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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Apartment E - Kristina's Apt 2 .

"Sophia getting bit wasn't your fault, anyone could have been bitten at least it was just her hand if she got bit anywhere else she wouldn't be here now. And it wasnt your fault either that your community fell, Newnan could have fallen a month ago when we arrived here but it's still standing here now isn't it?" Kristina said as she winced slightly as she let Neisha start to wrap up her ankle sighing slightly as she let Neisha do her thing and making sure that it was bandaged up well. "And I think you should at least let her know how you feel. Because anyone of us could be dead tomorrow and I don't think you would want her to die without you telling her how you felt." Kristina shrugged slightly as she stood up again.

"And thank you again for the help." Kristina said with a soft smile as she grabbed the shovel to support herself and took Niesha's hand, she was at least glad that the horse didn't mow through the crops that would have been very bad. Kristina started to slowly limp her way out of Building E and headed back out onto the streets of Newnan once more, she still didn't like the humidity of Georgia but she had gotten used to it by now.

Sophia Harris

location: The Rec Center.

Sophia looked at Tatiana and returned the soft wave, when she spoke she could hear the thick Russian accent and knew that she was from Russia. She was surprised that someone came from the complete other side of the world, though there wasnt much of a world left now. Sophia turned her attention back towards Jack, and laughed slightly and knew that he was from Boston. "I think my grandfather was from Boston, though i'm not sure." Before coming to Newnan Sophia rarely trusted anyone, and she survived on her own this long until she bumped into Niesha and then the others gave her enough hope that she started opening up to others. Then Sophia could hear the radio on the wall going off, hearing Jim from the wall asking for anyone who spoke Russian so there was a new comer as well.

Sophia looked between Tatiana and Jack at the mention of someone named Davi, the name didn't ring a bell with her then Tatiana said she had to go and watched the Russian woman running off from the Rec Center. She turned to look over at Jack as he asked her where to go so that Tati could see if it was her friend or not. "The main gate, you must have seen it when you came in pretty big and really noticeable." Sophia answered, then she bit her lip for a moment she didn't want to be pushing herself along the streets by herself with her feet.

"So uhm would you be okay with wheeling me around for a bit as well? I'm sort of trying to get my bearings around this place as well." Sophia asked, she wasnt sure if Tatiana would actually be alright with her being wheeled around by Jack.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: The Woods Around Arnco Mills

Ray didn't like the odds at all, he would be just dead weight to her if he did survive and they got to some form of shelter, Raymond slowly nodded as he watched her make bandages out of her shirt Ray wiped off his machete as best as he could. "Please just make sure that I don't turn I don't want to become one of those things.. And if I become a hindrance to you do what you have to." Raymond said as he reached over for a nearby stick, he looked up at her one more time. "If I don't make it take my stuff." Ray said as he put the stick into his mouth.

Raymond closed his eyes and bit down hard as the searing pain started going through his entire leg and started to let out loud screams in pain as Tiffany started to cut through skin, muscle, bone and tendons. Tears started going down the sides of his face, and then everything started going dark, after Tiffany removed his leg. Raymond's body went completely limp as he was carried off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


location:apartment E Kris's apartment then building , the infirmary

niesha gave a soft sigh. "I know that. I know she would be dead if it was anywhere else, but that still doesn't make me feel better. I should have watched her...she saved me and I let her get bitten" she said, as she helped Kristina from Her appartment once more, taking as much of Kristina's weight as she could. "I get that. I get that we could all die from a walker invasion in hours. But I'm not good with telling people that I like them. In case you haven't noticed I'm not exactly good with emotions"

She glanced about, hoping to see Sophie, but she didn't. She hoped Sophie was okay, after she had practically dumped her. She would have to go find her, after making sure Kristina was okay at the infirmary. It wouldn't be like she could stay, if Victor was there anyway. "If The doctor is there, I'll just drop you off. But I'll come back, after I find Sophie, to take you back to the apartment" she said, feeling like she was trying to make everyone else happy, and it was just making her feel tired.

She could try and apologise, but right now twisted with her thoughts and everything, it probably would be a crappy one and just cause more trouble. Such was her thoughts as she helped Kristin to the infirmary, entering and glancing about, greeted with the rather peculiar sight of Astrid standing over the doctor in a bed. She cleared her throat as Astrid finished speaking, "I'm just dropping Kristina off. She got thrown from a horse, and has injuried her ankle. My guess is it's just a sprain but thought it was better to be safe then sorry. " she said awkwardly, helping Kristina to a bed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: On the back of the truck and then by the truck.

 we are going even faster now!’ Amelia thought in horror as she realized the things by the road were passing by faster and faster along with the wind howling that she could hear from the air hitting the front of the truck. Her eyes opened wide as she slummed even lower into the bed of the truck, gripping at the edges as strong as she can like her life depended on it!

“KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!” She shouted in sudden terror as the car turned rather uncontrollable! The girl was thrown left and right around the bed of the truck, barely managing to hold onto the edges to not get wrecked into the side of the bed or even thrown off. In those brief moments her whole life flashed before her eyes.’ I’m going to die
 because of that... man
’ She thought as she was suddenly thrown to one side of the truck as her right hand slipped it’s grip, still she managed to at least hold somewhat on her left by the time the truck stopped.

Now with the vehicle static, she laid on her back, breathing heavily as she tried to move, her head was spinning from being thrown left and right like that. Suddenly she heard Ed’s voice calling for her.

“Reste loin de moi!!” Amelia called, somehow bringing herself to the edge of the truck and getting on the ground, on her knees. Her legs felt so weak right now.” Thank god
 I love you ground
 I thought that I was going to be thrown away from the truck when my grip slipped!” She cried out in relieve, almost having the desire to kiss the ground.

“Moron, imbĂ©cile, le cerveau de moutons, faux gentleman, tu as failli me tuer!” She cried out at Ed, before attempting to stand up, her legs still feeling weak.” There goes our transport
” She said, looking at the destroyed tires
”Ce sont des bandes de pointes, pour dĂ©truire les pneus et arrĂȘter les vĂ©hicules ...” She finally explained with a sigh. She felt the desire to cry.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center) ---> Front Outer Wall

Jack had started to take off after Tati, and he nearly slapped himself on the head. They'd been forced to undergo mandatory sensitivity training back on the force, and disabilities were (supposedly) included in that. He gripped the handles of Sophia's wheelchair, smiling pleasantly at her, though anyone could see the worry etched into his face. Either way, Tatiana would end at one extreme. She would either be ridiculously happy or incredibly crestfallen. "'Course," Jack replied, obliging the girl. He quickly wheeled her outside into the streets, catching sight of Tatiana as she began to run towards the inner gate.

"Dunno if this was what you had in mind an' all," Jack apologized, as he continued to push Sophia's chair, consistently running about thirty seconds behind Tatiana. While he could've easily cleared the distance himself, the pressure on the chair's handles only aggravated his wounded hand, and additionally, he didn't want Sophia to fall out from sudden starts and stops. The gatekeeper seemed to shake their head at the two of them, and Jack awkwardly smiled.

"I'm, uh, I'm with the Russian gal," he explained, before dashing through with Sophia, taking care not to let the wheels get caught on any rocks or stones in their path. He was fairly certain the sensitivity training mentioned something about not further injuring the disabled. Seeing Tatiana dash up a flight of stairs, Jack slowed down, now walking Sophia towards the wall. He'd feel like an ass if he abandoned her at the bottom, and he doubted she'd take kindly to him carrying her up there. Setting the chair to a stop, Jack smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Her, uh, her friend went missin'," he explained to Sophia. "Been 'bout a month since Tati saw the gal." His smile faded into a grimace. He knew that with each passing day, the odds that Tatiana would ever find Davi again diminished. He'd racked his brains for a logical explanation that involved Davi escaping the DMV and simply not finding them for a month, but he couldn't come up with one. She was likely dead--something he knew Tatiana couldn't face yet. "Do, uh, do tons of people show up all the time like this?" he asked.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Dans La Rue

He continued to frown, pulling out his cutlass. The pain in his leg was forgotten, becoming something of the past. He ignored Amelia's shrieking words, making a mental note, however, to work with her on pronunciation. She was slaughtering the beautiful language, the language of love and of power. "Ma sƓeur, Alisanne...Elle saurait qu'est-ce que c'est..." he stroked his hands over his mustache briefly, tapping the spikes with his sword. Walkers didn't drive cars. There was no reason for spikes to be placed in the road. As he saw Lana pull out her gun, Édouard's suspicions were confirmed.

This had to be an attack against la mafia française! He took up his rapier in his other hand, prepared to show off perhaps the only thing in the world he was good at, beyond putting too much product in his hair. "AmĂ©lie, Lana, je suis dans la mafia française," Édouard explained, his stare dramatic and tense. "Courez. Ils me veulent."

Checking his 3 in 1 survival whistle, Édouard frowned at it. It continued to read something upwards of ninety degrees, and he stared at his skin. Perhaps they were in hell, none of this had been real. He wouldn't have put it past Alisanne to murder him, in order to secure her succession to leader of la mafia française. From his backpack, he pulled out the battered French-English dictionary, a majority of its pages illegible. He handed it over to AmĂ©lie.

"Lisez ça," Édouard instructed. "Ton français occasionne mes oreille saignent."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Burial Site

Mostly silence, on both the part of Bryn and Bridgette. Not that the taller Nordic-looking woman (that'd be Bridgette) spoke constantly, but her verbal presence was strong. Especially as it came to screaming obscenities when called for. Or when not called for. Or if she was drunk. Or merely conscious. So long as one of those conditions applied to a situation, there was a reasonable chance that Bree would find some way to edge in a colorful sarcastic remark, and/or a judicious application of several diverse variations of the word Fuck. It was art. It was fuck-fucking-tastic art.

Not so this hour. Her own sense of twisted proptiety led her to try and drown out the lovers' quarrel between Zoie and Dick, thus making her completely oblivious to the sudden attack of the Biter within Newnan's walls. Seems no one was safe anymore. Further, when she was alerted to the danger, the walking corpse was already upon Zoie. Her reservations about Dick aside, Zoie was a really stand-up lady. Bridgette felt bad that she had completely missed her fight for survival. Thank whatever God may or may not still be looking down at humanity that Brynja still had her crossbow.

That was another topic she intended to discuss - even if she was fully aware of the danger, being basically unarmed gave a massive disadvantage in the event like something such as this happened again. While she had no idea how Bryn's crossbow passed by the weapon policy, she was extraordinarily happy that it did that day. Bridgette absolutely had to speak with Ash and Zoie about that. A few additional people they could trust inside the walls with relaxed weapon restrictions, preferably including a tall angry woman with a spear and shield, could only help matters.

Bridgette's train of thought on the matter, along with the rhythmic crunching of shovel in soil, was disrupted by a loud crack. Bryn's shovel, possibly taking revenge for being mercilessly shoved into the dirt over and over again, decided to split along the handle and spill forward, a whack to her chin for her trouble. "Nice fucking shovel." mumbled Bridgette, seeming a bit of her normal self. "All those pearlies still attached there, Bryn? Aw, hell... I can finish up if you need to hit the infirmary. Don't have a lot left."

Ash Holloway

Location: Southern Gate

Well, this was new. Looking down upon the stranger, who seemed much stranger than most, Ash could not help but squint his eyes against the daylight and stare as the odd man rambled on about himself. In the third person. This guy was either a total loon or an amazing infiltrator, down to the fine details of his costuming and accent.

Then he did something strange. His mask cracked a little bit, accent withered enough to very clearly pick out a single sentence: "I'm not good with Alone, anymore." Okay. This ...Great Bazhooli... wasn't being one hundred percent genuine about something, but he didn't think he was lying, either. The one line about being alone - something about the way he said it made Ash believe that it was the first non-scripted thing that came out of his mouth that morning. Whatever else this guy was, he was a showman.

And then he went on about his cat.

Tatiana appeared, hopefully for the purposes of translation if necessary, and assessed the man. The words "Not friend" gave Ash pause. This day and age, it could mean a couple of things. He was just about to ask specifically what she meant by Not Friend when the petite ballerina began a dialogue of her own with the man in a language Ash knew absolutely nothing about. He had just met her that day, too. It was an awful lot of uncertainty, and a hell of a coincidence that two Russian speakers suddenly show up, coming from different paths, both within a couple hours (if that) of each other.

Yeah. Today was one of those days. He reminded himself to make sure to picked up an extra clip for his .45, just in case.

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Outside Newnan's Southern Gate

The Great Bazhooli seemed overjoyed to hear someone speaking in the language of his upbringing. Well, the rarer one, anyway. He responded in flawless Russian (but with ever so slightly muddled accent), "Akh! Moya prekrasnaya step' tsvetok. Eto delayet moye serdtse priyatno slyshat' rodnogo yazyka snova."1 He immediately switched back to heavily accented English, continuing, "But let us please not to be rude. The man with grim face obviously does not understand. He is one to decide if I get shot on doorstep, da? You ask what I vant: I vant in. I vant help. And, vant to be help. The Great Bazhooli can be out, when is needed, but to have in, this is good. Plus, have cat. Very fuzzy."

This was probably not the most compelling, nor understandable argument he'd ever made in his life. The Great Bazhooli was just about to open his mouth to clarify his intentions, probably with less chewing of his words with his theatrical accent, but it was immediately cut off by Ashton.

"No place is completely safe, anymore. Not even behind these walls. If you choose to walk in here, it'll be without weapons. They will be kept safe, for now. We'd have to talk more." Ash cleared his throat before continuing, "The best defense against People, or the Dead, is more people. We give refuge for decent folk, unless they prove otherwise. Fine. Pile your weapons behind you, step inside. The minute you feel like leaving, you can have them back."

Hesitant at first, The Great Bazhooli lay down his fur coat and placed his rifle, extra bullets, and his many knives on top of it. He wrapped the coat up, creating a bundle of things that hurt covered in bear fur, and moved it to the grassy bit he performed on just a few moments ago. During this time, Ash was on his radio, "Newcomer at the gate, alone. Need an escort detail to search and accompany him to the Mess Hall. ...Zoie, if you've got a minute, we have a guest."

The gate opened just enough to admit a single body, and The Great Bazhooli stepped inside. He looked around at the contents of the Outer Wall, captivated by the sight. This was an actual community, with people working, animals, etc. Armed men and women willing to fight to keep it, too. They looked slightly untrusting, which was to be expected. He was very new. One of these armed men brushed past him, carrying his coat full o' fun. He remained close, but not as close as the two men with rifles. Just in case. "This place... vonderful. Better than train."

It may have been, but it was not home. Not yet, anyway. Ash urged the small procession forward, motioning with his hand toward the Inner Wall. "Welcome to Newnan."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Location: Arnco Mills Forrest

Despite her best efforts, it was obvious this was a lost cause. She had been in these situations before, it never got easier no matter how often it happened. The way the world worked now, it was always the hard choices that reared their ugly heads. She almost wished they could be shot as easily as a Walker.

The man's leg was a lost cause. She had no medical knowledge to speak of except putting band-aids on scrapes or taking care of acne or blackheads, and this was none of those. The man had fainted after letting out a terrible yell, a scream that would most likely cause every Walker around to their location and she couldn't pull him fast enough. She hated to do this, but it left her little choice.

She quickly tied heir hair up to prevent another Walker grab, and she checked the man's pack, noting the guns. She couldn't afford more carry weight. She went over to the fainted man and kissed his cheek, "I am so sorry about this." She then ran as far as she could go, while a growing sense of guilt continued to grow in her stomach.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


location:The infirmary, Building 1 ------> The school, building nine-------> streets of Newman

Giving a soft sigh, Niesha helped Kristina to a bed, making sure she was comfortable before she started out. She didn't think either the doctor, or Astrid would want her there, nor would they want her help. Niesha knew her skills weren't totally transferable to a clinical aspect, yet to understand medications, you had to understand the diseases behind them. Still, last time she had offered help, it hadn't turned out well, and why should she put herself in that position again? She found herself stopping at the door, and looking back. "If you haven't asked about, or found out medical history, that might be a good place to start, too, while you're running all those tests. I'll come back for you later, Kristina". Slipping out the doors, she glanced about.

She was feeling like a bad friend, because she couldn't stay with Kristina. She wanted to say screw it, and just go back in, but that would be going against the order to stay away from the infirmary if the doctor was there. Sighing again to herself, She stood outside the infirmary a moment, wondering where to go from here. She could go find Sophie, and hope she wasn't mad about being ditched. Kristina thinks I should do something...but...wouldn't it be,,,taking advantage? She's just come out of the infirmary... She bit her lip, thoughtful.

It seemed that everything here was a challenge. It was a challenge not to overstep her bounds in the gardens, although all she wanted to do was help. It was a challenge to not be running, all the time. It was a challenge to know what to do with Sophie. What did you do, with someone you liked? For that matter, how did you know if someone liked you? Kristina seemed to think she should just go for it...but wouldn't the pain of knowing Sophie didn't like her be worse then not knowing? Was Kristina right though? In this world...wouldn't it be better to know? Wouldn't it be better to try for even a little bit of happiness, in case things all went to hell again? Yet if she followed that logic...just what was she meant to do? It wasn't like she could simply just go up and kiss Sophie. Well, she could, but she didn't know how.

Realising she had been standing outside the infirmary for some time, she glanced about, starting to walk. She headed to the school, hoping Sophie was there, Finding that she wasn't, Niesha frowned, wondering how far Sophie could get. Maybe she had been heading back to the apartment...but wouldn't they have crossed paths, then? Now standing outside the school, she heard more voices that didn't seem apart of the daily life here and she wondered just what else was going on today. It seems it never rains but pours here, when things go crazy she thought, glancing towards the gates, she would swear she saw a man pushing a wheel chair, but the moment she looked back to check, there was no one there. Am I day dreaming? Has this all just been a dream, am I going to wake up and find Astrid delivering Sophie to me, as if this never happened? The day did seem to have a "in only dreams" like quality to it.

Frowning to herself, she looked down at her hands. There was a common theory that in dreams, you had extra fingers, but Niesha's hands were perfectly normal. Weary, all Niesha wanted to do was find Sophie and take her home, where they could simply rest and talk. Right then, that seemed like the best thing in the world. She would have to stop at the infirmary again, to help Kristina home. Rubbing her eyes, like a child, as if that could get rid of the weariness. "Where are you, Sophie?" She said to herself, giving a heavy sigh.

Where to begin?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dr. Victor Bonheur

Location: Building 1 (Main - Infirmary)

He was quite pleased with his little protégé and could practically feel his chest swelling with the pride he felt towards her. He was both upset and enthused that he was her first patient on her own, it would help to build her personal confidence in herself while working in the infirmary. Even if she did have bucket loads of confidence in general, it was quite different when it came to having someone's life in your hands when you could quite literally be the only thing that can save them. There is a whole new pressure from that kind of dependancy and it can make or break a person. Victor was glad to find that Astrid was definitely being made in her position.

He opened his mouth to speak before he heard someone clearing their throat and he looked over to the door only to see one of his least favourite people in the community. Victor frowned but said nothing as he watched Neisha helping Kristina into a bed. He did not take his eyes off of her, not for a single second, he did not trust her not to try and touch something she wasn't supposed to. Victor moved his arms and laced his fingers together, resting the palms of his joined hands across his stomach as he lay in his bed. Victor wanted to know why Kristina had been thrown from the horse but he wasn't going to ask any questions until Neisha was gone from the infirmary. He looked to Astrid and took a deep breath but said nothing. She would know exactly what that look and breath meant.

He did not appreciate being interrupted while teaching his student, sick or not, he was still working with Astrid. Neisha did not even have the politeness of a knock on the door to announce herself and the latest patient before just barging right in and allocating a bed to the patient before preliminary checks had been carried out by himself or Astrid. He pursed his lips and sucked on his teeth before taking the breath again, attempting to calm himself but being unable to and deciding to speak out. "If that is all, you should leave. We will take it from 'ere." His face was stern and taut from aggitation and his knuckles were growing whiter as his grip became tighter.

He watched as she left without a word, he wasn't entirely sure she had heard him as he hadn't spoken particularly loudly, and then scoffed as she stopped at the door and yet again tried to act like she knew more than she did. It took all of his self control not to scream at the stupid girl about how they were capable medical professionals and that she shouldn't be suggesting they carry out such basic questioning as if they knew nothing of the work involved in taking care of patients. She was the most self-important person he had met in Newnan to date and she was within the top three of most self-important people he had ever met in his life... and he had met a lot of people.

The girl just did not know when to just keep her god damn mouth shut.

Richard Johnson

Location: Building B (Zoie's House)

"You forgive too easy." He had heard and felt her entering the room, making her way over to him and sitting herself across from him on the windowsill but he kept his gaze focused on the outside world that was like the eye of a crazy and deadly storm. They were protected, for now, but for how long was that going to last? Just because they were behind walls, it didn't mean they were safe or normal again. Far fucking from it. It really just showed how much they were just caged up animals that the dead were waiting to be released into the wild so they could rip them the fuck apart.

The time that Richard had spent since he and Zoie had parted ways was mostly in isolation besides when he was working. He constantly asked for leave to go outside the walls and was generally allowed since all he asked for protection was his machete and hunting knife when out there. He had no need for a gun, even if he did miss his shotgun, but it just drew attention and what he had been doing required nothing more than a quick blade and a big blade. He had been getting himself gored up and wandering amongst the Deadbrains from time to time. He started doing it just to get by them but then, something drew him in, he wanted to be near people who weren't judging him for the dumb mistake he'd made. So many people in Newnan treated him like a second rate citizen and it was really grating on his nerves but he knew that there was nothing he could do about it.

Sighing, Richard came back out of his own head and looked towards Zoie before taking a deep breath. "Daisy, ya gotta be harder on people. Especially people like me, it's gonna get ya killed, or worse hurt, if ya forgive the wrong person. There are such things as wolves in sheeps clothin' darlin'." He ran a hand through his hair and scratched the back of his head before glancing down at the floor of Zoie's sitting room. He leaned back against the frame of the window and turned to look outside again.

"Ya ever think we're jus' kiddin' ourselves livin' 'ere? Reckon this is all jus' an intermission 'fore shit hits the fan again... It don't feel right, Daisy." He'd been thinking it for a while but saying it out loud just confirmed it for him. He was really, truly considering living on the outside again. He didn't fit here, that much was clear. Besides Daisy and Froggy, no one gave two shits about him here. Hell even Daisy didn't give two shits for a while there. Bryn used to but after everything went down with Zoie, she'd barely even grunted in his general direction. This morning was the first time they'd properly spoken since she had chewed him out over his treatment of Zoie. Girl had a hell of a fucking right hook.

Agnes Brynja Johannsson

Location: Burial Site >> Building 6 (The Armoury)

The silence was something that Bryn was used to and never complained about, even if she did like listening to Bridgette rambling on. Working away was good and fine right until the moment that the shovel decided to try to bury itself into her skull. Her chin scraped right off of the ragged and broken area and she grunted in pain as she almost lost her balance falling forward a step before catching herself. Her crossbow swung from her back and hit her in the side.

"Son of a bitch!" Bryn rose her hand up to feel her chin and winced from the stinging that came with her touch. She hissed through her clenched teeth as the pain abated and she kicked the shovel that was still propped up in it's spot in the ground, knocking it over. She glanced over to Bridgette and nodded. "Teeth are fine. Should probably let this get cleaned but with the Doc bein' ill I'll sort it m'self. 'Sides, I need to actually go check my weapons into the armoury before Bossman kicks my ass outta here. I'll meet ya back at the wall once I've visited the armoury. If you're good I'll go do that. Forgot to check them in after comin' in from m'unsuccessful hunt this mornin'." She shook her head and rolled her eyes at herself.

She had no problems being alone but she didn't like the idea of going back out there. At least not permanently. Her runs out with James and her morning hunting trials were enough to keep her balanced. Bidding a temporary farewell to Bridgette, Bryn made her way to the armoury and greeted Tom with her usual nod and grunt. She checked her c-whacker and crossbow into the armoury and kept hold of her knife as per the rules of the Bossman. Last thing she wanted was to get on his bad side.

Svetlana Volkov

Location: On the road

She was already close to being sick before from the knock on her head, probably from a concussion of some sort, but this new series of events caused by her newest meatshield was making her regret even more as to why she had even let him into her car in the first place. She felt woozy as she opened up the car door and she bent over doubled as she spewed forth the meagre breakfast that she had eaten that morning. She may have had food but she was rationing and this was quite literally the solominkoy, kotoraya slomala verblyudov nazad. Amelia then started to tear into Ed while Svetlana was busy wretching her guts out.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her arm and she stormed forward towards Ed and poked a finger at his chest as she began to cuss him out. Amelia had been distracted by something nearby but Svetlana was too interested in tearing Ed a brand new hole to spew shit from. "Beda nikogda ne prikhodit odna! YA klyanus', chto yesli by my byli odni? Tvoy mozg..." Svetlana pointed abruptly at Ed's head, her finger poking him right between the eyes. She then made an exploding motion with her hands at the sides of her head and continued her tirade. "...zabryzgali cherez dorogu!" She almost pulled her gun out and held it at his head but decided she would just continue cursing him out in her mother tongue before remembering that he wouldn't understand a single word of it.

"Me da asco..." And with those words Svetlana felt her stomach churn and she spewed all over Ed's shoes. As she was bent over double in her new position she noticed the spikes that were strewn across the road that had actually caused their accident that Amelia was looking at. Frowning at the sight, her gun was drawn quickly and she glanced around the surrounding area to check if there was anyone nearby or watching them from what she could see. She quickly moved over to the truck and reached in to grab her pack, slinging it onto her back before crouching down beside the truck and beckoning them both forward while shushing them both with a single finger risen to her lips.

She then saw Ed, standing there, being an idiot as usual. She would have buried her face into her knees if she wasn't so worried about what was waiting for them in the treeline. She listened to his ramblings half way and then recognised the word mafia. It was enough to distract her from the fact that he had shortened her name without her permission. She could shoot him in the foot for that later if the need arose. Her eyes widened and she scowled at him. There was no way that this complete and utter toolbag was part of any kind of organised grouping of mafia no matter what and she doubted that there was any functioning mafias left in this world for him to even assume it was this. She had no idea what he was smoking but he better run out fast or he was going to be toast.

Finding a nearby small stone, Svetlana chucked it at Ed to get his attention away from what was most likely a delusion brought on by hitting his head in the car when the wheels blew out. She then noticed Ed giving Amelia a small, well worn book and she just stared at the two of them incredulously. Why was she sticking around here again?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 26 days ago

@Nallore @FantasyChic - Well bend me over and call me Sally..... Okay, ~shakes off the shock~ Ray, is alive; still. The angle of which he was dropped has elevated his leg some what and the bleeding is slowing at this point. He has lost a lot of blood but the whole being on the ground and having his head there instead of yanked up has given him enough to wake up. Don't get me wrong he is probably wishing he was still out cold because this hurts like a mother fucker but pain lets you know you are alive. There is a sound off in the distance, like tires being blown out and all the walkers are now directed towards that direction. Tiffany nearly pulls a Ray, stepping on another covered hole but she is able to stop herself in time. What is going on? More than one covered like this? You can hear the walker down there. You have a choice, try to do something or still leave him to die.

@rivaan @Morose @Charnobylisk - Well ain't this a fun sight? Lana vomiting. Get your wits about you peeps before out of the tree line walks several men who look haggard and rough - maybe relatives of Dick? (If your characters knew Dick that was) - There is nearly a dozen of them and they are eying you like you are dinner. Ding Ding. I hear a bell, does it toll for you? "Where you from darling?" one of the men ask, not really caring with woman answers but it is clear he isn't talking to the male in the group. (And no he doesn't have the damn dog with him.)

@Charnobylisk @Sigil - Well you can get Ms Lily buried and everything else goes calm - you are safe for now.

@Caits - Calm as calm can be. Not seeing Sophia anywhere and the inner gate is shut up tight, doesn't look like anything strange is going on. Might want to check with Miss Sally or someone else to see if anyone can point you in the right direction. (~note~ No one will be let to the outer wall unless needed up front at this point or they were assigned a job outside the wall.)

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Outer Front Wall

Tatiana looked down at the man as she curled her fingers over the edge of the railing. "Vash aktsent oblachno," she called out before looking at Ash. "His accent is, hov do you say? Cloudy?" she said before looking back at the new comer. Biting her bottom lip she took a long breath. "Vant me stay vith him? In case he say something in Russian?" she offered before looking around nervously. Turning she wrung at her fingers and saw Jack standing with Sophia and smiled a thin lipped smile. It was obvious that she was nervous and felt much safer when he was close but this man was newer to the town than she was and she wanted to stay there. To help if she could. She didn't know a lot that she could do in the city but this was something.

"Be dovn soon," she said to Jack and Sophia, giving them a little wave from her hands in front of her before she turned back to Ash and waited to see what he would say to her offer. If he turned her down she would just go back with Jack but if he accepted her help she would go with the new Russian. It was odd, she did and did not want to help them out. She wanted to because she knew it could be useful and she wanted to be useful but she was not good around people, not like this, not right out in the open suddenly. It was something though that she would have to get used to and work on more now that they were inside walls and not just the two of them.

Zoie Crawford

Location: Building B(Zoie's House)

Hearing her radio crackle Zoie sighed and took it off her belt. "Give me's a few minutes Boss, takin' cares of gettin' cleaned up and right in my head after the whole Miss Lily tried to have mes for breakfast. Be theres shortly," she said before hooking it back on her belt and turning her attention back to Richard. Shaking her head she stood up and placed her hands on her hips, tapping her foot in the process.

"Don't ya be tellin' me nutin' about wolves in sheeps clothin'. I knows me one whens I sees me one. I was dun married to one fer twelve years, why I be so damn tough nows. There also be sheeps in wolves clothing. Likes you Honkey Tonk. Peoples that actually are good neath all that shit, soft as a baby lamb and twist as cuddling but they rather be showing fangs. Fangs ain't be needed now, not in heres, nots all the time. And ya catch more flies with honey than piss-n-vinegar." Sighing she leaned over and got in his face a bit, her nose brushing against his.

"And what? Weeks of wantin' to knock yer block off and kickin' ya out ain't enough? Is to me, wants to know why? Cause ain't there nothin' out there I coulds be doing that would hurt ya more than what's yer doin' to yerself. And likes you could tell mes what to do anyways? I fergives ya, I fergives ya. Ain't gonna be takin' it back just because yous wants me to keeps being mads at you. Yous wants to be mad at yerself, then you go and bes mad. I ain'ts gonna be stopping ya anymore than I tries to wrangle a rabid coon."

Standing up she pulled out her pistol and checked the rounds before doing the same with the other. She wanted to make sure that she had everything she needed before she headed out. Keeping her eye on her pistol she added a bit more to her flavor speech. "And I don't be caring if it is nutin but an intermission. I ain't living's for tomorrow, I be livings fer today. Ones day at a time. Each day in paradise is a welcome breaths from Hell. And even ifs one day them walls do fall and wes back out there, I still gonna lives fer today cause I ain't here for survival, I wants to be livin'."

Shoving the clip back in place she holstered her side arms and gave him a kiss on the forehead before turning to walk to the door. Stopping she placed her hand on the door frame and looked back towards Richard. "And I'd rathers be livin's with a sheeps in wolves clothin' than a wolf in sheeps clothing. Already gots me one of those in locks up right now. Nows, yousa coming?" she asked before turning once again and heading out the door.

Astrid Hansen

Location: Building 1(The Infirmary)

Astrid gave a short nod towards Victor and turned to get to work when Neisha brought Kris in. Stopping what she was doing she slowly placed the needle down on the stainless steel cart and stepped over to Kris, not saying a word but that was not uncommon. Astrid was not much one for talking. Though it was obvious by the look on her face she hoped that Neisha wouldn't say anything, she was already peeved at the woman for not telling her thank you when she brought Sophia home; among other things. Taking a breath as she spoke she shook her head. Did she really believe that they were that uneducated that they would not know medical histories on each and every person in this city? Victor had everything he could get on everyone, it was part of his job; even beyond blood types that he had made sure to get. Victor was detailed and he made sure that Astrid was as well.

Yet she said nothing as she looked down at Kris's ankle once Neisha had left the room. It did not appear broken but one could not be too careful. Turning she looked over towards Victor and spoke. "Since you are currently stable, I will X-ray her ankle now and then return." Turning she stepped to the corner of the room she retrieved their portable X-Ray machine and got to work. It did not take long thankfully and once she had frozen the image she needed she took a moment to look at it before handing it over to Victor to double check for her. "No breaks or hairlines from what I can see," she said as she stood there.

"Kris, when you try to put weight on it, how badly does it hurt on a scale of one to ten?" she asked as she took Kris's vitals and waited for the doctor to double check her assessment. She knew she could have taken vitals first but she was brought in awake and alert. She was breathing from and did not look like she was in distress. A mess yet but distress no. At this moment she was only taking the vital to add to Kris's medical record for reference if should be needed at a later time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Apartment E - Kristina's Apt 2 -> Lagrange St -> Infirmary

Kristina nodded slowly as she got up from where she was sitting and was glad that Niesha was there to help her move around a little bit, she walked slowly out of the apartment building, and moved across the street slowly towards the infirmary. She looked around as the people went about their day as usual doing their assigned jobs. Then she entered the infirmary and then Niesha opened the door, seeing Astrid there and then seeing what she didn't expect was Victor laid out on the hospital bed. She wasn't sure what happened and was worried about the doctor. She was like family to her, and had helped her grieve a little bit after she had lost her sister and Lorna both in the same day. Kris sat down on the hospital bed and looked between Niesha as well as Victor, she could feel the tension between the two of them but she remained fairly quiet.

Kristina awkwardly ran a hand through her hair when Niesha told Victor what had happened she didn't want to reveal the information that she had ended up falling out into a pile of animal manure it was slightly embarrassing. "Thanks Niesha, and i'll see you and Sophia later." Kristina said as she watched her friend head out of the infirmary. Kristina sighed slightly and then looked towards Victor and Astrid, it would probably end up getting out anyway since everyone in the fields may have seen her get on the horse, and buck her off and land in the pile of manure.

Kristina sat on the bed and watched as Astrid moved from Victor and went over to grab the portable X-Ray machine, she remained very still as Astrid turned it on to get a image of her ankle. Once Astrid had finished Kristina shifted slightly and looked towards her, she didn't hear the woman speak that much in the past. "It's about a six or so I guess." Kristina answered as she let Astrid take her vitals, she was waiting patiently for the question on what had actually happened. She looked back over towards Victor still concerned about him. "Victor what happened, why are you on the bed?"

Sophia Harris

location: The Rec Center -> Lagrange St (inner wall/main inner wall gate) -> Lagrange St (outer wall/Main Newnan Gate)

"It's all good, as long as I know where to go from the street it's fine." Sophia said with a soft smile as Jack went behind her and started to quickly push her out of the Rec Center, and back out into the sun she hadn't been to the main gate since the day she had gotten there. It was of course the last thing that she saw before losing consciousness. "Thanks again." Sophia said with a soft smile as she lightly ran a hand over her left arm, it still hurt a bit even after a month but she avoided touching the area where she had been cut. As she was pushed through the inner gates and out to the fields seeing the people out working the fields. Sophia shifted slightly in her seat, she was slightly curious how Jack and Tatiana had met and wanted to make a little bit of small talk.

"So, how did the two of you meet anyway?" Sophia asked, as they were finally at the main gate she sat there for a moment seeing Jim up at the wall where he always was, and where Tatiana was up at the wall. Sophia nodded slightly she knew the feeling of losing a friend who had gone missing, there could be a chance that she was out there breathing and living, or she could be actually dead, or turned into a walker outside of the walls. "I'm sure that she is still out there somewhere."

Sophia said, she looked up at Tatiana and gave her a slight smile and wave. "Take your time." Sophia said with a soft smile, then she looked over towards the gate seeing it open and a man she hadn't met entered the gates and assumed that it was actually the Russian that Jim had been asking for someone to try and translate for them.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: The Woods Around Arnco Mills

Ray opened his eyes as he felt a sudden sharp pain going through his body, he slowly looked around his breathing was very heavy he looked around he wasn't moving and he was laid up on the ground. He tried looking around for Tiffany he saw that she wasn't there beside him, he could hear what sounded like tires screeching in the distance. There was a chance that there were people nearby, but the noise sounded like it wasn't that far away from where he was. Ray turned his head slowly and caught a glimpse of Tiffany, she had managed to catch herself from the little walker pitfall trap. Had she abandoned him and left him to die or try and get some help, he couldn't tell but then again he did tell her to leave him if he became a hindrance for her.

"Help me please!" Raymond would call out to Tiffany, he looked down at his bloodied leg he would grip the ground tightly as he groaned again. The bleeding seemed to have slowed down, he didn't want to move in fear of making the bleeding worse but he was also losing blood. He was still breathing and the pain was unbearable that's all he knew that he was still alive at least for now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: By the truck and behind Ed.

“What the hell are you talking about!?” Amelia couldn’t help herself from saying in confusion. She also realized this was a trap now, after the initial confusion after barely escaping death from being thrown off a truck moving at high speeds, when Ed asked about the spikes, she too realized it was deliberately set up trap fro vehicles! She now held her bat, using it to stand up.” Mafia n'existe pas ... le monde a fini ...”

Amelia cringed at Ed’s next statement as he gave her a dictionary!” ..Ahmm
 merci beaucoup?” she replied in confusion now. Why would he give her that out of all times he could do it
’ Besides don’t you need it more than I do?’ She thought, but taking it out of being polite.

She then well followed Svetlana’s example and hid
 or in this case took cover behind Ed as the men showed up. ‘Damn!!! I have no way out of this!' Amelia realized in horror. She was behind Ed, who frankly wasn’t the best cover out here
 If they started shooting at him, any bigger caliber bullet would pass through him and hit her also. She looked around, maybe if a distraction presented itself, she could jump in hiding behind the truck also
 though what would be their plan after that, she had no idea.

Amelia gulped as she heard the men talking and asking a question. The way he spoke, she felt a little bit of fear fill her up. Last time she met people in similar situation they nearly killed her after capturing her!

“From Little Rock
” She replied to the man’s question, still using Ed as a cover. Amelia had a gun, but there was no point in pulling it out. She never used it and didn’t even have ammo for it to begin with. It was always a psychological tool for her. People seemed a lot less pushy if they feared you making a hole in their heads. These guys in front of them, she doubted that tactic would work though.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Vicinity of the Front Outer Wall (Lagrange St)

Jack sent a thumbs up at Tatiana, squinting a bit to see if he could make out anything about the mysterious Russian. Given that Tatiana didn't leap for joy, he figured that Davi wasn't the one at the gate entrance. However, his paranoia was only encouraged by that. It didn't make sense, for two Russian speakers to show up in the middle of Georgia on a random day, without any sort of prior arrangement. But then again, he'd seen stranger things during his days on the force.

Like the oddly placed hedgehog. Now that had been a hell of a lot of paperwork to fill out for that particular sting operation. He shook his head slightly, recalling Sophia's question. He had been a bit distracted, nearly forgetting that the crippled girl had asked it. "Met at the DMV," Jack said, a bit simply. "Quickest thing that evah happened there, I'd say." He chuckled a bit, but he didn't take his eyes off of Tatiana. At the first sign of trouble, he'd rush up there, ready to die for her.

But of course, even Jack knew that dying for a loved one was easy. Living for them was the hard part.

He couldn't help but raise an eye, seeing the newcomer enter through the gates. He had put down what seemed to be enough fur to keep a small family warm for a winter on the ground, along with assorted weapons. Not needing Tatiana to tell him this, Jack figured that the man wasn't Davi. And if he was, the world must have become a rather more accepting place than what it used to be.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Dans La Rue

The saying generally goes something along the lines of "if looks could kill..." In this instance, however, the intense stares of the American ruffians practically spoke to Éd, in a language that even le Chou could comprehend. The near dozen of them were rather fixated on both Lana and Amelia, and he glanced briefly at both of them, awaiting some sort of explanation. It slowly dawned on him, then, that this wasn't some sort of challenge from a rival mafia group.

It was some sort of trap! His lips curled slightly in distaste, hearing Amelia say something about chess to the men. None of it made any sense to him, but Lana's crouching stance, and the hungry gazes of the men suggested to him a few options. Clearly, they couldn't have cared less about him, a fact that he felt a bit of resentment towards. He nearly wished that the men stared at him with those vulgar expressions.

Édouard then glanced at Amelia again, confused as to why she appeared to be speaking with them. She had been present just moments after their first car crash, and then, she blamed him for the second one. His distrust boiled up, and Édouard ran his mind through the very few English phrases he knew. Lana could stay, he rather fancied the Russian beauty. He hadn't the faintest idea what she shouted at him, but he couldn't deny it was a bit arousing.

"Girl." Édouard motioned, pointing at Amelia, and then waving towards the wannabe biker gang, as if to indicate they could have her. "C'est bien?" He supposed that, if they must, they could have Lana as well. Provided they gave him something decent as a replacement, perhaps a potted plant.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


location:The school, building nine-------> streets of Newman-----> Mess hall, building 2------> streets of Newman, lagrange street

Niesha hovered around the school, for a moment as she thought where she could go from here. She couldn't imagine anyone just letting Sophie float about, so someone might have seen her and helped her. Miss Sally seemed to know a lot about the going ons around the community. Perhaps she'd bee a good place to start, for now. Or at the very least, Niesha could leave a message in case Sophie thought to check in with Miss Sally too. That decided, Niesha nevertheless stood where she was. There was something else she might ask Sally, too.

Starting to walk, Niesha hummed softly to herself. dying is easy She thought to herself, Living is hard. Being here a month, she had merely been expecting something to happen, to destroy this place. That was the way of the world now, but did that mean they couldn't live? This was the safest she had been in months. Maybe what Kristina said was right...Why do I feel like I'm 18 again, and walking into that dorm room, to be pounced on by her? Humming still, Niesha didn't seem aware that she was actually doing it.

SHe glanced around as she walked, in the hopes that she might see Sophie. When she reached the mess hall however, Niesha stopped. Was there any point asking Miss Sally? She bit her lip, pondering for a moment or two. Sophie would either find her way home, or to the mess hall for the evening meal. Perhaps Niesha could do something, a little special, for Sophie. Turning away from the Mess Hall, she started walking again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dr. Victor Bonheur

Location: Building 1 (Main - Infirmary)

At Astrid's words of his stability he gave a firm and curt nod, save opening his mouth again before Neisha had departed fully. He'd only barely managed to keep his control moments before and in his unknown condition it was best not to irritate himself any further than could be helped. The last thing Astrid needed right now was for Victor to pass out and be unresponsive again. He ran a hand over his chest and took a deep breath in, feeling his heart beating and counting his ability to hold said breath. It was peculiar what had happened but not something that was entirely unknown to him. The only heart surgeon around who suffered from heart problems. How ironic would that be?

Glad that Neisha was finally gone, Victor lay in his bed and observed Astrid performing her duties admirably. When she walked over to him with the still of the x-ray he almost turned her away and told her to trust her judgement but as she was quite literally on her own for a while, he figured it was best to help in whatever way he could right now. Taking the still carefully and examining it with as much care and attention as he always would he smiled gently before speaking. "Oui, very good Astrid. Of course I expected nothing less from you." He handed the still back to her carefully and then heard young Kristina's voice.

"Oh me? Nothing mon cher, I am simply 'ere 'elping Astrid train. It was too warm in distillery for my old bones today." He smiled softly towards Kristina and, despite knowing what Astrid would say when they were in private, Victor began to remove the connections and needles from his arm and chest before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He did not risk getting out of the bed but he sat there as if he hadn't a care in the world. He did not want to worry those in Newnan unduly, he could simply have had a bad fainting spell but in his heart (lol) he knew better than to assume.

As he sat upright he gave a gentle wave to Kristina and smiled as brightly as he possibly could. "See? Right as rain, pas de soucis."

Svetlana Volkov

Location: On the road, behind the truck

Amelia jumping behind Ed was her signal that the culprits had came out of hiding. She had no idea how she was going to get out of this one and she had no idea who these people were but she knew one thing, they were not going to be friendly. She heard a male asking where they were from, well then, this is where her "inability" to speak English was either going to help her or kill her. She'd made the risk countless times previously and fortune had worked out in her favour. Hopefully the same could happen again, right now.

"YA ne ponimayu ni slova, chto vy govorite, vy nemytyye svin'ya. Otva 'li!" She spat on the ground away from herself but making it audible enough that they'd hear her. She figured they would have known she was there as they had been hiding in the tree line.

Without getting up from the truck, she pulled the hammer back on her pistol, Svetlana wasn't going to give up without some form of fight. She'd been through a lot in her years in this new world and she was never going to back down. She opened her mouth to yell profanities in her mother tongue but then Amelia actually opened her mouth and answered the damn question! Idiot girl. Although no sooner had she spoken than Ed looked as if he was doing some thinking which kind of made him look constipated from Svetlana's vantage point. Although when he said the word girl and then pointed at Amelia she perked a brow and then watched as he waved her toward the men that were responsible for their current predicament.

Well that was to be expected. She knew Ed was a moron but this was just taking the absolute cake. She literally hissed at Ed from her spot on the ground and then spat at his feet before cussing him out again. "YA nadeyus', chto oni treniruyutsya vash tunnel', dik kosiak." She'd had enough and she stood upright and aimed the gun right at Ed's head. She turned her head to look at the biker-esque man and frowned. He really did look like one of those men that would have a very tiny dog that sat on their shoulder before the world went to shit. She glared at the men that had came out of the tree line and counted them as she trained her gun on Ed's head. She knew they didn't give a shit about them but if she seemed unpredictable maybe they'd not want her anymore.

"Yesli vy ishchete chto-to, chtoby poyest', vzyat' yego. Uchityvaya razmer yego golovy on dolzhen sdelat' khoroshiy zharenoye." She looked to see if there were any clear paths in which she could make a run for it. "Krome togo, on imeyet ochen' bol'shuyu zadnitsu. Vy znayete... Boleye podushki dlya tolkaniya?" She smirked and then began to try and see which men had guns and which did not. She made sure to say things that made sense and weren't needless insults on the off chance that one of them knew Russian. She didn't want to take too many chances right now. She hoped that her speaking would cause them to hesitate enough for her to try and get a grip on what she was up against.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Southern Gate, LaGrange Street headed North to Inner Gate

Ashton regarded Tatiana's request with a mix of gratitude and suspicion. Two Russian speakers arriving within the same morning, unrelated in any way, was a hell of a coincidence. At least in central Georgia. He slowly nodded, granting her request to stick around and help. "Yes. That might be a good idea. But you're staying with the escort. Priority is safety, and you're both new." He turned to the men on security detail that morning, noting the very ones that previously accompanied Tati and Jack earlier, upon their arrival. Zoie had them trained to keep to their duties, he noted with some satisfaction.

She was a newcomer, too. Arrived the previous month, and from the very place that threatened their community. The Apocalypse made for strange allies. This new man was about as strange as they come. Maybe it would work out. Might not though, hence the armed escort.

And speaking of Zoie, The radio crackled to life with her voice on the other end. When she intoned that Miss Lily had tried to "have her for breakfast", Ash's forward momentum came to an immediate halt. His mouth fell agape for a second or two, as his brain tried to process the information given and formulate an appropriate response. He had just had a discussion with someone about Lily. Seems that she had died; Bridgette and Bryn were on burial detail. Ash even reminded them to make sure to get her brain. Seems everyone forgot to mention that Lily's last physical act upon the earth was to rise from the bed in which she passed away and try to make a mid-morning snack out of his Second. That seemed an important detail.

Ash pressed the button on his radio, intending to say something Leaderly and Commanding. In his present state of irritation and mild confusion, he was able to mouthe the words, ...what the shit...? before realizing his thumb had been on the button for a bit too long. He finally snapped from his moment of wanting to strangle someone, addressing the issue. "Understood. Take your time. We'll be in the Mess for a while."

The procession moved steadily from the Outer Gate to the Inner Wall, during which Captain Holloway motioned for Tatiana to remain behind for a moment. He looked at her in the stolid, military manner of his former life, searching for any hint of machination or betrayal. "Two things: You said his accent was "Cloudy". Muddled over time, rural part of Russia, faking, what? Also, when you said, "Not friend", what exactly did you mean?"

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Southern Gate, LaGrange Street headed North to Inner Gate

The Great Bazhooli was fairly certain that he was not being led off to certain death and consumption by rabid, slobbering half-men. This was good. He would have felt much, much better with his knives back on his person, though. They were part of who he was. While he had no problem hurling other objects, sharp or otherwise, for sport and/or personal defense, those blades were really part of who he was. Hopefully he could get them back soon. Of course, the grim faced man from atop the wall made some mention about getting his stuff back if he expressed a desire to leave. Likely after he was already back out. His rifle, he didn't care quite as much about. It was merely a tool, and a fairly common one at that.

He looked to Tatiana, obstinately continuing to speak his own heavily accented brand of English. "Of course is cloudy, malyshka1. The Great Bazhooli has been many places, seen many things. Life of travel. Come, come! Talk vith me more. Tell me vhat place is like, da?"

The second before the gate clinked closed, a fuzzy orange blur could be seen darting inside. It stopped, sniffed the air a little bit, and let out a quizzical "...Meow?" before locating the object of his search - the strange man with whom he had tussled earlier. The cat wasn't 100% on the smell of livestock coming from the immediate east, it was something he would have to investigate thoroughly later, and just wanted to get to the one human with which he knew he would be safe. The cat turned back into a muted blur of color, making a beeline to Bazhooli's pant leg and digging in with a half territorial, half pleading yowl.

The stranger was taken by surprise, crying out from the unexpected feline attachment to his lower extremities. "Yaah! No, is okay. Is okay. Is only Schrodinger. Little bastard..." He bent to pick up the mercurial cat, detaching Schrodinger from the cloth and skin that parted beneath his tiny, sharp claws. The process paused the group for only a second or two, leaving The Great Bazhooli to carry the ten pound mass of fur and apathy the remainder of the way inside.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Burial Site, just east of the Inner Wall

"Good call. I'll finish the hole meet you at the Wall, 'k?" said Bridgette to her friend and work partner, Brynja. She settled into getting the last of the loose dirt out of the hole and onto the pile next to her. She considered humming a jaunty, anger filled tune to pass the time, but that led to a near heap of trouble earlier. Too soon. Instead, she kept her ears open and hands busy until the hole was the appropriate width and distance down.

Bridgette's work was made ever so slightly more difficult by her insistence upon wearing her bracers and greaves. It was stylish, kind of, but there was more of an element of function involved here, as well. Due to the weapon restrictions put in place by the ruling body of Newnan, she only had access to her weapons if she was working on them, training, or about to go on an "Away Mission". Frigging Star Trek. While it was not her full set of titanium chain armor, it was something. The fact that it also gave the more pain-making parts of her body (elbows, knuckles, forearms, knees, shins, and insteps) steel plating didn't hurt, either. It gave her more options in the event violence was called for. She was used to wearing it, anyway. Felt more comfortable than not having armor at all. Still, she would continue to bitch about not having her spear, or at least her axe, for quite some time.

The hole was finally done. Per Ash's request, Bridgette rolled the wrapped body into the opening, careful to ensure that she was face up. While the generally vulgar lady seemed to have little care for little customs like this, everyone else obviously did. "Well Lily," she began to the still corpse of the native Newnanite, "I didn't get to know you all that well. Hell, this is the longest conversation we've ever had, isn't it? No no, you don't have to answer. I understand that you're dead and all. Just saying, this whole thing sucks. At least it's over for you. Died in your sleep, huh? This day and age, that's goddamned hilarious. Really. I mean, it's not going out in glorious combat, but that was never really your thing, huh? Well, fuckit, old lady. War for you is over."

Bridgette affected a quick salute to the body of the fallen woman, and readied to leave. "Next time I feel like looking crazy, we'll have ourselves another chat. I mean, you're a hell of a listener. But I got shit to do; so I'm out. Seeyas!" Unsure as to whether her sudden desire to speak to a dead lady she didn't really know all that well was a product of budding insanity or a poorly executed nod of respect, she tried to laugh it off internally. Turning to the nearest person on the Inner Wall (as she was still quite close), she called up, "HEY! You've got a radio, right? Tell whoever has their ears on that Lily is in the ground, uncovered, and I'm hauling ass to the crack in the Outer Wall, okay? Thank ya!"

She tidied up her work area, stuck her shovel into the pile of loose dirt next to the almost interred Miss Lily, and mounted Cadence. The next minute or so saw her in route to the eastern section of the Outer Wall. She wasn't a huge fan of coming out that way by herself - it was largely unused, a hopeful area for expansion. There were people posted along the Outer Wall out that way, but it did little to alleviate the hyperaware sense she would get while out that way. Best to get this done and return to her home. She had a few things to accomplish back at her little Newnan stronghold, anyway.

Black James!

Location: Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street - Present location of his Smoker

There were a multitude of interesting things coming across the airwaves that morning. Many interesting tidbits of information regarding the events of the day, people going about their daily business. Someone died, too! Very sad. James liked Miss Lily. Not a key player, mind you, in the comings and goings of Newman, but she had her moments. As did everyone, really. James made a mental note to visit her gravesite after he was done for the day. The news that she had returned as a Walker came as a massive surprise, when Zoie finally said something over the radio.

Then of course, there was Ash's reaction to it. He could tell when dead air came over his walkie, and surmised it was the Captain trying to compose himself before speaking. He could see it now: Ashton, blood pounding in his temples, getting red-faced over the whole gooey ordeal. Probably trying hard not to growl "damnit" in the manner that he does when really annoyed. He was a good guy, mostly, their Captain Holloway. Not sure if vacations were a thing anymore, but James was certain that Ash could use one. Today, a bit of smoked venison and rustic gravy would have to do. When the crops started coming in, he could do them all one better. But for now, do what you can. Keep breathing. Keep others breathing.

And make that deer more useful to them in death that it ever could have been in life. "Yum muhafuckin' yum."

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 26 days ago

@rivaan @Morose @Charnobylisk - The leader of the group that was speaking to you smiles at Amelia. "Well now, ain't that funny. I'm from Toad Suck." (Yes, it is an actual place, google that shit.) "YA iz Kazani," another piped in looking over at Lana. "Et je viens de Lyon," a third said looking over at the cabbage. Crossing his arms over his chest the leader chuckled a bit. "Just because we looks rough don't mean a thing you three. Come on, if you want to not be skinned alive. Those spikes be put down by a place called Eden and trust me, it ain't no garden," he said before giving a whistle and several more came out of the woods rolling up motor cycles and a truck pulling out of the woods. "The names Beni."

@Caits @Sigil - Kids are out of school now, the older ones at least, the younger ones can be seen down Lagrange heading to the school building. Many of the older kids are looking like they are smelling the air and are being drawn over towards where the medical garden is to see what James is cooking up right now. One of them rubbing their belly and licking their lips because of the heavy smell of BBQ in the air.

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Outer Front Wall

Tatiana nodded and followed Ash, looking over at Jack and stopping by him real fast before anything else happened. "I help vith ne'v comer. You come vith me? Feel safer," she said before she went back over to Ash and walked with him. She knew if Jack stuck with her he would have to help Sophia at least get back inside the gate. Granted she had gotten to the Rec Center on her own, which was interesting.

Looking at Ash she tried to pick her words so they would make the most sense. "No, not like that. I been all over Russia because of var, live her long time. His... Don't think he from Russia and not friend mean not friend. Vas vishing vas friend Davi, not Davi. Don't knov him." She hoped she had gotten across what she meant to. She spoke English well, very well and understood it just as well if not better but when she was nervous or in a new situation she found it harder to get her point across. Taking a breath she looked back over her shoulder, glancing at Jack as she bit; trying to give him a smile but it came out as a thinned lipped one like it always did when she felt like this.

Astrid Hansen

Location: Building 1(The Infirmary)

Astrid nodded a bit before she turned to get a few things from the cabinet. Hearing Victor she bit her tongue. She did not like that he was lying to the girl but it was not her place to tell about anyone else's condition to another. It was a breach of what Victor had taught her and she would not break that. Taking a breath she turned back and wandered back over to Kris. She made quick work of the ankle as she wrapped it up and then held out a couple of naproxen and a glass of water. "This will help with pain and swelling," she said before walking over to the walkie and calling up Miss Sally in the Mess Hall.

"Yes, she will need ice periodically tonight. Two cups an hour per the ration standard for this. Thank you," she said before putting the walkie back in its resting place. Going over to the closet she retrieved a pair of crutches and adjusted the height on them before handing them over to Kris. "Stay off of it as much as you can the next two days. Come back tomorrow for me to check and rewrap. Ice will be in the mess hall tonight for you come dinner time. Keep it elevated. If the pain becomes too much or you have any other symptoms come back," she said before turning back to Victor and going to work at drawing the blood samples she needed for the testing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Location: Arnco Mills Forrest

Tiffany breathed a silent prayer of thanks to whoever the hell was watching over them now as she nearly collided with the same pit that got Raymond in trouble. A nearby loud noise distracted their current threat, what sounded like tires. She contemplated just what was going on. Why were there multiple pits with Walkers in them? Was it a trap for them or for the Walkers?

She looked back at Raymond, the man she nearly left and decided Karma was giving her a second chance. She ran over to him and knelt down, "I'll help you, but you have to keep it down. Bite down on a shirt or something if the pain is too much, but we need to get you out of this forest and somewhere where we can properly treat the wound. I'm not sure where to go, so if you have ideas, speak them now otherwise we're heading in a random direction." With that, she gave Raymond a drink of water before hoisting him up and helping him move along in whatever direction he specified.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Infirmary -> LaGrange St -> Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street.

Kristina sat on the bed while Astrid had gone over towards a nearby cabinet to get somethings, she turned her attention towards Victor as he told her he was fine. And to make the point clearer Victor had sat up from the bed and smiled slightly, though she got the feeling that he was hiding something from her that he wasn't fine. But then again she could be wrong about that and gave him a slight nod and gave him a small smile. "That's good at least glad that it isn't anything serious." Kristina said as Astrid came back with some Naproxen and a glass of water, she took the glass of water and painkillers into both of her hands and downed them rather quickly. Kris winced slightly as Astrid rewrapped her ankle and then moved over towards the walkie nearby and overheard Sally's voice and Astrid about ice for her for tonight.

She watched as Astrid grabbed a pair of crutches and came back to her and took them, she pushed herself off of the bed lifting up her back ankle. "Thank you Astrid." Kristina said with a soft smile as she started to move towards the door. "I'll see you at dinner, and tomorrow morning then I guess." She then opened the door to the infirmary and started to leave the infirmary, she opened the door and back onto the streets Kristina looked around seeing the other kids closer to her age. She could smell the BBQ as she decided to see what was being cooked up, she hadn't seen James since the new arrivals had come which she didn't get the chance to see yet.

Kristina started slowly making her way down Gilbert Street where she knew that James kept his smoker, she turned towards the parking lot and saw him working away with whatever was being cooked. She also needed to tell him what had happened back out on the fields as well and how she got injured and that she would be off for two days.

Sophia Harris

location: LaGrange St (outer wall/Main Newnan Gate)

Sophia silently watched the armed escort moving along with the new Russian man that had come to Newnan, then a small orange fluff ball trying to claw up his leg causing Sophia to laugh slightly. She hadn't seen a cat in years since all this happened she had owned one when she was younger and growing up. Sophia turned her head to look up at Jack and smiled giving him a quick nod, the DMV was always really slow and remembered spending hours upon hours trying to get a license renewed. "Well I have to say that you two are a pretty cute couple." Sophia said as she started to think about Niesha she hadn't seen her out in the fields yet and probably thought that she was back inside the inner wall.

Sophia watched as Tatiana started to approach them and smiled at the Russian ballerina, she didn't really have much of a choice being chair bound for now at least and having to rely on people to move her around. By now Sophia was starting to get uncomfortable just having to do nothing for the last month and wanted to actually help out around her. Sophia then started to think about just telling her how she felt about Niesha maybe she should tell her how she feels to her. "I guess we should follow the others back to the inner wall then?"

Raymond Mendoza

Location: The Woods Around Arnco Mills

Raymond watched as Tiffany turned around and came back for him, which he was really grateful for and sighed slightly while still groaning in pain, his hand dug into the ground slightly. "Thanks again.." Raymond said between heavy breathes he felt like passing out again, his stomach was hurting and just wanted to empty it all out on the ground next to him. Raymond took a sip of the water that Tiffany had offered him. "I don't know about you, but whoever was driving probably drew the walkers away. There is a church back there, it was clear when I was in it, we could double back there or something just be careful of the holes, whoever set these up probably did that to the car or something.." Raymond said between heavy breathes he quickly grabbed a nearby stick and bit down hard into it his teeth digging into it.

As Tiffany helped him back up, his head started spinning as he held onto Tiffany tightly he wasn't sure if he was going to survive the trip back or not. He felt very dizzy and disoriented now as Ray looked forward while breathing heavily, he remained as quiet as best as he could occasionally groaning in pain as he was dragged along.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: By the truck and behind Ed.

Amelia made a rather angry and shocked face when she realized what Ed was gesturing to those men! She helped safe him and he just tried to basically sell her to them or something! She grit her teeth angrily and tapped Ed’s leg with her bat with some strength behind it not really enough to injure him, but she was sure enough that he would feel it cause of his injured leg.

“Essaie encore et je vais tourner la jambe comment cela aurait Ă©tĂ© si nous ne vous aider ...” She said quietly to Ed, making sure to stay behind him. She may have been a good person and a lil bit naĂŻve, but she by no means was a fool. Ed just made it obvious he’s not to be trusted and she sure wasn’t going to anymore. She now wondered if Lana was more trustworthy than him

‘So these spikes are put by this Eden ...ahmmm what is that? A place? A group? A person with mental issues???’ Amelia thought, throwing glances between the spikes and the gang people. This was rather
 suspicious. Back to the fact Amelia wasn’t really a fool despite being naïve, she slowly backed away about a step behind Ed. Something didn’t add up. If those spikes were placed by Eden( whoever that was), why were these people here present in force?

 you people aren’t with 'Eden'
” Amelia started saying, throwing a look at Svetlana, wondering what the Russian woman thought was happening.”
 then why are there so many of you here? I mean if they put those spikes then they shouldn't be too far from here...” She asked, feeling fear slowly creep into her.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


location:streets of Newman, lagrange street--->Parking lot between 10 (medical garden) and Gilbert street

Niesha tilted her head at the scent in the air. was...was that deer? Niesha hadn't had dear in what seemed like...years, but was probably only half a year. I thought they were becoming scarce, between the walkers and people seeking food, how did they get a deer? following some of the kids, Niesha made her way to the medical gardens, following the enticing smell to James, his smoker, and the deer. And despite everything, Niesha smiled. James had a way of seeming at home everywhere, and the big man was a daily comfort to her, despite his rough attitude.

"Looks good" She was about to say more, when after looking about, she saw the familiar figure of Kristina coming down Gilbert, and darted off to go help her. "I told you I'd come pick you up" She said, worriedly, but the fact that Kristina was allowed out so quick, told her it wasn't bad. Or not bad bad, at least. "How are you?"

She seemed to hesitate a moment, before she asked, "Do you know if there's any musical instruments around? I use to play piano, but I played a bit of some other instruments. I was just thinking...there's so many kids here, and maybe it might be good for them to have a little bit off of fun, that they might not have had for a while. Music always helped me, and if any kids need a little be of spirit lifting, it's these kids" With the little girl today, Niesha had thought about the lives the kids might lead, now. If there was a chance of rebuilding what was lost, these kids would be it. She didn't know if they had any music in their classes, but it seemed important to give them a little, to show that it was okay to express themselves in various means. Some, she now knew, had lost parents, brothers and sisters, friends, uncles, aunts, and some only had themselves. "I as thinking of asking Miss Sally, she just knows everything around here"
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