Hidden 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
Avatar of TheRedWatcher

TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sinis Trixie

Sin-iss - Trix-ee

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Role: Support; Increases the duration and strength of all support effects, such as reflect, protect morning sun, removal of status effects.

Region: Kalos

Trainer Class: Elite Four Champion - Kalos Region “Status Master”


“So you have made it this far. This isn’t an easy test nor an easy challenge, let’s see how you face what’s in front of you or really, not in front of you.”

As the lights turned on it revealed a grand cathedral with an arena in the center of the room. Everything was higher up here than it had been in the other room. And there he sat, really, in the middle of the room no support seemingly floating over a drop below your feet. He just smiled and you stared enamored by the pale skinned, sharp eyed man in front of you.

He gave you the impression of someone very frail, despite the grand scope of the environment he was in. But he sat with a perfect calm and never broke his smile. It was polite, respectful, maybe a bit daring. Daring you to take your first step. To face him. To face his challenge, but what was the challenge? As you stared at the drop below.

You were staring at him a black cloak with silver embroidery in a swirling designed, draped over a blue chair that matched the blue aesthetic of the room. Underneath his clothes were knee high boots, with steel toes, and black breeches.

A glimpse of a red coat underneath it all. A three piece suit that made him look like some ancient world noble. Perhaps he was. You have heard the Trixie name goes far back. And he certainly was handsome to look at.

Albeit frail looking, his almond shaped eyes were sharp and alert. His turquoise irises were like staring into the depth of frozen crystals, and his chestnut colored hair was perfectly brushed and neatly groomed. Sitting beside his chair was a forearm crutch, but he remained with his legs crossed and hadn’t stood up until you reached the arena.

“You’ve made it past this far, your Pokemon must feel safe and trust your decision making. I have seen many cross the path without their aid before, some have nearly dropped below, nearly disqualified. But now the real challenge begins, facing me, let’s see how well your Pokemon trust your thoughts,”

His voice was soft, almost breathy, like someone who had trouble catching their breath, but it was elegant with an English accent, and well mannered. He chose his words carefully and they were with depth of thought when uttered, you can tell in the way his sentenced his words. While he had a tranquil aura about him, something about his battle sense tipped you off that he was not to be taken lightly.

Standing at 5’5”, 165 cms, weighing 110 pounds, 49kgs, he gave the impression someone delicate, one push and they could easily break. But the stance and sharpness in his cunning expression dared you to try and break him and his resolve.


By far the misconception is that Sinis would not be one to want to talk to other trainers, but he does enjoy an exchange of words. And often he likes to hear other trainers and their experiences. He loves the exchange of information and is open minded about all sorts of training methods.

He says the best methods will always show both the trainers experience and their love for their Pokemon. He says any method that shows a Pokemon trust you is the best method. He has a disdain for any method that would otherwise traumatize or harm a Pokemon in anyway.

Pokemon and the relationship between their trainer is a sacred bond that should never be broken. Break that trust and it shows how you would treat another human being.

Generally off the field Sinis is polite, carefully choosing his words, some would say he can come off too formal sometimes. But he enjoys to have a good laugh and likes to see the good in everyone. Sometimes a dangerously naive point of view, but he sees no need to be suspicious of other people. He says it walls up another individual to the point they cannot trust another person.

He’s compassionate and kind, and very respectful. Which is quite the opposite someone would get from his upbringing. Considering there is quite some money behind the Trixie name. A very wealthy and expensive name you would think that he would be the type of person to rub it into other people’s faces. But he says he has faced enough adversity in his life to know that is no way to treat other people.

On the battlefield Sinis is a completely different beast, he is skilled in able to throwing skills and abilities together. Being dubbed the Status Master in his Elite Four role. He focuses on conditions and ailments, debuffs, and buffs in order to gain the advantage and victory.

He can be crafty and cunning in battle, but overall doesn’t push his Pokemon beyond their means. No need to expand their energy for selfish reasons.

Mostly a gentle and easy going soul. It can be his downfall because he so easily trust people, who can so easily in turn betray him or manipulate him. A naive position he is aware of, but not one he is willing to change.

Motto: “The difference between a strong trainer and a good trainer, is the difference between taking on a challenge they know is impossible or not,”

Trainer Stats:

Bond - 4
Technique - 8
Style - 2
Offense - 2
Defense - 3
Communication - 5
Special - 6


Influential -

-nervous sweat drop-

I am not going to lie, I have the backing of a family name and I can get you anything in the Pokemarts for a steep discount. Since my family owns a factory at least two other regions than the Kalos region. All I need to do is drop my name and you’ll watch the price go down to dirt cheap or for nothing at all. But please don’t take that as any sign that I am better than anyone. I am just….luckier than some to have grown up in a wealthy situation.

Persuasion -

Is a little different than bargaining. One is for money and the other is to make people do the things they don’t necessarily want against their prior motivations. Being the way it is growing up in the family estate has allowed him to learn how to talk and pick up the cues of a socialite one of them being to persuade other people to do things they don’t necessarily want to do against their better judgment or current motivations. Not a skill he is proud to have, but at least it is useful.

Cooking -

While I may not be able to set up a camp very well -nervously looks away- I had to learn on my Pokejourney how to cook. I had always known how to make Pokemon Pastries, my grandfather taught me in the family kitchen. I hate to admit that when I was small I never really cooked for myself. I had circumstances of course, but it’s not an excuse again not trying to rub I am better in anyone’s face. But when I got out in the wilderness I learned to cook more. For Pokemon and people. It taste decent, edible, hasn’t killed anyone yet, but I am still learning and practicing new recipes with ingredients we find along the way. I am not sure how well shadow foliage will taste though.

Studious -

Since he hasn’t always had the ability to go out and journey Sinis has always been very studious. He has read countless of textbooks and learned most of his first training experiences through the textbooks he begged his parents for. But because of this Sinis has a very studious personality and if there’s anyone who might try to do research to find the source of this mysterious energy, he would definitely suggest starting somewhere to read.


Forearm crutch - I admit sometimes I have a tendency for poor coordination. A residual lingering effect of my illness I am afraid. I am sorry if I am going to slow anyone down, if I need to take a break I am sure Grim and Pixy will keep me safe till I am ready to move again.

x2 Potions

x3 Hyperpotions

x1 Full Restore


This video has been sponsored by Trixie’s Treats for Pokemon.

A midnight blue Gengar has decided to help itself to a box of Trixie’s Treats for Pokemon, sticking its short stubby hands in the box and making a rather large mess on the floor. Licking its face with its long tongue, it turns over the box as crumbs begin to fall out of the box. Gengar looks at the box with disappointment.

“Cut,” the director says.

“Hmm, what?” Sinis ask.

“Why is he eating the product?” the Director asked.

Sinis just laughs.

“They are his favorite, he use to sneak into the cabinets in our home and eat them too,” Sinis smiles. The director looks less than amused.

“Can you hurry up and get in the shot, and can someone get another box, and stop him from eating the product,” the director tells him.

Sinis just gives another chuckle, as the Gengar floats over to him, tears in its eyes as it shows him the empty box.

“Rarrar,” Gengar chuffs at him.

“Oh yeah, well that’s what you get when you scarf it down,” Sinis says touching the top of Gengar’s spikes, “Tell you what. If you can hold off eating this next box. I’ll get you something much nummier.”

This compromise seems to please Grim as it smiles at him. Sinis claps his hands together, “Okay everybody it’s time to get into the picture.”

“Aaaaa,” the director screams as she sees the set with a couch, and wallpaper walls meant to look like a bedroom filled to the brim with Ghost. A gastly sat above the makeshift chandelier, a phantump has taken resident in a pot, a pumpkaboo has decided to residence on an arm of the chair, a Mimikyu shyly shaking next to a pillow, and a Gardevoir has simply floated over. While Sinis walked slowly to the couch where the Mimikyu immediately took its place on his lap.

“What in the world?” the director asked.

“Well when they heard about the video, they all wanted to be a part of it,” Sinis told her, “So I told them they could. And they showed up.”

“How long they have been here?” the director asked.

“For a while, I am surprised it took you so long to notice,” Sinis said, while the Gastly laughs and Gengar sticks it tongue out at the phantump.

The Director nervously looks at the Camerman who has turned ghost white.

“Just start rolling,”

Lighting rolled on the screen and you could hear laughter in the background. As glowing Ghost stared at the lens with grins on their faces. Sinis the Elite Four member sat on a couch with a shaking Mimikyu hiding in his arms, he stroked it for comfort without really noticing he was.

Sinis just smiles, “You all already know who I am most likely. There’s really nothing I could say about myself that would be important.” He just pauses for a second, “So I thought today we do something a little different, we could meet some of my friends.”

Sinis pauses, “Right quotes.” He pauses, “Ghost Pokemon are so cute aren’t they?” Gardevoir, Pixy, looks at him, “And of course they love playing with their favorite friend Gardevoir.”

“Sha sha,” Gardevoir says leaning her head back in a moe pose.

“I am Sinis Trixie, Elite Four Trainer, and these are the friends I have made,” Sinis says. A Gengar appears on the lens of the camera, seeming holding onto it. You can hear in the background the camera man saying, get off that. Gengar licks the camera lens, fades and does a backflip landing on the stage.

Sinis giggles.

“That’s Grim,” Sinis says, “As you can see he’s quite the showman.” The sound of the box of treats being ripped open can be heard and Sinis continues to smile, but looks embarrassed, “And also a complete and total glutton, apparently.”

Sinis looks at Grim who has just decided to stick its head in the box of treats at this point ignoring its original purpose being here.

Sinis bends his head down to the Mimikyu shaking and shivering shyly in his arms, burying its “face” in his chest.

“Do you want to say hi?” Sinis asked, as the Mimikyu turned its “head” to the camera, “This is Salem.”

“Bee wee woo,” it cried before burying its head back into his arm. Sinis laughs.

“He’s a little shy, but he is a great companion to have,” Sinis said, “He loves new friends and playdates.” You can still hear Gengar crunching away in the background, Sinis continues to smile.

Sinis looks at Gardevoir, “And finally-”

Gardevoir pushes past him and immediately stands in front of the camera. She does a little curtsy bow and does a twirl.

“Ooo roo,” Gardevoir calls out, “Sha sha.”

She gleams with psychic energy. And bounces in the air excitedly. Before floating back over to Grim and takes the box off his head.

“Ooo shaaa,” Gardevoir said.

“Reheheh, ra ra,” Grim said trying to hand her the empty box of treats.

“Sha,” Gardevoir looks confused.

“Apparently she wanted her own introduction,” Sinis said, “That’s Pixy. I don’t need to say any more. She said it all herself.”

Team: Dusk Dreamers

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
Avatar of AngelofOctober

AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kamon Surge

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Role: Legendary - Have a greater chance of bonding with more Pokemon at once than other trainers. Support Pokemon have the power of your Partner Pokemon

Trainer Class: Psychic Gym Leader

Region: Johto


Kamon has always had his looks handed down to him by both parents. Sharing Sabrina’s eyes and Lt. Surge’s hair color, albeit a bit more darker than his father’s. He never took on his father’s impressive height. Standing at 5’6”, 167cms, and weighing 119 pounds, 53kgs, he’s smaller in comparison to his father though that’s never really deterred Kamon.

Kamon probably be more popular and more handsome with the ladies, if he didn’t wear a permanent scowl on his face. He always seems to have a look of annoyance that tells people to steer clear of him and his impressive aura doesn’t really help that. When you’re outside the norm of human capability people tend to shy away.

His hair is often unkempt and shaggy, though groomed. And he doesn’t really fuss about clothing style. Often seen wearing all styles and manners of clothing. Though often he appears in unkempt, baggy clothing as well. A wrinkled button down shirt, with a barely tied tie, and cargo pants give the impression of someone not willing to sit still for too long.

His eyes have always been a great stir of controversy. As they tend to be two different colors at once. Often a pink, blue marbling iris, that has irregular spikes of energy that flow when he activates his psychic capabilities.

Kamon often speaks in a very quiet, but husky and smoky voice, that again would mean he’d make a great ladies man. That is if he didn’t scare people away with a brash and abrasive attitude.


He’s definitely grown over the years, when Kamon first started training as a trainer no one could approach him at all. He was guarded and very defensive and would not let anyone in his walls. Over the years this has mellowed and Kamon will listen to people, albeit he keeps his distance from them and doesn’t get any closer.

He can often be described as very prickly on the surface, but inside he is warm, compassionate, and a very kind individual. Even if he doesn’t express it very often. Kamon will not act warm and fuzzy even with people who do earn the loyalty of being his friend.

You’ll simply know you are Kamon’s friend if he does something to protect you or does something that would otherwise suggest that he likes you. Like giving you a blanket to sleep with. Kamon speaks in his actions not his words.

Cutting, abrasive, and blunt Kamon doesn’t really make people like him either. He says what is on his mind and you either take what he has to say or you don’t. Eitherway most don’t like Kamon upon their first meeting with him.

But when you begin to realize that he isn’t all that bad, when he is with his Pokemon or Pokemon in general. It’s probably the only time anyone will see Kamon genuinely smile or laugh is when he is with Pokemon or his Pokemon.

He’s loyal. Honest and trustworthy. Just not very open and abrasive. He doesn’t really care for his time to be wasted and because of his gifts he sometimes comes off with a superiority complex about fixing problems with or without help. Not always a team player, Kamon can open up to people. It just takes time and effort.

Motto: “If you plan to waste my time, then I really suggest you reconsider your tactic.”

Trainer Stats:

Bond - 4

Technique - 1

Style - 1

Offense - 0

Defense - 2

Communication - 3

Special - 5

Unique - 9


Survivalist - Kamon has dared to venture in places other people wouldn’t. Over the years of his experience and travels Kamon has learned how to tough out the most extreme of environments. Though his least favorite was probably every snowy mountain cap ever. Typhlosion didn’t appreciate it much either.

Camping - Kamon knows how to set a fire, and set up a tent. He knows the how to and basics of camping. Where to camp. What time to set up camp and when it should be ready.

Powerful Psychic - Kamon took over his mom in this department, to his father’s disappointment, he is quite a powerful psychic. More so then those third rate hacks you find on the road. You can lift a few Pokeballs in the air with your mind and you think that’s psychic. Sit back and watch real power at the snap of a finger.

Kamon has shown in the past;

Kinesis - the ability to lift objects up with his own mind, from pokeballs, to much larger objects though it causes a bit of mental exertion to do so.

Telepathy - more empathic than reading your direct mind, he can sense others emotions and Pokemon’s emotions as well.

PokeSpeech - Kamon can hear Pokemon speak as if two humans were sitting down having a chat. Problem is then no one knows what Kamon is saying to Pokemon.

Bonding Link - Kamon has the ability to link with his own Pokemon who hold strong bonds with him and share his power with them to increase their power.

Mild Deflection - And Kamon has shown in the past to create small shields that deflect or reflect abilities. But they are often weak and shatter upon large impact.

But with great power comes great limitations. Kamon likes to think he’s invincible, but he’s prone to mental strain and overexerting himself. The more exertion Kamon wills the greater the consequences later. From aggravating migraines and mild vertigo, to blacking out, and the inability to focus well on a given situation. It can leave him wide open and even break the contact he has with his Pokemon, till he gain his bearings.

Equipment: Beside some Pokefood, Potions, a Pokedex that he doesn’t even use, and some Pokeballs that he also doesn’t use Kamon doesn’t really carry anything


“This is a pointless waste of time, I am leaving.”

-watches Kamon walk off stage-

“What do we do now?” the cameraman stares at the director with disappointment. The Director glasses shine, and she flips her hair.

“We are in show business, the point is the show must go one,” she said, “Use stock footage. If you have to get me a cardboard cutout of Kamon. Hurry it up we have half ‘n hour to shoot this film and then release it to the world.”

I’m Kamon. I’m the son of Sabrina and Lt. Surge. Both my parents are powerful gym leaders in the Kanto region. I have beaten the Victory Road and Elite Four to become the Kanto Region Champion, but refused it because I am humble modest guy.

Because when you’re the strongest trainer with the strongest powers and strongest Pokemon you have to be so humble like me.

I have amazing Pokemon. Like my Typhlosion who’s name is…..

-whispering in the background- “what’s he call his Typhlosion,”


-clears throat-


“Blaze is the strongest Typhlosion out there and he burns so hot he can evaporate lakes. Water pokemon has nothing on my Typhlosion.”


“If you think you’re the strongest trainer there is, then you should come down to my gym in the Johto League. You won’t beat me,”



This video sucks that’s not Kamon. That’s a cardboard cutout.

Why is a woman voicing Kamon?

Why does he sound like a little kid?

Team: Blazing Glory

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Neo Is Delight
Avatar of Neo Is Delight

Neo Is Delight *noms on tail*

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Olivia Wynter

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Role: Combat

Region: Unova

Trainer Class: Delinquent

Hair - Blonde with blue tips, long, twin tail style
Skin - Pale
Eyes - Light Blue
Height - Average
Weight - Average

Personality: The first thing you should note about Olivia is that she is a sadist, enjoying the pain of others a great deal. Now, you might be thinking: ‘Oh great, a murderer’, but she’s never actually killed people, only leaving them in pain. Her view on pokemon is a bit similar, she doesn’t mind hurting them, and will tell her pokemon to go all out in a battle, though once they’re unable to continue, she does show mercy moving onto the trainer. She’s not without humanity though, showing concern for those she might call ‘friends’, including her own pokemon.

Motto: “Tell me if this hurts, I want to fully enjoy it.”

Trainer Stats:

Bond - 6

Technique - 3

Style - 1

Offense - 8

Defense - 3

Communication- 3

Special - 1

Unique - 0

Torture - This skill comes with the territory of being a sadist, over time you learn from your experiences what causes the most pain, with the least amount of lethality, such as how long you can suffocate someone for, where the best places to stab a person are, etc.

First Aid - You can inflict more pain upon a person if you heal them mid-torture. So, in Olivia’s mind at least, it was only natural for her to learn this important skill. She isn’t likely to be performing advanced medical procedures, but she can for the most part treat small wounds on both humans and pokemons.

Combat - She knows how to use her weapon effectively, both for her sadistic tendencies, but actual combat as well, of course it would be odd for her to possess a weapon and be unable to use it effectively.

Pokemon Riding - What? You thought she was limited to being creepy? Well, she’s not. She can ride Ponytas, Rapidashs, and even Rhyhorns, as her family owned a farm where they taught local kids to do so. As a result, this is a skill Olivia learned at a young age.

Ballroom+Ballet - Two skills she learned as a child, as her parents tried to get her to engage in more normal activities. Of course not skills she puts to use often, she’s certainly not going to prance around in a tutu, but regardless of whether it’s something she often does or not, it’s a skill she possesses.

Glittering Thread - Her weapon appears to be two arrowheads tied on opposite ends of a long string(which is white, not black), providing a medium-to-close ranged weapon. The string is made from the silk of a Spinarak, making it nearly unbreakable. The blades(or arrowheads as some might call them), are made of a sturdy magnetic material, each holding an opposite charge so the weapon can be wrapped around one’s waist to be worn as a belt until needed.

5 potions, 2 full heals, first aid kit(for peoples)


The first thing that could be seen when the screen flickered to life was Olivia, handcuffed to a bench in a seemingly bland room.
“Do I have to be in here?” A shaky voice came from behind the camera. “Only if you want paid, we’re here for an interview. She’s bound to the bench, she can’t hurt you.” The directors statement probably didn’t help much, given the look Olivia was giving in the direction of the camera, and by relation the man operating it.
Again the director could be heard, this time directed towards Olivia and not the cameraman. “So, for our viewers, can we ask for your name, and maybe some info about yourself?”
Her voice sounded rather sweet and innocent, not like what you would have expected from her expression, which she tried to make as normal as possible for her introduction. “My name, it’s Olivia Wynter. My parents own a ranch, that you’ve surely heard of, where they teach youngins to ride pokemon. My hobbies include battling, and-” she stopped talking, and instead just gave a smirk towards the cameraman. Which resulted in the camera shaking, and what sounded like a crash not far behind the camera. Olivia, laughing at the result, it was a little hard to determine if the laugh was cute or creepy, but the most likely conclusion that it was both.
“Can I get out of here now?” The cameraman asked. “We’re not done with the video yet, we still have to meet her partners.” The director stated, a whine from the cameraman suggested he was unhappy with the decision.
Moments later three pokemon were led into the room. With a police Machamp standing closeby as a guard. “Can you introduce us to your friends Olivia?” Came the director's voice.
“Oh I’d love to. The Absol, her name is Abby. She’s not fond of people, in fact, how about you come in here and greet her personally?” The director made a slightly shocked sound, and the cameraman made a highly audible squeak of terror. “Next up here we have Sheila, she’s great at following orders. I wonder what she would do if I told her to-” The machamp cut her off, resulting in an annoyed huff on her part. “Fine fine, spoil sport. Next up is Vanilla here, she’s really pretty isn’t she? Wanna come pet her? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen her use Dark Pulse.” And that was when it was decided. “We have enough footage now.” Came the director's voice, followed shortly be a hurried scurrying from behind the camera, and a “Go back and get the camera you idiot.” shortly after, the screen flicking back off.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Neo Is Delight
Avatar of Neo Is Delight

Neo Is Delight *noms on tail*

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Pastel Rivas. Whether Pastel is her real name or a self chosen one is a mystery, as anytime she, or her parents are asked, the subject is changed. For example; "Your name is seriously pastel?" "ooh what a cute beautifly!" "Yes, but what about your name?" "Oh look a butterfree too!"

Age: 14(shhh, you permitted it :p)

Gender: Female

Role: Prodigy

Region: Kalos

Trainer Class: Top Coordinator/Kalos Queen(performer)

Pastel is shorter than others her age by half a foot, but that doesn't make her any less noticeable in a crowd. With bright pink hair, blue eyes, and pale doll-like skin it would be rather hard not to spot her. Her fashion certainly doesn't help her become any less visible either, wearing three different barrettes in her hair at a time, a skull, musical note, and a bow, not to mention the actual bow she uses to hold her long hair into a side ponytail. Her bow is is purple, with white polka dots, sounding normal, but it also has a little extra, being the two jester like plastic points, topped with a plastic pink skull.
Moving down from there, you'll likely notice that she has a marking on her face, of a pink skull, which while sounding like it would be a bit creepy, actually makes her look even more adorable. The outfit she wears can vary, usually buying a brand new one every time she visits a place, but she always wears the same for performances.
That outfit matching her bow, starting with a basic description: A pastel jester styled dress. For those who require more textual visualization, it starts at the top with a white jester fashioned collar, moving to a purple latex-like material with an open V shape around the breasts, revealing some skin but not enough to be inappropriate. At the top of this opening, directly under the collar, is another bow much like the one in her hair, though it's a lighter shade of purple, and lacking the jester points, having only the pink skull to top it. Halfway down the dress, in the middle of the stomach are four pink jewels, further down the top part of the dress ends in a jester like fashion, having four points one in front, one in back, and one on each side.
The bottom of the dress almost gives the dress an appearance of being a separated outfit, appearing to be a short frilly skirt that starts out as a light shade of purple, two frills down getting a bit darker, with the fourth frill being a shade of pink, and the last frill becoming a lighter shade of pink. For those who might be curious what she's wearing under the dress, her panties are colored a light pastel pink, with the legendary pokemon Mew depicted on the front.
Continuing on to the less lewd articles of clothing, on her wrists are two short light purple wrist sleeves, both having four jester-like points. On her legs she wears knee-high stockings with a light pink coloring. Her shoes are ankle booties, of a light purple coloring matching in the jester design of other parts of her outfit with four jester points on each one, folded over to point towards the ground, the zippers being in the back so as not to seem out of place on the design.

Personality: If you were to classify her as any of the common '-dere' archetypes, she would fall into a mixture of Deredere, Yandere, and just a sprinkle of Himedere. On one end, she's abundantly full of energy, and is generally a very kind person who most would assume wouldn't hurt anyone. However, while that's true in a sense, she's very protective over pokemon, especially her own. She won't hesitate to put herself in danger to protect her pokemon partners, and because of this she tends to bond easily with them. Even when 'serious' she holds a feminine presence, and isn't known to be threatening in even the slightest bit, which is as much disadvantageous as it is advantageous.

Motto: "Keep up with me here, things are gonna get fun!"

Trainer Stats:

Bond - 3

Technique - 1

Style - 7

Offense - 3

Defense - 2

Communication- 2

Special - 2

Unique - Does being uniquely adorable count? No? Well then I suppose this area is to be left blank. :p

Fan Combat - Pastel doesn't seem like she would be skilled in any form of combat at first glance, and most might assume that the only problem they would have would be her pokemon. That however would be a grave mistake, as she is skilled in the graceful combat style of war fans. She trains with Sharps using these, honing both her own skills as well as his.

Fans - While her previous skill was in relation to a weapon, this one is in relation to her success in contests and performances. Being both a top coordinator in multiple regions and Kalos queen has garnered a lot of attention, and with that comes a horrifying creature known to many celebrities as a 'fan'. While not as often an occurrence in the smaller towns as it is in the big cities, Pastel is often approached by complete strangers who have really high pitched screams. They are known to bring gifts, usually boxes of chocolates and flowers from the males who also request a date along with the gift, or treats for her pokemon partners. Many would debate whether this is a skill or an annoyance, but we're just gonna say it's a skill for fun. :p

Dance - Most performers and their pokemon partners perform dances, so it's not unusual for her to possess the skill to do such. Given her combat style it's a universal skill for her, being able to assist in both combat and performances.

Lyrical - This is actually a skill she doesn't make use of in her performances, or in front of people too often. Pastel has been known to sing or hum to herself when alone and bored, and those who have heard her tell her she has a wonderful voice.

Twin War Fans - Simple war fans, gifted to her by her first mentor. She makes use of them in her performances with her partners, as well as effectively using them in combat when necessary.
Standard equipment - Every good trainer knows there are certain things you never go without. For Pastel, she has around 5 standard potions, one max revive, pokefood, grooming supplies, and money to pay for lodging and food in towns.
Bedding - You're probably thinking that 'bedding' is maybe just a sleeping bag, and you would be wrong. Pastel will refuse to sleep on the ground if she has any say in the matter, and just in case she can't have a nice warm room in an inn, she has a basic, two person tent that doubles as a bed, it is pink. Beside that, she has two pillows, one pink, one purple, a comforter, and a thinner blanket. Beings as it is a two person tent, she would not be adverse to sharing, so long as whoever she was sharing with would not mind her snuggling up to them, otherwise Sylla and Riley would sleep with her(Sharps is too heavy, and not a comfortable cuddler).


The background chosen for the promotional video of Pastel was very much reminiscent of a 'candy land', with bright colors and pink clouds that very much resembled cotton candy.
For a moment a dark ball passed onto the screen, followed by a yellow streak striking it causing it to burst, and then a what appeared to be a frosty wind swept over, freezing the event, causing a beautiful mist of crystallized dark energy. When it cleared, Pastel could be seen standing in the middle striking a pose only befitting of an idol.
Beside her stood her best performance partners. A Manaphy, an Alolan Ninetails, a shiny Pachirisu, a Sylveon, an Umbreon, an Alolan Raichu, a shiny Lopunny, and lastly a Bisharp.
"Hello my lovely fans! Many of you have asked me to do a promotional video showcasing my best performers, and here they are!" she finishes off waving her arm in indication towards her pokemon.
The camera then zooms in on the Manaphy. "This is Bubbles, Many of my rivals have said it's unfair to use such a rare pokemon, but really they're just jealous. Bubbles is very friendly, and loves to show off for you all."
The camera then moves onto the Ninetails. "This is Frost. She's not much of a people person, and to the breeder that tried to introduce another ninetails at our last performance, I'm so sorry, and I hope you aren't mad at her."
The camera shifts again, to the Pachirisu, or at least tries to as it is running around wildly and the camera can't move fast enough. At one point Pastel can be seen running past the camera trying to catch it. Thirty seconds later, the camera focuses onto Pastel, now holding a sleeping Pachirisu. "This is Risu, and she's very hyper as you saw. She doesn't like holding still, but she's great at helping me bake, if you ever stop by our home in Alola we'll make you and your partners some Pokepuffs!"
Next up are the Sylveon and Umbreon. "I'm sure you all know these two, being featured in many of my performances. Their names are Sylla and Shade, and as you might have guessed by their close proximity they're lovers. They make the cutest couple!"
The camera is then seen looking around, with worried whispering in the background. "It's fine, I'm sure she just went outside." Pastel could be heard telling the director, as the camera just focuses on her instead. "I'm sorry, Riley isn't much fond of attention, we're still getting her used to training, but you'll be seeing her in my performances in the near future!"
A crash can be heard, and the camera is zoomed back out, giving a larger perspective of the Lopunny and Bisharp fighting. "I told you two to be good! Lilah, Sharps, stop it!" A stray Metal Burst from Sharps hit's the camera, cutting the video short.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Noah Grimes

Age: 22

Alias: Z2

Gender: Male

Role: Technician - All electric moves are at 100% accuracy, also has greater usage out of machinery than other roles

Trainer Class: Tech Maniac Proprietor

Region: Kanto


He gives the impression of a fairly unkempt young man on first appearance. Actually on every encounter with him. When the sickly pale young man comes out of the warehouse, it’s clear he hasn’t seen any daylight in what may seem like weeks.

His frail thin body is near in competition with Kalos’ very own Elite Four member in a competition of who looks the most sickly and frail. Though Noah’s condition isn’t due to some childhood illness, just underfed, and lack of sunlight on a given few occasions. Okay almost all of the occasions. He’d probably be best described as the region's only neet. Though that might be fairly unlikely, there may be others who knows.

His hair tends to be an unkempt, uncombed, uncut mess, often fairly long and flowing just about in every direction it can give someone the impression of a rat's nest. Bags under his eyes suggest long working nights with little to no sleep and his clothes suggest someone on a budget. With a simple white t-shirt, a pair of cargo pants, and combat like boots poorly laced, then the strings loosely tied into the tongue of the boot sticking out.

The only thing of consideration that might have been a highly valuable jacket at one point, is his long trench coat, with fur around the rim of his hood. That or he might have stolen it off of someone, who knows.

Looking at him terrified you slightly. His clothes hung off of him and didn’t really fit him. His body was like that of the bones of a bird, lean, with very little left to the imagination. The slight showing of his ribs or the way his collarbone stuck out. He had brown irises, and jet black hair. But a very gaunt and narrow looking face that made him look only half human. He didn’t at this point look like a handsome young man, but instead a broken empty individual.

-claps- “Success. You have found me or really you have contacted me because you need my services. Unless this is a prank call, and if so those are really outdated.”

His voice is hoarse and gives the impression of someone who has forgotten how to speak, and even when it warms up it is gravelly and very rough to the ears, but his pronunciation is clear and concise to get the message across.

He has a rather relaxed, but rough presence about him, like he doesn’t really care about what is going on and can be evident in the way some of his mannerisms come off. They either come off like zero fucks were given or very deliberate acts of delinquency. It just depends on the given nature of the situation.

He stands at 5’8”, 172cms and is underweight at 117 pounds, 53kg.


Noah is an extremely cunning player when it comes to living in the Pokemon world. He tends to use his brain more often than brute force, that’s what Bruiser is for. Noah has always been a survival first type of guy and has done anything, and everything he can to make it in isolation. Now he’s not about to abuse his Pokemon, nor is he really cruel to Pokemon, but Noah tries to live a life where he’s not drowning below so to speak.

Noah is not a cruel individual, but he is cold, calculative and analytical. Everything is about the numbers in his life. And because of this everything is about cold calculations. Noah doesn’t really think about the moral and ethical implications involved in it. In fact most of the time he thinks about how much money something would make or how much something would hurt.

As a trainer he goes for a lighting quick fight and one that leaves the most damage. Not because he is some kind of sadist. Simply put the more damage he’s done and the faster he has done it, the more approximate capability he has slipping out of a situation and not having the same person who challenged seek to find him again.

Noah likes his privacy, probably the reason at least to his clients he has created several different identities. He doesn’t really care too much for someone sticking in the noise of his current business. And doesn’t really see himself as a criminal. He is somehow able to justify it by separating himself from his clients. Someone else is doing the actions, he’s only ever really overseeing it.

Noah doesn’t like showy displays and he certainly is not a hot headed. Actually the amount of fucks he gives is often very low. But Noah is not lazy. He’s prone to sleepless nights getting caught in a project of his. Or prone to overworking himself that he forgets things like needing to eat. He’s sort of crazy married to his job usually.

Trainer Stats

Bond - 2

Technique - 5

Style - 2

Offense - 6

Defense - 4

Communication - 6

Special - 5

Motto: “Wow, so you’re a real hot shot, huh? Let me put out those flames for yah,”


Computer Savvy - If it’s got a modem and some binary code it’s more than likely he can crack into it. He’s always had a gift for computers, something Giovani recognized early on when he got into their hands. He can do the general stuff, crack a code, create corrupted data. Guess this all falls under hacking, but he’ll stick to call it computer savvy skills. He can create his own software, create proxy server, mask sales and purchases. And he may or may not have stolen some of that very fancy transferring equipment the Pokecenter and Pokelabs use.

Engineering - If it's got some wiring, some gears, and some mechanics it’s most likely he can engineer it or at least take it apart. He cannot make anything fancy he only has the basic skills, but pulling something apart and then putting it back together into something else is his specialty.

Weapons training - He’s not going to lie, working with Team Rocket had given him the ability to use an array of different specialized weapons. At least with the basic understanding how to use them effectively. Nets, guns, knives, you name it, he probably knows how to hurt you with it, if Bruiser doesn’t get to you first.

Self defense Martial Combat - It’s not all fun with the pew pew and the shoot shoot. Sometimes you have to use your hands and he at least knows how to defend himself in a fist fight as well.

Connected - It’s not the same thing as pretty Sinis who has a fancy name and can get you pretty discounts. He probably knows more about the criminal underground than most, mainly because he works in those areas and they know him. Of course not by his name. If you need something you shouldn’t have, if it is illegal, or if it is not distributed among public markets, he can likely get it to you.

Trapping - Again useful things you learn in the Rocket trainer. Noah can set up a number different traps to either slow something down or well trap it is more the goal. It’s near the same kind of mechanic as tying two wires that don’t belong together,together and making it work. Ropes work just like wires, kind of. And so does a pit trap, well okay that has nothing to do with computers, but hey it’s a pit trap.

Perfect Instant Ramen - If someone can’t cook, I can at least whip you up a quick cup of ramen and it always comes out perfect. The noodles aren’t too undercooked, but they aren’t fucking soggy either.


I have an array of gizmo and gadgets. They tend to be a handy lifeline.

Gizmo’s Bolt - Look at this beauty. You know what’s better than a gun? A gun with an amplifier that allows your electric pokemon to store electric energy into and then shooo, you shoot it out into one rail of lighting right at someone’s face or wherever you aim a railgun at really. Perfect for blacking out cities, or putting something to sleep with a lot of voltage. But it takes a decade to recharge or the thing overheats like crazy if I try to use it too often. Okay I am exaggerating when I say a decade, exactly it takes 15 minutes for it to cool down and be able to take juice again.

Zap Stick - If you like my railgun, then you’ll really like my hit stick. It functions nearly the same as the railgun, but the amplifier stores juice in it, press the button and you got yourself a shocky stick. Perfect for when things turn up close and personal and doesn’t have the ridiculous charge time. It just stores in the hilt, ready to be used up and then recharges near Gizmo.

Xed Goggles - These. There’s nothing special about these, they are just fashionable, aren’t they.
In reality these sunglasses allow the user to read the stats and date information of others. So he can effectively communicate the opponent's weakest side, weakest strengths, so his Pokemon can exploit those.

2Z Backup - This. This is also nothing. Fashionable huh.
In reality this is the backup computer he wears as a wrist watch. It has an ability to plug into most machines, uploads information from the goggles to store into his computer, and saves most of his files as a backup.

x4 Full Restore

x4 Antidote

x1 Berry

x4 Lemonade

x3 Cup of Ramen


“Hi I am Sapphire,” a girl with blue hair waved at the camera with both hands, “I’m looking to become a very famous idol!” She said, “But you see my friends and I need a little help.”

A cherrim opened up in front of the camera, a chikorita jumped into her arms, and pachirisu lept up in the air.

“See we’re have little to no money,” she pauses, “My friends are real cute, and they would look so amazing in the Kalos region. Imagine me Sapphire and these guys on the stage.” She spins around, Cherim throws some blossoms in the air, Chikorita spins them with its vines, and Pachirisu finishes it off with a sweet scent in the tornado of colors that surrounded Sapphire.

“Best coordination!” Sapphire says hive fiving Chikorita’s vines, “You don’t need to send us any money. All you need to do is watch this video and support me-”

Sapphire gasp, the camera man makes a muffled noise as the camera goes sideways. There’s a little red tail that passes the camera, and a Sandshrew is scene fixing the camera to sit up straight. Sapphire screams and climbs on top of the couch that was behind her.

An Ampharos in a leather jacket and a scarf is standing in front of the camera. It seems to be holding some kind of index cards. A Sandshrew in a metal helmet grabs one of the cards.

“Do you need services!” Sandshrew holds up.

It grabs another cue card.

“Then come meet us, on the northern side of town!

It throws it on the ground.

It grabs another cue card.

“This is your only chance to perhaps see if the legends are true!”

It throws it on the ground.

“If Z2 is real or not!”

It throws it on the ground and Ampharos looks at its empty hands. It nods it head and gives a mild, “Baah!” It says as it turns around, you see Gizmo stitched on the back of its jacket and it begins to walk off with the Sandshrew closely following behind. The swipe of a purple tail passes the camera and a Nidoking is seen standing before Sapphire and her Pokemon. He sizes them up, puffing out his chest, and “Hrrrr.” is all it says before walking off.

Team: Cyber Warning

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nerdy Reference
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Nerdy Reference So Subtle and Clever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roger, Slacker Extraordinaire

Name: Roger Moore
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Role: Lucky
Trainer Class: Backpacker
Region: Johto


Personality: Roger's a professional traveller (some might say bum). His ID says "Trainer", but he hasn't even been in a Gym in years and only battles when wild pokemon bother him. For him, it's truly the journey that matters; the destination only exists so he can scrape together some cash so his team and him can eat. He possesses an industrious sort of laziness. If he's really gotta, he will, and he'll plow through it until it's done. That said, if the world isn't ending, it's hard to motivate him to get up in the morning. Perhaps because of his lackadaisical approach to life, Roger is a friendly guy who rarely takes offense, even if you're trying.

Motto: "I'm broke, hungry, and my shoes are worn through. Just another day in the life."

Trainer Stats:
Bond - 9
Technique - 4
Style - 0
Offense - 2
Defense - 6
Communication- 4
Special - 5
Unique - N/A

Camping - When living on the road, you learn how to sleep outside. Roger's used to starting fires, catching food, and even doing basic cooking with minimal equipment.
Sewing - When you're broke, the best solution to rips in clothes and bags is to fix the hole. Roger's no tailor, but his patch jobs aren't especially noticable and they hold.
Navigation - Who needs road signs? Roger has an excellent sense of direction and knows how to use the stars to figure out where he's going.
Bargaining - It's said that any idiot can make money, but you gotta be clever to be broke. Roger rarely has much cash on hand, but he's got a knack for talking people down from their asking price.
Lucky - Roger and his Pokemon have an unnaturally Lucky streak.

Equipment: A multitool, his pocket watch, a small sewing kit, collapsible fishing rod, and a pair of knuckle dusters.


On a couch, slouches Roger, his pokemon arrayed around him.
"What's up? Name's Roger. I like being where I haven't and sleeping late. I'll work for food, but feed my friends first, if it's all the same to you," he averts his eyes and scratches his head, "Quotes, right, uh, 'Why do today what you can put off 'till tomorrow?' That's always good, yeah?"
He lazily waves vaguely toward the pokemon gathered around him. "These are my friends. They put up with me, and I keep them company. It's a good system."
"He," he nods to the Noctowl perched on the back of the couch, "is Darwin, he and I have been together since we first left home. He's almost as bad as I am about getting up in the morning."
He motions toward the Sableye peeking over the couch, "That's Maria, the resident troublemaker. If it's shiny, she'll steal it and probably eat it if it's metal or something."
"Lastly, not that he minds," he nudges the sleeping Slowpoke on the floor with his foot, "is Earl. He doesn't do much, but, then again, neither do I. Mutual understanding and all that."
He lets out a sigh and gets a faraway look in his eyes, "We were never meant to be be the best, you know? But we never really wanted to. It's been a good ride, and I hope whatever's been going on doesn't ruin it."

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