Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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@KatherinWinter@King Tai

"I...well" Becca paused. why did she ask? She wanted to start conversation, but it was proving to be difficult... so she continued "I was just wondering how long this has all been going on for, and you've been here longest."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Jakobe was pretty much done with his food when he looked over at the conversation between Roxy and Becca. He sat back with his hands behind his head and watched the two wondering what the result would be. Would it be hostile? Would Roxy just blow her off? or would Roxy actually hold a conversation with Becca with no problems? Jakobe honestly wanted to know somethings about Roxy as well. He's already been peeping out the security of the place, keeping everything in memory of which area was more secured than others. He simply watched the two and looked over at the other three before bringing his eyes back to Roxy and Becca.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"I honestly don't know. Vlad says I am the only to survive his first experiment but I don't believe him. He isn't exactly known for his honesty. I've been over a year. I think. It's easy to lose track of time here. There are no windows any real way to make time. It could be night in the outside world for all we know."
Roxy answered honestly. She was sure that it had been more than a year but she had no proof. It felt like she had been trapped in this hellhole. She had tried to escape more than once. She had almost succeeded once which was why she had the color. Vlad was looking into putting tracking chips in the others just so he would always know where they were.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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@KatherinWinter@King Tai

Beccas eyes widened. "Trapped here for a year? That's horrible! But...why are you trying to escape? Don't you want to be here and part of this?"

She decided not to comment on the 'only survivor' part. That seemed a horrible thought - just how many had died?

"Maybe...one of us could get that collar off?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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This girl was too innocent to be here. She would never survive Vlad and his stupid tests. Roxy didn't want to feel protective of anyone. She needed to focus on her survival. But she hated that someone like this girl had ended up here. She snorted when the girl asked her if she wanted to be here. She was surprised that any of them still wanted to be here. But maybe they were still hoping to get something good out of the experience.

"No I don't want to be here. Unlike you smart people." Roxy put air quotes around the work smart because she didn't think anyone who volunteered for human experiments was all that smart. "I didn't volunteer for this. I have no desire to be a soldier or save the world. This isn't an ordinary collar kid. Unless one of you is a technical genius I don't see any of you being able to remove it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Just from the conversation, Jakobe tilted his head from what Becca was suggesting as far as getting the collar off and asking if Roxy wanted to be there or not. It made sense that not everyone here came at their free will or was promised something if they joined. Of course, Jakobe had reasons of joining and maybe the others had their reasons for being there also.

The elephant teen did think this could have been a stupid idea to join something he was not familiar with but getting up out the the ghetto and changing is life, he was desperate for. From Roxy's response, Jakobe was getting the true picture. His muscles were still sore and his body was indeed feeling heavy. He stood up to stretch his legs a bit so to loosen up but just stood for a moment before he'd walk over to Roxy and becca in a bit.

@KatherinWinter @medalliah
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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@KatherinWinter@King Tai

"Oh...so you were...forced?" That was horrible, and Becca had a look of sympathy about her "that's horrible. I can't imagine what that's like, although I guess we're all in the same boat now. I don't think I would have come here if I'd known about this...not that my life before this was much better" she looked at Jakobe for a few moments before turning back to Roxy "what happens now though?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy rolled her eyes at the girls innocent question. No wonder Vlad had been able to talk the poor thing into the experiment. She was too naive to see through his games. She wouldn't last long. Not with the games Vlad played. Roxy almost felt sorry for the girl. "Now? I suppose you hope that you survive stage to. After everyone eats we will be take to power development. Which is a stupid name for the hour or so we will spend learning to use and expand the skills we got from our animals."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

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@Lemons@Kit DewStein
Luke eyes widened at Gavin’s ability as the guy easily bit clean through a sturdy metal plate, and let out an impulsive hiss, baring his fangs, in revulsion at the horrible noise the plate made. The sound was nearly deafening to those with normal hearing but unfortunately for Noelle the sound must have been down right painful. He glanced back at Gavin, “Sorry man, I guess I got some animal instincts there.” He glanced over at Noelle, who had thrown herself to the ground, if the sound was obnoxious to him, he could barely imagine what it was like for someone with super hearing.

“You okay? They should’ve given you some ear muffs or something to help, I mean it’s gotta be annoying to hear everything that clearly.” Luke placed a hand on her shoulder and kept his voice to a whisper as he spoke. “On plus side, that’ll be an awesome skill set for sneaking around or maybe getting out of here later. What do you guys say, all for one, one for all. No way in hell am I going to become someone’s “pet” and I’d hate to see anyone like that.” He glanced around the room and noticed the other two talking to the panther-girl. "I guess we should also get to know the others some, try and see what they're about."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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@KatherinWinter@King Tai

"Power development" Becca repeated quietly with a nod "it sounds challenging....and we're all very different animals, so no way to know what we're all going to face either." She looked round to Jakobe - he was so big, she hoped he wouldn't have to face anything nasty. She then looked down at her own hands; how do you power develop her powers? Was there more to this...camouflage that she didn't know?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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@medalliah@Kit DewStein@Lemons@Helo@King Tai

"Some challenges will be individual. Others will be as a team. He will want to see what you can do and what you need to work one. He will push you to your personal limit and beyond." Roxy said as she surveyed the room. It looked to her like just about everyone was ready to head out but she didn't head towards the door the way she was suppose to. She refused to be the groups leader no matter what Vlad did to make her.

"If everyone is done eating let's get going. It's not good to keep the boss waiting." Roxy rolled her eyes at the massive understatement. She didn't head towards the door like a good little soldier. Mostly because she wasn't a good little soldier. She refused to play Vlad's games as much as she dared. She hated his punishments but she wouldn't allow him to turn her into his meek little kitty cat either.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Hearing the last of the conversation between both Roxy and Becca, Jakobe was not all bothered for the fact that they'd have to go through challenges. Noticing Becca looking back at him, Jakobe already figured she was wondering if she'd have to fight against him or not? His arms were folded on his chest and if anything, he didn't want Becca to get worried too much about something that may not happen.

Jakobe walked over to them both ready to speak about what he heard "I say-" before he could get the rest of his words out, he heard the command from someone telling them to get going so they could start. Looking back at Roxy's expression, he could tell she was difficult as a person but there was nothing wrong with that though. He admired that but for the time being, he was going to just follow along.

Looking to Becca, Jakobe smirked "Let's show them what we can do..." walking towards the door passing the others.

@Helo@Lemons@Kit DewStein

"Ready for some fun?" he said to the three walking out first.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Noelle got up after a minute of deep breathing. She still kept her hands on her ears not entirely sure how sensitive they were. She smiled at Luke and nodded in agreement about the ear muff suggestion. She slowly brought her hands down to her thighs hoping everything was okay. She closed her eyes and concentrated to hear all the footsteps she could hear before. Thank goodness I still hear well. Now to see if I can get something for this headache. Upon hearing to head over to the next area she looked at her two companions, "Come on lets get going. We got to play by the rules for a little while."

@King Tai
Noelle gave the mountain man a sideways glance of something that was a mix of "don't mess with me" and "I don't trust you" when walking past and then heard his question. I don't know what kind of fun you think this place is but knowing that Vlad is a nutcase doesn't really make me want to use "fun" to describe anything. She turned around and was walking backwards and gave Jakobe a mischievous smirk, "I am ready for lots of fun."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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Becca had no chance of replying as the announcement came over - they were expected to begin testing. She gulped, suddenly more nervous, and felt like blending in and hiding here. She fought her fears back though as she rose, giving Jakobe a small smile and a nod of thanks to Roxy. she then started to walk after Jakobe, easily missable behind the huge man, and she didn't understand everyone referring to what comes next as 'fun'. It didn't sound fun!

"Y-yeah" she added quietly as the next person said fun, looking at the others while they were nearby. Getting a feel for who they were, and what they could do - at least by appearance. She would wait until last to go through.

@KatherinWinter@King Tai@Kit DewStein@Helo@Lemons

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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@medalliah@Kit DewStein@Lemons@Helo@King Tai

Only after the others had lined up like good little soliders, and the guard threatened to tase her did Roxy from the wall. Her movements were silent and gracefully. Her movement showed the animal DNA the way nothing else had. Although she gave no indication of it She had heightened senses. She could hear more than the guards realized. She realized quickly not to give away all of her abilities. It was smart to keep as much hidden as she could.

The guard at the glared at her. She shrugged nonchalantly as he opened the door. The hall was lined with guards. There was one at every door. The cameras hung from the ceiling every five feet seat or so. They scanned in a pattern that left no spot out of sight for more than a few seconds. It was clear they were prepared for escape attempts.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Helo
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@Kit DewStein
Luke smirked when Noelle mentioned playing by the rules for a bit; following rules had never really been his thing. “I guess it probably won’t kill me to try something new.” He joked, though considering the circumstances, he figured getting killed could be a likely outcome either way. He wasn’t exactly sure what this training was going to entail but it sounded a hell of a lot better than doing school work so super solider training might be something he’d enjoy, and if it made him stronger it would better his chances of getting out of here. He was also curious to see what the couple others, whom he hadn’t gotten to know yet, were capable of. As he followed the guards into another room, Luke raised an eyebrow towards the big guy who asked if they were ‘ready for some fun.’

@King Tai
“Always ready for fun, personally, I’m hoping it’ll involve a thunder dome and some of these guards cause I’d love to dish out a little payback from my wakeup call this morning.” He said, with a grin, to the big guy. Luke surveyed the new room; filled with guards and cameras and looking like a maximum-security prison.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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There was a deep breath from the tiny girl at the back, who followed the group. She didn't want to be nervous, but she was. Roxy had shaken her confidence with her words, and now she wanted this to just be over. She hadn't even realized she was blending into the surroundings naturally, but those around her would see her appear to vanish into thin air.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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@Kit DewStein@Helo

When walking by, Jakobe looked the young lady that was hanging out with the punk rock boy and the other fellow and moved his eyes to check her out up and down not really caring what she was thinking by how her expression was to him. He felt sooner or later, they will have to depend on each other to survive so that trust shit was going to have to come to play sooner or later.

When the punk rock dude who actually the closest to his height, spoke...Jakobe gave a little chuckle "You too huh? Well as much as I'd like to beat some ass...I doubt we can actually get out of the building that easily..but its a thought though..." he mentioned and continued forth.

As they made it into the training area, Jakobe looked around at the security present and definitely felt they couldnt get out of there at all. They could try but he felt the only one that had a true chance to escape would be his little affiliate. @medalliah Speaking of which, Jakobe turned to check on how she was holding out but then gave a bewildered look on his face when she was appearing and vanishing "The hell?...Yo...Becky...Becca..." he said to try and speak to her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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@medalliah@Kit DewStein@Helo@King Tai

The 'training' room they were lead to was one of many. It was a large room. About the size of a school gym. This one was set up like a maze and obstacle course. Roxy sighed. Great. Perfect just the challenge they needed. The course was set up to demonstrate all their strength and weaknesses. It was also suppose to encourage teamwork. Although in her experience it did the opposite. People became competitive wanting to win the 'prize'.

"Welcome to the labyrinth. This will show me where your at when it comes to the notifications that I made to your DNA. This is a test of skills you had before the experiment and skills I expect you to have by the end. There will be a reward for the person who does the best." Vlad explained. He gave them a creepy from. One that made Roxy wonder why anyone thought the 'prize' was a good thing. "After everyone is done it will most likely be lunch time. After lunch you will be pitted against skilled fighters in the arena."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Helo
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@King Tai
Out of the corner of his eye, Luke noticed the girl whom he hadn’t met suddenly vanish. Before he could say anything about it he looked back to the larger man. “Man, who said anything about leaving the building I’m just looking to dish out some pain to our captors.” He said as his forked tongue flicked with excitement. He heard the big guy calling for a Becky or Becca, he was guessing that was invisible girl, before his attention was drawn back to Vlad.

After Vlad had said his piece Luke’s hand shot into the air the way you would if you were asking a question in class. “What’s the reward? I mean are we talkin’ a pat on the head, piece of cheese, an extra walk outside on a leash? I mean I’d like to know if the treats your handing out are gonna be worth the effort. I gotta say I’m not exactly satisfied with the last thing you gave me.” He said, unable to contain his smartass tendencies, mainly because why make it easier for someone who was holding him against his will.
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