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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso was sent flying by Rajaka's shockwave, but kept charging the Arcane within his left hand. He landed firmly on the ground, and attempted to dash beside Rajaka in order to climb the stairs. He took aim with his left hand, launching a focused torrent of Arcane flames at Rajaka. "For what it's worth...I'm sorry, Shaidra. I had to deceive you, and be harsh in order for us to escape your dimensions." Jenso spoke, coating his body in Arcane flames as he advanced which lashed around violently in all directions. He began to channel more Arcane in his right hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Brucenorris007
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Bruce, like the others, flew backward on Rajaka's shockwave, though not quite as far- he was a little heavier in his Sage state.

He heard Alvios' warning, but only in a distant sense. Bruce had delved into a sort of meditation again. Compared to what he'd been doing in Shaidra's dimension, it was sloppy, but he navigated the wall within the depths of his soul nonetheless. It was a dangerous time to do so, but he had the distinct feeling there wouldn't be any other opportune moment. Would it help him find the peace Nexus talked about?

He had no idea.

"Regroup where?" Bruce asked absently. He wasn't entirely conscious of his own speech. Thoughts flitted through his mind, yet he wasn't thinking. That was meditation.

The Order members seemed to be ignoring him for the most part. Earth flowed out of his bag, not taking form, simply swirling around his body.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SuperFlash
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SuperFlash Gideon ~ Wind Sage Half

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"So was it this 'Peaceful Generosity' that made you send your goons to kill small peaceful villages?" Jeff spat at Yzeira while making very apparent air quotes during the peaceful and generosity parts to highlight his current remark. "If we are so worthless then, clearly Ada must have been even more worthless then to fall to us trash as I'm sure you'd put it. You have no place in this world to judge us when your actions of cruelty have far surpassed ours. Especially considering that any of it that has formed has been only cause of your own actions."

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT AND YOURS ALONE!" The sage shouted before gasping for air and throwing down an orb and releasing a smoke bomb which surrounded him and the orbs that tried to trap him in the center. Then sudden burst of wind seemed to blast out of the smoke in random directions and in not much more then a moment after the wind sage reappeared about a few yards behind the red cloaked man where he proceeded to fire off a reflex bullet which Jeff readied to have dodge around anything Yzeira would fire off at it before looping around it and back towards the red cloaked being.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you face this guy alone." The sage and his mirages responded back at Oz being very reluctant of the idea. "If we both cut lose, we stand the chance to stop him here. Better then if you are to fight him yourself."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Oz threw out more gravity bolts to clear space to his right and proceeded to sprint through it and out of the "orb-field" before they closed in on his spot. "Crazy is subjective. Everything we're doing is already crazy. I'm just afraid that if I cut loose as you say that you won't survive." Oz retorted. "And under that circumstance it wouldn't be Yzeira that killed you."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Jeff's attack struck the air itself, revealing a thin red film of energy between him and Yzeira. The resulting effect reduced Jeff's attack to nothing once it made contact. A barrier surrounded him now, flashing briefly before fading from visibility again. "Hmm..." Yzeira kept his back to Jeff, turning his head slightly towards the tower. "I have little concern for the actions of my family if it does not conflict with my work, and thus, I rarely ask them for assistance. But now that you mention it," He paused and went silent.


Shaidra glanced at Alvios briefly, but ignored his question as she dropped her hands, unaffected by the results of Rajaka's attack. She looked up, like something caught her attention, and turned to Rajaka. The giant took a deep breath as Jenso approached him, and exhaled towards his torrent of flames, extinguishing them before they reached his body. As he breath ran out, the giant man launched his fist towards Jenso, unleashing a close range, explosive shockwave of sheer Ki. He paused afterwards, and looked at Shaidra. With a smile, his body began to fade, Shaidra taking his place in blocking the doorway.

"Be Right back," He shouted, disappearing in a flash of black smoke. Zelriane stopped hard on his right foot and spun himself towards the display before smiling underneath his mask.

"I suppose this is..." He paused and looked around carefully, "...Fair."


Behind Oswald, Jeff and Yzeira, Rajaka dropped down and slammed against the grass, landing inland and away from their little bout. He only paid them a passing glance, and a quick "Hey boss... Bye boss!" before launching himself towards the forest with a massive leap.

"I will say it one last time," Yzeira said quietly, turning towards Jeff. It became clear as to where Rajaka was headed very quickly. The red-cloaked man revealed a subtle red smile through the dark fabric of his mask. "You deserve this." Rajaka was headed for Tech-mo.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso glared at Rajaka, jumping further to the right to avoid taking Rajaka's punch head-on, as a powerful burst of flames emerged from his body which allowed him to slide further away from the incoming explosive wave of Ki. He waited for it until it would weaken from travelling a good distance before reaching him. He thrusted his right fist forwards as he channeled Ki within his hand, launching a powerful, focused shockwave of Ki of his own, to cancel out Rajaka's attack.

He frowned as Shaidra appeared in Rajaka's place. He looked over his shoulder at Alvios briefly."Your turn, Alvios." He spoke with a smirk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SuperFlash
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SuperFlash Gideon ~ Wind Sage Half

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jeff gritted his teeth as the barrier seemed to stop his attack entirely, though to be fair he entirely expected something on those lines. It would seem it would take his more heavy duty stuff to even leave a dent on it, if he was lucky. The sage seeing him going silent for a moment prepared the saw from earlier and prepared to use it swiftly on him, but then stopped the second Rajaka appeared and started to leap off to the forest. The words Yzeira spoke would echo in his head for a moment as realization of his intentions became quite clear to him.

"You deserve this."

Within a moment's notice, the blue of the sage's body seemed to spread and tint his entire body and then followed up by becoming what seemed to perhaps be ethereal and almost see through.
"No..." The sage's word echoed as he then vanished and with a speed that could give Zelraine a run for his money, quickly passing Rajaka at his current speed and appearing a good distance in front of him, where the sage then threw the wind infused omega saw at him before vanishing once more in a burst of wind and reappearing high in the air behind and above Rajaka. The sage then while keeping calm and focused, raised both his hands up and without aid of his wind cannons compressed the air around them with arcane energy before firing off as a super compressed bullet which aimed to hit the buff yellow man in the back of both his thighs by splitting into two bullets as it got close. "Not this time..."

The way Jeff seemed to move was different then usual and he seemed to vanish entirely while doing so, or so it looked to the naked eye, but it was something else entirely. Regardless the sage's energy seemed to expand outwards into the raging wind which began to whip up around him and the entire area around him.
"If you plan to get anywhere near that place you are going to have to face me. And you won't win like before."

The wind then pulsed outwards and back towards Oz with Jeff's voice speaking to him. "I guess that settles that. Good luck Oswald, I'll meet y'all back in the tower once I'm done here."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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"Finally. Just the two of us here." Violet energy enveloped Oz's busted arm. He flexed it and whinced. It was painful but necessary. There would be no holding back from here on out. Everything was on the line.

Oz raised both hands like he were lifting an object. Violet energy danced around them to evidence the power at work. Sand and debris started sliding toward Yzeira. As far as the two of them were concerned the world was tilting toward the sea and the horizon was becoming vertical. Sand, dirt and debris of all kinds began falling with the two of them. A blinding storm of earth flew through the air, obscuring clear sight of anything and threatening to consume them.

Taking advantage of the chaos Oz immediately ran downward along the loose ground, maintaining enough personal gravitation to maneuver along the wall and dash between the larger bits of debris as he zig-zagged toward Yzeira. A bare smidgeon of light could be seen through the storm as Oz charged light-blue energy into his right hand.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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"Shut up," Yzeira ordered, finally raising one of his hands towards Oz as he approached, despite the obscured terrain. The area immediate around him remained sealed off from his surroundings, his barrier acting as it should. But with the ground shifting so much, it wouldn't be long before he was forced to move. Or would it? He stood in place, surrounding himself in a steadily growing aura of red energy. The orbs that headed for Oz a few moments earlier, converged into one mass, and launched itself towards him as a sweeping beam of energy that tore through the ground and evaporated the dirt in its way. "Recent events have made you inconsequential. I'm going to kill you now, and then I'm going to make sure that your idiot of a friend is a bloody pulp." Yzeira closed his fist as she spoke loudly through the storm. The air around Oz began to redden as he ran forwards, keeping pace with him, and matching his erratic movements easily. The masked man focused his eyes carefully, not on Oz, but on the events unfolding within the Tower, where Shaidra was assisting Zelriane near the bottom floors.


Rajaka tilted his head against the wind as Jeff made his way towards him. But even when he was caught between two attacks, the golden giant didn't flinch. He rose one arm up, and brought the tip of his elbow down into the flat edge of the flame saw, shattering it in a single motion. The cutting winds sliced as his chest, but those wounds sealed themselves in a split second. The two bullets that struck the back of his legs however, he ignored. The sheer density of his flesh didn't stop them from leaving two small wounds, but again, within seconds, that damage healed itself as well. Rajaka spun himself around in midair and cracked his neck.


That's all he said, before slowly raising his right arm in front of his body, and grabbing his bicep with the other. Energy began to amass inside of him at a tremendous rate. Albeit unlike his previous demonstrations, it was still more Ki than any one of the heroes were capable of amassing.

"Remember this?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Oz glared back at the growing threat. He stretched his left arm out toward it and summoned more black energy, launching a sizable black hole into it as his counter.

A nagging feeling told Oz that void attacks would likely not work against Yzeira directly but they could still function as counters. He summoned a spear of veil to work with in his right hand and kept closing the distance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SuperFlash
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SuperFlash Gideon ~ Wind Sage Half

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"Kinda hard not to." Jeff's voice echoed at Rajaka with an emotionless tone as the massive amouny of energy began to buildng up in Rajaka. Jeff knew the power behind that move would mean downright disaster if he were to reach the city and set off that attack, potentially leveling a chunk of if not all of the city in one shot.
Taking advange of the fact Rajaka was in the air with nothing to stop him from being redirected, but the momentum of his jump. The wind sage proceeded to shoot his hand out towarda Rajaka as he trailed after him, allowing his hand along with part of his arm to seemingly fade out entirely into the air as the wind followed his commands flowing into one huge and massive force which flowed around and struck at Rajaka at his left side using apocoliypictic levels of wind which on any regular person could rip skin from the the bone and completely deafen them from amy out form of sound. While initially it may seem this attack was ment to damage him, it mere was ment to shift him off course and thus redirect the yellow chunk of steroids towards the forest with a constant and nonstop stream of wind. Thus overall attempting to cut his super jump short.

While this was ongoing Jeff used his right hand and fliped open a special pannel that was attached to his communicator and hit the yellow button that was hidden underneath. A button color was shown for each order member that was known about along with a black and white button which stood for other quick response notices. "We got a code yellow, Mikey, Luke and everyone else, get out of the city now. The other citizens should already be ready to evac as stated in the agreement that was in place for when the Buster was to leave the city. Bring them to the tunnels or elsewhere, just nowhere near this direction if possible" The sage's voice echoed into his visor and to thus to everyone in Techmo simultaneously. "We have planned for this, as long as you all survive, we can rebuild. Us people of Techmo will see that for certian. So follow the plan and leave NOW!"

As mentioned most of the city minus robotic followers, were ready in either air ships or teleport pods to be beamed over to Luke's tunnels or flown to the next towns over which had agreed to foster the people in the potential siutation. Overall, Jeff figured the second things started looking bad for the Order that there was a redicuously high chance that Techmo would be involved as a counter for there actions and thus wasn't too worried on losing the people as long as he could stall Rajaka for at least another second or two.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Encompassing him like an aura, the red mist, or light, whatever it was, didn't seem all too concerned with the gravity of Oz's attack. Yzeira pulled his hand an inch backwards, and the area around Oz's current position lit up like a fire, only slightly distorted by the black hole. He stepped backwards, and the brilliant display detonated in a series of pink explosions while the laser from earlier still followed Oz's path. All while this was happening, Yzeira aimed a finger towards the approaching black hole, and fired a thin laser through its epicentre, dispersing it like it was a small balloon. The resulting explosion sent rocks flying in all directions, skittering against his shield harmlessly.


Rajaka nodded along with Jeff's sentiments with his eyes closed. "Mhm, mhm, rebuild and survive, all that good shit," he mocked, turning his head towards the oncoming winds and opening his eyes. "You're the type who thinks they're always prepared, aint'chya?" He shouted, lowering his fist and opening his palm to face Jeff. His glowing smile peering past the blackness of his mask as the winds struck him. The side of his arm and leg were shredded for a moment, but he didn't seem to care all that much. Then, he unleashed a thick stream of yellow energy towards Jeff, propelling himself further towards Tech-mo and freeing him of the wind's slicing push. "Up we go!" Up..? Rajaka's beam was still being channelled, it seemed. He began to aim it downwards, pushing his trajectory up and away from the ground, while his body spun so that he could survey the ground. They were roughly half-way to Tech-mo already at the speed Rajaka was going. His beam stopped, and he began charging energy once again. "Eventually you're gonna run out of shit to pull out of your ass, twerp!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Brucenorris007
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Bruce felt he was getting nearer the peace Nexus advised him toward- every time he focused on being aware of that, it fell out of his reach.

Instead of trying to force it, he concentrated on the present. He'd ended up between Jenso and Alvios, with Zelriane nearer the light wielding swordsman than him. Even if Alvios could handle himself, Bruce would rather take the hits himself, if anyone had to.

Bruce had two lengths of chains shoot out from each of his arms, one snaring around Alvios' torso, the other looping under and around Jenso's shoulders and back.

Alvios, Bruce flung toward Jenso's position, the chains around him dissipating once he'd thrown the other swordsman.

Jenso, Bruce yanked backward into the air, manipulating his chains so that he came back toward Bruce feet first. Earthen material slithered out of his bag and formed an angled platform in Jenso's path.

"Move, Jenso." Bruce said simply, only urging Jenso forward. He trusted Jenso would know, or at least have a pretty good guess, at what Bruce expected from him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SuperFlash
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SuperFlash Gideon ~ Wind Sage Half

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Oh fun" The sage shrugged as he released his hold on thr blast of wind and vanished once more before appearing in front of Rajaka again and keeping a contant pace of trailing a few yards ahead of the villian. "You managed to hear despite the wind blasting in your ears.. well I doubt you'd be able to find everyone before I'm done ripping you to shreds. If there was any tiny amount of intelligences in that empty dome you call a head, then you'd realize your better off dealing with me first."

As the sage spoke, he shot his hand out again and let the air begin to compress at 6 various spots in the trail in front of him and Rajaka and readied them each to release a wind cannon shotgun blast as he passed by, each aiming for his upper sholder and aiming to hit constantly and try to prevent the regeneration from being downright instant. The sage then overcharged his wind cannons and prepared to use them in his following attack.

Any attempt to strike the compressed balls of air would merely have them fire off early as reflex shots instead which would still aim at the same upper spot of his sholder.

"Then again, I'm sure you're afraid to face me ever since me and Bruce tricked you out of Saidras realm and left Zelraine as a bloody mess. Cause I've only grown stronger since then and even still only tapping into the basics of this form."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Rajaka smiled and blinked slowly as he spun to face Jeff.

"Now, normally, I'd pound your stupid head into a pancake for saying something like that. But Pal, friend, buddy," Rajaka shook his head. His skin turned grey and his eyes flashed. As the shot gun blasts struck him, he remained relatively unharmed. His movement was slowed enough that he no longer gained altitude, but it didn't seem to phase him in the least.

"Right now I am just... Wow," His skin returned to its normal hue and he began to giggle. "That is some strong shit." Rajaka reached the top of his arc, and began to fall towards Tech-Mo. The city's walls were on the horizon now.

"The city's empty, Jeff," Mikey voice buzzed through his intercom, "We're heading for Ferelda now. But we were only able to get the people out. All of the machines, robots, research notes..."

Rajaka's ears twitched.

"Oh man. Did you really think they were going to escape?" Rajaka started to chuckle. "Kid, you have no idea what you're in for." Rajaka's body began to glow, surrounded by a focused golden aura that glimmered around his body frame as he fell towards Tech Mo. "But, hey, Humour me. Hit me with something big." He sputtered into laughter and spun around in the air carelessly. "Maybe I'll feel it this time!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Well, this feeling of futility was to be expected. So void attacks really would be pretty damn useless here.

Oz grimaced at the instantly forming energy around him. He expanded his personal shield and the explosions rocked against him pretty hard but he stood steady. He coughed through the dust, before drawing in a good breath. "Atlas!" He called. The colossus' torso burst out of the ground like a subterranean monster. Its arms were bigger this time and clad to each was a glowing shield. It went to work quickly crashing shielded limbs into the laser, to divert it or destroy it.

The man himself jumped into the air and threw the veil spear at Yzeira.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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Yzeira's eyes narrowed at the beam was stopped for a brief moment by Atlas' shield. Fortunately for Oz, the energy gathered behind him burned itself out long before it was able to pierce the giant arm-mounter barrier. His spear on the other hand, looked as if it was about to make headway on Yzeira's own barrier. But, inches before it reached him, the weapon split in two, as if it were struck from below by some unseen force, before clashing against the side of the magical coating that surrounded its target. And afterimage of crackling, flashing energy emitted from where the spear was struck. With Atlas now towering over him though, the field was becoming less and less hospitable for the immobile caster. Not that he cared. From beneath him, a disk of red began to work its way down, securing a funnel of earth from the widespread destruction that consumed the terrain. The ground around Yzeira tore apart, leaving him with his protected pedestal, which prevented him from moving, but also from falling. Yzeira looked up at Atlas, and began to amass energy within himself. Such a massive creature wouldn't be dodging one of his attacks. It would only take one good strike to fell Oz's creation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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The fight was frustrating but somewhat predictable. Yzeira was powerful and he knew it so he didn't have to play tricks. Oz made sure he wasn't in the line of fire. He prepared another spear and waiting for Yzeira's large-scale attack to start before throwing it at the patriarch.

Atlas reeled its arms out and swung them to either side, launching the shields in curving archs towards different points on Yzeira's pedestal. Poor Atlas was in no position to move.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso nodded as he was flung onto Bruce's platform, as a burst of flames erupted from his feet to launch him upwards past Shaidra. He began to channel Ki within his left fist, keeping a close eye on her movements while launching a wide torrent of white flames in front of him with his right hand, to discourage Shaidra from vanishing and appearing in front of where he was heading. He prepared to land against the stairs with the palm of his hand, not exactly wanting to smash his face into the stairs.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Rather than attacking Atlas, Yzeira extended both his arms towards Oz, launching a pair of lasers at high speed, both directed for the center of his torso. The shields that crashed through the pillar beneath him began to upset his balance, but as he fell, the man bent downwards, and kept on hand on the platform below him, bracing himself. He looked up, and orbs began to emit from his barrier like they had before, amassing around him like orbiting moons once again as he fell towards the ground beneath him. With a loud thud, the platform he stood on crashed into the ground, but he remained relatively uninjured, levelling the ground below him with a series of well placed magical cuts. The platform he stood on seemed pretty sturdy as well, as if compacted into a single unbreakable chunk by some kind of miniature sub-barrier.
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