Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Astrid Peterson

The Mayor's Party with Fluffy

Dwarves, Dresses and Dancing

Astrid smiled and waved thankfully at Hope handing her a photo of Fluffy on a Polaroid, she had not seen one of these in years since she and her sister had played with a old one they found in a cupboard. It was a small gift but nice in its own way and Fluffy was defenitely photogenic when she wanted to be.

Thankyou, I've always got thr kettle hot hope!

Happy that people seemed freindly and offering next door a cup of coffee was a good way to build some friendships and maybe intrigrate into the village, hope did live next door after all.

Grabbing a glass of wine off the table and trying it, it was good and from the local farm she had hered, a table piled high with cakes to. The Village did not do a new years even party by half. Firther away a large blooming tree showed the new year had started, such was the tradition out in the villages, one that seemed to have been lost in the larger town and cities.

Seeing a person walk in with a peacock, wait... A peacock. That was certainly a different pet, Fluffy reacting somewhat defensive but she had never seen one before. The Newfoundland was big but not experienced ans still had alot to learn. Waving over to the new comer, she did not know who he was directly, just that he ran some boutique or fashion shop in the village.

Happy New year and hopefully a productive one

Seeing Waconia and that she understood what she meant, they both kinda took it as a special occasion when they could dress up, even if Astrid found larger social occasions and dressing up was slightly out of her normal zone of things she did.

thanks. I try my best!

Seems I was worried for nothing.

Returning the complement with a slightly nervous smile, it had been a while since she had been to a event like this, compliments and such where still somthing she was not entirely used to, add Big Co, the arguments and break up, starting a mine, she probbly had been a social dwarf hiding in her mine too long. Maybe she was trying too hard to be social but it felt right to try and get to least speak to the people she was meant to live in the same village as.

Her thoughts about events where broken by seeing the child wander in, dressed in clothes that probbly where way too cold for the weather and looking half starved. Nearer the doors she could see she looked like a runaway? Torn, dirty, thin, the poor girl looked like she had walked for Goddess kno s how long. Not a expert with kids she still knew when someone needed help more than she did though, taking off her coat shivering slightly in a cobolt fitted dress, and using it like a blanket for warmth, it could be cleaned later.

Kneeling slightly as she gave thr girl her coat, noting her state, and minor injuries and cuts slightly healed. Concerned, she was a stranger but a hurt kid as a hurt kid and she could not in good heart leave her without trying at least somthing.

anyone know her.. Poor girl looks like she been out there for days?

Doctor here?

Fluffy nosing up next to Astrid and giving the girl a smell, her instinct was to be good with kids, the entire breed was strangely able to work with kids and there gentle but firm temperament at times, ending up eye level with Astrid, Fluffy was abit silly but knew what to do when needed and kept ernough room.

Good girl, stay there Fluffy..

@Howilng Zinogre@Typhon@MissCapnCrunch@Joshua Tamashii@T Risket

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SolusFalcon
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SolusFalcon Birb of Prey

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Interacting with: Hope @T Risket, Waconia @MissCapnCrunch, Aizum@Typhon, Alexander@Howilng Zinogre, Astrid@PrinceAlexus

As Grayson laid against the cart, it was honestly tempting him to just stay there for the rest of the night. He was sure the smell of his cooking would draw in some people, he'd just have to be sure to be subtle about the cream puffs and their surprise. Offering a muffin instead, saying they were made for the Mayor, that sort of thing. It seemed foolproof enough, and if it wasn't for the fact that picking himself up seemed like the last thing on his to-do-list, he probably would have already gotten to the Mayor with his special treats. A decision he'd later regret...

His mischievous thoughts, however, were soon interrupted by the sudden flash from a camera, capturing his rather beat down appearance and his grin about the cream puffs. To rub it in his face, she waved the photo in front of herself like a fan instead of his, saying he looked his her brother after hours at the forge, causing him to simply roll his eyes but maintaining his smile. She offered him some water, and he thanked the goddess someone was seemingly taking an interest in his well being. Gladly snatching the water, he told Hope "Heh, thanks for this. I was afraid I was gonna die here by my cart from thirst," before chugging the glass. While he did so, she told him it wasn't a compliment, which he sort of assumed. Being the blacksmith and all, he was sure Red probably looked worse for wear every time he left the blistering heat of a forge, and in a way, Grayson could easily see where Hope was coming from. Though, mentioning Red did make Grayson wonder where her brother was...

By the time he finished the glass, he glanced up to say thanks once more, only to be met with a horrific sight. Hope had snagged a cream puff and was about to eat it, causing Grayson to stare in alarm for several seconds, wide-eyed and mouth open in shock as he watched her take a bite. He winced at that moment, knowing well what was about to happen in the hours to come. It made him realize he probably looked extremely out of place from what one would expect from a compliment, and so he shook himself out of the daze he was in, telling himself everything was fine. He could still get them to the Mayor and everything would be fine, there'd just be a single, acceptable casualty in his prank. He'd make it up to Hope if she ever found out the cause.

The situation, however, left him completely speechless as he attempted to come up with a plan to minimize suspicion from Hope, and luckily the Rosemonts had come so that he could simply take his time to mentally calm down. While not entirely at a hundred percent, he felt well enough to stand up while they bickered with one another about his cooking, causing him to lightly chuckle once more. Who knew his cooking would be such a topic of interest? Sure, they were focusing on the ONE THING he didn't want anyone to really focus on, but he dare not admit his prank at this point. As he brushed off the dirt and dust from his clothing, thankfully Mr. Hawthorn seemed to break up the minor argument, giving Grayson a nod as his acknowledgment which Grayson simply did the same.

While Hope talked with Daisy about taking the rest of the cream puff, Grayson HAD to get these stupid things over to the Mayor before someone else came along and took more. He felt if too many people came around and took them, it'd be easier to pin the blame on him... Right? Besides, if both Daisy and Hope ate just a single cream puff, he felt the effects wouldn't be as bad as if they had each eaten one.

But before he could make a move towards the Mayor, Waconia came along and said it looked amazing as always, causing Grayson to rub the back of his neck from embarrassment thanks to the praise. What wasn't good, however, was that she too took a cream puff, and while he could have stopped her, it would again raise suspicion. Swearing in his mind, he did his best to keep a smile for her."It's nothing special Waconia, though after tonight I think I'm gonna need a few of your drinks... Uh, and sure, I wouldn't mind working together on something sometime!" He told her, doing his best to stay calm. Did he feel like an awful person now that people he didn't want to affect were going to get affected, sure, but he'd come too far to regret it! If he could just get the Mayor to eat the rest of the cream puffs he still had, THEN it would be worth it. If he couldn't even manage that, he felt this prank would just be a bust. But first, he needed a drink...

Having taken several of Waconia's drinks back to his cart, he noticed a lot of commotion near the entrance. He chugged the last of the first drink before slowly making his way over, curious as to what was going on before rushing over when he noticed the passed out girl, shoving several of the townsfolk out of the way in the process before kneeling next to Waconia. Nobody seemed to know her, and she looked in rough shape to say the least... Someone had to think of something to do, but first, he felt he needed to do something himself.

"Oh come on people, don't crowd the poor girl! Give us some space would you?! Find the doctor or do something useful like find out where she came from!" He shouted at the crowd, turning his attention back to the little girl. She looked awful, and it hurt him to see someone so young in such a bad shape. She had to be exhausted, much more than he was earlier, but there had to be more too it than that. Unfortunately, he wasn't sure at all at how to help the girl outside of finding a place for her to rest. He turned to some of the villagers who still remained, trying to think of some solution to the matter.

"We should take her inside, anyone have a spare bed in their house where we can have her rest? It'll be better than having the poor girl out here with everyone crowding her on the ground." He asked, willing to take her back to the cafe if he had to. Outside of letting her rest, he wasn't sure what to do or if that was even the best thing to do. But at least, he thought, it was something.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayor McByrd had been about to try his luck with another party guest that would hopefully feel more inclined to help out an old man than Aizum had been when all sorts of commotion broke out. The main cause of said commotion being the young seemingly unconscious stranger everyone now crowded around.

With what speed his old bones would allow Mayor McByrd was quickly fighting his way to the front of the crowd; he was more than willing to give anyone a less than gentle tap of his cane if they impeded his progress for to long.

"Make way, make way! In the name of the Goddess, listen to Grayson and give the poor thing some room." His old voice croaked under the slight strain of the stressful situation. Clearly he hadn't been used to actually raising his voice in such a manner. Still he continued to speak while waving his arms in a manner that clearly meant for the crowd to move back. "Aizum, my boy, do us a all a favor and see if you can go scrounge up any medical supplies you might have. Others have already ran for the doctor, but who knows if he is available at the moment. Anything you could bring back would be helpful, understood?" He placed a hand on the younger mans shoulder while looking him dead in the eyes, his gentle voice carrying an edge of authority rarely seen.

He had no doubt the doctor would be here shortly, but he just really really wanted to get Aizum away from the poor girl before he tried burying her or some other madness.

Turning his attention to Waconia, one of the people still closest to Valbrees newest unconscious resident, he started in on her with the same tone of voice. "Waconia, you and...whoever you are." He pointed a bony finger at Jude "Help bring her inside my home. We can put her in the guest bedroom for now and then handle things from there. Godess I hope she's allright..."

During the entire scene of the Mayor taking charge Hope had been staring transfixed, her usual infectious grin nowhere to be seen as she visibly bit down on her bottom lip. Despite being well aware how socially improper it was...she really really wanted to take a picture of this. Artistically she knew a photograph like this could be a once in a lifetime chance-a rare moment in time that she alone had the capability literally at her fingertips to make forever permanent.

It only took a little inner argument to decide the surrounding commotion would mask the somewhat noisy camera-as for the flash, well, she made the active choice to not even think of that.

"FA-WOOCHSHH" The camera hissed in its familiar voice as the built in flash spat out a healthy portion of white light.

The few heads that turned her way were met with the site of a rather red in the faced hope-combined with her deep red hair her whole head seemed to take on a comically uniform scarlet appearance. "Uh...My..uh, finger slipped.

Wanting to genuinely help though, and honestly also not look like a total bitch, her mind began thinking of how she and her brother helped combat their fathers frequent fevers-assuming by the girls rough shape she might very well be in a similar boat she suddenly found herself saying "I'll go get some cold water, and towels!"

@Typhon@MissCapnCrunch@Joshua Tamashii@SolusFalcon@Simple Unicycle
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Astrid Peterson

The Mayor's Party with Fluffy

Dwarves, Dresses and Dancing

Astrid was slightly frustrated as they seemed to ignore her and bustle through with a heavy handed approach and was forced out the way somewhat electing a push back from her dog, forcing herself between Astrid and the others with a rather heavy handed nudge shunting several villagers put her path.

Calm down... I'm OK... I'm OK Fluffy... Calm down girl.

Loosened her coat while she could reach round the kid that she had given for warmth, she backed off and tried to calm down Fluffy, thr younger but rather large dog was getting agitated and pushing Astrid aside did not help the dogs reaction.

only trying to help here, and keep my lady calm... No need to ram me...

Backing up and keeping a controlling hand on her dog, Fluffy was still Lear in her own strengh, keeping a eye on her and crowd too, she relised somthing.

a few drivers thought they saw somthing on road to town... No one saw anything but a glimpse and gone. No one believed it...

If true.. It could have been days

Sighing, there had been no proof of anything they saw, people had stopped and looked but seen nothing, maybe there was a purpose in all this, maybe the goddess has looked after the kid. If you believed in that kind of thing. Astrid was unsure on the whole goddess question, there was strange things and this kid coming out of nowhere but there always was a sensible answer too.

Looking to Waconia slightly confused about the village. It seemed freindly and all but there defenitely was a few questions about the place she would have to ask when she next stopped by the bar for sure. She wanted to try and make a good go of the village.

Thrbbright flash was somewhat blinding and Suprised her seeing what looked like hope before vanishing. Too busy keeping Fluffy calm, she felt the large dog react before calming again. They both needed a claiming mug of tea after this back at Durins Cottage and maybe a few treats for her furry companion.

@Howilng Zinogre@Typhon@MissCapnCrunch@Joshua Tamashii@T Risket

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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Olivia Frenwich

"Oh dear!", Olivia said as she saw the poor little girl fall to the ground. Immediately, the townsfolk rushed to check on the girl. Someone shouted at all of them to back up to give her some space. Olivia couldn't tell who it was as she was at the far back, not wanting to add to the people already trying to get near the girl. A voice which unmistakably belongs to the Mayor's ordered Aizum to get any available medical supplies he could get his hands on.

Having heard this, Olivia immediately waved her hand in the air and called out to the Mayor. "Mayor? Mayor! I have a medical kit at the farmhouse. I'll go get them! Humphrey, c'mon!," she called to him as she bend down to scoop Winda and Clyde on each in her arms and ran as fast as she could to the farmhouse with Humphrey on the lead. When they're there, she gently put Winda and Clyde on the ground and put a few bits of chicken feed near them. "Sorry guys. I'll leave you both here in the mean time. I left you both dinner as I know you're quite hungry right now. I'll be back in a jiffy!", she said after she kissed both of them at the head. She whistled at Humphrey to come with her inside the house.

Olivia rushed to find the first aid kit. "Where is it... where is- there you are!". She got the kit with a built-in strap on it. She bounded the strap at Humphrey so he looked like he's carrying a backpack. She held his head on both hands and spoke to him slowly but carefully. "Okay I need you to pay close attention to me, Humphrey. I want to you carry this medical kit", she paused and patted the kit on his back, "and bring it to the Mayor. You know, old guy with the crazy white beard? Bring. Kit. To. Mayor. Got it?", Olivia said. Humphrey barked in response and Olivia gave him one last hug before he ran off. Olivia's blessed to have a very smart and energetic dog and she knows Humphrey can accomplish the task she assigned him to do.

She stood up and looked around the house. There's got to be something she could do to help the poor kid. That's when she snapped her fingers and rushed upwards her bedroom. She rummaged through her closet until she can find somehow size-adequate clothes for the kid. "I sure hope this will do", she said to herself. She wrapped the clothes and put in the basket. She rushed down to go outside when she remembered she should put some healthy grapes in the basket for the child as well. After she has done all that, Olivia ran back towards the Mayor's house.

+ everyone who was present
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Jude Jamison

Like most everyone else at the party, the arrival of a young girl who promptly collapsed drew his attention. He was part of the crowd that headed over to her, though he was smart enough to give her some space. After all, judging by everyone else's reaction, this girl wasn't a villager, so if she were to awaken and be crowded by strangers she'd probably be scared stiff.

So instead, Jude watched on, his slightly furrowed brow and downturned lips the only sign of his worry. The mayor ordered a pink haired woman, Waconia by the sound of it, and himself to carry into the guest bedroom of his home. The flaxen-haired man nodded, carefully picking the girl up by himself.

He turned to Waconia, gently cradling the young girl in his arms. "Can carry her. You just be sure to open the door for me."

@MissCapnCrunch + general sweep
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

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Wᴀᴄᴏɴɪᴀ Wʜᴇᴀᴛʟᴇʏ

As expected people began to swarm. There was a saying that went, "Too many cooks in the kitchen, spoil the broth". This was one of those moments, everyone tugged on the little girl and had their two cents on what to do with the little girl. Aizum's loud sigh and barrage of questions left Waconia with her mouth open. Aizum was seriously the craziest person Waconia had ever met. She let out a laugh of disbelief as others prodded and spoke. Waconia couldn't answer them, she didn't know what to do herself. Waconia never had a younger sibling, her parents had enough troubles coming about her. That being said, she had no clue what to do with kids, her parents had taken care of her until she was of age where she was just expected to take care of herself. Why wasn't there an in between moment in life where you were taught how to deal with these type of situations.

Quickly the mayor waddled his way over and took control over the situation. He pointed at Waconia and a person she had not the chance to meet yet personally. She had heard through gossip of some of the other young ladies in town that he was a traveler, a lone man looking for work and a warm bed. Waconia nodded, she didn't want to start daydreaming at this moment in time "Alright." she said to Mayor McByrd. Going to help grab up the girl before she was beat to the task. He swept her up almost effortlessly. She nodded at his request easily, she could open a door with no efforts as well. Walking towards the Mayor's home she kept looking behind her shoulder to make sure the new guy was behind her and not struggling. Propping open the large front door she made room for them both to enter before she looked into the many doors that laced the entry way. "I'm not sure what room leads to his guest room." Waconia admitted, looking to the man and the passed out child with a bit of apology. "I guess that's a good thing, I'd hate to be known to you as the woman who slept at the mayor's house often." she laughed nervously, scratching her cheek continuing her small giggles. "I'm a fucking idiot." She thought to herself as she began opening doors to see which one led to a guest room.

After opening three doors on the right side of the hallway she came across a room fit for a princess. "Found it!" Waconia called, motioning with her fingers to the two as she propped the door open with her body so the two could come and get settled in.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Astrid Peterson

The Mayor's Party with Fluffy

Dwarves, Dresses and Dancing

Astrid watched as the chaos abated and things began to calm down again, they bussled the young girl out to some quieter part of the house, collecting her coat and leaving it on thr mayor's coat rack till it came time for home. Heading back to the main table, she got some more wine and gave Fluffy some cocktail sausages as a treat.

il leave you folks to it then...

Slightly warmer inside the house and abit of wine helping to keep her from feeling too cold, watching Fluffy a second wander off slightly into the garden and look at the blosums while she stayed in warmer parts. Looking back everyone else was running about, there was not she could do to help it seemed so she perched at a window sill and sipped a glass of wine.

It seemed life in the village was not going to be entirely quiet and sedate, with a few more intresting moments than the previous weeks. Even if she had anything, Durins Cottage was on edge of village near the Redsons place on the road out to the priests home, whatever it was like. Alot of people lived closer to the mayor's house, they would sort things out for now, and sure one of thr families would have a spare room to accommodate the new comer.

Village life was not always quiet and boring.

Anyone not vanished or running about the village finding things

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Howilng Zinogre
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Howilng Zinogre Tamer of Fenrir

Member Seen 14 days ago

So much was going on and all at the behest of the young collapsed lady. This was fine though they were more worried about fixing her up and getting her taken care of. It wasnt long before Everyone had began to dart of in any direction heading home to get what Alex could have only assumed to be things to better aid and speed the young girls recovery. His question went unanswered but in hind sight it made sense it was a rather stupid question, Obviously none here knew what the fuck was going on so his questioned couldnt be answered.

It wasnt long before the head honcho made his way through the crowd. Normally Alex would indulge the old man and listen to one of his Lengthy stories the drew to a head only to keep drawing and never truly to find an end but the look his face showed was that of seriousness and concern as he gave orders. it made sense though some form of authority had to reside in the old man cause you dont get to hold a seat of command by being soft hearted.

With everything being said and done they had begun to move the girl. Alex looked on at her clothes and thought to himself, Oh hells no, "Diva we need to acquire a clean change of Wardrobe for the young lady" Alex said as Diva looked up at him and gave her standard "Kweh" her version of an exassperated sigh. almost as if to say (You dont know what she likes so how can we get her an entire wardrobe.)"Bitch at me on the way" alex said as he made a mad dash for his house.

Moments later

Arriving at his home alex had grabbed a a few dozen outfits thet seemed to be just about her size if he sized up the young lady correctly he should be spot on. tossing them onto a rolling rack he made a dash for the door stopping as he turned to see diva grabbing a few pieces of costume jewelry that slid down the peacocks slender neck. GOOD JOB BUT MOVE YOUR ASS BIRD WE HAVE YOUNG LADY TO DRESS!" Alex shouted as Diva chased behind him jewelry clinking nd clanging as though they had just robbed there own store.

It wasn't long before the two had arrived again at the mayors place. Where it had dawned on him that he forgot a few articles of clothing in all his rushing around. Finding the room in which everyone had gathered with the young lady Alex had began breathing heavily. I...have...clothes..for the..littleone.and...and" diva would begin flapping her wing to give Alex some air to help him regain his breath. So he could continue. "Thank the goddess for you Diva. As i was saying yes clothes for the littleone and diva bought her some costume jewelry. I had the perfect shirt to to accompany these jeans and the perfect jeans to accompany this shirt but i sold the last of them to Olivia. I wonder though if i could talk her into letting the little one have them" Alex said as he set the rolling rack to the side and hung the costume jewelry atop it all. "Heres to a swift recovery littleone" Alex added as he affixed the volume on the bluetooth speaker and turned on some rather relaxingchill music.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

One growing wardrobe and a filling room of random medical supplies later

"So, how bad is it? Will she be okay?"

"Well, let's just say its a good thing she found us when she did. Clearly she is still suffering from severe exhaustion, which is honestly no surprise considering the malnourished and dehydrated state you found her in. Really, its no short of a miracle she made it this far." A man in a white lab coat with a balding head answered back in a matter of fact tone, his monotone voice sounding like something out of a commercial for eye drops. Locally he was known by both Doctor Grimm and Professor Grimm-usually who called him what being more dependent on why the person was coming to him for help as opposed to any enforced or requested use of the title on his part. Frankly he himself didn't give a damn what he was called.

Jotting down who knows what in his seemingly ever present leather bound notebook Grimm continued on speaking before the mayor had a chance to ask yet another question. "Don't worry yourself to much Bryce, she's got youth on her side. I do want to come back in a bit though now that I've actually seen her, bring up a proper IV bag or two and double check on those swollen feet of hers. In the meantime just try and keep a cool cloth on her head for the fever, and if she wakes up have her drink some water-but not to much to fast, mind you.”

“That we can do-but don't you dilly dally with those IV bags.” Mayor McByrd hobbled his way closer to Dr. Grimm, his sturdy cane making a distinct strong sounding Thunk with every step forward. “This is important Grimm. I know how prone you are to getting lost in those experiments of yours.”

“I know that old man.” Grim spat back with an equally venomous look in his narrowing eyes. “Just like you should know how import my research is to the entire nation, not to mention your tiny little village. Need I remind you I am not some yokal town doctor nor am I being paid by your tax dollars for medical services. Every minute I am not in my lab is another minute-” At this point Grimm was pointing his notebook accusingly at Mayor McByrd, however his growing tirade was cut off as McByrd held his hands up in the air as if surrendering.

“Ok, ok-I surrender. I don't mean to ruffle your feathers son, I just worry about the poor girl. You can understand that?” McBeard asked incredulously.

Letting out a long sigh while his arms fell to his side Grimm was visibly regretting his words-a tired look quickly coming over his stress wrinkled face. “I...I'm sorry Bryce. My work studying the rot...Its, well, nevermind. It's no excuse for my behavior. You have my word I will be back within the hour.”
“That's all I needed to hear Grimm. And remember, whether you think it or not while you live here your a member of our community. And we take care of each other here Grimm-if you ever need to talk, my doors always unlocked.”

“...Right, well, the sooner I get going the quicker I get back. I'll be seeing you Bryce...and thanks.” With that Grimm turned and quickly made his way down the hall and out of the house. He made double sure not to talk to anyone else so as to not waste any more time as he left.

Hope, having dropped off her bucket of cold water and clean hand towels some good thirty minutes ago, had joined the still ongoing party outside of the mayors house-only now it was more an event centered around the gossip of what had just happened. The once festive mood had definitely shifted to a much more somber tone.

Walking by the Rosemonts, whom were now seated at the main table, she caught a snippet of their conversation.

“Goddess, I hope she's ok. Poor thing.”

“Yeah, she...she looked like she felt pretty rough. Speaking of, my stomach feels kinda...weird.”

“You too? I thought it was just me...Think I'm gonna finish this cream puff and go to the restroom. Remind me to tell Grayson how good they are!”

Spotting Astrid feeding Fluffy a handful of something Hope walked her way over out of curiosity. “Pretty crazy night, huh?” She asked while noticing Fluffy was snacking on little sausages. Grabbing another from the tray she tossed Fluffy another with a smile.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Astrid Peterson

The Mayor's Party with Fluffy

Dwarves, Dresses and Dancing

Astrid was drinking wine before noticing Hope come and up and watched Fluffy nose her way over to hope and take the sausage happily and lifted a rather large paw, placing it on gently on Hopes foot and sliding next to her though rather un graceful and slightly clumsy.

Much a rather tiny snack, for her size and eyeing up the tray of various foods in tables, still abit of cheeky puppy at heart.

hey, Hope! Thanks for the photo.

A little crazy... Fluffy stopped me getting trampled though! Seems that kid has walked straight out the woods. How they made, only Goddess knows.

Watching the Peacock flap its large wings at enterence making a draft. She was not the only one to have a slightly different companion to the norm. Watching Fluffy eye the Peacoxk unsure and placed a calming hand stroking her neck.

The man with the bird, wait it was the fashion designer from the village. She had picked up a scarf from him after she left hers behind and ended up leaving with a hat, gloves and new pair of shoes. Waving over to him she decided to be freindly, after all he was abit strange but harmless chap.

Easy lady... Only a bird.. A big bird..

That's certainly different pet.. Fluffy seems normal. Mayor must have a nice bathroom how popular it is.

@T Risket@Howilng Zinogre

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Howilng Zinogre
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Howilng Zinogre Tamer of Fenrir

Member Seen 14 days ago

Everything was still abit topsy turvy but Alex had officially done his part to aid in the young womans recovery, after all who doesnt wanna wake to some of the best damn clothes designed in this town. Hell now that he thought about the city too. His Parents were good yes but Alex had always known he was the best.

Finally regaining his compousre. Alex felt a nudging at his leg, it was None other than diva she only nudged when trying to be subtle or show that she was concerned. After the nudge she directed his attention to one miss Astrid Peterson, who had been waving him over.

Approaching with a smile he looked her up and down a split second before smiling in approval of her wardrobe. "Hello there Little gemstone its a pleasure to see you this evening and a joy to see you shinning so brightly so to speak" Alex said as he shot her a wink and a smile. "Hell of an evening wouldnt you ladies say?" Alex asked as he wouldnt approach until he was given the ok by large guardian of the young lady.

Diva looking over the entirety of the situation would give her all to famous exassperrted [color=turquoise]"Kweh"[color] as she nudged him from behind. seeing as he overlooked the fact the fact that The young lady waved HIM over so the Large guardian would be alright with it obviously.

"Alright! Alright! im going im going" Alex said as he was made to forcefully close the gap between he and Ms.Peterson pulling up a chair he sat next to Astrid.

She was a decent girl and the thought made him chuckle of the four of them and hos society would stereotype them he a fashion designer and she busting her pretty little hump in a mine he with a large show offy peacock and her with an extremely trustworthy companion in her newfoundland.


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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Astrid Peterson

The Mayor's Party with Fluffy

Dwarves, Dresses and Dancing

Astrid smiled and laughed slightly at his greeting, a little gem stone was defenitely cheesey but it also was a tad cute too, she could not deny his sencerity even if he was a tad silly. It was a nice kind of silly. Smiling and giving Fluffy a nod that he was safe and she did not mind.

The peacock was fairly assertive and nudged him forward with a fair amount of strengh for a bird. Keeping a eye as Fluffy was unsure about thr large bird, her size did not always match up to her thinking, though usually was fine with a few nudges from Astrid.

Giving her furry companion a fuss for staying calm, before turning to Alex.

Hey, yeah.. Seem to have been a tad intresting . I'm sure thr kid will be OK. I'd say hi more often at the shop But if went to your shop I'd end up buying somthing every time!

Quite the forceful bird you have there!

Smiling, she was definitely not someone who was a girly girl by any odds but she still enjoyed a few nice things, and had not given up on at least trying to make a effort. Ans she was partial to few nice things.

Fluffy, still learning abit... Lots of strangers, She not sure about your peacock... No offence meant, still a puppy at heart.

Keeping a hand on fluffy around the back of her neck to calm and relaxed, it was the first big party she had taken her too, with so many strangers. She needed abit of held from Astrid, though was doing well ernough, and Astrid and her companion seemed to be on same wavelength most of the time.

Looking round she saw a queue at bathroom, and others seemed to be at quieter but still happy party. The kid would be OK and the village was far from worst place they could have stumbled upon. Sopping a glass of wine, free wine was free after all, Astrid was glad she attended and had talked to Waconia earlier, and found more out about the time event. She, d have to remember to thank her when she was at the bar.

@Howilng Zinogre

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Heya Alex, I was just sayin the same thing. Crazy night." Hope responded at Alex's approaching greeting while trying to hide her growing discomfort. She was intently eyeing the bathroom line as Alex and Astrid continued to converse, smiling and laughing at the appropriate times to the best of her ability.

Hope, in her continued best effort to ignore the growing unpleasant aftereffects of a poisoned cream puff, soon found herself talking to Diva. This actually wasn't her first conversation with the fabulously feathered feminine force of nature known as Diva-Hope always assumed by the birds reactions that it rather enjoyed having her picture taken. In truth Diva was one of her favorite photography subjects because she was just so damn photogenic.

"Kweh?" She asked earnestly while holding her camera up, as if to ask permission for a picture. Not one to normally ask before taking a photo it was rather comical to see.

@PrinceAlexus@Howilng Zinogre

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Howilng Zinogre
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Howilng Zinogre Tamer of Fenrir

Member Seen 14 days ago

Before adressing Astrids words Alex would take a knee in front of fluffy slowly outstretching his hand and giving the currently silent guardian A well deserved pat and light scratch behind her ears. I thank you ms.Fluffy for letting me close enough to speak with your companion its been a crazy night for all of us aye girl" Alex asked as he pulled his hand back and continued to converse with Astrid. Yea im certain she will be after stealing the show in such a way that she drew the attention of the entire community. She had better be ok. Alex said with Chuckle. This had to be by far one of the damn luckiest Towns around, Valbree town of good people. "Alex thought to himself. I can see your little lady being a bit cautious around Diva she is one of the smarter peacocks not that i really have much of a comparrison shes the first i ever met and defies most truths about them. at least the truths that i read online. to be honest i dont really know where she came from shes just kind of always been there. Alex said and for almost a split second a slight show of sadness came across his face. In the moment it came it went, Replaced with his all to familiar bright smile and happy expression.

I must take full blame for you leaving with so many clothes its a force of habit from the moment a person takes interest in one thing in the shop my mind begins to fire on all cylinders seeing any and everything that goes along with it. However i cant be blamed for the mayors fashion sense.
I mean im a talker but that man could outtalk a literal chatterbox. so when he comes in i indulge him for as long as i can but often try to get him out as soon as i can.
Alex said as he shuddered at the thought of the mayor coming to check out the new hats he was soon to put up.

Turning his attentions to Fluffy once more "I can assure Ms.Fluffy Diva means you no harm shes only a pain in the ass to..." Before Alex could finish his sentence he saw diva crane her neck as if to say in a sassy black woman voice, K WEH ranslation-BITCH WHAT What i meant to say was shes an amazing and much needed help and without her id be lost. Alex said quickly correcting himself. KWEH Diva said with a nod as she turned her attentions to hope.

GOODNESS, girl how long you been there? Were you a ninja in your past life? Alex said jokingly as he caught a glimpse of hopes face. Everything ok you dont look to well. He asked as he caught where she was staring. If you really gotta "go" im certain the mayor has another restroom upstairs. Alex quickly realized his words were falling on deaf ears as Hopes eyes were set behind the camera and sights set on Showstopper #2, Diva who responded to Hopes KWEH. Giving the photographer a 3/4 turn and spreading her plummage as though she was really trying to model for her.

Well i guess thats that Alex said looking to Astrid. Hey if you bring the lil lady and yourself past the shop later this week i think i might have a scarf or 30 that she might like...im joking but its not that many and i promise you wont leave with a new wardrobe. but maybe afterward youd like to join me in grabbing some coffee or a drink or just a walk on the beach. Mentally Alex instantly started questioning himself. DID...Did i just ask someone out? yep i did. damn its been sometime since you did that old boy oh well now to play the waiting game.

@T Risket @PrinceAlexus

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Astrid Peterson

The Mayor's Party with Fluffy

Dwarves, Dresses and Dancing

Astrid smiled as Alex leant down to Fluffy who took it well and cocked her head cheerfully at the itch behind the ears, before smelling somthing and looking at the last remaining cream puff or two. Giving Astrid a shake head look and quiet growl, before giving the suagsages a enthusiastic gesture of confirmation. Laughing at Fluffy reaction and keeping a eye as she kept her distance from Diva despite being multiple times her weight and mass.

Smiling and shaking her head at Fluffy before deciding to trust her furry companion in her assessment.

She doing well, its her first big social event.

Yeah, it seems she lucky. I doubt she would of been able to walk much longer. Thank the Goddess they found the village!

My sister thought I needed someone to keep me safe living alone, hence my lovely lady. She a gorgeous peacock, but I gotta side with my girl.

Fluffy giving Astrid a you have to side with me look and competing slightly with the overly showy bird.

Thr talk of shopping, of scarfs and such soon brought http things back to normal and she was laughing slightly. For a woman who worked in a mine and claimed truthfully to be useless at female stuff. She did enjoy a spot of shopping and a treat for herself, not being entirely a dwarf.

Don,t worry hope! I'm alright with Alex, we met when I moved into town, just go if you need to. Don, t let me hold you up. Maybe pop by for a coffee one day.

I know, took me hours to sort out my mining permits, it's not your fault you have nice stock. Ooh, probbly need one.. Alot colder here than where I'm from.

Thr next offer caught her by total Suprise and kinda blinked and had to take a rather large sip of wine to buy time, Astrid had never planned to be asked out or ask anyone out during the party and for a first social event this was going unexpectedly. It had been a while, and she was out of practice. Slightly nervous and quieter than normal.

A warf, wark A walk down beach sounds fun... I've not had chance to explore there much... And Fluffy would love playing in the water. I might need the coffee after to warm up though!

So... See you mid to late week?

Oh.. And I Think Fluffy does not trust the cream puffs? Strange.

With a nervous smile though honestly she had not been on a date in a few months after breaking up and so busy she had not had time to think on it much. Feeling like life had gone from zero to 1000 miles per hour in a few hours, it certainly had Suprised her the hospitality and forward nature of the village. Wait what did you wear on a date to a beach, and what did you wear when he was a fashion designer? So many questions... So many things to ask her sister. She did the whole woman thing so much better.

The new village was quiet. But it seemed Astrid life would be anything but.

@Howilng Zinogre@T Risket

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Howilng Zinogre
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Howilng Zinogre Tamer of Fenrir

Member Seen 14 days ago

Alex cocked his head to the side a moment,"Really? this is her first social event? i would have thought she was doing this for years.
I mean she found a quiet corner where there is action but not to much, just enough to keep her interested but not too much so shes overwhelmed. and keeping close quarters to her companion I gotta say she would be the perfect puppy candidate for secret service.
Alex said with a smile.

And in all honesty i must agree with your sister. Living alone while it does have its perks, can be rather lonely after awhile. and if you have a goodgirl like ms.fluffy here it can add to an otherwise dull and lackluster day. isn't that right Secret Service Agent fluffy? Alex asked with a light chuckle. it wasnt long before the response to alexs initial question came and it was truly a shock to his system as he was not expecting a favorable answer. he had hoped he would get one but didnt see it happening until it did.

A warf, wark A walk down beach sounds fun... I've not had chance to explore there much... And Fluffy would love playing in the water. I might need the coffee after to warm up though! So... See you mid to late week?

What threw him most though is she didnt agree to one but all offers. OK OK Alex old chap no need to worry its just a walk some good convo and coffee thats it no worries, no worries at all. but if grand theft auto has taught me anything its NEVER just coffee what the fuck did i get myself into? And why the fuck does my inner monolouge have an accent that switches between english and irish? Cause im losing it thats why yep. on the inside alex was freaking the hell out but it all translated outwardly to a calm and cool exterior that said nothing more except, Later this week sounds perfect ms.Gemstone." Alex said with a nod as he gave thanks to both her and fluffy for the heads up on the creampuffs. didnt take alex long before he decided that he wouldnt be eating from there. and this coming from the guy whose stomach was pretty much a trashcan.

Alex could feel it in his bones that good things were headed his way. and maybe this was the start.


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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

An hour or two after her arrival, the young girl finally stirred from her slumber and slowly sat up, groaning as she did so. Blinking her eyes a few times until her vision came back to her, she was both shocked and scared her. She had not been expacting to be in a room. In fact, she hadn't really known what to expect. She just remembered walking like usual, but she had barely even registered her surroundings by the time she had entered town. So a room in a house was the last ting she had been expecting to wake up in.

Deciding not to dwell on it too long, the girl instead thought it best to explore her new surroundings and got out of bed. Or, rather, she tried to explore her surroundings. The moment she tried to stand up, her legs gave out and her head began swimming, causing her to fall to the floor. By instinct, she reached out for support, but only ended up dragging a few objects from the bedside table down along with her, causing a bit of a ruckus.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rose Yashika

Rose had stayed quiet at the party with her brother grumbling about having to be there. she hadn't paided much attention to the surge of attention that came from the door. she snapped back to reality feeling a tug on her sleeve looking down to see Ryu tugging. she listened to him before he explained what was happening "Now that is something I should have been told about." Said Rose letting her Curiosity get the best of her going to where the girl was taken.

Rose had almost reached the room when she heard a crash of things causing her to quicken her pace into the room "Oh dear...You shouldn't be out of bed."She exclaimed moving over to the girl's side "Let's getting you back to bed..." She said picking Amelia up sitting her back on the bed resting the blanket over Amelia's Lap. 'There we go..Now...Can you tell me about yourself?"asked Rose crouching back down to pick up the items of which the girl had cause to drop when she had attempted to try getting back up. Rose made sure to clean anything that was spilled or dropped before she got up looking towards the door to Ryu who just watched on having nothing to say about the situation.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wᴀᴄᴏɴɪᴀ Wʜᴇᴀᴛʟᴇʏ

After making sure the young lady was settled in the Mayor's house, Waconia took her leave. The doctor had finally arrived, and so Waconia didn't have to worry about the mayor overwhelming the young one with his oddities. She felt a bit of responsibility for the girl in a way, not because she was motherly in any sense of the word but she did have a generous heart. During her walk home she pictured the girl as she stood up from the bed and fell so harshly. Her lips fell into a sad pout slowly before her stomach grumbled loudly and angrily. Waconia's slender hand quickly reached up to her tummy as the noise continued, her insides doing back flips. "Uh.." stopping on her walk before picking up her pace all the way back to her home above the bar. The Silver Fish would be closed for the rest of the night. Not even a small chitchatting from the squirrels could distract from the horrible horrible decision it was eating those cream puffs.


NORMAL DAY: A normal spring day (01/06) Today is a relatively normal day in Valibree Village. A light rain has been falling since last night's sunset, and looks to turn into a full on storm later that night. Though the rain is a bit troublesome for some, The Goddess and her sprites are very joyful as the Earth soaks up it's delicious drink.

Wᴀᴄᴏɴɪᴀ Wʜᴇᴀᴛʟᴇʏ

Sundays were not the busiest days in Valibree, most people used it as a day of rest and relaxation. Waconia had been using this day to deal with her squirrel problems as per usual. The rain had made them particularly frisky. "Come on!" she growled, a broom being whipped around furiously, the brush part swinging against the rafters of her upstairs loft. With a heavy upswing the end of the broom the handle stuck into a bit of drywall making the tool stuck tightly out of reach. Waconia could swear that the rodents were laughing at her, their squeaking taunting her. Giving up promptly, Waconia fed her useless feline and put on her rain coat before closing up the bar and heading towards the general store so she could buy herself another broom.
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