Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by soren
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"Kupo!" The little robed moogle said as he ran down the corridor towards a set of huge double doors. Behind him a dark bland and purple smoke followed him with malicious intent. Lightning crackled through it as it chased the moogle, shooting and charring on of the spots in the floor the moogle was about to step.

"Kuuuuupoooo!!!" He screamed and suddenly found an even greater speed than before. Making it through the doors just in time to cast a spell to shut them and seal the darkness inside. The placard next to the door read Untold Stories. Dr. Mog let out a smal sigh until a thud on the door made him jump. He know that the seal would hold for a long while but not forever. Right now all the Untold stories where be ravaged by whatever this creature was. It wasn't possible. How had it gotten in. No creature of darkness or light could come in uninvited, not even the gods could get in with out permission. Dr. Mog shook off his shock and ran again to another room, the Crystal Chamber.

This place is where he could keep an eye on the worlds he recorded and observed. They also held a hidden power to call upon beings of those worlds when needed. Right now there was a great need for sure. "I hate to do this but I have no choice kupo!" He pulled out his bag and dumped the contents, of which should not have been able to fit inside. Books now filled a corner of the room some from the Untold stories wing and some from the On going stories. He took out one from the Untold stories. The spine read FF7 for the category and Midgar for the place and Astrid Cromwell for the person he was about to summon. He took several other books and arranged them in a circle around the main crystal. He then began chanting and weaving the magic into the books to give life to the characters so that they could help fight the darkness here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A yawn escaped from the toothy mouth of a tall Miqo'te as she stretched her arms over her head. Rolling her shoulders, her fluffy midnight blue tail flicked as it curled itself behind the chair, her slitted crystal blue eyes curiously looking at the plate of food before her. Wearing her casual wear that her friend Tataru had kindly sewed just for her. Pointed feline eyes twitched as she took her right black gloved hand and gingerly gripped a round a perfectly round sweet. It was a light brown and had a light red fruity spiral going along the top of it.

"Tell me again what these are?" piped up a voice across the simple rounded wooden table. The voice coming from a young long haired blonde woman who donned a red dress with matching pointy-tipped shoes and baggy white pants. Her blue eyes looking skeptically at a similar cookie that her feline companion was holding.

"I believe it was called a Tea Snap, Lyse. A raspberry filled one to be exact." came the calmer voice of a fellow female Miqo'te that sat beside the blonde woman named Lyse. Her name was Y'shtola. A Miqo'te of the Seekers of the Sun with a light brown skin and brown facial markings, light pale eyes and white hair with two frontal pigtails tied with rings. She dresses in a white dalmatica with silver patterns, blue trousers and black ankle boots. She wears a visual device on her neck, that assisted her in aetheral activities. She has the tattoo of the Circle of Knowing on her neck.

"They are quite popular in Ul'Dah. I'm almost surprised Alisaie was able to procure such a treat!" A tiny girl that reached to maybe as tall as the average toddler sat on the other side of Lyse. Wearing a pink dress and waving a tiny arm happily to snatch another pastery. Using the other hand to brush back some lilac hair as her violet eyes shined gleefully.

Xuma, the dark haired feline of the group, glanced around the area. They were currently sitting at a table in the Rising Stones of Mor Dhona. It was colder than normal today, perhaps the winter winds were blowing in sooner than expected this fine day. Currently it was snowing outside and the people of Mor Dhona were having a grand ol time upstairs in The Seventh Heaven bar that held their secret operation. Most likely enjoying being out of the snowy weather and getting a good drink. The rest of the Scions within these hidden walls having a good chat. Everyone seemed to be at peace for the day.

A soft amused chuckle came to her right, causing Xuma to look in that direction. "Well I did promise some good treats. I don't go back on my word as I'm sure you are quite aware Tataru." a young girl of perhaps sixteen years of age spoke up, a amused smile played upon her flush red lips. The teen stood to around Xuma's chest... even though she was a Elezen but Xuma figured that perhaps they might get a growth spurt when they older. Still had quite the pointy furless ears though. The teen had white hair pulled into a long ponytail that had a red knot tied to it. Wearing a large delta-shaped earring on her right ear and creme colored clothing with purple markings on her collar.

Turning her head at a soft sigh to her left, Xuma saw almost the spitting image of Alisaie sitting to her left. However this pointed elf eared individual didn't have as flushly red lips and his ponytail held a blue knot and a green marking upon his collar. Donning a white-tunic with matching pants and boots, a blue coat with black hood and black gloves. He was the twin brother of Alisaie and a fairly long time companion and friend of Xuma for some time now. Though pretty much everyone here was.

"That is quite commendable dear sister but pray tell why it must be out of my pockets in order to have this?" The young teen male Elezen commented.

His twin gave a soft 'tut tut' at him as if scolding a child as she picked up another tea snap. "Now my dear brother it was a jointed little effort. You'd make a payment, I'd set it up, and Xuma would assist in fetching it. It all worked out quite smoothly if I do say. Xuma what do you think? A success I hope?" Alisaie questioned as she turned her light gaze upon the more quieter of the group but indeed many would say quite the important one.

Xuma looked between everyone as the group looked towards their friend and 'Hero' to gauge her opinion on the matter. Blinking her crystal eyes curiously, the dark haired woman gave a toothy grin and shrugged nonchalantly, her pointed fangs poking out from her upper lip. Soon enough though, Xuma took a bite of the 'tea snap' and gave a soft pleased hum at the sweet taste. Her left hand forming a thumbs up in approval and a eager nod.

This of course caused Alisaie to give a pleased knowing smile. "See? The Warrior Of Light seems quite satisfied with it." she hummed, causing the other girls at the table to laugh while Alphinaud just rolled his eyes a little. Though a smile still quirked his fair face.

"Yeah, with this snowy weather and everybody finally taking a little break from world ending. Good time to live a little." Lyse laughed as she nommed quite a few of the delicious snacks.

Xuma nodded in agreement as she shoved another tea snap in her mouth. It was nice just being around friends. Adventuring was fun and all and she adored it... but fighting giant gods spun up by scared desperate people, a nation trying to take over the world, and a group of robed basically immortal weirdos trying to plunge the world into darkness could be tiring. It felt nice sitting down during a stormy night in a warm cozy place full of hope and being around the warmth of her friends for at least a little while.

A little break from world saving couldn't hurt.

Well that's what she thought until she noticed her companions suddenly stop talking and just seem to be staring at her in shock. Blinking her crystal cat eyes curiously, Xuma looked around for answers before her eyes turned to her hands. Noticing that her body was glowing with a light blue light. A bit similar to Hydaelyn's crystal light. Xuma stood quickly as she looked over herself, wondering what exactly was going on.

"Stand ba-"

Xuma managed to hear before their words were cut off and the vision of her friends and the Scions base of the Rising Stones disappeared in a brilliant light. When the young woman regained her senses, she was no longer where she once was. Crystal eyes blinking as her eyes adjusted and looked around to examine her surroundings. She seemed to be in some sort of chamber. Was this a Ascian trick to trap her? Her gaze then focused on one figure in the room.... A robed moogle? This caused the Miqo'te to cross her arms over her chest and tilt her head in puzzlement.

Was she transported by a moogle? Mhm she didn't know of any moogle that would resent her that she recalled anyway. She's befriended several. Though she did have to beat up a few during Hraesvelgr tests. So her right hand raised and unsheathed her spear, pulling it from her back to hold it in her hands. Just in case.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tifa was tending the bar, it was late. The regulars were passed out drunk, like everynight. The ones who weren't passed out drunk got the usual offer help her drag the regulars to the covered bench they get five percent off their tab. Nobody took her up on the offer like always because they could barely walk much less carry or drag anyone. She kicked everyone out and dragged the regulars to the covered benches outside. Cloud came home pissed, he had to deliver to Vincent again. She had the beer ready the moment he opened the door. She approached him the other day of making their own kid since Marlene was back with her father and Denzel was off attending some private school, the nest was feeling empty and she could hear the clock ticking away. He was finally ready they went upstairs and just as Cloud was about to turn the lights off she noticed something weird in their bedroom. Cloud allowed his frustrations to overtake his senses and punched it. He disappeared right before her eyes. She ran to where he was and found no evidence of her beloved or the weird thing. She drank a beer to call her nerves. She called up everyone she could find. They dropped everything to help but some of them were over a day away the closest couldn't be there until late the next day.

Tifa closed the 7th Heaven bar down. She couldn't guarantee the patrons were safe. Her friends did everything they can, they called on friends they made nobody could find tell her what happened to Cloud. After a month they had a funeral for Cloud and everyone moved on and went back to their lives, except Tifa. It's been three months with no incidents but the bar remains closed, Tifa is seldom ever seen, when people do see her she is leaving for or coming back from some crackpot promising her the sun, moon, and stars only delivering disappointment. One day Yuffie came by, the locals told her she came back last night and hadn't left since, they did mention a strange bright light coming from the windows and the door. Inside there was no evidence she ever returned everything was still covered in weeks worth of dust.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sedjwick


Member Seen 3 days ago

Velu and his companions, a knight, a monk, and a black mage, stopped at the nearby village. It was getting late, and the four heroes were tired from fighting monsters that had been dogging them for the past three days. They went to the various shops in town to see if there were any weapons, armor, magic, or miscellaneous items that they had any need of (Velu purchased a new sword and the Heal spell), and then went into the inn to sleep for the night. Velu feel asleep the moment his head hit the pillow, but when he woke up, he was no longer in the inn, and the people surrounding him weren't the companions he had been traveling with for the past week. He blinked and looked around. "What's going on?" he asked, unsure who he should be addressing. "And where am I?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"You'll be my living legacy. My honor, my dreams. They're yours now," Zack had stated in his final breaths to Cloud in the .He had tried to return to Midgar, had made it so far but failed. In the end his only regret would be to never see Aerith again. He wondered what she was doing as his mind faded, probably taking care of her flowers. His mind flickered past his memories of his life with images of his friends once last time. Memories of Angeal, Aerith, Cloud, the annoying Wutai girl, Kunsel, his parents. The clouds above seem to open up and Zack could swear he saw his old mentor coming to greet him. Zack smiled reaching to his old mentor, wishing if only he could have those wings.

Hey, would you say I became a hero?

Zack gave a groan sitting up from where he had been laying."Man I thought being dead would at least be somewhat liberating," he mumbled rubbing his eyes as he opened them. upon seeing his sourroundings he was swiftly standing up.

"No it couldn't of all been a dream? Could it? I felt all of that and besides this place doesn't look like anywhere I've been before," Zack spoke to himself trying to decipher what was going on, how he was even alive, and where he was.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by soren
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"Kuuuupo!" Dr. Mog exclaimed as the books exploded with light and out if the forming from the letter and pages where the heroes they were about.

Astrid took aim and spoke into her comm. "Target locked. Yes Veld. Understood director." The comm when off and she pulled the trigger. The bullet left the chamber, through the materia infuser, and down the barrel. Once it left it began to spark green till it was about to hit it's target. The moment before it exploded into a Contain spell called freeze. Which did what was intended and froze the beast solid. The simulation ended and Astrid stood. "Good work Astrid. Please exit the chamber and breakdown the prototype." She squeezed the handle and the front grip. Both had a sensitive mechanism that triggered a transformation. The rifle then released into two hand cannons with a hiss. Astrid went to the door then a flash of light caught her and she was gone.

"Kupo kupo kupo!" Dr.Mog then realised that these people couldn't understand him. He then dug into his pocket and produced crystals. Each on a string he tossed them to the new comers. Once they all had them he began. "Welcome Heroes. So ummm I'm sorry for ripping you away from your lives but I need help desperately, kupo!" Something roared outside the door. "Umm please, kupo? Time is of the essence, kupo!" The thing that roared burst in the room. A behemoth. It's horns and eyes shifted as if not completely solid and instead made of smoke.

Astrid in shock but battle ready bolstered her hand cannons and ran at the beast. Just before hitting it she slid under it firing at the base of each foot. From each point sprouted tendrils of ice that encased the behemoths legs. Finally she reached its tail and grabbed it. It then flug her up on it back. "Now!" She yelled to no one and everyone in the room.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sedjwick


Member Seen 3 days ago

Velu caught the crystal that the moogle tossed to him. He examined it carefully, unsure what it was, but it seemed to have no other properties besides allowing him to understand what the moogle was saying, which was certainly welcome since it seemed that this moogle was the one responsible for Velu and the others showing up here. Unfortunately, the moogle was unable to explain what was going on before a door burst open and a giant smoke monster burst forth. "Okay, explanations can wait," the red mage decided. He ran at the beast at the same time that a woman with advanced weapons that Velu had never seen before did the same. She froze the monster's legs then used it's tail to mount its neck. Velu rushed forward, sword flashing. He leaped at the monster and slashed his sword at it's ugly face, slicing it from its left eye, across its nose, and to the right side of its mouth. He landed on his feet and jumped back in a defensive posture, watching what would happen next.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Xuma blinked as she caught the crystal, her crystal gaze looking at it curiously then to the moogle as it began to speak. It seemed the moogle pleaded them for assistance, causing the miqo'te to look around at the others who seemed to have been dragged her as well. Her head whipped around to look as the behemoth charged into the room. Taking out her spear to hold it in her hands. Hand pressing against her wrist for one of the collected crystals upon it. Her outfit changing to be fully plated her dark colored dragoon armor. Eyes narrowing, she focused flexed her body. Feeling the power within swell quickly before bursting out. Illuminating energy bursting from her body, the blue colors forming that of a slender snake like swirling dragon that danced around her. Unlocking the Blood of the Dragon, Xuma weilded her spear and launched herself into the air. Spinning her spear to point downward and spiked down to slam the tip her spear into the beast's head. Jumping backward as she stood in a fighting stance.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tifa swatted the crystal thrown at her like a fly. While the others fought the beast Tifa grabbed the Moogle and raised him to eye level. "You will tell me what you did with Cloud and where, what this place is. Or I'll feed you to that thing." She turned to face the beast. "The beast does look hungry."

Gray Edwards last memory was dying. When he woke up wherever this place was he was expecting purgatory at best. "What the fuck?" The first thing he saw was the beast being attacked. He had no weapons, he looked around for something to fight with. He saw a woman holding he didn't know what that thing was. That thing looked, he didn't know if emotions looked the same on that thing as it did the things he was used to but it looked terrified to him. Gray tackled the woman. They rolled around on the floor attacking each other. Tifa ended up on top. "Do" Punch to the face. "Not" Punch to the face. "Interrupt" Punch to the face. "Me." Punch to the face. "When" Punch to the face. "I" Punch to the face. "Am" Punch to the face. "Interrogating" Punch to the face. "My" Punch to the face. "Kidnapper." Punch to the face. Several more punches to the face. "Make" Punch to the face. "Yourself" Punch to the face. "Useful." Punch to the face. She got off Gray and grabbed the Moogle again. She cast Cure on Gray. "Attack the beast fool."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Zack caught what the moogle threw at him as well as the others who were in the room as well. Before the moogle could explain everything or answer any questions a Behemoth had burst forth into the room."Great, just another day being SOLDIER," Zack mumbled reaching for his weapon but couldn't feel the Buster Sword. A brief memory flashed of him passing it to Cloud.

"Hope you are having a better time with that sword then I am without it pal," Zack stated to himself dodging out of the way of an attack ",At least I have materia, hopefully there's a weapon shop somewhere here."

Zack cast fire towards the beast while avoiding its attacks. He could swear at least one voice amongst the group sounded familiar but would have to wait until the Behemoth was downed before seeing who it was that he might recognize.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by soren
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Dr. Mog shivered in the girls hands but then poofed out and up to a shelf. "I have done nothing of Cloud. Help defeat the monster and I'll tell you more, kupo!" Dr. Mog Didn't know why Tifa was being so aggressive. Yes she was a fighter but she was supposed to help those in trouble. He came to the conclusion he must have caught her during the period that Cloud was missing. As for the other person he was from a story that was unrelated to Tifa's yet they almost seemed to know each other.

Astrid held on as much as she could till she was flung from the behemoth's back and into a wall. She shook off the daze and then started firing at the rear of the beast. This time small stone patches began to sprout where her bullets pierced. "Keep going we almost have it!" She yelled as she dodged a tail swipe hen fired at the beast's left flank this time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“I’m going to hold you to that villain.” Tifa leapt at the monster punching it numerous times rapidly, concentrating on the nose and eyes.

Gray turned to weird teleporting animal. “Do you have any weapons I can use?”

Tifa followed her barrage of punches with a lightning attack.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Xuma lunged foreword to pierce her spear into the behemoth's neck, ears twitching a bit within her helm as she listened to the others speak. The brawler seemed a little aggressive about the whole situation. Roaring, the beast seemed to wave its horns and smacked the miqo'te with its tail. Grunting, the feline fell back before back flipped and landed on her feet, launching in another jump to spear the beast from above right into the head.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Zack dodged out of the way of one of the behemoth's large claws took a swipe at him, firing off another spell as he put a bit of distance between himself and the beast. Materia was never his strong suite while in SOLDIER, he had little options without a proper sword.

"Jeesh won't this thing just give up all ready," he mumbled to himself preparing to fire a blizzard spell at the monster. Why can't anything ever be simple? Zack pondered to himself as he barely dodged the Behemoth's tail. Guess Angeal was right, [i][i]I just attract trouble and when I'm not attracting it I sure go out of my way to find it it seems.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by soren
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The behemoth's eyes flash and stay in the air as the rest of its body dissolves into a dark purple mist. The eyes survey the heroes before it and then purple lightning flashes through the mist. After a booming voice fills the room. "Filthy heroesssss...the moogle may have called you here...but it will not change the course of my planssssss! The crystalssssss...of creation will be mine!" The mist then swirls around the room as two small figures enter the room. "We have the books master! Just as you kept the nit wits busy!" They then look around the room at the heroes still standing. "Oh maybe we should get out of here." The mist let's out a snarling sound and sweeps the two creatures up. Screeching it flies to a crytal and disappears into it.

The room is now quite save the moogle flapping down from its hiding place and standing beside the spirit warrior. "Warriors ok light I am sorry to interrupt your journeys and sorry for some that this is not the end you would have had but I need each of your help. That monster is corrupting each of your worlds. I know this is alot to swallow but the crystals I threw to you will translate all I say and let me share knowledge with you till I see fit." Each crystal began to glow and each character is filled with the knowledge about the creation crystals, the gods chaos and cosmos, personal questions they need answered, and about the library. "Your stories are real. All I do is maintain them and share them with other realities so that others will stand up to their own darkness. You have inspired so many but now you must fight to keep our reality. The darkness is corrupting everything it touches and now it has a creation crystal. If any of you wish to back down or return to your world's then say so now." Dr. Mog then looked up at the spirit warrior and then the others to see what they would say.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tifa was the free rat to show speak. “Cloud! Bring! Here! Now!” It was taking all her restraint not to punch the shit out of the Moogle. “If you want my help Moogle you will have to pay for it. Clearly you can raise the dead.” Referring to the fact that Zack is dead and literally pointing at Zack. “You will raise Aerith or you can forget about me helping you.” Tifa had no intention of letting that Moogle get away with anything nor letting it control her she knocked her crystal away when he threw it at her, if she knew where it landed she would crush it under her boot.

Gray was next. “I’ll help but I fight with guns and I clearly dont have one. So..........”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by soren
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@Burning Kitty

Dr. Mog looked at Tifa. "If You would have had the crystal on you would instant that I plucked you from your stories. I can not bring the dead back. I simply pulled Zack into the library as he died. Currently that story still ends with him dieing. You would also know that you will see Cloud again. Aerith...she is lost. Fate had other plans for her and she had to die." Tears streamed down the moogle's face but he wiped them away and turned to Grey. "I can provide any weapon you may need with a few limitations. I had to rush the spell that grabbed you all but I can do simple ones to conjur what you will need." Dr. Mog turned back to Tifa. If you don't wish to help because I can't bring your friend back I understand but you will be returning to a world that is changing because of that creature. It may change the story that has already been written so that Cloud never returns. Only you heroes to do this." He stared at her for a long moment waiting for her temper to flare again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"Well I can say mysterious voice in a cloud of smoke is a first for me. You think you've seen everything," Zack said patting down his pant legs before stretching. The Moogle had then gone off explaining everything at lightning speed. It didn't take long after it stopped speaking that another voice had rose up in anger, one that sounded familiar and gave Zack a chance to look at who it was.

Zack looked at the woman who had pointed at him. It took him a moment to figure out why her face was familiar. Of course that last time he saw her had been years before everything had gone crazy. She had been their mountain guide in Nibelhiem, Tifa Lockhart. He wasn't sure how to feel seeing her however. He was relieved to see she was alive, certain that Cloud would be thrilled by that, but the last time he had seen her she had been injured by a rampaging Sephiroth and had mentioned hating him. Zack couldn't really blame her on that.

The next portion confused him though. How did she know Aerith? Formulating the rest of what she had said however shocked Zack to the core.

"Aerith is dead?" Zack whispered, he stumbled slightly at the news. Had he been to late? Those years trapped in that damn mansion? What had happened? Was Cloud safe?

Zack was about to voice his request on trying to bring Aerith back but Tifa had beat him to it and the Moogle had given the definitive answer that it couldn't do what she wanted. Even answered Zack's other unanswered question on what would happen to him after everything was done.

In a disturbing sense, Zack was a walking corpse brought back for one final adventure before resting. He decided not to dwell on that thought for to long. No he decided to view it as one more chance to be a hero.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sedjwick


Member Seen 3 days ago

Velu relaxed as the monster dissolved, but it's final words kept him on edge. He watched as the mist that had been the monster, and two of its minions entered one of the crystals in the room, then turned back to the moogle as it began explaining more of what was going on. Suddenly, the crystal the moogle had given him began to glow, and a wave of knowledge filled his mind - enough to leave him reeling. "So, you're saying that something - perhaps an agent of this god Chaos - is trying to gain control of these crystals," Velu summarized, gesturing to the four crystals in the library which looked very much like the four crystals that existed in his own world. "And he and two of his minions just entered into one of them. I think we need to get going on this before we waste too much more time."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tifa was ready to beat the shit out of the Moogle or just burn it alive. “You said currently. You also said the ‘stories’ can change. So don’t try and bullshit me. You can save her, you can save him. You refuse to. If I am to help you, don’t ever refer to our lives as stories again and don’t threaten Cloud ever again. Or maybe I should go help your enemies they seem willing to alter the course of history and fate. ”
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