Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 15 days ago

They had the advantage for the moment, but given their target's both tenacity and foresight, he probably shouldn't be underestimated, even so to a seasoned swordmaster like Sordan, such opponents were still manageable, but it was few and far between skilled opponents such as this, and so he felt his blood pumping, this was someone worth killing.

Though it seems his opponent was not used to someone with skill, the wide swing he simply kept just a mere step away before he would close in with the axe. This swing was short, much shorter than what he'd been doing, and as his eyes aligned he saw the axe's vertical form align with his head. A horrible place to aim unless he was close enough, but he wasn't close enough to hit someone who could read it coming. Sordan simply tilted his head, avoiding the strike with minimal movement. It was expected he would continue off of it, likely swinging it to catch him, so Sordan wasted no time to use this opening he had slotted himself into. With him so close his blade would no longer simply graze like his previous attempts to ward off the axeman's swing, but it was a deep, fatal slash, swinging his Killing Edge up, an then back down so quickly it appeared like a single movement, forming an X across his opponent's massive form.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Like lightning through a stormy sky, a jolt of energy surged through Rionach as she jumped into action alongside her new comrades-in-arms. Together the group burst onto the scene with the cohesive confidence of a planned assault, taking the bandit squad by surprise. A smattering of Thunder covered their approach, adding literal shock value to the ambush as Keerin kept her foes from forming up to deal with the new threat. The pair of swordsmen converged on the fearsome bandit leader, their killing strokes caught on the bruiser's axe, but after that Rionach could spare no focus. She bolted the final few meters to send a reckless lunge attack at the trio of ruffians still antagonizing the lone woman. While her speartip met only air, the vagabonds ducked backward to avoid a thrust that would have pierced clean through their light hide gear.

Rionach assumed a defensive stance by the woman's side, trusting that she would not, out of some violent pride or insane reflex, lash out at her, too. With a second to spare, and the concept of formal introductions tellingly removed from anything that might occur to her just now, she thought nothing of answering the startled query that confronted her. “Rionach.” While these bandits still outnumbered their opposition, uncertainty clouded the malicious glimmer in their eyes. They could tell from a glance at the new arrivals' clothing and equipment that these people were out of their league. Their trepidation encouraged Rionach even more than her new acquaintance's assurance of a joint battle. “No sweat!” The spearwoman exclaimed in her cockiest tone. “We'll sweep away this rubbish in no time flat.”

Hopping up, she executed another thrust, this one midair. The goon on the receiving end, with a doubtful face that suggested an in-progress review of his fight-or-flight instinct, jumped back again to avoid a possible skewering. His companion, more hot-blooded, assumed and opening and lunged for Rionach. Before he could close the distance, a steely gleam flashed through the air, and blood spurted from a carved wound across his ribs. The swordswoman nodded in approval as she slid to a halt on the dust road, her swift strike having moved her behind the thug she attacked. Pain and distraction split the victim's focus, but Rionach would not have even needed them to slide her spearpoint into his exposed belly and, lest an enemy capitalize on her weapon's occupation, yank it out again. Bleeding and in great pain, the man collapsed, leaving two allies left. Now surrounded on two out of three sides, and taken aback by the swiftness with which his aggressive friend had been dispatched, the dodgy bandit broke and ran. Before his ally could turn to follow, the two other women struck her as one, with the plains girl slicing her hamstring and the highlander delivering a whack across the chest. The female bandit dropped with a gurgled oath, and with enemies left both Rionach and the swordswoman turned to join the rest.

Jarde, Merilia, and Keerin had already slain a few of the bandits, and two more fighters closing in from the other side cinched the slaughter. Upon arrival Rionach jabbed one axe-wielding goon in the back, and another barely turned around in time to intercept the green-haired girl's blade with his own. Maneuvering the locked blades to the side, the woman introduced her knee to the highwayman's groin, then cut him across the face as he fell. Meanwhile, Rionach used her spearbutt to trip the impaled bandit and send him sprawling and bloody to the ground, never to rise again.

The quick, decisive fight left only a couple mooks left alongside their leader. Even if Batta's brute strength and wild cunning bought him some time against the swordmasters that faced him, he would be surrounded in just a few seconds. Rionach grinned, despite the grim necessity of death. At least this rather brutal skirmish would be over soon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jerod Staudinger

Jerod had to give credit for the bandit refusing to simply keel over and die, even if he would have much preferred that the axe wielding brute had simply done so. The slow, heavy wide swing the sellsword didn't even bother interfering with, neither to parry or deflect, instead stepping backwards, just enough to avoid its swing, and proceeded to dance forwards again, moving deftly as the bandit attempted to crowd and remove the newcomer to their group from the situation completely. As he crossed the gap, he noted the swordsman had quickly ducked in close, countering a feint and opening up with an attack of his own, which left Jerod with two options really. Peel off, assuming the Bandit was dead, and assist in mop up, or make sure the problem was resolved. There was only one real answer to that, one that was worth pursuing at any rate.

Not bothering with a battlecry, yelling, or generally being loud and boisterous with his own addition to the assault, he thrusted upwards, aiming to pierce the bandit's flesh just below the ribcage and spear upwards. He always found that, when feasible, it was less work to avoid the ribs than it was to brute force between them. Sure, he could do the latter if the need arose, but he preferred to only expend his energy when necessary. That, and the upwards motion would mitigate any potential problem with over penetrating and hitting the other swordsman.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

A Girl From The Plains

~@Eisenhorn, @Sho Minazuki~

Sordan was too quick for Batta the Beast, his thrust was evaded and was taken advantage of. Batta had been slashed twice on his torso and to assure his demise, Jerod stuck his rapier into him from behind. "What? How... How did you--" He did not finish. He could not finish. Batta fell to the ground dead.

With the leader dead and their ranks mostly decimated, the remaining Brigands ran for their lives. The small battle was over.



You successfully dispatch the three Brigands coming by combining your skills with the green-haired girl. The other Brigands that came after you also met the wrath of your combined arms.

"Amazing lanceplay, Rionach." The girl complimented. "I've been shown how to wield a lance but I never really excelled at it."

The swordsmen Sordan and Jerod have slain the bandit leader and that was the nail to the coffin for the bandit group who ran away, ending the battle.


~@Eisenhorn, @Sho Minazuki~

The party was invited back to the green-haired girl's home, a ger as she called it, to get their bearings from the fight earlier. While Jarde was talking to the girl inside the ger, the rest of the party stayed just outside and waited.

This small moment of respite was used by Keerin to approach Sordan and Jerod. "Fantastic work again, gentlemen." She remarked at the two swordsmen, her voice as emotionless as ever. "Although, Sir Sordan here has not introduced himself properly to us nor we to him. Allow me to begin." Starting with a bow, she began. "I am Keerin and this is Lord Jerod of House Staudinger. We are in the service of Prince Jarde Devaron, the Crown Prince of Elibe. I remember you being in the forest after Dragonrage Pass so I'm assuming you know our objectives."

"However, I will tell you now that our journey may be a perilous one. We are trying to prevent a war after all." Keerin added.


The party was invited back to the green-haired girl's home, a ger as she called it, to get their bearings from the fight earlier. While Jarde was talking to the girl inside the ger, the rest of the party stayed just outside and waited.

Merilia plopped right next to you with a long sigh. "Hey, you did good out there." Lying on the grass with her hands behind her head, she continued. "...Look, I'm sorry I was kind of rude when we first introduced. Not many people want to associate with him and those who do usually has a hidden agenda." She explained. "It's that white splash on his hair that messed everything up. Lot of people in Elibe and other parts in the Concilium regard that as a bad omen or at worst, a curse."

"Still, Prince Jarde remains a trusting person." Merilia sighed again. "I hope you do not take advantage of his trust."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jerod Staudinger

Jerod smirked as he withdrew the rapier from the dead bandit's torso, cutting some of the dead man's clothing away to use as a rag, cleaning the blood off his blade before returning it to its sheath. The newcomer swordsman was a deft hand with his blade of choice, he had to acknowledge that much, but with the bandits routing, that pretty much solved this whole problem. The one that the one playing at being a hero caused in the first place by trying to take on an entire bandit group on her own. Shaking his head at the thought, he had nothing else to say for now, regrouping with the others in the meantime. It seemed they would be making a detour to this woman's home, lovely, perhaps she could explain herself there then.

Jerod had found himself a spot to sit that wasn't just a dirty patch while he went about cleaning his sword properly, when Keerin decided to approach both him and this Sordan fellow about the work they did on the bandit group. Raising an eyebrow, he waited for her to say her piece, sighing audibly when she went on about him being a Lord of House Staudinger. No, no, damn it, he would not have her just prancing about, dead panning about him being related to a noble house. "No, none of that Lord nonsense. I'm a sellsword, remember? Jerod, that is it. No Lord Jerod, no of House Staudinger. Just bloody Jerod, got it, dear?"

Besides the throw back to his earlier sarcastic remark towards her when she mouthed off about his rather infamous exploits prior to leaving his family for what he thought was for good, he kept his focus on his blade. Once he held it up to the sunlight and, satisfied with its state for now, pricked his finger on the blade, drawing blood with the weapon before resheathing it. His tone was rather hard to read, but given what he said, his opinion of the swordswoman was fairly low at the moment, any inherent skill aside. "Stopping a war while helping some damn fool playing at hero stop bandits, strictly on the side of course. Hope you lot are quicker on the draw for plans, though, I'm not getting paid to be a tactician yet."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I was certainly at Dragonrage Pass. And what I know was that neither side had any idea what was going on. Utter chaos. Both sides so quick to go at each others necks that they'd made the flimsiest reasons to justify it. It's no more likely the Ortusians any more than it was the Archanea." Danica said confidently. She's seen false flag operations before, and while she's certain there was some conspiracy going on, skipping the investigation to go right into the execution was just the sort of panicking knee-jerk reaction any political manipulator wanted. Danica turned to the common soldiers who seemed like they were merely following along with the loudest mouth among them. Perhaps if they could think for themselves they'll relize the mess they're about to get themselves into. "And honestly, do you all really want to start picking fights with foreign nations now? I understand the need to look strong, but this sort of mob mentality thing just makes you look weak. Clinging to someone who makes the most noise without thinking for yourselves, that makes it no better than sheep. And I know you're all better then that."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 15 days ago

In the wake of introductions, he felt he had a good feel for everyone here, they can be trusted, though he has given little reason for them to trust him, they let him help without much discussion... The naivete may be the end of them, though Jerod had a good head on his shoulders, and his own issues too, insisting on being called a sellsword while wearing such garish gear. By comparison Sordan himself was quite plain, even though he was a general, he really did look like some drifter. How much to tell them though...? His status as a general he would prefer to keep hidden, not because he was a general and it was a status to be of note, but because of the type of general he was. He was Tellius' Shadow General, the one the other generals only ever saw at meetings and no more. Suppose he can give them a half truth,

"Well then Jerod, Keerin, I am Sordan... Of Tellius, although you know that much already. Truth be told, I am a soldier of the Tellian army, my role is in reconnaissance, but it appears the army has long split, so I seek passage to Tellius and regroup with my comrades", his explanation was not wrong, but it omitted some other details, though his reasoning was fair.

"For now though in such unclear times, I think I'll learn much of the situation traveling with a small, diverse group... Not to mention it seems your Lord could benefit from more pragmatic minds. That naivete will kill him one day, not to mention... Maybe not make a habit of telling everyone his and your status while travelling. I would treat this as a time of war if I were you", he was sure Jerod would more than agree. Going by nothing more than a sellsword was not convincing if he was alone, but if he was in a garish group that all said they were sellswords, given they remove any crests or cover them up, then it'd be believable as a well-to-do band of mercenaries.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

A Girl From The Plains

~@Eisenhorn, @Sho Minazuki~

"No, none of that Lord nonsense. I'm a sellsword, remember? Jerod, that is it. No Lord Jerod, no of House Staudinger. Just bloody Jerod, got it, dear?"
Jerod Staudinger

"As you wish, Lord Jerod Staudinger." Keerin replied, still with a monotonous voice.

"Well then Jerod, Keerin, I am Sordan... Of Tellius, although you know that much already. Truth be told, I am a soldier of the Tellian army, my role is in reconnaissance, but it appears the army has long split, so I seek passage to Tellius and regroup with my comrades For now though in such unclear times, I think I'll learn much of the situation traveling with a small, diverse group... Not to mention it seems your Lord could benefit from more pragmatic minds. That naivete will kill him one day, not to mention... Maybe not make a habit of telling everyone his and your status while travelling. I would treat this as a time of war if I were you"

"Don't worry, Sir Sordan. We will only reveal Lord Jarde's identity only if necessary." Keerin assured. "However, I cannot guarantee that we will be going to Tellius in the near future. But I will bring up your situation to Prince Jarde and we will see what we can do about it." The Sage added.

Right after the small talk, Jarde emerged from the ger with the green-haired girl and a new face. The new person was a brown-haired male in the robes of a traveler. "Everyone. This is Lyn of the Lorca Tribe and she has agreed to help guide us through Sacae. While I know a thing or two about the region, it would be for the best to have someone who knows it like the palm of her hand." He introduced the green-haired girl. If one was looking, they could see Merilia squint her eyes.

"Pleased to meet you everyone." The girl named Lyn bowed. "I will also be traveling with you to hone my abilities."

"And this is Mark. He's a traveler who Lyn found unconscious one day." Jarde introduced the male next, appearing not to mind the suspicious origin. This time, it was Keerin who was leering.

"H-Hello, everybody." Mark meekly greeted.

"Now then, Lyn here said our next destination is Bulgar. Let's not tarry then!"


Footsteps Of Fate

The party reached Bulgar in a day of travel. Being a trade hub between the provinces of Etruria, Ilia and Bern, it was easily the biggest city in Sacaean region. Lyn recommended that the party buy supplies for the long road ahead which Jarde agreed to. Thus, everyone split up to gather the aforementioned supplies.

A moment after the split, Jerod and Sordan were approached by a rather confident, green-armored Cavalier. With a smile on his face, he greeted the two swordsmen. "Well hello there, my good gentlemen! I could not help but spy a cadre of beauties among your ranks earlier. Especially the one with the flowing green hair." He noted, likely referring to Lyn. "You two truly are blessed by Lady Luck to be traveling with such company, my friends!"

"Although, I also spied someone with a splash of white on his hair. Was that who I think it is?"

A Foreign Visitor

~@Zaphander, @Polaris North (LNA)~

Luna and Dancia's words made the speaker falter. The people, too, were placated as doubt and regret filled them. The Footmen relaxed their weapons as their eyes gazed upon the speaker for his retort of which he had none. While a more proper and prepared man could make a comeback, this one possessed neither and so only responded by fleeing like a dog with his tail between his legs.

Meanwhile, the accosted Ortusians were released who then made a mad bolt out of the scene and out of the town. "They will not have a favorable opinion of this land if they make it back to Ortus." The Myrmidon remarked as she sheathed her blade with the townspeople dispersed and the town guard returned to their posts.

"Well, let's hope they also include the part where they got saved by us." Shade replied. "You were pretty brave to butt in like that. Who are you?"

"I am Yuzu. A Myrmidon from Hoshido." The girl named Yuzu bowed as she introduced herself. "May I know who you are too? And also about why these 'Ortusians' are being persecuted? The loud one and you mentioned something about 'Dragonrage Pass' of which they are blamed on."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago


The enemy broke, and Rionach took little time in figuring out why. Even ghastlier in death than he had been in life, the fearsome bandit leader lay in the dirt, which drank the steady flow of blood from his slash and puncture wounds. Planting the butt of her spear into the ground, Rionach wiped her brow and allowed her ultra-stern battle face to melt into a smile. It grew only brighter when the young swordswoman offered her a compliment. Laughing, the highlander replied, “All in a days work! To be frank, your swordplay was just as impressive. That speed is something else—fast as a wind and far more deadly.” She recognized that her allies were grouping up, and trotted over to the spot where they gathered. In gratitude the unknown girl offered her saviors a respite at her home, and Rionach voiced her acquiescence with gusto. On a journey this long and fast, any rest sounded like a good time to her.

As luck would have it, though, a more comfortable reprieve lay still beyond her reach for the moment. Only Prince Jarde seemed to be admitted inside, so everyone else made do with the exterior. Disappointed, and wondering what business the green-haired girl had with Elibean royalty, Rionach sank down onto the dust with her back to the ger's outer wall. She allowed her eyes to slip closed, and considered pulling down her headband over them to block out the sun. After that, given the day's heat, a catnap wouldn't be hard at all. Before her plans got much underway, however, Rionach found herself accompanied by the crimson-clad blonde, Merilia. She revealed she had something on her mind, so the highlander listened with a piqued interest. After she finished, Rionach shrugged. “Well, thanks, Merilia. I mean, I could still have malintent. One fight doesn't mean we really got to know one another, or make someone trustworthy. That Sordan guy, for instance?” Her tone dropped so that the man in question would not hear, though she indicated his way with a tilt of her head. “I trust about as far as I can throw him. But I'm glad you've realized I've got nothing but the purest, most heroic intentions. You can count on me to do right by him.” She offered Merilia a sincere grin, thinking as she did that despite pretty much being this woman's polar opposite, it hadn't taken them long at all to see eye to eye.

A few moments later, the door to the ger opened wide to divulge Jarde, the girl, and someone new. A pang of confusion struck Rionach. Just when did this guy get here? Had he been inside the whole time? She threw a wondering glance the swordswoman's way. The stranger got straight to the point, however, and took the liberty of making the introduction the girl had neglected before declaring that the party would have their aid moving through the region. With the man in question identified the next moment as Mark, Jarde seemed to think everything set for an immediate departure for the next stop in his journey. With a wince and much reluctance, Rionach got to her feet. That wasn't much rest at all, she moaned inwardly, but on the outside a look of determination held firm.


A day of footsore travel later, the group strode through the gates of Bulgar. Though happy to be back in civilization, Rionach wanted nothing more than to find an inn, a passable patch of shade, or perhaps just a roof to pass out on. Lyn, however, advocated the procurement of additional supplies, with which Rionach could not reasonably disagree. With wobbly legs and tired eyes, the spearwoman plodded through the market district of the city, looking for food that would neither spoil quickly nor bankrupt her hard case. “Is this really the pace soldiers make?” she bemoaned to herself as she shuffled about. “I feel like I'm falling apart. Nobody should be able to move that fast for that long.” An alluring scent caught her eye, perking her up just a touch, and she sidled over to a stall selling miniature barrels of food. Salted pork, carrots, dried apples, honey-oat cakes, cheese and hard tack...this would do. Just to make sure, she spent a few moments looking over the selection to make sure she knew what to get, and how much.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago

General Luna

Luna let out a sigh when the man tucked tail and ran. The soldiers seemed to only move at his command so now that he left, they simply let the prisoners go. Luna cannot express just how relieved she was that it didn't end in bloodshed. She turned to the prisoners. "Do you need any help to-" She was cut off when the Ortusians fled the scene - hurrying over to out of the town and presumably back to their kingdom. She let out another sigh, but this was out of exasperation. No signs of gratitude or even signs of giving this town a chance.

She looked over to Shade, Emma and the new girl - Yuzu. So she's from Hoshido too huh? It didn't look like they knew each other so Luna let it slide. It's not exactly something she should worry about. Since they seem to be exchanging pleasantries, and Luna wasn't too keen in dealing with some of the townsfolk who were going to ask some questions, she immediately turned to them and gave a bow. "My name's Luna. You see, there was this meeting at Dragonrage Pass between the League of Arcadia and the Dwarves." She looked down for a moment before looking at her again. "Unfortunately, everything went downhill for some unknown reason. Now there's a war between the Dwarves and the League. I assume the man was blaming the Ortusians because they were one of the few who would benefit from such a war considering that they're the only ones not present."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jerod Staudinger

Jerod noted the continued attempts to get under his skin, more obvious now since she was continuing to use the full title he technically was entitled to despite remarks to the contrary. Reigning in his irritation over the insistence of using the full name, he remarked rather dryly before the newcomer fellow started prattling on. "Why, such a sense of humor! And here I was wondering why the Crown Prince kept you around. That razor sharp wit would be remiss in employ elsewhere."

Jerod listened to Sordan introduce himself and his goals. Get back to Tellius, regroup, and follow orders from there. Though, as he continued, he intended to stay with the group and provide further pragmatic minds, which was a welcome addition. Though, by the very nature of a pragmatic minded individual, he didn't trust this man any farther than he could feasibly throw him. Just because he talked sense didn't mean he had any reason to trust the Tellius swordsman, but he kept his quiet on that. Wouldn't be the first time he was expected to work alongside untrustworthy individuals, hell, as far as some people were concerned, a sellsword couldn't afford to trust anyone more than their coin was worth. Speaking of trust, the Crown Prince brought back out both the damn fool of a hero, who introduced herself as Lyn, and some stray that Lyn had stumbled across while he was unconscious.

"So, will he have the common decency to wait until we are asleep before slashing our throats, or will be he rude enough to try and slip a dagger in our backs while we are awake?" Keerin can leer all she wants, but Jerod clearly was going to call out the lunacy of bringing along someone who Lyn had found, unconscious, and had no knowledge of outside of being a traveler of some sort. Either way, the Crown Prince seemed to not mind at all, cementing Sordan's point, and declared their next destination before heading off. This was going to be one hell of a job, the sellsword thought darkly as he followed after them.

Jerod had been keeping a very close eye on the two newest of the group, Mark more than Sordan but a close eye was kept none the less. Which was made difficult when it was recommended they split up to buy the supplies needed, and he was left with Sordan. Well, at least one of them was still being observed, Jerod considered, and he was about to figure out where they would go for what they were responsible for when they were approached by a cavalier of sorts. Remarking after the beauties in their company, the damn fool Lyn in specific, and how they were blessed to have such company. Great, so now they had the attention of some womanizing, jumped up Cavalier lusting after the women in their group, and the two of them were stuck dealing with it.

Jerod had half a mind to just shrug and walk off, but the remark on the Crown Prince demanded some sort of response. "Not nearly as fortunate as you might think, they aren't worth the trouble in pursuing, yet the boss keeps them on the payroll. And your asking after the odd hair colored fellow, yeah? No, probably not, and he's given us an ear full over it already on the way here when I asked. Apparently resembles some noble prick's kid, poor sod. He gets enough grief over it as is, so I'd recommend letting it be, it has really been wearing his temper thin as of late."

Despite having not liked the man's tone in remarking on the women folk of the group, or his potentially recognizing the Crown Prince, he kept an off hand, almost distracted tone as he responded to the green wearing Cavalier. Hopefully he'd get the point and toss off, and they could go about gathering supplies for the road ahead. In fact, he actively dismissed the man by turning to Sordan and speaking to him directly, though not making enough detail apparent the intrusive Cavalier could involve himself further. That being said, he didn't expose his back to the man, turned enough to dismiss him, but not so much as he lost sight of him in his peripheral vision. "Right, we have our orders, same as the others. Shall we get going?"

@PaulHaynek@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Letting out a breath of relief Danica put her shield away as she looked over to the newcomer who had stepped in. From her equipment and dress Danica immediately pegged her as an Hoshidian, though there were other places she could've come from too if Danica was wrong. What a Hoshidian was doing here, Danica didn't know, but maybe she didn't need to know. "My name is Danica. Honestly, I only know as much as you do. I didn't even know these Ortusians could've had anything to do with what happened at the Pass. Hell, I was just on my way through when everything became chaotic." Letting out another sigh Danica craned her neck skyward. "Frankly we don't know enough to even start investigating, let alone accusing anyone. I guess that's what we're here for though, isn't it?" She asked while looking towards the others.

@PaulHaynek@Polaris North
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 15 days ago


Even in their company, Sordan generally kept his distance, it wasn't really a matter of trust but more one of habit. His senses were keen, and he was used to travelling alone, even as a commander of men of shadows... Or rather especially because he commanded men of shadows, was why he had this habit. In fact it was probably part and parcel why he was reluctant to approach this group and ended up simply tailing them for some time. Perceptive they were, moreso than even some commanders he's been required to kill, but that might be because those commanders were often placed there by their families. A sad tale that does not concern him.

Those Jerod seemed to have his doubts about Mark, he was sure that was simply jaded cynicism and paranoia. The eyes on Mark were sharp, a tactician's as he recognises, but the body language and the way he spoke, not to mention his aura. He was not a man capable of heinous deeds, even if this was an act, it was an incredibly good act that came off as completely natural. Still, he had no reason to be close to any of them anymore than what services he is willing to provide and information he can share.

Not long after reaching town they were greeted by a knight in green. Based on his armor, he was a rider, though not a very high ranking one, but enough to be armored properly and given a horse... Perhaps a man of a noble house? Regardless, as fine as the ladies he has noticed are, it is of little concern to him. Jerod seemed more intent on just leaving this little exchange entirely,

"Very well, I suppose the sooner we have supplies the better", he responded as this would allow the ones less travelled such as the poor girl Rionach to recoup her strength, furthermore he wanted a better look at this situation. Cavaliers of royal houses rarely travelled alone, and one so happy-go-lucky was either posted in this town, or had a more level-headed companion. Was it cause for alarm? Definitely not, but they couldn't afford to get anyone's attention.

"By the way, do you think it's in our budget to get travelling cloaks? Perhaps your Prince could do with some way to hide his hair, silver comes rare, even in Tellius".
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Footsteps Of Fate

~@Eisenhorn, @Sho Minazuki~

Having ignored the green-armored Cavalier, Jerod and Sordan continued their business until a panicked Mark arrived. "Sordan! Jerod!" He began. "It's Lyn and the others! They're under attack outside of town! You need to come quick!"

Following Mark, Sordan and Jerod arrived to a tense scene. Prince Jarde, Lyn and the others have their arms ready against a group of armored warriors. Judging from the armor designs, it was clear to those aware that these warriors were from Varjo or at least, originated from Varjo. "Varjans. What are they doing here?" Jarde could not help but ask.

"You need not lose your lives today. Just hand us the green-haired girl and we will leave well enough alone." One of the Varjans demanded. Unlike the others, this Varjan had unique armor on him that had the robes of a mage draped over his plates. With a staff in hand, it was safe to assume that this one was a Varjan Warlock or perhaps even a Master Warlock. The magics of Varjo differed from the rest of Arcadia. Instead of summoning the elements to aid in battle, Varjan magic usually catered to the monsters within man.

With the Varjan magician were five Varjan Warriors. However, unlike those encountered in Dragonrage Pass, these ones appeared more elite with armor with ornate designs and larger arms. They also appeared more disciplined and most likely even more adept in combat. Despite being outnumbered by Jarde's side a bit, it did not look like they were outmatched at all. They stood quietly beside the Warlock and merely stared menacingly at their opponents.

"Varjan Champions... These guys aren't messing around with taking Lyn. But let's wonder about that later." Jarde muttered under his breath. "I have a feeling they're not going to leave us alone even if we give Lyn. Does anyone have a plan of attack?"

"Do not make this difficult!" The Varjan Warlock demanded. "Give us the girl and live! Or resist us like fools and die!"

A Foreign Visitor

~@Polaris North, @Zaphander

"Unfortunately, everything went downhill for some unknown reason. Now there's a war between the Dwarves and the League. I assume the man was blaming the Ortusians because they were one of the few who would benefit from such a war considering that they're the only ones not present."

"I see. With that kind of premise, I do not blame people from accusing the Ortusians of conspiracy." Yuzu replied. "Who knows? The accusations might be correct in the end." The remark earned some worrying looks from Shade and Emma. "But even if that is true, it is impossible that a common Ortusian would be a part of the plan and thus, there is no reason to accost them."

"Yeah! That's why we're here to investigate and get to the bottom of this!" Emma responded with a cheerful reply. "Also, greetings fellow Hoshidan!"

"To you as well, kinsman!" Yuzu responded favorably. "Let me join you in your quest for the truth!"


Fates Intertwined

The girl group continued their journey to Archanea. Word of the incident in the pass continued to spread although there was still no word of the reaction from either belligerent yet. That only made the current peaceful air even more tense as everyone held their breath as to what would become of Arcadia.

However, all those worries would need to be put aside for now when the group encountered a scene before them. They came upon Anna's group including Jake, Ferrian and an unknown young girl of green hair. They had their backs to a lake of water by a group of Askrian soldiers. "Wait! Isn't that Anna and her group?" Emma pointed out. "Why are they being chased by Askrians? I don't get it."

"Looks like we have blanks to fill in here." Shade commented. "We can't just rush in there or else we might trigger something bad. We need to approach this carefully. Does anyone here have any suggestions?"
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