Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The amount of rage that immediately took over him was outstanding. The simple action of someone just walking into him, with his already aggravated state, was enough to trigger him. He shoved off of the wall, spinning rapidly, little flames flickering off his hands. The shout that came sounded first in his chest, spreading outwards," Why did you run into me! Watch where you are damn going!" The amount of cold that hit him at once, counteracting the fact that his temperature had dramatically began increasing, was briefly stunning. It caused a shudder to run through his body, his eyes glazing over briefly, before he came back into focus. Taking a step forward, he grabbed the poor girl that had now become an attention spot for his rage.

He had grabbed a fistful of fabric, lifting the girl up off the ground, but also not setting her down. The temperature radiating from his hand would be confusing at first, hot and cold acting together, occasionally heat managing to break through. While the belt would lower his body temperature, it only acted in a way to prevent an explosion. As such, his skin would be very warm to the touch. He spoke, anger striking every word, each rough and hard," Stupid girl! You have eyes why don't you damn use them!" His other hand formed into a fist, fire beginning to form around it, drawing his hand back with the apparent intent to punch.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 29 min ago

@SomeoneSomewere @Thundercrash

Vedika looked around the gym, pleased to see so many bright young faces meeting new people. Given how the negatively some of the interactions were actually going, it is safe to say that Vedika saw the world through rose-tinted glasses. Then an angry individual pushed past her, making his way out of the gym. She wasn't angered by his pushing her out of his way, but she was concerned about him leaving. She didn't much care for the rules, but she didn't want the boy getting in trouble with the faculty for not knowing any better. So she idiotically followed him out, breaking the same rule she was planning on preventing him from breaking.

What happened next was a blur. A girl collided with the boy, and the boy reacted with rage, lifting the girl. Vedika saw that he was about to punch her so she quickly ran over, widened her stance, and placed both hands on the small of the girl's back. He could hit her, but Vedika's aura would protect the girl from the force of the impact, though Vedika was unaware of the fact that the boy would also emanate heat, something her barrier could not yet negate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alister ran into the building scared that he had been late not knowing anything was going on. He darted through the doors and tripped falling to the ground with a tumble due to his very clumsy nature. The young man had slept in and forgot all about his first day at the academy this year .

Alister sat there on the ground fumbling around trying to collect his books and his glasses. Due to the loss of his glasses everything was now much harder to see very blurred he was scared he looked like a complete moron.

He was able to find his books but distraught over the loss of his glasses he sat up staring at the floor. "Seriously" he muttered in anger "first day of the year and I have already made a fool of myself".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Pyne

Liam looked up at Crown and blinked. It was a joke but how he certainly hoped that at that moment Annamarie would bean his stupid ass with a soda can. It didn’t happen of course but it was still funny to imagine and he broke out in a sputtering laugh at the comment. “Nah man, not a ghost something else but thanks for asking. My ghost buddy took off when something hungry came into the room.” Flicking his eyes towards Elaine he continued to address Crown. “That's an interesting ability. Can you only produce vegetation? I’m Liam by the way, given your abilities and style of dress I’m guessing you’re the man everyone calls Crown.” It was a distraction from the more pressing question of what the girl was but given that Crown felt the need to interrupt Liam just folded his hands patiently.

Continuing to watch Elaine out of the corner of his eye he looked up at the sounds of yelling from the hallway. No doubt something was going down; if they didn’t sort things out quickly and without too much violence they were all going to be very sorry. The Academy’s suppression systems were quite painful. It was probably intentional too but Liam had never actually bothered to ask.

Flicking his eye to Elaine again he gently pushed his plate in her direction as she mowed through what she had brought to the table. It was both a combination of curiosity to see if she’d notice that it wasn’t hers and as a gesture of peace given that she’d responded with a generally cranky lip. Not something Liam was unused to but it was generally earned as opposed to being the opening salvo.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@SomeoneSomewere@Stern Algorithm@Hitman5455@Thundercrash
Ashleigh could understand that. Even now the place was overwhelming to her. Jason seemed to relax, but that seemed to change. Something came over him, and Ashleigh reached out without thinking, touching him on the shoulder and trying to soothe. "It's okay. You're safe here, we're all in the same boat, after all" she gave a smile, but that faded quickly at the volatile emotions coming nearby. Rage was always violent, and always strong. She flinched at the impact of it, and her eyes went to the door.

She could remember, as if it was the day before, her beating. The violence, the pain, the anger and the righteousness. She carried a scar from that beating, something her body couldn't heal. Or maybe she just hasnr wanted to heal it. So the anger she felt, brought out an anger in her. It was just like that night...

The doors flew open, with a crash, her telekinesis acting on its own accord, and seeing Paulina being attacked by a boy, everything seemed to go black for a moment. Her voice rose, fueled by her own anger, yet the effect her opens would have on anyone was null thanks to the bracelet. "Leave my friend alone" Paulona might be the only friend Ashleigh had, and she wasn't going to let any harm come to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@stern algorithm @SomeoneSomewere
"It's ok you're safe here. We're all in the same boat after all." She reached out and touched his shoulder.She can tell something's bothering me, but how? He thought he had kept a straight face. Then he realized. He couldn't help but crack a wide grin. this girl was reading him, much like he read other people. Possibly better... His mind began to race trying to figure out how she was so intuitive, it had to do with her powers. Psychic ability? He got so excited that he had finished those thoughts in a fraction of a second.
Whats that bracel- His 6th sense kicked into overdrive. He immediately watched her expression falter, her eyes flickered to the door, which slammed open. Revealing a Boy holding up a girl, preparing to strike her. The girl appeared powerless. Powerless. He remembered that feeling too well, he remembered being assaulted by bullies on a regular basis before he had learned to control his powers. His blood began to boil...

He might have heard Ashleigh yell, if he could have heard anything over the sound of his blood roaring in his ears. In an instant he dashed for the door. He was never going to allow someone to be wronged like he had been. As he dashed over he saw another girl doing the same. However instead of attacking, the girl placed her hands on the other girls back.

Alright focus. He began to hyper react and time slowed. This guy is built, and powerful. I have to make this quick and consise. Nothing flashy, punch first, ask questions later. He jumped at the boy and swiftly brought his right arm around his neck, and his left arm on the side of his head for a rear neck choke. As soon has he made contact with the boy he realized he had made a grave mistake. His hyper reaction made the burning pain seemingly last an eternity. He quickly ejected off the boys back. What the fuck?! His arms had minor burns. He pushed the pain aside and brought this elbows up to his chin, arms protecting his head,in a defensive stance preparing for a reaction.@caits

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elaine Soyala


“Nah man, not a ghost something else but thanks for asking. My ghost buddy took off when something hungry came into the room.”

This caused a brief pause in Elaine's eating as she glanced over to Liam. It was only for a few seconds, and she quickly went back to eating. If he noticed she didn't care, she wasn't pressing the issue for now. Ghost buddies? Hungry? She had no idea about what his 'ghost buddies' meant, but the latter part of that comment...she wasn't a fan of what people called 'coincidences', and had no doubt that was definitely not one. He was aware, at least somewhat that she was at least possessed by something. She was fairly certain she wasn't wrong either.

She'd possibly inquire later, but for now, she was going to finish eating and get back to her dorm. The sound of fighting outside seemed to attract more than a little attention. Her eyes drifted towards the door, ears picking up a number of voices being involved in the fight. Most of which, seemed like they were trying to be bloody heroes. That was likely only going to make this entire thing worse for them. Fools. Their acts of 'good' were only going to get them all into trouble, and maybe even cause trouble for the rest of them here.

A small twinge of irritation formed at the thought. She had half a mind to go out there and beat them all to a bloody pulp and tell them to quiet down. If they didn't, she'd just-that was a dangerous line of thought. She shoved the second empty plate away, stacking it on the other and taking a momentary break from her eating. She shouldn't let her thoughts get so carried away. Two plates remained, and she'd try to maintain a slower eating pace.

...two plates? She glanced over at Liam. He had come with a plate of food...and he was giving it to her? Well...if he was offering, she wasn't going to say no. She reached for the plate, pulling it closer.

"I hope you don't expect me to thank you because you decided to hand me food from somewhere it was free." She replied.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Crown looked at Elaine with slight confusion and disappointment. That was the first time that that didn't work and hopefully the last. He even cringed a little at her comment. Not really at the actual act, but it reminded him of a time when he was like this, although he was a lot more edgy about it. He then turned to Liam to continue their conversation. "That's me! Nice to meet you and actually yes. I just need a source of where a fruit or vegetable would grow, like a tree. I make the best mango tasting apples this side of-" Crown was cut off by what sounded like a fight. Not really hearing the fight, but more like the sound of people crowding around and screaming in fear.

He chugged down the water he had brought earlier and slammed the cup on the table, before wiping his mouth. "I haven't seen a good show in months! Come on you two, it's like watching the Avengers or Anime. It has to be better than that Superman V Batman movie!" Crown told the two before running to the action. Not looking back to see if the other two were actually going to follow him.

When he eventually go to the crowd, he forcefully pushed himself to the front. A few complaint later he got to see the little fight. It seemed quite unfair. One against three and possibly more. While he could see the damsel in distress, who was to say she wasn't in the wrong? Although jumping to conclusions never went well for Crown, so he just waited in the front row. Now he had something different in his hand. A candy bar?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Paulina Benson

@SomeoneSomewere@Hitman5455@Stern Algorithm@Caits
Paulina had been groping about the floor for her glasses, only half hearing the angry words that were directed her way, when a hand suddenly darted into her vision and dragged her into the air by the front of her shirt. “Ow, hey!” She grabbed at his wrist, struggling to pry his fingers open. ”Let go of me! I'm sorry, okay?” Pain surged through her hands as the boy’s skin became searing hot. ”Ow, fuck!” He’s hot? Heat powers? Oooh, maybe it's a-no, no, Paulina, not the time!

As she was pulled closer, the face of her assaulter emerged from the blurry background. In any other circumstances, she might have considered the boy to be handsome. Unfortunately, the angry snarl somewhat spoiled the image. “Stupid girl! You have eyes, why don't you damn use them!”

”I can barely see you! Now let go of me!” Paulina felt a pair of hands pressing into her back, and saw a blurry orange glow near what was probably his shoulder. Was he going to hit her? Panic surged through her, and as she vaguely saw someone else’s arm come around the boy’s neck, she reflexively kicked out, her foot catching him in the groin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Adrian snorted, his lips pulled back almost rather animalistic," Then get some damn glasses!" He just began the forward motion of swinging, as he felt arms wrap around his neck. His instantaneous reaction was, instead of trying to move, he changed the route of his arm and instead brought his elbow back with the intent of slamming into ribs. But the person was already gone, his elbow hitting empty air. His anger and aggravation only increased, the amount of activity almost causing him to become over sensitsied. Focusing back on his original target, he moved as if to attack, but an explosion of pain stopped that movement.

That specific pain, radiating throughout his entire lower region, brought him too his knees, a groan coming from him. His grip lessened and released quickly as he fell to his knees. He held onto himself, before looking up. His anger was once again magnified. With a yell of anger, he attempted to lunge back for the girl. Before the magic in his belt kicked up to the necessary level. Ice cold immediately shot through him, not fading. It seemed to almost freeze his forward movement.

Shivers raked through his body, his hand placed on the ground. Anger was still clear, in the way he held himself, but the temperature his belt put him under did enough to stop him. He lifted his head, his eyes focusing in on the girl. But the most he was able to get himself to move was a few inches before shivers once again raked through his body. In this short time, his body temperature had decreased to the point of being safe for others, even feeling now cool to the touch.

@Thundercrash@hitman5455@Stern Algorithm@Caits
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Suddenly the boy collapsed to his knees in agony. The girl fell to the floor, still in shock. Jason lowered his guard. The air around the boy had drastically changed in temperature, now it was cool. He approached the collapsed figure. He didn't seem to pose a threat to anyone anymore, but Jason wouldn't be satisfied until he dolled out some kind of punishment. Time to go back to the original plan. He drew his fist back, and socked the boy in the jaw harshly.

"Stay down." He growled, seething with anger still. He knelt down on the floor, eye level with the boy, who was obviously still enraged, but was clearly being restricted by something powerful.Now it's time to ask questions.

"What the hell were you doing?!" No need to beat around the bush, Jason cut right to the chase, glaring intensely into his eyes.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alister finally got his glasses and looked up to see all the commotion. "We'll", he said with a small chuckle standing to his feet "I've been here five minutes and it seems this year is already going to be eventful"

Alister snickered and flicked the side of his glasses as he walked to sit in his lone corner and analize the room. This year seemed like there was a lot of new faces and alot of ruffiens running around, but that did not really bother him much. Being small he still had his advantages .

Alister let out a small yawn as he opened his pack and set down a notebook as he looked around the room he started writing down attributes that people displayed and the different powers that were notable. Alister tilted his head slightly as he looked across the room to see a group of different people a couple faces were familiar but he couldn't put a name to them. "Oh well" he thought to himself as he shrugged his shoulders and pushed up his glasses going back to his writing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ashleigh darted towards Paulina, to make sure her friend was okay, avoiding the angry boy. She reached out to touch Paulina, to make sure she was okay. What had that been? Guiding her eyes over her friend, she was relieved to see that she didn't appear hurt badly. Grabbing Paulina's hands, increasing what she felt from her friend, she used those emotions to channel into a healing move, hoping that it would work. It didn't all the time. And it was harder with the bracelet. If she could just learn to control her powers without it...

"Are you okay?" She asked, worriedly, studying Paulina.

She still didn't know how they had becom friends. Somwhere between the constant nightmares, and the development of the bracelet, she supposed she hadn't stood much of a chance at keeping her at bay. Removing her hands after a moment, Ashleigh put them back to her side, shaking her wrist, paranoid at losing the bracelet. @Hitman5455@SomeoneSomewere@Thundercrash
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 29 min ago

@SomeoneSomewere @Thundercrash @Hitman5455 @Caits

Vedika cringed as Paulina's foot went for Adrian's crotch. But as Adrian's grip loosened, Vedika moved the palms she had on Paulina's back around Paulina until Vedika had Paulina in a princess-carry, swinging her away from the collapsing Adrian, and setting her back on her feet.

Vedika turned around and assessed the situation only to notice another boy approaching. Seeing him rear back, Vedika crouched down and placed her palms on Adrian's surprisingly cold body, negating the impact of the punch that followed.

She looked up at Jason with a puzzled look, "He's already down, man."

Turning to Ashleigh, Vedika asked, "Is she hurt?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hitman5455


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He realized his punch had no effect. What the heck? He looked to the left of the knelt figure to see the same girl who had placed her hands on the girl back of the girl who was raised into the air. It took him roughly 2 seconds with his accelerated processing, to realize that she had some type of ability that allowed her to protect others. She looked at him puzzled, like he was the bad guy.
@Stern Algorithm
"He's already down man." She said to him, possibly with slight disgust? Jason was used to this reaction whenever he intervened harshly in a situation. People seemed to forget the actions of the individual he harmed. But this was nothing compared to his usual administration of justice, he usually tended to break a bone or two. No one seems to understand,the only way to keep people from repeating their actions, is to make them fear the consequences. No ones scared of the law.

"Yeah I know, I was making sure he stayed that way." He replied Cooley.
"Why are you feeling sorry for him anyways?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Paulina Benson

@Stern Algorithm@Caits

As she was pulled away from the boy and set on her feet, Paulina’s legs trembled slightly as they tried to support her weight, so instead she sunk down to her knees. Someone grabbed her hands, and a soothing, tingling sensation filled her injured palms, like cold water washing over the burns.

“Are you okay?”

Turning towards the concerned yet familiar voice, she squinted uselessly and shuffled forward, placing her face very close until the other girl’s face came into clear view. ”Ash? Um, y-yeah, I’m okay.” Paulina smiled gratefully. It had taken nearly two months of research and studying brain scans of the other girl before she had figured out how her empathy worked, and since engraving the protective enchantment onto the bracelet she wore, the two had pretty much been friends ever since. In fact, the Paulina was often dragging Ashleigh into one experiment or another, usually without asking, but it was hard to refuse the popular girl’s infectious enthusiasm for her work. ”Just, hadn’t been watching where I was going again.”

She turned aside, once again groping across the floor. ”Um, could you help me find my glasses? They should be somewhere around here.” Until she found them, she would barely be able to walk in a straight line without help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Pyne

Liam gave Elaine a wry smile as she noticed the plate and informed him that he would not be receiving a thank you. “Just so we’re on the same page.” With a chuckle he turned to look back at the door way.

All but jumping a foot in the air when they slammed open from what was clearly a psychic force. Turning he scanned the crowd and noted Ashleigh standing and striding towards the door way. Snapping back around Liam narrowed his eyes and peered at the three people in the hallway. One of them was a new guy but the other two he knew. Vedika was a Kinetic of some sort and given where she was standing and what she was doing, she was trying to do something to…Paulina. Liam’s eyebrows shot up, the new guy had her by the front of her shirt and it appeared that something was smoldering. The next thing Liam knew there was some guy wrapping his arms around the neck of the guy who was picking up Paulina before it appeared that his arm was seared.

Things were getting out of hand with Ashleigh joining the brawl. “Oh goodness.” Pushing back the table Liam bit his lip. What to do? If he called spirits he was going to need to command them and possess someone no doubt. Currently none of the spirits here were beyond a class 3...well besides Elaine’s but that was out of the question. Liam had never tried to command an Outsider and there was no way to tell what commanding Elaine's spirit would do to her.

The other option was to wait for the defenses to kick in. It would probably suppress everyone in the hallway and he could get in trouble for calling and commanding students. Given Elaine’s general response to him there was no doubt she was not interested in talking. Where are the powerful ghosts when you need them.. Standing up Liam pushed his chair in slowly. “I think I'm going to leave you be, It was nice to meet you Elaine. Perhaps we can talk later about our mutual friend"

Well. Might as well go say hello.

Pushing all of his emotions into a tight little ball in the back of his mind Liam slowly exhaled. Opening his eyes to the spirit world Liam continued to slow his breathing as he walked towards the knot of students standing at the door. The temperature around him dropped a few degrees causing an unnatural shiver to run through those he passed.

Minions, Servants, Soldiers of the Cold dark..

With a little pressure Liam sent out a call to any spirits in the vicinity. The mantra he used was not original in any fashion. When he was younger he’d had a penchant for video games and the phrase had been borrowed from them. If the spirits that came even understood it he wasn’t sure but they never seemed to mention it so for the most part it was a private joke. As passed through the crowd most people unconsciously stepped out of his way. Even in a school of freaks he was a freak amongst them. Opening himself up to the half a dozen or so class one spirits that had flocked to him they quickly inhabited him and bolstered his powers. The spirits were largely emotions and urges but they could be bent to Liam’s will if the need arose. While he didn’t exactly have a plan and he really didn’t feel like forcing a possession on anyone the debacle was going to get everyone in trouble. By the time he had parted the crowd the guy from earlier was already down on the ground. It would appear that he’d taken a kick to the groin. Liam suppressed a grimace as he took in Paulina, Ashleigh, Vedika and the two guys he didn’t know. It looked like things were largely resolved.

The temptation to possess the guy who had grabbed Paulina was strong but it was entirely possible Paulina had done something to him or he had a condition that no one was aware of. Liam’s foot nudged something on the floor and he looked down. Reaching down he picked up a pair of glasses; at which point it dawned on him that Paulina was missing hers.

Crouching down behind Ashleigh he leaned around her and held them out in front of Paulina as she asked Ashleigh for help. “Right in front of you on your right” Taking her hand he placed her glasses in her hand and stood up. “Hope you’re alright.” Looking at the others he kept his face carefully schooled into a distant mask. It took a lot of concentration to maintain a multispirit possession and giving into any emotion could be dangerous as the class ones would seize on it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Adrian watched the fist come towards his face, too lethargic to be able to do much of anything to prevent it from hitting him. He braced for impact, only to feel nothing. He gazed at the figure the crouched in front of him, turning his head to the person that had placed hands on his back. Watching he briefly, he then jerked away from the hands on his back. "I-I'm fine..." Turning his head back to the guy, he pulled his lips back over his teeth. He attempted to snap, though slightly put off of his chattered teeth," n-n-nothing that concerns y-you."

He shivered still, pushing himself back slowly into his heels. He slowly tried to stand, grunting and trying to use the wall to assist. He leaned against the wall, closing his eyes. He shivered again glancing down at this belt. He growled," I-if this s-s-stupid belt could t-turn off that'd be g-great." Another round of shivers went through him, and he let out a hard breath, staying against the wall.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elaine Soyala

Well, at least he understood she wasn't going to be all buddy buddy with him for no reason. She went back to her third plate, starting to eat again just as the doors slammed open with some sort of psychic force. For the love of the Spirits, couldn't they at least be a little quieter when fighting? If she didn't immediately have food in front of her, she might have gotten a little cranky but after two full plates, she wasn't feeling as irritated. She followed the source of the commotion anyways. She was at least mildly curious as to what was happening. Wanted to commit faces to memory, at least, so she could avoid those annoying fools in the future.

She watched with mild interest as she continued eating. Liam seemed to take a bit more interest than she did, and it looked like he was about to try something. Fool. He wanted to get on the bad side of the academy, she wouldn't stop him. It wasn't even any of his business what was happening, was it? He should just sit, but...well, if he wanted to play hero, she wasn't going to stop him.

“I think I'm going to leave you be, It was nice to meet you Elaine. Perhaps we can talk later about our mutual friend"

Well, that pretty much confirmed he knew about the Wendigo in some capacity. She said nothing as he left, merely sighing tiredly, barely acknowledging as he walked away. If he was some sort of exorcist or something that was going to force her to try and get rid of it, then this was going to become tiring, annoying, and put her in a bad mood even after feeling somewhat full. In this scenario, a preemptive strike was best. She'd tell him she had no intention of removing the spirit, and if he tried to pursue that line of action in any capacity...well, she'd deal with that then. She was currently in a semi-decent mood so now would be the best time. No doubt within an hour or two, she'd be hungry again.

She glanced at the fourth plate of food, having quickly finished the third and stacking it on the other two. Thankfully, it seemed like the fight was over with before it could really begin which meant she doubted the academy would get entirely involved. That was good. Less trouble for her...the fools got lucky, it seemed that they didn't escalate the situation by all pretending to be heroes.

Elaine grabbed her psychology book, looking at the half eaten fourth plate of food and then to the door. While she wasn't particularly interested in being friendly with any of them. She just wanted to get this potential annoying chat with Liam over with sooner rather than later...besides, she was as full as she was going to feel. Another half plate of food wasn't going to do much at this point.

So she stood, walking quietly over to the hallway where the fight had happened, but not entering. Instead, she just stood by the door, leaning against the wall just outside of it and waited for Liam or everyone to leave. She'd be able to find him easily enough at this distance...tracking someone via scent or sound wasn't exactly difficult as long as no one else noticed or bothered her. Might as well do some reading while she listened and waited for them to clear out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

There were many things going through Ashleigh's mind. She was more then relieved that Paulina was safe, but she couldn't understand what had set the boy off. Yes, it wasn't fun having someone knock into you, but that didn't mean you had to explode and attack them. She crouched by the boy, as Liam offered Paulina her glasses. She tilted her head, as if trying to read him.

It seemed the belt controlled him. ColdC against fire. Well, if had a logical feel to it. Standing, she brushed imaginary dirt off her clothes, as if she had all the time in the world.

"I don't think it will turn off until you stop being angry. That's how it works, isn't it? It contains your power, but it's a little too effective. Too bad you just tried to beat the crap out of the one person who could help you" she said, absently,looking to Paulina, then back at the boy. "You owe my friend an apology. Go on. And I'll know if you mean it or not. Looks like it will be the only way to turn that thing off, hmmm?"

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