Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Krayzikk Drop one of the physical skills.

Or, you could drop Agi, seeing that Benkei's more of a physical attacker.

Also, no appearance?

Dropped Agi, and corrected the code that was making the appearance not show up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Calling Jin being very... puzzled by your character. Like 'how can you stand wearing all of that and being all... all you know, cute and shit, on a regular basis?"

Jin has MASSIVE tsundere tendencies by the way.

Lol yah guess people would be confused by her a bit though in response it will be all stutters and the like "W-w-w-what d-d-do you m-m-mean c-c-cute?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Krayzikk gO FoR It
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Excellent. Danke, bro.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 3 days ago

get off the damn phone crim
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Amaikawa
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Amaikawa The Baking Navi

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Ai, Amaikawa
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Arcana: Hangedman
Equipment: Whip/Ribbon wand
Skills: High evasion due to regular dance practice. Protective, Sympathetic, gentle, sweet, self-sacrifice, Baking sweets for HP and SP restore. Minor gain.
Appearance:Ai would be seen wearing the school's uniform around campus with her gray hair flowing down her back, with her pink clip-on ponytails laying on the sides of her head, moving to flow onto her chest. Ai sports a white pleated skirt with 3 pink stars on it, each star representing the qualities her father sees in her: the first for the way she walks, the second for her honey-like voice, and the last for her sparkling intellect. This skirt was a crafts project he did with her the week before she started school, to ease her fear that no one would want to talk to her. She hadn't been able to forget how her mother treated her and didn't want that happening again with her classmates.

She wears a pink cupcake hair clip over her bangs to remind herself that she is her father's cupcake and she'll forever be sweet for him. Her jacket is just a miscolored cosplay item she bought online, but it's her favorite jacket.
Personality:Ai is quiet when you see her at first glance, others would say she's a snob. Well, you can judge for yourself when you meet her. Ai is scared of what others think about her. No matter what Ai will agree with everyone even if she thinks differently. She'd tell them what they want to hear which makes her unable to think of her own ideas because she thinks she's just a doll, she doesn't get a say in anything and she's just for show. So if you ask her about what her personal opinion is she stops and just look at you and try to form her own but she'll just evade the question because she wouldn't know how to respond.

Ai would be happy to make other people feel loved. Ironic to Ai's character as she sees everyone as selfish, but she moves her feelings aside so people can get what they want from her. When Ai is alone with herself she doesn't see the will to live anymore because people treat her as a tool for their needs. As long as their needs are met, she doesn't care how she's used. Ai will hold out hope that someone will love her and instead of using her, they let her use them for once.

Biography:Ai’s life hasn’t been all giggle and gumdrops. The story of the Amaikawa Family was rather loveless. Kanji was an accountant and Sayaka a bartender at a night club. Sayaka was rather careless with money, so Kanji had to help her with her spending and teach her basic accounting so that she could balance her needs and wants more effectively.

Sayaka developed a habit of getting drunk after work because of the harassment she put up with from customers over the provocative clothing her employer pressured her into wearing on the job. Sayaka would frequently come home drunk. On these occasions, she would often yell and behave violently toward Kanji, only to apologize to him when she sobered up. Because of this unhappy cycle, Kanji slowly grew distant with Sayaka. He began to spend his days home reading and working on his computer while his wife worked a second job during the day as a florist. Among other things, paying for products so she could look attractive for her night job seemed to be causing her to fall back on old habits.

Kanji spent his days home alone. Sayaka started to suspect her husband was having an affair. She confronted him on many occasions but he denied it every single time. Sayaka started to fall out of love with Kanji. Kanji took notice and tried to do something about it: Random gifts or dates 'just because'. He tried to restore the spark. This continued until Sayaka discovered she was pregnant. They learned it was a girl and intended to name her 'Ai'. Kanji and Sayaka put their heads together to think of the best way to take care of their daughter. Sayaka was worried that she would lose her job once someone found out she was expecting. Sure enough, her boss fired her once it was discovered she was pregnant. The loss of income on top of mounting expenses from a new baby was starting to adversely affect their finances.

After Ai was born, Sayaka's first priority was getting the body she enjoyed before caring for her baby, but the gym didn't get her results fast enough. Sayaka found herself as a stay at home mother. She blamed Ai for the loss of her career and started to resent her for it. She even considered standing up Kanji at their wedding over it.

One night, while out drinking, Sayaka encountered a man at the bar. He was admiring her body and gave her his card and an offer to work at his 'club.' Sayaka needed money, so she took him up on his offer two days later. She arrived at the hotel only to discover it was a hostess club, but of the seedier sort: it sold itself on the notion that patrons were allowed to make advances on the hostesses. She found the very idea degrading, but she was also desperate. After that night, Kanji was left alone with Ai as Sayaka worked at the hotel. Kanji found it revolting, but he focused on their daughter as he felt a parent should. Some nights, Sayaka came home drunk, and she would often rant about clients she disliked in lurid detail.

The years went on like this until Ai was 7. One night, Kanji thought she would enjoy a performance of a troupe of ribbon dancers. Ai enjoyed the performance so much she said she wanted to become one when she grew up. The nice night was ruined when they returned home to find Sayaka in bed with one of the clients she claimed to dislike so much. Ai went into the house, only to be surprised by the sounds of shouting. She listened in and discovered her parents arguing, and about her. Sayaka told her husband what she really thought about him and their daughter, just as Kanji noticed a strand of blonde hair peeking out from the doorway, where Ai was listening in from. He left Sayaka alone and picked up Ai and tucked her into her bed. But she wasn't able to sleep. The arguing soon resumed, and the yelling was accompanied by the sound of glass shattering.

Not long after, Kanji served Sayaka divorce papers. Ai was left worrying which parent she would live with from now on. Sayaka's partner of the night prior had been present in the fight and captured it all on his phone's camera. But he also had it heavily doctored to make Sayaka look good and Kanji like a monster. His reasoning for why was shaky at best: He wanted Sayaka to lose her job and become a single parent so that he could make her dependent on him, and even marry her.

His plan worked, and Ai was left in her mother's custody. As a result of the divorce, Sayaka was left with a substantial settlement. It wasn't long that she was spending this money to drown her sorrows with. Oftentimes while drunk, Ai's mother would abuse her both verbally and with violent outbursts. Once rumors of this mistreatment got back to her father, he started hiring private investigators and lawyers and eventually managed to get the custody ruling reversed in his favor.

Ai was just a child when she was subjected to her mother's abuse and had no means to defend herself. She started to think of herself not as a person, but as a doll. To be used by people around her and to allow them to as long as that made them happy. She still hated it, but she wouldn't object to others taking advantage of her kindness. Her father noticed the change in her demeanor and didn't like it. To confirm his fears, To confirm his fear, he spied on her interactions out of the house.. He loved his daughter dearly and only wanted what was best for her. In an attempt to appeal to what he thought was her dream, he quit his job and got a new one at a bakery. The mangas Ai liked seemed to suggest she was interested in baking.

He had planned to leave Kyoto as soon as he had enough money saved up, but there was a problem. Items and cash started disappearing left and right. Ai had given it away to people she thought had needed it, as well as her friend. When he found out what she'd been up to, he resolved to move even sooner, to protect Ai from getting taken advantage of even further. This problem didn't go away when Ai was 16, and to an extent, it remains with her even today. Kanji was frustrated and exasperated to the point that he kept her busy to keep her out of trouble, cram school, and extra classes. Included lessons in ribbon dancing that she loved so much.

While Ai lived in Kyoto, she met twin sister's who's names are Mani and Yumi Suiminharas. the three became great friends to the point Ai named them both as her daughters and little sisters, but in actuality, they're all siblings.

The man who helped frame Kanji married Sayaka and Sayaka gave birth to twins, again Sayaka being abusive made the girls see Ai as their guardian. Ai was willing to bake both of them lunch before they went to school.

Kanji saved enough money to leave Kyoto, japan to move to Endymion. He hoped a change in scenery would lead to a better life. On a fresh start where people wouldn't use Ai. On the drive into town, he spotted a bakery and parked near it. As he and his daughter admired it from afar, Kanji noticed Ai actually smiled for the first time in recent memory. They entered and were greeted by a kindly looking woman working with her family. Ai wandered through the bakery and got a better look at everything. A pink iced doughnut caught her eye and she asked the cashier for one.

She bought and paid for the treat and took a bite. A sensation of pleasure and happiness came rushing back to her, and she even let out a small moan. All these thanks to a simple sweet. She offered some of it to her father. After he took a bite of the donut, Kanji's first question was "Do you need help with your accounting?" A week after arriving in town and the Amaikawas were settled in. Kanji taking care of the bakery's finances, and Ai working part time as a waitress.

-Resist: Ice
-Weak: Physical
Oracle's blessing (2x damage when doing an All out attack)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Amaikawa We already have a Hanged Man.

Incidentally, we've moved onto the OOC thread. Which is for the reboot.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Amaikawa
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Amaikawa The Baking Navi

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

*Sigh* sorry to bother then
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Amaikawa
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Amaikawa The Baking Navi

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

How about moon....? I mean I can Change Ai to be the moon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Amaikawa You're free to try for one of the remaining Arcana if you want.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Amaikawa Moon's taken.
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