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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis, :

What did she really expect when going into an old abandoned house suffering from the effect time and rain? Miranda noticed straight of, maybe the other did to but didn’t react in the same way as she did. The place, the air itself smelt and musty that she did let out a small initial caught but was fine after she covered her nose and mouth for a second adjusting before along with the other treaded carefully deeper into the house, she was being careful and cautious with her footstep while noticing the damage to the ceiling above them, she couldn’t imagine anyone being able to save this place.

The floorboards creaking as they walked was kind of creepy, Miranda wouldn’t lie about that, and although she may have looked calm, the house was giving her a bad vibe deep inside. She noticed the picture just like Heather did as her friend wen and picked it up, the name she mentioned didn’t ring any bells, but her family was here for a several generations, so maybe someone else in her family might know? “Do we really want to know what they might be re-enacting?” She said quietly in response to Heather, either way Miranda took her phone out and took a photo of the picture with the name on it when her friend placed it back down, it could be something useful after all.

Miranda took a moment to look into a room that they were right near, it appeared to be the living room considering the covered up furniture that seemed to still be here. It made her think that maybe someone was still using this place and that it’s possible the person that got murdered here disturbed them? Kind of making Miri wish she didn’t come in here now, but no point on dwelling on the decision now. Pointing the torch over to where she noticed the damaged floor board, it looked like where the P.I had injured himself just prior to their arrival. Carefully Miri made her way towards it, she knelt down near it, not to close so her weight would make her fall in or anything and had a good look. Miranda did notice one thing though, a box that was open next to it, it must have been under the floorboard which the P.I accidently broke… Great he might have actually found something, if only they got here sooner.

Again Miranda used her phone to take om photos of the broken floorboard and of the open wooden box, it’s contents were missing and it didn’t look like she would be able to tell just what was in there. Afterwards Miri stood up carefully not to make any additional holes in the floor, and turned her head to look at the other two, hair blonde hair swaying over her shoulder as she did so. “Looks like the P.I found something.” She pointed at the broken floor and the small wooden box near her. She sighed in frustration in just missing out on something. “We should keep looking further into the or maybe upstairs if they are still around, it’s possible he couldn’t look elsewhere because of his injury." Miri said as she took a further look around the room to see if there was anything else she might of missed before coming into the room.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kosara Koleva

Location: Library

Kosara sighed at hte discoveries she was getting. 2 identical weather phenomenons was too much. One was coincidence two was a pattern. What's more the dates coincided with the two major events which was Riley's disappearance and the mayor's murder. She silently cursed under her breath, writing down everything she's discovered so far and even doing a small sketch of what looked the storm like from the picture she got." Yeah... weather was affected twice... aside that the sky was relatively clear during that period but two weather phenomenons coincide with our dates." She stated and sighed once more." No doubt about it we are dealing with demonic manifestations here." She said quietly and looked at Abe." What about you, gramps? Find anything gewd?"

Saying that she looked over the monitor that Abe was using and grumbled silently, scribbling it down in her notebook too. Yeah it appeared the collector had come for the price." You stupid motherf..." She quietly cursed, but she stopped herself, remembering she was in a library of all places and took a deep breath." Okey so far so good, things appear quite well connected except what's Riley's place in all of this?" Kosara asked and threw a look at Abe. The mayor appeared to be guilty of dealing with the demonic, but what about the girl? She wasn't killed it wasn't a collected deal she was missing which meant they took her for whatever reason." Say Abe, you'v lived her for way longer than I, you've been here for so many years. Have you ever noticed anything strange about the Riley girl? Wierd happenings during earlier years, maybe health issues?" She asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jenna Westbrook

Location: Police Station

Jenna was beginning to regret that she hadn't brought Tony in with her to the evidence room. Very few people were able to resist an adorable dog, especially a basset hound. He was a perfectly packaged distraction and she had sadly told Tony to stay outside of the room. Instead, she had no good excuse to tell her birth mother's wife as to why she was in the evidence room - not one that would let her walk out with the copy of the letter she wanted to see. Sure, she could just say that she needed to double check a chain of custody record for some other case's pieces of evidence, but she'd just need to sneak back in there later.

"Just checking some chain of custody forms or something," Jenna mumbled, crossing her arms and looking at the ground. She knew that she had to act a part and luckily, that of the grumpy moody teen was rather easy and natural for her. "...I called him earlier today, Scott...Apparently my name was going to be Jenna Natasha Rydzynski...I guess I'm part Russian or something..." Jenna then glanced up at Jeanna, wondering how she'd react to that news. Of course, she figured Jeanna would've known all of that already. She wasn't going to mention that she was going to meet up with her birth father. It would've made it too easy for people to find her after she skipped town.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Robin Marshall

Location: Abandoned House
Interacting With: Miranda, Heather

"Could be someone who owned this house. Dunno," Robin said, the last to view the house's only clue thus far. He'd never heard of anyone around town with the name, or at least, it didn't ring any bells. Siegfried Becker. It was worth committing the name, and the face, to memory. Miranda taking a picture of the photograph was a good call, and had Robin brought a cellphone with him, he would have done the same. Instead, he surreptitiously picked it up after the others had moved on. There would be room in The Dancing Queen, as much as he hated clutter in his home.

"Upstairs it is." With only a cursory glance around the room at the covered furniture, which he didn't dare disturb for fear of an attack of the dust bunnies, or something similar, he climbed the stairs two at a time, wincing at the unfortunate sound of wood that was barely holding his weight.

He eyed the broken roof, all sharp edges and broken slate that let the rain and wind in to better destroy the house. "Do you think someone lives here? Or has been living here. A squatter or something." He "Because I doubt they'd risk sleeping under this kind of roof––it could come down any minute on them." Maybe the basement would be a better hideout. If he was a criminal, that would be where he chose as his murderous lair.

Then again, if it's in as bad shape as up here... "Let's check out these rooms," Robin concluded, investigating the rooms off the upper landing in hopes of some scrap that the PI missed. He tread carefully, testing the strength of the wood so as to not fall through the floor.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lydia Weaver

Location: Her house
Interacting With: Robert and Jenna

Lydia let out a sigh as Robert came back, sitting down. She walked over to him, not too sure about what to say about Jenna. Sure, she was her cousin, but she wasn't too sure what would be a good answer for his question. She had thought about it somewhat a lot, since in her opinion Jenna tended to be a little too grumpy too, but she never really voiced it out loud. The different things that could possibly be the cause of it weren't easy to sort through, so she figured she might as well try to come up with a good answer.

"Well, I don't really know Robert... She's always seemed that way to me, and I never really thought to ask. From what I know, she doesn't exactly want to be in Red Lake anymore, and she has been hell bent on finding out who her real parents are. If you didn't hear earlier, she just managed to get into contact with her real father, so that put her in a slightly better mood. This isn't the best explanation, but it is the best one I've got right now..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

@BlueSky44 @Morose Jeanna looked at Jenna and gave her a smile, she was glad that she was able to help out with finding out who her father was. "That's good to hear, if theres anything else I can do to help, let me know." She said, and then nodded she didn't think much of it when she said she was looking at custody forms. "Take whatever you need." She said, going back to her professional demeanor, before thinking of something. "Could you grab me that box over there?" She asked, pointing to one of the evidence shelves behind her Jenna would notice the letter she needed by Jeanna's hand as she went back to taking notes.

Robert looked at Lydia as she explained why her cousin acted so grumpy, and nodded slightly as he kicked his legs back and fourth on the nearby wall. "The town does get pretty boring." He admitted, though recent events did make things more interesting in Red Lake as of late as well.

@Dragoknighte The doctor nodded as he quickly put the information behind the counter and then handed Harry back the 20 he dropped and gestured towards one of the examination rooms. "Please sit, let me get the stuff necessary." He said as he started to get the cleaning supplies out, hydrogen peroxide, as well as a suture kit and some bandages. "Well, it looks like your gonna need some stitches. It's going to sting a bit." He said as he lifted up the bloodied pantleg, removing the makeshift bandage that Harry put there to make the bleeding stop, then poured the peroxide over the wound and cleaned up the blood, and it would hurt like a bitch as well as the wound bubbled a bit. Once he was satisfied he started to slowly stitch up the wound. "Sad to hear what happened to the girl, hope you do find information about her." He said as he finished up, then wrapped the stitches up in a bandage as well, and handed him some extra bandages as well as some cleaning stuff, and antibiotics. "Just change it every few hours, and clean it as much as possible." He told him as he got up and left the room to process the information Harry had given, then came back and handed it back to Harry. "And if it looks infected come straight here, who knows what was in there."

@McHaggis@Kirah@Damo021 As Robin made his way up the rickety looking flight of stairs, the wood creaked, and started to bend slightly with each step. But they could be able to hold everyone's weight with each step, a few rain drops would hit Robin on he head as he got to the top of second floor. There were three more rooms at the second floor, each door led into two bedrooms and what appeared to also be the master bedroom as well. All of the furniture looked to be just as old and rotted as well, the white bedsheets now looked to be brown and musty looking as well as very damp. They would also feel the floor rumble slightly, sounding like it was coming from the basement.

Olivia Johnson

Location: Abandoned house
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Finley Alestair

Olivia turned and started to follow Finley over towards the other end of the room, it would certainly feel like it was a horror scene out of Friday the 13th. "It looks really old." Olivia said softly towards Finley as she watched her pull what looked to be a lever disguised as a torch holder. Then the whole room started to feel like it was shaking, as the far end of the room, the wall started to open up revealing a dark looking passage, along with a slight gust of cold air throughout the room. "Who wants to go down the creepy looking tunnel first?" Olivia asked.

She started to make her way towards it, and pulled out her cellphone and used the screen to light the way, there was a flight of steps at the bottom of the stairs revealed what looked to be another room. Olivia turned to look at Finley and then down the dark creepy tunnel, as she started to make her way down towards he hidden room. The door looked like it was locked tightly, as Olivia moved over and then groaned slightly as she pulled the door handle off. Inside the room, Finley would recognize the room from her vision she had gotten several days ago at the center of the room was where Riley had been held, but the room was completely empty.

Abraham Serafin

Location: Red Lake Townhall/Library
Interacting With: @rivaan Kosara Koleva

"Yep it looks like we are dealing with demons, and not werewolves." Abe confirmed as he looked at his niece and then shrugged slightly towards her question. "I didn't really interact with them much, Riley seemed to always be that happy go lucky kind of girl." He said with a slight shake of his head. "Only idea I can think of, possible possession case with her, if they have taken her. Or she is possessed herself." Abraham said, figuring that they had enough information, he looked at his niece once more, wondering what else she needed here while they were at the library.

"What else do you think we need while we are here?" Abraham asked her, figuring that she wanted to search more around the library a bit longer. He wanted to make sure that they had enough information before going out of the library and search around for other clues around he town as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Inside of the creepy murder house
Interacting with: Robin @McHaggis and Miranda @Damo021

"Uh, not really," Heather said to Miranda when she asked about the reenactor. The outfit was too old to be a civil war reenactor and that was the most common that Heather could think of.

Heather picked up the wooden box that Miranda pointed out and ran her hands over it seeing if she could find a false bottom or something etched into it. "Hey, there is something scratched on this." Heather showed the box to Miranda and Robin. There were scratch marks and some latin carved into it. "We should look up what this means." She pulled out her phone and searched the words in a translate app. "Possible Vessels" Heather read the English translation. "I don't know what that could mean." She frowned and put the box back down on the ground where Miri had found it, and wiped her hand off on her pants nervously.

"I wouldn't want to squat here." Heather thought of her falling out with her dad and how it might mean he would cut her off from the money he had always been so happy to give her to make ends meet. She shivered. "There has got to be better places for people right? I'd rather be in a tent outside, at least then if the house collapses I'm not in it." She really needed a better job. Maybe she'd go teach at the high school or something.

Heather sighed and reluctantly followed Robin up the steps. She let him lead by several before she started up the stairs, not trusting it to hold all their weight in the same area. She glanced between the rooms. "Master bedroom is most likely to have something in it." She started walking into the room when the house rumbled. Heather quickly stepped out of the doorway her eyes darting around as if looking for a place to hide, and then the rumble stopped. "Oh, I thought it was an earthquake for a moment." She frowned. "It sounded like it came from the basement. Do you think the other's are okay?" Heather had no desire to go down to the basement to check, but she was worried about Olivia. The dust that had been kicked up caused her to sneeze, so she pulled up her shirt to cover her nose and mouth for a minute.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finley Alestair

Location: Abandoned House

Finley was not bothered so much by the fact they had to delve further into the serial killer house. She was mainly bothered that it all seemed familiar. So she started walking past Olivia and Declan. Stupid? Maybe. But she often did stupid things and she had to be brave at this time. If they had any hope of finding Riley, they had to push forward.

Once at the room, Finley immediately recognized it. "This...this is the room from my vision. Riley was here. There may be clues here the police didn't discover." Finley immediately began searching the room. If Riley was here, the people holding her may have left something behind. Or maybe she hoped another vision would be sparked by seeing the room and being in it.

Either way, what could it hurt? Other than being murdered.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Harry Kingsfield


Harry stuffed the cash back in his wallet as he mentally prepared himself for what he was about to go through. Hydrogen Peroxide burned quite badly when applied to even minor paper cuts, and this certainly was far beyond a minor paper cut. If there was any solace to be had, it was that compared to something like the hands, calves were very low resolution part of the body, meaning fewer and less sensitive nerve endings, meaning less pain than potentially could be had.

He took a hold of his seat and took a deep breath, but that still wasn't enough to properly ready himself for what lay in wait. The peroxide was way, way worse than any other wound he'd used for it beforehand, and he had to sharply exhale in response. Yet, it was all over a lot faster than he'd been expecting. In comparison to cleaning the wound, the actual stitching was rather tame. Yeah, it felt weird to feel string running through his flesh and each pass through had a sharp sting, but it wasn't unbearable.

"Will do," Harry confirmed as he left the clinic. Now patched up, the PI was left to his own devices once more. He briefly wondered if he should head over to the shop now, or return back to the Bed and Breakfast quickly to get a set of clothes that weren't dyed with blood. But the bodily fluid had long since seeped into his shoe, so that ship had sailed. And enough of his time had been wasted today to various things. No, he resolved that he'd head on over directly to Mrs. Halsey's shop. He could change into clean clothes later, when they weren't in danger of being immediately ruined anyways.

Harry did his best to quickly fix up his appearance as best he could, dirtied and wrinkled as they were (the lack of a tie only contributed further to not looking as professional as he would've liked) before stepping into his car and leaving the Clinic, making sure to drive gingerly. He didn't want to break any stitches immediately after having them installed. His insurance provider definitely wouldn't be happy with that.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis, :

‘Possible Vessels’ What could that possible mean, yet more mysteries, Although Miri was kind of getting a feeling this was something supernatural but beyond her own limited knowledge on the matter. Just like Heather, Miri frowned at the idea of what that could possibly mean, and if that was something connected to Riley then… well she didn’t want to think about and just hoped the others in the basement found something or even her.

The conversation of squatting had come up, she shuddered at the idea of people having to be forced to squat in a place like this, it was rotten, old and certainly in desperate need of major repairs, squatting here would make one very ill very fast, maybe the perfect place of a murderer or kidnapper, again that fought alone sent chills down her spine. “I rather rent you my room then have you homeless on the streets Heather.” Miri added after the pair had finished speaking. “No tents or mouldy houses, okay.” She smiled as she followed the pair carefully up the stairs, it made her a little nervous as the creaked and bent a little but the trio safely made it up.

When she got to the top of the stairs, Miri saw three rooms, all in a similar state as the others, Heather was right there might be more to find in a master bedroom but the three could clear the three rooms quicker if the split up for this and then get the hell out. “Okay I’ll take this one.” Miranda stated going to one of the other room making it to the door way, slowly opening the door to have a look, only to be stopped by sudden rumbling of the floor which if in all honesty scared the shit out of her.

Miranda instinctively remained with the door from like one would in an earthquake, although it was not as violent as she expects but enough to kick up some dust which made her cough a few times and wave her hand around in front of her face to clear the dust away from her face, whatever it was, it was from below, did the basement give in on the others down there? Fin, Oli and Dec could be trapped, but they needed to find evidence. Miranda looked at Heather and the Robin, as she looked at him, a bit frightened still braced in the doorway slightly. “My god, the others… What do we do?” Miri asked him, she wanted to help them, but would they be pissed they stopped looking for evidence?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jenna Westbrook

Location: Police Station

Jenna nodded, scanning the room quickly before she spotted the letter by Jeanna's hand. It took her a moment to come up with a plan. And fortunately, Jeanna's request suited her needs perfectly. "Sure thing," Jenna responded, going over and grabbing the box that Jeanna needed. She went and handed it to the FBI agent, pulling off a brilliant sleight-of-hand trick as she managed to grab the letter during the exchange without Jeanna noticing. "I'll be looking these over in the bullpen if you need me to make a copy for you or anything..." Jenna mumbled, grabbing some chain of custody forms that she knew no one would need. She slipped the letter in between them and exited the room flawlessly, mentally high fiving herself.

She went over to her desk, making eye contact with Lydia and Robert for a moment, before she returned her attention to the letter and opened it.

Jenna's eyes widened, but she quickly regained her composure and got up, heading back to the evidence room. She replaced the letter and the chain of custody forms, heading out the door to rejoin Lydia and Robert. "The Mayor kidnapped Riley Walker," she said quietly, so only they could hear. "And I think I know how to get in contact with who he dropped her off with...Let's get back to the house. Basement. We're going to summon a demon." She knew that Finley would have jumped at this, but fuck her. She didn't need her. She didn't even need Lydia's help.

She didn't need anyone.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kosara Koleva

Location: Library

" Of all things to happen..." Kosara mumbled, throwing a look at all the data they had gathered quite quickly at that too. It was demons well of all things it was demons. Then again what did demons want with all of this on a grand scale though. Something more than simple demons was at foot here, given the cryptic message. She didn't believe demons themselves left it, it wasn't in their usual MO. Someone else was also involved with this.

" It is possible one's possessing her, but if that's the case it's not exactly a good turn of events. Pulling one of those suckers out of the victim is akin to a grand undertaking of itself. We'd need some prep for it and we'd better be sure that's the case." She mumbled about the Riley case, but shook her head and looked at Abe again.

" My gut's telling me something else might be at work here too. Remember the message in blood? That's not typical demon thing. Let's try to go through the town's history for anything similar in the past. Not just deaths of famous people such as mayors and the like. Let's just check for serial killings or disappearances. Maybe even as far back as native american history about the area. Just let's try to see if anything involving mass of people has happened, especially involving the moon cycles." It wasn't the best of plans, but there was not much to be done else anyhow. THe tracking spell was out the window for now since the demon screwed the ingredients and frankly she didn't dare order more. Who knew what will start happening, so for now she was about to think real good on possible ways to track demons with some other kind of spell or something that she can rig with the things they had or could be gotten easily.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Robin Marshall

Location: Abandoned House
Interacting With: Miranda, Heather (and Olivia, Finley)

"Just buy a van. It's squatting with frills and the difficulty of finding parking spaces to go 'stealth' in," Robin suggested pragmatically. He shared Heather's opinion on squatting, albeit for slightly different reasons: not only would staying in a dangerous, dilapidated house be gross, it would also require staying in one place for a considerable time. He looked back at the sigh and nearly missed a step.

The rooms in upper level of the house seemed to be in disuse, at least judging by the horrible state of the bedroom furniture, so out went the squatter theory, anyway. The box from downstairs was cause for concern, however. 'Possible Vessels' –– it sounded very Lovecraft. Hopefully if it was some kind of cultist LARPing gig, there would be less xenophobia in it. Robin had sold all those books for a pittance long ago, but they were never his favourites.

His eyes widened as the very foundations of the house itself shook, and he caught Heather's eye as she stood in the doorway between the hall and what looked to be the master bedroom. For a moment, he expected it to be an earthquake, or perhaps too much weight on the upper levels had begun to buckle the floors, but it was unmistakably coming from the lower levels: the basement.

Robin blinked away the dust and wiped his face on his jacket to stop the irritation at his eyes. "Let's move," he said, but he was already on it, bounding down the rickety stairs two at a time. He made a sharp turn when he was halfway down them to face Miranda and Heather again. "They're probably fine, but it could be anything, like a cave-in, or a collapse, or––" He interrupted himself as he realised how deeply unhelpful listing off all the possible fatal accidents that sprung to mind would be. "They're probably fine, but just to be sure."

If there was anything left in the house to snoop through, it wasn't worth putting Johnson's safety at risk (and the others too, he supposed, but it was different when it was a friend). And, considering he was further removed from his teenage years than the others, the uncomfortable sensation of responsibility settled on his shoulders like a noose waiting to be tied. He made a bee-line for the basement, half-expecting to be followed, and called out for the basement-explorers as soon as he reached the entrance.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Summoning a Demon

"Yeah, the town kind of does," she said with a laugh to Robert. Though things had definitely gotten more interesting, and clearly more deadly, around Red Lake. She still wasn't even positive what was even happening. When Jenna returned, she looked over at her, and listened to what she had to say, her eyes growing wide. Summoning a demon? That sounded insane, but... If it was to help figure out what was happening in town, then she'd go with it. "Well, I don't really like the idea of messing with demons or anything like that... I'm in..." she finally said after a moment thinking about it.

"Let's get going, then. I don't know if demons stick to business hours only to show up," Jenna muttered, her dry sense of humor coming through, as she left the police station. Once they returned to Forrester Drive, she slipped the demon summoning book out of her bad and headed down into the basement. It was unfinished and dusty, filled with half broken appliances and pieces of furniture they hadn't gotten rid of yet. There was even a creepy memorial of sorts to Jason's actual twin - a stillborn girl that Jenna had replaced. Jenna lit a few candles, placing them on the ground before she sat cross legged and opened up the book, looking through it until she found a ritual for summoning.

"This will let us summon a demon by name - Siegfried is the one that's holding Riley, if she's still alive."

"Alright then," she said, following after Jenna, she still wasn't too sure about this, she wasn't even sure if Robert was following them. Messing around with demons was probably a bad idea, but there wasn't much else they could do. "So, I hope you know what you are doing Jenna, since something tells me this could go horribly wrong if we're not careful..." she said a little nervous still about this whole thing.

Robert decided to ultimately follow Lydia and Jenna back towards their house, and watched as Jenna started to get ready for the summoning. Which did make him feel very uncomfortable knowing now that everything was caused by a demon so far made him feel terrified, once Jenna had opened the book she would find the spell, as well as a few protective sigils in there. "You might want to use a Devil's Trap." Robert mentioned as he looked at the two girls.

Jenna didn't say anything, flipping to the page with the Devil's Trap sigil. She grabbed a can of spray paint and made one carefully, before turning back to the summoning spell. Jenna stared at Lydia for a moment, as if giving her a chance to back out, before she began the summoning spell. "Attenrobendum eos, ad consiendrum, ad ligandum eos, potiter et solvendum, et ad, congregontum eos, 'coram me....Siegfreid."

Lydia remained where she was, just watching Jenna. This whole thing was ridiculous to her, and she was seriously debating about running off, but she wasn't going to leave Jenna down in the basement alone if she actually did summon a demon. She watched as Jenna took Robert's advice, and she was slightly surprised that he had decided to come along at all, but she was kind of glad he did. His suggestion made sense, and Lydia just watched as Jenna began the summoning thing.

As Jenna went ahead with the summoning the room started to shake slightly, and a few seconds later a Siegfried appeared before them, eyeing the two girls and the boy. He did not look happy as he tried to take a step forward only to be stopped by the sigil that was on the floor and glared. "Well if it isn't two little girls and a toddler, what do you want?" He asked straightening up his suit. Robert looked at Jenna and Lydia he really did like this at all, and took a step back the moment that Siegfried appeared before them.

Jenna didn't bat an eye. She had grown up being able to see ghosts - summoning a demon wasn't really too far a stretch from there. And of course, her ex-best friend could see the future and her other ex-best friend was a werewolf. She had burned a lot of bridges in the past week. "I know you kidnapped Riley Walker," Jenna said plainly. "You blackmailed the Mayor into delivering her to you, but something went wrong as you had him killed. Or maybe you're just an asshole. Either way, I want to know where Riley Walker is and what you've done to her."

She looked over at Robert, giving him a small smile, deciding to let Jenna have free reign on what to do, since her cousin seemed to have a vague idea of what she was doing. The murder of the mayor and Riley's disappearance were major things that had happened all in a short amount of time, not to mention what had happened in the basement of that old house. Lydia remained quiet, just waiting to see what would happen, or what would be said, a demon was standing in front of them, and a week ago she wouldn't have thought any of this was possible, but now she knew better. This was the crazy world they lived in, and they had to deal with it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

@BlueSky44 @Morose Siegfried started to slowly pace around the circle as he occasionally would eye Jenna as she started to go off the facts that he had killed the mayor. [color=grey]"The mayor was stupid, and took the deal ten years ago. All I simply did was collect what was owed."[/color] He stated as he eyed Lydia and gave her a slight smirk. [color=grey]"She was actually close to seeing her, she's been moved somewhere else."[/color] He said turning his attention back towards Jenna. [color=grey]"She's still alive, she will be used for a greater purpose for my master."[/color] He said as he started to look around the room, and then back at the circle. [color=grey[]"This wont hold me forever, and you three will be next."[/color]

@Dragoknighte The drive wasn't that far from the clinic for Harry, the moment he got to the store he would see the shop was still open. When he entered the shop he would see Ms. Halsey in the back of the store stocking up a few shelves with various items. When she heard the door open she turned her attention towards the PI and gave him a slight smile and waved him on in. "Good afternoon, what can I do for you?" She asked as she made her way over towards the back counter and leaned forward.

@McHaggis@Kirah@Damo021 The floor was safely still intact as Robin went down the flight of stairs, there was no collapse on the first floor that led to the basement. They could hear what sounded like some massive door was moving downstairs though, when they eventually got into the basement they would be able to see the massive opening in the back of the room of the basement leading down a flight of stairs they would see Declan, Finley and Olivia just fine and safe as well.

Olivia Johnson

Location: Abandoned house
Interacting With: @FantasyChic Finley Alestair

Olivia turned her attention towards Finley that this was a room that Riley was held in, it looked like that there was some hope that she was still alive. Which she was willing to take as good news, her body wasn't here, but that still didn't meant that she was killed. Olivia slowly walked around the room as she started to look around it, inside of the room there was what looked like various torture equipment. But they all looked to be somewhat clean though a bit rusty. In the room there was no signs of blood either, as Olivia turned to Finley again. "So any visions?" Olivia asked as she looked around, Declan seemed to be guarding the entrance.

On the far side of the room Finley would be able to see a pink sock, and what looked to be a shoe as well hidden under a nearby bed. Olivia then turned her head as she could hear some footsteps and then eventually sighed to herself seeing that it was just Heather, Miranda and Robin. "We are fine, found a secret room it looks like." Olivia called out to them as she walked over towards Finley. "Find anything?"

Abraham Serafin

Location: Red Lake Townhall/Library
Interacting With: @rivaan Kosara Koleva

"Yep I remember the message." Abraham said as he turned back and started to go through some missing people's reports as Kosara did as well she would be able to find some information. There were about three missing people's reports, one in 1958, 1908, 1858, they were all dated around the same time as Riley Walker had disappeared as well. Abe rubbed his eyes and stretched again as he started to look through some history on the town as well, he wasn't coming up with anything really on the computer at the moment as he turned to look over his niece and leaned over to see what she was looking at.

"Did you find anything?" Abe asked as he leaned over and then started to think about getting stuff ready to get things for an exorcism, he hadn't performed one in a very, very long time. "I haven't performed an exorsicm in a very, very long time." Abe said towards niece as he took off his hat and scratched his balding head. "We would have to get somethings to for it." Abe said as he itched the back of his neck.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Inside of the creepy murder house
Interacting with: Robin @McHaggis, Miranda @Damo021, Finley @FantasyChic, and Olivia @Nallore

Heather reluctantly went back down the stairs after Robin treading the steps cautiously. She stopped at the top of the stairs to the basement, unable to bring herself to go down into the basement. She did hear Olivia say that they were okay and asking if they found anything. "We found a couple of things, a creepy picture and an empty wooden box with some Latin on it that translated to 'possible vessels'. We were just about to search the upstairs rooms. Think it is still worth it?" She really hoped Olivia would say no, especially now with some secret creepy room in the already creepy house.

A chill went down Heather's spine and she shivered. Heather resisted the urge to just walk out of the house right then and there. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders giving herself a sort of hug.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finley Alestair

Location: Abandoned House

Finley glanced around the room, feeling the dread that had been bottled up inside of it. This is where Riley was held. The blood didn't inspire confidence in her being alive, but surely they wouldn't have killed her. And if they did, why lug her around with you? As inept as the police were in this town, they wouldn't gloss over a dead body.

Finley noticed something pink and inspected it. "No, no visions," she told Olivia before she bet down to look. A shoe was hidden under the bed. Was it Riley's or someone else's? That didn't make her feel any better. But she picked them up anyway just as the others came around.

She wanted to hide her clue. After all, she only wanted to come here with Declan, but got dragged along with the others. But still, she didn't know what to make of the items she found. "Found a sock and a shoe. I didn't know her well, so is this something Riley would have worn or are we looking at another potential victim?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Kosara Koleva

Location: Library

Kosara sighed as she heard Abe ask if she found anything. She looked at the scraps of data she found, looked at her gramps then back at the old pc and finally sighed again before nodding." Yeah... not a first time this has happened. Seems to be going on every fifty years or so. Look there are other people who had went missing in the past on the dates of: 1958, 1908, 1858. I bet whatever's going on started way way back... could be the 58 one could be earlier, but by the passage of time the majority of clues would have wasted away. Who knows what they had found out when it first started." She stated and shook her head in grim fashion." We're going to need help, Abe. Demons are neckdeep in this..."

"Luckily exorcism proper doesn't require too obscure of tools and supplies." She said with a shrug." Blessed cross from a chruch or chapel, holy water and the proper know how to pull of the incantations for it. I know the incantations... It hurts like hell to have a demon pulled out of someone depending on what exactly we are pulling out, but it can be done. I've done it too... with the help and teachings of a witch weirdly enough, but I've done it."

"Alright since tracking spell is out the question, I'd say it's time to pull some more... direct touches on this. A seance to call someone from the past who might have the information or better yet we summon a demon to torture until it gives us some info. Both works... but first we better get a dagger... or any weapon that can kill supernatural ghostly beings. Alternatively we can literally try to seal one from the inside out with a devil trap bullet then we just burry the sucker alive in cement or something. It works too... or so I've heard from some hunters back east." She proposed in low voice to Abe, but finally frowned. She had an idea. Admittedly it was a dumb idea." We could in theory try to gleam info from the other side of it. The folks up in heaven might know what might be cooking... Actually Abe, go home and prepare the house for another tracking spell. I will see if I can get some more ingredients from Halsey. If the demon douche shows again we will have all the answers. And if he doesn't we will have the location." She said, grabbing her notepad and dashing towards the exit so she can get to the shop.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Harry Kingsfield

Halsey's shop

As Harry walked, he couldn't help but continue to have his mind drawn to the newly sewn up wound on his leg. It wasn't even about the pain, although there was a throbbing ache that surged with what felt like every beat of his heart. It was that every step (specifically at the part where his right leg was at the farthest point back, just before it pushed forward to begin the next step) felt like it was pulling the stitches taut, and it was a really off sensation.

"Harry Kingsfield, Private Investigations," he introduced himself once Ms. Halsey spoke up, the sound being enough to draw his attention away from the pulling sensation of his injured leg. "I've been hired by the Walkers to locate their missing daughter, and have reason to believe that the underlying causes for her disappearance are tied to the underlying history of Red Lake. I've been told that you're quite knowledgeable on that subject. If you'd be willing to donate your time, I'm sure it could be a great boon to my investigation."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Miranda Burke

Location:Abandoned House Interacting with: Heather Ali @Kirah, Robin Marshall@McHaggis, Finley @FantasyChic, and Olivia @Nallore:

The decision was made, Robin said it was best to check on the others and really he was right, the house was still standing, if the was a real earthquake they wouldn’t be having the conversation of what to do next. Beside the rumble came from the basement anyway and was where the other half of the gang was at, Oli, Dec and Finley were down there and it was best to check if they were okay, Robin took lead with Heather not far behind keeping the gaps good so not to put too much pressure the crappy floors.

Miranda though hesitated for a moment, yes she was worried mostly about Dec and Oli, not that she would wish any harm to Fin, but Miri stood looking at the master bedroom for a moment wondering if it was worth looking into, despite the slight delay, Miri shook her head and removes such silly thoughts, she needed to check the others were okay, she got what she needed from taking photos so maybe something else could’ve been found down there?

Carefully making her way out before catching up with the others, Miri noticed Heather reluctant to down the basement stairs, if she was honest though it was what she was going to do also, no need to have so many in one room, although the mention that everyone was fine and that there was a hidden creepy room brought some relief and reinforcement on not wanting to go into the basement herself and instead would have to do with yelling if needed.

She could make out what was said though, like an exchange of information between the two groups findings, although what Finley mentioned was something that peaked the blonde’s interests and after a moment of thought she reluctantly made her way down the stair of the basement and towards the entrance to the creepy room. ‘this feels like such a stupid idea’ Miri thought to herself.

Step by step she made her way down into the room the other trio had discovered and true to word, they were all fine. The fact that the room had torture equipment in it really made her have to steel her nerves to run her ass out of the place. But she looked what Finley was referring to taking a step closer to her examining the item without touching them, the look on her face was that of heartache as she was about confirm everybody’s fears no doubt “Those are Riley’s…. she was here.” Miri said looking around the room once more, how could someone put such a lovely, caring girl in a place like this?.
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