soon, when he would be pulled away from the great, uncaring nothing that permeated his brain, but just for now he took it as a kindness.

Ashton had time, and he was going to take full advantage of it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jack Hudson

Location: DMV in Carrollton, Georgia

Jack nodded at her thanks, his hands clapping lightly against his sides. "Don't worry about it." He'd raised his eyebrows a bit at what sounded like either German or Russian to him--he couldn't be certain which--but decided not to press it. People ended up all over the place, in his experience, over the last couple of years. After all, he had landed himself in Georgia.

Tatiana glanced around, looking for her friend. Given by her biting her lip and fidgeting her fingers, he doubted that she saw her anywhere. His heart broke a bit for her--he knew what it was like, losing someone in this shitstorm. If all was well, her friend was just hiding somewhere, and wasn't in a tight spot.

"Vhere you come from? You alone?"

Jack nodded, sweeping the room with his eyes once more. "I spent the night in the john, trying to find some sort of sheltah here...If there are any sheltahs left." Glancing around once more, he realized that he hadn't fully answered her question. "I'm from Boston."

Not seeing anyone in the shadows, Jack sighed a bit. He was admittedly relieved that it didn't seem any walkers were around, but he'd be stupid if he thought they were safe. In his experience, bad luck came all at once. A walker had already attacked Tatiana, and as far as he knew, some other pisser wasn't too far behind it.

"We can't be talkin here much longah," Jack said. "Do you know where your friend would've split off to?"

Jack smiled awkwardly, almost out of embarrassment. He didn't even know this girl, and to be fair, she probably didn't want anything to do with him. It was dangerous to be alone in these times--yet even more dangerous to be around strangers. Humans could be more vicious than walkers nine times out of ten, and there wasn't a friendly neighborhood police department anymore to rush in and save the day.

It was survival of the fittest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Zoie Crawford

Location: Back Of James' Truck

Each diversion they set up only helped to drive the Walkers forward faster; granted their ramblings and awkward footsteps were not as quick as one might like when you are actually trying to lead them away from somewhere but hey, it was working fast enough and there were only a few stragglers left between the inner and out wall for those on post to deal with. It wouldn't take long for them to clear it out, or at least Zoie hoped that was the case. It would take a while but come an hour after dark the trio would have had the group moved off towards Peachtree City and Eden itself.

"Yeah, let those fuckers deal with this mess for a while," Zoie thought to herself as James was finally able to pull over on the side of the road for Bryn to load up her bike so they could high tail it the hell out of there. They would need to make a wide circle towards the north west now and come back around in from the South to get back into town and not lead the Walkers back to the starting point. It would take a while but thankfully everything seems pretty quiet once the trio is loaded up in James' truck and they start their way back.

~*Zoie, James, And Bryn are not slightly ahead of the rest of the Rpers in the group and will finally be returning back to Newnan around 9p.m. that night. LLA rolls have been made to cover them until after they get back within the gates. These three characters are respectively on hold until time in RP catches up to them. The three may post at leisure when it comes to their characters for filler or thoughts but as of now they are off posting rotation until rp time reaches "dark".

Astrid Hansen

Location: OR

Astrid perked a brow at the woman as she entered and seemed to make a back handed comment over towards Richard for what he had done. Dusting her hands off she just shook her head slightly. "Woman was running her mouth so much she upset the doctor. An angry doctor is not good for patients; especially one with his vein popping out of his forehead and screaming," she said as she stood there before letting out a long breath and leaning back against the wall to keep post for now.

This place was sure of surprises. People running their mouths, people running off like lunatics, hoards being led away from Red Necking it; reminded her of the Faire. Rubbing the back of her neck she stood there and watched "Froggy" getting back to work after he told her it was best for Zoie to explain. Was that the country girl that ran off? She seemed the sort to give nick names to people, not that she had known the girl but any southerner at the Faire over the years had seemed to like handing out nicknames; Bubba being an all to popular one.

Reaching into one of the small leather pouches on her hip she pulled out a small bit of jerky she had wrapped up and gnawed on it a bit. She had no idea what the food supply was like for this place and nothing had been offered to her yet, so she figured she might as well get a little something in her stomach while things were calm. She just stood there, chewing the dried meat in silence as she watched the doctor tend to the stump on the one girl; rather fascinated by it now that things were a more quiet than they had been to begin with. Made her feel a little like she was at home, watching those ER shows before everything went to hell in a hand basket and she was able to sit down to a TV dinner watching people get their guts sewn back in. Good times.

Tatiana Korvo

Location: DMV Carrollton, Ga

"Oh... Boston," Tatiana said in her thick accent, trying her best to impersonate an old movie she had seen years before; The Original Parent Trap. She failed miserably and forced a rather timid and embarrassed smile at how badly the word Boston had left her lips. Maybe now wasn't the time to try to add humor to a tense situation, especially since she had no idea where Davi was or where she had gone off to. She, for the first time since the outbreak occurred, was alone without anyone besides the stranger standing before her. Davi and Tati had been together since everything that gone down; they had been lucky. To have each other through everything and now, she was gone. Just vanished into thin air.

As he asked if she knew where Davi could be Tati shook her head a bit as her lips thinned in worry and she looked around. After a few moments she looked back over to the man she had to make a choice. Trust him and pray he didn't stab her in the back or run. She wanted to run, she wasn't one that easily trusted anyone else. Even after everything had gone down it took ages for Davi and Tati to trust each other. To turn from keeping a knife out at night just in case they were stabbed in the back by the other to just having it out as defense against the walkers and others. Yet, she hadn't been alone this whole time and she didn't want to be alone now. Hopefully her choice to trust him wasn't going to bite her in the rear.

"I knov of house. Ve stay at, maybe there," she said before pulling out the spare set of keys she had. They had two, one for Davi and one for Tati even though Tati had never learned to drive. They had decided long time ago that it was better for each of them to have a set in case something happened to the other one.

"You knov hov to drive?" she asked as she looked at him nervously. "I go, you come or not?" she said as she picked up the gas cans with her other hand and held out the keys for him until he took them; if he didn't she would just shove them back in her pocket and try this driving thing anyways.
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