Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

@Dragoknighte @Morose @Pundii - "Burger and fries," Relic says without looking over to Scott before shitting his lap top and shoving it back in his bag. Turning he looks over to Mali and leans in a bit. "I thought so, those two over there know one of the women living in the same building as you. That singer, Riley something or other. The girl is her sister, the guy was with Riley the night shit went down at the derby from what I can tell from what information I could gather real fast, didn't want my connection active for too long in a place like this," he says before righting himself and drumming his fingers on the bar top. Standing up he wanders over to a booth and slides in to sit down in a more shadowed area of the bar. He had had enough of being in the center of the room. Ronnie looked over to Chloe and smirked. "Yeah, she pays well. We should get several large notes for this one. It's worth the time," he says before motioning for her to join him in a seat at another booth. He knew well and good enough not to sit down at Trisha's booth when she was no longer there. Now that the woman was back in her office it was time to pick a new place to sit. Heading over by the stage he took a seat at an open table and glanced around. Place was pretty empty but it was still early as far as the bar crowds went. "We have a drug drop to pick up for her and to drop off at her distributor. It hard stuff, new stuff but I can explain more on the way. We can't get there too early or they will think something is up so we are better off to stay here for about another thirty before we actually head out to get this done."

@Nallore @Scallop - "Don't go running off alone to chase a serial killer and I won't," Marc said quickly before looking over towards Felix and opening up his jacket a bit to show two hand guns, one under each arm. Letting his coat fall back into place he smirked slightly. "Don't worry, I got that covered. What, do I need to get you a bullet proof vest with the word writer on it? No worries bloke. Lawson's place is in the building, just a few floors down is all. The cops have had it sealed up tight since he was killed. I was listed as his next of kin and emergency contact, so we should be okay there, but yeah, better safe than sorry," he said patting his side before standing up and glancing around. "Okay, stay close and let me do a walk through of Lawson's apartment before you two enter. Wait till I give you the all clear," he added before heading out the door. Waiting for Riley and Felix to keep up with him as he headed down to Lawsons place. Pulling the tape down he unlocked it with the spare key he had and drew his pistol. Taking the usual FBI stance he motioned for them to wait for him before entering and starting his initial search.

@Morose @Sigil - Well ain't you two just some lucky fuckers right now? Okay, not totally lucky. You will get to the hanger but not before someone is shot. Caesar manages to get there unscathed but Cecily ends up with a bullet right through the shoulder - the left shoulder to be precise. Have fun with that. Caesar will be able to get her int the hanger without either of them dying - for now. The Hanger is like most hangers - large, open space, an office or two off to the other side from which you entered. People are closing in now. Two were taken out by Cesars shots before Cecily was tagged with hot metal but hey, small victory. You're still breathing and are not yet an impaled leaf on the wind - Congrats - for now. LLA isn't killed you yet.

@Pundii - Roy seemed to loose a little color to his face before he sat down and sighed, rubbing his face and taking a moment before he said anything. Risa rose a brow at the way he was acting and looked over towards Lucas concerned. Apparently from the look that Roy on his face things were not as they had suspected. "Actually, I think Risa was the target and I think Argus did it intentionally to take her out," Roy finally said after way too long a silence. Risa's brows furrowed deeply as she stood up and stepped over to Lucas, her fingers curling around his arm slightly. "What? Why?" was all she could get out. Looking over at the two ruffed his hair a bit before he got down to explaining. "This group, Juno, they are usually on the look out for women they can put in positions of power. Risa, you work for Argus, so they know you can handle yourself, plus your skills as a linguist and work with the UN, you are valuable. Argus must have found out that Juno wanted to recruit you. If Juno got their mits into you and by association Lucas, it could cause a lot of problems for Argus. Better for Argus you are dead and Juno blamed for it. I doubt pretty boy here would take well if he thought Juno had killed you and Argus could use that."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Club AfterDark

"I could have told you about half of that if you'd asked," Mali said to Relic. She should have figured that background screening was what he'd been doing. She grabbed the glass handed to her by the bartender and drained about a third of it. "I actually 'met' the guy on the bus the day shit went down. There was this kid blasting his shitty music and wouldn't turn it down, until he got out of his seat and smashed the kid's face with a pistol. We got off at the same stop and everything. At the time it didn't seem like him and Riley knew each other, but I didn't pry. I hadn't seen him before, but that doesn't really account for much time."

"Didn't know about the sister though. Caught her giving us an eyeful when we walked in. Maybe Riley's more involved in the Justice underground than I thought. Anyways, what do you want me to do about this information? If it's keeping an eye on them, I've been doing that since we spotted them."
She took another long sip from the glass of water before directing her attention to the musclebound bartender.

"Hey, do you know anything about the guy back there?" She asked, jerking her head back to gesture in the general direction of Ronnie and Tuesday. "The pale, weedy guy. Looks like he could be a washed out child actor." Sure it might have been completely lacking subtlety and secrecy, but sometimes it didn't hurt to just ask for some information.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

"Hey that was Chloe's idea running off and calling Chris not me." Riley said slightly joking as watched Marc lifting his jacket seeing the two handguns that he had hidden. She turned her head to look at Felix and smiled at him patting the man on the shoulder as she grabbed her apartment keys and followed Marc outside. Once everyone was out Riley closed the door and locked the apartment up she walked alongside Felix as they went down the stairs that led to Lawson's floor. "Nope certainly not, since the Grimm Reunion." Riley said as she leaned up against the wall outside of Lawson's room.

She took out her phone for a moment to check her texts and closed her eyes for a moment she hadn't heard from Cecily since this morning since the text that day when she almost got shot at work. Riley couldn't help but worry for her as Riley waited for the all clear from Marc she looked towards Felix. "Soo what got you into writing books?" She asked trying to make small conversation with Felix to get to know the man a little bit better.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix Hausten

Location: Classic Building

He smirked a little at the agent's words. he was actually quite a nice guy, better than he had originally thought a secret agent out here would be. Was he English? He called him bloke, that was something he knew the British used alot. Originally, he had expected to just see so many annoying people around here, but everyone seemed different than he had first heard from back home. It was obvious to him now the stereotypes he had been told of at home simply weren't correct. These two right here, they seemed to be friends, seemed to be good people.

"A bulletproof vest would be nice hehe" he chuckled slightly as he followed along, making sure Riley had locked her door before walking down the stairs beside the rockstar. It was amusing how he had ended up teamed up with an Agent and a Rockstar. What an odd set of circumstances.

As he walked it was evident he had some sort of limp, his muscles still ached a little. "What got me into writing...huh I'm used to being able to avoid that question" He smirked and smoothed out his jacket "I began because back there, in germany, there was so much inspiration but not the real adventure and mystery, so I created it in my novels. It was enjoyable for myself to read, it was like another world where the real action and mystery existed, and somehow people started to like my writing. I just really enjoy this new place, new inspiration and Mr Tinder here needs some help, and I need some inspiration. Whilst we're on the topic, what got you into being a rockstar?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: Queensguard Private Airfield, Hangar

Yeah, he was angry. It was obvious that anger built a summer home in his brain a loooong time ago, imported all of its surly relatives, and just never left in the off season. This was bullshit. A private security team, even one as dedicated and cutthroat as his company, followed certain rules. These men did not. If they were anything, the people pursuing them were mercenary. At the far realm of possibility, they were contracted government assets. Not unlike what he used to be. But be they government, criminal, or other, these men were hostile in a way that defied local or national law. Plus, they shot Cecily. It wasn't lethal; as best as he could tell it didn't damage a major blood vessel. If Cecily had never been shot before, though, that must feel like impending death. The second shock went down, so would she. This was not something he took lightly. And yes, the thought most definitely occurred to him that these were representative of the suicidal bastards that killed his girls.

"Motherfuckers must pay..."

Yes indeed, motherfuckers must pay. But first, he had to get Cecily out of there with what evidence she had collected. Live to fight another day. And kill as many of these soulless fuckers on the way out as he could with a couple of clips of .45 ammo and two good knives. Let Cecily come back after she healed and collect evidence on that.

They were coming. No stopping that now. Maybe if he could clear a path back to the hole in the drain gate, he could get Cecily the hell out of there. "Niñita! You still with me? Need you to stand hard, Cici. This is what we do - we stand fucking hard! One bullet doesn't kill. It just pisses us off, you get me?" Obviously not the best motivational speaker there ever was, but hopefully a scarred-up old Mexican's advice would give some element of morale bolster. "Stay behind me. I'm getting us out of here."

In order of importance, Ceasar glanced over his surroundings looking for cover, an alternate way out, and any vehicle stashed inside the hangar. "Wish there was something I could blow up..." grumbled Caesar, always willing to cause an exothermic distraction/personnel neutralizing device to effect a dramatic escape. Otherwise, he would have to hope to surprise the guards coming into the building and shoot their way back out. Yeah, just like the good old days. Except now he had an innocent girl with him.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Club AfterDark

Tuesday rolled her eyes slightly, as they moved to a new booth. Yeah, she got it. People had weird things that'd set them off, and Trisha seemed like she meant business. But it was all so...serious. She missed the days when drugs were fun, when there wasn't all of the politics and drama that came from helping to deal them out. In her mind, she could hear Marc pointing out that she wouldn't have had to experience this, if she had sobered up the first time she went to jail.

Even when he wasn't there, he was being a pain in the ass.

"Anything you want to do for thirty minutes, then?" Tuesday asked, as she leaned back in her chair. She didn't have anything better to do, and Ronnie knew the parameters of his own job better than anyone else. It was professional courtesy to follow his lead--the same she'd expect from him if they were doing a smuggling op at the local prison. Again, though...She couldn't help but feel more and more irritated with the entire thing.

Maybe going to medical school and finishing her program wouldn't be that bad after all. Pulling out her phone, she sent off a quick text to Marc. She didn't dare tell Riley about this--her sister would be overbearing about it, almost too supportive. Marc wasn't family--it was somehow safer.

Can you help me get back on track for medical school?

Cecily Ashworth

Location: Queensguard Private Airfield

She had seen people getting shot--not real people, mostly fictional characters on television programs. At first, she didn't feel it. The sound of the shot, the slight recoil of her body--she heard and felt that first. And then, her mind drifted almost, recalling the images and sounds and emotions of His Last Vow. Molly Hooper had told Sherlock...What had she said? Ah, yes...

You’re almost certainly going to die, so we need to focus.

Caesar had said something. His lips moved. The bullet--it was in her left shoulder? Was that the one John Watson had been shot in? Rather than collapse in fear and terror, realizing that she had been shot, she struggled to recall the details of a television series. He had gotten a limp, despite his shoulder wound--it was all in his head--would she get one? Would she walk with a cane until Benedict Cumberbatch, no, Sherlock, came to help?

It’s all well and clever having a Mind Palace, but you’ve only three seconds of consciousness left to use it. So, come on – what’s going to kill you?

"Blood loss," Cecily whispered, quoting the next line in the exchange. What did Molly say next? The mirror shattering, Mycroft, the dog, Mary in a wedding gown...She couldn't recall what happened next. She only knew that Sherlock had to fall. Did she have to fall? Was the bullet still inside her, or was it already out? Would her biggest concern be blood loss or would it be lead poisoning?

Caesar was talking to her. She had to focus. Focus, focus, focus! How had she used to do it during exams? How did she concentrate on one thing, with the piece of hot lead potentially signing her death warrant? Would Natasha be made coroner next after her? Would they kill her as well? Was there any point in hoping she could go to the hospital--they'd killed Wallace, couldn't they finish her off as well?

Focus, Cecily! "S-Sorry...I..." Somehow, she found herself snapped back into focus. Her mind was frazzled, and she knew that the shock was likely the only thing keeping her standing. Focus on Caesar, focus on Caesar, focus on Caesar...An explosion? It was a hangar, there'd be plenty of material to work with. Potentially something in her bag as well. Chemicals, chemicals, chemicals...It was just a matter of getting the right ones.

"My bag--Lugol's solution. Got iodide in it. Hydrogen peroxide too. They react--gas. Any sort of flame and it'll blow." It was the first idea that came to her mind, perhaps the simplest. They'd have to use about every drop for it to be meaningful, she imagined. But in the midst of her thinking, she did indeed stay behind him, her hands shaking slightly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

@Dragoknighte - Relic shrugged a bit as he slipped back further into the shadows and waited for his food. "Yeah, pretty much, but that was a given," he said before zipping up his hoodie and pulling the hood up fully. "I don't know, Riley seems the type that is too much in the spot light to be part of the underground but her sister, well there are a lot of articles on her for arrests and something about a mass killing in their home town not too long ago. Seems Riley and Chloe were there when it went down. Seems kind of odd that the two of them would be around places during two different series of killings in two different cities," he said trying to figure out how they could be involved. It just didn't make sense to him but there was little logic in the chambers of the human heart. For all he knew they were serial killers and pinning it on other people. I mean seriously, who would suspect them?

@Morose - "Want to get some food? Kitchens open and I got the munchies still. Didn't get to finish my burrito before we headed out earlier," Ronnie said before waiving at the bartender and scooting out of his seat. "What do you want?" he asked Chloe. Once she gave him her order, if she wanted anything Ronnie headed over to the bar and waited for Scott to have a free moment so he could put their order in. It was still too early for the waitresses to show up, they probably would be heading in about the same time that they were heading out. Looking back over at Chloe he smiled a bit and gave her a cheeky grin before sticking his tongue out playfully. Cocking a brow and wondering who she was texting but he wasn't going to ask. He knew better than to pry into her personal life.

@Nallore @Scallop - Things outside are calm and after a few minutes Marc comes back to the door and holsters his pistol. "All clear you two, come on in," he said before stepping back inside and waiting for them to enter. Once they were inside he shut the door and locked it up tight. The place was a mess but didn't look like it had been tossed, just that things were not as tiddy as someone might think an ex marine would keep them. There were several broken pictures in frames on the coffee table. Pictures of Lawson and some dark brunette, Riley would know the woman, it was Adelaide. The frames were shattered, as if a fist had gone through them, a lot of empty booze bottles, and even a single crushed wedding band tossed carelessly on top of the broken glass. Sighing Marc rubbed the back of his neck. "Thought he was handling the divorce better than this," Marc said as he looked over at Riley. Feeling his phone go off he pulled it out of his pocket and checked the text. A small smile came to his face as he quickly replied - "Whenever you are ready I'll be there for you. Just tell me what you need," he sent back before shoving his phone back into his pocket.

@Morose @Sigil - Things in the hanger are not going to good. Cecily is bleeding and it needs to stop. Thing is even if you get out of there do you really want to take her to the hospital that was just under investigation where the Coroner was killed out right in the ICU? Well first things first. Shooting outside has stopped but that was to be expected, they are closing ranks and listening for shit. Inside the hanger is pretty bare, there is only what looks like a souped up golf cart in there as far as vehicles go. There are a couple of tanks of jet fuel though and for fucking Christ.... Over handing on the door to the office etched on the wood like it should say Manager or something was another set of words - Alicia Gonzalez - Why the hell does Alicia have an office in a hanger surrounded by these fuckers? Well if anything, if you can get inside, the door is locked if checked, at least it is another wall between you and fuckers. Better run, a team of eight of pushing in through the main front entrance of the hanger and as soon as they spot you two, they open fire.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor -> Classic Building 3D - Basement Level (Lawson's Apartment)

Riley smiled softly towards Felix and gave him a slight nod as she listened to him. "Well your books are certainly interesting, I usually read them while i'm on the bus touring, I've been to Germany a few times while touring as well." Riley said as she rested her foot up against the wall and looked around for a moment making sure that no one was watching them, or tried to get the edge over them. Riley then turned her attention back towards Felix and smiled. "Ah, what got me into music?" Riley closed her eyes for a moment remembering her past before the reunion and then coming here. "Well growing up I was always the outcast of the family, my parents pretty much just ignored or yelled at me for the littlest things. My sister Chloe, or Tuesday as she prefers nowadays she was pretty much the prodigy of the family I barely had any friends. I always got into fights with just about everyone, nearly got expelled for punching a bitch named Simone in school."

Riley sighed for a moment. "Anyway music was pretty much my go to thing, I used it to express myself started picking up the guitar self taught myself to play it. Then I started writing my own songs and lyrics, one day I decided to finally come out to my family. I got beat for it and then kicked out. Spent the last year in high school sleeping in my car, got a job and gigged where I could being in a small town got shitty opportunities. When I graduated I got the fuck out of town with the little money I got, started singing in bars until finally I was spotted by my producer. We founded my band and finally started my dream, since then never looked back and don't regret coming out." Riley said with a smile, it wasn't any big news everyone knew that she was very open about her sexuality.

When the door opened Riley turned her head and looked at Marc as he waved the two of them into Lawson's apartment, she walked into Lawson's apartment as she looked around the room. Riley moved over towards one of the broken glass frames seeing a picture of Lawson and Ada together, Riley looked over towards Marc as he spoke nodding slightly. "I thought so to, when I bumped into him he always seemed fine to me." Riley said softly as she noticed the crushed wedding band among the rest of the pictures. "How is Adelaide holding up, does she know what happened to Lawson?" Riley asked.

She started exploring the room and made her way over towards Lawson's bedroom, she opened the door and started searching his room trying her best not to disturb the room to much. "Ya know for an ex marine i'm surprised his room is a mess don't they teach you to keep your area clean in the armed forces?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucas Walsh

Location: Safe House

Lucas gave Roy a curious look as he saw the look on his face. Glancing over to Risa, he sighed softly as he crossed his arms over his chest, waiting to hear what Roy had to say next, it was clear after all that he had to have some idea, however, what that idea was caught him somewhat off-guard. Raising an eyebrow, he watched Roy curiously as he gave his explanation, part of it made sense to a degree, but would Argus really just off one of their agents to prevent the off chance of that agent turning tail? He'd known Argus for a long time, and while they were definitely shady, they hadn't been like this, not the Argus Lucas had known anyway, this just all didn't make sense.

"So let me get this straight, you think that Juno had their eyes on Risa, so Argus bombed the UN hoping to get rid of her, so they could blame it on Juno, but unlucky for them, Doc Juno-cult-what's-her-face showed up at the UN in time to save her?" He questioned, as he went through the idea, it again just seemed preposterous to him, he knew it made sense as he considered it once more, the evidence added up, but it was a lot to take in and consider, Lucas doubted he'd accept it without something more concrete. But if it was the theory Risa wished to follow for now, he'd investigate it.

Scott Fairburne


"Burger and Fries, comin' up my man." Scott gave Relic a nod as he keyed up the order, setting a buzzer on the counter before him so he would know when it was ready. Hearing Mali speak toward him again, Scott gazed past her to the man in question, Ronnie. He'd seen him in there from time to time, but with the kind of stuff he usually got involved in, mostly involving Trisha, Scott tried to steer clear, and so he shrugged. "Name's Ronnie, he's a regular, knows Trisha and tends to mix with her from time to time." He replied, raising his shoulders in another shrug.

Almost as if on cue, he glanced up the bar to see Ronnie again, coming up to the bar as he cleared his throat, looking back to Mali and Relic as he gave them a nod. "Pardon me." He excused himself politely as he moved up the bar and over to Ronnie, giving him a nod. "Evenin' Ronnie, how's things? What can I get for you?" He asked politely, right side of his lip tugging up in a smile as he watched the man, not bothering to mention Mali asking about him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Club AfterDark

Mali was going to continue the current conversation topic with Relic until Ronnie walked right up to the bar. Talking about people behind their back when one of the parties being discussed was less than 10 feet away was not only in poor taste, but also extremely stupid. So the best thing to do in this situation was keep talking as if nothing off was going on.

"Burgers and fries, huh? Didn't you just eat at that Chinese place a couple hours ago? Keep this up and you're going to balloon up by the time you're 35." Mali puffed up her cheeks for added emphasis and a bit of levity. Hopefully Relic would catch onto what she was doing without her having to say anything outright. Maybe the point of conversation was nosy and overbearing, but she didn't have a lot of time to think up something new to talk about, and this was the first thing her brain pulled out. It was just something she found her mind started noticing all the time after she decided to start working in fitness.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix Hausten

Location: Classic Building

Sitting and listening were some of Felix's finest attributes. He was often told he was good at listening and remembering information. And he couldn't help but draw parrarels to this girl. At first he had expected her to be the stereotypical rowdy rockstar that was always shouting and being way too loud. But he found she was actually quite sedated. Combine that with an interest in his books, that makes for good friends.

Smiling he peeked in after Marc and nodded back at her. "I was a bit of an outcast too, not enough of a brute like my brothers, not brutal enough either, tough time in the family because i strictly, dont follow the norm, kinda pissed off when I look back at it. But I'm well off now with a good chunk of the family money so I'm not complaining."

With that, he chuckled as he walked into the room, admiring Riley for the sheer fact she was able to be so open about her sexuality. Yes he was bisexual, but he wasn't gonna come out about it. Not with the chances of the press jumping on it and making it a story.

He looked around and furrowed his brow and looked at Marc before nodding. "Divorced marine hm, no offence but it makes me wonder why there were 2 marines in this complex. Perhaps it is just coincidence" he glanced around and something came to his head as he shifted through the contents of the room with his surveying glance. "Who is to say this was his doing...it could always be the fact that someone has beaten us here already"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: Queensguard Private Airfield, Hangar

Well, this was a horrible situation, all around. The safety of the hangar turned out to be something of a barrel, the likes of which one may reliably open fire within for the purposes of hitting fish. Now, this euphemism was generally thought of as a good thing. But being up front with said euphemism, one would generally assume that they were the guy holding the gun. Being the fish was the least preferable situation in the arrangement; sadly the situation that Cecily and Caesar found themselves in at that time.

Caesar had been in lockup before. Being the Fish was a bad thing. A very, very bad thing.

Well, the venerable Mexican was nobody's bitch. Er, fish. Yes, nobody's fish. If he was going down, he was going down swinging, doing whatever he could to keep his charge safe. Perhaps they might even be sated with his death, if he put up enough of a fight. Maybe it wasn't true in this culture, but in his eyes, there was a certain amount of respect given to a worthy adversary, even in the hour of their death. If that was the only chunk of currency he had left with these people, then by Dama Muerte herself and every one of his blood-soaked ancestors, he was going to pay that bill and tip with extreme prejudice.

Besides, if this was really his Alicia's office, there might be a surprise or two in there that he could use to his advantage. Only one way to find out. "Niña! Put that bandana to your wound. Hold it hard, okay?" Adding a thought to the situation, he continued in a loud, clear voice, "This was NOT the greeting my daughter Alicia told us to expect, damnit!" Hell, it was worth a shot.

Caesar tried the door to Alicia's office. Locked. Hopefully, not a secure door. He held his .45 inches from the lock, on an even lateral plane, and pulled the trigger once. Hopefully, it would be enough to remove the pin cylinder entirely, mostly because he didn't have a larger bullet to push through the countermeasure. A swift kick followed up, and if luck was with the pair, they would be within the office in short order.

"Hold on, niña. Even if we don't get out, I promise they'll pay for every inch of ground with blood. We will make our people proud." Just for the hell of it, Caesar began recording their surroundings with his satellite phone, uploading to the company cloud in real time, open access. "Queensguard, private airfield, Justice, California." Caesar checked his weapons, and cracked his neck. He'd be damned if he went gentle. Valhalla, Land of the Remembered, Elysium; even Hell itself would simultaneously open their gates to him and fear their approach. "Cecily Ashworth and Caesar Gonzalez, pinned down by gunfire under routine investigation, in the manager's office of Alicia Gonzalez. Continue your investigation here. And light a candle for the fuckers we're taking down with us. They died well. I made sure of it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Club AfterDark

Almost on cue, her stomach grumbled. Ronnie always blamed his hunger on the munchies, but from what Tuesday could tell, he was like any teenage boy on the street--never able to stop eating. She followed his wave with her eyes, taking in the tall and muscular bartender. With guns like that, he had to be doing more than serving drinks around the place. Returning her gaze to Ronnie, Tuesday frowned for a moment, mentally recalling the menu there.

"Cheeseburger and onion rings?" Tuesday asked. She was a thin girl, but she held the majority of her weight as muscle. Her hobby, biking, and her martial arts knowledge helped to keep her figure slim. A few cheeseburgers wasn't going to ruin her form, as far as she was concerned. "The greasier the cheeseburger they can make, the better. Want me to pay you back in cash?" She smiled at him, as he left to grab the food.

Tuesday then felt the vibration of the incoming text, but she didn't bother to read it yet. She had sent it on a whim--later that evening, if her mood held, she'd reply and start actively thinking about it. Instead, Tuesday pocketed her phone, and portioned off a small section of her hair, braiding it absentmindedly. Glancing up at Ronnie as he returned, Tuesday chuckled slightly. She knew that look. "Think I'd look good with a half shaven head?"

Cecily Ashworth

Location: Queensguard Private Airfield

The sounds of impending gunfire stopped, and for a moment, Cecily felt a tinge of relief. They were in the calm of the storm--she knew that it wouldn't last too long. Her mind fluttered back to the Sherlock narrative. Blood loss wasn't the only factor Molly Hooper cited, in her explanation of what would kill Sherlock.

You’re going into shock. It’s the next thing that’s going to kill you.

Staring down at her trembling hands, Cecily confirmed that was the case. She responded to Caesar without much protest, knowing that any security cameras had picked them up, and facial recognition wouldn't be too hard. There was little point in covering up the tattoo. Removing the bandana from her wrist, she pressed it up against her wound with trembling hands, tightening her grip as to avoid shaking.

What did Molly tell Sherlock about the shock? What was that next bit of information? It was ironic, but fitting, Cecily realized, that her life might be in the hands of advice from a British television program. As a forensic technician, she worked with analyzing the dead--not preserving the living. She had no medical knowledge with which to treat herself. But Caesar, with all of his numerous scars, had to have been shot before--he'd know what to do. Roy had said to stay with him. If they were lucky, they'd get out of there alive.

And if not, they'd...Mycroft! Molly didn't have the next line, Cecily realized, mouthing the words to herself. Don’t go into shock, obviously. That had been the advice. Calm, they needed her to calm down. Her therapist had always told her to let herself curl up into a ball and cry, watch some Netflix if she needed to, and reach out to a friend. There wasn't time for that. How to stay calm, how to stay calm?

Cecily jumped slightly as she heard the shot go off. Dashing back over to Caesar, her previous mental complaints about running gone, she was relieved when she saw the bullet impaled itself in the door. Just like how Prosperine's bullet had done--of course, the locations were different, and this one was aimed at the lock...But it was uncanny nonetheless, in Cecily's opinion. She nodded at his comments. Her people? She had a bit of a sad smile at that. Her parents had never quite been proud of her. They favored her younger brother, paying for him to attend boarding school, and leaving Cecily to be dragged all around the country, moving on occasion multiple times in a year.

With the pressure she kept on her wound, her aim would be worse than usual, with the small pistol in her hand. She figured she'd have a better chance of hitting them by accident, rather than on purpose. "You want to use this instead?" Cecily asked, her voice cracking slightly. The shock continued to keep her up, but she knew that hydrostatic shock could kill her just as well, and immobilize her. She had to stay calm, even if it meant feeling the pain of a gun injury.

Breathing deeply, she increased the pressure she kept on her wound slightly. She let her mind run through more Sherlock scenes, some of them in order, some out. Anything to keep her calm and focused. She listened to Caesar's instructions, and while it wasn't her place, she couldn't help but add: "And get a spectroscopy expert to analyze any fluids by methods of standard additions to isolate the trace amounts." She glanced over at Caesar, hoping that was okay. Some forensic technicians were great--but not all.

If she was going to be murdered, she didn't want to be another cold case if she could help it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

@Dragoknighte @Pundii- Relic chuckled a bit. "I'm always hungry, I don't know why," Relic said before leaning in a bit. "Probably burn off a lot just worrying constantly, never know when your current meal is going to be your last around here," he said before looking over at Scott. "Wonderful, a friend of Trisha's, that tells me everything I need to know." Waiting for Scott to walk off before he said anything else. Looking over at Mali he sighed. "That means he is either a gun runner, drug dealer, or imp. From the look of him I place my bet on drugs," he said before shrugging and looking around the room again. He would rather deal with a drug dealer than the other two. Leaning back in his seat he sighed, hoping that Zoie would show up soon because he wasn't going to stay there longer than it took to eat his burger once it came to the table.

@Morose [@Pudii] - "Loaded Nachos man, cheese sticks, onion rings, and huge fucking coke," Ronnie said to Scott with a big grin. "Huge, thirsty as hell." Looking over to Chloe he rose a brow and shrugged. "I think you could pull it off but the question is why would you want to take a razor to your head? I mean, if you went cue ball on one side, wouldn't you need to shave that like as much or more than you do your legs? Seems like a lot of fucking hassle and well beyond that, your red hair sticks out like a sore thumb as it is, you want to draw more attention to yourself? Or thinking of a career change?" he asked once Scott had left with the order and rested his elbows on the table and his chin in the palm of his hand. "How about me, mowhawk or nohawk?"

@Nallore @Scallop - Marc glanced over at Riley and shook his head. "No, I don't speak to her about Lawson anymore. Her and Kai are trying to put a lot behind them right now. Last thing she needs is to hear this after everything." Sighing he rubbed the back of his neck and leaned against the bar counter top dividing the living room and the kitchen. "No, this isn't a toss job, this is just squaller, and completely unlike Lawson. I bunked with the man during our time over seas, and he roomed with me a while after everything went down in Grimm. The man was the cleanest Marine you had ever seen. This was depression and anger," he said as he looked around at the empty beer bottles, torn pictures and more. Righting himself he started to scavenge through the muck for a bit, hoping to find something. His lap top, letters, a journal, something. Lawson had always been known to keep records of everything going on through his mind. It was part of what he had always done when he was younger and even more so since he returned, how he worked through things. There had to be something around there. A flash drive,s something but finding anything in this mess was going to take a bit.

@Pundii - "I think Argus will do anything it needs to do to save its ass and if that means taking out operatives, then so be it. If they can frame Juno for it at the same time, then even better for them. And Juno, well they will do whatever they can to further the desires of Juno proper," Roy said. Risa looked at him oddly as her fingers curled around Lucas's arm. "Roy, what aren't you telling us?" she asked before looking up at Lucas. Roy knew a lot, too much for her liking. Granted if he was trying to kill her or Lucas, or both, he had had plenty of chances to, so she was pretty sure he was on their side. It was just that it seemed he had a lot more information than anyone else did. "Risa, I don't think you want the answer to that. Now, do you two want to head out to get answers or not?" Biting her bottom lip she looked back over to Roy and sighed. "Might not want the answer but I am pretty damn sure I need it." Her free hand coming to her side and resting on her hip, her fingers tickling the grip of her pistol.

@Morose @Sigil - Yeah, mentioning Alicia's name isn't help you lot. People keep coming and keep firing. You manage to get inside the office. It is small and basic but the bullets don't seem to be getting through. The place is neat and orderly but it has a few homey touches. There is a picture on the desk of Alicia with Caesar, and a board of more images of her and Lorna and Caesar at various places or just chilling out. Next to one of the pictures of a card for the Justice Asylum For The Criminally Insane, located in the RedLight District. The card has a name on it - Dr. Kingston, 3932 Chicago Heights. You manage to get the pressure put on the wound and most of the blood to halt for now but you gotta move and have a shit ton of people outside of the office ready to shot your heads off. Caesar would know this isn't sitting right. Alicia would never have taken a office where there was only one exit, there has to be another way out; if you can find it.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3D - Basement Level (Lawson's Apartment)

"Well its good to know I wasn't the only outcast growing up." Riley said with a laugh as she continued to search around Lawson's bedroom opening up drawers lifting up bed sheets. "Marc can attest that I was pretty brutal with the bullies back in Grimm." Riley said as she got down on the floor, she took out her cellphone and used the flashlight option on it to look for anything useful that was under the bed. Sighing to herself as Riley didn't find anything useful in the bedroom she moved towards his closet listening to Marc on the other side of the apartment. It was probably for the best that Ada and Kai didn't know what truly happened to Lawson, though Riley did feel really bad for him. "I guess that's for the best then, though she probably should know at some point ya know after things settle down. Or she might find out eventually since it has been all over the news." Riley said.

Riley gave up searching the closet as she moved over towards the bathroom, she opened the medicine cabinet in the bathroom looking through it all. "Couldn't imagine what had been going through Lawson's mind, even though I didn't know the man as well as you did I always got the impression that he was always clean."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Club AfterDark

That's not how the human body works, was the first thought that came to mind when Relic mentioned worrying it off, but otherwise dropped the topic. If she kept on the conversation would probably degenerate into a lecture about proper eating habits and how they're neglected by the American public because the Corporatist system that controls the media refuses to teach people what proper nutrition and portion control actually look like. Instead she just leaned in and spoke quietly so as to avoid any further unnecessary attention. Especially attention to her staggering ignorance of the Justice underground.

"Who is Trisha?" There was the information that could be easily inferred from the context of the environment and the people she evidently associated with, like the fact that Trisha was a powerful woman who controlled much of the organized crime that ran rampant in Justice, but that still left a huge blank space about the woman. Maybe if she'd spent more time in Justice she would pick these thing up, but Relic sounded like he was pretty familiar with the crimelord and it didn't hurt to ask while she had the resource available to her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucas Walsh

Location: Safe House

Watching Greg as he spoke, he raised an eyebrow. It seemed Risa and he were of the same mind, it was disconcerting just how much information Roy seemed to have, particularly on Juno, especially for a man who wasn't directly involved with Argus any more, Lucas had his suspicions, but for now he'd keep them to himself, at least until he was more sure. Hearing as Risa spoke up again, he nodded, somewhat on edge himself as he watched the man closely. "She makes a fair point, Roy, you need to start being one-hundred percent with us, otherwise we need to go our separate ways." He said bluntly.

Lucas had always held such a policy at Argus, though it had never needed to be an issue, he always and pretty much only ever worked with Risa, and he knew he could trust her completely. Despite the help Roy had given them, Lucas still had plenty of reasons not to trust him, and he wasn't going to start doing so unless the man gave him plenty of reason to - if not, there was no reason they should be working together, it would only make things worse, or more complicated. He felt the urge to follow Risa and take the comforting hold of his gun, but held his hands to his sides for now, watching Roy.

Scott Fairburne


"Solid order my man, i'll make sure it's right out." He gave Ronnie a nod, putting it through and passing him over the buzzer for when the food was ready, sighing as he took a step or two back. As he took the time to step back, he looked over those in the club. The women with Relic and Ronnie, in particular, he didn't recognize them, the two certainly weren't regulars, he couldn't help but get a vibe from both of them, not the kind of vibe that meant 'hit on them and pay for their drinks' - but the kind which generally suggested there would be something bad around them. It was something he'd learned to sniff out, trying to stay as clean as possible.

He just sighed, shaking his head of the feeling, he didn't care why they were there, not really, he'd just serve drinks, take orders, the same as every night, then he'd go home, and do the same thing tomorrow, getting caught up in whatever might've been going down was the last thing he wanted.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix Hausten

Location: Classic Building

He took a minute to look around the apartment with the other two, tapping a finger onto his chin as he considered their options. It looked like a dead end to be honest. He looked over the other two only offering Riley a smirk in return to her and nodding to her in agreement. Focus. He had to focus before he got caught out.

"Interesting squalor" he muttered as he made his way into the man's bathroom, giving it a quick survey in case there were laptops thrown in baths and whatnot.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

@Dragoknighte @Pundii - "Oh, she owns the place but well," he said as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, glancing around the room before lowering his voice a bit. "She dables in most everything she can get her hands on to make a buck. Running women, guns, drugs, you name it in the underground she has her finger in it somewhere," he said before glancing around again and waiting for his food to get there. The kitchen took the orders for the food once Scott put them in and got to work. Eddie ended up coming inside for a minute, the place was getting a bit more people in but nothing big. The rush wouldn't start happening until much later in the evening. Eddie grins broadly over at Mali before stepping behind the bar and getting himself a bottle of water and downing it real fast. Looking back over at Mali after he looks over the room again Relic pulls his hood in a bit more. "I wish Zoie would hurry up and get here."

@Nallore @Scallop - Marc keeps searching and ends up Lawsons room, he makes a comment or two about how Lawson was never this was. That he was always the most disciplined person he knew but after everything went down in Grimm, he kind of spiraled out of control. He hoped that Lawson moving out here, away from Chicago (Away from Kai and Ada) that he would get things back together and start to move on. While you two search the bathroom, there doesn't look like there is anything there but as Riley turns she knocks over a glass from the sink. It is a standing sink with no cabinet around the stand. If either of you kneel down you will find a small yellow envelop tapped to the underside of the sink. Opening it will reveal a SD card. Keep searching, maybe there is more in the house. There are several rooms left to really look through - The secondary bedroom, the kitchen, living room, and the small patio out front that has the stairs that lead up to the street (It has a small storage closet, but that is locked)

@Pundii - Roy sighed, he knew it was going to come to this eventually. Guess it was time to come clean. Leaning back in his seat he motioned for the two to go ahead and sit down, this was going to take sometime. Risa sat down slowly, resting her hands on the the table for a minute before moving them to her lap, close enough to her hand gun to grab it quickly if it was needed. Taking a drag from his cigarette Roy began. He explained that while he was recruiting for Argus he had fallen on some tough times, money trouble and began to take a cut under the table. After a while, demands got to be more and more and he couldn't pull out because they had stuff on him and he would loose his shield and his pension. So he kept at it, doing more and more, them getting more on him the more he did, the deeper he got. Snuffing out the cigarette he blew the smoke out of his mouth. "Their name is Juno, think of them as the Illuminati of the Illuminati. Everywhere and no where. I've been one of their lackies for years, I'm tired of it."

@Morose @Sigil - As said before there is a lot of pictures. One will even have Donkey there with Alicia. Cecily will notice a strange draft coming in from under her back side of where she is seated. Let me know if you check it out via pm.

@Morose - At the Asylum things are hectic as always, there are far too many patients and not enough people working. There is rampant abuse in the system and those that speak up tend to get transferred out if they can't be brought into the fold. Those that hate it but don't speak up just keep their heads down. The news is on in the common room of your personal section. The Ludwig Building. It's the female only building. It is a range of patients but so called sociopaths (a very rare thing), women suffering from various eating disorders, and even more. The place is also a halfway house for some who are trying to get on their feet again. Yet today you are thrown a new file, on top of the numerous you already have. Even before you can pick it up from the nurses station you hear a scream as the doors fly open and two orderly's (men) are carrying a woman kicking and screaming. "It's Valentine's Day bitches!!!" she screams as they drag her over to you. Stopping she eyes you as tilts her head from side to side. "Patient 30521, McMillian, Cynthia," one of the orderlies say before Cynthia shakes them off and straightened her hair. "Hello."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Club AfterDark

Tuesday chuckled slightly, taking his comments in stride. The shaved head look probably wasn't for her--and it would be a pain in the ass to keep up. She grimaced slightly though, her mind moving back towards her earlier decision. If she was going to go back into medical school, she'd need a damn good reason for them to overlook her criminal history...She shuddered a bit just thinking about it. Rehab.

"Definitely the nohawk," Tuesday commented, her voice a bit distant, as she focused on the road beginning to shape in front of her. The drug trade wasn't one to be in forever. But did she really want to go into surgery? An idea was beginning to take shape. She'd be able to get into school if she went clean, she figured. No university was going to turn away money at the end of the day. But, at the same time, no hospital would hire a former addict--that was bad for business. It'd only bring on lawsuits.

Maybe a private practice. Something under the table. Lots of idiots got themselves fucked up, and hospitals came with a certain legal presence. Perhaps she'd offer her services to the criminals of Gotham Justice. They'd pay better than hospital wages in the end, she figured, and there wouldn't be any messing around with insurance policies.

"I'm thinking about switching careers," Tuesday admitted, glancing at Ronnie. "Underground medical practice, maybe. Only thing is, that means school..." She let her words drift off. Ronnie, she figured, was smart enough to take her meaning. It would be hell, yes--a hell she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to go through just yet.

But damn it, she was getting bored smuggling drugs around the city.

Cecily Ashworth

Location: Queensguard Private Airfield

Caesar mentioning Alicia's name didn't help--but at the same time, it didn't seem to hurt. Cecily dashed with him inside of the small office, glancing around to try to get her bearings. She had met Alicia once--once, while Alicia was live. Chatting with the woman's corpse didn't tend to count as a social encounter. Her hands were shaking, but she then spotted something peculiar.

"Iris?" Cecily asked, her voice hardly a whisper. One hand putting pressure on her wound, the other grabbed the card delicately from the photographs. Dr. Kingston wasn't exactly a common title--especially since Cecily recognized the address. She had helped her third cousin move in there. What the bloody hell was the girl doing mixed up in all of this? Frowning a bit, Cecily quickly put the card in her bag, grabbing a few of the photographs as well, figuring that Caesar would want them, and it'd be difficult to carry them all at once.

Her knees feeling weak, Cecily let herself sit down in Alicia's chair for a moment, silent tears pooling down her cheek as she heard the gunfire pummeling the office. It looked like a dead-end. All they could hope for was for them to run out of ammunition, and to top it all, there was a draft....

"No fucking way," Cecily murmured, her intellectual curiosity rising enough to override her focus on the pain of the bullet wound. She looked down, watching as her droplets of blood, rather than pooling, were dripping through in a line. It reminded her of the scene in Elementary, where Sherlock discovered a safe room by rolling a marble. There was another way out. Scanning the immediate area, she ran her hand on the surfaces, looking for anything...

And then she found a latch.

"Caesar!" Cecily whispered intensely. She didn't dare voice exactly that there was a trap door to escape from, just in case the firing squad outside heard. They would come in eventually, but undoing the latch, Cecily unearthed a hidden staircase. It'd be difficult with her shoulder the way it was, but it was their best chance. Holding on tightly to the bandana, as to keep pressure on it, Cecily glanced at Caesar for the okay, and once she got it, she'd begin her descent.

Iris Kingston

Location: Arkham Asylum Justice Asylum For The Criminally Insane: the Ludwig Building

Having been hired at the Asylum less than a year ago, the corruption and abuse had not yet broken Iris. She continued to walk with a skip in her step, to the extent that one orderly once asked her if he could borrow some of her pot. But drugs were not Iris' secret. Her talent stemmed from a desire to help the less fortunate, as well as a fascination with the inner workings of the mind. Of course, it helped that she had strawberry sorbet set aside for lunch.

"Merci beaucoup, I've got it," Iris replied, her British accent light and airy. She made a policy of never looking down at her patients, always ensuring that she stared at them directly in the eye. It had been the way she was raised. You looked directly at people if you wanted them to respect you--to get respect, you showed respect. She tucked her hair behind her ear, just as Cynthia straightened her own.

"Well, rather than relying on some silly old file, do you like sorbet? I have some scrumptious strawberry sorbet, if you'd like some?" Iris asked. The file could be read later, but she shied away from getting biased first impressions of her patients. There was enough corruption in the Asylum that half of what they wrote in those files could just be out of spite.

Leading Cynthia out of the common area, Iris directed her towards her personal work area, a cozy office concealed behind a door whose plaque read "DR. IRIS KINGSTON." She opened the door for her newest patient, allowing Cynthia to enter before herself. Like most psychiatrists, Iris' workplace was complete with rugs and couches, but she also had a variety of board games and toys in a corner. Each woman who went through the Ludwig house was different. Some of them just needed a space to talk, while others found peace through crafting, or just playing games. On the desk, there was also a photograph of her brother and her, alongside a notepad, some pens, and some colored pencils.

"Oh, and please call me Iris," Iris added. "Some people here like to call me Ize instead, if you like that better. And what would you like me to call you?"
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