Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Location; Alice's Father's Chambers - Abhainn Ballroom
Interacting With; Her father -- Jetta, her handmaiden

Alice looked at her reflection from the beautiful, dulled blade of the illustrious sword that weathered many battles and duels, only to be wielded by one of Abhainn's great military strategists. Seeming to be distracted by the way it reflected the light of the hearth, the silence was finally broken by a groggy man's voice, "I wanted you to wield it one day."

Alice looked up to face her father that finally awoken, resting the sword gently against the bed frame as she moved to sit closer towards him. She gave him a warm smile before replying, "I never felt worthy enough."

"There is no other warrior that I would've rather had to take over my legacy," he replied immediately, grabbing her hand in his own. His hands were cold despite the raging fire that heated the room to a cozy atmosphere.

Alice hesitated before giving her response, understanding the love that he always had for her, "Hopefully there will come a day in which I'll be allowed to use it."

Her father chuckled, shifting his head to look at the reminiscent sword, "While I should pray that you never see battle again, it's a shame that your skills would go to waste." Alice didn't reply and instead brushed his brown and grey hairs to reveal more of his smiling expression, though it still pained her to see his sickly features. The dark circles around his eyes, his narrow cheeks, and his dried lips seemed to begin to replace his once handsome face. He continued, "How long have you been sitting there for?"

Alice turned to watch the fire crackle within the hearth, "I came after the arrival of the Sliabhian Royalty."

"That must have been hours ago," her father spoke in concern, "Does something trouble you, my dear child?"

Leave it to her father to figure out when something troubles Alice, he seemed to be the only man to ever read past her expressionless face. Still, she hesitated before bringing up her newfound struggle, "How does one deal with jealousy?"

"I take it you already don't like the future queen," her father presumed.

"How could I?" Alice spoke, "I've slaughtered their men, she's from our rivaling kingdom, and --." She couldn't give her final, main reason as to why her fast-growing distaste was formed.

Alice's father sighed, already knowing what the last reason was without her having to tell him, "If things are meant to be, it will be. I know you feel anger, but don't let that get in the way of your respect for the royal court. She will soon be apart of this kingdom and it takes a great leader to cast aside past quarrels and all feelings of hate to welcome the dawn of a new age. Be that leader. King Maddox may need you when times get tough within these new grounds of marriage, too."

Alice let out a sigh, trying to subdue her anger from the matter, "You're right."

Jetta came running through the doors calling out, "Lady Alice!" She came to a halt, panting, as she finally found Alice sitting at the edge of her father's bed, "I've been searching for you everywhere. The celebration will begin soon, I need to get you ready!"

Alice let out a light laugh, "It's fine, Jetta. I've decided to go as I am. You spent far too much time getting me ready this morning to only fashion it for as little time as I did."

"Let me at least fix you up a little, my lady!" Jetta pleaded.

Alice's father motioned for her to go as she gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. She assumed her position in front of the vanity as Jetta fixed her hair and tied up all the strands of hair that came loose from the up-do. Alice looked over to the easel that held a beautifully, finished painting of the Abhainnian sunset, which eventually spawned the idea of a gift. There would be no better gesture to make a good first impression, and it's a unique gift that would be different than what is usually offered by the nobles. Alice stood up as Jetta followed, hands still touching up her hair as she exclaimed, "Wait, wait, wait!"

Alice looked over the rather large canvas, touching it to see if the paint had fully dried, "Jetta. Do we have any wrapping paper?"

"Wrapping paper?" Jetta echoed while giving a small giggle, "Unfortunately, no, my lady. I do have yards of fabric ranging from cotton, wool, linen, silk --."

"We'll use silk," Alice interrupted.

With that, Alice spent a fair amount of time wrapping the painting neatly and presentably within soft, blue colored silk, adorned with a ribbon and spool to keep it nicely wrapped. She then made her way to Abhainn's ballroom, but she was stopped in the halls with the tall windows to get a visual of the fireworks display that many of the nobles were gawking at. Mesmerized, herself, by the colorful lights, she couldn't help but let herself fall into the fantasy where the tables were turned: Alice being welcomed to the celebration in which she was happily marrying her love, King Maddox, while the other nobles were to watch while the two expressed their happiness. Without dwelling on the dream, she turned away from the fireworks display as she saw a group of nobles muttering to themselves and eying Alice. They quickly turned after Alice caught them staring, walking quickly by them to enter the ballroom.

It was like any Abhainn celebration, lots of food and beverage, and lots of drunks already. It was loud, more than usual, especially with the added Sliabhian nobles that were welcomed to celebrate the unity between kingdoms. Alice stood in the middle of the ballroom, not far away from the entrance to try and recognize any familiar, friendly face, but there was no point, for she had no true noble friend. She stood, holding her wrapped canvas and searching for her designated seat before the entrance of future Queen Julianna entered the room. The melody that played upon her entrance is what notified Alice.

For a moment, the two would make eye contact, Julianna being happily and warmly welcomed by the nobles of both kingdoms, while Alice stood within an empty space, almost making it clear that she would be the black sheep within the kingdom. Julianna's beauty seemed to vividly outshine Alice's in this moment, especially since Julianna had the time to properly get ready after a long journey. She was glowing, even more so than earlier, and her dress hugged her body in all the appropriate places. It was like staring at a man's ideal woman versus one that meddles in with the affairs of war. An uneasy feeling settled within the pit of Alice's stomach, unable to bring up any fake smile to give Julianna, and instead getting out of the way to make a clear path to her spot.

Alice made her way to her own chair, though it was one furthest away from the royal family. It seemed as if Abhainn was torturing her, falling very low on the scale of noble popularity. They did have a designated spot for her father, which was a kind gesture, despite the shared knowledge that he is a sickly, bed-ridden man whom is unable to attend. Taking her seat and beginning to drink her chalice of wine, she decided to not place the wrapped canvas with the other welcoming presents that would begin the showering of gifts throughout the month.

There were many mixed feelings between the marriage, many nobles seemingly happy that the queen was at least a beauty to be treasured, while some experienced jealousy, much like Alice did. In this moment, Alice had no person to converse with as her newness of the noble life and the dramas that came with it still lingered. With the rumoring gossip: that she's not a real woman, that she has no knowledge of how to be a noble lady, and that she's a cold-blooded killer all added to the many reasons for why she was commonly avoided. Whether it was from jealousy that Alice's title of Abhainn's Battle-Maiden was praised more than any other noble or from the disgust of the unladylike actions that made Alice who she is today that caused these rumors, Alice never sought to dig into these affairs. Even the nobles that she once grew up with became distant, though she never questioned their motives because she knew all-too-well as to why the nobles treated her as such. Instead, she drinks her wine and observes, like she always does when she's invited to noble events.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Filthy Mudblood
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Filthy Mudblood love the dress. hate her.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Kingdom of Abhainn; just outside the ballroom
Interacting with: Unknowingly, King Maddox {@Scarlet Loup}
Arriving late to the Kingdom of Abhainn was not something that Evangeline was eager to do. She wasn't particularly keen on going in the first place - but now she had to miss out on the introductions, on the greetings? It was mortifying. Still, she would do what had to be done. It was only when they were a day into their journey to the other kingdom that she received word of the missing luggage. Her luggage. Of course, being the kind soul that she was, her Lady Julianna had offered Evangeline the option of buying her new garments in Abhainn, but she had politely declined. It would take hours to be fitted and for fabrics to be chosen, and the pricing would be ridiculous knowing Julianna's taste. So she had swapped places with one of the servants that were riding with them, allowing them to spend the rest of the journey in her carriage while she took their horse, and made her way back to Sliabh.

Hence was the reason why she was six hours late in her arrival in Abhainn. She was just explaining her situation to one of the guards stationed outside the castle as a dance of fire lit up the darkening sky, their loud bangs causing her to jump ever so slightly. Her reaction to the display caused the guard to smirk, eyeing her up in down and clearly judging her travelling clothes as that of peasantry.

"Look, sir, the celebrations have already started. I am Evangeline of Sliabh, Lady in Waiting to the future Queen Julianna Hardin. You have to let me in. Please."

Her begging was to no avail, however, as he shook his head and laughed in her face.

"I'm sure you are. Now run along, young miss, before someone takes a liking to that pretty red head of yours."
Tears of frustration threatened to spill as she sighed in exasperation, turning away from him before he could mock her any further. She had to find a way into the castle - she couldn't let Julianna down. And so she started her wander around the perimeter of the castle, hoping for any way in. Of course, she found none - bar a small dip in one of the lower walls leading into the castle. After some careful deliberation and a lot of muttering and cursing, Eve willed herself to turn around and circle back to that one dip in the wall. She could climb over it - not with ease, but without having to worry about breaking a bone, at least.

Before she could have any second thoughts, she hitched up the dark blue dress she was wearing and started climbing up the wall. It was easy at first for the stones were more worn in some places and easier to grip, yet when she neared the top she found that she was ripping her dress reaching for the nearest handhold, and her hands were slipping much faster. She managed to make it over, though, and finally landed with a stumble at the other side.

By now, Eve's hands were dirty, her dress was torn in several places and her face was streaked with mud, but she had done it. She was in the castle grounds. Now was the time to find her chambers, get ready for the ball and arrive not-so-fashionably late. Without another second of hesitation, Eve smoothed down what was left of her dress, attempted to flatten her hair slightly and made her way towards the castle, practising excuses for her state as she went.

"I was taking a walk in the garden and this wolf just attacked me!" No. That wouldn't work. She doubted they even had wolves around here.

"I got lost and fell. Wait no, I fell then got lost - yes, that makes more sense."

Evangeline forced herself to shut up as she slipped in through one of the open doors that led to a hallway just outside what seemed to be the ballroom. Ah, yes. Discreet as always.
She kept her eyes fixed on the floor as she hurried against the tide of nobility making their way to the ballroom, trying her best to ignore the open stares she received. So much for much a good first impression.

She would've made it out of sight if she was looking where she was going. Instead, being the clumsy soul she was, she happened to run right into someone heading in the opposite direction with a small ooft. In her flustered state, she could gather little from who she bumped into bar the fact that they were considerably taller than her, dressed well, and was definitely male.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm in a terrible rush, so please excuse my state. You see, I was in the garden and there was this wolf - no, wait, I fell and got - in fact, I got lost and fell outside. In the garden. Outside."

Evangeline clamped her lips shut before she could say anything else stupid, and instead ducked her head into a polite incline. Oh well, she had already embarrassed herself enough in front of this stranger, she may as well ask for directions.

"Forgive me, sir, but you don't happen to know where my chambers are, do you? I'm a little lost."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aedan Merryn

Location: His Quarters -> Abhainn Ballroom
Interacting With: Me, Myself and I

It had taken Aedan some time to give the Silabhan guard their orders and ensure they would be able to work well enough alongside the Abhainnians, Aedan only managing to return to his room a couple of hours before the celebration was to begin. Waving off the servants who came bringing dress-wear for the evening, Aedan set about pouring his own bath and readying himself. He still hated the idea of people serving him, especially in matters he still deemed particularly private affairs.

After his bath, Aedan sighed as he sat back in the study chair in his quarters. Staring out the window, Aedan found himself to be looking directly over the training grounds as he watched soldiers train and drill. He wondered if whoever had decided on the rooms had done so deliberately, he figured it was likely, but to what end he was unsure. Perhaps a show of force to stem any 'aggressive tendencies' from the Lion of Sliabh or some kind of mocking gesture, either way, Aedan found himself uncaring.

Aedan sat for some time, staring out onto the training soldiers. In his mind he critiqued and countered every movement they made. He felt a sword in his hand and the weight of armour on his shoulders. Aedan longed for his war's end, but as he sat and watched the Abhainnian soldiers he knew all too well that he had been fighting this war almost his whole life. As he sat in silence, he was unsure just what would happen to him when it all finally came to an end.

Sighing, Aedan pushed himself from his seat to dress himself. Placing his leathers on, he only got a cleaner set, not bothering with his gloves, before he left his room and began to make his way to the ballroom. It was no surprise to Aedan when he arrived that he was among the least well-dressed, but he had little time and patience for fanciful dress, northerners were not known for their balls, after all. As his gaze met Juliana's shortly after his arrival, he gave her a nod, soon enough taking a cup of wine as he mingled.

It didn't take long for Aedan to grow uncomfortable and frustrated at his surroundings, he hated balls. Luckily, he managed to find his way out to the balcony, the fresh air helping the man relax as he looked out over the gardens, taking a few occasional sips of his wine as he drowned out the sounds of merriment with his own thoughts.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Scarlet Loup
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Scarlet Loup

Member Seen 7 mos ago

King Maddox Auclair

Location - Kingdom of Abhainn
Interacting With - Evangeline Farthing {@Filthy Mudblood}

"It's my damn feast, and I'll arrive whenever I damn well please!" Maddox shouted as a servant pulled his undershirt over the king's head. A handmaiden preparing another piece of his clothing gave a quick jump of surprise as Maddox replied to a man who had let himself in. The man was far older than Maddox, and he had served for years as one of Frederick's advisers. It had been only natural then that the man appear on Maddox's own council - a council that all seemed to wish to play the role of father to the king himself.

The adviser erupted in a series of sputters as he struggled to find words with which to respond. "Your Majesty...I implore you...lest you offend King Alister and Queen Mirabelle or Lady Julianna herself." Maddox huffed, pulling away from the servant as he walked halfway across his chambers.

"And they are guests in my kingdom, and I'll be damned if I let them dictate my day." Each utterance of "damn" seemed to physically repulse the others in the room who knew that their previous king would have never conducted himself like this. "Damn it all." Maddox muttered once more, growing more irate as he realized he had run out of wine.

"Run back to the feast, if they ask, tell them I will be there shortly." The adviser gave a quick, albeit reluctant, nod and retreated from the room.

When he finally did emerge from his rooms, Maddox certainly looked the part of the dashing young king. His doublet was a soft ivory color, and it had been embellished with thread that looked like spun gold. His boots, dark black with lacquer, had been polished to a shine, and he seemed to glow with his wealth.

Maddox's guards began to follow him down the hall as he proceeded to the ballroom. He probably could have arrived fashionably late if a figure hadn't barreled straight into him, almost knocking him down due to how suddenly it had all taken him by surprise. His guards bristled as the fire-haired girl ran into him, worried a foreigner had taken it upon themselves to end the treaty here.

He seized her upper arms tightly in his hands, forcing her at arms' length from his body, likely sharing the exact fears of his guards. But then he got a look at her as she spoke in a quick whirlwind, spouting out some story about wolves. Maddox couldn't help but smirk, and that smirk broke out into a laugh he could hardly control as he dropped his grip and smiled down at the woman.

"At ease," he commanded, mostly to his guards but also to the flustered woman. She was stunning, that much was true. Her hair had caught his gaze first, and it still held it. A shock of unruly hair atop an unruly young lady. He struggled to continue staving off his laughter.

"Perhaps I could, my lady - but directing you to your chambers would be quite difficult to do without first knowing who I am addressing, no?" He gave a quick chuff of laughter and turned back to his guards. "Leave us - she's hardly a threat to anybody." And so they did, albeit reluctantly. Perhaps they worried the woman was still as much of a threat as they had pegged her to be, that she would suddenly pull a dagger from her thigh and attack Maddox. Or, rather, they worried to leave their king along with the strange, endearing woman. Maddox had a reputation with woman, one they hoped he wouldn't act on especially on a night such as this one. When they had finally left earshot, Maddox turned to her once more.

"Now, your name?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 3 days ago

Lady in Waiting, Amaranthea Ashwood

Location; Abhainn Ballroom
Interacting With; Prince Jaxton@Polaris North, Princess Elaisse@FernStone, Lady Julianna @HushedWhispers

When the young Princess waved her over, Amara smiled softly. Making her way towards the trio. "Good evening, to you all." She curtsied in front of her Mistress; noticing the new dress. "Is that new? That looks simply stunning on you, Lady Julia." Amara smiled with a warm smile. Having seen pretty much, most of Julia's closet before she moved. Amara had never remembered seeing that dress, among Julia's possessions. It must have been new. But some of the markings, remembering her of Abhainn fashion, not from Sliabh.

Amaranthea gently embraced Elaisse in a soft, warm hug. Like she always did when she and Jaxton were growing up. The young woman,than embraced Jaxton in the same warm hug. "You look so grown up. I still remember, when you were little." She smiled at the young royals. "I hope, people are treating you well here." she told her softly; although both of the comments seemed to aimed at both her and her brother.

"I see, your hair is still as curly as ever." Amaranthea said light-heartedly, towards Jaxton. With a slight teasing but warm smile. "How have you both been?" she asked the two young royals, with a warm smile. The young lady in waiting, had missed them both. Missed the time, they had spent together in the presence of Julia. Like they all did in Sliabh. Catching up, was long over-due.

Glancing around the room; she spotted that Queen Mira was already somewhat drunk. The woman still loved her liquor. That didn't change. As Always, King Maddox was late. It appeared, he always liked to arrive late...and in style.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarlet Loup
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Scarlet Loup

Member Seen 7 mos ago

King Alister Hardin

Location - Kingdom of Abhainn
Interacting With - Queen Mira {@MissCapnCrunch}; Lord Aedan Merryn {@Pundii}

How he hated this small talk. On the surface, it seemed harmless and dreadfully boring, but Alister couldn't help but feel on edge throughout the small, informal reception that seemed to occur once they had entered the palace. For a while, he was able to feel at least slightly at ease with Mira by his side, but they were slowly separated as she charmed her way into the circle of noble women. Whatever she spoke of was met with giggles and gasps from the assembled women.

Alister, on the other hand, was being grilled on national policy by these Abhainnians as well as on plans for the two nations once they had been joined by marriage. He could feel himself growing more irate as they questioned him, for they worded their questions as though Maddox would inherit both kingdoms, as though Julianna suddenly had a more valid claim to the throne than Jaxon himself.

He was grateful for a chance to escape the conversations and retire to his chambers to prepare himself for the feast. Al lurked about his chambers for most of the day after that, turning to the lute he had brought with him for something to do to ease the crippling boredom. As the sun finally set, his servants entered the chambers and laid out his outfit for him. Everything seemed to be a blur then as he dressed and joined the feast.

A voice behind him in the ballroom caused him to jump, and he whipped around to face Mira and her wily smirk. It took him a moment before he actually seemed to process her jest - the day's festivities had drained him already.

"I suppose we will have to make sure she does not find us then, my lady," he returned, playing along with the scenario as he wrapped his arms around her. She could tell he was drained, and she pressed a kiss into his hand with a gentle sort of passion, one that made him smile briefly back at her. "The fireworks are quite stunning - though not as stunning as you are I am certain." And now he gave a soft laugh, deep and sonorous, easily lost in the murmur around them. "It definitely wasn't as much of an affair as this is. Though I recall at least two cows being shot."

They made their way to the tables then where there were wines and some food for the nobles and royals to pick at. It was quit obvious that the feast itself was not to start until Maddox had arrived, but Alister hadn't a clue when that would be. For some time, he sat with Mira and drank the wine before them nervously. It was well made, and so Alister had consumed a bit too much by the time he became self aware of how much he had.

Head swimming, he patted his hand on Mira's hand and stood up from his chair. "I'll be back...I'm just going for some fresh air." It made him uneasy to have gotten this far into drinking. It had been years since he had gotten as drunk as he was now at something so public. And so he made his way out on to the balcony. The night air rushed to meet him, noticeable cooler than the air within the ballroom. For a moment, he simply let it wash over him, but then he noticed Aedan on the balcony as well, and he moved slightly towards the man - a comforting sight in this foreign land.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked, looking over at the younger man.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Prince Jaxton Hardin of Sliabh

Location; Abhainn Ballroom
Interacting With; Princess Elaisse @FernStone, Lady Julianna @HushedWhispers, Lady Amaranthea @WolfLover

Jaxton chuckled at Ela's comment. "Less harsh?" He looked back at her and thought back to what she had just said and then shook his head. "I... don't this so. She'll probably remember anything we do in this party." Though, like his sister, he wasn't planning on doing anything that might embarrass the family. He would sooner kill himself than do something reckless in a party in Abhainn. Even in the off chance that no one would remember the events of tonight, he certainly would and probably would never forgive himself for doing something so foolish.

He grinned at his sister who agreed to go with them - unaware that she was partially doing it because of her knowledge that he wouldn't go if she didn't. Before he could comment on that, however, Lady Amaranthea strolled over to them to talk. Seeing her up close, he could remember why he had that silly little childhood crush on her. It certainly wasn't without reason. Anyhow, he smiled at her and waved when she came over - happy that they have a chance to catch up and just... talk after a long time. He didn't think they'd have a chance to, after all these years, but here they were.

Jaxton laced his hands behind his back as he watched the woman embrace his younger sister. Thinking that she would just end there, as they were both females, he took his eyes off them for a second to let it wander. King Maddox still wasn't there. Was the man as punctual as he had heard? Meaning... he wasn't punctual at all. Perhaps arriving late was his kind of style. He just hoped he would appear, by this point. Being so distracted by his thoughts, he was surprised when Lady Amaranthea enveloped him in a hug - visibly tensing at the contact but relaxing after realizing what was happening but he didn't get a chance to return it since it was relatively quick.

"And I remember you from when you were... younger." He teased, the remark of old age was made because of their closeness. But he had to admit, there was little to go on in terms of appearances, as she still looked as young as ever. Honestly, she just looked more mature than before. Jaxton then looked back at the servants who were scurrying around - handing the nobles their drinks and whatnot. "Abhainn's been pretty nice so far. The servants were rather nice, and the guards even more so." He had to admit that much. Or did they just post the friendlier guards at their general position to seem more welcoming? He wasn't sure, but if that was the case, it was working.

Jaxton wasn't even offended by the teased. Instead, he ran a hand through his curly hair. "I know right? Quite proud of how it turned out." His hair wasn't even this predominantly curly when he was a child. It was surprising to see when he grew up, seeing as both of his parents never really had this kind of curls. However, it never really made him insecure. It was what put him aside from the royal family - and it was quite a fun thing to relish in something unique.

"I have personally been quite fine. Thought, between royal lessons and the next meeting, it's been rather tiring." He admitted with a grin on his face. Those were his duties after all, might as well just accept it and joke around with it. Besides, he would just take out a horse, and sometimes Elaisse, and then setting out for a mini-adventure to let off some steam. He always did that when he felt the need to - which was almost every other week. It even came to the point of him going out weekly. Unbeknownst to him, his father did it frequently as well, and so did his mother. He then looked over to his younger sister for her answer - and then the subsequent reflection of question towards Lady Amaranthea.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 3 days ago

Prince Lucian Auclair of Abhainn

Location; Abhainn Ballroom.
Interacting With; Lady Alice Allaire@Lionhearted

Fireworks. People Chatting, laughing. Glorious music. Dancing. All the best food Abhainn had to offer. That was the typical festivities in Abhainn.

Only tonight, it was more posh. More bigger, than anything Lucian had yet seen. It was a rather important night. Not just for the royals of Sliabh. Especially his future sister-in-law. She would get to know his brother; his quirks, his faults, how he was like. Lucian was sure, Lady Julianna would pick up on it quiet easily. The one of many nights, where his brother was supposed to set a good example. Be a good host. But of course, Maddox was late as usual. In his brother's words. 'He was fashionably late' But it was not very fashionable. It was quite embarrassing. Maybe regrading towards their guests.

As Always, many guests. Important nobles kept asking about him his elder brother. Lucian had always got used to people asking him questions about Maddox. As always, he had to answer with one of the many not-so-favorites. "I am sure, he'll be here soon." Or "He's fashionably late as always." then came the; "We all know, he likes to make an entrance." Yep...how true those words were. At least, to Lucian it was. Maddox always somehow made a spectacle of his entrance. Especially the way, Lucian viewed it. Being his little brother. It was embarrassing for him.

The young Prince kept glancing around. Clearly, he was on the look-out for his elder brother. Trying to see if Maddox was among the guests. Flirting with someone he shouldn't. But there was no sign of him. "This is getting ridiculous!" he muttered to himself. His jaw clenched in annoyance. Lucian's eyes automatically rolled into the back of his head. He felt like he was getting close to scoffing. This long wait for his brother...was getting on his nerves.

It seemed, everyone else was antsy too. Of course people, would say; In many ways Lucian was like his elder brother. But also not. Lucian was more proper; on time, respectful, kind and wouldn't show up late with guests in the Kingdom. As he glanced around the ball-room. He spotted his future sister in law. Giving her an apologetic look. He saw, she was quiet busy talking to her niece and nephew, along with her Lady-in-Waiting Lady Amara. He didn't want to get in the way, of their conversation. Lucian would find time to apologize, for his brother's lateness a bit later on...when she would be alone.

Among the crowds, he spotted a very familiar face. Lady Alice Allaire. Someone, Lucian thought very highly off. She was a family friend and his mentor. Young Lucian had always admired her skills and beauty, from a-far and at times, from up close. Despite their age difference. He was very fond of her. But of course, she didn't seem to notice his crush on her. Walking over towards her, with his warm smile. Lucian bowed to her in greeting. "Good evening, Lady Alice." he greeted her. "You haven't, by any chance spotted my brother yet have you?" He asked her. A few nobles near by rose a slight eyebrow at young Lucian, hearing his words..."I mean his majesty." Lucian abruptly, corrected himself in their presence. Lucian figured, with Alice being so close to the family. She was a good person to ask, about his brother.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Filthy Mudblood
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Filthy Mudblood love the dress. hate her.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Kingdom of Abhainn; just outside the ballroom
Interacting with: Unknowingly, King Maddox {@Scarlet Loup} yeah, she ain't the brightest star in the sky

Evangeline's embarrassment increased tenfold as she came to terms with the fuss she seemed to be causing. Not only had she managed to assault a relatively handsome man, she seemed to have ran right into a relatively handsome, rich and important man judging by the looks she was getting from his company. It took her a second to figure out that they were most likely guards, from their matching attire and quick obedience to his orders. She perhaps would have apologised some more if it wasn't for the fact that this stranger's lips were pulled up into a grin. Wait. Was he laughing at her?!

Her cheeks flamed as she struggled to gain some semblance of dignity standing in the middle of a hallway in the rags she was wearing. Eve's gaze swept over him as he did the same to her - sizing him up, judging him. He was clearly very wealthy, to say the least. He was very easy on the eyes, too - something he seemed to be very much aware of by the way he smirked and held himself with an air of arrogance that said I get what I want. If she happened to be meeting him in the actual ballroom, she reckoned she would not particularly like him. She would be as polite and charming as ever if they happened to strike up a conversation, but she would not go to great lengths to impress this stranger. However, they were not meeting in the ballroom. She had practically knocked him over before they had even arrived, so she pushed away any reservations she would normally have and put her trust in the gentleman.

Eve couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at his dismissive statement. She could be a threat if she wanted to be, couldn't she? She wasn't that pathetic. Her sapphire gaze followed the guards as they retreated, her lips twitching upwards into a small smile. Well, he seemed to be friendly enough. Charming, even. In fact, she certainly wasn't opposed to the intensity of his eyes, or the infectious nature of his smile.

"I must look awfully frightening if I've made them that worried." Her tone, no longer raised in panic, held a hint of amusement that embraced her Sliabhann accent.

"Or, you must be very high-and-mighty." Hearing the words out loud, Evangeline almost flinched at how stupid they were. She had meant no offence by them, of course, and had said it merely as a joke - but anyone could take such a bold statement offensively.

"My name's Evangeline, sir. Evangeline Farthing." Almost as a second thought, she added:

"Lady in Waiting to the future Queen - who I should probably find at some point. But of course, I can't address royalty looking like this." She gestured somewhat vaguely down at the state of her garments, her statement one that was both completely oblivious and utterly ironic in the present situation at the same time.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Location; Abhainn Ballroom
Interacting With; Prince Lucian Auclair @Wolflover

The ball had been growing in volume, both audibly and in size, but the most important individual had yet to make his appearance. King Maddox's tardiness wasn't anything new to Alice, but she always did have the same level of concern regardless of how many times he would be late to an event. Her eyes scanned through room, passing by every noble in search of a familiar face, preferably King Maddox. Her discomfort from his absence wasn't primarily apparent because of her hidden love that she had for him, nor his charming looks to enjoy gawking at, but moreover, the reassurance of his safety. Being a former battle-maiden within the military, she would never let go of the duty of making sure those around her are protected, especially her King.

Alice's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar, youthful voice of none-other-than Prince Lucian. She stood, giving him a quick, faint smile before curtseying out of respect, "You're highness, it is a pleasure to see you."

Alice's lady-like mannerisms were unordinary since many of her companions had never seen Alice as her noble-self. For years, she bore her signature armor and spent most of her days training or within the war room. Prince Lucian would not be used to a curtsey gestured by Alice, given their history of training together, Alice being the instructor, and Prince Lucian being the student. Nonetheless, it had been awhile of living as a noble bearing expensive garments of silk and jewelry, but her presence lacked her well-known might and vigor in which was generally brought upon by her equipment. Slapping on make up and throwing on a delicately made gown truly showed a side of Alice that nobody expected, regardless of the minor discomfort that could be seen through her mannerisms from time to time.

It was clear that many of the other nobles were starting to become aware of the absence of King Maddox, judging from Prince Lucian's concern. Alice gave the smallest of chuckles at his verbal mistake, finding the humor more within the reaction of the surrounding nobles, but also within the innocence that Prince Lucian still had by referring to him as 'brother'. "I have not seen his majesty either, but I'm sure he should be here soon," she replied, reaching over to fix a bit of his collar that had folding in before continuing, "Try not to worry too much, his tardiness is nothing to be stressed over, even if this celebration is said to be the 'biggest of the century'."

Alice took a moment to analyze Prince Lucian's appearance, finding a bit of changes within his stature from growing. Without expressing it, a level of sadness formed within the pit of her stomach from not being the favored mentor that she used to be. Although she was forcibly retired from all things related to military and combat, she wished to still train Prince Lucian to help him become as great of a warrior as can be -- and to successfully fill the slot in which Alice was ripped from. Except, this type of mentorship was nonexistent, even if the two still saw each other as trainer and student, but Alice still held that same respect for him, regardless. Being a former mentor, these were all the usual thoughts one would have when faced with a student that grows, yet still has so much room for improvement.

Alice's mood was shifted from this quick rush of nostalgia, feeling discomfort within the setting of crowded nobles and booming chatter. "I'm going to step outside, all this celebrating has me feeling uneasy. Care to join?" With that she would proceed out to the balcony that overlooked the beautiful land of Abhainn. The cool, crisp air combined with the faint sounds of rushing water from a nearby waterfall caused almost immediate ease for Alice, walking over towards the edge to rest her hands along the banister.

Alice looked over to the only pair of nobles that secluded themselves from the celebration. She recognized their appearance, it was none other than the King of Sliabh and a nobleman of Sliabh. Alice turned and couldn't help but roll her eyes, still holding lingering animosity for their country and it's people, but she was trying to get past that.
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