Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 5 days ago


Location: Cafe
Interacting with: @Nallore Olivia, @FantasyChic Finley Alestair, @McHaggis Robin Marshal, @Infamous Auror Declan O'Connor, & @Damo021 Miranda Burke

"It is good to see you again Robin. Thank you, Mir." Heather pulled Miranda's jacket over her own. Heather munched on her salad. "I appreciate the invite." She took a sip of her tea. "You know, yeah I'll go with you. I could use something to think about." She dropped her eyes down, glancing at her hands. "I don't know how much help I'll be. I haven't really been doing much lately." Heather took another couple bites of her salad, looking around at those there. "Wow you guys are all here. I haven't seen all of us together in a room not working in ages."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Harry Kingsfield

B&B->Abandoned House

And at long last, he had the peace to enjoy his breakfast in peace. It seemed like his answers where enough to satisfy both the cook and his client enough so that they were satisfied, at least for the time being. Still, he couldn't be sure if this wouldn't come back later and bite him in the ass. However, his primary concern was getting the grub into his stomach as soon as possible. He was starving.

Roughly ten to fifteen minutes later, and he was all finished, with all his used dishes neatly stacked up into one convenient pile for clean-up. It was a minor display of courtesy, but hopefully whoever had to collect them would appreciate their job being just a bit easier. Harry wiped his mouth clean of any stray crumbs and syrup as he stepped out of the Bed and Breakfast.

Now he was confronted with the choice of where he would go to investigate that day. The two primary options that sprang to mind was either the supposedly abandoned house, and that Helsey woman Mrs. Walker had told him about. He didn't really have any particular preference one way or the other. Neither were obviously directly tied to the case and were likely to be as likely to be dead ends, so he wasn't exactly sure. So after a few moments of thought, he decided to just settle it with a coin flip. Heads he goes to this shop, tails the abandoned house.

Harry dug around in his pockets for a coin, and to his surprise found a full silver dollar. When did he get ahold of that? Well no matter, it was a small bonus to his day. He set the coin down on his thumb and lobbed it into the air. He put a bit too much force into it, and almost launched it into a nearby gutter, but was fast enough to still catch it out of the air. When he covered the coin he found that it was indeed tails. Well, that settled that. Helsey could be met with after he did a bit of investigating of the house. Stretching his arms, the private investigator hopped into his car and took a drive towards that point of the pentagram.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Robin Marshall

Location: The Café
Interacting With: Miranda Burke, Olivia Johnson, Heather Ali, Declan O'Connor, Finley Alestair

"I might. Hey –– who knows what the future holds?" Robin said to Olivia as she suggested the idea of starting his own band, albeit noncommittally. It was nice to have someone supportive around. If only it had been during the days of Alligator Boardwalk.

He twisted in his seat to give a friendly nod in greeting to the other two as Olivia invited them. Miranda was right –– there would be safety in numbers in the unlikely occurence that anything bad happened, especially with Heather also agreeing to tag along. It was less of a Scooby Gang, more of a proper search party: more official, more prepared, though only barely.

"So where's this house? I heard about the murder and all, but I can't picture anywhere like that in Red Lake." Then again, for all his 'urban exploration' (read: trespassing) during his teenage years, Robin seldom strayed from the town centre: a city-boy born in the wrong place. He was struck by the thought that he didn't know his hometown as well as he ought to –– which, upon deeper reflection, was both disappointing and exactly what he was hoping for after all these years.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finley Alestair

Location: Cafe

Finley rolled her eyes at the Huckleberry Finn reference. It was not the first time, nor the last, that Declan called her that and it was always hard to be annoyed. She looked out the window as if she just noticed it was raining, despite the forecast for today calling for it. "Taylor is a smart one. She got it in one." Taylor also probably knew that Finley would be quick to forgive and forget, especially if it was from Declan.

"I don't necessarily want to go in the rain, but there is a lot riding on this. The longer we wait, the less likely it would be to find Riley alive. I'm prepared to go now, if you are." Running around solving mysteries in the rain was not ideal, but there were precious leads left. If they lost this one now, who knows what would happen to Riley, or anyone else for that matter. Two deaths so close together in a boring town?

Too much of a coincidence.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 days ago

Jenna Westbrook

Location: 052 Forrester Drive

Jenna raised an eyebrow at Lydia when she saw her cousin whispering to her cat. She understood talking to a pet - she talked with Tony all the time - but acting like it was a private conversation between her and the cat? That struck Jenna as being just a little bit odd. "He's named after a comic book character," Jenna explained. She enjoyed reading comics, though she of course had a preference for Star Wars movies. A thought came to her and she snorted a bit. Princess Leia would've sided with her in this entire fiasco with Finn and Declan. But to hell with them anyways - she didn't need them.

She raised an eyebrow as the cat started to stare at her, as if it was Professor McGonagall. Tony stared back at the cat, as if trying to determine whether or not Robert was attempting to threaten Jenna. However, as the cat jumped down and the transformed into a person, Jenna's eyes widened. The name Robert suddenly made a lot more sense. This certainly was one of the stranger things she had seen lately. She considered this new development with interest. Declan hadn't explained how werewolves worked, leaving her to conclude that Remus Lupin and all of his plights had to be true. There was the most evidence for it in the mythos from what she knew.

"What do you know about werewolves?" Jenna asked Robert bluntly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lydia Weaver

Location: Her house
Interacting With: Robert and Jenna

"Yeah, well whatever, you could have chosen a worse name for the dog I guess..." Lydia said with an eye roll in response to Jenna's comment about her dog's name. She had to suppress a laugh at the comment, and just looked at the little kitten in her arms. It was interesting, just looking at Robert as he stared at Jenna. She didn't say anything more after she whispered to him, and was glad when he decided that it was a good idea to trust Jenna, and hopped out of her arms.

Lydia gave him a smile as he shifted back into his human form. "Hey there again Robert," she said, before looking to her cousin to see her reaction. She was surprised to see that Jenna didn't seem a little freaked out by it or anything, just accepting it so easily. It had taken her a little while to completely come to terms with it, though she liked Robert, and he was a nice kid. What Jenna asked next completely surprised her, she had not expected that at all. "What do you mean werewolves?" she asked, looking at her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@BlueSky44 @Morose Robert looked over towards Jenna for a moment when she asked him what he knew about werewolves raising an eyebrow slightly. "Well they are our cousins at least when it comes to similarities." He answered. "They turn during the full moon, and like us they have a weakness to anything silver. They are weak to wolves bane, and the older they are the quickly they are able to transform at will. And they tend to be territorial as well as a bit more aggressive and easier to anger." Robert answered looking over towards Lydia. "I know a few werewolves in town along at the reservation as well, they didn't have anything to do with the murders." He said looking at the girl. "Why do you ask?"

@Dragoknighte The drive to the abandoned house wasn't that far a drive, and he made it there with no problem at all. There was some police tape still wrapped around the perimeter of the house, aside from that there wasn't anything of interest. The police had already gone and claimed the body, and whatever evidence that they could find. The rain seemed to be lighting up now, and it was just a simple sprinkle now and wasn't raining as hard anymore. The front door to the house itself was wide open as ell, there weren't any police officers in the area.

Olivia Johnson

Location: Red Lake Café
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Finley Alestair @McHaggis Robin Marshal @Infamous Auror Declan O'Connor @Kirah Heather Ali & @Damo021 Miranda Burke

"It's just outside of town, theres a side road just off the main entrance into town." Olivia answered as she stretched slightly and smiled she was glad that she was able to get some people to go with her. The last time she went everyone sort of just split up to do their own things. Which did upset her a little bit, but then again she also couldn't blame them a murder and a kidnapping were never good signs at all. She looked over at Heather and smiled at her brightly and nodded it was always that she saw her while at work, or one of them was on their day off while the other one was working.

"I know right, we always seem to see each other either on our day off or while working." Olivia said with a slight smile as she stood up and then looked over at Finley and Declan. "We are going to the abandoned place as well, shall we go?" Olivia asked turning her attention towards Robin. "You don't mind if I hitch a ride with you right?" Olivia asked as she then took out her wallet and decided to pay for everyone's meal, it was the least that she could do for them for coming with her.

Abraham Serafin

Location: Café
Interacting With: @rivaan Kosara Koleva

"Okay Harry Potter i'll leave ya to your witchcraft." Abraham said jokingly rolled his eyes as he walked into the kitchen, luckily he kept a huge bag of salt during the winter months. His driveway and sidewalk up to the house always did get really icy and being how old he was he then started to get a small cup and poured them over each of the windows, and then went towards the front door and the back as well putting a line of salt there as well.

When he was done Abe came back into the living room he'd let Kosara do the warding in the bedrooms. "So what were you planning on doing next?" Abe finally asked looking over at his niece as he went over and sat down at the table while she finished up making the hex bags for the two of them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Infamous Auror
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Infamous Auror

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: The Cafe
Interactions: Finley Alestair { @FantasyChic } ; Olivia Johnson { @Nallore } ; Miranda Burke { @Damo021 } ; Heather Ali { @Kirah }

Declan sighed heavily and nodded. "That she is. Almost as if she stole some of your powers, eh? Predicting the future, and such." He chuckled softly, trying to make light of the situation. "That or she just knows the two of us too well." Declan offered a soft half-smile, patting her leg gently as he pushed himself up out of his seat as he heard Olivia's offer for them to join. He turned to acknowledge Oli, but he wasn't done talking to Finn yet, so he turned back and gave her a solid stare. "We're gonna find her, Finn. Even if I gotta sniff her out, myself. Kay?"

In that moment, he'd have normally offered his hand to her to take, but with Miranda knowingly watching, it felt awkward. Instead, Declan stepped aside and held his arm out in front of him, motioning towards the table of friends. "I think we've been summoned, milady," he said with a slight smirk, full of charm. Declan turned to address Olivia, then, raising his eyebrow. "Now Oli, what could an old dog like me do for the search party? I got broken legs from too much lacrosse practice, and I smell of wet dog. You don't really need me, do ya?" Of course, Declan was only joking. He was absolutely up to the task, he just had to do what he was best at. Giving everybody and their mother a hard time.

Looking over at Miranda, he flashed her a soft smile. One that said "hello" in a manner he'd be too embarrassed to use in front of the crowd of friends. Then he happened to look over and see Heather, who was currently looking as much of a drowned rat as he was, sporting Miranda's jacket. He gave Heather a friendly smile and a wave, calling over to her. "Ey Heather. Enjoying the lovely weather on your day off, I take it?" he laughed lightly. It was too bad it was pouring cats and dogs outside on the girl's day off. Too bad she couldn't enjoy a nice clear day. Oh well. Mother Nature must be on her period, or something.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finley Alestair

Location: Cafe

Finley was confused as to why Declan was under any impression Riley and her were friends. Granted, she didn't want the girl dead, but she was hardly doing this for selfless reasons. Still, she did want to find Riley alive and well. Declan seemed to be on board.

Along with the others.

Finley glanced at Olivia, pissed the girl was listening to her conversation and even angrier that she volunteered the others with her to join them. "Why not? The more the merrier right? Investigations always have large teams trampling around a small area." Sarcasm aside, it would make sense to have more people involved.

She waved away her own thoughts. "Yes, fine. Are we leaving now? The sooner we start, the quicker we can pick up a trail." She fought the urge to text Jenna then and there. She was still angry at the girl.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kosara Koleva

Location: Abe's house

Kosara sighed as she was focusing on mixing ingredients, creating the hexbags, focusing on making their power take hold properly. It wasn't exactly easy thing to do especially without being the gifted sort of witch, but to begin with she wasn't even a proper witch really. Most witches had demon patrons aka demons to give them power to perform their curses and the like. Kosara was not bound to a demon, but that didn't mean she couldn't perform a few spells especially since she had given the subject a deep study a while back. It tied with demons quite well especially on the hex bags to hide from demons. It was the first thing she learned.

As she finished tying up and sealing the first bag, she cut the rough cord she used to make it so, then she did the other the same as Abe arrived, having finished salting the exists of the building." Well..." kosara said as she tied hte second bag and weighted them with her arms." I will make a few calls, Abe." She stated, walking over to give him one of the bags." Don't take it off..." Kosara stated." On that previous subject I will call in some old hunter friends... will try to get a hold of one of those demon killing knives... I will call every hunter handler I can think of... even the ones in Europe if I have to, but I will get one of those knives here... Will also try to dig out a way to see hellhounds... don't put much hopes on that though." She stated.

"I've studied witchcraft, any ancient demon lore I can figure out and even old bible editions I can find... I've gotten hold of information on stuff like trapping demons, exorcising them, what can cause them pain, different rituals tied to them, but nothing quite on what to use to kill them... I have the feeling demons might have been affecting history by killing people who know their bigger weaknesses or something. So we need one of those knives or any other demon killing weapon." Kosara explained with a shrug." Alternatively there might be some demon sealing containers we can probably import from the far east or something." She added with a shrug.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Miranda Burke

Location: café Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore, Finley Alestair@FantasyChic:

Now things seemed to be picking up in pace, what was what three people? And now turned into a small army to go to this one house, it seemed Dec and Fin were coming to, Oli might as well invite the whole town at this point but still the numbers in a small area meant searching it in safer numbers and… a hell of a lot quicker, she was doing this for Riley but it didn’t mean that in the back of her mind this was a bad idea, knowing about werewolves now meant there was more out there and a haunted house was now a more serious deal.

Miri was mostly listening to the conversation on her own table that she didn’t realize the Dec and fin had come over and Oli asked to get a ride in the mystery van, it no doubt had plenty of space, but it was probably full of his things he was gone for so long, was it brave or crazy that had him dive head first right in with the gang like he was never gone? Miri decided to chip in while Oli was paying for everyone’s meals, frankly Miri didn’t even think to order anything to eat or drink.

When Fin chirped in with her own thoughts, it was strange to say it but Miranda agreed with her co-worker, they were wasting time with chilling and jokes while thinking of going to this place. But the trail could be already gone, but there was always a small chance of finding something. “Finley is right, we need to get moving if we are to find anything.” She paused a moment looking at Finley as she let that sink in, well Miranda was known for just coming out with it and right now she was in agreement with Fin’s statement.

Looking back at the others. “I doubt robin has infinite space in his van, So I’ll be coming along in my car, I can take four peeps so the van isn’t so crowded but the sooner we go the better.” Miranda finished looking more serious now looking around at the others as she stood up from the table.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Harry Kingsfield

Abandoned House

Ah yes, he had heard that there had been another murder, with the body being disposed of at this location - ominous. It had just never really sunk in that that had happened until he saw the police tape. After all, his reasons for investigating this location had absolutely nothing to do with recent events. More that he was hoping that one of these locations would contain clues about whatever that... thing in the forest was, or even better what could be done about it. If he incidentally happened to find something related to the current crime committed there that the local force missed out on, well he'd be happy to help them out with that.

Harry looked up out of his car at the rain. It was getting a bit better, yes, but should he pull out his umbrella or not? He'd hate to catch something, but it didn't seem that bad. Eventually figuring that he'd be spending most of his time inside, getting a bit wet on the way there and back wouldn't really affect too much. Umbrella-less he'd go. And that would leave both hands free as well.

Stepping out of his vehicle, the private investigator made his way over to the interior of the house proper. The fact that the door was wide open didn't fill him with optimism. This house may have been abandoned and a crime scene, but that didn't change the fact that people generally shut the front door when entering and leaving. Either an officer or intern had been especially careless when cleaning up, or somebody else was here. Someone who wasn't supposed to be here.

Furthermore, the back of his head was doing a fantastic job of conjuring up all sorts of fantastical monsters that could be lurking inside, but he didn't let that deter him as he continued onward, ducking underneath the police tape. He knew that in all likelihood it would just be him alone inside of a creepy house, but the fact that there was nobody else around was far more of an issue now than it had been when he was driving here five minutes prior. Harry stopped for a moment and took a deep breath before striding into the abandoned house. Let's see what was kept inside.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Robin Marshall

Location: The Café
Interacting With: Miranda Burke, Olivia Johnson, Heather Ali, Declan O'Connor, Finley Alestair

"'Course not. It's miserable out there," Robin said. There was power in being that guy with the van, but with great power came great responsibility. He was contractually obliged to help out friends with home removals and heavy-lifting and, as it turned out, carpooling to dodgy houses on the outskirts of town. While Olivia paid the bill (to which he gave a hearty, 'Cheers, Johnson!'), he stood up, pushing in his chair politely because he wasn't raised in a barn, and patted down his jacket pockets to find his keys. It seemed everyone was ready to go. Once found, he spun his van keys around on his index finger to the satisfying clack of his plastic alligator keychain.

Just as he began to consider the daunting prospect of fitting everyone who volunteered to come in his van, Miranda offered up the use of her own car. "That would be for the best. Queenie's pretty big but I don't think she could handle that many people," he mused. Though difficult to believe, he did actually have valuables in there, of the breakable sort. Robin considered the risks for a moment, made the choice not to have near-strangers in his sanctuary – even with the others' endorsement – and decided, "I can take one more in the back if you want to split up half and half. Heather, care for a spin in the The Dancing Queen?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 5 days ago


Location: Cafe
Interacting with: @Nallore Olivia, @FantasyChic Finley Alestair, @McHaggis Robin Marshal, @Infamous Auror Declan O'Connor, & @Damo021 Miranda Burke

"Thanks for brunch Oli." Heather blew a kiss to Olivia. Then turned to Finley. "I've seen you around but I'm sorry I don't remember your name."

"I was just about to offer to drive." Heather smiled. "But I'll take a ride in Dancing Queen." Heather offered Miranda her jacket back. "Much appreciated. I'll grab an umbrella out of my trunk, and maybe a flashlight." Heather jogged out to her car, and out of the trunk rooted around for a flashlight and umbrella. She came up short only finding the flashlight. "Guess I'll just be wet today." She sighed to herself and then joined the rest of the group as they gathered at the Dancing queen, holding up her flashlight. A small black maglight that her dad had given her when she first started driving, it was part of her roadside safety kit.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 days ago

Jenna Westbrook

Location: 052 Forrester Drive

Jenna sighed, knowing that she owed her cousin an explanation. She debated whether or not to mention the fact that she could see ghosts, that the Mayor had been killed because of a demon deal, or that the Mayor was likely in some sort of cult. Then there was the fact that while it seemed to have been some sort of wolf that mauled the Mayor, and a werewolf didn't kill him from what Jenna could tell, there were werewolves in their town - as well as people who could see the future. It was like a really poorly paced episode of X-Files -- or a comic book arc that had been jammed into a single issue. So much had come to light all at once.

"I'm investigating the Mayor's murder - and I came across evidence that led me to conclude a werewolf may have been responsible," Jenna said bluntly. "I need to know whether or not they have control during their transformations - do they retain their human mind?" She didn't beat around the bush at all. From what Robert had already said and what she had observed, it appeared that the transformation allowed them to keep their mind - at least partially. She didn't feel that warranted any sort of apology to Declan, however. She had simply requested information. Nothing more.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lydia Weaver

Location: Her house
Interacting With: Robert and Jenna

Ok, with the fact that she had befriended a kid who could shape shift into a kitten, you'd think she wouldn't be surprised at the idea of werewolves actually existing, but she was. They were things of legend, not something you could actually imagine being real. Her mind was racing to keep up with everything that was being said, and werewolves was just added to the list of strange things that existed in this town. No matter what, weird things just kept happening around her.

"Werewolves? Things in this town just keep on getting weirder and weirder. First there was that whole whacked out incident at that abandoned house, and now werewolves might be responsible for the murders or something," she muttered, but she was interested to hear what Robert knew about things like that. Jenna was investigating the mayor's murder, which was a little strange since she wasn't exactly a police detective, but it didn't surprise her at all.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@BlueSky44 @Morose Robert looked over at both Jenna and Lydia for a moment he was surprised at how blunt Jenna was, but he simply shook his head. "The newly turned young werewolves during their first few full moons they don't have any control over their transformations. But the older you are the more you are able to control the changes that they go through every full moon, and if they have enough control will be able to change at will if they chose to. The only thing that could occur and made the scene where the mayor died was most likely a hellhound." Robert answered Jenna, he then turned his attention over towards Lydia and gave her a quick nod. "Theres a lot out there, demons, angels, werewolves, vampires and so on." He said. "However angels are very rare at least from what I hear." He answered her.

@Dragoknighte Once Harry stepped into the abandoned house, he could get the stench of mildew and rotten wood the house itself certainly seemed to have seen better days. The moment he stepped into the house the floor boards would give an eerily creepy cracking sound, if he looked up he would notice that a small part of the roof had rotted away and a few raindrops would land on his shoulder. There were very few pictures left in the house, but there was a picture in the corner of the foyer the picture was of the same man, that he had encountered in the woods previously. But the attire he wore in the picture appeared to look like it was from the colonial era. There was a small plaque that was written on it, the name was Siegfried Becker.

Olivia Johnson

Location: Red Lake Café
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Finley Alestair @McHaggis Robin Marshal @Infamous Auror Declan O'Connor @Kirah Heather Ali & @Damo021 Miranda Burke

Olivia looked towards Declan and couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly at his little joke and gave his shoulder a slight punch. "We just need them big ears and nose of yours to sniff things out." She said with a playful smile, looking over towards Finley seeing that little angered look she gave to her. Olivia of course knew that she didn't like to be conscripted into the little scooby gang that formed up. But they were all going to the same place, so it did make sense for them all to go as a group Olivia looked over her shoulder blushing slightly at Heather. "No problem, your paying for my next dinner though." She said with a light smile.

"Thanks Miranda." Olivia said towards Miri grateful that her friend was offering a ride to some of the others in case they needed and Robin was offering one more person to ride in his mobile home as it were. Olivia smiled Heather was joining them, and then she nodded towards Miranda and Finley they should head out there now. Olivia then started to make her way out of the building and headed over towards the Dancing Queen, taking the front seat waiting for Robin to unlock and let them in.

Abraham Serafin

Location: Café
Interacting With: @rivaan Kosara Koleva

Abraham accepted the hex bag that his niece had made for him, though he wasn't a fan of wearing it like jewelry he decided to put it into his jacket pocket. Abe leaned up against the table letting out a slight yawn as he then turned his attention back to her and gave her a slight nod. "Sounds like a plan, I don't think we will deal with hellhounds but you never know so i'll look into researching on how to search for them if it came down to it."

"Who are your friends that you are calling?" Abe knew a lot of hunters, even knew of the Garcia's however he had retired to take care of his growing family. "I'll see if we can get any hunters that are willing to help if needed as well or any other lore that they can scrounge up to." He offered as he then moved over and sat down on the couch taking out an old looking book, and started to dial up a few numbers that were there from his old hunting buddies when he was younger.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Infamous Auror
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Infamous Auror

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: The Cafe -> Home
Interactions: Finley Alestair { @FantasyChic } ; Olivia Johnson { @Nallore }

Declan looked around at the group as they were slowly making their way to the front, mentally growling at the numbers of people going. Mind you, he had no issue with helping find Riley. His hang-up was the small village going to go look, not to mention whoever else might be there with the same lead as Oli and Finn. Declan pulled his phone out then and text his cousin real quick. Even though she was working, he knew she'd get it eventually. Declan turned his attention back to the group, specifically to Heather for a response, but got nothing. Maybe he hadn't been loud enough. He shrugged it off and turned to Oli when she responded back, grinning practically from ear to ear. "Oh, what big eyes he has. And what big teeth, my dear!" he said in a teasing tone. Turning to Finn, he gently hooked his arm through hers and pulled her off to the side, whispering so only she could hear.

"I gotta take my shit home, and I'm gonna take a much.. faster way to the house." he half-smiled, thinking about the Twilight books of Taylor's that he'd read over the past summer and how Bella had ridden on Jacob's back to get away from Victoria. Declan touched Finn's arm and added, "I'm already wet as a dog, darlin'. I'll meet you there, kay?" Declan turned and looked over at Olivia, calling over to her, "I'll catch up. Gotta drop some stuff off at home, and maybe get a change of clothes, or something. Can't get into anyone's car like this." He gestured down to his soaked clothes at the word. He then turned away and grabbed his bags from the front of the restaurant and pushed his way out the doors, hoisting his bag over his shoulder as he set off towards home into the pouring rain.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Miranda Burke

Location: café Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis,Olivia Johnson@Nallore, Finley Alestair@FantasyChic:

“Anytime Oli” Miranda smiled at her bestie and so it seemed the who is going with who was sorted. Oli and Heather were to go with Robin while Dec and Finley were to ride in her car if they so choose to, it was kind of an interesting dynamic to have them two in her car, if anything Miranda could never remember a time of thinking or offering Finley a lift anywhere and with Dec in the car to, could make things awkward to, but she would be all of that aside to help find Riley.

Moments later Miri had her jacket handed back to her by Heather, she smiled at the young woman and gave her thanking nod for giving it back, especially considering her car keys where in the pocket of her jacket, putting it on quick she left out of the café along with Oli who went over to Robins dancing queen. She motioned for Finley to follow if she wanted a lift in her car as to her surprise, Dec had pretty much bolted on his own after saying something to Fin. Miri was in two minds to ask, but decided against it, she went over and unlocked it before quickly jumping in and getting herself ready to go by putting the seatbelt on and starting the engine up before waited on the others.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kosara Koleva

Location: Abe's house

"Best way to track down hellhounds is to track down people who made contracts that are about to run out." Kosara replied vaguely before she had a sudden inspiration strike her." Let's get some better backstory on the mayor and any of his ancestors and also any other cases of deaths among people of prominence in the area." She stated and looked at Abe." If there's one person who made a deal it's not unusual to be others or perhaps whole families. If we check for things such as deaths by accidents for the last while, something might crop up. Since demons are involved, we might get a better look at the situation if we figure out who were the contractees of history. Demons like their divisions of territory to a degree. Chances are good if many deals are made in an area they are all from the same demon. We figure the demon's name we get some leaverage... especially if we do locate a demon killing knife."

"I've not got many hunter friends here. Most of my friends are back in Europe... well those that still live anyhow." She replied with a shrug and took a well deserved rest on a chair nearby."I will call some of the handlers I've gotten to know across the years. At least someone should have one of those knives. I will throw the call out there and hopefully some will reply to it." The writer added and looked around." Better throw in some protection for our bedrooms..." She added and stood up, heading towards her own. She had some markers that could be used to draw smaller traps and the like. She was going to have to grab some proper spray paint later though.
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