Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Angel of War


Camael hadn't slept, he never did seem to sleep anyway. It was an early - morning the air was cold and thus it didn't seem appealing for him to just go outside willy-nilly even though he would have to. Today was Tuesday his favourite day of the week. His day. The day where he forced helped his peerage to train to become better in order to help them work more effectively as a unit. He had decided that today would be simple one on one match between peerage members, first one to be on the floor for longer then 10 seconds was out. A simply fair rule in his regard after all being the angel of war you've seen enough battles to the death to know its terrible training for the one whom loses either way he was downstairs in the building in which he owned.

The office building, located on the outskirts of the city was rather plain in appearance from the outside. It offered no real telltale signs of what occurred within. Inside however it had a lot of space due to Camael liking to collapse random walls when renovating it. It was a wonder the building was a sturdy as it was. Still, it served its function greatly. The downstairs area had a large hall like room which used to be capable of holding office cubicles for people to work, now it was just an empty room with mats on the floor. Perfect for sparring. The upstairs areas had been converted in praying, and recreational areas. The most upstairs floor also referred to as the third floor had been converted in a sort of dorm in the event that his peerage members did not have other places to stay.

Simply put Camael fills the building with what makes him happy, warriors, praying, and general enjoyment of life while one lives it. Still he had to perform part of his morning routine before the day of fighting. So here he was knelt in front of an Alter in a room in the building, off to the side. It was a simple whitewashed room. The only thing of note was the alter and the room had only one window seated directly behind said Alter, He knew the god of the bible was dead but each day he payed homage to his lord and to his other fallen brothers in arms from the countless wars he had fought. He wondered if anyone would join him in his morning prayer or if they would perhaps be more inclined to just start to just hang around in the main hall. Simply he did not care for what they did as long as they remembered the one whom they glorify with each deed.

However he would remain knelt there for a good few minutes more, well to at least half past 10 which would likely be five or so minutes. Of him kneeling there with sword in hand making a rather noticeable hole in the floor wider, the same hole he keeps putting said sword in. It was with that he said "Amen." rising to leave as he stood outside in the main hall. Waiting for his group to assemble from whatever things that aren't battle. They had to prepare for the peerage battle on Thursday and Camael wasn't the type to let a loss go.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Interacting with: @1Charak2

Akemi woke up with a start. Another dream? No, another nightmare. Two years had passed since the incident but her mind just couldn't help but drift to how she died. Her hand clutched the fabric over her chest as she breathed in and out to calm her heart. She was safe now... or well, relatively safer. With the new powers that had come along with being reincarnated as an angel, she was fairly sure she could protect herself from harm... somewhat. Though she had to admit, the other members of the peerage were crazy strong compared to her. It always bothered her how they were leagues ahead of her. She was bothered in a sense that she was falling behind and might eventually become useless and Camael might not even see her as a unit anymore and then... was it possible to take the card embedded in them? If it was, then it was completely possible that he would abandon her sooner or later!

"That's no good way to start your day Akemi!" She said before slapping both of her cheeks so she could psyche herself up. Camael was too nice to do something like that after all. She opened up the curtains to her room to let the sunlight flood in... that was until she realized that it was too early in the morning. She didn't feel like she wanted to go to sleep either. Hm, maybe it would be better to head to the office now and maybe make some coffee and tea for everyone as they arrive. Yup! That sounds like a great idea! She quickly took a bath and put on her usual clothing of some jacket and jeans. It was pretty cold out there to be honest because it was so early in the morning so she made sure to cover herself up. She took her knapsack and then headed out.

She shivered as she stepped outside - the crisp and cold morning air blew against her, seeping through her clothing. She had to hurry up. Akemi had decided to not take up residence in the office for personal reasons. Well, the office wasn't really too far from where she had taken up residence. It wasn't too far from her old home either where her parents were staying at so she could contact them any time. Akemi briskly walked through the empty streets. It was too early in the morning for people to be up and about and that was good for her. She wanted to just fly there so she could get there faster but she couldn't risk being seen by humans. Who knows what might happen when they see her with white wings spread out. Come to think of it, what would they think if the say her friends with their wings out? They looked a lot more majestic with the amount of wings they had after all. Her thoughts were disturbed by the vibration of her phone. She took it out and read the message. Oh, it was just some advertisement.

However, another thing caught her attention. It was Tuesday. Camael's day. Her now most hated time of the week. Of course, not because she hated Camael or anything. In fact, she really respects him! However, whenever it was Tuesday, it was always training day. While she was alright with being helped with offensive attacks and even mock group battles, she really hated being forced to fight on a one on one battle. She had to rely on her own strength for that one. And she had literally no confidence in her offensive capabilities. Maybe she could still run away? Maybe call in sick? Or tell them that her parents had called for her to meet her again! It wasn't the entire truth but it wasn't a lie either. Her parents always wanted to see her after all. Unfortunately for her, it seems that it was already too late for that as she had already arrived at the entrance of the office.

Akemi let out a dejected sigh as she entered. Her hands were tightly gripped on the straps of her knapsack. Upon entering, she could immediately feel Camael's presence within the office. Well, what else would she expect? However, instead of going straight to him, she went up first to the room where the Altar was located. She knelt down and then clasped her hands together and muttered a prayer. For the past two years, she had gotten used to this position thanks to her power. But this was different. This was not to ask for the protection and strength - this was only to merely thank for another day and to pray for the souls that had perished. She had quickly finished up her prayer and then she headed straight to the Main Hall.

There, she saw Camael and only him. Were the others not here yet? She may have gotten up a tad bit too early. With a smile, she greeted him. "Good morning Camael. It's a nice day isn't it?" She then paused, her hands now clasped behind her. There was no use worrying about that training now. She had no escape anyway so might as well proceed normally. "Would you like me to prepare some tea and coffee for the others?" She asked, offering her services like she always did everyday for the duration of her becoming an angel. It was the least she could do for them. After all, they've kept up with her for this long so she always felt obligated to do something for them, even if it was only a small act such as this.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Music came out over a pair of headphones seated on the head of a young man who walked the streets, occasionally stopping next to businesses and sifting through bins and withdrawing small mechanical parts, placing them in a backpack on his back. Daniel whistled in time with his music as he rummaged through the garbage bin of a convenience store, his gloved hands pulling out a busted smartphone. With a grin, Danny muttered "Score! Bet the parts on this little puppy still work, probably can salvage the processor." Triumphantly slipping the busted phone into one of the pockets on his bag, Danny closed the bin and discarded the latex gloves, grabbing another pair from the box, duct-taped to the side of his backpack, and preemptively slipping them on as he moved along with a spring to his step.

He had been scavenging for the last hour, turning up all kinds of usable parts, though a loud yawn reminded him that he had, yet again, allowed enthusiasm to take him away from sleep. Though, early in the morning was the only way to stop the police from riding him, so it was best to do this to avoid the conflict (though the cynical side of him reminded him it was likely best to simply stop dumpster diving for parts when he had more than enough disposable income to buy them). Of course, that wasn't the same to him as heading out and rescuing orphaned parts and bits of tech, and that was why he still headed out early in the morning so often, giving bits of tech that would've otherwise wound up in a garbage burner a chance to do something again. It was a silly notion, Daniel wasn't blind to that, yet it felt right to him. So, that was why, to the sound of Skillet, he had scavenged for the last hour and was resolved to keep doing so. However, he was nearing the edges of town, and the office building there.

This structure was an odd one, especially on Tuesdays. He was pretty sure its inhabitants were unaware of his occasional visits (and raids of their dumpster), but at the same time he was relatively unaware of its inhabitants as well. That wasn't unusual for the structures he visited, after all most of the stores that threw out good stuff (He stopped visiting places that consistently had nothing for him) were places he didn't care to actually visit in earnest. This place was different though, somehow, and that was ignoring the fact that somehow the ground seemed to quake around here at times. Yet, despite that weirdness (And the fact that it seemed like people lived here, based on the kind of stuff he dug up, not to mention the consistent lack of any actual office equipment). Usually, even this weirdness didn't hold up for more than a moment, but for some reason, today in particular, it got to him. He felt like he needed answers, or at least to get a feel for the actual inhabitants of the structure.

For this reason, he sat on the other side of the road and decided to just wait around for awhile. It wasn't like he had anything else to do today, he didn't have to come in until the damn procurement department got off their asses and got the next batch of raw parts in. So, seated across from the door, he removed the toolbox from his backpack, a red metal box older than he was, and spread out a small tarp in front of him, on which went some of his older parts (not the new acquisitions, he'd need to clean them up and tinker with them in his workshop). Looking at them, in his mind's eye he could already see the parts coming together. A screwdriver was produced, and soon the bits of a cellphone (some kind of Samsung something or other, Danny wasn't quite sure which kind) were being spliced together with parts from a few old AN-PRC JEM radios (A gift from his Dad's massive stockpile of old Marine Corps gear). His hope was to combine them together to form a long range COM setup (likely a satellite radio of a sort), though as ever he was unsure if he had the technical acumen to engineer it. Yet, for some reason, he felt oddly hopeful concerning the outcome of this little experiment, and so Daniel quickly lost sight of his original goal (keeping an eye on the building) and became engrossed in the act of creation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Alice let out a long yawn as she lazily got out of bed. Not really noticing what she did as she haphazardly gotten dressed and the like. As she continued her daily ritual she went and washed up brushing her teeth and cleaning her face and hands. It was a simple tasks like that if one were to pay attention looks like she did without thought like a programmed machine doing its task in clockwork fashion. It really was a programmed motion for Alice at this point there was little thought replaced with clear muscle memory as her thoughts was still slow and sluggish not really fully awake. Alice was a lot things but she was never fully awake in the mornings it took her awhile as her brain practically processed that it was time to start the day.

Alice blinked slowly in the bright light her eyes getting used to the bright lighting cast by the fluorescent bulbs as they gave their artificial light all across the building. With slow steps Alice shambled towards the shrine her purple colored sleep clothes and fuzzy white slippers dragging along the floor. Her mind was nary with a thought beyond her customary cup of coffee and breakfast. Before that if you wanted a response or conversation you would have to get out of her way and wait till she at least had her coffee. As she continued her shamble towards the kitchenette she stopped at the shrine hearing voices which was odd normally Camael was quiet hence the sound of voices was different.

With curiosity wracking her brain she slowly made her way the shrine was a simple affair nothing grand but it's served its purpose. Without a thought she peeked her head in her dishelveld purple hair spotting the two in the room. Camael was in here like expected but another person was Akemi was in here as well. "Well good morning you two." Alice said while trying to hold back a yawn. The situation she was in had not yet fully hit her as she slowly walked her way in her state of being which would normally embaress her to no end not fully clicking with her still tired mind. Her eyes drooping as she fighting from falling back asleep looking at the two in the shrine she tried to figure what was wrong as the feeling like something was off increased.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 1hitpointwonder
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1hitpointwonder Filthy Casual

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chris had awakened from his slumber. As usual because of the annoying sound of his digital Clock. After standing up, he briefly wondered if the absence of any cell phones or mobile devices to prevent other party's from tracking his location was worth this agony every Single day. Despite this he was relieved that he had found this Roadhouse yesterday. Because It was conveniently positioned near the borders of the town, making it a suitable spot to Set up his surveillance cams to monitor out-of-town traffic, though he may not have them in hands now, it was an idea worthy of making a memo.

He proceeded to turn off the Annoying clock and he continued on his way to the bathroom, to make himself look presentable, because Today was Tuesday and that meant "today's a sparring day". After quickly taking a shower, he took one of his signature coats and got back in his room, stored his digital clock in his knapsack and proceeded to pack all his belongings, after finishing It, Chris lost no time and walked In a fast pace to the reception desk leaving behind a Generous tip there, and made his way out of the inn.

After being at a considerable distance from the human eyes, Chris took advantage of the Human-free environment to sprint a bit faster to his destination. Taking a good 15 minute Sprint, He was finally making eye contact with his destination, after enjoying the scenery a bit he said "Man, that's some really shallow defenses,I mean What's up with this guy at the entrance to our office" . ,Upon reaching the entrance of the office, Chris said it out loud."we really need some security personnel here I mean not even one trap or a countermeasure against invaders". Paying no mind to what reaction the man would have he proceeded to enter.

Having reached his destination,Chris assumed, it was a better decision to go to the Altar
Room first, after all, paying his respects to the progenitor of the one person who saved him was the bare minimum he could do considering he's only breathing now because of them.He knelt and did a little 3 minute prayer before getting in his way to the Main Hall.

Sensing all presences before stepping on the hall,Chris said to the three figures "So I'm the third one, huh, in my book that's still being late though".

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alexander loudly yawned as he finally decided to leave the comfort of his blankets, the clear lack of enthusiasm in his face as he got up and stretched his arms denoting that the act of leaving his bed was considerably bothersome for him. As soon as he actually managed to get in his feet, he instantly moved his right hand towards the hanger seemingly floating besides his bed, pulling the cloak awkwardly hanged in it and putting it in a movement so ridiculously swift motion that clearly demonstrated how familiar he was with doing so as he tried to quickly shield himself from the cold environment of the independent space he used as bedroom - something he set up himself due to his love for being warmly dressed in a cold environment - and quickly fixed his hair as a minor preparation to the incoming dreadful day. He didn't even bother with bathing or anything like that, as he wasn't really unclean to start with and, knowing the seraph he regarded as an old friend, Camael would make him a part of the training and, thus, turn any attempt of tidying himself into a wasted effort, choosing to maintain his casual clothing - a large sleeved, loose fitting gray shirt and similarly styled white pants - and the white cloak that he recently came to favour instead of his usual attire.

He once more yawned as he properly inspected the space around the building - a quick measure he took solely for the sake of convenience, as the sigils he placed in the building would warn him if something unusual was going on - quickly dismissing the spell as he noticed that nothing special was going on, with the sole unusual thing being the usual scavenger - a male human that he found out to be somehow amusing due to his tendencies of scavenging their junk in despite of looking healthy, showing no signs of doing that for food or profit - was seemingly more adamant in trying to make sense out of the building, an innocent act that he didn't feel like reproaching. Instead, he felt more tempted to mess with one specific youngling that dared to loudly criticize his carefully set defenses without even knowing how they worked - quite the dangerous thing to do when the whole building was under the protection of carefully set sigil crafted by Alexander.

He immediately proceeded opened a small tear in the "wall" of the independent space linked to the building, silently making his way through it towards the small group gathered in the hall - consequently causing the opening of a similar tear there. "Good morning, everyone." He said, deciding to appear directly besides Alice mostly as a convenience, as it gave him the opportunity to make mess out of her disheveled hair through the convenient act of patting her head - hopefully enlightening her about how she forgot to fix her bed hair - before he faced Chris, directing his first words in the day to the former police officer. "Quite the warped thing to be worried about, Christoffer. This wasn't meant to be a competition." He said, finding the attitude of the youth somehow excessive. "Besides, you're the second to arrive. Alice lives here, she didn't need to arrive to start with." He continued, stopping to once more pat the soft hair of the young girl next to him before he once more turned his gaze to face the boy as his eyes turned sharp."And, before I forget... Avoid criticizing the defenses of the building if you don't know how they work. It makes me tempted to make you test the defensive measures with your own body." He finished, the sharp gleam in his eyes instantly vanishing as he indulged himself in the soft sensation transmitted to his right hand as he patted Alice's hair, what made him return to his usual carefree act.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bushman501
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Bushman501 The Saber of Hungry

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

An alarm sounded in a small apartment just outside the city limits. Jane woke as gently as she could have as the sounded invaded her ears, which is to say not gentle at all. Her hand slammed on the snooze button as Jane turned upwards toward the ceiling and opened her eyes. Where am I again? Jane's question was answered by herself as she recapped the events that happened. That's right. I was just moving here for a short time. Jane thought as she gazed upon the boxes that were still left unpacked.

Some of them had legitimate household supplies but a select few others had...still legitimate but if assembled illicit goods. Those contained her firearms, but disassembled and workable. If that was not enough, she brought a safe to store the parts and ammunition she was able to take in. Truly, Japan's laws were weird to an American like her but what could she do about it? Still, her first priority before moving here was security devices and she already had them installed. No worries about break-ins anytime soon.

Jane finally got off of the air mattress she was sleeping on and went to the bathroom. Still bits and pieces were needed for the bathroom but she at least got most of the accessories she needed out of the boxes. Jane began taking care of business, as usual from her morning routine. After getting a shower, Jane checked herself in the mirror. What was staring back at her was a woman with relatively short gray hair and brown eyes, the former a little longer than what the regulation length was when she was in the service. It was also her natural hair color, even though she was still young. Jane did not know why she had to be the special snowflake among most of her classmates in high school and her fellow Marines. As it was, most people called her "Ashes" because of her hair. As for the rest, Jane was still fit and healthy physically. Jane decided to stop staring at herself in the mirror and put on the rest of her clothes; jeans, a blue T-shirt, the Kevlar vest she always wore, and her Marine jacket complete with her christian cross, dog tags and boots. Her jacket still bore her name and Sergeant chevrons, of course.

After getting a honey bun and downing some water after a short prayer to thank the Lord for the food, Jane felt the need to go outside and stretch her legs. Jane grabbed her backpack, a token from her Marine days, stuffing her M9 parts, easily assembled, with a few magazines worth of ammunition and putting her combat knife in a bigger part of her jacket, easy to reach to but not making it blatantly obvious that she was armed, and a tool kit. Not only did she know that the town was dangerous by itself, but she just did not trust herself to be ok without a weapon on her just in case events turned south for her. For some reason she felt the need to go in a opposite direction today and so when she exited her apartment and locked the door she went in the direction opposite of where the city center was. She knew there was a nature trail near that area, and so that may be a good place to check out.

While on her way to the nature trail, Jane spotted a few people going into an office building. She swore a couple of them looked liked they were out for a casual occasion, not a office environment. She knew it was a cold morning but it was not that cold. Still, that was not what ultimately got Jane to stick around the office building for the moment. It was the man that was sitting right across the street from the building. What in the blazes? Jane decided to observe him for a moment. He was...tinkering on something. Was he some kind of hobo? No wait.....that radio. Jane could not put her finger on what the radio's make and model was, but she was very sure that was type of issued in the Corps. That is when Jane decided to approach the hobo, for that was interesting.

She stopped a few feet from the man, approaching from his side where he could see her. Jane crossed her arms, put a little weight on her right leg in a slight lean, and asked instinctively in English, though she knew Japanese thanks to Rosetta Stone. Technology was wonderful, after all. "That's a Marine Corps radio isn't it? Where did you get that?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Unlike a few others in her peerage Leite, had been up since the crack of dawn.

Early to rise and all that, though she admittedly had trouble getting to bed early at times. Not that it mattered much, the Valkyire was used to not sleeping as much as she probably should. Effort and dedication to her job sometimes required a bit less sleep than what others needed. Besides, wasn't like she was going to hurt herself doing it.

"Haaa..." The Valkyrie stretched, wiping sweat off of her forehead with a tired yawn. "Phew, I shouldn't work so hard before the training day." She said, tossing off her clothes and walking into the shower. "Don't want to tire myself out before then..." Stepping into her shower, the Valkyrie quickly washed. She was looking forward to the training day, like always. She always made a point to always do her absolute best and not hold back against anyone, even the younger members of the peerage. That wouldn't do, after all. Going easy on them would only make them soft, and it wasn't how one should train. After throwing on her usual attire, the Valkyrie left her home. As much as she liked her companions, she did prefer living away from them, if only to allow herself some downtime every now and then. It wasn't too far away though, thankfully.

"Oh...seems I'm a bit late, heh." Leite said, walking into the altar room with the others. Fifth one to arrive, from the looks of things. "Well, I suppose that's what happens when you lose track of time training...how's everyone's morning?" She asked the group, leaning against one of the walls and folding her arms against her chest. "Everyone ready for a fun day of training?" From the giant grin the Valkyrie was giving them, it was quite likely she was going to enjoy this perhaps a bit too much. Anyone who knew her knew she tended to perhaps, take training a bit too seriously.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Rune_Alchemist@1hitpointwonder@Suku@Polaris North@1Charak2

He woke up in a garden again today. A rabbit nibbling on his hair brought the son awake near the crack of dawn. It was not as if the angel had no other accommodations, but the fact of he wouldn't accept them. He could barely accept such gifts that were given to him before, more would only make him feel much worse. His robe had protected his white shirt from the dirt which allowed him to look less like a fool. The robe's shade of brown matching the dirt's dusty feel.

While walking through the garden he began his normal routine. " Sythe, check. The book, check. Clothing, check. " This went on not much longer as he owned not much else to his name. His feet bare of shoes said that to anyone.

He arrived, a while later than he tried to be usually, due to well, another poor soul escaping the harshness of reality. He had been casually browsing his book and a new name had popped up. One he knew suffered too much not to have a friend to comfort them into the afterlife. one who never left the plants outside her window unwatered.

He had finally met the office buildings back when the memories faded. Trailing fingers against the side of the building, he walked in. Straightly going to the altar room which always beckoned him inside when he entered the building. Not noticing the two outside conversing to hide his scythe from their view. It only shrunk to fit in the doorway to the building then hung back out behind him.

Upon seeing five waiting for others in the great hall made him more hesitant. Yes, he had met maybe all of them but they all seemed so much wiser and stronger than him. He could be the inefficient cog in the machinery. He could never have that. Moving towards the group silently he decided not to break the piece. It was always easier to watch first and navigate social circles later. They all seemed so close too, it was a shame he was going to break that picture. Even if it was only a social greeting.
" Good Morning..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Online

Teshiko Maki

Teshiko blinked open her eyes, slowly taking in the world around her. The sun was shining down on her as she was lying down in a field of grass, a single tree standing atop a small incline that kept the morning light from her eyes. However, it wasn't grass that her head was resting upon, it was someone's lap, and that someone would soon show his face as he saw her wake up. "Good morning, love," Kiyoshi told her as she looked up to his warm smile.

"Morning," the angel greeted back, leaning up to give the young man a kiss. Once their lips parted, Teshiko would finally move to get up, standing on her own two feet and helping Kiyoshi up to do the same. She would give him one last smile before beginning her decent down the small hill, expecting her companion to follow. When she didn't feel his fingers intertwine with hers, she looked back up to see what it was that was taking him so long. That was when the peaceful day ended.

Dark clouds began to form above as nature around Kiyoshi began to wither and die. The once green grass seemed to turn brown within seconds before aging past that and becoming nothing more than bare dirt. The tree's leaves began to fall, a harsh wind appearing from nowhere to take them away from view. All of this, with the brown haired boy's figure seeming to stand in the epicenter of the rot overtaking this once beautiful world. "Kiyoshi-?" she asked him, fear and worry gripping her words so that only his name could leave her lips. It was then that his bat-like wings suddenly unfurled behind him, causing the angel to jump back in fright.

And then the nightmare ended. Teshiko opened her eyes again, only to find herself in the sleeping quarters of office building that Camael had claimed as a base for their group. She knew that she was safe now, but the nightmare had shaken her so much that, for several moments, she stayed sitting up in her bed, her previous fear that had followed her out of her dream betraying her usual calm and collected nature. Eventually however, she would find the strength and resolve to step out from under the covers, dress herself in her usual attire, and made her way to the main hall where everyone else seemed to be gathering.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dull, boring, and overall not very positive was how one particularly rough angel started his morning. Out of toothpaste, and having to listen to a call about some lady needing her son to confess his sins of...masturbation...what the fuck was wrong with people these days? Regardless, he was pretty irritated at how he started his day, and opted to do his favorite activity befitting an Angel in the position of services to the people; Getting revenge on muggers and extortionists. He'd make sure to at least have a little bit of fun with it, having gotten dressed in his favorite beat up looking grey suit without a tie to go with it. Some fashions just never go out of style for some people...especially ex-criminals.

A couple of counter-muggings later, and he was starting to feel a little satisfied, counting up the undoubtedly filthy money now in his possession. Naturally, the boss would have it all go to charities or for the benefit of their little group, but there was just something inherently human about having a fat wad of cash in your hands and flipping through it. Wiping a line of blood from the side of his mouth from an admittedly great punch from one of the street toughs, Suisei figured that now was the proper time to head on back. It was like...ten, but hey, who doesn't like brunch? In spite of how much shit he often gave the other members of the Saints, there seemed to be an increasing attention to detail in the food he'd bring being just how they liked it. No onion, extra tomato, jam instead of syrup, he was awfully thoughtful in his orders...Though if they weren't hungry or didn't want it, he'd most likely give them more shit. Paying up with a wad of liberated money, Suisei strapped up the takeout Brunch on the back of his Sacred Gear, thankfully enough just looking like a badass motorcycle. Diners like these were a dying breed, especially ones that served such damn good breakfast, and as such Suisei felt they deserved a bit of the wealth.

Returning to the building with his arms full of food, he'd begin passing it out, kinda being the last one in there. "Alright, here you go Alice...Schwarmentitle...Surial...Alex...Chris...Haruna..." he said, having a fairly neutral expression as he passed the food out, before glaring at Teshiko. He'd made it not secret that he wasn't the biggest fan of her due to her sudden return to their side, but did his best to not try and fly off the handle every time he saw her. "...Oyakodon. Enjoy." he said, probably resisting the temptation to throw it in her face as he pushed it into her arms, heading off to sit down with his own beef bowl. "Wasn't sure what you wanted Boss, so I just got you an omelette with the works. Oh, and we received a VERY generous donation from some kind gentlemen I met on the streets. Real nice guys." he said, taking the remaining sum of money from his pants pocket and putting it in a large glass jar that had: "Donations" written in hiragana on a sticky note. Leaving the jar alone, he resumed slurping down his food. Couldn't train on an empty stomach.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Interacting with:
@1Charak2, @Rune_Alchemist, @The Irish Tree

"What, you didn't bring anything for me?" Johannes said disappointedly as he sauntered sleepily into the room, sipping a can of iced coffee. He burped loudly and chucked the crushed can into a garbage bin on the far side of the room, scoring a perfect rimshot that caused the metal canister to spin a little. Yawning, he reached over and casually put an arm over the ex-Yakuza driver's shoulder.

"That's cold, man. Real cold. In fact, I almost feel like crying," he said through fake sobs and thick crocodile tears. "I-In fact, I think *sniff* the only way for you to make it up to me is to buy me a big beef bowl after practice. Maybe then *sniff* I could stop... th-these tears!"

Grinning, he immediately let go just in time to dodge the retaliatory strike he knew would be coming, backing off to stand by his precious Lady Schwertleite and giving Suisei a friendly raspberry.

Of course he knew it was training day today. Tuesday. His favorite day of the week. Tuesdays meant he not only got to fight with the others as much as he wanted (always fun, especially when Suisei was his opponent), but he could watch the two people he respected most, Schwertleite and Camael, in action. They were the only two people here who he (begrudgingly) acknowledged as being better fighters than himself, and their fights were always a joy to behold for a battle-maniac like Johannes, the Twenty-First Century Viking.

And of course, it being Tuesday was all the reason he needed to rile Suisei up at such early hours of the morning. He wanted a good fight after all, and Suisei just wasn't at the top of his game unless he was properly pissed the hell off. It was something Johannes didn't quite understand, but the yakuza didn't seem to share the friendly enthusiasm he had for the flying of fists. Violent as yakuza men could be, they always needed a reason to fight, as if the thrill of fighting itself wasn't already enough of a reason. And being pissed off was usually good enough to satisfy them.

"Camael, when are the matches gonna start?" he asked impatiently, well aware he was the last one to arrive. "You're not gonna pick the names out of a hat again, are you?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

More and more people arrived, none of which are even remotely late. So the first one was Alice. Upon seeing her choice of clothing, which was actually just simply her pajamas, she blinked once. Was Alice still half-asleep? "U-Um... Alice, do you want a cup of coffee?" That'll definitely wake her up. After all, she usually had her cup of coffee before anything else. Oh and breakfast of course! Um, now that she thought about it, she hasn't eaten her fill yet. Surely, there would be something in the kitchen they could eat. Maybe she could whip something up for her.

The next one to come was Christoffer, or Chris... she preferred the latter because it was easier to say. Even with her advanced language skills that was acquired from being an angel, she still didn't feel up to par when it came to foreign names. She was so used to having Japanese people around her that the sudden increase of foreigners around her shocked her. She was only relieved of this sudden influx by the appearance of Suisei and Teshiko, but more of the former as Teshiko wasn't exactly Japanese to start with. Anyhow, Chris had gone off about the security of his office, mentioning something about a person at their entrance. Well, that was odd. She had not seen this person when she entered. "I-I don't think there's a... problem with our security. Magic is something w-we can't fully see after all. I'm sure the defenses here are m-more powerful than you think." It was her two cents on the matter.

To back that up, Alexander had appeared and positioned himself beside Alice. He made a remark about not underestimating the defenses set up. Akemi seemed to shrink upon his appearance. There were only so much people she found comfortable to be around here, and not be threatened with the amount of power they posses. Alexander was definitely not one of them. However, she does appreciate his general lightheartedness. She bowed to him as her greeting. Seeing as people were beginning to come in, she figured that she should start making those coffee. There were ten of them. Hopefully, by the time they all arrive, she would be done with the coffee. Before she was able to move from her spot to go to the kitchenette, Schwertleite had arrived. Now there was a name she could never hope to say properly. "I-It was fine. Good morning to you too." Before anyone else could enter, she turned around and headed on to the kitchenette.

She began preparing the coffee and then leaned on the table as she waited. She let out a sigh. It had been two years and she still can't relieve herself of that stutter. They were all friendly, there was no doubt about that, but there was something inside her that told her to keep her guard up. Was it because she already knew of their abilities and she feared that part of them? Or was it something else entirely? She really didn't know. At least she still speaks rather normally, instead of being jumbled up when faced with five or more strangers. Once the coffee was done, she poured one for each of them and placed them on two trays. She smiled inwardly to herself. Well, time to put that waitress training of hers to good use. She picked the two trays up and then proceeded to go back to the Main Hall.

When she got back, the others had arrived. There was Surial, Teshiko, Suisei and Johannes. It was a good thing she decided to get one for each one of them. They did like coffee right? Or did someone prefer tea over coffee? Oh no, she forgot if anyone had preferences. She then looked at Suisei who was giving out breakfast for all of them. "Good morning. Coffee anyone?" She asked, gesturing for them to take it. Johannes began speaking more about the training and he was obviously excited. She wished that this peace would go on for a little bit more. Anything to delay the inevitable. Once everyone took their cup of coffee, she would get the Oyakodon. She blinked. She could see that there was hot pepper sprinkled onto this one. She looked up at Suisei and smiled, appreciating the care he took for the order. "Thank you very much, Suisei-san."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Polaris North@Turboshitter@The Irish Tree@1Charak2

At Suisei's mispronouncing of her name, the Valkyire could only laugh as she accepted the food.

"Y'know, if you have trouble pronouncing my name, you can just call me 'Queen'." The Valkyrie waved with a grin, referring to the card she represented in the Peerage. Schwertleite was the name her mother had given her - and was the name she had always gone by in Valhalla, but she did realize the name was a bit difficult to pronounce for some other people. Especially humans. "Thanks for the coffee, Akemi." She gave the other angel a friendly nod, taking the cup and taking a long swig of it. Not as good as the sweet, sweet, taste of Alcohol, but Cofee was still good. Now, the matter about the training matches...

"What's the matter, Johannes? Afraid you're gonna lose to the hat?" She jokingly asked her viking friend. "Or afraid you're gonna get matched up with me and I'm gonna kick your butt harder than last time?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Alice graciously accepted the offered coffee her mind still dazed as she took the first sip her mind slowly started to allow gears to turn but still it was a slow start. She was always one of the ones who took forever to wake up in a non hostile situation. It was something that did not change with time even her time with Father Gascoigne she was like this. She was enterally grateful don't get her wrong both Camael and the good father was dear to her both raised her as best they could and wanted the best for her. Even if she disapproved of Camael's war driven nature and the somewhat underhanded tactics that Father Gascoigne employed in his hunts. She often heard others such as Metatron and Sandalphon mention how her nature and all that was better suited for someone like Gabriel than Camael still the lord's plan was seldom understood that much was a given no matter what. "Well good morning to the rest of you." Alice said once more holding back a yawn already placing her cup out for a refill. That was until her cheeks started to redden as she finally realized the state of dress she was in. Still she would bear it with a grin showing weakness in front of others was a no go that was one thing she learned from Father Gascoigne.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 1hitpointwonder
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1hitpointwonder Filthy Casual

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After hearing Alexander's thoughts on his behavior, Chris spaced out for a few seconds.
And yet again, his head was on full rotation as usual. Carefully analyzing the man's
Mannerisms,he concluded that it would be a foolish idea to pursue this topic any further.
But even then he couldn't help himself into thinking things like "A healthy
Competition,no matter how you slice it, is a viable way of perfecting oneself, though i agree
With you i may have overdid it a little including Alice".

Then a couple of seconds
Later ,He thought "although I am not aware of how the defenses of this
Building work it is only natural that I want all of the threats to the security of this
Establishment out of sight, it's not like I'm against doing research on the defense
Mechanisms of this building It was only my reaction against a potential threat, In fact I
Would be happy to contribute to the work of our ... security expert I presume."

But in the end the only thing Chris said to Alexander before another person's arrival took
His attention was "I suppose I'l be more careful from now on."

He then slowly turned around listening to the young Valkyrie's enthusiastic words and said "apparently not as much as you." Chris always wondered how Schwertleite kept such high spirit's during the morning, But he couldn't take his time to extract a conclusive answer because one after the other events that demanded his attention occurred around him.
The next to arrive drawing his attention was surial the recluse man oftenly dressed in ragged clothes, greeting his companions as he made his presence be known. He certainly didn't know much about him besides his occupation, but something about this guy was very interesting and Chris saw that this training session would be the perfect occasion to approach this man. So he replied to his peer in a good tone " Welcome, indeed this morning was good so far."

When Chris was about to continue his conversation he found himself holding a bowl full of food thanks to the sudden arrival of Suisei "well, thanks for the food I guess" getting a little annoyed by the constant interruption of his train of thought, he just sat around and focused all of his attention into eating his food,being aware that the day ahead would need all the energy he could store.

After eating while waiting for the beginning of the sparring session seeing the scene that johannes was about to start, Chris was quite surprised when the shy and kind akemi also scolded him on that matter,he wanted to say something but couldn't bring himself to be rude to that girl.He swore to make a memo later about his approaches concerning the security of the office.

Just a few hours had passed since the beginning of the day, but even so the vivacity of his companions despite the time elapsed and the few conflicts reminded him of a distant feeling.While lost in his thoughts for a little while trying to rationalize what this feeling was, he was offered a cup of coffee, by the same person that made him speechless a while ago, giving a dejected sigh he accepted the offer.
"I take it and i don't mind having a refill, Akemi-san."

Taking a good slow sip of his coffee cup while watching the various interactions occur, Chris was overwhelmed by a strong desire to look at the clouds in the sky, enjoying the day as if he had never bothered with the invaders or with a certain annoying clock.Listening to Alice's greetings and watching her delayed reaction to her morning state caused him to utter a small laugh as he finished his coffee"A most amusing morning indeed."Thinking about his latest actions during the day, Chris vaguely wondered about the meaning of having companions while he waited for what Camael would say about the organization of the day's matches.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Angel of War


People were slowly beginning to arrive. It was about time too. Camael enjoyed people keeping track of the time. He also enjoyed fighting, and maybe he had spent a majority of his yesterday manually drawing straws for everyone until he found the pairs required. The pairs he had written on a little note located in the pocket of his trench coat. It was safe to say some of them were lopsided but otherwise. All around they seemed pretty par for the course considering that they were going to be dealing with another group of angels. Lopsidedness of fights has to be accounted for. It is just one of the examples of combat mastery.

Still. Akemis notion of wishing to prepare tea had to be answered. "Yes, Akemi, child. Please if you would be so kindly, you may make us some tea to go with this glorious combat." Camael said answering his 'Two of Spades', Certainly he hadn't met her under the best conditions. Fallen angels were certainly a problem and scourge that should be erased for even comprehending the betrayal of god. Even after his death. That should only strengthen ones conviction to keep the system of heaven intact.

Alice came down, To which Camael responded to her a morning greetings with a similar greeting of his own. Here was his Ace a trigger happy laser firing mage whom he was the first person whom he had made a saint under his regime. She understood the rules more then most. She also probably knew more about his weaknesses then anyone else. Fighting her would be a real challenge. If it wasn't for the fact that he knew that wouldn't be the case due to already figuring out the pairings the night prior.

Chris was here. Oh so infallible Chris. The building was pretty much well defended against any demonic instrusion due to the energies that have been soaking into its walls from Camaels sustained presence. Alexander on the other hand handled anything else that may dare to enter the sanctuary without permission.

Speaking of Alexander, the old friend of Camael was here, lecturing the mistake chris. Suriel was here too. Of course that was two more to add to the fray of ever growing people Camael had met then revived to join his well. Army. To say the least he wouldn't really have anyone else. These people have worked hard to getto this point. He would continue to make them work harder to reach even greater heights. If to say the least he was competitive enough to want his group to become the strongest in heaven.

Soon enough though. There was the arrival of another more controversial one of his choices. Teshiko, She was once a fallen angel. Certainly. Her sin wasn't one to do with war though. It wasn't anything he could really grudge her for. She didn't flee her comrades. She didn't become a traitor. She only forgot to make precautions when having intercourse with someone whom she'd loved. That was certainly nothing to be punished for eternally. Camael hoped he was a positive enough influence upon her to prevent her from becoming a fallen again and to help her reconcile with her past mistakes.

Soon enough one of his worst yet best choice. Suisei coming in with food like usual was a nice touch. Everyone needed something to eat and his hand outs were prime to be useful. "Thanks for the omelette." Camael said indifferent. "I'll eat it during my observation of the matches today." He said as he put it to the side giving Suisei a light grin.

With Johannes being the last through the door. Looking as scruffy as ever in Camaels opinion though he wasn't one to talk. Camael took center stage in order to address everyone as a group. He had his aura of authority very much present what with his full trench coat and stoic face that showed eyes that had been hardened with many centuries of battle.

"Greetings everyone, now that I believe we are all here I believe we can start the training. Today will be simple one on one matchs. I believe Alexander will be able to use his magic in order to shield the interior of the building. In order to prevent any concerning damage though I do believe we should try to hold back on the massive destruction spells." Camael said giving Alice a very stern look of 'I know what you were planning but no I cannot allow it.' type look. "Any injuries after the match can be covered by the people not fighting. Meaning that yes. We will have short recovery breaks between fights. "A match begins once both angels have unfurled their wings and a match ends once one side either concedes or the enemy is downed for 10 seconds, or the enemy is unconscious. Causing injury and breaking bones is allowed. Though the match will be stopped in the winners favor if it becomes excessive, other then that be as honourable as you feel necessary." Camael summarised finishing of his speech before he removed the note from his pocket.

"Right so, I bet your wondering whom you'll be fighting. Well. The first pair of matchs are... Alexander v Johannes and Teshiko v Miss Sinnot." Camael said point at the pairs as he said it. "The next pair of matchs are Chris v Surial and Alice v Akemi." Camael said pointing to the second pair. "Which leaves the final match of the day..." Camael said pointing at Suisei. "Myself and Suisei here." Camael said with a wry smile. That was certainly going to be a highlight of the day. Of course he would have to reserve himself to the strength of a four winged angel but that just made the fight all the more appetising. After all Combat was the greatest way to service the lord and to protect the followers of his divine will.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Collab with: @Suku

Akemi let out a sigh when it was their turn to fight. She had no doubt that Alice would wipe the floor with her. She has been in the peerage the longest and she probably had the most experience with fighting and had really powerful spells from what she remembered at the other training fights. Alice also had six wings, way more powerful than her. Like… four more wings powerful than her. She shook her head and then sipped her coffee for the last time before the fight to calm her nerves… might not be the best idea but might as well right?

She headed to the arena and then looked at Alice. She bowed her head. “L-Let’s have a good battle yeah?”

“Lets.” Alice said as she curtseyed to her opponent being as polite as possible it was a formal match best be polite plus the people was practically family at this point. Than with a flick of a wrist a rapier of light formed in her hands as more swords appeared around and started to circle her. “Lets dance shall we?” Alice asked she was not the best in physical combat but as a opener it allowed her to best see where to go next. Without a single wasted second she charged forward her wings out flying towards Akemi.

Akemi’s wings burst out when Alice’s swords had appeared. There wasn’t much she can do for offense and she’d probably run out of magic power if she just constantly barraged. She can at least take pride in the fact that she was pretty good at flying. As Alice started to come close, barely enough to reach her with a rapier, Akemi flew upwards hoping that Alice’s momentum would give her trouble with suddenly changing course.

Without a single thought Alice backpedaled in mid air before raising her left arm and snapping her fingers “Shine forth o brilliant tempest.” She intoned as Magic light arrows rained down from above thousands of them falling down onto the battlefield with nary a thought in a specific target.

Wow, she’s not joking around. Akemi raised her hand and created a barrier that was only big enough to cover her to conserve magic energy. It was able to withstand the arrows. Since the arrows were falling straight down, she kept her attention on Alice, wary of what she will do next.

With her main attack blocked for the most Alice dispersed her swords and focus as two balls of energy starts to take shape around her before becoming ribbons and snaking out to grab onto Akemi while that was being done Alice diverted a bit of her attention to the gathering magical and holy energy around her before releasing what can only be described as lasers out at as well.

Akemi use her ring to dispel the ribbons, but the lasers were powerful enough to not be affected. She shook her head and then flew away to dodge it. She then formed three swords and launched it at her. While she was blocking that, she would go around and launch two more swords.

Smirking Alice smiled this was becoming fun. Before the sword could hit her own swords appeared once more circling around her protecting her from the oncoming attacks. Keeping it up as a barrier of sorts Alice decided to be a bit tricky with her magic as she once more snapped her fingers “Shine.” she exclaimed as arrows once more fell being aimed at different directions downward forward and backwards. Creating a veritable bullet hell with her arrows before arrows that fell upon the ground and touched it becoming ribbons and began striking out at random directions not seeking to tie up Akemi rather constrict the areas of movement.

As Alice blocked off the swords, Akemi clicked her tongue. She aimed for the area where Alice was standing and activated the Ring of Dispel. It would prevent her from using any low-level spells for as long as it is there. As Alice chanted for her next attack, Akemi launched two spears of light towards her before summoning a defensive barrier around her to cover her from the arrows. She watched as the ribbons began striking around but didn’t seem to be aiming to hit her. She needed to get out.

Without much care on the ones heading to her as two ribbons came up to block it from the contact. Alice continued her assault raining arrows and bringing for more ribbons to constrict movement diving down she expertly weaved in between the ribbons knowing where each one and where it was going. What Alice was doing was little more than a performance to outside viewers who did not know her as well as say Camael or Alexander. Charging up once more she fired her signature spell some would call it the starlight blast fired changing angles to avoid the ribbons as it aimed for Akemi once more. Though due to this she cancelled the arrow rain seeing as a majority of the room was covered already with her ribbons.

There were too many ribbons around her. It would really constrict her movements. She changed the marker around her so the ribbons around her would disappear and any other ribbons that would enter the area would also be dispelled. The arrows disappeared but she saw yet another attack sneaking around the ribbons and heading straight for her. Since the ribbons above her has disappeared thanks to the Ring of Dispel, she flew upwards so she would get a better view of the attack. It seemed to go straight towards her anyway. She made a barrier between her and the attack in hopes to be able to survive that attack.

She did manage to block it without much physical damage. But Akemi narrowed her eyes. This was bad. This was really bad.

Alice smiled a bit this was fun she was never fond of fighting but something like this was pretty fun for her no one gets hurt to bad and it was all for the sake of bettering one self. “THIS IS TOO MUCH FUN!” Alice screamed out getting a bit into the fight as she released ribbons binding Akemi’s arms and legs together while her binding stars made sure that she was unable to really move. In front of her was familiar balls of light and magic being numerous in numbers as she prepared to finish it.

Akemi was shocked as the ribbons bound her arms and legs, preventing her from moving. Without any magical power left because of that defense earlier, she couldn’t use any to cut this off. Those balls of light magic was sure to end it all. She could just give up here and now… but Camael would be pissed and she’d rather not have him berate her for giving up so easily. She sighed and then tapped into the power of the Ring of Dispel once more, hoping that it would be enough to dispel the bindings on her limbs so she could fly away.

It was over as Akemi couldn’t break out in time forcing her to take the brute force of the beams headed towards her dealing enough damage to consider the spar done.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

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Teshiko Maki

”Thank you,” Teshiko replied to Suisei as he handed her the oyakodon. Despite the venom in his words and the lethal glare he gave her while passing her the breakfast plate, the angel refused to drop to his level of pettiness and accepted the gift of food with grace. Though, once the former yakuza had walked away, she did check for possible sabotage, half-expecting to find he had spit into it or done some other unsavory act to punish her. Only after she was absolutely sure there was nothing wrong with it would she finally take a bite. A small smile crossed her face as the taste of the oyakodon passed over her tongue. Suesei may be a brute, but he certainly knows where to find great tasting food.

The Angel would continue to enjoy her meal until she heard the voice of their leader, Camael. She had great respect for the man and not only due to his skill in combat, but also for his willingness to look past her history. Even several years later, she would hear her fellow angels gossip and rumor about what she had done with Kiyoshi whenever she visited Heaven, which was why she often avoided spending more time than necessary there. Ah yes, Camael. Best to stop letting my mind wander and focus on what he’s saying.

With the knowledge of who her rival would be in this morning’s mock battle, Teshiko rose to her feet and approached the former valkyrie. ”Schwertleite, it is an honor to be chosen as your opponent for today’s match. I promise to show my respect to you as a warrior by doing everything I can to win and I hope that you will grant me the same privilege. Please do not hold back in any way.”, she told the woman with her usual neutral expression.

Schwertleite, whom had finished her own meal by this point, put down whatever crumbs she had left as she brushed her hands neatly against each other in order to clean off any mess that remained, wanting her hands as clean as possible before the fight.
“Likewise Teshiko,”
Schwertleite said as she drew herself to her full height taking an assigned position as far away from Camael as effectively possible so her hand was touching the back wall in order to give her the most range to begin with.
“So, Teshiko, are we going to stand here all day or are we going to fight?”
she asked, brushing her hair to the side. It was a valkyrie’s duty to fight almost as it was an angel’s duty to defend.

In response, Teshiko closed her eyes and nodded, turning her back on her opponent to make her way to the opposite wall. Once in position, the angel would turn back to Schwertleite and raise her hand to begin casting her first spell of battle, waiting until it was fully charged before unfurling the eight wings on her back to signal her willingness to begin their fight. Despite how fast the former valkyrie may be, she could not cross the room in time before being struck by Supportive Gust, further slowing her down.

Schwertleite took her opponent’s spell charging as an invitation to charge her own. Waiting too, until her first spell had been charged before unfurling her 6 white wings, revealing her angelic halo too. A bidding warrior of heaven. At least she hoped so. She wouldn’t come to her opponent. No. She’s seen enough of what Teshiko can do from the years. Simply put. She just had to stand her ground.

With Schwertleite staying at range, Teshiko took this opportunity to do some damage. If the valkyrie had decided to charge her, somehow avoiding her initial spell and getting close enough for hand to hand fighting, the veteran angel would be at a major disadvantage. By comparison, unless she wanted to risk severely injuring or possibly killing her sparring partner, the white haired woman could only use her kamas when they had a range of several meters in between her and her target, which she now fortunately had. Taking several swings with her sickle-like weapons, Schwertleite would feel the blades striking at her armor.

As razor sharp gusts of wind began to fall upon her body, the woman raised her arms to protect her more vital parts like her face. With little options left to her, Schwertleite lowered herself to the ground, crouching as she used one of her spells to create a layer of ice over the floor, effectively freezing her opponent’s feet in place. With Teshiko now unable to move or dodge, the valkyrie next used her light projection to create a javelin that she launched toward her fellow angel.

With the spear of light coming towards her, Teshiko would instinctively cast Whirlwind Blast to send it veering off in any other direction that wasn’t towards her person, dropping Supportive Gust in order to do so. Immediately, she would realize her mistake and put her kamas in a defensive posture, crossing the blades over each other, to avoid the next attack that inevitably came.

No longer being held back by Teshiko’s magic, Schwertleite rushed toward her, doing an overhead swing with her sword, Fragarach, in the hopes that a single strike from the mighty weapon would put a quick end to the fight.

Had the white haired angel been a second slower, her rival’s attack would certainly have done some serious damage. Not enough to kill her of course, both women were holding back so that such a thing didn’t occur, but enough to most likely take her out of their match. Holding up the sword above her head with the blades of her kamas, Teshiko used all of her strength to keep the thing from cleaving through her, leaving herself open for the next attack.

With her sword being deflected, Schwertleite counter-attacked by releasing one hand from her weapon’s hilt and sending a punch straight toward her opponent’s stomach. With her feet still trapped in the ice, she collapsed onto the ground, leaving her at an even larger disadvantage than before.

The warrior angel took a moment to readjust herself to her new surroundings, having become completely disoriented now that she was lying on the floor. When she looked back up though, she saw the Irish sword raised and ready to be thrust into her. With little time to think, she hacked at the ice keeping her stuck to the ground and rolled to the side, just avoiding the attack.

“By Odin’s beard, stop moving!” Schwertleite shouted in frustration, jumping back as her opponent got back on her feet. Summoning a bow of light, she pulled back it’s string as an arrow formed with it, nocked and ready to be fired in rapid succession.

Watching as her adversary began to fire a stream of countless arrows in an attempt to keep her from counterattacking, Teshiko let out a humph, before answering back, “It’s time to end this.” Using Whirlwind Blast again, she began to deflect each group of arrows that closed in on her, walking slowly toward Schwertleite until she was close enough to rush the valkyrie.

Kamas pointed forward, she flew over her opponent, boosting her already incredible speed with Supportive Gust, and hooked the blades of her dual weapons around Schwertleite’s neck so they were a mere inch from cutting her skin. ”Yield.”

The winner is Teshiko.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bushman501
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Bushman501 The Saber of Hungry

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Danny was pulled from his focus on creating by the sound of someone asking him a question, something about the radio he was working with. He looked up and raised an eyebrow to find a fit looking woman leaning over his tarp, eyeing him and his gear. After a moment, he removed an earbud and said with a smile "Yep, that's a Marine Corps radio alright. I got it from my dad's big pile of old Corps stuff, he was in the Marines so he has a lot of it. Figured I could splice it together with this phone, try to make a long rage one."

Jane Kelly took note of the man's words and the fact that he acklowledged her English without fail. His smile was friendly enough, but now her curiosity was piqued as he confirmed that was indeed a Marine Corps radio. This man did not sound like a Marine himself, but his claim of how he got the equipment seemed valid at least. Furthermore, it seemed his technological skill was not lacking at the very least. Already he is an interesting man. "Your father was a Marine? What unit did he serve in?"

Danny gave a slightly embarassed chuckle at her question, saying "I uh...I don't actually know. He didn't like to talk about his time in the Marines, as I understand it didn't go too well...y'seem mighty interested in the Corps, were you a Marine too? If you don't mind my noticing, you do seem American."

Jane smiled and could not help but feel that Corps pride as she stated "That is because I am American. Sergeant Jane Kelly, 1st Marine Regiment. Served in the Middle East as infantry and as an assaultman."

"Ah...cool." Danny replied and rubbed the back of his head, thinking to himself "Aw man, I don't actually know what any of that means..." After a moment longer, he asked "So, what're you doing here in Japan?"

Jane replied promptly with "I am travelling to see the different places in the world without being shot at." It was the truth. She was merely a tourist here, though this did not mean that Jane was not staying. Far from it, in fact. "Have a few buddies stationed at Camp Hansen one time that suggested to start here, so I did."

"Ah, that's cool. I work for a welding company stateside that sent me here to work on some big project. It's sure an interesting country, ain't it?"

"I barely even arrived and I have to agree with you. A lot more to do here than back at my home in the states." Kelly thought a moment, "By the way, you didn't say your name. And while you're at it what company do you work for?"

"Ah, right, my name is Daniel Williams, but you can call me Danny. I work for a little company called DynaMetal, you've probably never heard of us. Anywho, what brings you here this fine morning?"

"I am out for a walk. Heard there was a nature trail a bit past that building right over there." Jane pointed to the office building. She thought for a second, "And you have guessed right, I have not heard of that company before."

Danny chuckled and said with a shake of his head "Ah don't worry, you will soon. We're on the rise, especially in these parts. I didn't know there was a trail over this way, and I've been here plenty, but I guess I don't get off roads much so I'd probably've missed it..." Danny trailed off and his eyes returned to the half-formed contraption in his hands as he returned to working on it.

"Oh I have no doubt I will hear more of you soon." Jane replied with a slight smirk. She will see if this becomes true or not. As she watched Danny return to work on his device she looked around, mainly toward the office building. She had a funny feeling about that place for some unknown reason, but right now there was no reason to concern herself. "You know, sitting there on the street and fiddling with that thing is only going to make you look more and more like a hobo, right?" Jane said off-handedly, though there was no harmful intent involved in the way she said those words.

"A hobo huh? That's fine, working on this stuff out here in the sun is more fun than my workshop anyway. Is that why you came over here, though I was some random hobo who stole a radio from the Marines?"

Jane giggled slightly before replying with a smile "Maybe. It is not that hard to get a Marine radio." She stepped toward where the trail was presumed to be as she said "Better at least get a table to work on."

Sensing the conversation was near its end, Daniel was already looking back down at the radio/phone combo and tinkering, absently replying "Too heavy to carry around. A tarp is better."

Jane shrugged at this response, looking at her watch. "Suit yourself. I'm going. Maybe we will see each other again." With that, Jane gave a final nod before moving onto the trail.
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