Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'm fine!"

The woman called back to the snarl of the large ebon cat, taking a green, glinting swing at the bandit; her hands briefly manifesting magical claws which swiped across his body and likely only caught the faintest bit of fabric rather than any flesh. The elf was certainly anything but chiefly concerned with her attack, more that the feline companion would overwhelm the man and she was just there to keep him busy. All she needed to do was break his morale or spirit, something quite plausible now that he was under attack from two sides, both by things with claws and fangs. She hadn't stopped there either, drawing the scimitar from her hip with her off-hand.

He might have been bold before, but he did just walk into a trap, now she hoped he might attempt to flee it; fighting to the death here was suicidal while escape was... potentially survivable, assuming in the dark he did not run head first into the mass of writhing, animate plants that would slow any escape to a crawl. Then again, humans were irrational things, so whatever he might choose she knew not. His allies had attempted to flee, several times over now too, so maybe they were not as bold as they first seemed? All else, by what appeared to be the majority of everyone, was in absolute chaos. More yelling, magic, shoving, all things she couldn't pay attention to, so she didn't.

Instead she opted to spur the man, "Not hiding, just waiting for him! Too bad you waited around instead of running!"

Both regularly lithe hands of hers were pawed now, one bearing the deadly curve of a ceremonial druidic sword and its claws withdrawn, while the other showed off the faint, magical green glow to the hooked, feline-like claws to their very point in the forest's dark; the latter one she kept splayed out, intending to again unleash a clawed swipe. Positioning more in a combative stance, the menacing talons now leading, she wasn't about to let her injuries deter her.

@Guardian Angel Haruki@JBRam2002@rush99999@ihinka@Cu Chulainn@0 Azzy 0
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Wayward Forest


Warren stood somewhat paralyzed, watching the fight and keeping an eye on Callie, making sure that she got to him okay. He knew what Bernie was thinking and it frightened him. But he stayed where he was...because there was someone much more important to him that needed help right now.

The bandit who was fighting Jacoby could hear someone waddling nearby and he moved just in time to dodge the flat end of the axe. He looked at Signod blankly, before rolling his eyes and attacking Jacoby again. After seeing the blindfolded human go down, he pointed the bloodied scimitar at Signod and laughed, clearly emboldened by the defeat of an opponent, "You honestly think you can take on a member of the Great Barnaby Brothers?! Ha! You're in over your head!

The bandit who faced Shaedra grinned wolfishly, possibly going mad from fear and the anger, and he answered her goading, "Like I'd be afraid of some pretty little feral elf and her overgrown house cat. I'm still gonna avenge Jared!"
He let out a shout and charged to attack Shaedra with the scimitar. He slashed at her only to find that his scimitar didn't find its mark, due to either her simply moving out of the way, or if he tripped over a vine before catching himself. He turned to face her only to find the panther on him again.


Jamil snarled in an offended tone for Shaedra to hear, "House cat?!" He slashed at the bandit, leaving four prominent bleeding marks on his face. The bandit shouted as he received the blow. He was still conscious, but he was seriously injured.

Bandit Captains


Bernie looked to Safira and snarled, "Like you lot are any better? You don't care about that kid. You lot are just in this mission for the gold. That's what you mercenary types do after all," He then pulled out another dagger and he continued, "Well, sorry to say it love. But you lot won't be getting all of the gold tonight. Besides, even if I go down, I'll make sure a certain traitor goes down too!"

Callie kept on crawling to Warren, soon finding that she was not on slick ground anymore. However it is during that time when his focus was on Callie, that Bernie took his chance again to try and end Warren's life with another dagger. This time, the dagger found purchase in Warren's back and the bandit let out a grunt, trying to bite back the pain. Callie heard the grunt and she asked in concern, "Warren?"

Barney and Brett heard their boss's words, and considering that they were standing this time, they decided to take the opportunity to move out of the greased area before they end up falling over again. They used the swords to bat the bears' paws and teeth aside so they could move without being attacked. However, when they tried to go to Warren and Callie, the gold flashed in their eyes again and they found that they couldn't go over to them. They instead moved to Mirdas and Safira, ready to help their boss.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@JBRam2002@Pennydumb123@rush99999@ihinka@Cu Chulainn@0 Azzy 0

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

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There was only one choice. The cowards ran. The bear must pursue. This is the way of nature. This is what bears must do... but no. The druid was no mere mindless bear. As Bobbin had begun to chase, a cry of pain diverted his attention.

Were the bear able to speak, it may have uttered a phrase to turn the air blue. This is why the kenku worked alone, so he wasn't held back by weaker allies. But then again, having allies can be useful. This ambush would have gone south much worse had Bobbin been by himself.

A retreat... for now. Bobbin turned towards his fallen comrade. The bear's great paw reached out to the caster who called himself Jacoby, and as he reached out, the bear shape faded away, leaving the kindly kenku. "Hey, Mister," came the timid voice of a young girl. "You don't look so good."

Regrettably, the spells that Bobbin had prepared today did not include the healing his mind searched for. The Jacoby would have to wait a moment... hopefully he would survive. Instead, Bobbin turned toward the bandit that had struck his ally down. A gout of flame shot towards the bandit, encompassing him for a moment. The timing on his next move would be critical... and hopefully not suicidal.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Safira snarled as Bernie let loose another dagger towards Warren and pommeled the chief bandit in the face without a second's hesitation. She heard Warren's pained grunt just as the butt of her scimitar was making devastating contact with Bernie's teeth. The brittle implements could not withstand the force behind the blood huntress' drive and a loud crack echoed within the camp. The lightning encasing her blade transferred via the hilt of her weapon and zinged the brigand’s skin, making all the hairs on his body stand. Safira observed with dark satisfaction as Bernie's eyes widened in shock.

"I said quiet, scum!" She growled. Her forehead came crashing down on Bernie's nose to get her point across more saliently. "Now yield!!!" Her voice burred low but ominous, as she watched the Captain of the bandits spit out tooth after tooth, his eyes watery from the headbutt he'd received. "All of you!" Safira menaced, squaring the two newcomers with a dark gaze.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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With 1 final attack, the bandit cut a sizable gash across the area between Jacoby's chest and stomach, laying the warlock low. Jacoby fell onto his back, his sword slipping from his grasp and his orb rolling from his hand as he landed. The eye in Jacoby's orb began to dart about in a frantic manner as the battle continued around it. Eventually the eye came to rest on Jacoby's latest wound, which it then began to stare at intently while emitting a sound similar to what someone would hear when running a finger around the rim of a wine glass. Under the gaze of the eye in the orb, the wound slowly began to knit itself back together.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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@Guardian Angel Haruki@0 Azzy 0

"Cease that nonsense!" Mirdas commanded from Bernie, throwing a punch with his shield-strapped arm straight for his jaw, at an attempt to finally knock out the weathered bandit. The punch, however, only grazed the bandit's chin, partly because of the chaos of battle, but also because Mirdas's shield is too heavy and unwieldy to be throwing punches like that. Grunting at his missed attack, Mirdas uses the momentum of his throw to reposition himself to where he would be able to intercept Bernie's next attack to Warren, clumsily opening himself for an attack from some of the other brigands...

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 0 Azzy 0
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0 Azzy 0 (insert witty quote here)

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While there were all manner of wild shenanigans going on throughout this forest, Signod couldn't possibly keep track of all of it at once. As such, he knew what he needed to do most was focus on one thing at a time. Pick a problem, resolve it, go look for another problem. Right now, that problem was helping this blindfolded man to do his best not to die. He had considered taking another swing at the bandit(?) who had just begun to laugh and even begun to draw back his axe to take that swing when the laughing man spoke.

...which brought him up short.

Hang on- the blindfolded man had been part of the group with the elf woman. She was one of the Barnaby Brothers, wasn't she? Thinking back, Signod was hard pressed to remember any of that group specifically identifying themselves as one of the Barnaby Brothers. He was almost positive the name had come up, but coming up with the exact the context of the conversation was proving impossible. Could it be possible that all these people were members of the Barnaby Brothers and he had gotten involved in some large-scale power struggle within the bandit group? No, that was over-thinking it. Could he have just been flat out wrong in his earlier conclusions? That was also impossible. It had to be the elf. She had tricked him into thinking all sorts of wild thoughts that were nowhere near the truth. Typical elf nonsense.

Either way, while these will thoughts sluggishly churned their way through Signod's head trying to make sense of the abrupt reversal, he was still moving by instinct. "Shut yer mouth! Or else I'll, eh..." While he fumbled around looking for words, his free hand was deftly procuring one of the magical goodberries he had created only a short while ago. "I'll shut it for ya!" He finished as boldly as he could muster in spite of how non-threatening his bumbling retort must have come across. Signod had more important things to think about than clever words. Mostly, he had to keep focused on healing the dying man while also trying not to get his own guts spilled all over the ground. Side-stepping around the self-professed bandit and dropping to one knee, barely even registering that the bandit was currently on fire, he did his best to shove one of the magical berries into the dying man's mouth while hoping his magic was potent enough to take care of the rest.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The woman dodged back, just out of the sweep of the sword's edge as the large, black, pantherine cat took another mauling swipe at the bandit and making him cry out. She shook her head and reared back, splaying her hand whilst keeping the flat of the she bore in the other, its cold and sleek steel to her pale, now bloodied skin. The red scent was heavy on the air, elves and animals alike probably could smell it with ease, but that wasn't what was distracting her.

"I don't know Jared or why you are avenging him!" She replied, retorting not just with words but slashing the supernaturally bestowed claws at him. A green glimmer trailed behind the swipe of her more animal fingers, but she continued with a yell, "And he's a jaguar, not a house cat!"

She hesitated for a moment, curious what she was to do now, having been a bit lost and confused as to all what just transpired, but she didn't wait too much longer. If the man dropped, she would be off and call the feline ally with her to the next foe, one not far from her company. If the man didn't, the young druidess hoped with all her heart she could have Jamil of Azalorn finish him off. Things were going... well? Sort of? Maybe? The woods were dark and beyond a ways, even her keen sight couldn't see clearly through them, but the fighting sounded like it was still well alive. She had to do something, after all she wrangled one bandit and she still hadn't seen the girl that was spoken about or even the newcomers to the wood. Had the Barnaby Brothers got the better of them?

@Guardian Angel Haruki@JBRam2002@rush99999@ihinka@Cu Chulainn@0 Azzy 0
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Wayward Forest


"I'm alright. Let's get to a safer spot, alright?"
Callie could be seen nodding and she answered Warren, "Okay!"

The bandit screamed in pain as the fire licked away at him. His flailing and efforts to put out the fire that the kenku started allowed Signod to shove the magically conjured berries into the Warlock's mouth. Thanks to the healing energy from the earth, the blindfolded human man is brought back to conscious. Signed would next see the fearsome sight of the bandit lit on fire, screaming in pain and anger swing the scimitar at him. Well, the sight would probably be much more fearsome if the bandit actually hit the dwarf. Instead, the scimitar simply bounced off of the dwarf's armor.

The bandit shouted at Shaedra "YOU KILLED HIM WITH YOUR VINES, YOU BI-!!!" He did not even get to finish his accusation as he was knocked unconscious by the swipe of Shaedra's claws.


Jamil gave a huff at the downed bandit, and he looked to Shaedra and asked "What should we do with the one you've imprisoned?" He nods towards the cocoon of vines that resulted from her Entangle spell. The bandit could not be seen through the thick wall of vines.

Bandit Captains


Callie stands up, and takes off of her blindfold. She whimpered as her eyes remained shut, "Warren...my eyes hurt. I can't open them," The slick oil and grease from the spell earlier had soaked into her blindfold and was clearly the cause of the aforementioned pain.
"Hang on just a little longer, okay? I'll help clear the grease when we get away from this spot. I'd offer my hand, but I'm a little...tied up at the moment. Follow my voice. I'll keep an eye out," Warren soothed Callie before the both of them started moving away from the Barnaby Brothers.

Bernie yelled in pain, before staring at Safira and Mirdas with fear in his eyes. He fell to his knees, shaking and clearly heavily wounded. One could see that one more hit would do him in. It would be so easy to kill him now.

Barney and Brett seemed to have an order finally sink into their thick skulls and they each threw daggers at Warren. Barney's dagger flies over Warren's head, while Brett's found purchase in Warren's leg. Warren gave a quiet grunt of pain before continuing on with Callie, doing his best to stay strong.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@JBRam2002@Pennydumb123@rush99999@ihinka@Cu Chulainn@0 Azzy 0

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

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The kenku's priority was their downed ally. This Jacoby had been healed slightly by the slow but effective Goodberries, aptly named to a degree that any kenku would be proud of, but he was still in a severely weakened state. There wasn't much that a druid of Bobbin's low stature could do to heal his allies, but he could do something. If the tendrils of the Green Earth had taught this kenku one thing, it was to balance the taking of life with the gift of the same. And so he whispered a single solitary word, one imbued with the natural energies of the forest. It was spoken in the primordial tongue of the Plane of Air, its sound echoing on the wind and carried by the zephyrs that wisped around them. The meaning of the word was almost as foreign as the voice that bore it, as if the air itself had spoken.


As soon as the magic had taken hold, however, another flame sprouted in Bobbin's hands. His target would reveal itself, thudding to the ground and drawing attention. Weakness to be snuffed out. The just sentence proclaimed to a kidnapper and would-be murderer, hiding behind such petty labels as "bandit." No, this bandit would live no longer.


The same tongue whispered into the flame Bobbin carried, and the fire twisted and soared on the winds, careening towards the Bandit mercilessly. Bobbin would not take prisoners among these scoundrels, although others may wish to stay their own hands. The flames appeared to strike true. Would it be enough to end their foe?

"Save yourselves. Surrender!" Bobbin cried out, his voice that of a tired old man pleading to his enemies. Or perhaps the original voice was to his own allies, but the meaning was still clear: this fight was already won, and although Bobbin was more than willing to allow it to continue with more scorched bodies falling on his enemies' side, he was less willing to allow his allies or the child to suffer.

Mentions: @rush99999 - You got more healing!
Next: @ihinka
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Safira's eyes widened as a ball of fire engulfed Bernie seconds after he'd fallen on his knees on the ground, his face smashed in and fear obvious in his eyes. The blood huntress' head snapped in the direction from which the fireball had originated. Her eyes squinted in disapproval. The captain bandit was finally yielding. He had surrendered. It was a pointless death to her mind as it was never really a punishment, more so an escape of sorts from responsibility. The tall, cloaked woman sighed. This is why she preferred to work alone. People are so different that it is so hard to find ones who will be willing to do things your way. Or at least close enough to your way.

Now what?! Safira wondered. Bernie could have convinced his brothers to stand down. With him dead who knew how they'd react. And Safira had already had her fill of bloodshed for the night. She was trying to put that part of her past behind her, not delve any deeper in it. She'd almost slipped with that last couple of attacks against the head bandit. The huntress could still feel the sticky fingers of the familiar darkness clinging to her consciousness. She shook herself free of their lingering touch. I don't need to follow suit to these other people. I've decided on a new path and I'll follow it! The tall imposing figure of the woman shifted so that she was blocking the two remaining Barnaby brothers' line of sight to Warren.

"I won't allow you to hurt Warren or Callie anymore." Safira stated darkly. But her voice held a hint of wariness as well. Almost as if the battle had tired her out, but more so emotionally than physically. As she seemed like she could go a few more rounds at least. "Your brother did not heed my warning and look at him now." The huntress pointed her chin in the direction of Bernie's charred remains. "If you wish to fight, we will fight." Safira brandished her lightning crackling scimitar in front of her to stress her point. "But make no mistake... You will lose! Just like your brother over there!" She finished, not really a threat. More so a statement of fact.

Tag, you're it.@rush99999
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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As Jacoby regained consciousness, his sword and orb were quick to find their way back into his hands. "You have my thanks, Master Dwarf" Jacoby said as he reached for his final healing potion to further mend himself and regain some more of his strength. But before he could drink, Jacoby felt himself become momentarily enveloped by the magic of nature itself. When the feeling passed, Jacoby felt that his potion could stay where it was for a moment longer. On top of that, Jacoby had a feeling he knew who to thank for that "And I thank you too" Jacoby called over to Bobbin. With that said, Jacoby made his way over to Warren and Callie. "Keep moving" Jacoby said to them as the eye in Jacoby's orb fixed itself on Warren and once again emitted a sound similar to what someone would hear when running a finger around the rim of a wine glass "Once we're away from this unpleasant business I'll have you out of those ropes. In the mean time, I'll do what I can about your injuries". While Jacoby spoke, Warren would begin to feel the pain of his injuries fade as Jacoby cast his spell.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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@Guardian Angel Haruki@0 Azzy 0@JBRam2002@rush99999

As the burnt remains of Bernie finally fell to the ground, Mirdas was at first surprised at how sudden his death was. Looking around for the source of the magic that felled the leader, his eyes finally landed on the mystical Kenku. Does its speech problem also extend to hearing, as well? Mirdas thought to himself, taken aback at how his request at leaving the leader alive had seemingly fallen on deaf ears. Letting out a heavy breath, the Finned Knight gritted his teeth at the scene before him, doing his best to hold back his anger towards his ally. Pointing his harpoon at Barney's neck, Mirdas began skirting around the bandit in a circle, leaving him open for his allies to attack, should he desire to. And should he try to run, Mirdas prepared to strike him down with a well-placed stab...

"If 't be true thee knoweth what is best for thee, standeth thy ground..."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 0 Azzy 0
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0 Azzy 0 (insert witty quote here)

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Ha!" Signod scoffed as the blow was turned aside by his armor. Dwarven-made, it was clearly a cut above the quality this bandit would have been expecting from an ordinary traveler. "Maybe if ya spent less time with your head up there in the clouds you'd have better aim, ya oversized ape." He chuckled in his current bout of over-confidence.

For a moment there, Signod had thought this might end up a three against one and prompt a quick surrender, though both the mage he healed and the one throwing fireballs around had run off to deal with other problems and left Signod to deal with this bandit by himself. Straightening up from where he had been kneeling by the previously-downed wizard-fellow, he took another swing with his axe. Even being careful to strike with the flat of the blade, he managed to land a solid blow on the bandit. "And I thought I told ya to drop that weapon!" He bellowed, further emboldened by the fact that he had actually managed to connect with this strike. The time was ticking away and Signod knew he needed to either knock this man unconscious or intimidate him into surrendering before the mad elf turned her attention this way.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The elven woman shook herself off as the bandit fell to the ground in a heap, downed by the claws she bore and which instantly vanished when he hit the dirt; no point in keeping the magic going after as it were. No less, Jamil of Azalorn wasn't wrong to ask what was to be done, if anything. She shot the jaguar a glance, then the entangled fellow being restrained by creeping vines, then on to the direction of the others. It wasn't much of a reply, the following shrug, but it was the answer he needed. There were other, more pressing foes still in the fight and so she took off at a forest footed sprint, clearly headed toward their nearest ally.

The panther would know to follow as after all her swift dash among the trees, over the woodland, and through the brush was not about to go unaccompanied or easily outpaced by his limber paws. He could easily move past and ahead of her, especially as her focus and target became clear; she was going to ward off the rest of the fighting foes, not so much the disabled ones. If they fled, they fled at this point, if they fought, however? The last bandit had quickly learned how poorly that went and the druid hadn't any bloodthirsty intent. She didn't need or want to kill all of them - in fact, she would have preferred if they all gave up!

@Guardian Angel Haruki@JBRam2002@rush99999@ihinka@Cu Chulainn@0 Azzy 0
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Wayward Forest


Warren looks to Jacoby when he approached, and after hearing what the man said, and feeling his injuries close, he answers, "Yes, of course. Thank you!" He then continues moving away from the fight, making sure that he didn't lose Callie. He heard the scream and stopped in order to turn around and see what had happened. He gasped when he saw that Bernie was burning and screaming in pain. Warren may not have liked the man, but such a fate was cruel in his eyes.


Jamil understood Shaedra's answer and followed after her, dashing through the forest with ease. However, the nearest ally turned out to be Jacoby with Warren and Callie. Jamil stopped and yowled at Callie, keeping his distance away from the girl. His yowl caused the girl to cling to Warren in fear. Jamil shook his head as he tried to get away from the girl, and yet stay close to Shaedra.

Bandit Captains


Callie heard Jacoby and she asked with her eyes still closed "Wait, what? Warren's hurt?" She then heard an animal yowling and she yelped in fear before clenching her hands into fists around Warren's shirt and pant leg. She shivered in fear while keeping close to Warren and keeping pace with him. She heard the scream and she asked in fear "Warren, what's happening?"

Bernie thought he was safe as he remained on his knees. But he was proven wrong when he felt himself suddenly hit in the back by fire and it engulfed him. He screamed in pain as he flailed and rolled on the ground trying to put out the flames that licked at his body. While screaming, he inhaled the smoke and coughed before falling silent and his body still writhing in pain before falling limp itself.

Barney and Brett watched their brother suffer a slow and horrible death with wide eyes and mouths gaping open. They looked to Safira and Mirdas, before looking back to their brother. They immediately dropped their swords and Barney pleaded, "Alright. Alright...You've made yer point. We surrender! Just...Just don't kill us!"

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@JBRam2002@Pennydumb123@rush99999@ihinka@Cu Chulainn@0 Azzy 0

Unless you guys want to kill off Barney and Brett, I say....



Everyone gets 33 EXP! Next Level up is at 100.
And you are out of initiative.

However, if you wish to kill Barney and Brett, then we'll still be in initiative.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"You needn't worry yourself about that" Jacoby said in response to Callie's questions "The others have the matter in hand. Just keep moving. We'll be safely away in no time". With that said, Jacoby turned to Warren and took advantage of his momentary pause to free the man from his bindings with a deft flick of his longsword. "Come" Jacoby said as he began moving again "Let us not linger in this place. Callie still needs tending to, but it wouldn't do to have her in such grim surroundings when her sight is returned".
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The fight was won, but was it really a victory, Safira wondered staring grimly at Bernie's burned body. She sighed, her posture diminishing a bit from the overbearing, intimidating presence she'd had during the scuffle. Her gaze flickered to the surviving brothers. Better tie them up. Safira thought, detaching the rope from the side of her backpack.

"Okay, boys, let me see some hands." She indicated to the men to offer their hands to be tied up. As they obeyed without arguing she managed to bind their wrists and then tie the two of them together and leave enough rope for a lead of sorts. The huntress then proceeded to patting the two brigands down for any hidden weapons. She'd seen them throw knives at Warren. Her face transformed into a stony mask for a second, remembering them attacking the defensless bound man who was only trying to help the little girl. "Some men you are!" She muttered under her breath while rummaging through their clothes. I guess they're out of knives. She thought upon finding nothing. "Okay, then." Safira said as she took the two scimitars off the ground where the Barnaby Brothers had thrown them in surrender. "Let's have it, boys." She urged, strapping the two extra scimitars to her back. "Spill!" The blood huntress stared the two tied man down.

As she waited for her reply Safira began taking stock of herself. The battle rage seeping away from her body she was starting to feel the effects of her wounds. She'd taken a few crosbow bolts to various parts of her body and some slashes as well. The huntress was starting to feel a bit woozy, but she wasn't about to show that in front of the captives. Her eyes once again fell on Bernies burned remains, her face grim and sad at the same time. She'd almost killed him in a savage rage she sometimes had trouble controlling. But you managed this time! Her inner voice supplied. With time and practice you can overcome the dark teachings, the bloodlust, the hunger for pain. Yours and theirs! Safira gripped the hilt of her scimitar until her knuckles turned white with the effort. She had succeeded in holding in her dark urges! She'd won over herself. And that was a victory. Even if a small one. The huntress thought as she released her Crimson Rite and the lightning energy dissipated from the blade.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When the elf at last reached a portion of the others' party, she came to a slow. The tied man and the girl were here, along with the blindfolded figure, all of whom were attempting to flee now. At first this was exactly as the wildwalker had hoped, that these people were safe and so much so she smiled despite the irritable yowl of the snarling, frothing panther. Her boots set to a halt in the soft forest soil and the flat of the sword rest against the back of her slender arm - she was about to say something until she recognized one small detail. They were running wild through the woods at night while there were still some enemies about; the moment of pause put her behind the trio, causing her to him and haw at what should be done.

"Wait, don't run off blind into the woods, you'll get lost and we still have to stop one more bandit!" She yelled to them before shooting the big cat beside her a look. Why were they running? Where were they blindly running off to now? Then the screaming of someone and fire was clue enough for the elven outsider, her questions answered for now.

Reflexively at this point she swung her legs over a fallen, mossy tree to avoid tripping herself and caught up to them not long after she landed, "Just following, but let's not go too far."

With any normal circumstance she would have had to call for her companion to change direction, but with Jamil of Azalorn there was no reason to. The wood elf knew he was always about or by her unless she sent him away, so when she went to look back and check in upon him she surely found him already by her side, close enough to touch and pat. Hurriedly moving as they were, at least as fast as a young girl, blind man, and tied bandit could, this wasn't exactly difficult for her to acknowledge the cat with the contact.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@The Harbinger of Ferocity

The eye in Jacoby's orb looked back at the voice calling out to him and those he was with. It seemed 1 of his new found companions was concerned about the distance he, Warren, and Callie were putting between themselves and the campsite. "We're just heading back to the road" Jacoby said as Shaedra and Jamil caught up with the trio "We won't go far". With that said, the eye in Jacoby's orb turned to look ahead of him just in time to dodge a tree he was about to run into. "Serves me right for not looking where I was going" Jacoby said to himself as he continued onward.
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