Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Kristina looked at Tiffany and gave the woman a friendly smile, grateful for her to let her and Niesha join the three of them at their table. "Thanks Tiff." Kris said as she pulled up a chair next to Beatrice, she looked down at her plate feeling her stomach starting to growl slightly once more. Grabbing her fork Kris quickly started to dig into her meal, closing her eyes as she started to enjoy the meal that James and the kitchen crew had prepared for the evening. It really did remind her of Thanksgiving with her family, having her family there at her father's house she took a moment to remember that Maria and her father would actually go and hunt for an actual turkey and remembered them gutting and plucking off the feathers of the turkey, and then prepping it. The end result would be something similar to James' cooking.

Kristina turned her attention towards Ray and then Niesha, listening to her friend as she spoke to Ray the guy did go through a lot the last several months. "I remember it was the dead of winter back home, we had this frozen pond on my dad's farm me and my sister would always go out there for fun. I remember always falling on my ass back then, and we had a lot of friends over as well and they always ended up laughing at me. So I know how it feels whenever that happens." Kris told Ray giving him a slight smile.

Kris then grabbed the glass of water and started to take a sip from it, looking over at Beatrice and gave the woman a slight nod they haven't had to many conversations before other then some small talk. "So whats up Bea?" Kristina asked deciding to start up a friendly chat with her as well.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Raymond felt Tiffany's hand resting on his good knee and gave her a loving smile, as his hand gently laid on hers. "I know what would make me feel better later." Ray said with a slight wink towards her as he looked down at his plate, he didn't really want to get up again in fear of falling on his ass once more. Ray turned his attention towards Niesha giving her a slight smile and nod, grateful for her words though falling was what sort of caused him to get bitten in the first place. "Falling is also what caused me to get bitten, falling is probably one of the better things I am at." Ray said with a slight laugh, as he offered to let Niesha sit down with them motioning towards an open seat for her to sit down.

Ray turned his attention towards Kristina as she gave him a little story of one of her little falling accidents, though it was on a frozen pond, you are more then likely to end up falling on your ass. Ray watched as Tiffany got up to go and grab her own food, he gave her a soft and friendly smile as he watched her making her way over towards the little buffet that was set up. He leaned back for a moment taking a sip of his water and then started to dig into his dinner. He would occasionally look over at Tiffany while she got whatever she was going to eat, before turning his attention back towards Niesha. "Anyway, whats new with you Niesha?" Raymond asked looking over at his friend giving her a friendly smile.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

"Sounds good to me." Riley said towards Amelia as she held onto her plate, she looked over towards the man that was handing out drinks to everyone and asked for another one of the peach drinks that was set up for the occasion, once it was handed to her Riley set it onto her plate. She watched as Tiffany made her way over towards the buffet and gave her a friendly smile. Riley then started to follow behind Amelia as they made their way back towards the table that they had gone to sit in, once they were there Riley sat back down and started to quickly dig into her meal.

She really enjoyed James' cooking as Riley leaned back savoring the taste of it, she quickly turned her attention towards Amelia as she looked around. She couldn't see Ashton or Thana her eyes scanned the room she could see Meg, Jack and Tatiana all talking together while she took another sip of her drink. "I think Captain Tight Ass left with his guest early, not sure if we will see them for the rest of the night though." Captain Tight Ass was something she would occasionally and jokingly call Ashton, mainly as a joke since she always seen him with a stick up his ass.

"But once we finish eating we can certainly go over and congratulate the newlyweds. Probably do a few more numbers as well, then I guess call it a night after a few dances as well." Riley said towards Amelia giving her a gentle pat on her shoulder she then went back to eating some more.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center) Inside -> Outside
Interacting With: Jack, Meg

Tatiana giggled lightly and gave a nod of her head towards Jack, letting herself rest against as she kept him in a perpetual hug. Today had turned out better than she could have hoped for, in fact it was going much smoother than she figured most weddings had gone even before everyone had become a refuge thanks to the undead walking about. Looking up at Jack she couldn't help but giggle again. The thought of him taking over dance lessons in the town was amusing to say the least, going from toe pointe to the YMCA? That was a hoot. "I think I be okay, don't vorry," she assured him.

Looking over towards Meg she smiled. Sure Tatiana had had a lot to do with the wedding but she knew she couldn't have done it without Meg. Thing was though, she knew the two of them could go back and forth all night over who was thankful for what. They had done it before. She had heard horror stories from people before the outbreak about how weddings ended up tearing friendships apart because of all the bickering but that hadn't happened to them, if anything it had really brought them much closer and for that Tatiana was very grateful.

"Oh yes, ve dance. Later. First eat and give others chance to eat," she said as she looked over at the serving tables and then back at the two after noticing that most everyone had been able to get a plate by now and things were thinning out over there. "Let's go eat. Wouldn't vant James to think we are avoiding his food," she said as she slipped an arm around Jack and glanced back over to the table, waiting for him to lead the way.

Sana Rouen

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)
Interacting With: James

Sana sat there listening, picking at her food as she did. She found the entire explanation more than a bit vexing. Dropping her fork on the plate she shot James a look. "Right, of course. Woman strolls in looking just like Zoie and you all call a town meeting for those that knew her. Makes sense. Except for the fact that it hit Richard like a ton of bricks. Might have wanted to break it a little easier on him but no, you fucking hate Richard and Ash-hole just wants to put a bullet in his brain: so who cares how he feels." Her voice was like acid as it slipped passed her lips.

"Sana, I don't think that was what they were going for, they were just trying to break it easy to everyone at once," Miss Sally said speaking up.

"Oh piss off Sally. Cunt waltzes in out of no where, they drop a bomb, then bring her to a wedding she had no place in, Ash shows her off like a damn trophy, rubbing it in Richards face before slipping off again. But hey, again, it's Richard, who cares what happens to him. Wouldn't be surprised if they did it this way just to push him over the edge so Ash could put a bullet in his skull and make it look like Richard just had it coming," she growled towards the elder of Newnan.

"C'est assez," Lyon said quickly.

"Fous le camps," Sana spat back as she pushed her chair back roughly and stood up. Tossing her napkin on her half eaten plate she stormed off and out of the Rec center, she had had enough for the evening.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: The Rec Center (Building 7)

Jack was smiling--perpetually smiling, to be accurate. With Tatiana constantly in his arms, and the news she had shared with him, he didn't truly have a reason not to smile. He was concerned, of course--and perhaps a bit terrified and anxious--but overall, he was happy. Nothing worth having came easily, after all. "It's almost toe crushin' time?" Jack teased, grinning even wider. He wouldn't intentionally step on her feet, of course, but it was no big secret that he wasn't skilled when it came to dancing. There was a very good reason as to why he stuck with dances like the chicken dance--he was capable of them.

But of course, when Tatiana mentioned wanting food, he nodded in turn. "You don't have to tell me twice," he joked, beaming widely at her. "I've been dyin' to try what James's cooked up for us." He mimicked rubbing his tummy for a moment, chuckling a bit at his own obnoxious brand of humor. But even now, in his thirties, he still could eat like a teenage boy if he really tried. "Shall we, solovey?" Jack offered, ready to whisk off to the buffet table with his bride.

His stomach growled a bit and he blushed, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. But hey, better than a belch, right?

Beatrice Decker

Location: The Rec Center (Building 7)

The more people arrived at the table, the more out of place Beatrice began to felt. She never was one for big social settings, preferring to have her own space--her personal bubble, so to speak. She grew up as the child sitting off alone in the foster home, away from the fights and the drama. Habits like that were hard to break and served to shape her personality well into adulthood. "Don't worry about it," Beatrice replied to Ray's thanks for saving the seat. It was hardly like tons of people were vying to swoop in and steal it like vultures, so she hardly saw the point in the thanks.

Niesha's speech about getting up after falling down nearly made her gag, of course. There was truth to Niesha's words--but honestly, the optimism made Beatrice feel sick. Optimism never did any good, in her experience--be a pessimist or a realist. Either way, it was hard to be disappointed. Hope only opened you up to pain, in her mind. Niesha's entire speech reeked of kitsch to her. However, she did enjoy the various stories about falling on one's ass--that she could appreciate it.

"I'm fine," Beatrice replied with a shrug. "And you, Kris?"


Location: The Rec Center (Building 7) ---> The Medical Garden

Ryan cocked a brow at Chloe's question. He really didn't talk much about his time in prison. His brother had died there and well, the blame was on him for that one. Looking down at the blonde hair he kept wrapped around his index finger he closed his eyes before pushing the thoughts of Cyril out of his mind. That was one subject he was not talking about, to anyone... ever.

Plastering on a grin as his eyes opened he leaned back in his chair and shrugged a bit. "Weird shit happening to me? Fuck, girl you know I'm the lord of the fuckin' dance. Shit didn't happen to me. I made shit happen," he chuckled as he wiped his mouth. That wasn't a lie. Ryan was careful in prison but he had been a master manipulator.

"But man the shit I saw... tell ya what, Tobias looked fuckin' fugly with a capital F during the talent show."

Chloe noticed the way he closed his eyes and looked down, wondering for a moment if perhaps he didn't feel like reminiscing about those days. That she could understand, but there always was a point where she felt a need to be able to talk to someone about it who just got it. Sure, she could always talk to Riley about the things that happened, and the ways prison continued to shape her mind--but it just wasn't the same.

"Fucking hell, a talent show?" Chloe snorted. "I thought that type of shit didn't fly in max." She had only been held in minimum security for long periods of time, of course. They had a bit more freedom than those in max did, with the hacks always holding that over their heads. Those who pissed off the CO's were sent to max--and they never came back. "Let me guess, did you dance an Irish jig or something?" she asked, taking another sip of her drink.

"Fuck no, I just laughed at the fuckers who did. But yeah, for most it doesn't but I was E Block, dubbed Emerald City. Fucking pet project to see if they changed shit if we could be rehabilitated better. More rules but more freedom. Still, didn't matter. Same shit show different channel but hey, at least we got kept away from the rest of the blocks, so was simpler. Like living in a small drug down instead of downtown Detroit," he laughed thinking back on it. It really was a shit show, both the talent and the whole idea.

Chloe nodded a bit. There had always been those with stars in their eyes, attempting to push through some reform or the other. But looking at the man sitting next to her, she figured their attempts at rehabilitation hadn't paid off in the long run. Same criminals, same stories it seemed. Nothing changed. "Emerald City? That's the stupidest name I've ever heard," Chloe commented, rolling her eyes a bit. "We never named our units like that--there was the ghetto, the suburbs, Spanish Harlem....Hospice, too, for the old bitches doing life."

Ryan smirked as he shoveled some more food into his mouth and nodded. Taking a long gulp of some water he chuckled. "Ain't it the damn truth. And Em city damn sure wasn't Kansas. We had the worst of the worst and we got away with more shit than anyone. Fuck, we had a riot and the worst anyone got was a few weeks in solitude, not even the hole."

Finishing off her drink, Chloe gave Ryan a bit of a quizzical expression. They hadn't had the hole down in min, though she had heard some stories about it. Solitary was what the hacks tended to use the most. "A fucking riot?" she asked, a bit incredulous. The only prison riot she had ever been in was sparked by the walkers. "Man, you must have had a real pussy running the place. Bet you got away with murder too, didn't you?" she joked. "If we so much as even tried to beat someone, it was off to max."

Ryan slowly stopped the shoveling of his food, the fork sitting there in mid shovel as the words hit him. "Bet you got away with murder too, didn't you?" Setting it down he pushed his chair back as his face went from joking to gloom rather quickly. "Yeah..." he half mumbled as he stood up and shoved his hands in his pockets before starting to walk off. His thumb rubbing across the hair around his finger as his feet went one by one in front of him towards the door.

She had never quite seen Ryan like this before. He was usually joking around and laughing, doing his best to find a way to win her affections. Hell, the man stopped touching his food, and the look on his face was sullen, to say the least. Running back over her words, she abandoned her food at the table, hurrying after him. She might not have loved him the way he wanted her to, but he was her best friend. If he needed something, she'd be there--as long as Riley didn't need her more.

"Hey, man..." Chloe began, but she wasn't exactly sure what to say. "Do you wanna go someplace and talk about...whatever this is? Or we don't have to talk, if you don't want to." She realized her question was a bit redundant, but she knew Ryan loved open spaces as much as she did. With people either on guard duty or at the wedding reception, it'd be easy to find some solitude, she figured.

Ryan looked over towards Chloe as he pushed open the door to the Rec Center and nodded a bit, he didn't say anything at first but the look on his face told a story. His eyes were misting and welling up, this was not the manipulative jovial Ryan everyone was used to seeing. Stepping out into the the snow and cold he pulled his pack of smokes out and lit one up as he glanced around. Looking down at his finger, his thumb rolling over the braid of hair that was there. "Wish you coulda known Cyril..." he said quietly before he started walking away from the center and down the street.

Chloe nodded, slipping an arm around Ryan's back as best as she could. He was a good seven inches taller than she was, making it difficult for her, and she stood ever so slightly on her toes to accomplish the task. She'd never heard him mention Cyril before, to the extent that she wasn't sure who he was--but she imagined that he was a fellow inmate. Inmates grew close--it was just the way things were. "Yeah? I'm sure I would've liked him," Chloe said kindly, walking with him down the street.

Ryan slipped his arm over Chloe's shoulder and kept walking, offering her the smoke with his other hand. "I know ya woulda. Cyril was amazin'. Best little brother a guy could ever have.... he deserved better than a piss ant like me," Ryan said kicking a rock across the snow slush as they walked. Shaking his head he fiddled with the cross around his neck.

Chloe listened, taking a drag from the cigarette as Ryan offered it. She understood the entire bad sibling complex--she had been shitty to Riley growing up, doing nothing when their parents kicked her out. She had been complicit in it all. "Hey, don't beat yourself up. You're not a piss ant--a fuckboy, maybe. Everyone's shit to their siblings. Hell, I was a bitch to Riley. Didn't say shit when she got kicked out."

What came over Ryan was anyone's guess but Chloe's words made Ryan yell. Like actually yell, it wasn't something he did often. Hell even when tearing into Richard his voice tended to grow cold, not hot. But right then, there was a livid fire in the Irishmans eyes. Turning he grabbed Chloe by the shoulders and pulled her close, glaring at her as a few tears slipped down his cheeks. "You have no fuckin' clue. Don't beat meself up? Fuck that, I deserve to used as Walker bait for the shit I did to Cyril. There is a special place in hell for me! You may have been shit to Riley but at least she's still breathing. Make sure you keep it that way!"

Letting her go he turned on his heels and stormed off down the road, his fists balling up as he shoved them into his pockets. God he needed something to clam him down. Passing the medical garden greenhouse he fiddled with the key in his pocket, thinking of everything that was in there and just what he could do with it now.

To say she didn't know the entire story of what happened to Ryan's brother was an understatement, but the pieces had slowly started to fall into place. But for Chloe, with Ryan grabbing her and yelling in her face, tears pouring down his, she felt a sense of terror. She'd fucked up. If she hadn't asked him that question, this wouldn't be happening. As he walked away, her natural instinct was to find someplace to hide and cry until the tears ran dry.

But this was on her. He was clearly in pain, and as much as her flight instinct was kicking in, she couldn't justify it. "I don't get it. I don't. Riley's the only sibling I ever gave a shit about. But whatever you're planning on going in there for, it'll only get you a bullet in the head from Ash. And goddamnit, I am not letting you punish yourself like this."

Slowly Ryan pulled out the key to the medical garden green house and looked down at it, it would be simple enough and not like many kept track of things, a leaf here, a stem there, no one would notice if he only took bits and pieces here and there. Even if they did he was wondering if it really mattered right then. Staring blankly at the key his eyes wandered to the hair around his finger. "If you knew what I done you'd pull the trigger," he said in a hoarse whisper.

She shook her head, holding her hand out for the key. "Whatever shit you did, I don't care," she stated, looking at his eyes. "I don't give a damn what it was, even if it was the darkest shit I've ever heard. I don't want you to die. And I doubt Cyril'd want this for you either." She paused for a moment, her hand still extended, waiting for the key to the medical garden. "And if I have to beat you silly and drag you home tonight, I fucking will."


Location: West of Newnan

Gavin smirked and reached over to tug on Ravi's beard. "Keep growin' that bear on yer face and in a few years you could take his place. Ravi Claus!" Gavin laughed as he kept trudging through the snow. Ravi, meanwhile, was frantically fixing his beard. He was rather protective of it, to the extent his old roommate used to put glitter in it and call it Princess Sparkles. But of course, there wasn't much he could do to keep the snowfall off of it.

"Well, Ravi Claus may just put you on the naughty list for terrorizing my beloved beard," Ravi sniffled, before cracking his composure and snickering a bit. "I used to have it insured, you know, against laboratory accidents."

That actually made Gavin stop in his tracks and gawk at Ravi. His mouth hung there slightly agape for a while before he rubbed the back of his head and whistled slightly. "You... insured that damn thing?!?!" he asked, half thinking he was hearing things before he busted out laughing, holding his side as he fell back in the snow.

At first, Ravi thought that Gavin was stopped in amazement and awe, realizing one man's dedication to his facial hair. But at the laughter, Ravi's cheeks burned a bit red. "Accidents happen!" Ravi insisted. "Besides, my face would look naked without the old girl. I don't need to look this attractive, yes, but I do quite enjoy looking damn fine when I can. Beard's part of the package."

Gavin couldn't stop laughing. Didn't matter he was rolling around in the snow holding his mid section, he was sweating from laughing so hard. Somewhere between the guffaws and the chuckles and the out right out bursts he poked more fun at Ravi. "What da hell does insurance do for a beard? They give ya a facial toupe? Emergency beard plugs? Oh, I know, super glue!"

Ravi rolled his eyes, glancing down at his friend like a parent looks at a child. Only difference was, of course, his cheeks were still burning red. "It's more complicated than that, mate!" Ravi insisted, but it nearly came out as a whine. "It's to pay for microneedling--essentially tells your body that there is damage in the area of the beard, so it grows in hair more quickly there. Or perhaps a hormone therapy solution. Anything to keep the old girl from looking shabby."

Gavin slowly worked his way to his knees and eventually his feet but he was still cracking up, tears rolling down his face; his cheeks were killing him from laughing so hard. "You brits, I swear. Jesus Christ on a cracker, how much that shit run ya a month to keep yer facial beaver in tact?"

Glancing back at his friend, Ravi made an exasperated face. "It's rude to discuss finances, Gavin!" he exclaimed, a bit appalled that his lovely beard had been referred to as a beaver. "Perhaps you're just jealous," Ravi sniffed, tilting his head up comically as to put his nose in the air. "Texas just isn't a good environment for facial hair, I suppose."

Gavin gawked towards Ravi and spit on the ground. "Taxas has done produced some of da best facial hair in history! Hell America be known for some of the best beards ever! Nelson! Burnside! Witman! And ya can't say the name Abraham Lincoln without thinking of dat damn facial fur! You ain't been to a Mustachery until you been to one in the Great State of Texas! Naw, none of that pretty trimmed boy look, no, real men! With real beards! Hard beards that woman loved!"

Ravi shook his head slightly, beaming. "Once this all blows over, you can take me to one of your finest Mustacheries. And I bet you, they'll understand the importance of beard insurance!" Ravi boasted, stroking his beard again. It was usually an unconscious gesture, but this time, it was on practice to accent his point. "Train hard, my young padawan, and you can one day have such a fine beard as I."

Gavin rolled his eyes a bit and kept on his way, trudging back through the snow as the kept growing closer to where the sound had come from. It was growing darker, he hoped they would reach somewhere, anywhere before night fell. Making camp in the middle of the snow wasn't the best idea but then again, Gavin hadn't thought about that before they headed out. He was an American damn it. We don't think, we do! "Yeah, yeah, and one day you'll have beautiful silky curls like me man!"

Ravi chuckled a bit, walking a little closer to Gavin the darker it got. He figured that the man had no idea where they were going, and he had been keeping an eye out for anything that screamed shelter. "I suppose this is what women mean when they say men don't ask for directions..."

"Now don't cha be worrin' yer pretty lil' beard a'out a thang! I gots this!" he said as he pushed through the snow. It was a few more minutes before they broke the tree line and hit an actual road. There were tracks in it leading north. "Ha! Sees there! I told ya I knews where we weres goin!"

Ravi rolled his eyes in response, though his cold limbs were thankful for the discovery of a road. Shelter couldn't be too far off now, he figured. "Brilliant! You found an unmarked road. My confidence in you is now 75%."

Patting Ravi hard on the back a few times he winked at hetero-life-mate and chuckled. "David slew Goliath with worse odds dan that! I'll take it!" he laughed with a broad grin before turning and heading north up the road. There were few things that got the man down, always seeming to slip back into that happy place eventually. Granted the day had started out with the darker side of him one wouldn't know it by the way he was acting. Hell the way he was acting it was like he had just found the golden ticket and was on his way to Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory, even had a little skip in his step now that they were on a road that the snow was at least part way packed down and easier to walk on.

Coughing, Ravi feigned being a little more fragile than he actually was. "But you have slain me, dear friend! Goodbye, cruel world! Goodbye!" He stumbled even slightly for effect, which was easy to mimic, given that they had been trudging through the snow for what felt like hours now. However, he couldn't keep up his own act, giggling a bit as his friend skipped a bit in his gait, reminding him of a school girl. "Though, David...if that's what your name is now...Could you slay Goliath a little quicker? I'm starting to wish I had four jumpers on at the moment."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Amelia smiled and nodded as they walked over back to the seats. The reception was continuing well enough and the fact that non divine lightnings and storms came from on high to destroy the event was rather lucky. Amelia had expected something big to happen, but so far no great commotions had. Maybe it was indeed pass without any grand incidents after all.'I hope.' She thought as she sat down.

“Ohh...? Ohhh...” Amelia made a surprisingly confused sound and looked about to spot Thana. Well Riley was indeed right about this.” This is... awkward... Just when I gathered my will...” She stated, looking down in her plate, cutting herself a piece of the meal and bringing it to her lips.”Mmmmmmm~” Amelia let out a very pleased sound as she tasted it. It was great! They had really pulled the A game for the reception and she loved it.

“I guess we will congratulate Jack and Tati for now and greet the the new woman later when we get the chance.” Amelia stated, pulling also a few little sips from the alcohol she had. It was strange, but she felt quite a lot warmer than before. Maybe there was something to this alcohol after all. There was also the slightly uncomfortable fact how it burnt her throat, but it was fine enough after the first few sips.

“Sounds like a plan!” Amelia finally stated and also focused on her meal to get done with it faster! Not that she needed a lot of reason to rush it, but it was so tasty and she was quite so hungry that it just felt natural to munch it down with haste. Maybe a little bit too much haste, because she had to use the glass of alcohol to drink one normal gulp so she can swallow e mouthful of food. “Mmm~” She once more let a pleased sound as she was nearing the end of her meal. She felt quite warm now, her cheeks also had flushed. With a glance about the place she noted the newlyweds were also now going for the food so they'd do better to wait for them to finish it or... She'd go with Riley's decision on that. When the singers finishes her meal and she wants to go, Amelia made her mind to follow.

“Shall we dance... later?” She then asked, smiling a lot wider now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Black James(!)

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Fork in hand, chunk of meat skewered and halfway to his mouth, James listened to Sana's descent into wrath. He held position, frozen there with his mouth partially open as word after word spilled out of her, stacking together to form hate filled sentences. Perhaps he'd have to defend himself with that four-pronged bit of metal before she was done. Difficult to tell with that one sometimes.

The barrage of suspect conjecture continued for longer than he had expected. A scrap of pork fell from his eating utensil, quietly splatting on the plate below, and yet he still stayed frozen, mouth slightly agape, silent. It was like Sana was a T-Rex looking for an easy meal; maybe if James stayed very, very still, she would lose sight of him and go looking for prey to chew apart somewhere else. Thankfully, after a while of accusation and paranoia, she grew disgusted with his company and left the building, her plate of foodstuffs still sitting on the table, abandoned by its owner.

James kept his eyes on the door for several long seconds, just to make sure that she wouldn't be returning immediately. Eyes still locked on the main entrance, his left hand slowly slipped over to Sana's plate. It snaked forward atop the table, ready to spring back at the slightest hint of the angry woman's return. When his fingertips made contact with the edge of the round bearer of yummyness, he knew he was home free. James blatantly slid the plate over next to his own, wordlessly laying claim to the contents thereupon.

"You know, she kinda right about one thing..." started James, around a mouthful of food. He gulped hard, suddenly realizing the lapse in table manners around Miss Sally. "Ain't like we was tryin' to set off Dick, but we expected somethin' might happen. Guess we didn't take the angry, racist sumbitch's feelings to heart." The look on his face, aside from the spot of gravy, hinted that despite personal misgivings about the man (of which there were several), he had a twinge of regret about that. James looked to the two elders, explaining, "And it ain't like the Cap'n was tryin' to show her off or nothin' to get him riled up. He was doin' the polite thing by her. Made an appearance, left 'fore it got awkward."

Trust me, I know Ash better'n anybody here. He's one of them distant, professional types. Ain't gonna mix business and personal kinda guy. Hell, I bet right this second he's just gettin' Thana settled in for the night." He motioned with his fork, then stabbed another piece of meat and shoved it into his face. He mumbled from around his savory repast, "Hmm. You wait an' see."

Ash & Thana

Location: Building A (Ash's House)

The returned nudge from Ash made Thana glanced over to him, there was a smile on his lips which only caused hers to grow ever so slightly; it tugging gently at the corner of her mouth. A look of approval coming to her eyes. He was actually smiling, not a broad smile but soft and nearly shy in her eyes, just telling her it was something he hadn't let himself enjoy in sometime. Her own smile split to a light sigh as she spoke and looked back off towards the fire, speaking as if she was narrating a bedtime story. "And what happened, then? Well, in Newnan they say – that the Captain’s small smile grew three sizes that day."

Chuckling to herself, Thana rested her head lightly on Ash's shoulder. Taking a moment to relax and enjoy the small victory. She doubted he would start walking around grinning from ear to ear outside of his home, he seemed the private type, but it was something. "See, told ya it wouldn't hurt much," she joked, her voice coming off more sly than humorous. She felt sorry for Ash in a way, he seemed like a decent enough fellow but he felt so closed off to everything.

This was the first time since he arrived that an actual fully formed smile had come to his face, one he didn't seem to be trying to choke back down before anyone spotted it. Seemed the poor guy had been needing someone to actually listen to him. Why he was letting her be the one to listen she didn't know; maybe it was because she actually asked, or maybe it was simply because she was new and had no attachments in town and therefor no historic prejudices or motives. Granted she still wasn't sure if she would stay in town, more than half figuring come tomorrow she would leave town but if she left she felt she had at least done something positive before she departed.

His response to storytime surprised even himself. It started as a sort of light, bubbly feeling that threatened to spill out. Much like Ash himself, the threat of his emotions bore ominous fruit, especially now as he earnestly tried to lower his personal defenses. That was the hard part. In his earlier years, it had just been who he was. Very professional at work, and very laid back afterwards. Recent life did not change the man at all, it merely repressed him; took away part of what he was. And so when he allowed himself to emote, it was pretty much all-or-nothing. Ash began to laugh. It was a chortle at first, giving way to genuine laughter. It lasted for a few seconds before Ash managed to get out, "Did... did you just Seuss me?"

Thana tilted her head back and glanced up at Ash as he let out his laughter, cocking a brow as her head left his shoulder. She hadn't expected that, most people didn't find her particular brand of humor so funny. Usually hit with looks of disapproval instead of actual laughter. It stunned her for a moment and then she smirked with a nod. "Well I think you must agree, it fit quiet unequivocally."

He let out another series of chuckles and wrapped an arm around Thana's shoulder, even as his other hand reached up to wipe away a mirthful tear. "Oh, just, oh God. I needed that. Really did." Ash took another drink of the peach spirits, and offered it to his guest. He looked into her eyes, speaking in all seriousness, "Whatever else, Thana, I am glad you're here." He gave a gentle smile, taking in the moment of viewing her and listening to the fire crackle in the background. "Thank you."

Thana felt herself being pulled close to Ash as he wrapped his arm around her, her body leaning against his. This was not the same man who seemed to be flabbergasted earlier over the prospect of her being his plus one; or even the one that choked down his laughter when she burst out in chortles earlier over Rays fall. Then again, maybe it was and he was just finally letting himself relax. It made her wonder though, why no one had really tried to bring out this side of him. Yes she knew that being disciplined was needed, especially in these times but this side of him was needed just as much. Not only for him but the community. People needed someone they could depend on yes, but one they also felt comfortable with.

Slipping an arm around his back her other rested against his chest, trying to keep herself from toppling over. She found herself biting her bottom lip as she did habitually as she looked at him just sitting there smiling at her and watching her face in the light of the fire. The warm glow of the fire casting shadows around the room. This was an interesting turn of events. Just what was happening? He was glad she was there? "I'm not gonna be lynched for breakin' ya am I Captain?" she asked as a cheshire grin formed on her lips as her hand left his chest. Taking the flask that was offered her from his hand, her fingers lightly grazing his in the process.

It was indeed an interesting turn of events. It was about a year since anyone seemed to care about Ash on an emotional level, let alone convinced him to drop his guard of granite stoicism. Even now, it was a continual struggle to do so. The things we construct to defend ourselves often leave us even more vulnerable if they are breached, or intentionally cracked. Thana seemed to do just that, reminding Ash of who he used to be before the Outbreak, before Newnan, before Alicia died, before Eden. One other person was ever successful in doing this with Ash. He had to put a bullet through her undead skull. To be in his position now, in front of a fire with a woman capable of interacting with him on an emotional level; it was blissful. "No, Thana." His voice was honest and gentle. "No one's getting lynched, and I'm not broken yet." Ash brushed a stray lock of hair away from Thana's face, gazing into her eyes. He did desperately want to kiss her; an electric pull tingling upon his lips like they were magnetized, seeking their polar opposite beneath the cool blue of her eyes, her mouth curving into the most amazing smile he had seen in a very long while. Logically, Ash knew that there were extenuating circumstances affecting his emotions. Practically, he didn't care.

Thana's eyes drifted to his fingers as he reached up, feeling the warmth of his skin while he brushed the hair back from her face; it was odd. As if he knew having her hair in her face was one of those small idiosyncrasies that drove her batty. Her gaze lifting back to his, seeking out those steely blue eyes that seemed to hold so much more warmth than he had let himself show until now. She could feel the pull between them, it was something she had not felt in some time. Life on the road made for few companions. The flask was rested back on the table before her hand came up. Was this all he had needed? Just a little human contact? It seemed so simple but that was life. Things were actually very simple, we as humans just made them complicated. Her hand came to his face and rested against his cheek, letting her thumb caress the line of his jaw as she pulled him closer. She could feel her breath deepening as her brow rested against his. A sigh escaping her lips, eyes drifting close as her nose brushed against his. "That's good," she whispered, letting her peach tinted breath fall from her lips. Was she answering the fact he wasn't broken, or something more? Probably both but it didn't matter, it was one of those rare moments people hoped to steal: the ones that kept you living instead of just surviving. Right then, she didn't know who needed it more; him or her.

Ash felt everything with uncommon tactile clarity. He felt the heat of her hand on his cheek, sending waves of urgent need across his skin. Thana's breath caressed his face as she pulled him in close, more intoxicating than the brashest liquor yet sweeter than mulled honey, beckoning him on. In that moment the tiniest flicker of the man-that-was awoke in the back of his mind, giving him pause millimeters before their lips touched. It was torture, being that close to the one thing that would ease his suffering. Ash's hands trembled ever so slightly, despite himself. What was he doing? He had to know, before he could could let himself give in - was this what Thana truly wanted? It would complicate things, he knew. But in that moment, Ash wanted a complication. Needed it.

His voice whispered in breathy syllables, their lips barely brushing as he made a request. It may have sounded out of place, but their context left no room to misinterpret his desire. "Permission to speak freely?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Location:Building Seven (rec)

Niesha smiled slightly at the comment on falling, and said ”Everyone falls somethings, you told me that you fell because there was a hole in the ground. Can’t do much about that, especially if there is a reason you are running. Rarely is the ground kind enough to be smooth.” She pointed out, settling back in her chair, she flicked a glance over to Kristina, making sure she was going to eat, pleased when she saw her drinking water, before lookng back over to Raymond.

She gave a shrug at the question, seeming to take a moment before responding. ”Can’t say there is much, to be honest. Its the same old, same old” She said softly, knowing that she should try to figure out how to continue the conversation, but not at all sure how she could go about doing that.

She looked down at the table, thoughtful. This sort of thing wasn’t what she was good at, and Niesha sighed before looking back up. ”What about with you, Raymond? Anything new?” She had caught what he’d said to Tiffany, and she wasn’t completely moronic in that regard, ”You two look good together, have you thought of tying the knot?” That was a saying, wasn’t it? Did it really matter? She shook her head as her thoughts went dangerously close to derailing. Or close to thoughts of Sophia.
”You got to take happiness where you can get it, these days right?”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Building 7 (Rec Center)

As Tiffany sat and ate her food, listening to the others talked, Niesha decided to ask the question she had been thinking about. Did she want to tie the knot with Ray? Sure, she loved Ray, but was all the celebration really necessary? It's not like they had courthouses and licenses anymore. There were no laws. No order. Other than showing the others that you were committed to each other, was there a point?

However, the more she thought about it, the more she liked it. Did she want to do it right away? Not really. But it wasn't completely off the table. She, like most girls, planned their wedding and every detail. Circumstances left that by the wayside, but she still wanted a wedding. Eventually. "I mean...if we did it should be way later. Don't want to take the spotlight off of Jack and Tatiana. But...I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, I guess." She could feel her cheeks flush a bit. This was the first time she was admitting the thought of marriage crossed her mind. She hoped Ray had similar thoughts, or this relationship just got awkward.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center) Inside -> Outside
Interacting With: Jack

Tatiana smiled over to Jack and rested her head on his shoulder as he lead her over to the food. "You vill do just fine," she said giggling lightly. Jack wasn't the best dancer that was for sure but she didn't marry him because of his dancing talent. In fact the way he was able to just let loose and be his goofy self no matter what was one of things that made her fall in love with him in the first place. No matter what was going on he seemed to be able to smile and be silly about it.

Stepping over to the table she picked up a plate and handed it over to Jack before she got one for herself. Looking at all the food she was astounded that they had been able to pull this off. It made her smile thinking about how much everyone had done to make sure this day went well. Grabbing some food she plated it and glanced around looking for a table to sit at. "Vhere you vant to sit?" she asked; half way hoping he didn't pick the table where Beatrice was at. It wasn't that she had anything against the woman but she wasn't exactly all happy go luckly.

Miss Sally looked over at James as she watched him pull Sana's plate over to him and chuckled a bit. "You say that but I remember that no one thought Richard could be a decent guy either; yet when Zoie was here he could be. If Thana is anything like her sister, who knows. Maybe she will bring out a side of the Captain that he doesn't even know is there," she said before picking up her drink and taking a sip. Lyon stopped mid chew and started chuckling.

Back in the infirmary Froggy looked over Ceil and nodded a bit. "We will get you something to help you sleep. Do you want to stay here tonight? Or go back to your place?" Froggy asked as he went over to the medicine cabinet and unlocked it. "Depending on where you want to sleep little one will depends on when I give you the meds. You need rest," he said as he pulled out a bottle and locked the cabinet back up tight, slipping the key into his pocket.

"Now, want to tell me why you can't sleep?" he asked in a compassionate voice as he pulled up a chair and sat down near Ciel. He heard the door of the court house open but then the foot steps didn't head towards the infirmary but up the stairs. He figured it must have been Sana taking over for the tower. She was on duty this evening, and it was growing dark, so the timing was right but he didn't bother to check. People came and went all the time in the building for this reason or another. Right then he had a patient to look over.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Infirmary

Ciel hesitated on making a decision about where he'd spend the night. On the one hand, he really liked the independence of having his own place and didn't want people to think he couldn't handle it. But on the other hand,maybe they'd be right not to trust him. After all, he hadn't exactly shown impressive self care skills.

He remained silent, save for his labored breathing,until Froggy asked him to explain why he hadn't been sleeping. Though Ciel wasn't particularly excited to share his reasons, he felt that he owed Froggy an answer. Froggy had been an essential part of why Ciel didn't die on arrival in Newnan, and he was just so goddamn cool. Anyway, Froggy definitely didn't deserve to be ignored.

"I just keep thinking... you know, that something's gonna happen? Like, the walkers, or a fire or just some crazy raiders or..." He paused to catch his breath, keeping his gaze cast on the floor. Taking in a few shallow gasps of air, he continued. "I just always feel like Newnan's not going to be there when I wake up. I mean... it's crazy that I ever got here alive. I don't want to die. I just... I just don't want to die."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Kristina looked over at Beatrice as she asked how she was doing, she shrugged slightly she was happy to see two of her closest friends in Newnan finally tying the knot. Though a part of her wondered if there would eventually be someone out there for her as well. "I'm alright." Kris answered as she started to cut more of her food, she looked over at Raymond, Tiffany and then Niesha as the three of them started to bring up the conversation of marriage between the two of the, it was an interesting idea to see the two of them getting married as well. They did look like a pretty happy couple together and they seemed to be really close as well, Kristina ran a hand through her hair and continued to eat.

"So are you planning on after the reception?" Kris asked looking back at Beatrice as she started to drink a bit more of the water setting the glass down, as her eyes wondered around the room. She watched as Sana started to storm out of the Rec Center, looking over at the table where she had left seeing Lyon, Ms Sally and Black James were seated. Kristina wasn't sure what that was all about, she was tempted to go and see if Sana was alright then again she was pretty close to Dick and she really hated being in the same room with the man. She also didn't want to talk or be near him at the moment remembering that Dick had angrily threw the CD player out of the second story window of his house after the meeting with Thana.

Then Kris watched Chloe and Ryan walking out of the room together as well, probably thinking that they had enough and wanted to call it a night. She started to finish up eating the rest of her dinner while looking back at Niesha and gave her friend a slight smile as she decided to just listen in on their conversation.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Ray shrugged slightly about falling into that hole nearly a year ago, it was something that still slightly haunted him it was more like a trap set earlier by someone to fall into on purpose. "Ms Sally made these for me earlier to make it easier to walk around the streets in the snow." Ray said gesturing towards his shoe that was covered over by the sock with gravel in it, and the same thing that was on the end of his crutches to help with traction, if he wasn't using Cadence to get around town. Then Ray stopped for a moment when Niesha asked both himself and Tiffany if they were going to tie the knot eventually.

He looked over at Tiffany for her thoughts on the matter, Ray smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck slightly it was something he also started to think about lately. "The thought has crossed my mind a few times lately." He said giving Tiffany a smile, he was really happy to be with her. And waking up every morning next to her was something he always looked forward to every day and has kept him running now, but Jack and Tatiana did get married today. And he also didn't want to have it overshadow their happiness. "Something that we could talk about, more in private later."

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Riley couldn't help but giggle slightly as Amelia realized that Ash and Thana had left the Rec Center sometime ago, to do their own thing or call it a night she wasn't sure really. "We can talk with them tomorrow or something I guess." Riley wasn't going to go over seek Ashton out just to say hi and talk with Thana, to her it would feel slightly awkward since she and Ashton were tense at best. Riley looked over to see her sister, and Ryan leaving shortly after Sana as well, which started to make her wonder what the two of them were doing alone. Riley knew that Chloe didn't have any kind of romantic feelings for him, either they both decided to call it a night or to get some fresh air.

Riley quickly turned her attention back to Amelia as she asked to dance later which made her smile and gave her a nod and smile. "I wouldn't mind having a dance with you later after singing some more of course." Riley said as she reached over and started to take a sip of her drink, she enjoyed having a drink every now and then. She remembered the old days before the outbreak where she and her bandmates would always go out to a few bars, meet up with some fans and drink, before going on to the next bar. She always held down most of her drinks pretty well, but sometimes she did end up getting drunk after long nights of partying.

Riley continued to enjoy the meat that James had spent cooking all day, Riley watched as Meg, Tatiana and Jack started making their way through the buffet getting their own food wondering where the newlyweds would end up choosing to sit at. Then Riley watched as Meg started making their way over to them and pushed the chair back slightly to let Meg sit and join them.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

"I'm sure Froggy will be tending to your toes by the end of the evening." Meghna said teasingly as she looked at the two of them and started to follow them over to the buffet as well feeling her stomach starting to growl slightly. She was really hungry as Meg grabbed her own plate starting to put her own food onto it while looking at the couple, they were so adorable together as Meg went down the line once she finished putting the sides on her plate. "Cant wait to see you two dance together." Meg commented as she went over and asked for one of the alcoholic drinks that were set up.

Meg started making her way over towards Amelia and Riley were sitting together looking at Riley as she pushed a chair forward to let her sit there. "Thanks for letting me sit Riley." Meghna gave her a smile and looked over at her friend Amelia and gave her a friendly nod. "How are you doing Amelia enjoying yourself?" She asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: The Rec Center (Building 7)

"You have way too much faith in me, solovey," Jack chuckled, as Tatiana reassured him he'd do just fine at the dance. He was more in agreement with Meg--Froggy was likely going to need to take a look at Tatiana's feet after they finished. While some might have assumed that Jack was just pretending to be awful at dancing, due to his goofy nature, he really was truly terrible. Describing his skills as 'beginner level' would be a huge exaggeration.

"Thanks," Jack said, as he took the plate from Tatiana, expertly holding the alcohol gifts and Tatiana's gift in his hands, armpit, and essentially any surface possible. The bottles were held together in one hand, with Tatiana's gift hooked onto his fingers. In the other hand, he held the plate of food. It was a bit of a balancing act, to say the least. "How 'bout ovah with James and all?" Jack suggested, since they hadn't gotten a chance to talk with their favorite redneck just yet. If his hands hadn't been so full, he would've waited a moment for Tatiana to make a counter suggestion, but as it was, he barely made it over to James' table without dropping everything.

"Mind if we join you all?" Jack asked, hastily setting down his things for a moment. He really didn't want to drop the alcohol bottles and break them. He smiled awkwardly at James, Ms. Sally, and Lyon, before smiling even more widely as he looked back at Tatiana again.

Beatrice Decker

Location: The Rec Center (Building 7)

Beatrice's mind was in two--perhaps even three--places at once. On one hand, she was listening to the conversation between Niesha, Tiffany, and Ray. It conjured up images of Tiffany forcing her to be a bridesmaid, with her face forced into a permanent and disgusting grin the entire time, as she celebrated a ceremony she didn't believe in. However, Beatrice did find it a bit amusing that Niesha went straight out and asked--that easily could've triggered the end of a relationship, in her experience. If either Tiffany or Ray hadn't been thinking marriage, and the other had, that would've been it.

On another level, of course, Beatrice was paying attention to her conversation with Kris. It was fairly surface level--how are you doing? what are you doing later? what's your social security number? She did try her very best to be polite and attentive, but Beatrice had a resting bitch face that never seemed to come off. "Likely going to go home and sleep," Beatrice replied with a shrug. "Not much else to do, really." It'd be too dark, after all, for her to go on a run or wander around Newnan.

But on the third and final level, Beatrice's mind was on the food. She hadn't gotten herself a plate to eat yet, and with the newlyweds getting themselves some grub, she figured she'd waited long enough. "Be right back," Beatrice nodded at Kris, before getting up from her seat, and heading over to the buffet table. Her stomach growled, as if giving its official approval for her course of action.


Location: The Medical Garden

Ryan looked over towards Chloe and then back down at the key, he really wanted to go in there get what he needed and just numb himself. At that point it wouldn't matter if Ash put a bullet through his skull or not, he wouldn't care. Granted right then he really didn't care either but looking back up at Chloe he grumbled and flopped down in the snow on his rear-end and balled up the key in his palm. "I swear some days you are a fuckin' witch. Get me to do what you want and I don't even get a tumble every now and then," he said looking at the snow and shoving the key into his pocket. "But I'm not giving ya the key. I do that Ash will shoot me..."

Chloe closed her eyes for a moment, trying to control her temper as best as she could. Ryan was clearly in pain, feeling a bunch of emotions--more bad than good--all at once. But he was complaining that she wouldn't sleep with him? Had he been anyone else, she likely would've punched him and been done with him. "Ryan. I want to be your friend--not your fuck buddy," Chloe said, trying to be calm but it was clear there was an edge to her voice. "If this is all about sex for you..." her voice trailed off, as she clenched and unclenched her hands. There was something she was holding back, but she shook her head, unable to voice it. "I'm not doing that again for anyone, okay? I don't want to be a glorified whore."

Ryan couldn't help but chuckle as he looked over to her. Taking a long deep breath he sighed and gave her a crooked smile with a slight roll to his eyes. "Girl you totally missed what I was sayin' with that." Standing up he dusted his backside off to get rid of the snow before placing his hands on her shoulders and locking eyes with her. "If it was about the sex I would have moved on to someone I actually had a chance bedding. What I meant was that you've bewitched me, sex doesn't matter. I care about you even know I'll never get to first base," he said with that Irish twinkle in his eye. Placing a hooked finger under her chin he leaned in and kissed her forehead. "Who knows, I might become a priest, I'm already celibate because of you," he said with a smirk before tapping her nose with the tip of his finger.

His words took Chloe aback for a moment, having been long aware of Ryan's efforts to woo her. She had always assumed that the man was holding out hope that one day, she'd no longer be the way she was, and that she'd return his affections. A mixture of confusion and relief was on her face, as he kissed her forehead, and then booped her on the nose. "You'd be a shit priest, Father O'Reily. Plus, paganism is where it's at--those fuckers got to go on nature walks." But she paused for a moment, looking directly at him. "Promise me if some chick gets here that you're into, you'll pursue her, okay? I don't want you to be celibate because of me."

"Yeah, well we'll see about that lass. Rather be celibate and happy than screwed in two ways," he said with a smirk. Ryan didn't like the idea of going after someone else. He knew he didn't stand a chance in hell with Chloe but hearts were weird things and he had one hell of an attachment with Chloe. He knew he'd make a shit priest but that was only a joke. He kind of felt like one of those bed time stories where the knight falls in love with a queen and can never have her. It was stupid he knew but hey, the heart wanted what the heart wanted. HE figured in some strange way this was punishment for the shit he had done.

Chloe rolled her eyes, but she was smiling all the same. Ryan was about as stubborn as they came, and while she didn't want him to be hung up on her for the rest of his life, there wasn't much she could do about it. The heart wants what the heart wants. If their friendship made him happy, so be it. "You're one weird ass person, Ryan," Chloe chuckled. She meant it as a compliment. She'd never met someone before quite like him.

"Oh like ya'd have it any other way," he said with a slight smile before shoving his hands into his pockets. "Listen, why don't ya go back to the party and eat. I'm gonna take a walk. Clear me head."

"Just don't come home high," Chloe requested, only half trusting Ryan not to turn around, head into the medical garden, and take his pick of the items found there. But all the same, if he really wanted to get high, Chloe figured he'd find a way to do it. Wrapping her shrug a little tighter around herself, in order to keep the chill at bay, Chloe turned and headed down Gilbert Street.


Location: West of Newnan

"Yeah yeah, quit yer bitchin'. Slayin takes time. Mental preparation! Gotta be sharp as a tact," Gavin said as he tapped the side of his head before looking down at the snow and spinning around a few times as he looked at the tracks. Ravi merely snorted in reply, shaking his head. He knew very well that Gavin was more of doing sort of fellow, rather than the thinking type. Action speaks louder than words and all. "You're about as sharp as rubber sometimes, mate."

"And you've got the direction sense of a drunken Columbus most of the time. We'd be lookin' fer Peachtree City and you's land us in Vegas," Gavin said with a laugh before turning around again and looking down the road. Clearing his throat he pointed north east and gave his worst British Accent impersonation. "This way mate! Tally ho!" he exclaimed before he started walking again.

"Vegas could be fun!" Ravi protested. He clutched his ears at Gavin's accent, as if they were bleeding from its horribleness. "I'll make a proper Brit out of you yet, mate," Ravi said, shaking his head. "Now, the first lesson--everything is made right and proper with a good cuppa tea." Unfortunately, on the snowy roads in Georgia, there wasn't a kettle in sight. "And since there's no tea to be found, we say bollocks."

Gavin stopped in his tracks and turned around slowly. His face turning very serious, which was really damn rare and odd for Gavin. Rubbing his chin a bit, he scratched at his facial hair before shaking his head and letting out a long breath. "I only gonna says this once. Tea is only served one way here in the Great United States: made in the sun, sweet as syrup, and over ice," Gavin said in the most serious voice he had probably ever had with Ravi.

Ravi's eyes narrowed, as his national pride was put on the line. Had this been an animated cartoon, traditional British symbols--the Queen, Big Ben, Red Telephone Booths, the Union Jack, Crumpets...--would have been floating around his head. Every moment that Ravi had felt down, a steaming hot cup of tea did the trick. Every celebration, every birthday, ever party included it. And for Gavin to protest against it, to instead advocate for the sweet and cold monstrosity that Americans referred to as tea?! Well...

"You know, that's perhaps the one good thing about your country," Ravi mused. "Iced tea is terribly hard to find in Europe."

Gavin smirked. "That's cause y'all ain't got class," he said with a chuckle before he started walking down the street again. He wasn't sure what was down the road but there was no turning back at this point in his mind.

Ravi stopped in his tracks, and almost identical to how Gavin had fallen to the ground laughing earlier, clutched his stomach as he tried to keep the laughter at bay. "Americans...with class? Ravi asked, as if that had been the funniest thing he ever heard. The entire time, he had a shit-eating grin on his face, as he knew that Americans weren't that bad--but hey, it got Gavin a bit worked up, and the Texan's patriotic rants were always fun to listen to. "You don't even have that great an accent, mate."

"Oh I got class man, class coming out the wazoo!" Gavin said shaking his rear-end and smirking. He knew that Ravi was trying to bait him and he was about to give him his usual speech but hey, the road was bending and as it did Gavin stopped in his tracks. Off in the distance looked to be a building, it was still a while off but they were on a road now and a building meant shelter. "Ha! See I told ya I knews where wes were goin'! Never doubt a Ranger man, I's always get us to where's we be goin'," he laughed.

Squinting ever so slightly to try to get a better glimpse of the building, Ravi wasn't able to make out any identifiable features--certainly no "Welcome to Peachtree City" sign or anything to prove Gavin as correct. And while he would have loved to bait the man even more about it, the cold in his bones had long since set in, and the prospect of shelter was incredibly welcome to the Brit. "If that's Peachtree City, then my confidence in you will have only risen," Ravi explained. "Let's just hope no one there wants to kill us, for now."

"Hey hey now. I never done said I was takin' ya to Peachtree City. I was following the sound earlier. I'ms lookin' fer a place to drop yer ass off whiles I goes and deals with those fuck wads," Gavin said, a hint of seriousness to his voice as he kept walking. Gavin jumped the gun a lot but if he had a chance to ditch Ravi before hand he was. Whoever these people were, well the weren't nice and Ravi was just too damn nice. They'd end up killing him, and probably because Ravi would refuse to kill them. He wasn't about to put his heterolife mate in the cross fire if he could help it.

"I suppose this is what it feels like to be a housewife," Ravi mused, though he didn't protest all too much. He knew that he'd ultimately only slow Gavin down. Every time he was in a situation that required him to kill, he just couldn't do it. He saw his dead best friend in every walker. He saw his failure to save Liv from her fate behind every dead and unseeing eye. And even when there wasn't a single walker in sight, when Gavin kept him holed away, he still saw Liv's limp body in his dreams--in his nightmares.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

“I suppose that's the best decision.” Amelia agreed as there was indeed no guarantee Ash and Thana would return again tonight. With that problem's solution decided on. The reception continued normally and Amelia couldn't be sure, but she felt like the place was getting a little brighter and warmer. Either that or it was her that was getting brighter and warmer due a certain...” Better not … anymore...” She mumbled, pushing her glass of alcohol away from her as a symbolic gesture towards herself. A mental thing. She remembered her parents talking about getting drunk, Amelia so far had not in her life, but she suspected it was getting to her... maybe. Were people supposed to understand when the alcohol was getting to them? Anyhow she decided to no drink more for now, better let her head clear up.

“Great, looking forward to both your singing and dancing later!” Amelia stated happily with slightly louder voice than her usual. She also noted that Meg was walking towards them. She smiled when Riley pushed a chair for the other girl to sit with them.

“Yes, it's very great!” Amelia replied with a huge smile and flushed cheeks at Meg's question.” I can't wait for the dancing to start!” She stated and looked at Meg.” What about you, having fun?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Black James(!)

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Rather than deal with two plates full of yummy food, James opted to unceremoniously deposit the contents of Sana's plate onto his. While not truly ambidextrous, he was able to manage the lift-and-splat with his left hand while simultaneously forkshoveling his original plate's contents into his face with wild abandon, even as Sally described the supposed mystical, psyche altering qualities of the Martin women. James knew about Martin women. He was friends with the family since before the the world turned itself inside out. Was aware of at least three of themGranted, it had been a very long while since he'd seen Thana. She had a rocky background. For all he knew, Ash might be the one that brought out something positive in her.

"I dunno, Miss Sally. I been tight with the Cap'n for a while now, an' I knew Thana from a ways before. That girl's mama made some of the best damned fried chicken on the planet, and it ain't 'cause I'm black, neither. Woman'd make a mess o' yard bird that'd get a PETA lawyer to make the hard choice."

Oh, James was packing back the good stuff, bite by glorious, sloppy bite. He did so around putting his two cents in with Sally. It made conversation interesting, but at least he had the good sense to use a napkin and not just wipe his mouth and hands on the tablecloth. But he did want to, a little. He was about to speak on the subject of Thana a little bit more when Newnan's Security Lead (and the happy Groom of the evening) sauntered up carrying much more than should have been thrust upon him.

"Well hells yeah there, Mr. Jack. This's all 'bout you and the missus - you can sit wherever you want to, with whoever you want to. 'Specially if you got that good liquor, Chief." James raised one eyebrow and assumed a coy expression in the manner of a man waxing humorous, though he did get an eyeful of the stark blue label on one of the bottles. He quickly changed the subject before he became too utterly transparent. "C'mon then, you and Tatiana both. Join us, join us. We was just talking 'bout the Captain and his guest. Me and Miss Sally got different minds about it. Before you hear from me or her, what's your take on them two?"

Ash & Thana

Location: Building A (Ash's House)

The crackle of the fire seemed to be drowned out by the heavy throbbing sound of Thana's heart as she felt his lips ease closer to hers. The gentle tickle sending a spark through her body, her fingers slipping and curling into his short hair. Another's hairs breath and things could, would get complicated. A single word meant the line was no longer there, but it was already so very blurred. Did she dare to do this? It could end up being a perfect storm. Yet the sailor in her craved the unpredictably of the sea. Through quickened breaths her tongue flicked passed her lips, moistening them and taking the barest taste of his own. She could feel his hands trembling, or was that her own body? It seemed odd, this was not the awkward first chance meeting, this felt more like finding something she had lost so long ago.

"Gr..." she started to try to say but felt the word catch on her staggering breath. Swallowing the dry lump in her throat there was the barest of nods as she whispered hungrily against his lips. "Granted."

Ash crossed the barest distance between them to settle his lips against hers. Thana found herself sharply inhaling as she felt the connection between them, her lips pulsing gently against his. He began slowly, merely savoring her touch, before passion took his senses. Thana was fire, she was electricity. The feel of her was as water in a burning desert, slaking his desire yet threatening to overwhelm and carry him away. Ash slid his calloused hand up to caress her cheek, even as the other found her lower back, pulling her against him. She could feel the warmth of his hand radiating through the dark fabric of her pajamas. Her soft curves molding against his strong frame. He sighed, fully enchanted with this woman and unwilling to do anything to save himself. He wanted to take in as much of her as he could in that moment; to let himself feel her heat and breathe her in, the smell of her hair and bliss of her hands upon him. If she intended to leave tomorrow, Ash would forever have this to remember of Thana, the scent and feel and taste of her. What began as an impassioned kiss quickly turned to yearning intensity. The more he had of her, the more he needed.

A gentle moan escaped Thana as she nipped at Ash's bottom lip, pulling it between her pearly teeth before letting it slip free. She could taste the peach elixir on his tongue mixing with the taste of him. It was divine: like chilled ambrosia on a hot summers day. Warm breaths washing between them as the beat of her heart pounded against her chest. It was nearly deafening. Thump, thump against her breast as her fingers curled and her nails scratched the back of his neck lightly. The sensation of nails against flesh pushed Ash instinctively forward, not as an invitation but a nonverbal command to proceed. The line hadn't been crossed, it had been eradicated when their lips met. Pulling him closer as she leaned back her lips broke from his, trailing his skin; pressing her lips against the hinge of his jaw. Thump, thump, there it went again in her ears. Thana's eyes drifting open and peering off towards the fire; seeing their intertwined shadow against the curtains. Thump, thump. A soft vibration coming from her lips, that wasn't just her heart beating, it was something more. Against his skin her voice groaned, "door..."

Ash didn't understand exactly what Thana meant by "door". He was lost in the moment of her, drunk from her affections and reeling from every brush of her hands. While he didn't know what "door" was, Ash was willing to do just about anything for her just then, no matter how vanilla or International Womens' Day it might be, just to keep their moment going. Then he heard it, too. Thump, thump. Of course. Door.

"...damnit..." he growled. This was not happening. Just not happening. "No, hold on. Hold on. I'm sorry. This could be important." Whatever the reason for the disturbance, it had better be something of profound, community-spanning concern, or someone would answer for it. "I'm so sorry. I have to make sure everything's ok. Apocalypse and stuff."

Thana leaned back, her eyes drifting open as she let out a rough breath. She didn't want him to go but she understood. Nodding slightly she placed soft lingering kisses to his lips. "I know," she whispered between the impassioned pecks before her lips peeled from his.

Under the weight of extreme reluctance, Ash rose and quickly buckled on his utility belt. Thana's hands slipping from around him and leaning back on the couch, watching him closely as her eyes flickered. If there was an emergency, he wanted to be armed. If there wasn't an emergency, he still wanted to be armed, but for a vastly different reason. "Please don't go far. I should be right back."

"I won't." Thana ran her hand through her hair as she tucked her feet beneath her and waited. Swallowing slightly she rolled her lips in, she could still taste his kiss on them. It was not how she expected the day to do but she wasn't going to complain. It was a hell of a lot better way to spend the evening than to be trudging out in the snow right then trying to find a place to hunker down for the evening; a much better way.

Glancing back once more at the unparalleled woman on his couch, he stood entranced at the way the firelight played across her face. But just for a second more. The interrupting drum beat of Thump, thump broke his hungered concentration. He quickly exited the side room and jogged the short way to his front door. Peering through the peephole, he recognized exactly who this was. It was Bryn's security escort. Ash tried as best he could to shove down the growing, nigh homicidal annoyance that threatened to come pouring out of him. It was funny, a man in control of his emotions as proficiently as Ash, once guard is lowered, it became difficult to put those psychological safeguards back in place. And so the fate of the lone Security Agent stood in precarious balance as the irritated Captain opened the door about halfway.

"Yes?" His voice was grim.

"Reporting as ordered, sir. Bryn has been safely and successfully escorted back to her house, per request."

"Is there a reason why you didn't radio this in, soldier?" he asked through clenched teeth.

Despite holding an assault rifle, the man looked positively defenseless. "Sorry Captain, didn't want everyone to know," the man stuttered slightly.

Thana leaned forward and stood up, slowly stepping over towards the archway to the hall. She heard Ash's voice and her lips pursed thinking back to what he had said earlier. "I'm not broken yet." Looking down she pushed her hair back and tucked it behind her ears. He wasn't broken, yet. Thing was though, if they kept going, would he end up broken? It was just a night and with someone else it wouldn't have crossed her mind yet with Ash, it was different. He seemed to be opening up for the first time in a very long time. Did she really want to push things and take advantage of that? Leaning against the archway she sighed; this was not a good thought to have on her mind right then. "...shit..."

Back at the front door, Ash's stern look began to fade. His tensed shoulders dropped, and he addressed the younger man with a much calmer voice. "Yeah. Good thinking, soldier." He had to admit, it was a good idea to utilize discretion in this instance. And Ash's ill mood at the interruption was motivated purely from a selfish standpoint. "Look, I'm being an asshole. Thank you. Get back to the party and have yourself a good time as soon as you're off shift. You deserve it." In Ash's mind, they all deserved it. Hell, maybe even he did, too.

He bid the man a good evening and slowly began to close the door, looking back down the hallway to the room he had just left. The firelight cast dancing shadow on the wall beyond the archway. Within that room was the first woman he had let himself get close to in a year. This was not some person of convenience, either. No lady with whom he held shallow interests in common and the possession of compatible anatomy. She was right down the hall, and he had to get back to her.

Resting her head back against the arc-frame Thana let out a deep calming breath. Things seemed to be alright as far as the town was concerned; which was good. She had told Ash he needed time off, leave from the responsibility if only for a short time. To live instead of just surviving. How bad would have that backfired if as soon as he let his guard down something horrific happened that he could have blamed on himself? Glancing over at the couch she wondered if she should go sit back down but thought better of it. It could appear that she had been trying to hide something and she wasn't. Sure she had wanted to hear what was going on, just in case, but it wasn't like she was being secretive about it.

He locked and barred his front door, and calmly walked back to the sitting room. The flames from the fire did an excellent job providing light and warmth in this room, but it held no interest to him while the vision that was Thana was standing right there. Gently, he reached out his hand to caress her cheek, saying nothing, merely gazing at her as if committing her face to memory.

Looking over towards Ash she watched him closely, wondering if he was having second thoughts on the matter now that they had been disturbed. Feeling his hand on her cheek told her otherwise. The corner of her mouth pulled into an alluring grin as she leaned into his touch. A single brow rising slightly as he stood there watching her. "Cup of coffee for your thoughts." Reaching out, she rested her hand on his chest, pulling at the fabric of his shirt to draw him closer. She had to be losing her mind to keep this up, or maybe she needed the reprieve as much as he did.

"Cup of coffee?" he responded in a faux smug voice, stepping slowly to Thana as she leashed him closer. He kept one hand on her cheek, but slipped his free hand behind her back. "My thoughts..." Ash nodded slowly, his solemn eyes betrayed by a small smile. "I think, Thana, that I'm going to heed your advice. Unless we come under attack, I'm taking the night off." He leaned in, voice trailing to a whisper, "Haven't taken personal time in a while. I'll need help figuring out just what to do with myself." Ash very gingerly kissed the side of her neck. "I'm open to suggestions."

Thana couldn't help but let a coy smirk come to her lips when he spoke in that voice about the coffee, half tempted to call him a meat tosser but refraining from doing so. She was more focused on other things, like his hand slipped around to her the arc of her back. Her fingers fanning out over his chest as they traveled up and hooked over his shoulder while he spoke. Her brow lifting as she felt his lips to her skin, a shiver running down her spine as her breath caught. Her eyes drifting around the room and watching the shadows being cast on the walls as she thought, several ideas running through her mind but she was still torn if perhaps things were moving too fast.

"I have a few ideas," she whispered against his ear. Slowly she stepped around him and wandered back into the sitting room, her fingers running over the tops of a row of books on the mantle. Pulling one that looked to be rather old, perhaps older than the house they stood in. She flipped through it, eventually letting it settle on the inner cover as she read to herself. Millicent Wyndham, 1823, was inscribed in a flourished faded script. Turning she let the book snap close and looked over towards Ash as her fingers caressed the worn cover. "We could read, that if unless you have something else on yer mind."

Admittedly, Ash was a great fan of reading. His house was a virtually untouched historical building, restored within the past few years before the Outbreak. It was filled with interesting conversations pieces and a mountain of books. Sadly, the ordinarily grim man hadn't been blessed with an abundance of free time to peruse more than a few of his recovered tomes, though some of that was his fault. Given that he had just announced his intention to spend the remainder of the night away from official duties, technically he had a little time to do just that. Be that as it may, looking from Thana and the book in her hand, there was no contest.

Little decisions that she made, however - choice of words, putting distance between them, general coy behavior - led Ash to believe that she was having second thoughts about their almost-tryst. He didn't want Thana to feel uncomfortable nor obligated in any way. It just wasn't how he handled things, and as a touch of irony, one of the reasons why he usually kept his professional and personal lives walled away from each other. Ash certainly called it earlier when he realized that this would lead to complications. He also called it that he didn't care. Perhaps she did; if that was the case he would have to put his feelings aside, and immediately. Ash walked slowly over to Thana, trailing his hand down her arm to the book that she held. He gently took it from her and placed it back on the shelf. Cupping her hand in both of his, Ash gazed into her liquid, expressive eyes, and spoke in a soft but serious voice:

"I'm going to be very blunt, Thana. I have something else on my mind. I'd be dead or a damned fool not to. You are the most gorgeous woman to set foot inside of this dwelling in a very long time, and am undeniably attracted to you. But I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything you have the slightest reservation about doing." Ash paused for a second, fairly sure that he was in the middle of messing up a good thing. At the same time, he was supposed to be one of the good guys, damnit, whatever that meant anymore. It was more important these days to be a person of principle, he figured. This subject was rather touchy, and he was going to be sure he was on the right side of it, come what may. "I like you, Thana. What's more, I respect the hell out of you. No matter what, you will have my protection and hospitality, however much or little of it you want, for as long as you want it. Remember that. No matter how this evening proceeds." Another second to let his words sink in; another second to mentally kick himself. "If you're having second thoughts, I get it. It's your right to. I will personally set your billet and take a very, very, very cold shower. Just understand that what's on my mind involves carrying you upstairs and picking up where we left off three minutes ago."

Thana's brow rose slightly as he spoke, her fingers lightly moving in the palm of his hands as he stood there. Her eyes following his as he talked, watching him carefully as each word left his mouth. Was that what he thought? That she just didn't want to take thing further? That she some how felt obligated? She stood there in silence for a long moment as her eyes locked with his, her expression could have been taken for confusion or even offense for a moment before her lips rolled in and she looked down abruptly. Her foot stomping into the ground as her hand left his and came to cover her features. A sound like a whimper came from her, was she crying? Her heel slammed against the floor again as she spun away from him. Her hand reaching up and resting on the mantle as she shook, another odd sound coming from her. Was she weeping?

"Shit." came to Ash's thoughts reflexively. "Shit, shit, shit, and shit. Shit. Not the voice that spoke within his cranium unbidden, but his own, clear sense of urgency, chastising himself for handling this situation in the manner in which he did. It seemed that Ash had taken a simple situation and, by means of his usual... Ashness, screwed it up. He reached a hand out to her as if to place it on her shoulder, comforting. But that probably wasn't what she needed right then, not from him. His mouth opened, ready to give a tentative apology. No words came out, though. Every choice of phrase seemed hollow.

Then it burst from her as she leaned over and gripped tighter on the old wooden frame of the fire place; a long laughter broke from her lips as she couldn't hold it in any longer. Her face turning, catching in the light of the flames. Her eyes were alit with mirth as she couldn't control the pure and unadulterated guffaw, her lips split her face into pure delight as her hand reached out and rested on his chest, using him and the fireplace for leverage to keep from toppling over. Slowly she fell against him, still laughing as if it was the last time she may ever be allowed to. Though the laughter she tried to speak. "Oh god, I needed that..." she chortled as her forehead rested against his chest and her arms slipped around his shoulders. Shaking it off, she tried to come back to seriousness but it was evident she was chewing the inside of her mouth to keep from bursting out again. "The only thing I was worried 'bout was I didn't want to break ya if I left in the mornin'."

"Oh my GOD." Ash's voice was surprise and relief. So he wasn't the biggest asshole in Newnan, just the most gullible. That, he could almost live with. "I'm not going to lie to you, I don't want you to leave. If you decide to go in the morning, a little piece of me will go with you. I'll miss you. But that's me being selfish. I'll be fine. A little depressed, but fine." His smile broadened. "That means I'm going to have to try as hard as I can to convince you. Maybe three or four times before morning."

Slowly Thana's smile faded as her head came up and she gazed up at him. He seemed to be full of surprises. When she arrived he was so shut off, so stand offish; refusing to let himself smile and this evening he opened up and let himself enjoy the moments as they came. Once again he was saying that he didn't want her to leave yet this time it seemed different. It wasn't he wanted her there for her knowledge, or as another strength in numbers. Right then it seemed as if he wanted her to stay just because he wanted her there. Her fingers caressed the back of his neck and she nodded in simple understanding. "That's not bein' selfish. That's just wantin' somethin' for yerself for once. There is nothing wrong with that," she said gently as a small smile returned to her features, soft and reassuring.

She still worried though. Breaking her gaze from his she slowly pulled her arms away and stepped back. Things were already getting complicated and if she left in the morning just what would that do? Worse yet, what if she stayed and something more happened? Swallowing slightly she stepped away from him as she rested her hands on her hips. Walking back over towards the arc way to the hall she glanced at the steps and upstairs. "Tomorrow is going to be a long day, no matter what happens. It is probably best to go to bed."

One could practically hear Ash's crest fall. Thana was correct, it would indeed be a long day. He told himself that this would have been a mistake anyway, though he really didn't believe it. He had a truly pleasant evening in the company of this woman. That should be more than enough for him. And today was a day of celebration. Not to mention that Thana had a lot thrown at her all at once, it was probably cumbersome for her. Ash nodded, cleared his throat and addressed her respectfully. "Understood. Tomorrow does promise to be busy; I should probably get some sleep, too. The upstairs bedroom is going to be more comfortable than anywhere else. Please make yourself at home. I'll take the study."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Location:Building Seven (rec)

Niesha watched both Tiffany and Raymond, they both seemed to have thought on it, and she smiled, yet it faded after a moment. [color-yellow]"Well...in this day and age...it’s always good to get what happiness you could"[/color] She said softly, not aware that she may have just created a potentially awkward conversation. She looked over to Raymond, as he explained what Miss Sally had done for him. [color-yellow]”She’s always thinking about others, she’s a good woman”[/color] She said softly. Miss Sally had always been nice to her, the woman not seeming to have a bad bone in her entire body.

She smiled as it seemed that both Tiffany and Raymond had been thinking on it, and her heart ached slightly at the look they shared, she nodded ”Of course, forgive me. I didn’t mean to pry, it’s just you two look good together, and who knows what tomorrow will bring?” Or even what five minutes from now would bring. Things could easily change in a heartbeat, these days. She gave them a smile, and shifted slightly.

She bowed her head, and pushed up from her chair, ”If you’ll excuse me, I need a bit of fresh air” She said softly, before starting out of the rec centre. Once outside, Niesha leaned against the building, and let out a long sigh, her body shaking slightly. It seemed that no matter how much time had past, things weren’t ever going to get better. They hadn’t been together long...but Niesha suspected she’d never find anyone she had loved more than Sophia. Most of the time, she was okay. Yet there were times, particularly in the face of love, that Niesha just...got overwhelmed.

She looked up at the sky, and just stood there for a few moments.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Things in Newnan were going as peacefully as they had in a long time. The wedding reception was fully underway now, people coming and going as they traded off shifts with those that needed to work that evening and ones grabbing breaks. Many wandering over to James to thank him for the food, to Tatiana and Jack to congratulate them, others just mingling about. Sure some had left for the evening but much of that had been expected. Granted, the Captain leaving with his new guest wasn't one of them but no one expected her to show up in the first place.

Miss Sally was looking over at James and couldn't help but chuckle. "Perhaps but from what I am gathering you two haven't known each other in a long time. Said she had a troubled past? Yet was a Lt. Commander in the US Navy when the outbreak happened?" Miss Sally mused before taking a sip of her drink. "If I remember my rank knowledge, she out ranks our captain. Well would if there was still a US Military. Couldn't be that troubled," she added as she set the glass down. Wiping her mouth with her napkin she rose a brow as a thought crossed her mind but she didn't say anything as Jack and Tatiana came over to the table.

"Oh yes, please join us," she said happily. Lyon rising from his seat and pulling out a chair for Tatiana so she could get seated without fuddling with her plate. "Ever the gentleman," Miss Sally chuckled.

"Hey, I'm just trying to be polite," Lyon laughed. "Plus if she fell, Jack would drop everything and it would break while he tried to catch her. That looks like booze that is too good to waste," he added with a chuckle before placing a kiss on top of Miss Sally's head and sitting back down.

"You french, ever the romantics," Miss Sally quipped.

"You English, ever the prudes," he countered; which got hm a slap on the shoulder from Miss Sally; albeit playfully.

"Dank you Lyon," Tatiana said as she sat down and looked over at Jack trying to manage everything. Taking the bottles she set them on the table and patted the chair next to her. Tatiana glanced over at James as he brought up Ash and Thana and looked down at her plate for a moment in thought. Her hand resting gently in her lap as the other drummed its fingers along the table. "I think they look nice together. Ash so uptight. He need relax. Stiff as board vhen I hug him. She seem nice, not sure yet. Not talk much but seem very honest. I like that. Vhere she stay tonight?" Tatiana asked.

Miss Sally slowly lowered her fork and eyed James before she spoke. "Ash never requested housing for her."

Tatiana looked over at Jack and a playful smile started to grow on her lips. "Dat's interesting."

In the Reception center, as the newly wed couple talked with their friends, everything else was calm. Mike would be wheeling the cake out soon and the dancing would start. Tatiana had one more surprise up her wedding sleeve but that could wait.

Outside the sun was setting and Ryan wandered back to his place, looking in Richards room briefly to see the man just sitting there. He wasn't going to start shit, at least not this time. He had seen Sana storm up to the watch tower on his way and let that be as well. Those two really needed to talk shit out but so did he, with Chloe; later. Walking into his room he shut the door and slipped off his coat. Changing into his usual jeans and hoodie before flopping on his bed and staring up at the ceiling. "I'm sorry Cyril..." he muttered under his breath.

Froggy listened to Ceil and nodded. "None of us want to die little one. Worrying won't help. You've been safe here, get sleep while you can so the day things go bad you are ready," he said i a father like voice. Rubbing his hand through his hair. "Though, starting tomorrow, we are pulling your medication. You have been here eight months and they are not helping. We need to save them for those they can help," he said as he rested his hand on the edge of the bed and looked at the teen.

"I want you to start seeing Tatiana once her and Jack are done with their honeymoon in a few days time. Yes, you are sick and have weak immune system but I believe it is more mental than anything. Tonight I will give you meds to sleep, after that, only in an extreme emergency," he added before he stood up. "Now, do you wish to sleep here this evening or at home?"

It had been a thought on the Doctors mind for sometime but he had a soft spot for the kid. Yet the medications were running low and were harder and harder to get ahold of. They were not helping him, in fact he always seemed worse as the days went by. Medications were not the answer with this one he finally deduced. It was time for Tatiana to step in as the towns Counselor.

"Man you would look just cute as a bug in a rug with a flowered apron on like me ma use to wear," Gavin chuckled as they kept walking. It was a few more minutes before they rounded the corner and the wall came in sight. "Well ain't that just a beautiful sight!" he exclaimed before he kept moving. Wandering up and towards the front he noted the tracks in the snow. Seemed to be from a sled of some sort but there were tire tracks in the middle of it. "That be freaking odd."

"Identify yourself!" a man at the top of the wall shouted down as several others trained rifles on Gavin.

Looking up Gavin smiled broadly. "Well I be Gavin Comfort, Texas Ranger and my hetrolifemate here be Ravi! Where are we?" he called up to the people on the wall.

"Newnan, stay there and don't try anything," the man on the wall said before sending out a radio call to the Captain. "Boss, we got new comers at the wall."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Kristina looked between Tiffany, Ray and Niesha she gave them a slight smile they did look really good and also really happy for the both of them. Then she turned her attention back towards Beatrice, when the woman said she would be right back to grab some food for herself and gave her a slight nod. "Alright then." Kris said with a soft smile as she leaned back taking another bite of her food and drink from her water letting out a slight content and relaxed sigh. She took notice of Niesha when her friend decided to excuse herself for a little bit. Having a feeling what it was that was bothering her. Kristina and Niesha had something in common they had lost someone within the last year or so that they had cared for.

"I'll be back, going to go and see if she is okay." Kristina said shoveling a little bit more of the food from her plate into her mouth, then started making her way out towards the rec center. Kristina pushed open the door her eyes looked around for a moment, and spotted Niesha leaning up against the wall looking up at the sky. "Mind if I join you?" Kris asked her friend, if she wanted to have some space she would respect that as well. Kris then leaned herself up against the wall as well letting out a sigh and looked up at the sky as well, her thoughts to her friends and family she had lost over the last four years.

Today was meant to be happy and celebrate Tatiana and Jack's wedding, but not a day goes by that she doesn't think of all the ones she cared for are all now gone. "Still thinking of Sophia?" Kris asked turning her head slightly to look at Niesha, she felt sad for her friend the day it happened they had fallen for each other then it ended just as quickly as it had started, Kris would reach out with her hand to comfort Niesha giving her a slight smile.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Raymond smiled softly as he held out a hand towards Tiffany and held it, turning his attention towards Niesha and nodded. "Ms. Sally is a really caring person, I always enjoy her company, and everything that she does for everyone." Raymond commented as he looked at Beatrice as she excused herself to get some food, he gave her a slight nod. Then Niesha decided to excuse herself as well, he had a feeling that it might have been about Sophia. Though he never got to know her, he wish he could have then a few seconds later Kris decided to go out and join Niesha as well. He looked over at Tiffany as he gently ran a hand through his hair and gave her a loving kiss on the cheek. He realized he didn't really get into his food yet, he didn't mind talking with Niesha or the others Ray grabbed his silverware and started to dig in taking a bite out of it. Ray's thoughts then started to wonder over towards marriage with Tiffany, he did really love her deeply. "So, how long have you thought about getting married?" He asked, putting down his food for a moment turning his attention to Tiffany.

Riley Ridgeway & Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Riley noticed Amelia pushing her glass aside, figuring that she didn't want it anymore. "I'll finish that up for you." She said with a smile as she gently took it and brought it over closer towards her tray. "I'm looking forward to dancing with ya later and singing some more as well." Riley said brightly as she took Amelia's drink and started to take a sip of it. She was able to handle drinking quiet a bit and took awhile for her to get a little buzz. Riley gave Meg a friendly smile when her friend sat down she started to take a bite out of her dinner as well, while her attention turned towards Kristina and Niesha leaving the Rec Center wondering if she would see them back, or they simply wanted to get some air.

Riley turned her attention over towards Meg once she had joined them and sat down. Meg gave Amelia a friendly smile as she went to grab some of her own food from her plate and started to take a little bite out of it. "I'm doing pretty well, and enjoying myself as well." Meg answered Amelia as she looked between the two of them. "I'm glad the two of you are enjoying yourselves as well." Meg said happily to the two of them.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Building 7 (Rec Center)

Tiffany watched as the others left for various reasons. It seemed that Niesha, despite her kind words, was dealing with something and she couldn't help but feel sorry for her. They had many people die, she knew that, but she couldn't imagine how important they were to the people here. She only just recently joined and she found what happiness she could here. Friends she could count on and a person she cared for deeply. Despite the differences they all may have, they were a community here and in order for them to survive, they had to rely on each other.

Ray sat next to her and she felt grateful that they met. Despite circumstances, it seemed that fate had plans for them she never realized. "I've been thinking about it for a bit now, but with everything going on I felt it may be better to put it on hold until after things died down. I'm ok with waiting because I don't need a ring, or a fancy dress, or to say it in front of my friends and allies that I love and care for you and I always will." She gave him a kiss before she continued, "Perhaps before the dancing and cake come out, we can step away for a minute and discuss this further?" She, of course, had other plans, but it would be nice to step away for a bit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: The Rec Center (Building 7)

Jack chuckled a bit, knowing that James was probably only half-joking about the booze comment. If Tatiana wanted to keep it for themselves or share it, he figured it'd be up to her. But as someone who enjoyed alcohol, he was perhaps more than a little stoked about the Captain's gift. It wasn't often in Newnan that you could get a decent drink, after all.

"Thanks, solovey," Jack grinned, kissing Tatiana's cheek as she helped him get all situated. The flirting back and forth between Miss Sally and Lyon caused Jack's jaw to drop a little bit, as he glanced back as Tatiana, as if to say when'd that happen?! Still, old people have needs too, he figured. And with the amount of hate going on between the French and the English, he supposed it wasn't too weird for it to turn into something more, here in Newnan.

Taking Tatiana's hand--the one in her lap--Jack nodded, a bit of a mischievous grin on his face. He was about one hundred percent certain that Ash was about to get some, and man, Ash seemed to need it. As soon as Tatiana finished, he jumped in with his two cents on the matter. Of course, part of him was subconsciously hoping he'd end up agreeing with Miss Sally--she did, after all, control the food in Newnan.

"The way I see it, Ash's been waitin' for a reason to let his hair down," Jack began. "A navy chick might do just the trick--happened with cops all the time. Easiah to open up to another uni than a civilian." He paused for a moment, looking at Tatiana. He was still in awe that he was actually married to such an amazing person. "Hell, it'll be good for the Captain, I bet, if those two do the do."

Beatrice Decker

Location: The Rec Center (Building 7)

Beatrice finished fixing up a plate for herself at the buffet table, smiling ever so slightly at James' concoctions. He was one of the few people in Newnan that she considered to be a good friend, someone that she would let her guard down with, ever so slightly. Those that knew her now--and especially those that knew her before--would recognize what a rare thing that was.

As she headed back to the table and sat down, munching lightly on her food, she noticed that Kris had left. Eh, it was no sweat off her back. Had they been friends, maybe. But she was just a stranger to Beatrice, just another person who helped keep Newnan running, and the walkers at bay. She didn't need to be close with anyone--hell, she was close with very few people in general.

And while she had sat down at the table since she knew Tiffany, the woman was still going on about weddings with Ray. She kept the distaste off of her face, instead deciding to finish eating her plate, and then head on home. She had had more than her fill when it came to weddings. She didn't belong in places like this, and she couldn't help but feel that it showed.

Additionally, she couldn't help but feel disappointed that the fluffy asshole, the cat, hadn't shown up. She loved cats.

Chloe Ridgeway

Location: Gilbert Street ---> Heading South on Lagrange

The instant Chloe turned her back on Ryan, she imagined the layout of Newnan in her mind. She didn't imagine that Ryan's walk would take him in the same direction as her. It'd be counterproductive to clearing his head, after all. As she hit the end of Gilbert street, where it became Lagrange, Chloe paused for a moment. Turn to the left and she'd be headed towards the reception, where all of the happy and beautiful people would be discussing their almost-happy and nearly-beautiful lives. Her sister would be there, singing away, and having the time of her life.

Chloe smiled weakly and turned right, moving quickly as to vanish from Ryan's line of sight, just in case he watched her leave. Newnan's resident shrink had been trying to get her to open up, to speak about the past and the demons that hanged over her like shadows. And while she normally preferred to bottle it all up, as she had done her entire life, it was one of the rare moments when Chloe wouldn't have minded talking to someone.

Did it ultimately matter that Ryan had meant something else? Her brain was swimming with memories of a time where that was normal. Addiction was hard to shake, and in a women's prison, the guards were predators. Services rendered kept the drugs flowing, under the guise of bartering, rather than the far harsher and truer word. She shook slightly, trying to keep those memories at bay, but they came forward nonetheless. It was like a dam had burst, with any attempts to repair it impossible.

She felt filthy, as hot tears poured down her face, and she continued to walk down the street, almost aimlessly. Chloe had an urge to take soap and scrub every inch of her body, as if that would somehow help her to keep the nightmares at bay. Those memories...those memories were some of the very worst, some of the ones that she always tried her very hardest to repress, to forget.

Tuesday. The name was dead to her, or so she claimed, but she knew she'd still answer to it. No matter how much she attempted to deny that part of herself, it was still there, threatening to reemerge. She bit down hard on the inside of her lip, as if that would somehow restore emotional balance in her brain, but nothing seemed to help. She only felt herself slipping more and more into despair. What control did she have over her own life, after all?

What control did she ever have before? Her parents had decided for her, from a very young age, what she would grow up to become. The only choice that she had ever made for herself had led her down a path of drugs and addiction, trading one extreme for the other. Did her sense of self exist at one of those extremes? Or was there some balance between the two of them?

Chloe, or perhaps Tuesday, or perhaps even both, did not have an answer. She continued to walk down the stress, drowning in her thoughts and memories.

Ravi Chakrabarti

Location: Outside of Newnan

Ravi rolled his eyes, tugging on the fabric of his lab coat. He still wore it over his jumper and undershirt, more as a force of habit than anything else. But then again, it also helped to remind him of the world that used to be--it was a way of keeping him alive, rather than just surviving each day that came. "I think I'll stick with this, mate," Ravi said, chuckling a bit. "I'm much better at autopsies than making any Southern comforts for Gavin Comfort."

As the wall loomed into sight, Ravi felt both hopeful and wary. Anyone with the time on their hands to construct a wall had to be doing well--but wouldn't that also be true of the monsters who ultimately killed that poor woman? But true to form, Gavin merely waltzed up to the wall, with Ravi scrambling after him. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ravi hissed quietly. "We don't bloody know who these people are!"

He glanced down at the odd tracks, almost stumbling in confusion. He couldn't quite fathom something that would look like that--but the more he saw, the less he liked it. And as they were demanded to identify themselves, Ravi nearly threw his hands up in defeat. Now they had guns pointed at them, and his official identification was heterolifemate.

"Newnan?" Ravi asked, glancing over at Gavin, before looking up at the wall, squinting to make anything out. "You're right, mate. This definitely isn't Peachtree City. But for all we know, we could be in bloody Kansas right now."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

“Whhaai...t..” Amelia tried to stop her friend from evilly snatching her glass of alcohol, but she was not successful. She sighed and just nodded to herself.” Maybe it's for the better... I already feel all hot and fuzzy... Better not drink anymore tonight... I think...” She stated, giving up on the alcohol. No wonder her parents never allowed her to drink.” If I get drunk, I won't be able to dance later.” She stated and returning her focus on the food.

“ I hope the cake is pretty... Tati and Jack deserve one.” Amelia mumbled. How long was it since she had tried cake? Too long to remember actually. It was before the dead rose, those things taken for granted were so hard to find now. She smiled and looked at her friends again.

“Hmm... I wonder if the weather will get better soon...” She mused to herself in the end.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Location:Building Seven (rec)

Niesha looked over as Kristina approached her, and gave her friend a nod. She looked back up to the stars, thoughtfully. She let a silence fall between them as Kristina asked her that question. There were many possible answers to that question, and Niesha simply let the thoughts float around her head for a moment, before figuring out how to answer. ”Yes. And no. I always think of Sophia. Just as I always think of my brother. No...Sometimes, even now, being in a crowd can be a little overwhelming” She gave a soft laugh, shaking her head again.

”You would think, now of all times, I’d crave being around people, given what is out there, but I have always been a...creature that despises crowds. Sometimes...it’s nice to just come out. And watch the stars. In this world of ever changing...rules, situations, whatever, it’s nice to know that the stars never really change.” She said, well aware she was getting a little philosophical on Kristina, and she gave her friend a smile. ”Sometimes, Kris, there’s just a lot going on, up here, and in here” She said, tapping her head, and then her heart, ”And it can be difficult to process the emotions...when I have difficulty understanding them.”

She gave a shrug, and turned to Kristina, seeming to think for another moment or two. Should she tell Kristina, what she had found? She found that it was churning around in her head, and it might do some good to talk with someone about it. She hadn’t seen Victor around for a time, and Tatiana deserved time off. No telling when she’d get to speak to either of them. Sighing softly, she said ”Kris? What would you do, if you’d found something, but didn’t know if you could speak with anyone about it?”
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