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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Black James(!)

Location: Parking Lot between 10 and Gilbert Street -> Coming Full Circle

"Shit." thought James, now under a serious amount of urgency. "Double-Shit Monday, that's what this is." He didn't actually believe this, but it was apparent that he was running later than he would have liked. The group was starting to filter in ever so slowly, meaning he had precious little time with which to get ready, if he wanted to catch the ceremony. He didn't want to be That Guy, the guy who only shows up for the party but not for the reason they were throwing it. Maybe people would understand, I mean, he had been out there for a good long while, prepping meats and getting his redneck mise-en-place together for the rest of the dishes that domestic was making to his specifications. James had become quite good at cooking in the new, undead world. Just seemed to fall to him over his time in Newnan. When your goals revolve around providing the raw materials necessary to sustain human life for a revolving group of post-apocalyptic survivors, one eventually picks up tricks for making it palatable. Even spectacularly yummy, given the proper time and improvised supplies.

He had already signaled for Domestic to move the meat back to Mess for hot holding; from there it should be set up and waiting for the Reception in the Rec Center ASAP. Good thing, too. His contributions to the wedding aside, James had made it a point to secure a decently plump hog for the occasion. Sausage, grits, and sweet potato drop biscuits aside, he had started as early as he did for the purposes of keeping the hog under wraps. It was his wedding gift to the happy couple, such as these things could be. Food brings people together, food closes rifts, food heals wounds. And a Bigassed Chunka Hogflesh in their honor that they weren't expecting? Might be just the thing.

But that wasn't his main concern right now. His concern was hauling ass just as quickly as his two stocky legs could carry him, a block north of his present location to his home. He had a desperate need to wash the smell of smoke from himself and change into his suit, and in one quick hurry. The guests in their finery might have seen James in one of his less favorite activities; if they did not, they certainly heard him. He rounded the corner of Gilbert and LaGrange at a speed generally unseen from the colorful Meatsmith, accompanied by the siren call of his deep, rumbling voice calling out before him:

"Y'all betta MOVE!" and "Big Black Train a'comin'!" and even "Nothin' but elbows an' assholes!" Such was his desire for a hasty egress from his present location, destination firmly set. He was back home in about a minute.

James raced into his abode, flinging clothes off of himself as he tore toward the nearest bathroom. As he couldn't wait for the water to warm, the stalwart country boy grit his teeth and began to furiously scrub himself under the icy water to a furious series of utterances including, "DAMN! Hot damn! No, COLD muthafuckin' damn! AHHH... coldcoldcold... I think my outie turned to a innie!" The water was finally warming up by the time he got out. At least he wouldn't die of hypothermia right then. James toweled off as best he could and threw on his Black & Camo formal wear (Thank God the bowtie was pre-done). He stashed his pistol and knife on his person, as he believed no one should be without the means to make someone's life end, these days. James made quick use of a tool loop and thigh pocket (formal camo carpenter pants?) to hang his favorite hand axe. He looked quite the Gentleman Redneck. He looked moreso when he set his stetson atop his dignified head. "Ooh, you a smooth lookin' man, Mr. James, sir. Why thank you, Mr. James, you a good lookin' fella too." Mr. Grady paused from congratulating himself, grabbed his radio, and exited his house.

Now smelling of lavender soap and attired in an unapologetic tuxedo, James returned as quickly as he was able, barring injury or too-wet hair, to the parking lot behind his smoker. "And I'm still early. God damn."

Ash & Thana

Location: Building A (Ash's House) -> Parking Lot between 10 and Gilbert Street (Wedding area, between Smoker and Garden)

"Yeah, Miss Sally's a beast, no doubt." intoned Ash quietly as he opened the door for Thana and waited for her to step inside. As the two of them entered, he completed his thought. "I've toured eleven separate engagements that have taken me from the jungle to desert, mountains to prairies. I've established villages for regular folk while under threat of local warlords, constructed bridges under heavy fire, and led armored charges directly into the mouth of mortars and RPGs."

"...but I refuse to tangle with Miss Sally when she puts her "serious face" on. C'mon, let's get ready."

Thana chuckled lightly as she stepped inside. "I want to be her when I grow up," Thana commented lightly about the elder of Newnan. There was just something about Miss Sally, like Sophia from Golden Girls; only British. She could hear it now... "Picture it, London, 1947." Shaking her head slightly she dropped her bag in the kitchen on a chair before glancing around. She could take the bathroom to get ready but looking over at Ash she figured the man needed a shower.

"Where can I change?"

Ash gave a tiny smirk and nodded. "Historic antebellum house. Four fireplaces, full kitchen downstairs, three rooms to serve as quartering. Screened back porch and a veranda, though I wouldn't suggest you change in either." He walked over to a polished wooden chest, knelt, and opened it with a quiet creak. A grey garment bag was removed, still with a dry cleaner's tag attached. Whatever was inside of it promised to be untouched by the passing of the Apocalypse.

"Change wherever you like," said Ash, walking to the nearest bathroom with the bag over his shoulder. "I'll just be ten minutes."

Thana nodded and glanced around, opting to just go into the first bedroom she found and shutting the door behind her. Hanging up the garment bags that Miss Sally had given her she unzipped them and her eyes widened at what was within. "Wow." Blinking she shook her head a bit, this was definitely not how she expected her day to go. Unbuttoning her jacket she got to work on getting as her mother would have said, "dolled up." It didn't take long thankfully since she had showered earlier. Just a quick change of clothing and a fast check in the mirror, she was ready.

She was half surprised that everything fit but then she stopped, she was basically the same size as Zoie had been she suspected. They were growing up. Miss Sally must have figured the same. Stepping out of the bedroom she left her things neatly on the dresser and walked into the living room, running her fingers over the red fabric of the dress. It was simple yet elegant and she was very thankful it was floor length in this weather. The shoes hadn't been to her liking so she opted for her black high shine pumps that went with her dress blues. Folding the black coat over her arm she waited for Ash to be ready to go.

Meanwhile, Ash had already climbed into the shower, lathering and rinsing at a pace that only a hurried military man could while still getting the job done. It reminded him of his days in basic training; somehow fitting thirty minutes of morning preparation into a scant five. Not that he wanted to make a habit out of it again, but the ability to do so had served him well since the world sent sideways. He was done and out promptly.

The garment bag was hanging just where he left it, on the back of the bathroom door. The second his skin was dry and hair reasonably so, Ash unzipped it gently, letting it fall from the clothing within. He had found them shortly after moving into this house. Quite possibly it belonged to the former owners. Pleasant surprise found him when he saw that it fit fairly nicely despite the weight he had lost over the last few years. The suit and coat looked a little too expensive for Ash's taste, though he did like the coat. It was long, black, and unencumbering, with a wide, partially upturned collar. Cosmopolitan, black leather composite gloves were in a pocket, created to match the outfit. No dress shoes, sadly. The Captain had to make due with his backup pair of combat boots, polished to a high shine.

He was just putting the gloves on awkwardly while carrying his utility belt out of the bathroom when he saw a very different looking version of the woman he left in the room a few minutes prior. "That's a, ah..." Not a loss for words, merely a mental search for the appropriate ones. "That's a very flattering color on you, ma'am." Nailed it.

Turning around and letting her fingers drop from the fireplace mantle Thana half smiled, half rolled her eyes. "Ya sure know how to compliment a lady," she prodded as she stepped over to him. "You look very handsome," Thana added with a straight face. "Except for one little detail, may I?" Pointing to his tie, the knot just a tad lopsided.

"Thank you. You look very nice as well." answered Ash. His hands went up to his tie where Thana was pointing, fingers feeling out the difficulty. "Knot's too tight. Just take a moment." He set his full utility belt down onto the nearest chair and returned to the bathroom. Loosening the tie was simple. Getting it back to where it looked even took a little longer. "This must seem strange as hell." started Ash from inside the bathroom. The door was open; it facilitated easier conversation and besides, fixing a tie required a mirror, not privacy. "Suddenly caught up in a wedding party after, well, every day these last few years."

Thana stepped around the corner and leaned against the doorway, as she crossed her arms over her chest, the coat hanging from her arm as she did. "Considering this day alone, everythin's strange as hell. Though some things never change," she quipped as he fixed the tie she had offered to correct for him. "Like a man not acceptin' help. Let me guess, you don't ask fer directions either," she chuckled slightly. "Though as far as the weddin' goes, figurin' it pretty strange for you as well. Or is this a regular thing here?"

"First one I've seen since Before." Ash dropped his hands away from his neck. "And I didn't think you were offering help. Would you, please?" He wasn't sure whether he was trying not to be rude to his guest, or whether his lack of practice tying a double windsor was a hassle he didn't want right at that moment. It still made him a little uncomfortable, letting someone physically close to him. The fact that this someone was female, pretty, and in that dress gave him the slightest twinge of guilt. Lucky for him, last year it would have been crippling. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate." This was Miss Sally's doing. Meddler.

"For future reference Captain, when I say 'may I?' I'm askin' permission." Her voice was calm as she spoke, stepping over and setting her coat down on the counter before reaching up and taking a hold of the silken fabric. "So tell me about the lucky couple. Might be a tad off puttin' if I don't even know their names, well more than a complete stranger showin' up as yer plus one. Might not have been a big thing Before, showin' up with someone the bride nor groom knew." Her fingers moved quickly as she spoke, fixin' the tie quickly with agile fingers. "But now a days? We can't exactly claim we met on the internet now can we?" she said with a smirk as she finished up the tie, making sure it was straight and not too tight on his neck. Patting the tie gently she stepped back.

"Fair enough. Groom is Jack Hudson. Former cop from Massachusetts. He's my Security Lead. Decent guy. Bride's name is Tatiana Korvo. A (no shit) Prima Ballerina from sunny Russia. Works as our Counselor." Ash gave the tie a light feel. Ok, the woman knew her way around neckwear. "Thank you." He retrieved the utility belt from the chair in the living room. It definitely clashed with the suit for formality, although there was a steampunky, Firefly vibe to the combination. Ash shook his head, opting instead to remove the .45 and his favorite knife, the large one with the knuckle dusters. He tucked the gun in its holster on the back of his belt and sheathed the knife at his side. Pulling his coat on, he allowed it to hang around him. It concealed nicely. It was just for appearances, of course. A little bit of normalcy for a special occasion. There was just the slightest bulge visible when he slipped his walkie into a coat pocket. "Besides, best I can figure, the closest thing we have to the Internet these days is Schrodinger. You might have met him; fuzzy orange bastard, disappears for days at a time and then shows up to steal your food. Hey, you about ready?"

Picking up her coat she nodded, having taken in the information. Slipping the jacket on, she felt for the side arm she had stashed in it's pocket. She didn't know these people yet and had been allowed to keep it, she intended on carrying it. The knife was...elsewhere. "I would hope so. Let's be on our way," she said as she paused for a moment, glancing around in thought.

Shrugging to herself she headed towards the door. Opening it she stepped out into the chilly air, glad for the coat. "Alright Captain, lead the way."

Ash exited his house and secured the door behind him. After they had descended the front steps and made their way onto the sidewalk, he offered Thana his arm with a polite, "Ma'am?" There would be people arriving on scene shortly, and he needed to take position nearby to go over the last minute details. "Down to the corner and right for about a block. Shall we?"

Gathering the length of her dress in one hand to keep it from dragging the ground, she slipped her free arm through the one he offered and took a deep breath. Hopefully she wouldn't be gawked at as much as she had been when she first arrived. "Let's," she said as she let him lead the way to the wedding site. Her brows rose as she saw the amount of detail and work that had gone into this ceremony. It was rather impressive to say the least. Looking at the chairs her lips pursed slightly as she leaned in somewhat to speak quietly. "Where do we sit?"

"I'm actually performing the ceremony." responded Ash quietly. "No pastor, I'm the commanding officer. Just grab a seat near the front, I'll introduce you formally at the reception. And don't worry. We brought a gift."

"Well don't you just think of everythin'?" she said with a slight smirk on her lips. Glancing around she noticed the people she had been introduced to when she arrived and many more faces she didn't know. Standing at the altar was who she assumed was Jack, looking like he was about to burst. She couldn't help but smile, it was nice to see someone actually that happy during these times. At the same time it was a bit unnerving. Nodding she took a seat near the front on the other side of Miss Sally and waited for the festivities to begin.

The Captain moved to the front and gave Jack a handshake. He took his position at the front of the growing gathering, making sure he had a good lay of the land and direct line of sight on Thana, just in case anyone got ungentlemanly ideas. He retrieved his walkie and gave the planned affirmation: "Wedding party is a go. Everybody to places immediately, radio only for emergencies until further notice. I repeat; wedding is a go, everyone to places, emergency radio only."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: 10 Wedding Site (Near the Medical Garden)

Riley smiled Chloe went over and sat down next to her, when her sister asked about the music situation she looked down at the random CD that she just pulled out of the box, from the rec center. Then Beni came over to her, her face lit up when he told her he had managed to get it working. "Thank you I could fucking kiss you right now!" Riley said as she quickly hugged Beni and sighed in relief, feeling better now that it was actually working. "Better now that I dont have to go all backwoods on making an instrument and making myself look like a hillbilly with a cardboard box instrument and wearing some coveralls. Though the music selection is pretty shitty just country music as far as I can see." Riley said jokingly.

She hadn't performed in front of a large group since it all started, and she was excited to do it again then she spotted Ryan as he came over and sat close to her sister looking at him for a moment. Riley saw Miss Sally coming over and looking down at Ryan as she said that Thana was actually coming to the wedding as well. Though Riley didn't get to see the new possible edition to the group, Riley was surprised that she would actually be coming to the wedding anyway.

Riley looked over her shoulder and speak of the devil she spotted Ashton along with Thana together. For a moment she thought that they were a couple for a second Riley looked at the long red dress, it did look pretty well on Thana though. Ashton went over to the front as he gave the announcement was about to begin, she watched as the others started to get into their seats and positions.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: 10 Wedding Site (Near the Medical Garden)

Raymond turned his head when Jack asked if he was alright, he gave his friend a quick nod and smile. "Yeah, just been thinking of popping the question to Tiff as well." Ray answered, he couldn't think of spending the rest of his life with her though this time in age he wasn't sure if he would live the next day or ending up dying the next. "But anyway this is your day." Raymond said as he spotted Tiffany coming down the aisle to hand pin his boutonniere on him. His jaw dropped slightly seeing the dress Tiffany had picked out, and she looked absolutely stunning.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Raymond said with a happy smile as he leaned forward and gave her a loving kiss and smile, he did feel lucky to be with her. Losing his leg probably was the best thing to happen since the world ended, he met Tiffany and she saved his life from turning. He gave Tiffany one last smile as he watched her going over to an open seat within the crowd.

Raymond then looked up he saw the captain coming down the aisle with a woman that he didn't recognize, he then assumed that she was the guest that ended up coming into Newnan. Raymond gave Ashton a friendly nod and smile as he took his position next to him, he looked over at Meghna and Kristina he gave them a friendly smile. Which the two of them returned. Ray listened to Ashton speak giving the announcement that the wedding was truly ready to begin.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Wedding Site

Ciel was just seconds away from arriving at the wedding site when Brynja waved him over. Bryn was one of his favorite people in Newnan; she'd never been anything but endlessly kind to him, so he felt a bit obligated to check in with her if she asked. Besides, if he was really running late, he wouldn't be the only one in a hurry (which it currently appeared that he was). He slowed down and walked up to her, returning the wave.

"H-Hey, Bryn... did you need something?" He wheezed, sounding anxious and out of breath, but honestly calmer than he was around most people. Most of his nerves were normal Ciel behavior. He seemed to be perpetually a bit spooked. Despite this, he forced a smile thatwas slightly more believable than most of his previous fake smiles. This actually said quite a bit, as at least 85-90% of his smiles were almost tragically false. He shifted his feet slightly, fidgeting with the buttons on the cuff of his sleeve. "So... the wedding, right? If you see Jack before I do, can you say Mazel Tov for me? I haven't run into him today..." it became clear as he trailed off into silence that he had not noticed that Jack was only a few yards behind him. Ciel's peripheral vision wasn't exactly phenomenal. However, he was bound to notice sooner or later.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

Jack's eyes widened in shock a bit, when Ray confessed to him his thoughts. He recalled the day that he had proposed to Tatiana, the way he had trembled like the little bird Tatiana was, holding out to her the simple ring made of a heart shaped knot. And as terrifying as it had been, he had been certain--and he was still certain, more certain in his love for Tatiana than anything else.

"If she makes you happy, an' you can't imagine life without her, do it," Jack advised, nodding at his best man. However, he didn't have time to say much more. The woman in question walked down the aisle, meeting Ray and pinning the boutonniere on him. Jack smiled at Tiffany, rubbing the back of his head nervously as she asked him if he was ready.

"Nah, Tatiana ain't the lucky one," Jack corrected. "I am. She's...she's just so amazin'. Almost like a dream."

As Tiffany and Ray kissed, and she headed back to take her seat, Jack let his eyes look over the crowd. Almost everyone in Newnan was present, aside from those on security detail. Sana and Dick were sitting next to each other, the Ridgeway sisters, Amelia, and Ryan had formed a small group. He grinned as he spotted Miss Sally, sitting next to Lyon, the French gangster. For a moment, Jack mused to himself that love could be found even at an old age.

However, the woman in red caught his attention more than anything. His memories of Zoie were rather dim, with him hardly recalling the way the woman spoke, or what she was like. All he remembered was that she had set Tatiana and him at ease, welcoming them into the community. And the woman in red, she must have been the twin sister of the deceased woman.

Shaking Ash's hand in turn, Jack felt like there were butterflies in his stomach when Ash announced that the ceremony would be starting shortly. Any second now, he'd be able to catch a glimpse of Tatiana, to see her all dolled up in her wedding dress. He already knew she'd look beautiful--she always did.

Beatrice Decker

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

Beatrice had taken a seat by herself in the back, watching as people trickled into the wedding site. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as she overhead Sana's remark. Hadn't McCarthyism ended already? Or was the Red Scare really coming back? Countries didn't matter much any more, and she hardly felt there was a point in emphasizing the bride's Russian descent.

And then, of course, there seemed to be more events in terms of the music. Looked like Riley got her music situation resolved. Her attention was more caught by Tiffany taking a seat, perhaps one of her few friends in Newnan. They had bonded over a mutual interest in law, an interest that was practically obsolete now. The woman in the red dress caught her attention as well, whom Beatrice assumed had to be the secret sister of the dead second of Newnan.

But truthfully, all of the petty drama of Newnan was perhaps a bit boring. She sat back in her chair, hoping that the wedding would be over shortly.

Chloe Ridgeway

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

As Riley leapt up and hugged Beni in thanks for the CD player, Chloe couldn't help but grin and chuckle. If their parents, wherever those assholes were, could have seen one of their daughters tell a man I could kiss you, they would have been thrilled. Ecstatic. Perhaps they would have welcomed that daughter back into the family, all with the condition of conversion therapy, and a billion meetings with the local pastor.

Of course, as Ryan flopped down next to her, Chloe couldn't help but muse someone else would've been rather happy if the Ridgeway twins weren't incredibly gay. "Country? Guess it's to be expected," Chloe agreed with a sigh. She'd never been a huge fan of country music, tending to prefer songs that might be played at a rave. "But at least it's something, right?" Chloe added, elbowing her sister lightly as a way of showing affection. It was the first time Riley got to perform in ages, and of course she wanted things to go perfectly for her sister. But if perfection wasn't possible, she'd at least try her best to keep Riley's spirits up.

"Depends. What're we betting?" Chloe asked, her interest slightly piqued. Beyond the limited information Meg had told them, Chloe didn't know much about the situation that had gone done. She made yet another mental note to pester Ryan later that evening until he told her everything. It was one benefit of his obsession with her.

She snickered as Miss Sally told him off, not bothering to hold back her smile. At his request for popcorn, Chloe couldn't help but nod in agreement. It had been years since she had gotten to enjoy some popcorn. The prison she was incarcerated, while her trial was pending, didn't have that sort of luxury. "Popcorn'd be amazing. Just in general. But I'll bet you that Jack'll sob first. Any terms, within reason."

Then, Chloe caught her first glimpse of Thana. For a new arrival to Newnan, everything seemed to have come together for her in time. She wore a beautiful red dress, and Chloe couldn't help but find the woman to be incredibly beautiful. From Dick's reaction, she guessed that Thana and Zoie were identical twins. Personally, Chloe found it was better to be fraternal--to not share a face with someone else.

Ravi Chakrabarti

Location: Five miles west of Newnan, abandoned cabin in the woods

While there was a fresh corpse upstairs, the fact that Gavin had managed to get the information about the woman's attackers was rather welcome. It would have been absolute rubbish if the girl had died, and no justice could be brought to her. It was a sad set of circumstances that was all too common in this day and age. Before the world had ended, Ravi had been able to use his skills to help bring about justice and healing.

Now, he mostly used them to prolong the inevitable.

"Brilliant, I'm assuming you don't have much of a plan," Ravi commented, with the slightest hint of a smirk. Gavin tended to be a bit hasty with decisions and actions, rushing off to battle without a second thought. It sometimes made Ravi seriously ponder how the man hadn't gotten himself killed yet. And of course, if some misfortune did happen to Gavin, Ravi would feel that he only had himself to blame. He couldn't stand the killings that this world required, a certain softness or innocence that caused him to still see everything as human, on one level or another.

"Peachtree City? No wonder we let you lot declare independence, that name's rubbish," Ravi joked, heading up the stairs of the cabin and grabbing the girl's pack. It did have some food to it, and with the harshness of winter, it could only be a help. If he thought his argument might have had some sway, he'd tell Gavin that they should set up a base in the cabin, until the snow had dwindled--but he doubted sincerely that it would.

Coming back down the stairs, the girl's pack consolidated inside of his own as to be easier to carry, Ravi smiled grimly at Gavin. "Don't get yourself killed, mate. I don't think I'd be able to collect the life insurance policy."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 24 days ago

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Building F -> The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)
Interacting With: Froggy

Tatiana closed the door softly as the two left and turned around to look over towards Victor. She couldn't help but smile at his words and knowing that it wouldn't be long until she was married to Jack. Stepping back from the hug her brows rose as he started blubbering and reached over to the counter, pulling out a few tissues and handing them to him. "Ve need more tears of joy around here," she said in an understanding voice. It was taking everything in her not to start balling but she was determined not to look like a racoon when she walked down the isle. Looking at the clock, it was drawing near and she wished the call would come in for them to leave. Any longer and she might just run out the door and "elope" but how in the hell would one elope these days?

Victor smiled and sniffled as he took the tissue from Tatiana and he dabbed his eyes gently before blowing his nose into the tissue. "Thank you, I did not think I was still so emotional in this world." He then realised he still had not given his present over and he glanced over to see them on the sofa that he had been sitting on earlier. He would need to remember to give them to both Jack and Tatiana later, it was too close to the ceremony to give them now.

The radio on her kitchen counter crackled and the voice of Ash came ringing through. It was time. She squealed with delight as she ran to the mirror in the living room for one last check. "Time to go, come on, come on," she giggled, bubbling with excitement. Stepping over to the coat rack by the door she retrieved the silver cloak that Miss Sally had some how managed to create for her. She swore it used to be a lining for some curtains in one of the buildings but hey, it worked!

"Could you help? My fingers von't vork," she said nervously as she kept trying to tie it in place and fumbling it up. Taking a deep breath she tried again but it was no use. Between her jitters, the excitement running through her, and holding her bouquet she wasn't going to be able to tie the damn thing herself if her life depended on it.

Grinning now, Victor walked over quickly to stand before Tatiana and took the cloak from her trembling fingers and fastened it tightly for her, but not too tight. He didn't want to hinder the wedding night from his knot tying experience. He chuckled quietly to himself before placing two, what he hoped would be, calming hands on his little ballerina's​ shoulders. "Try not to let Jacks tears of joys set you off." He smiled warmly and kissed the tiny little figure on the top of her head before moving beside her and hooking his arm out for her to hold. "Shall we go meet your future?" He could feel the moisture building in his eyes again but he tried to hide it so that he did not set Tati off.

"Dah!" she chirped like a little bird as she slipped her arm through Victors and let him lead the way the door closing behind them as they stepped out onto the street. Victor was sure to take careful steps and avoided all the very slippery looking or wet areas of their path to the wedding site. Tatiana could feel her heart beating a thousand miles per hour in her chest. She swore it couldn't beat any faster but each step they took towards the wedding site only proved her wrong. That was until they rounded the corner and she spotted the wedding site for the first time. Her breath caught looking at it and then her heart stopped as her eyes fell on Jack.

Glancing down to Tatiana he smiled wider and gave her arm a gentle squeeze with his hand which was resting over it before he gave a look over the entire setup. Meghna had outdone herself with the preparations. In fact, everyone in Newnan would be personally thanked by Victor today for the hard work and effort they had put into this special day for Tatiana and Jack. His eyes then fell on the man himself and if the tears were not threatening before, they most definitely were now.

Giving Tatiana another small squeeze he looked to her and had to take a deep breath before saying the next words. "Feel like being sick yet?"

Tatiana looked over towards Victor rather surprised. That was not something he would have normally said, it was completely out of character. She just shook her head slowly and turned back to focus on Jack as she started to make her way down the isle. She didn't know what was up with Froggy, but if he was going to talk about "being sick" instead of walking her down the isle then she'd just keep walking and see if he kept up.

Slightly perplexed by the look that Tatiana gave him and the silence of her answer Victor began to walk her forward at the standard pace that was used when a young woman would walk down the aisle to the wedding march, he felt going too fast or too slow would ruin the mood of the advance towards her future husband.

Tatiana was very thankful that Victor was able to keep the right pace walking down the isle because she knew if he let go of her hand she would have just sprinted down the isle. So much of her just wanted to rush up there but she knew this was one in a life time things and needed to stay calm. Staying calm however was not an easy task and as they got to the end of the isle and she stood in front of Jack she couldn't help but let out a small nervous laugh. This was it.

Ryan O'Reliy

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)
Interacting With: Chloe

Ryan smirked as draped an arm over the back of Chloe's chair. "Oh I'm not taking that bet, right there with ya that Jack will be ballin' first. But hey... Two cigarette's that Tatiana doesn't wait for him to kiss her, that she pulls ones of her jump and throws and beats him to it," he said laughing to himself somewhat. He had witnessed enough times when people came back from a run, especially when James did, how that ballerina would run and nearly tackle people to welcome them back.

"Just glad I got it working, don't worry about the selection. Last few runs Guy has made he got as many CD's as he could find. He said he'd bring them over to the reception site after the wedding. So hopefully we should be good there," Beni said as he returned the hug and sat down waiting for the ceremony to start.

Hearing a few muttered whispers breaking out in the crowd Ryan turned around to see what the scuttle was about. Soon as he spotted Thana on Ash's arm he knew exactly what everyone was talking about. His eyes shifted from Thana, to Ash, to Chloe, and then over to Richard and Sana. Letting out a low whistle he righted himself and took a deep breath to keep from laughing his Irish Ass off.

"Oh things just got interesting," he said quietly to Chloe as Thana sat down next to Miss Sally. Hearing Ash put the radio call through he got comfortable. It wasn't long until Tatiana arrived with Froggy and he stood up like a good Catholic would during a wedding. Tatiana glancing over to him and mouthing thank you to him as she gripped the bouquet. He just nodded as she went by, feeling damn proud of himself. He was no florist but fuck man, he had to admit they looked nice. Once she was at the front he sat back down and grinned. This was going to be good, well maybe not the ceremony but the food at the reception would be worth a few minutes in the cold.

Thana Martin

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)
Interacting With: Miss Sally

"Oh good, it fit," Miss Sally said happily as Thana came and sat down beside her.

"Yes, thank ya ma'am. Between everything, it seems a bit much and over whelming but I thank you," Thana said as she rested her hands in her lap.

"Oh pish posh, was nothing," Miss Sally said with a wave of her hand. To her it wasn't really anything. They had collected so many dresses and suits over the last six months trying to give everyone a good amount of choice, having an extra one laying around that was the right size wasn't a problem.

Miss Sally actually felt bad though that Thana hadn't gotten the real welcome like so many others did. A simple welcoming and interview, a hot meal in their stomach, room assignments, etc. No, Thana had been told her sister was dead, put on display for most to see, got to witness Richards little tantrum, and now was being whispered about by people sitting within spitting distance. Each one Miss Sally shot ones of her watch it looks. Thana's "welcome" had been piss poor compared to most everyone elses.

Thana glanced over her shoulder, seeing Ryan smirking before her eyes fell on the bride. Standing, she helped Miss Sally to her feet, who was the first to break down in tears. Soon as the old woman laid eyes on Tatiana the waterworks came. Thana's eyes widened a bit, she hadn't expected Miss Sally to break down like that but granted she didn't know the woman. Lyon wrapped an arm around her and let her sob as Tatiana walked passed them with Froggy and then helping her sit back down once they were up at the alter. Thana taking her seat and watching, feeling her hand being squeezed by Miss Sally.

Gavin Comfort

Location: Five miles west of Newnan, abandoned cabin in the woods.
Interacting With: Ravi

"Aww man, I'm American! We don't think, we do!" Gavin said slapping Ravi on the back before he started gathering more things up to take along with them. Cocking his brow he spun around at the comment and placed his hands on his hips. "Hey, y'all ain't to good at naming shit either! Spotted dick? Seriously, who wants to eat a spotted dick man? No one e'ryone thanks y'all are all a little," he said before bending his wrist in the air and hopping around like Peter Pan.

Laughing his Texan ass off he flopped down in an arm chair and waited for Ravi to come back down stairs. Rubbing his face he thought about that poor girl upstairs and felt his hand balling up into a fist. No one deserved that, especially a woman. Gavin might have been a bit old fashion and back woods but he was a Gentleman when it came to women, his momma taught him right.

Looking over at Ravi as he came back down stairs he smirked a bit as he stood up. "Aww hell sweetie, ya gonna miss me when I'm gone?" he teased as he hoisted the packs up onto his shoulders and picked up his shot gun. Don't cha be worryin' about little ol' me. I got Bessy here, she and I gonna have some fun. First thangs first though, field trip time. Let's see where that noise came from," he added as he swung open the front door and took a deep breath.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Building C2 (Franklin Inner Wall) → 10 Wedding Site (Near the Medical Garden) .

A boulder fell off Amelia's shoulders when Riley agreed to being her date for the wedding. She felt so nervous about it that it almost felt like there was a pressure crushing her, but now with that gone she felt very relaxed and happy about it. She sure was happy that Riley didn't refuse her, that would have been awkward... quite so.

” Alright, let's.” Amelia agreed as they left the building and headed towards the wedding site. The journey there wasn't really full of events, but a nice calm walk was a great thing to have in a day such as this one. When they arrived and the musician pointed at some seats they could take, Amelia nodded with a smile as they headed there.

Eventually Amelia noticed Chloe heading over to where she and Riley were sitting, taking the seat on the other side of her sister. She also had a really nice dress! Now that Amelia thought about it, when she looked around , she did notice pretty much everyone was quite well dressed up. She figured that world being what it was, all of them took the chance to get dressed up, have a nice time, look incredible and forget the nasty reality. She was then pleasantly surprised by Beni appearing, having repaired the CD player to mostly working condition so music would be had! Then Ryan showed up too, certainly because of Chloe, Amelia was sure about that. She was also sure she didn't want to witness any probably scenes happening concerning this new Thana person and Richard. It sounded like a party crash waiting to happen.

“I think that's actually going to be kind of fun, Riley.” Amelia quietly said at the mental image of her friend going all backwoods on them. Imagining Riley with overalls, brought a smile on her face. It would be cute in a very amusing way.

It was then that she saw Ash and the new arrival to the group. She was pretty, but she still had no idea why Richard was going to unstable about her... She wasn't completely aware of what had happened before they arrived her and never really asked anyone about it.

Finally the wedding was starting so Amelia returned her focus on Jack who was waiting at the altar. Sure enough as it should be Tatiana was brought in by Victor. She looked incredible! Maybe this indeed will turn out to be a fairy tale wedding in this forsaken world? At least until something happens and ruins it...' NO! Don't think like that! I still want to hear Riley sing!' She thought to herself, blinking for a moment before throwing a look with a smile at her friend.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Black James(!)

Location: Parking Lot between 10 and Gilbert Street (Wedding Site)

People were starting to file in. Now was the time to find a spot to rest his weary hindquarters before all the good spots were taken. James hadn't been to a wedding in a very long time, even before dead people got up the gumption to eat the living. This was the closest thing to an evening at the theatre (not like he did that much either, though) that one could really have in snowy Newnan, and damnit, he intended to get a good seat.

But first, James had to get something from concessions. For him, concessions was the toolbox on the side of his smoker, filled with various tongs, brushes, forks, and small amounts of non-perishables used in the flavoring and accompanying of lovely, lovely meat. From this he withdrew a sack of roasted peanuts. Just before joining the growing crowd, he secreted it into his jacket pocket and moved into the audience quietly, for once trying very hard not to draw attention to himself. Carefully, the veteran hog hunter zeroed in on an unattended seat next to Thana, opposite a visibly emotional Miss Sally. So long as he could make it there before anyone else took notice of the empty chair, life would suck slightly less. Oh yes. It was on.

"...pardon... 'scuse me... ...comin' down... aw shit, sorry 'bout that..." and the like issued softly from him. He eventually made it over to the metaphorical goal line, and settled in with a sense of personal satisfaction. While the remainder of the unseated were milling about, James reached into his pocket and pulled out a small handful of the delicious, locally grown legumes. From the corner of his eye, James observed Thana and remembered his manners. Slowly, he withdrew the paper sandwich bag from his coat, and offered it fully to the familiar lady.


The Ceremony

The entire world slowed down for Jack as Tatiana entered the wedding site, looking more beautiful than he could have thought possible. As much as he didn't want to cry, he couldn't help but feel like tears of joy could pour out of his eyes at any moment. As Tatiana reached the aisle, Jack took a deep breath, hoping to calm his furiously beating heart. Gently taking Tatiana's hand, Jack stepped up with her to the alter, perhaps the happiest man left alive in the world.

Grasping the length of her dress, Tatiana stepped carefully up the alter, half afraid she was going trip with each step. That or pass out the way her heart was pounding in her chest and how she could barely breath. Handing over her bouquet to Meg she turned looked up at Jack. She couldn't get over how handsome he looked and right then it felt as if everything was right in the world. There was no thought of Walkers roaming in the snow outside the walls, none of the danger from Eden was there, life was as it should be. She was there, with him. That was all. Well him and Ash. Oh right, it was actually happening.

The fact that it was happening was made apparent and official with Ash's nod to the couple, each one in turn. There was an expectant look on his face that seemed to say to the couple: Ready or not, here we go. Standing straight and tall, the very official looking Captain Holloway raised his hands to gather the attention of the people of Newnan. When quiet was had, he lowered them, and addressed the crowd. "Please be seated."

As the shuffling of feet and dress fabric settling into chairs ceased, Ash cleared his throat and began to recite the words he had worked out beforehand, striving for somber dignity. "We come together today in celebration. In a dangerous and troubled world, we come together to celebrate Love. Love, Commitment, and Family. We are that, every one of us now: Family. But mostly, we come together to celebrate these two fine people. Tatiana and Jack might have met by chance, might have fallen in love by chance, but they are here today because they made a choice. They have chosen to pledge themselves to one another, from now until the end of their days."

"Tatiana and Jack can express their love for each other with greater understanding than I. For this reason, they have decided to recite their own vows. Jack, you may begin."

Jack nodded, taking a quick breath before he began. For some, it'd be their first exposure to the thick Boston accent of Jack Hudson. And while he tried his very best to practice pronouncing his R's for the ceremony, his nerves might have made the accent worsen. Smiling, he looked into Tatiana's eyes, and then carefully recited his vows. "Solovey, today I make the most sinceh promise a heart can make to anothah. I vow to be your constant love and suppoht; your devoted partnah in life; to allow myself to grow through your remahkable love for me. My life stahted again the day I met you, Tatiana. You taught me how to laugh again, how to smile, with dancin' and Monopoly. Today, I vow to you that you will nevah be alone--that we will face whatevah happens togethah. Because I promise you, my nightingale and my best friend, that I will nevah give up--that I will always believe in us, and that I will love you forevah."

A second's worth of empty air followed Jack's vows, just enough to ensure that they were given the respectful attention they deserved before Ash nodded to the bride. "Now you, Tatiana."

Tatiana felt her bottom lip trembling as Jack spoke, her heart swelling as she felt the threatening of tears. Ash's voice made her blink, breaking through just enough to let her focus on what she had to say. Taking a calming breath she swallowed before she started to speak. "Jack, my vonderful Jack. Life is hard. Alvays vas, alvays vill be. I vov to alvays love you. You taught scared little bird to fly again." Smiling as she spoke she paused and her smile faded, her vows turning so much more somber. Her eyes starting to glisten as she spoke on. "Ve vill die. One vill be alone. I vov should you die before me I vill still smile, I vill still fight, I vill still be strong because you vould vant me to. And I svear vith everything I am that vhen my time come, I vill find you again."

The eyebrow of the good Captain officiating the ceremony was forced upward slowly but unerringly at the vows presented by the slender Russian lady. Ash's face turned to her as she continued, a strange expression creeping across his features. That was most assuredly not expected. But it was honest, had to credit Tati that one. The tiniest of shrugs later, and he continued. "You have chosen to wear rings to remind you of these promises to one another. As you make this next promise, present one another with these symbols of your commitment.

"Jack, do you take this woman, Tatiana Lobov Korvo, as your wife from this day onward, until death parts you?"

Jack nodded, still grinning despite the solemn nature of Tatiana's vows. She was a survivor, and more importantly, she was realistic. Odds were, something would happen to one of them. They had been lucky to make it this far without injury. "I do," Jack said, taking the wedding band, and slipping it onto Tatiana's finger. It was perhaps nicer by old day standards than the engagement ring he had given her, considering that it wasn't made out of rope. But both rings, in Jack's opinion, looked equally lovely on Tatiana.

"Tatiana, do you take this man, Charles Jack Hudson, as your husband from this day onward, until death parts you?"

Tatiana took Jack's hand and smiled up at him. The ring she had found had taken a long while to acquire. It ended up being a run down to the old Ren Faire site again that had finally paid off. It was simple and rustically made but it held so much meaning. To be able to find a more traditional Russian Wedding Ring, a triple rolled puzzle ring like like the ones she had seen people wearing growing up was priceless. "I do," she said breathlessly as she slipped the ring on his finger. Biting her bottom lip she couldn't stop looking up at him, a light hearted giggled escaping her as she looked into his eyes.

A deep, soulful expression enveloped Ash. There was reverence in his eyes, looking upon the happy couple and the crowd behind them. There was actual love here. Ash himself felt a twinge of bittersweet sorrow buried under the solemn joy of the occasion. They were almost at the conclusion of the ceremony. Finish, congratulate, feel something later.

"Witnessed by God and all those present, you may now share your first kiss as Husband and Wife."

Tatiana barely waited for Ash to finish speaking before she tossed her bouquet over her shoulders towards Meg and Kris; launching herself towards Jack with a smile so bright she thought her face might actually split in two. Her lips pressing against his as her arms wrapped over his shoulders. Giggling into the kiss she didn't even think about the fact that traditionally the man was supposed to kiss the woman, she just wanted to kiss her husband, so she did.

Jack nearly fell backwards as Tatiana practically leapt at him, catching his balance at just about the last possible second. For a cop, he hadn't exactly been trained for catching Russian ballerinas--but still, it worked out. And he had never been raised in quite a traditional household, knowing strong female roles his entire life. He didn't think twice about Tatiana kissing him, as he kissed her back in exchange. Hell, he wouldn't have been that surprised if he ended up taking her name instead.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Location:building ten, wedding site.

Niesha glanced over as Kristina laid a hand on her shoulder, and then away. "Just thoughtful. Wondering what could have been, and saying goodbye to what was" She said softly, well aware that that was actually very cryptic, yet she was sure that Kristina would understand. As Kristina moved off to be apart of the wedding ceremony, Niesha stayed back, in the background more then content to watch, to wait, as she claimed a seat, just as everything seemed to begin. She watched, managing to just be truly happy for Titania, for Jack. They deserved this, and hopefully, they'd get to have a full life with one another. They were, for all intense and purpose, hope in the community. Humanity needed that, needed this happiness, in a world that seemed to be slowly filling with darkness.

SHe watched the ceremony, watched as they spoke words of love to each other, and felt happy about it, smiling, and yes, tears did sting her eyes, and she hurriedly dashed them away. Things could be normal, and in that moment, she decided that the blood results she had found earlier could wait, until tomorrow. Why mar this happiness, for Victor, with her suspicions that someone had been pregnant, when they died eight months ago.

So she watched the beautiful ceremony, marveling at the beauty, found in this world. She sighed softly, and smiled as Titania jumped jack. Not traditional, but what was tradition, these days? Maybe this could be the start of a new tradition. For that brief moment, Niesha felt like maybe, just maybe, everything would be alright.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

Tiffany sat and watched the ceremony. It was beautiful and on par with previous weddings before these turn of events. She could tell everyone worked hard on making sure this was something to be remembered, especially for Tatiana and Jack. After all, there were no legal rules for marriage now. It was up to survivors to pave the way in this world. Other things should be remembered. It was what made them human. Events like these needed to be preserved.

She took a small glance at Ray and it warmed her heart. Perhaps, later on down the road, they could get married. It also made her think of children. Was it still wise to bring kids up in this world? She thought not, but part of her still wanted to be a mother.

She also stole a glance at the new face. She dressed up well. That must be the woman that she heard rumor of attending. She wondered what her story was and why she was here now. Did no one else find it odd that someone connected to their past shows up out of the blue? How often does that happen? Either way, she didn't know the woman well enough to judge.

After the ceremony, she applauded the first kiss along with the others. She was truly happy for them both. Now, it was time for the reception.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Agnes Brynja Johannsson

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

Bryn couldn't help but give a small smile to Ciel as she realised that he hadn't noticed Jack was nearby. "He's over there, hun. At the altar, waiting to get married." A small smile lit up her face as she pulled Ciel into a quick, light hug. As everyone was getting settled down and into seats around them, Bryn decided to motion to Ciel (once she had let go of him of course) to come sit with her before the thing fully kicked off. Grabbing an empty seat nearest to Beatrice, Bryn sat down and patted the seat beside her for Ciel to sit down if he wished to. She didn't want to force him but she liked being around him. She gave a casual nod towards Beatrice, eyeing her up and down. Not bad. As everyone took their seats and Tatiana and Froggy came into view, Bryn felt herself staring a little more than was socially acceptable but as she was the bride and this was a wedding, the staring eyes were a little less noticeable among the crowd. It took a lot of control for Bryn to not smile in front of everyone.

As the ceremony took place she couldn't help but smile wider, it was a lovely thing to see and even if she hated feeling emotion at least this emotion was not one aimed towards herself. She could be happy at least a little, for Jack and Tatiana, whom she didn't mind as people but hadn't made attempts at getting to know. She looked forward to giving them their card later when things were a little, well probably not calmer, but maybe less crowded. Worst came to worst, she could just post it through their letterbox tomorrow. It would be safe enough in her cloak for now. Jack's vows were exactly as Bryn would have imagined them, gushing and loving - exactly how he was towards Tatiana. However, Tatiana's vows caused Bryn to really pause. Perhaps she had been too quick to assume that she was of a particular mindset, perhaps there could be room for a friendship to grow there.

As the rings were exchanged and Tatiana threw herself at Jack as was her customary excited greeting, Bryn clapped in congratulations of their new union. The smile was slightly more subdued but anyone very close by would notice the quirk at the corners of her mouth if they could tear their eyes away from the newlywed couple. Today was a very good day in a mess of many bad ones, it was a nice change of pace. Hopefully it lasted.

Richard Johnson

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

The widest smirk that could ever be imagined spread across his face as Sana made a comment that warmed his heart dearly, it was exactly what he was thinking and he loved that she had the balls to say it out loud. As Sana dragged him down into the seat beside her he let out a rush of air as if it had winded him, mostly for stupid comedic value not that he was any good at it, but because he hadn't expected to actually need to sit through the whole ceremony. More the fool him. "Here I thought I could dress up all fancy and ya'd tell me we could go hunker down at your place for the night." Following suit, he glanced around and took in the faces to know who to avoid for the rest of the night. Richard knew Froggy was gonna be giving the Birdie away so he didn't expect to see those two, Ash-hole was still MIA and Thana wasn't there. Not that he expected her to be but there was a piece of him that half hoped she would be... He shook the thought away as if it hadn't come. He felt his lip curling into a sneer as he saw Ryan, his hands balled in and out of fists as he imagined wrapping them around the bastard's neck. Richard still didn't know why he was kept the fuck around and he never would, even if Ash-hole told him the reasoning. In his eyes he didn't deserve to be breathing, that would never change. Everyone else seemed to be there too, with the exception of Black Thunder (thank you Lord), so that meant he had to avoid nearly everyone. Story of his life but it is what it is and it was no skin off his nose.

Richard was just getting comfortable when he heard Banjo Lips's usual half muttered, no one is really listening begs and pardons as he pushed his way to the front. Richard just rolled his eyes and tried not to let his presence piss him off anymore than he already was with Ryan being around and what with being at this stupid ass wedding that he didn't want to go to but was only going to because Sana told him to. The things he did for women was ridiculous. Thinking his day couldn't get much worse, Richard felt his jaw tighten when Ash-hole rolled onto the scene with a very (in comparison to earlier) dolled up, dark haired Thana on his arm. Richard felt the muscles on his arms flexing in anger as he watched Thana leaning in close to Ash's ear and then smirking after he responded to whatever she had said. His eyes narrowed and if looks could kill then Ash would be dead ten times over at least.

As Ash moved to the altar Richard's eyes remained on Thana. He couldn't help but see Zoie in her even if they had different hair. They both carried themselves like leaders and had the same air about them. Richard knew he shouldn't be comparing them but he couldn't help it. He then remembered that Sana was sitting right beside him so he tore his gaze away from Thana and looked at Sana. "Is it over yet?" He spoke through gritted teeth and did his best to not stare back towards the front row but he couldn't stop himself. He looked back over and frowned as he realised he had started staring again. When Froggy and Tatiana came onto the street and made it to the wedding site, Richard near hollered with joy because it meant they were finally closer to the end.

The ceremony was the same shit, different day kind of thing that you'd hear at any wedding from before, well at least it was until the Russian ballerina cannonball decided to make reality hit home hard for everyone listening. Yeah, they were all going to die. Don't need to bring your big day down because of it. Although he had to give her her dues, he could respect her ability to say the words out loud. Meant she wasn't delusional about the world despite being behind the walls for so long. As it all ended and the dancer jumped at the cop, Richard kept his glare full on his face and gave a non-committal clap of his hands along with the others as way of congratulations. It was all they were going to get from him at any rate. He leaned in towards Sana and whispered. "Please tell me the rest o' this shit is gonna be inside? My balls are feelin' tighter than a nun's asshole."

Dr. Victor Bonheur

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

Walking Tatiana down the aisle to give her away was definitely his favourite memory of this new world and he could feel the emotions pressing in his chest as he handed her over to a man that was worthy of her and her love. He looked to Jack and said nothing, only giving the warmest of smiles and a look full of pride as he stepped away from the altar and took his seat in the front row across the aisle from James. Jack's vows warmed his heart and Tatiana's made him full of pride and worry. He was proud at how strong of a woman she had grown to be compared to the scared little woman he had met not even a full year ago but he worried that she would always think of the bad and inevitable instead of taking her life and living in the now. But it was not his place to say otherwise, he kept his beaming smile on his lips and gave them nothing but loving and supportive looks as the ceremony continued.

When the final words were said and Tatiana leaped at Jack, Victor let out a loud laugh and clapped as enthusiastically as he felt. To just witness such a happy and loving event was amazing to Victor, to be made part of it all and to see two people whom he cared for so much being so happy and in love? It was priceless to him. He glanced around at all the people who were here celebrating with two of his favourite people in Newnan. He was happy to see so many and was surprised to see others, mostly Richard and their newest arrival Thana. He was glad that she had felt comfortable enough despite her introduction to the community to join them on this wonderful day. He glanced over to her and smiled, hoping to catch her eye. If he did then he would mouth the words he was feeling "thank you for coming" and if not then he would simply voice them later. Today was a day full of thanks and the night would be no different.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 days ago

Beatrice Decker

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

As much as Beatrice detested romance and love, the sort of mushy feelings that Hallmark shoved down everyone's throat come Valentine's Day, this ceremony took her by surprise. It had started mostly as she expected it--stand when the bride entered, short speech from Ashton, grossly sweet vow by Jack. But Tatiana's vow, acknowledging and accepting death--that was perhaps something else, something new entirely. It was realistic, beyond most of the relationship propaganda that Beatrice had seen in her lifetime. Compared to the rest of the wedding, it was a refreshing change of pace.

Her eyes flickered back over to Bryn, recalling the slight nod and the movement of the eyes from earlier. The woman was incredibly attractive, and the outfit she had selected for the occasion suited her well. But Beatrice had made no move then to seek her out, and nor would she now. Beginning communication, starting a relationship--that just wasn't who she was as a person. She did not approach other people--people who wanted to befriend her always ended up approaching her.

She clapped lightly as the ceremony ended, with the ballerina practically jumping the cop. The reception would start shortly, she figured, and then they'd be able to go their separate ways. The less time she had to spend around all of this romance crap, the better. It was making her feel sick.

Chloe Ridgeway

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

While Chloe didn't say anything, she was hyper aware of Ryan draping his arm across the back of her chair. There were moments when it didn't bother her, when she found it perhaps incredibly sweet and a bit endearing, his crush on her. But at other moments, Chloe's mind reminded her very strongly how incredibly gay she was, and questioned why she let, or perhaps even encouraged, Ryan's behavior. But that moral dilemma could be saved for another moment--right now, she was definitely enjoying the free cigarettes and information.

"I'm going to regret this, but you're on," Chloe chuckled. "Maybe she'll decide to be traditional or some shit for her wedding."

She raised an eyebrow, tucking a piece of her hair that had escaped her bun back in. Discretely as she could, she glanced at the new woman again, even more intrigued as to Dick and Sana. Irish was right--this was going to be interesting. And even if the blowout didn't happen during the wedding itself, there was something brewing, tensions would increase. Hopefully not enough that Newnan decided to eliminate its convict population, Chloe thought to herself with a wry smile.

"As long as Dick doesn't scream and throw a fit all night, it'll be fine," Chloe replied quietly. "A girl needs her beauty sleep, after all." She stood up with everyone else as Froggy and Tatiana entered, more because she saw others do it. Chloe couldn't quite remember what all happened during weddings. She had attended the wedding of a few of her high school friends, but most of her friends in her adult life weren't the type to get married. And if they did marry, they eloped.

Tatiana certainly looked nice, and Chloe's eyes followed the bride and "father" to the alter. Regretting ever so slightly her choice in attire, she pulled her shrug a little tighter around herself. But hey, she had some damn fine legs. It wasn't every day that she got a chance to show those off. Sitting back down once Tatiana and Froggy reached the front, Chloe tried her best to focus on the ceremony. It wasn't like there was much else to do, after all.

"Fucking hell," Chloe cursed quietly, only loud enough for Ryan and Riley to hear, as Tatiana practically pounced on Jack and kissed him. Looked like she owed Irish a few cigarettes, but that'd have to wait. She had stashed them away carefully at home, hidden them in her room so that way no one could try to take them. They were precious items, after all. "You win, Irish," Chloe whispered, this time only so Ryan could hear.

Applauding politely along with the others, Chloe couldn't wait for them to move to the reception. She couldn't help but wonder if there was going to be a bouquet toss, the misery of single women at weddings. That much she did remember. But to be honest, with the way Sana and Dick were acting, she wouldn't have been surprised if those two ended up getting hitched next--and then divorced about an hour later.

Ravi Chakrabarti

Location: Five miles west of Newnan, abandoned cabin in the woods

Ravi rolled his eyes slightly, though he couldn't deny that Gavin had a point. He chuckled, his eyes twinkling mischievously as a retort came to mind. Whether it was any good or not, of course, only time could tell. "And here I thought you Americans loved dick," Ravi replied, before his eyes widened in fake horror. It hadn't been the first time that Gavin made that sort of reference, and Ravi took it in jest each time. "At least we have decent wardrobes. There is such a thing as too many cowboy related accessories, you know."

Coming down from the top of the staircase, Ravi couldn't help but snicker as well. The laughter in the cabin was contagious almost, with the two men goofing around and ribbing each other like it wasn't the end of the world at all. "I should've known you were leaving me for Bessy," Ravi said with a dramatic sigh, following Gavin out the front door. "And of course I'll miss you, Roberto," Ravi chuckled, 'forgetting' Gavin's name on purpose. With the tension and nerves of the unknown, with the sound of what he thought was an engine, teasing Gavin was better than stressing over it.

He had his own pistol at the ready, though it was mostly for show. He never truly used it. In fact, Gavin used it more than he really did. Ravi couldn't help but imagine that whatever caused the noise likely came from that Peachtree City place--the home of those bastards who tortured that poor girl.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: 10 Wedding Site (Near the Medical Garden)

"Please tell me it isn't country music that Guy managed to scrounge up in those last few runs." Riley said jokingly, she knew from what she looked at in the boxes earlier in the rec center was mainly country music. She turned her head slightly seeing Richard coming over and taking his seat next to Sana, it will be really interesting at the reception later with Thana being there as well. Riley made a mental note to say hi to the new comer as soon as the ceremony was over. Riley looked at Amelia and laughed slightly shaking her head slightly she didn't want to make herself look like some country bumpkin. "Well maybe i'll wear something like that to bed." She said jokingly Riley felt a slight chill regretting not getting her hands on a longer dress. But it was to late not, but she had been in worse conditions before and would bare with it for now. "Ya know you could sleep in my place if Dick does his baby tantrum." Riley said softly to Chloe.

Riley looked back and spotted Froggy and Tatiana arms wrapped around one another, she had to admit Tatiana looked very attractive in that dress. She was happy for her two friends, every time she did come by Riley could see how happy the couple were they looked like the perfect match as well. Riley stood up as the other did, once Froggy and Tatiana were at the alter she sat down just like everyone else did she listened to Ashton's speech, then listened to Jack's vows which made her smile, something he would definitely say. Riley turned slightly looking at Tatiana as she spoke looking over at Chloe and thought of her for a moment.

Riley couldn't imagine losing Chloe again, she still regretted leaving her behind in the early days while Chloe went into detox and she wouldn't be sure what she would do without her sister. Once they finished their vows Riley smiled seeing Tatiana practically tackle hug Jack and kissed him. She started clapping along with the others, soon the reception would happen and Riley could finally perform in front of others once again. "Wanna bet that Richard will start some kind of fight at the reception?" Riley whispered looking between Chloe and Ryan.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: 10 Wedding Site (Near the Medical Garden)

Raymond stood straight when he saw Victor and Tatiana coming down the aisle he smiled at the two of them, he was happy for both Jack and Tatiana the two of them were getting married and happy to be Jack's best man for the event. His eyes wondered over towards Tiffany seeing her looking at him, and gave her a smile. He started to think of Jack's advice Ray did love Tiffany and looked forward to going to bed and waking up next to her every morning. He cared deeply for her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, Ray also thought of having kids again. Though he did have a daughter, but Ray never got to meet her and only had a few pictures of her, but they were completely lost now.

Ray quickly turned his attention to Ashton, Jack and Tatiana as their leader started his speech he had crashed a few weddings in his earlier days with some friends. But never thought he would end up being a best man for one, he listened to Jack as he gave his vows to Tatiana. He was happy to see the man smile, then Tatiana gave hers he looked to Tatiana remembering the first day they met and nearly died that day. He wasn't sure what he'd do if he lost her, but Ray quickly shook that thought out of his head as they finished their vows Ray couldn't help but smile when Tatiana nearly tackled Jack and the two of them kissed. He was truly glad to be apart of the planning and helping Jack out with everything for the wedding.

Meghna Kumar

Location: 10 (Near the Medical Garden)

Meghna saw Tatiana and Victor coming down the aisle she couldn't help but smile seeing her best friend finally getting hitched, remembering every little thing that they had been planning over the last several months. Even their first run to get their dresses, and coming back covered in Walker blood. Then ending up getting punished for doing that the run was mainly for supplies for Newnan, but it was all worth it in the end even having to shovel animal shit out of their pens for a month.

Meg brushed away a tear of joy as Victor let go of Tatiana and went to join the rest of the audience, she looked over at Jack on the other side of Ashton and gave him a smile. She watched as Ashton gave his speech, Meg was happy when Ashton agreed to do this for them she listened to their vows as she just smiled when they finished their own vows. And then Ashton completing the ceremony Meg couldn't help but giggle softly as Tatiana tossed her bouquet, and then Tati nearly tackling Jack seeing the two of them kiss made her smile.

Even in this world everyone deserved some happiness after losing so much, they were a perfect match for each other and she was happy to help plan the whole event with Tatiana and Jack.

Kristina Smith

Location: 10 (Near the Medical Garden)

Kristina turned her attention to the aisle she smiled happily as she spotted Froggy and Tatiana together slowly coming down the aisle, she looked up to the two of them the most. Kris gave a soft smile towards Victor as he handed Tatiana off to finally getting married, she was honored to be one of the bridesmaid to her friend. Kristina looked up to Tati as a sister, remembering the first day that she had met Tatiana she was a shy little thing and Jack still being his goofy self the day she met him. Kristina was glad to have met the two of them and looked up to them a lot since they joined Newnan.

Kristina looked over at Niesha where she was seated giving her friend a gentle smile, she knew that Niesha would eventually find someone she cared for. Kris then quickly turned her attention back towards Ashton as he started his speech. Kristina smiled as she listened to their vows that came from their hearts, she started to wonder if she would even find someone in this world herself. Kristina started to think back to her high school boyfriend and then Maria, the rest of her family and Lorna. Kristina missed everyone she had lost, and thought of all the happy moments that she had with everyone.

Kristina listened to their vows she smiled to her two friends as they finished their vows and Ashton finishing off their marriage, she quickly caught Tatiana's bouquet. She wiped away a few tears away from her eyes as Kristina watched Jack and Tatiana kiss one another, she was glad to be apart of the wedding and being there for her two closest friends.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Wedding Site

Ciel followed Brynja, silently accepting her offer to let him sit with her. He wasn't really sure what the goings-on of weddings was typically supposed to be like, as this was the first he'd ever attended. He basically understood what the point of weddings was, but from his perspective it didn't change much. Jack and Tatiana already lived together, would likely be working the same jobs tomorrow, and in general the status quo would remain the same. He was happy that Jack and Tatiana were happy, but overall the whole affair wasn't particularly emotional. He almost felthe as if he should be guilty for this, as more than one person seemed to be shedding tears. Maybe there was more to weddings than what met the eye.

He followed the lead ofor the other guests in quietly observing as Ashton recited some sort of prelude to the ceremony, not really able to parse most of the captain's words. Having a quiet moment to sit down made him realize exactly how exhausted he was, as if he hadn't already had an idea as to that. His efforts to act normal and try to figure out how to behave in a wedding situation quickly dissolved into trying to stay awake. Thankfully the ceremony itself wasn't too terribly long, and soon he was applauding with the rest as Tatiana threw herself at Jack and kissed him passionately. It was relieving to see the two of them so happy and at peace, seeing as the world would inevitably throw another fatal catastrophe at them soon enough. More likely than not, this was merely the calm before the storm.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 24 days ago

Tatiana Korvo

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)
Interacting With: Jack

Tatiana smiled brightly up at Jack, giggling as her arms lay draped over his shoulders. It took her a minute before she realized that people were clapping and such for the wedding to be done and to congratulate them. Full of joy she looked over to them and smiled, still laughing with happiness. She had never felt, or at least could not remember ever feeling this bubbling with brightness in her life. Yet looking back over to Jack, how could she not? Even in these dark times there were still reasons to find joy.

"Shall ve?" she asked of him as she leaned against his side and slipped her arm through his. It was time to go over to the Rec Center and start the reception. Looking over her shoulder she thanked Ash for what he had done before her fingers laced with Jacks, waiting for him to lead the way to the reception site.

Over at the Rec Center, everything was set up. Decorations had actually been rather easy to find. Not many people were raiding places like Party City for supply. Their loss was Newnan's gain. Through various scouting and supply runs people had been able to bring back balloons, helium tanks, table clothes, streamers, decorations, and more. Sure, it looked like a backyard reception but Tatiana didn't care. It all looked wonderful. Tables were set up around the walls for people to sit at, a buffet of food was set out. Jim was already in there at the make shift bar set up, with a side arm. He wasn't sure if certain people were going to be allowed to drink so for now he wasn't taking any chances until he got word from Ash when he arrived to the site.

Mike had the wedding cake stowed away in the back for now, not wanting it to get ruined. He could wheel it out when the time was right. Everything was set and some from the wedding, as soon as it was over booked it back to their place to change before heading over to relieve those on duty so they could take part in the fun as well. A revolving measure for the night but it would do to make sure that everyone got a little piece of the nights festivities.

Ryan O'Reliy

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)
Interacting With: Chloe, Riley

Ryan watched the ceremony and hooted when the couple kissed, looking over at Chloe and holding his hand out for his winnings. He was being rather smug about it but he had called it. Standing up he stretched out his back and looked over at Riley. "Hey, y'all ain't leaving me alone tonight with that boil on the ass of humanity. I'm sleeping over too!" he laughed before offering Chloe his arm.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat before everyone else gets their grubby mits on it," he added with a grin. Glancing over at Richard he was half surprised that the man hadn't clawed Ash's eyes out and run off with Thana in the middle of the ceremony but it seemed he had kept his cool. Granted looking at the man he wondered just how long it would be before Dick snapped. O.o

Then he saw the look on Sana's face.... Oh it wasn't Dick he needed to worry about right then. Turning he looked around for Bryn, though the two of them did not get along he knew she was the closest thing Sana had to family right then and from the looks of it she would need a shoulder.

Thana Martin

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)
Interacting With: Miss Sally, Lyon, Ash

Thana glanced over her shoulder, feeling as if she was being watched. Seeing Richard looking at her it seemed that her feelings were right on the spot. Her brows furrowed a bit before turning back around. Miss Sally turning and seeing what was going on before shaking her head towards Richard and then looking back forward, squeezing Thana's hand and giving it a light pat.

Focusing on the ceremony Thana couldn't help but smile at the two getting wed even if she didn't know them. She had to give them props for being able to pull something like this off in these times. The wedding didn't take long and she stood, helping Miss Sally to her feet before she joined in on the applause. She kept it reserved but there was joy for the two in her eyes. She hoped to be introduced to them at the reception, she wanted to at least give them her congratulations.

"Come on you two, let's get to the reception now," Lyon said taking Miss Sally's arm.

"Oh yes, come now girl. Let's be on our way," Miss Sally added as she held her hand out to Thana.

"Thank you both but no. I believe I am supposed to wait for the Captain before leaving the wedding site," Thana replied. Lyon and Miss Sally gave each other a "look" before smiling and nodding. Heading off for the reception site Thana adjusted her coat and looked over towards Ash, waiting for him to take her to the reception site. She was his plus one after all, it would have been bad manners to do otherwise. Then there was the fact she was carrying weapons and the reaction from Richard earlier. It was best to stay close for now.

Sana Rouen

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)
Interacting With: Richard

Sana smirked a bit as she got comfortable, though that smirk quickly faded as Richard facial expression changed. Looking over she spotted Thana and Ash, or who she assumed was Thana. Looking back at Richard she barely paid attention to the ceremony. Her eyes going back to Richard as he nearly gawked at Thana and then back over to Thana as her eyes narrowed. She wasn't mad at Thana, it wasn't her fault she looked like the woman from Richards past. She tried not to be mad at Richard but after hearing about the temper tantrum he threw and the fact he kept staring at her during the ceremony when she was sitting right there... It hurt.

Soon as the ceremony was over Sana stood up and gave Richard a look that could have killed. "Oh yeah, it's over...," Sana said with half a growl, it wasn't clear if she was referring to the ceremony or something more. "If your just gonna gawk at her, you can try to whittle your way into her bed tonight!" she hissed under her breath before she shoved past him, not caring if she knocked him over or not as she stormed off through the snow.

Making her way towards the reception site she felt her fist clenching as her jaw tightened but she was at least thankful enough that she had kept herself from screaming at the end of the ceremony or worse, decking the man. She might not have liked Tatiana but she sure as hell didn't want to ruin anyone's wedding. She figured she would grab herself a quick drink, a plate to go and head back to her place for the night. She was not about to watch Richard stare at Thana all night and feeling like a third wheel with her own date. Fuck that shit.

Gavin Comfort

Location: Five miles west of Newnan, abandoned cabin in the woods.
Interacting With: Ravi

"That's blasphemous! Ain't one never had too many cowboy accessories! What I wouldn't be giving fer a horse and some spurs right now! Length of rope, could hog tie some asshats I right could. Break my record I bet," Gavin laughed as he stepped outside.

"Now come on Ghandi, we's gots trails to make!" he added as he put his hat on. At least the day hadn't been a total waste. The man was dead, the girl was at peace at least and wouldn't be rising to eat anyone else. He had gotten a nice knife off it, some more food and water, a flashlight, some matches, and some fine cigars! In the girls pack there was some clothing, a bra, a few rolls of gauze and medical tape, some antibacterial ointment and band-aids, nothing much but it was something. The girl also had a Beretta 9 but no bullets.

Making his way out into the snow, Gavin started pushing towards where he thought he had heard the sound come from. Granted he didn't know where Peachtree City was, he wasn't from Georgia - they could be heading right there for all he knew. Hadn't seen any signs lately to place where they were and neither of them had a map but it was adventure time and Gavin was all about adventure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden) ---> the Rec Center (Building 7)

Jack couldn't do much more than grin and hold onto Tatiana gently around her waist, gazing into her eyes as she pulled away from the kiss. The clapping of the people in Newnan was just background noise, to the extent that he was puzzled and confused for a moment as to what it was. But then reality sank in again, and he was back to his goofy grin, looking at the woman in front of him--Tatiana--his wife. Somehow, he had found love again in this shit storm of a world. He knew how lucky he was, how fortunate he was to have found her.

"I don't see why not," Jack replied, grinning as he leaned his forehead against Tatiana's for a moment, before wrapping his fingers around hers as she took his arm and hand. He thanked Ash as well, before leading the Russian ballerina down the aisle, smiling at her and smiling at the tear-stained faces. There were tears sliding down his own face--tears of joy, of course. It was both surreal and incredibly real.

Once they made it to the Rec Center, Jack couldn't help but look around in awe. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was amazing nonetheless. It reminded him of the parties his mom used to throw at the end of the school year, where she'd invite all of the neighbors around. Wiping a tear away from his eyes, he chuckled slightly as he spotted the bar.

"So, Mrs. Korvo..." Jack paused, grinning widely, before he continued. "What would you like?"

Beatrice Decker

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

While most people seemed to be in some stage of tears, Beatrice's face was mostly neutral. Perhaps a bit of a forced smile, but beyond that, nothing. Her expression was guarded--the same face you'd see if you told her she was being transferred to a new foster home, or that her foster parents put in adoption paperwork. Her face was the equivalent of an isosbestic point in spectroscopy--unchanging, no matter what.

However, her eyebrow arched ever so slightly, intrigued as she noticed Sana shove past Dick. Trouble in paradise, it seemed--already. There had already been some sort of incident earlier that day, and it seemed another one would come quickly enough. She wasn't one to recommend therapy lightly, but she thought perhaps some form of treatment might've been good for Dick. He certainly seemed like he'd benefit from it. As Sana stormed off, Beatrice couldn't help but ponder what Dick'd do next--it likely wouldn't be anything good.

And as interesting as all that speculation was, Beatrice still didn't quite want to stick around. She'd head to the reception, grab a bite to eat, and then make her way home. The less time listening to romance and love and all that shit, the better.

Chloe Ridgeway

Location: The Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden)

Chloe couldn't help but roll her eyes as Ryan hooted at the newly married couple. The man might have been a hardened criminal, one sentenced to do time in maximum security, but he still could act like a teenage boy at times. It was a bit ridiculous, and when he held his hand out for his winnings, Chloe pouted ever so slightly. "Where do you think I stashed them in this dress?" she asked, before pausing for a moment. She really didn't want to know the answers Ryan'd come up with. Prisoners tended to be rather crafty when it came to hiding things, and she didn't want to hear those suggestions from a man. "Second thought, don't answer that. I stashed them away at home, I'll pay up tonight when we're back."

She smiled slightly at Riley, knowing that it wouldn't fly, most likely. Ash had put her in the Convict Cabin for a reason, despite her sister living in the settlement as well. She figured that sleeping elsewhere'd likely start some shit, as harmless as the action might have been. It'd be like sleeping in the wrong cell block. No one got hurt, but fuck if the CO's won't throw your ass in solitary anyways.

"What are we, middle schoolers?" Chloe chuckled. "Planning sleepovers, might as well break out the cheesy party games too." She only smirked further at Riley's bet, about Dick starting a fight, before she stopped for a moment. A fight would ruin Riley's chance to perform. "He'll get shit-faced, cut off, and then removed from the area," Chloe said. "Plus, I doubt he'll stick around very long."

She glanced at Ryan for a moment, seeing his extended arm. "What am I, your date to prom?" Chloe teased, but accepted it nonetheless. He was her best friend, after all. And the thought of getting food before everyone else had a chance to was a bit appealing. They'd be able to get a few plates, watch Riley sing a few songs, get some drinks, and leave.

"Shit..." Chloe said quietly, seeing the way Sana shoved past Dick. With the tantrum from earlier, this hardly was a good sign. Perhaps taking Riley up on her offer would be a good idea. She wouldn't have been too surprised if Dick tried to kill Ryan in anger that evening. It was no great secret that the two of them weren't exactly friends.

But at the same time, Dick and Ryan's rivalry wasn't her issue. She had managed to remain Switzerland in the situation, a stroke of luck in itself. Tugging slightly on Ryan, she headed over to the reception area as people started to leave, Jack and Tatiana having already left the wedding site in its entirety.

Ravi Chakrabarti

Location: Five miles west of Newnan, abandoned cabin in the woods

Ravi stared at Gavin for a moment, before shaking his head. When he moved to the States, he never quite imagined that he'd been roughing it with a Texan during the apocalypse. It wasn't something on his agenda. But he could imagine Gavin, dressed up like the toy in ToyStory, lassooing walkers left and right.

"As your friend, I won't take offense to that," Ravi said, rolling his eyes a bit about the Ghandi comment. He was right behind Gavin as they headed outside, pushing their way through the snow. He waited a few moments, wondering whether or not to voice what he was thinking.

"You have no bloody idea where you're going, do you?" Ravi asked, raising an eyebrow. "Do you have a map or something? An inkling of where we're going? Or is this another ranger superpower, where you instantly can find Peachtree City?" But of course, it wasn't like they had a map or anything. The only thing that was even remotely helpful was the noise they had heard, and whatever the source of it was, it could be long gone by now.

"Perhaps we could get a sniffer dog?" Ravi suggested cheekily.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amelia Payne

Location: 10 Wedding Site (Near the Medical Garden) .

The wedding passed like in a flash. It was a fairy like event that happened as great as it should! The groom and the bride were beautiful and happy together, the speech, everything was perfect. Amelia couldn't help, but be happy for Tatiana and Jack, they were perfect for each other! Maybe the word wasn't as dark as it seemed! Maybe, just maybe there was still place in their lives for joy and beauty. She let herself forget for all the nasty things that were waiting on the other side of the wall.

As the bride pounced on the groom, Amelia smiled and by now was already clapping with the rest of the attendees. She was happy for the two of them, hoping that in the upcoming days, there will be a lot more people who decide to live together and bind into happiness.

As the shift from the wedding ceremony to the sort of party happened, Amelia hoped it would pass without scenes, but sadly she doubted it. Seems that there was already some form of trouble brewing by the looks of it.

“So what songs do you plan on singing?” She asked Riley with a smile, moving to the right side of the singer, really close. Mostly because it was cold and also because being close to Riley made her feel a lot more safe.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: 10 Wedding Site (Near the Medical Garden) -> Building 7 (Rec Center)

"Well we could play some drinking games and get wasted, or Strip Poker later on if that something you'd prefer doing instead of the cheesy teen games if you'd prefer that. I'm sure Ryan would like that kind of shit." Riley said jokingly as the wedding finished and the crowd started to head over towards the reception. Riley knelt down and picked up the CD player, she laughed slightly at Chloe's comment about hiding her stash of cigarettes she chose not to say anything about that. Riley looked over at Sana and then Dick, a few seconds later Sana then stormed off towards the Rec Center.

She wasn't sure what to feel about Richard, Riley respected the guy but he did seem to cause some problems with others looking over at Amelia, Chloe and Ryan. "Trouble in Lovers Land I guess?" As Riley started to head away from the wedding area and headed straight towards the reception, she looked at Amelia asking her what songs she would be playing truly Riley didn't know at all what Guy managed to scrounge up during the last few runs. "I dunno, whatever Guy managed to find on his last few runs." Riley answered, she couldn't help but smile as Amelia got a bit closer to her and draped her arm over Amelia's shoulder as they walked together.

Once at the Rec Center Riley looked around it was already set up really nicely she saw the drinks already being set up and the food as well, Riley spotted Guy over at the little makeshift clearing where she would be singing. "Gonna go get stuff set up." Riley said to them and walked over towards Guy as she set the CD player down and gave the man a smile. "So what sort of music did you find?" She asked him.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: 10 Wedding Site (Near the Medical Garden) -> Building 7 (Rec Center)

Once Jack and Tatiana finished their kiss and headed towards the Rec Center Raymond quickly as he could made his way over towards Tiffany and gave her a smile as he looked at her and gave her another loving kiss. "So how was I up there?" Ray asked as he watched the other slowly started making their way towards the Rec Center for the reception. "Shall we head on over?" Ray asked as he walked up through the aisle and towards the Rec Center as well.

He stopped for a moment looking at Sana and Richard seeing Sana storming off towards the reception, he wasn't sure what it was all about, but he didn't want to get himself involved just yet he thought about going over and see what was wrong. But again it was probably something he shouldn't get into, Sana didn't talk to much to him due to her brother dying he still slightly blamed himself for her brother's death. Richard he knew that the man didn't like him at all, aside from working together Ray tended to avoid him most of the time.

Once he was there Ray saw that everything was already set up he felt his stomach starting to growl slightly he was certainly getting hungry now seeing all of the food that was set up. People in the Mess Hall certainly did a lot to get everything set up for the wedding, he made his way over towards a table to sit down for a little bit he didn't want to get food just yet until the bride and groom did.

Meghna Kumar

Location: 10 (Near the Medical Garden) -> Building 7 (Rec Center)

Meghna smiled seeing the two lovebirds in front of her, she was truly happy to see her two friends there finally together and the two of them started to head over to the Rec Center for the reception. Meg started following behind the others as they started making their way towards the Rec Center. Meg was excited to get to the reception, for everyone to have a little bit of fun. Meg walked past everyone else quickly getting to the reception she looked around the room as people filed in and started to get ready to eat. Meg walked over behind the bar to help serve out some of the food and drinks to the other people giving a smile to everyone as they walked into the room.

Kristina Smith

Location: 10 (Near the Medical Garden) -> Building 7 (Rec Center)

Kristina gave both Tatiana and Jack a happy smile seeing the two of them happy together made her smile as she started to follow everyone else up the aisle and towards the Rec Center. She looked around the group until she spotted Niesha and quickly caught up to her best friend and smiled at her. Kristina also wanted to see if she was alright, she imagined that it would have been Niesha and Sophia up there one day, that would never come. "Ready for the reception?" Kristina asked as she looked over seeing Sana storming off and away from Richard, it was weird a few moments ago they were in each other's arms now they weren't anymore.

She wasn't sure what it was all about, Kris still hated Richard and didn't want to even get near the man she didn't want to set the man off. Kristina did want to talk to Sana and see what it was all about, since they got along pretty well together and she always enjoyed just having their little talks.

As she walked into the Rec Center Kris looked over she saw the bar, she was tempted on going over and try an alcoholic drink but she wasn't even sure if she would be allowed to. She was pretty close to the drinking age now, before the outbreak Kristina wasn't allowed to drink.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ash & Thana

Location: Parking Lot between 10 and Gilbert Street (Wedding Site) -> Building A (Ash's House) -> Building 7 (Rec Center)

It was the tiniest feeling of awkwardness, seeing Thana standing still in the crowd when everyone else was moving toward the Rec Center they were using as a Reception Hall. It had been a very long time since he had the responsibility of seeing to the needs of a "Plus One", and to be frank, he wasn't one hundred percent what he should be doing. Seeing her standing there, looking in his direction, it was quite obvious. He needed move to her direct location as soon as the situation allowed.

Ash gave sincere congratulations to the newly wedded couple before they walked back down the aisle as Husband and Wife. As soon as they cleared the last row of chairs at the back, he stepped away from his position as Officiant and walked confidently to Thana. "Ma'am?" he offered, holding his arm out to her. "Let's get you a decent meal and more personally introduced to our people here, starting with the happy couple. But first, I need to pick up a box from home. It's our gift. Shall we?"

Thana nodded and slipped her arm back through Ash's as he offered it, a small half smile tugging at one corner of her mouth. Glancing over she cocked a brow as she spotted a woman tearing off from Richard, her lips pursing to the side slightly before blinking and leaving the wonder of what was going on to others. It wasn't her business. "So, what'd we get the happy couple?" she asked, a small smirk coming to her lips now as she gathered up the length of her dress in her free hand and let him lead the way back to his place.

"I noticed that, too." intoned Ash in a lowered voice, regarding Sana's sudden departure from her date for the evening. It was very possible that this wouldn't be the beginning of an issue, but then again, it was possible that it was a precursor to an unpleasant incident later. He didn't want to worry Thana unnecessarily, so he didn't push the issue. Besides, he made it a point to warn her earlier, and they both were armed, just in case. Instead, as they approached Ash's home nearby, he directed the conversation back to the reception. "Funny you should stress the "we", ma'am. I had planned to give them one of the few remaining bottles of my family's label. Then one of the scavenging parties for the wedding found something interesting in a bridal shop." They entered the Captain's dwelling, Ash locking the door behind him. He made his way to the refrigerator, and removed a bottle wrapped inside of an old brown paper bag. "Brother Perignon was a priest. Fellow bottler, too." he offered Thana the bottle. "That's what you are giving them. I've been hanging onto a bottle of Blue Label for a while. That's what I'm giving them. Didn't bother to wrap."

Thana's brow rose slightly as he explained that they wouldn't be giving a joint present. Not that it mattered to her, she had just arrived so it was most likely not expected that she even bring a gift. The fact she was attending at all was probably shocking enough considering the circumstances. But he had said we, so a little goading was needed in her mind. "Well Captain, you did say 'we got them a gift' earlier," she quipped as she reached out and took the bottle from Ash, a slyness to her tone. Letting out a feigned sigh she shrugged as she looked it over. "But if this is the best that there is, I suppose it will do for them to swill," she said coyly, giving a single half chuckle.

If Ash was a less astute officer, he might not have picked up the M*A*S*H reference. "One does not swill Dom. Ma'am, I have sipped, lapped, and taken Dom intravenously, but I have never swilled Dom." It was difficult to tell if he was being serious, unless one were a fan of the old series.

"Hawkeye must be yer spirit animal."

"Yeah. I was just going to go with the champagne and slap a nametag from both of us on it. Then I thought that was pretty transparent. Unless you want to do that and hang onto the Blue, I'm good either way." he paused for a second, considering the words. Ok, that made sense. "Otherwise they'll just have to make due with this ...particularly excellent bottle of Dom. Hell, I'm half tempted to skip the party." Ash shook his head. "But I did promise you introductions. Ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be Captain, but between you and me and the wallpaper... I'd rather just sit in front of a fire and have a drink than head to the shindig but well.... Manners," she said as she adjusted her coat and stepped towards the door. Stopping she had a thought, she turned around and looked over to him. "Actually, before we go..." she started before giving a small wave of her hand as she dismissed the passing thought. "Nevermind, it'll keep until later. We'd better hurry before we give them something to to gossip about by being late."

Ash nodded. "I know how you feel. That ceremony was probably the most social thing I've done in years. But I have to make an appearance. We can cut it short, if you like. Figure out your arrangements for the night and get you settled in after." Gathering his bottle, Ash moved to the door and opened it for Thana. He waved her through, mentioning, "I never gave much thought to gossip about me. At least, not when I'm the guy in charge." Despite the fact that he ever really wanted to be the guy in charge, there he was. "You sure you're up for this tonight?" he asked, in reference to the sentence she didn't quite finish. "I can always grab a plate and slice of cake to bring back, and we can do introductions tomorrow, if you're more comfortable calling it early."

Stepping through the door she turned around and looked over to Ash, biting her bottom lip slightly before shaking her head. "Like with any place, people gossip Captain. Especially about the man in charge." Her voice was quick with a knowing look on her features. It was more than common that everyone gossiped about the Base Commander, underlings talking about the higher ups was a long standing past-time, especially in the military. From the looks she had gotten when she arrived at the wedding, she would have been surprised if the rumor mill was already spinning. "And sweet Jesus... Bringing me back a slice of cake?" she added before leaning in to make sure anyone passing them wouldn't hear. "One of the most common wedding traditions is to sleep with a piece of wedding cake under your pillow to dream about your future spouse." Leaning back she rose her brows and nodded to confirm her own words. "Let's not throw moonshine on the fire."

"Uh huh." For all Ash knew, his guest had the distinct impression that he was being suggestive instead of polite. "I'm from Virginia. Ruining a pillowcase with perfectly good cake must be a Georgia thing." Admittedly, he'd never heard of that custom. Though it wouldn't be the first time his fairly secluded upbringing led to a misunderstanding. Like when a British officer offered him a "fag" that almost led to a fistfight before he realized the man wasn't trying to provoke him. He shook off potential embarrassment of the situation with Thana and offered her his arm again. "But you're right. The only place we should throw 'shine is in our gut. Come on, let's go meet the newlyweds."

Thana smirked a bit as she slipped her arm back through his, this seemed to be an ongoing thing for the evening. "Nope, it's British I believe," she said. "Though I could be wrong." Shrugging she kept up with him as they headed over to the reception site from his place. She wondered if there was a library in the town, wasn't like she could log onto the net to research it. There was no google or imdb... Mores the pity, made remembering who the hell was in what so much easier. Granted, there weren't many movie dates anymore.

They started walking across the street and into the parking lot of the Armory. It was a funny feeling for Ash. He was dressed in a decent suit with a long, wool blend coat that he was really starting to like, a charmingly sarcastic woman he'd just met that day holding his arm, and they were going to a wedding reception carrying gifts. It almost made it seem like the last four years never happened. Maybe they could all lie to themselves for a few more hours. The distraction was necessary from time to time, as was the anticipation of similar distractions in the future. Ash was willing to put one foot into the fantasy, so long as he could also keep one grounded in reality. Grim, horrifying reality. "Just across this lot, next building over."

"Hey, thanks for keeping me company. I don't do large social gatherings very well."

Thana placed her free hand lightly over their intertwined arms and gave a gentle reassuring squeeze while they walked. "Captain, you're very welcome," she said in a kind voice as a smile graced her lips for a short time. She was enjoying his company, it was as simple as that.

Ash gave a quick glance down to where Thana was holding his arm, and against his better judgement, gave the smallest of smiles, himself. It had been over a year since anyone had made personal, physical contact with him in a manner that was not a formal greeting. It felt out of place, like he didn't deserve it or it was meant for someone else. It took him a second to remember that this is how normal people acted. In turn, that made him wonder exactly how far away from humanity he had stepped lately. It was troubling, but he might just owe the lady on his arm for that reminder. "I appreciate that, Thana. Really do."

Two minutes later, Thana and Ash found themselves stepping into Newnan's Recreational Center, all set up for the Prom, so to speak. He paused just inside the doors to have a quick look around at the guests already present. He noticed an off-duty Security officer already mingling with the crowd gathering and waved him over. When he arrived, Ash handed him a slip of paper, bidding him to deliver it to Jim at the makeshift bar. "List of alcohol restrictions; drink maximums and prohibitions. If he has any questions, have him send for me."

"Now, where's the happy couple?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Wedding Site (Near 10 - Medical Garden) -> Building 7 (Rec Center)

Tiffany waited as Ray approached and kissed her. "You about stole the show up there. It was a beautiful ceremony. Tatiana looked so pretty in her dress. Let's head over to the Rec Center." Tiffany led the way, making sure Ray was able to catch up. After all, the man was standing for the whole ceremony. She noticed Sana storm off and pushed Ray to continue forward. It wasn't their business and it was Sana being Sana, as far as she was concerned. The fact she was talking to Richard made it even more obvious why she was in a huff. She avoided the man and continued.

Once there, she followed Ray to the table and sat next to him. She was sure they were going to follow, the couple should be inside to eat and do their first dance. She wasn't sure if they were going to do any of that, but better to wait for them to further things along.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Location:building ten (medical garden)->Building Seven (rec)

Niesha returned Kristina's smile, and settled back into her seat, more then content where she was as the ceremony continued. As it drew to a close, Niesha got up, yet was more then happy to wait as the rest of the crowd dispersed to the reception. She looked over as Kirsitna approached her and nodded "Sure" She said soty, glancing over to where Kristina was looking, she frowned slightly, then sighed. Better to let it be. She looked back to Kristina, and followed her to the Rec Centre, looking about them to see who else was near, she caught Kristina looking at the bar. "I hardly think a few months are going to matter, these days" She said softly, not that she was encouraging Kristina to drink, merely stating that nearly being old enough was probably good enough, in this world. And after all they had seen and done? Well. Who would begrudge someone a drink?

Niesha herself didn't like to drink, and so she didn't make her way over to the bar. Instead, she looked about them, still wanting to catch up with Ceil, she looked around for the boy. She couldn't help but worry, ever concerned for those few people she could call friends, and more then a little worried, given Ceil's Asthma. She'd have to try and figure out how to make an inhaler...or something that could be used as one. She didn't have the necessary equipment to make it properly, but maybe she could rig something up...shaking her head as her thoughts drifted off into what was probably considered nerd territory, she focused on her surroundings once again, looking to Kristina to see what her friend would say.
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