Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Alley behind Club AfterDark

Mali followed behind Relic on the way to the subway. Subways weren't exactly a form of public transit that came as second nature to her, but she had spent enough time in Boston and with the MBTA that it wasn't a foreign experience. There were the terminals, and the map and the gates. Everything was arranged a bit differently than she was used to, and it was slightly dirtier than the subways in Boston, but that was all to be expected.

"Oh. Thanks." She was halfway through pulling out her wallet and digging up bus fare when Relic paid for her. It was only then she thought that maybe she should stop using her cards for paying for things, except emergencies and maybe basics like groceries. Cash is probably a lot harder to track. Probably.

On the actual subway, she found herself very bored. Yeah sure she was peeking over and reading what Relic was doing, but other than that, all there was to do on this metal tube was glance at the few other people, look outside at the underground tunnel and stare at one's own shoes. If she had known she'd be in for an excess of waiting today, she would have brought a book or something.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: Sewers of Justice ---> Drain for the Main Autopsy Room

Cecily hesitated for a moment. She did trust Roy--but he had also been the one who explained to her to not trust anyone, even him. She had messaged him that they were going to Queensguard, to investigate the scene of the crime--but where was he? What was Roy up to? It rubbed her the wrong way, the more she thought about it. Roy had told her that he covered up Peyton's murder--but he never explained exactly why. Perhaps she shouldn't have trusted him.

But he had kept her safe, hadn't he? He kept her out of the line of fire, and while Roy took a bullet, he never tried to hurt her. He was her partner--not in a romantic sense, of course. Romance confused Cecily at its core. But who else was there that Cecily trusted deeply in Justice, beyond Roy? Her mind flickered to her best friend, Bonnie, but she abandoned the thought quickly. She didn't want Bonnie to get dragged into this--whatever it was.

"Yeah, I trust him," Cecily replied. "I'll send him a text." But with the map in one hand, and her shoulder keeping pressure on the other, she resolved to wait to contact Roy until they had made it back to the morgue. The sewers were fundamentally disgusting, and Cecily didn't even get the mercy of plugging her nose. And with the slippery nature of them, she fell into the storm drain a few more times than she'd care to mention.

At Caesar's invention to leave with him, Cecily nodded. She didn't have any ties to Justice, not really. She wasn't even quite sure what state her parents were in at the moment, and her brother was in Los Angeles, studying to be an actor. All that kept her in Justice was her job--the job that she was determined to quit, as soon as Alicia's case was closed. "That sounds good," Cecily said, smiling a bit. "...Listen, if your company needs forensics, let me know."

However, she didn't continue on. They came upon a set of rusted steel stairs, with the entrance for the morgue marked. Folding up the map of Justice, Cecily ascended the staircase with Caesar, and peered upwards at the manhole cover. Something was dripping through it, but more importantly, light was shinning through. She wasn't nearly strong enough to shift it aside herself, and she stepped over, letting Caesar take a crack at it.

"Dr. Brinne!" Cecily would exclaim, assuming Caesar shifted the cover aside. "It's a bloody relief to see you. Would you mind extracting a bullet?" She grimaced slightly, still putting pressure on her shoulder. She had no idea when the shock would wear off.

Iris Kingston

Location: Justice Asylum For The Criminally Insane: the Ludwig Building

Iris looked back over the notes in Cynthia's file, attempting to find any connection between her and the massacre. Unless the murders had been orchestrated by a nine year old girl, the timeline didn't match up. She sighed a bit, mostly in relief--all of that blood, on the hands of one broken girl? It would have just been another hardship to add to Cynthia's already tragic life. The doctors' notes were mostly unhelpful as well. They began with condemning Cynthia as a murderer, and once her innocence was proven, they shifted to lamenting the absolute loss of her sanity. Despite being placed in a halfway house, all of the doctors noted one thing--that Cynthia is gone, despite brief appearances of sanity.

"C'est très bizarre," Iris murmured. "Pourquoi était-ce qu'ils l'ont placée dans le CHRS?" As she came to one note in particular, Iris' brow furrowed even further. Cynthia's mysterious visitor, unknown to anyone and missing from the records, had come to visit her. A woman who looked similar to Cynthia--and afterwards, Cynthia painted in red. From everything Iris had gleaned from the notes, Cynthia was a highly symbolic girl. Iris' discovery did not bode well.

Returning to her computer, Iris switched the browser settings into English. This mysterious Seattle visitor, looking as crazed as Cynthia--perhaps there would be some record for Jenny Green. If the woman was just as crazed, Iris figured she must have spent some time institutionalized. Asylums kept patient records--perhaps there were some she could access relating to the woman. And having access to it already, Iris began searching the patient records of the Justice Asylum. Cynthia had put the request for the transfer to Justice in herself.

Perhaps her friend had spent some time at this very institution.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: "Tunnels" -> Morgue

"If you trust him, good. Otherwise, I can always buy another trike." Caesar had lived an existence without financial means for most of his life. When he turned mercenary, his paycheck greatly improved, but he still didn't have the kind of monetary wherewithal that he had since incorporating. Yes, he could buy a new one. Several new ones, if it came down to it. Somewhere in his mind he knew that the trike would always have significance for him. Caesar didn't even want to buy that kind of conveyance at first; his daughter convinced him that it was a more appropriate choice than his standard Harley when zipping around the oft wet streets of Seattle. It seemed to him now that he would always try to keep one. Be that as it may, if it came down to his life, or Cecily's, or anyone else caught up in this drama, he would abandon the machine and pick up another later on.

Of course, it wasn't like they parked particularly nearby. For all the airstrip security personnel knew, they arrived by cab. "Small chance they'd know to look for it. Just don't want to be seen in the neighborhood so soon."

Caesar was reassured somewhat at the idea of company on his trip. He hoped that their absence from Justice would put them outside of the line of fire. Hell, he hoped that Cecily's proximity to him also wouldn't get her killed. He had a nasty history of that. But then she said something intriguing. Forensics...

"My company had always been about securing people and locations. Forensics means investigation. We don't do that, so much. Wetwork sometimes, but no serious investigation." Of course, he could fund a central lab back at the Home Office. Not a lot happened in Chattanooga. It was relatively quiet, lot of outdoorsy places; yet the city itself was a focal shipping point to Atlanta Metro and Florida State, to and from the rest of the country. Plus, no action/horror movies were ever set in Chattanooga, TN. She might be safe there. Maybe this girl could play a role in expanding the company at the same time. But first, this case had to get wrapped up, and fast. As soon as the girls' bodies were released, they needed to leave town.

"Maybe it's time we started investigating. When you need, I can put you on payroll - as something else, at first. Talk later. Right now, you need to let me get that manhole cover."

It must have been startling to Dr. Brinne to see a grizzled Mexican emerge from the floor carrying a .45 hand cannon. It was a little startling for Caesar, too, emerging in the autopsy room of the Morgue. The very idea had him questioning exactly what the liquid was, draining through the holes of the big, steel circle he had just moved away. "EW" didn't really describe the first few possibilities that came to mind. He opened his mouth to address the Doctor, but Cecily best him to it with a surprising amount of pluck for a lady in her condition.

"Sorry, Doc. But can you help her? Quietly?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

Subway of Justice/Justice Asylum: - Relic read over the Email and sent one back to the woman. "Yeah, be there in an hour," he sent back to her before looking over towards Mali. "Seems we are going to make a pit stop before meeting up with my sister, don't worry, it's on the way," he said before slipping his things back into his bag and closing it up. Holding the pack in his lap with his arms around it tightly, wanting to make sure it was protected. "Someone is asking about someone that I think is involved with everything, want to see what this Doctor at the Asylum knows and what she doesn't," he added before standing up. The pair would need to change trains a couple of times to get to the asylum. At the Asylum, Iris wouldn't find much on Jenny Green in her research. There was really nothing that was red flagging enough to make public record and who ever it was never seemed to post online. As far as one could tell the person was "clean", maybe a bit too clean. Only way to find out right then would be a not to reliable source - Cynthia herself.

Classic Building 3C: - "Hide around here? Maybe, but first thing is first, we have got to get Cynthia. We can't leave that crazed woman to the slaughter. Granted, I might actually be more scared for the person threatening to kill Cynthia than Cynthia. She isn't exactly helpless," Marc said giving Riley a knowing looking. Glancing over at Felix Marc had an idea pop into his head; a wonderfully awful idea. "Actually, I have something you can do. Ever wanted to interview a once suspected cold blooded killer in person?" he asked as his eyes glanced away from Felix and towards Riley.

Justice Morgue: - Natasha, looking startled, nodded her head towards Cecily and Caesar. Picking up the dropped scalpel and placing it on the table before rushing over and helping the morgue tech out of the drain hole and over to an empty steel table. "Close that damn thing before someone falls through it and lock the door if you want privacy here," she said quickly, going into Dr. Brinne mode. Tasha always seemed to have two sides. The on shift and off shift sides. Didn't matter she felt weak and tired from her treatments, she went full out when someone was injured and in danger. She was a doctor and while two people crawling out of the sewers was not only out of place and caused a rise of suspicion, it was creepy as fuck. That didn't matter. She was who she was and she put her Hippocratic Oath above everything else.

"Do I need to ask if you were exposed to any green ooze down there? Or if there is a six foot Kung Fu Rat master on your heels?" she asked towards Cecily as she pulled off the first aide bandage and helped the woman lie down on the table. Taking a close look to at the wound she pursed her lips before pressing the bandage back on it. "It's deep, gonna get an X-Ray before I try to pull it out," she added as she stepped away and retrieved the portal X-Ray machine. She would have rather done this in an actual hospital, but she figured being in a morgue with some equipment was better than nothing. "Do you have any bullets that need removal?" she asked of Caesar as she brought the machine over and began taking X-Ray's of Cecily.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C (Riley & Cecily's Apartment)

Riley looked up towards Felix for a moment and shrugged slightly as far as she knew the entire city was just one festering cesspool of crime, she wasn't even sure how far this organization went. "As far as I know I don't have anywhere else to go. Unless the FBI has some sort of building here, or a safehouse somewhere." Riley said with a slight shrug and shook her head when Felix offered to be some kind of distraction, she wasn't even sure if this person was wanting to die just to write a book or what. Riley sighed rubbing her eyes still wrapping her mind around losing both Chloe and Ronnie at the same time. "I cant ask you to do that, you might end up dead like my sister and Ronnie."

Riley stared at Marc, it was true that they needed to get Cynthia out of that asylum but Riley wasn't sure if doing that would just simply tip off the caller and threaten her life or those that Riley cared for in her life. "I know that we have to get Cynthia out of there as soon as possible. But if we do wouldn't that tip off whoever the hell called me?" Riley knew that Cynthia wasn't that helpless crazy girl, she was scary whenever she attacked someone remembering the brutal beating that Cynthia gave to Atlas back at the reunion. "But for all I know a patient or staff member could be one of those people in the asylum ordered to kill her."

She looked confused for a moment when Marc started to bring up an interviewing job for Felix, when he looked over towards her Riley had a feeling that he was referring to the final confrontation with Chris back in their hometown though that was more in self defense more than anything. it was probably some crazy plan that Marc was thinking of. "So what are you thinking Marc?" Riley finally asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Alley behind Club AfterDark

"Are you sure that we'll have time find and get what we need from this person and then make it to the rendezvous point?" This endeavored sounded like the kind of thing where the conversation alone could easily take up half an hour at a minimum. Mali had no idea how lenient Relic's sister was when it came to tardiness, but she still didn't want to be late.

It came off as a trivial thread to investigate given the limited time they had to work with. If it were up to Mali, the time would be better spent taking the long route to the docks to mask their movements and make sure nobody was following. The idea of getting caught up in another shooting was less than appealing, especially if the target of this one was her rather than a bunch of hoodlums outside a trashy bar. Not that she would vocalize these thoughts. Relic was the one paying for the transportation, and he seemed to be far more paranoid cautious than Mali had been. If this route of travel was acceptably safe, then it probably was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Felix Hausten

Location: Classic Building

He cocked a brow and scratched his head for a little, considering the offer. he responded with a magnificent grin as he clasped his hands together and nodded. This was an interesting turn of events. he didn't expect to be thrust into such an odd set of circumstances, but he'd take his chances.

"I'd be thrilled! I've always wanted to meet a once suspected one, just give me a name and a place and I'll be there. and don't worry, I'll have my head as cool as a cucumber, ja?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: the Morgue

The adrenaline coursing through Cecily had started to die down, and she chuckled weakly as Dr. Brinne helped her onto the steel table. It'd be convenient, she couldn't help but thinking, if she died on that table. They wouldn't have to move her body at all to examine it. She never could quite imagine her body on the slab, but with Natasha helping her down, she didn't have to imagine it anymore.

"No goo," Cecily replied, smiling lightly. She winced as the bandage was removed, feeling the raw pain of the wound. As Natasha informed her that the wound was deep, and the doctor brought over the x-ray, Cecily tried to motivate herself to stay alert, and focused on anything but the pain. Her hands were shaking, and it was all she could do to mutter things to herself under her breath. The Kimmy Schmidt intro credit song worked for a little bit, but to be truthful, she couldn't wait for the bullet to be removed.

She almost explained to the doctor what happened, but the thought of dragging another person into this...Roy! Her mind accelerated for a moment, and Cecily removed her phone from her pocket with her other hand, and typed out a quick text. She trusted him to take care of Caesar's vehicle, but she intentionally left out her current location, and where they were heading.
Shot. Need you to pick up the trike. -C.A.

After she sent the text, Cecily dropped her phone at her side. She didn't feel like trying to get it into her pocket, and with Natasha taking X-rays of the wound, she wanted to remain as still as she could be. She hummed the Big Bang Theory intro to herself, trying to focus on anything but the immense pain in her shoulder.

Iris Kingston

Location: Justice Asylum For The Criminally Insane: the Ludwig Building

For a seemingly insane woman, Jenny Green left hardly a trace. Iris couldn't find any sort of public record on the woman, and with no posts online, she appeared to not exist. But this mystery woman had sparked this change in Cynthia--this sudden insistence of calling herself Valentine, and beginning to paint in red anew. It was then that a horrible thought occurred to Iris. Perhaps this Jenny Green was the individual on the conspiracy site--the government cover up killing in the 90's.

She would have been at the appropriate age, Iris thought grimly. The doctor's notes had suggested Jenny to be an older aunt. This Jenny Green could have been the person responsible for the massacre...but the entire thing seemed a bit ridiculous to Iris. A government killer visiting her patient? And telling Cynthia all of her secrets? She was a psychologist. She helped treat the manias of these poor women--not subscribe to them herself.

Still, it couldn't hurt to make a note of her find. Iris neatly wrote the information down on a piece of paper, her eyes flickering over at the email. The site owner was coming to her within the hour. And here she was, stuck with what appeared to be a pseudonym. Against her better judgment, Iris closed her files and placed them away, and went to the orderlies.

"I need to speak with Cynthia MacMillan, s'il vous plait," Iris requested, smiling slightly. "It's a bit urgent."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: Morgue

"No, Doctor. No big rats." Caesar looked rather annoyed at Dr. Brinne. But he did precisely as she instructed, closing the drainage access and moving to lock the doors. "No green ooze, no turtles, and no one delivered una pizza maldita, either." His voice softened, just a little. "Gracias, doc. No, I'm okay. No bullets where the shouldn't be. Take care of Niña, huh?" This day had not exactly gone to plan. Hell, very few days did, but it was definitely not in his "to do" list to get someone shot, following up on a lead about his daughter's murder.

They did get a reasonable amount of information from the outing, though, plus another potential lead upon which to follow up, far away from Justice. Cecily got water samples, which Caesar was admittedly anxious to find out more about. As for himself, Caesar picked up a few more sharp things, some pictures, and the continuation of his mission. It had gotten a lot bigger, now.

The grizzled Mexican unslung his recently acquired katana from his back and laid it upon a nearby table. Seeking to unload the rest of his acquisitions from the bullet-ridden outing, he checked his pockets one by one. This led to the quick rediscovery of the photos from Alicia's office - ones he had grabbed before escaping into the underground bunker. He gave them a good look, and flipped each one over to see if anything was written on the back. Mementos, notes, numbers, etc. If nothing else, he had physical pictures of his girls. It was worth the effort required to retrieve them, at least in his mind. Except for the part where his day guest took a slug to the shoulder. They could have done without that.

A look crossed his face, one that hinted at a man who had made a decision. Caesar retrieved his satellite phone and began cycling through apps, personal and professional. "Got a question, Doctor. What was the ETA on releasing my girls' remains, again? And have you found anything else while we were gone?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

Subway of Justice/Justice Asylum: - Relic looked over towards Mali and nodded. "I think we should have time and even if we are a bit late, Zoie will be fine. She's used to me running late since I always take the most confusion way possible to a location," he assured Mali as he stepped off the train and onto yet another, almost as if to make his point. "I want to follow up on this lead though before anyone has a chance to kill this doctor. Want to know why she is asking questions, asking questions about the person I am sure killed Danica." Over at the Asylum Cynthia was sitting in front of a TV watching the news tell more about the shoot out at Club Afterdark, entranced with the report. That was until the orderlies decided to interrupt her. It was one hell of a fight to get her over to Iris's office and by the time they brought her through the door her nose was dribbling blood and she was in a straitjacket smiling a chesshire grin towards her. "Tasty," she growled in a happy manner as she licked the blood that was staining her lips.

Classic Building 3C: - "I was thinking we could wire Castle here and send him in to talk to Cynthia. See just how far gone she is currently, if she is like she was at the Reunion we might be able to break her out. At least this way we can gauge her and you and I can stay out of sight and whoever is messaging you won't think you are trying to help her. If Ada was closer I would ask her since she was the closest of us to Cynthia but she's either in Chicago or Hawaii right now," Marc said as he went back over to the bag he had brought into the apartment with him to carry the white noise distorter. Pulling out a small black case he smirked and looked over towards Felix. "Want to play undercover agent?"

Justice Morgue: - "Of course I will," Natasha said as she took the X-rays so she could get a better look at the bullet. Looking at the screen as the images came up she tilted her head to the side. Then looking around for a moment before her eyes fell on Caesar. "Going to need you to hold her down while I extract the bullet and stitch her up," she said before looking at Cecily. "Sorry but the bullet is deep and I don't have anything to numb the pain. This is going to hurt like a bitch," she told her frankly as she turned and got what she was going to need together. "Yeah, found out a few more things, I can release the bodies now. We can talk about all that once Cecily is out of danger. That bullet is splintered and close to an artery. So if you would just hold down so she can't move, cause she is going to want to," Dr. Brinne added as she snapped on a pair of latex gloves and waited for Caesar to take his place before she did anything else.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C (Riley & Cecily's Apartment)

Riley turned her head to look over at Felix seeing he was a bit to eager to already play a 'spy' for Marc, either he was crazy or he was that excited to get more inspiration for his books. "Well seeing that Felix here is eager to play Agent Mulder here to interview Cynthia." Riley said as she took a deep breath she then stood up, she didn't want to get anyone else from her childhood involved in all of this. "You know Cynthia could be mentally unstable and she could possibly 'paint a pretty red picture' with your face just to let you know Felix."

"Also I think we should take separate rides to the asylum i'm not sure if the guy who took a snap shot at you is still out there and if we are seen leaving all together at the same time could send out a red flag to my caller." Riley felt more paranoid now she didn't know who else to trust at the moment other than Marc and Cecily, Felix she had just met she would have taken her own car however it was wrecked earlier in the week. "I could take the bus and you two drive to the asylum and i'll meet you guys there?" Riley asked looking over at Marc seeing what he thought.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Felix Hausten

Location: Classic Building

He listened to the conversation between the two with a wry smile on his face. he liked where this was going. He was being plunged into the action, where he'd get a taste of what was to come, he wouldn't be stuck on the sidelines. Detail always came from the heart, he needed up close and personal interactions with new settings and people to get more detail. And this was just the opportunity he had been waiting for. A chance to do something knew that would benefit him for sure.

He licked his lips and appeared to be in deep thought for a short while before letting out a light chuckle. "Secret agent is a bit of a stretch, but I'm telling you, I'm more than willing. As long as she doesnt try to bite my face of, I'm up to investigate her, make sure she's doing a-okay"

He grinned and ran a hand through his hair "How would she cope with a german writer who has a taste for the miorbid at times? I really do not want to be mush on the sidewalk"

He grinned at Riley and shook his head "Wouldn't be the first time, anyways, I am more than happy to go alone, as they already know about me, i've already been paid a painful visit"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Justice Metro

"If you say so." Although Mali's words indicated that she believed him, almost no other part of the message followed that same line of communication. Imagine if you would the tone of voice you take with that friend who's always half an hour late (at best) when you call them and ask where they are and they reply that they're 'almost there.' Or maybe the body language of your mother-in-law when she comes over for Thanksgiving and she looks over the dinner spread you've spent all day preparing with an eye that can pick apart errant molecules 2 nanometers out of place (50% chance you can drop the "in law" part and it'll still apply). If that doesn't do it, how about the facial expression your roommate has when you ask for $25 because you totally need it to pay for gas for the week, no really you're not going to blow it all on cake and chocolate and hide them in the bottom drawer under your socks.

On the train they stepped onto, Mali decided not to sit down with Relic, rather she remained standing right by him. This wasn't actually rooted in the many nonverbal signals of skepticism she had just been sending, but a much simpler reason. Her butt and back was starting to hurt from so much sitting, and needed to stand to relieve those issue.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: Morgue

Bullet splintered, no anesthetic. Caesar had been through this kind of quick and dirty surgery before, and under worse circumstances. But it was no picnic, whatever their surroundings held. At least they were someplace sterile. Of course, Caesar had to get himself fairly liquored up before trying to dig out a bullet. Ripping up a shirt to mop up welling blood and getting invasive with a pair of pliers was not a great way to spend an afternoon, though it was necessary if he wanted to prevent his own demise. Having an actual medical professional was a gift, as well.

Cecily was not Caesar. It would be unfair to hold her to the same standards of background and tolerance. Instead, it was his duty to support her in any way he could. Before he took the Doctor's order to hold her down like her life depended it, he produced from his inner vest pocket a sizeable flask and offered its contents to the injured coroner. "Very smooth stuff. It might even help for a little bit, but I'm telling you, just for a little bit. I've been here before. Maybe best to just let shock black you out."

He nodded to Cecily gravely, and moved to physically restrain her. When properly pinned (as best he could manage), he leaned in closer and said, in attempt to distract Cecily's if just a bit, "When we're done here, talk to me about your salary requirements."

J. Keystone

Location: Queensguard R&D Industrial Complex: Outside Elisabeth's Office

No eyes directly on the client. Mysterious appearance of the Secretary of Defense, predicted by Caesar before communication with him ceased. Dealing with the stoic private security of the same lady, each group of hired muscle trying to out-professional the other. Yes, this was tedious. At least Keystone had eyes and ears on their immediate surrounding and elsewhere in the building. A small tactical advantage, at least.

Now, if he could keep the terrain tight around the visiting muscle, he could forego a firefight - just in case something went sideways - and minimize loss of life in case of such an emergency. Down to it, the big man just didn't trust these people, not one bit. Hopefully he was being paranoid. His boss's warnings about the situation here in town had given him that particular touch of heightened personal awareness.

But he still wished that he had eyes inside the office.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: the Morgue

Cecily grimaced slightly. She absolutely hated getting her flu shot each year, to the point that she went out of her way to actively avoid it if at all possible. And the pain of a bullet in her was already enough. But splintered near an artery? That did not sound like her ideal way to spend the evening. It made sense, of course, that there was nothing there to numb the pain. Corpses generally didn't feel pain when a bullet was extracted, after all.

As Caesar offered her his flask, she shook her head slightly. The Winchesters might be able to swig down some alcohol and then undergo surgery, but everything she ever read indicated that alcohol and surgery didn't mix. While there wasn't the interaction of alcohol and morphine to worry about, the idea didn't sit well with her. She vaguely remembered something about bleeding becoming harder to stop after drinking.

That, and perhaps a more important reason: Cecily was the lightweight queen of lightweights. Whatever Caesar kept in his personal flask, she figured, would get her absolutely smashed in about three seconds. "Thanks, though," Cecily offered. She could tell the grizzled Mexican was doing his best to help her, and as he physically restrained her, she chuckled slightly as he asked about salary.

"Just enough to buy comic books," she joked, attempting her very best to be distracted from what was going to happen. She had tensed up preemptively, squinting slightly in expectation of the pain.

Iris Kingston

Location: Justice Asylum For The Criminally Insane: the Ludwig Building

Iris watched from her office door as the orderlies went to fetch Cynthia. She tugged on her hair as the ensuing fight broke out, which landed Cynthia in a straight jacket, bleeding. But while some psychiatrists at the asylum would see no issue in this, Iris could not feel the same. The violence struck her as unnecessary for a halfway house. She grimaced slightly, but as Cynthia smiled at her, she did her best to smile back.

"Valentine, I was hoping we could talk about another friend of yours," Iris opened warmly, moving to sit down at her desk, with Cynthia across from her. The orderlies remained at the door, and Iris shot a quick glare at them, and they simply closed the door. Typical. She put the file away in her drawer, thinking for a moment as to how to phrase this.

"In Seattle, you made a new friend," Iris began. "Could you tell me what you like about her?" Truthfully, it didn't matter so much who this Jenny Green was. The psychological ramifications of Cynthia bonding with this moment are what truly mattered to Iris. And if Cynthia could describe what she liked about this woman, whom Iris assumed she had taken the moniker Valentine from, then she would be able to treat her patient.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

Subway of Justice/Justice Asylum: - Cynthia smirked and stuck her tongue out at the orderlies before sitting down as they left. While Iris asked her about her friend from Seattle the jacket became looser before Cynthia pulled it off over her head and tossed it into the trash can. "They really suck at putting these things on," she said idly before looking back over at the Doctor. A grin came across her face. "Oh lots of things. She's pretty even if she is old, she's really sweet, she's interesting," Cynthia rambled as she leaned forward and pretended to play piano on Iris's desk. Down at the front desk, Relic and Mali managed to finally arrive at the Asylum. "Yeah, um need to see Dr. Kingston," he said looking around the place and refusing to keep eye contact. "Do you have an appointment?" the clerk at the front asked. "Um, no." The woman rolled her eyes, "well then she is busy." "Just tell her Relic is here," he said quickly before turning and walking over to where the seating area was, looking around nervously before tilting his head down and looking at the floor while he leaned against the wall. The clerk rolled her eyes again, eying Mali for a moment before picking up the phone and ringing for the doctors office. Once she picked up, "Dr. Kingston, there is someone here to see you. I told them you were busy but he insisted, said his name is Relic. Whatever that means."

Classic Building 3C: - "Well from what I can tell Cynthia reacts well to kindness, and is rather morbid on occasion. So as long as you aren't rude you shouldn't have a problem. I don't see a problem with letting her know that you know myself and Riley, as long as you keep it quiet to the rest of the place," Marc said as he turned and began to set up a little mic to put on Felix. "Think it would be best if we all either Ubered or took a cab. No need to stuck on public transit or let our personal cars be seen. Riley and me, Felix alone. We can arrive a little later to a building close to the Asylum in hopes not to attract too much attention but be close enough to help if we need to," he added as he stood up and stepped over to Felix, lacing a small button cover through a button hole and fixing it into place before handing over an ear piece. "This way we can hear you and you can hear us," he said before handing over similar to Riley and then getting to work on putting his own into place. "Now for weapons, none of us are going anywhere without something."

Justice Morgue: - Natasha got to work on pulling the bullet out, it was tricky even for someone who had done it many times in the past. It slipping out of her grip several times before she was finally able to extract it. Sighing she finally began to stitch up the wound. "Sorry about that, I know it hurt a lot but hopefully that is all we will have to do. Just keep it clean and let me check it every day for the next couple of weeks," she said before cocking a brow at the mention of salary requirements. "You resigning from here?" she asked before waving off the question. "Sorry, none of my business," she said before sitting down and taking a deep breath, today had been a lot more exciting than she thought it would have been. Leaning back in her seat she looked at the bodies before continuing now that Cecily was alright. "Now that that is taken care of, ready to learn what else I found out? Figure I should let you two know before I write up the report, for some reason I feel like most of this you aren't going to want in the files."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C (Riley & Cecily's Apartment)

"I'm sure you two would get along real nicely then since you like morbid and she will get morbid at times." Riley said jokingly as she watched Marc starting to put the wire on Felix, she gave the writer a pat on the shoulder before heading off to her room and opened the closet searching around before finding a Steelers hat and a pair of sunglasses. Riley then turned around and started making her way back into the living room, she was still shaken up over finding out Chloe died and she was paranoid if whoever took those pictures of Marc and Cynthia she didn't want her face to be fully seen. Riley took the ear piece that Marc had handed to Felix and her, she put it into her ear looking over at Marc.

"And it's probably best to not mention anything about our hometown or prom night, it might set her off." Riley said as she listened to Marc and nodded. "Separate cars sounds good to me Marc and I can take a taxi and Felix you can call an uber to pick you up." Riley didn't really trust using her phone at all at the moment, the caller did manage to find her cellphone number and called her.

Riley started to tie her hair up into a pony tail, then she put on the hat then the pair of sunglasses, it would probably make it harder to ID her if she was still being watched. She looked over towards Marc for a moment saying that they should be armed in case something did happen, Riley hated guns ever since the final showdown in Grimm. "Happen to have an extra pullet proof vest on ya by any chance and anything like a stungun I can use?" She was mainly scared of another drive by or someone coming forward and shooting her or any of them while they were out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix Hausten

Location: Classic Building

He listened hard, for now just letting them do the deciding whilst he mentally prepared himself. It would be fun to interact with someone who was known to be morbid and a suspected killer? Just imagine the news if he got an actual suspected murderer to help him write scenes in his novel. What a marvellous read it would be.

As he was wired up, he couldn't help but get giddy about this whole situation. A small smile creeped onto his face as he nodded. This was going to be a major step in his endeavours, a walk on the wide of the alive and the side of the dead...this could be danegrous for him as they already knew his face.

That man. That man who had found him. Who was he? "Ah, I do not have any weapons if I am frank, perhaps I could be lended a pistol?" He smiled and looked to Marc "I know basic skills with it, I'm pretty handy when it comes to marksmanship, so who knows"

"Now" he took out his phone and went onto uber, placing a message for one. "I've just contacted an Uber, so I'll be making my leave, the asylum correct? And I must warn you, I've made a...well very confrontational meeting with a member of this organisation...gruff man, bearded, balding slightly. I'd say mid 40s. Northern accent" he nodded again and clicked his fingers For now Auf Wiedersehen, with a weapon I shall make my leave"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Justice Asylum

He really didn't think this through at all, did he? Just show up to the mental asylum and expect to meet up with one of the doctors without having a meeting or anything set up. If this trip with Relic today did anything, it dispelled a lot of the aura of hyper-competence that had been surrounding him, at least in Mali's mind.

When the receptionist turned her eye towards Mali, she flashed her a smile. It was partly reflex, and part wanting to appear as non-threatening as possible. Not that looking threatening would likely impact the current situation one way or the other. Well, she didn't want to join the brooding party with Relic, so why not start up some ill-advised small talk with the clerk?

"So, I imagine this job is mostly just office work. How often does something chaotic end up breaking out around here?" The answer would probably be along the lines of 'not often,' but then again, this was Justice, and you couldn't quite take simple things like basic human decency for granted. Maybe there would be a big happening every other week.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: Morgue

Comic books? That was a curious thing. But people say curious things when they're about to be subjected to the meticulous torture of fully aware, fully awake surgery. Caesar sympathized with the situation. Even felt bad when the first noises issued from little Cecily. It was her decision to join him, but he did ask. He felt a little bad about this whole thing, an ounce or so of personal guilt weighing on him. It seemed he couldn't protect those around him reliably, which was a liability to a man who owned a large security company. Also, ironic as hell. He didn't respond, except to grunt and hold her down a little harder.

The doctor responding to their exchange with her little observation reminded him to keep conversation around others to a minimum. The last thing they needed right now, aside from medical complications, was more people getting an idea as to their plans. It was at this point that he realized "their" carried a bit more meaning. Thanks to this little outing, Cecily and Caesar were in the same kind of danger, with the same results if things went awry. She wasn't family. Nevertheless, felt he had a responsibility now.

It was with some irritation that he nodded at Dr. Brinne in response to her question as to whether he wanted to know what she found out about Alicia and Lorna. Of course he wanted to know. It's why he asked. Putting it off to remove the bullet fragments from Cecily? Understandable. Offering up a teaser question as if there was the barest possibility that he what, changed his mind? That was posturing. Caesar simply hadn't the patience for it right then.

"So let's talk."

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