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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Headland, Alabama: E. Main Street, (E8)
Skills: Handguns

As the rain started to get worse and worse, Riley took into account for the wet road, which would make her footing a lot harder than it should be. She also took into account if she were to do a little bit of kickboxing practice on the walkers Riley might end up falling on the ground and a walker would be on top of her in seconds. Even if Ashton said to not use guns, it was the only thing she could think of using right now. Amelia had her bat, and Battle Nun had her fancy god smiting sword, so she went to her holster and quickly drew out her Heritage Revolver.

Riley pulled back the gun's hammer and aimed it at the closest walker, and pulled the trigger but when she did there was just a simple clicking sound. "Just fucking great.." Riley said as she started to try and unjam the gun, and yet nothing happened no matter what she did nothing budged. Riley heard the Battle Nun yell, and used the sword seeing her take down one of the walkers rather easily with her sword, just the way she spoke certainly showed that she was very religious. Which would be interesting to deal with Riley looked over towards Amelia hoping she would take out the last of the walker, Riley made sure she wasn't close to any of the walkers that were close by.

Erica Monroe

Location: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (D4)
Skills: N/A

As Erica looked over she noticed that Preslee was looking a little bit weak as she turned around to face the woman, a part of her did think that she may have been pushing her a little bit harder than expected. Erica wasn't paying any attention, until it was a little bit to late as a walker suddenly snuck up on her. Erica reacted as she tried to hold back the walker feeling the full weight of the dead man on her. "I need help!" Erica yelled out to Preslee as she watched the blonde quickly get up, and instantly felt the walker getting pushed off of her.

Only for Preslee to slip, with her grip slipping and heard the girl scream out as she was bit in the neck, Erica quickly dove forward, as Preslee used the last of her strength to knife the walker who would have taken a bite out of her. Erica was in shock as she watched the girl die in front of her. She slowly started to make her way over towards her and then knelt down, as Preslee choked on her own blood, she was grateful for her protecting her.

"I'm so sorry.." Erica said quietly as Preslee took her last few breaths, the least she could do was prevent Preslee from turning. Erica then took out her knife and thrusted it into the back of Preslee's skull, leaning back as she wiped away a few tears. She was the only company she had in the last few days. She closed Preslee's eyes and then turned towards her pack, she then turned towards the body as well she could use the supplies as Erica started to search through her belongings. Then looked towards the swamp, she needed to go seeing the group of walkers still stuck. Erica decided that it wasn't worth taking her things and started to move forward again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Year 5: Update

Date: April 1st, 2012

Thana Martin

Location: Quincy : House (E9): Inside House (D4)
Skills: Survival, Red Neck Engineering

That was a sound Thana knew to well. She didn't need to hear the words, the panic in the voice was something that anyone who had made it this far knew. That was the sound of someone freaking out after they got bit. Supplies had been low and while Thana didn't have medical training, she did know two things. One, they had to cut off the limb in hopes that Thalia wouldn't turn. Two, they didn't have really anything that could cut the limb off. Then there was something else that popped into her mind. There was a construction site outside and this place had a garage. Thana sprung into action.

"Alex, take point to cover them if anymore biters show. Bea, help get Thalia on that table. I'll be right back." The Navy girl said this as she ran past Beatrice and burst through the door to the garage. She had already been searching the kitchen, she knew that what was in there could maybe, maybe, help but there was another idea going through her head and she was going to take a moment to see if the odds were in their favor. Not likely but just in case. Manny had already ran to Thalia so hopefully he was doing his thing. "Clear!"

It was one less place to have to worry about walkers coming from, which was good in her mind. Last thing she wanted was Alex to have to do much considering his leg. Looking around Thana spotted several things of interesting and got to work. "Get her ready for the cut! I'll be right there!" Her voice echoed from the garage and there was the sound of things getting knocked over and moved. Then there was the sound of a hood? popping open. "Don't be dry, don't be dry...." she muttered to herself.

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Okefenokee: E14 (Road)
Skills:Athletics, Machete?

"Aww, they think we're mean. Sad tear emoji," Wayne said as he drew a line from his eye and down his cheek. Leaning down he threw his scarf back on and picked up his machete after shoving his pistols down the back loops of his pants. The drugs had kicked in, what drugs he had no idea. It wasn't like he checked his bag of skittles before he downed them. Walkers dead, sunny skies, oh yeah. He was feeling bright and shiny right then. "Hank, give me five minutes man. Babysit the kids would ya." It wasn't a request but it wasn't like he really thought Hank was going to play Let's Crucify Black Jesus with Pontius Pilate over there but Hank, after all these years knew what Wayne was about to do. He needed P R I V A T E time. Tramping into the woods, Wayne went to put himself out of sight.

"Listen, do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to concentrate when you're bouncing off the fucking clouds?" It was a yell and a loud yell as the leaves and underbrush cracked beneath his feet. "I don't care if it is like kissing god! You're fucking with my high!" Wayne swatted this way and that as he ran through the woods chasing something. The sun hit hard when he broke the tree line and there was a walker headed right for him. He grinned, broadly. "Hey there sexy, come give daddy a kiss." Gripping his machete he stepped to the road and grabbed the thing with his free hand on the shoulder. Seemed the thing was barely holding it together and the shift in weight made it's knee cap give way and it sunk, it's head impaling straight onto the blade of the well worn tool of mass murder.

"Huh." Letting go he pulled his machete out of its brain cavity and shook it off. "Well once you've seen an imaginary unicorn snort coke, anything becomes possible." There was a shrug and he turned back towards the truck and pointed to the walker on the ground. "That kill counts!"
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location:Headland, Alabama , E Main st.(E8)
Skills: N/A

Everything was happening very fast. In one moment they had jumped out the next the fighting began and it ended. Amelia for some reason found herself barely able to react by the time it was over with the walkers in the immediate vicinity. The rain was growing in strength ever so heavy and the noise of it was deafening the surroundings and lessening visibility to a great degree. This was the perfect moment to avoid walkers as in most cases they would have troubles keeping up and spotting or hearing you. Then again the reverse was also true... you could more or less run into something you didn't hear or spot. Hopefully this would work in their favor this time around. She really didn't want to run into something unexpected... Though she didn't expect to run into Tati and her child too... If they ran into that unexpected thing she'd be actually quite happy!

She noticed that Riley's revolver jammed which was not nice, but it was over for now. Water was going down her face and shoulders, soaking her, but it wasn't important, they were free for the moment!” Riley, time to get back!” She said and gestured to her love to start get back into the horde buster, since she wasn't sure if Riley could her her through the rain. She also held her bad in readied manner in case something shows up, but luckily it was pretty clear around as far as she could see. It seems for the moment it was fine. She also started waving for the Nun to get inside. Granted in Amelia's mind there was also the pressing manner of the chance that the nun was a spy/evil/cultist/psycho/serial killer that she had to whack in the head at the slightest signs of danger, so she was god damn keeping an eye on her for the moment as she proceeded to also start getting back into the vehicle. At least inside they should be able to talk and hear each other with far less difficulty!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Newnan

Location: Headland: E. Main Street, D9 -> D8 (inside Hordebuster)
Skills: Survival

Jack was peering out of the Hordebuster, figuring that even if he shouted out, Riley and Amelia (and their new nun friend?) wouldn't be able to hear him. The high wind and rain weren't helping at all for visibility, but he was focused on the job that Ash had assigned him to. Unless he heard or saw them get into serious trouble, he was going to stay put, ready to keep the door open and pull them into the 'Buster. The thunder and lightning caused his stomach to clench slightly.

Please be inside and safe, Solovey... he thought, as if it was a prayer that Tatiana would be able to hear. He took in a breath and let it out slowly, still keeping as firm a grip as he could on the door of the 'Buster. Hopefully the girls would head back inside soon. And maybe with a nun around, Amelia and Riley would at least learn how to keep things a bit quieter back there. That'd be nice. He never really cared for organized religion, but hey, maybe that would be one thing that'd it be good for. He was really tired of hearing them late at night anyways. And he imagined Ash wouldn't exactly miss that either.

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quincy: Inside House (C5 ---> D13)
Skills: Bow, Scavenging, Stamina

Beatrice heard Thalia's cry and it was like her ears almost pointed slightly in response. It had been a while since Alex's close call and now, he was going to have a friend as a (hopeful) amputation survivor. Her heart sped up yet she kept her hands steady and cool, as she ran from the hallway, depositing her bow against the counter, and kept on running until she met up with Thalia and Manny. "Table, now," she said, emphasizing Thana's previous instructions. She knew that Manny had medical training and experience, but common sense told her to 1) listen to Navy and 2) a table would help with the gruesome process.

"Come on, Princess, there's a can of SpaghettiO's in it for you if you survive this - and maybe it'll even still have some of that pasta inside of it," Beatrice told Thalia. If Thalia was able to walk, then she'd just guide her over to the table and help 'push' her up onto it. If not, then she'd take Thalia's upper body and let Manny grab the legs. Given that the wound was just a bite on the arm, she figured Thalia would be able to walk and would just need some minor assistance moving.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Quincy : Inside house (G6) --> (D7)
Skills: N/A

"Wouldn't that be nice?" Alexander started to answer back to Manny, shifting his seating of private parts in the dusty couch as their conversation continued on. "Our own school-bus of The End Times and home-made ammo. Picking up strangers and teaching them to make bullets for us adults. I've heard of crazier ideas, and followed half of them." It was a good thing, a life-saving thing to think of the possible future, and that's what Alexander tried to do. That machine-gunner from L.A. in his platoon? Jeremy was his name, though L.A. was much faster to shout. That overdose he died of, was just because of that; Nothing bright to look forward to. Not without the girlfriend who broke up by letter. Alexander didn't want that.

That was about when Mugsy heard Thalia shouting back at them, and not in a good way. The first part was confident enough, but the second part following just after was what Alexander knew what meant; she was bit! Damnit! He didn't see what she had done, but that mattered little now. Thank God that they had Manny nearby and that he was quick on his feet. Thana ordered Alex to take point of Thalia and Manny, to which he was more than happy to oblige. She was acknowledging his existance and usefulness, which seemed to be rare those days. "Yes ma'am!"

Alexander pushed himself up of the couch with the help of his good o'l stick and leaned against the couch as long as he could while moving towards the kitchen. As long as he could have something beside his cane, he felt more useful than not. But it was the gap between the couch and the counter that he feared for a moment. He had limped before in his life, oh yes, but back then he was young and vigerous, and now? He was getting to old for this shit. But he managed, somehow, to limp the distance between the couch and the counter, looking at Thalia, Manny and Beatrice. He wasn't about to sit idly and do nothing.

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Okefenokee: E14
Skills: N/A

The name-calling was just continuing from the two others. Great, that was really not giving Nigel a better impression of them than before. But Hank did at least manage to not get himself killed in a situation they could have avoided - if Lady Fortuna herself would have allowed it -, so on that point Nigel "Hadrian" had to give it to the shovel-wielding man; he wasn't a total dung-digger. "I'm just saying...oh nevermind." Nigel "Hadrian" replied to Hank after he went to get his guns. It would have been bad if said guns were to be aimed at him and Robert, which was a possibility.

Then again it seemed less likely once Wayne just...well, went somewhere on his own...doing whatever he was doing. "Hadrian" turned from looking at Wayne with a look of "What in the name of Jupiter was that man doing, and how was he alive?", to look at Robert now that the 'small skirmish' was done with. "You're probably right, we should go. But you want to take those two with us...you?" He asked quietly, putting his shield back strapped on his back and taking in their surrounding sight. This was not what he had expected when he left that building a few moments earlier. "Are you okay, Robert?" Nigel didn't know this man, but there was still enough humanity left in him that he wanted to know that. The two others, Wayne and Hank? He wasn't sure. "What? Yeah, sure...I take it you two aren't sticking around here?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Headland: E. Main Street, E8 (inside Hordebuster)
Skills: Leadership

The rain seemed merciless. It battered down with such ferocity that Ash could have sworn that there was a hurricane inbound. Or right on top of them. Aside from the torrential downpour, there was no other indication of something quite so damaging as that. Hell, the rain might even have been a blessing. Its presence threw the Dead off just as much as the living, and more practical necessities geared Ash's thoughts toward potable water, so long as it held up. It might be helpful if they had a system for that on standby.

Now that was an idea worth merit. Ash was, once upon a time, an Engineer with the U.S. Army. When he wasn't establishing an inroad for troop movement, his work had decent overlap with civil projects, including providing means of gathering water based upon the location and environment. Under ordinary circumstances, it wouldn't take much to craft a rainwater collection system that was easy to use and maintain. He had done exactly that more than a few times, though on a much larger scale. But facing facts, there hadn't been ordinary circumstances for the last five years. Simple things like installing gutters now required an act of conscious forethought and tiny bits of prayer that they could find or improvise the materials necessary. It was aggravating sometimes.

Speaking of aggravating, the rain was beginning to piss Ash off. Even if this was an ambush setup, which he was having serious doubts about, this weather was making it nearly impossible to cover his people due to limited hearing and visibility. If anyone else were hiding behind the bushes or up a tree someplace, they were bound to be miserable. It was a hell of an anomaly coming across a Nun in the middle of nowhere, and it could very well be just as it appeared. It reminded him of a day when Viking women rode up to the gates of Newnan, insulted him continuously, and still got in. They became valuable members of the community despite how it began, and just then, Ash missed them terribly.

Well, he had experienced all he wanted to from this event. Ash pulled his rifle and himself back into the cab of the Hordebuster and wiped down the barrel as best he could on the quick. He leaned his head back out for a moment to bellow over the pounding rain, "Get in the goddamned truck!" and sliding the grate back into place, rolling up his window, and getting ready to receive uncertain guests.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quincy: D13
Skills: Survival

Manny was saying something; Thalia was sure of it. It was probably something vaguely doctorish, but she didn't want to hear it. It was all going to point in one direction anyway - her hand and part of her forearm were coming off. She liked that hand. A lot of fun things were accomplished with it. Parting with it was going to hurt. A LOT. It was foremost on Thalia's thoughts; that and not dying in the process of its removal. Maybe it was shock and maybe it wasn't, but words didn't seem to register consciously with her right then. This wasn't happening and simultaneously obviously was. Damnit, she wasn't going to make it back out of this house, and if she did, she was going to have to ask Thana to open bottles of ketchup for her every god damned time from this point forward.

Thalia didn't necessarily fear death. Not as much as a lot of people did, anyway. She feared not being able to take care of her duties. Disfigurement wasn't a high point, either. Scars were okay, in some cases kind of badassed, though she wasn't sure what she would do without the use of her sword hand. It was coming off. She just had to accept that for the short time that she still had two hands. As much as she feared losing a physical part of herself, Thalia feared losing all of herself were it to stay attached. Though, what good would she be then? What role could she possibly fill? How could Thalia do anything toward fulfilling her promise to get Thana to Mexico Beach, the meeting point? There were dog tags to collect from someone she assumed was special to the woman. Now she would be a burden to them all. Perhaps it was best that she didn't make it. If she did, perhaps it was best that they leave her behind. She couldn't help very much now.

Shaking, she allowed Beatrice and Manny to get her up on the table. This was it. Thalia looked down at the belt and tourniquet on her forearm, numbly aware that circulation was cut off uncomfortably but reacting to it through a haze of almost paralyzing emotion. Maybe if she was lucky, she would pass out when the cutting started. That would be the closest thing to bliss that she could hope for. Absently, and through a voice tinged with disbelief, she reached out to Beatrice, a woman who had become her friend over the past year. One with whom she had shared smiles and tears; one she had come to trust, and more. She barely registered the comment that her friend made, but she nervously smiled nonetheless. It was sarcasm designed to make her feel better anyway. Thalia's fingers began to entwine in Beatrice's shirt as she tried to focus on the words she needed to speak to her.

"Beatrice? Trice, sweetie..." she began shakily, pulling her as close as her friend would let her. Sweat sheened across her forehead and she swallowed hard, probably beginning to slip into shock at what was about to occur. "Oh, God. Okay." Thalia took in a deep breath, trying to do as Manny suggested and slow her respiration. "Girl, I know you've been watching me." She gulped, continuing, "It's okay. It's okay, I don't mind, yeah? I think you're cute, too." She smiled, a tear pooling and falling from each eye. "Really." Her voice now little more than a whisper, "Please, a little closer... I wanted you to know that, alright? In case... you know. And, if we find anything in here? If we find any..." Thalia fought hard to lean her head forward, her ragged breath hot on Beatrice's skin, "Dibs. On. The Os."

The let her head fall back onto the table with a thunk and began giggling. It was close to hysteria and she was anxious beyond imagining, but at the same time desperately needed this over and done with. She kept one hand, the one that she would still have at the end of the day, on Beatrice. SpaghettiOs or not, this sucked and she needed some support.

Hank Wright

Location: Okefenokee: E14
Skills: People Reading

Even if the other two didn't know what Wayne was going to do out in the woods, Hank did. It didn't stop him from moving to the back of the truck for his things, but he did acknowledge that he received the message with a pointed, "Jesus, Wayne! Can you put "The Monster" away? Got company, remember? Ah..." A dismissive shake of his head later, Hank pulled a worn backpack from the bed of the dead truck and hoisted a pump action shotgun that looked like it once belonged in a police squad car. He secured the weapon to the side of the pack by its sling and pulled the whole affair over his shoulders. Hank was about 88% sure that these people weren't going to attempt to kill, rob, or violate them in the immediate future, and risked turning his back on them just long enough to grab his belongings.

An irritated groan escaped Hank as he heard the report that Wayne had put down one more Asshole while he was having a little personal happy time. He was quite satisfied that he didn't have to see any of it happen, and the moment that he found some alcohol he was going to try to erase that he even heard about it from his brain. "Fine! That kill counts. Can we go, eh, or is there any other business you have out here in the middle of God's Armpit, Georgia?" He leaned against the formerly mobile truck and tried to look patient when he was clearly the opposite.

A touch of that impatience flared when the Roman fellow made the inquiry about "sticking around here". It was an honest enough question, though if he was being fully serious it begged for sarcastic response. Hank raised his hands to emphasize his phrasing, even as he gathered what words he was going to fling at the oddly garbed man. At the last second, he stopped and shook his head vigorously. "Nope. Too easy. I have my standards there, Julius. I'll give you this one for free: You see the direction this truck was headed? Yeah. That way. The sooner we find a vehicle I can get running, the happier I'll be. Play your cards right, we'll part ways soon enough." He looked the man up and down. "Almost."

Calling to Wayne, "You all zipped up there, buddy? Burning daylight here. I sure as hell don't want to spend the night out where the most popular sport is mosquito fornication."
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Robert Weldon

Location: Okefenokee: E14
Skills: None

The situation grew calm when the last walker was put to rest. The silence returned, but a dark energybstill lingered. Robert could not find comfort around the two heathens, their constant bickering and cursing didn’t sit well with him. Their character surprised Robert from the start and irritated his calm demeanor more than any survivor had in the past. However, he would not put his personal feelings before his faith and instead see where his journey would head next.

As Hadrian approached, Robert moved closer to the man - answering his questions in confidence. He nodded to let Hadrian know he was physically sound, not a scratch on him from the fight that took place seconds ago. “I don’t think we have a choice,” he said truthfully, knowing that Hank and Wayne were headed in the same direction as them by the nose of their truck. “Just stay alert,” Robert asserted, watching Hank remove the guns from the rundown vehicle.

His name is Hadrian,” Robert interrupted, no longer accepting the constant mockery. He couldn’t understand why the two lacked civility - was it their lack of faith in something greater than themselves?

Robert then decided to approach the truck as he put his weapon away. “You don’t think it’s reparable? he asked Hank, hoping it could be salvaged - despite Hanks certainty that it was a goner. Sometimes all it took was a second look.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Headland, Alabama: E. Main Street, (E8)
Skills: N/A

Once all of the walkers were taken care of Riley could barely hear Amelia's voice as she yelled towards her to come back, the immediate threat was over and done with. As Riley started to make her way towards her girlfriend, and eyed the Battle Nun once more as Riley ran a hand through her now soaking wet hair. The weather was certainly turning bad very quickly she wasn't sure when it will even stop as she heard thunder and saw lightening in the distance. "Lets get inside." Riley yelled as she turned quickly towards the Hordebuster and looked over her shoulder towards the nun.

"If you want hurry up and get in, I don't want to get any wetter than I already am." Riley said towards Genevieve as she made sure her revolver was safely tucked into its holster. Riley looked towards Amelia and gave her a soft smile glad that she was alright, even if luring the walkers the way she did probably did scare her. Riley quickly made her way towards the Hordebuster and started to climb herself up into the Hordebuster again. Riley wasn't really sure if she could even trust the nun, but then again Riley didn't like nor trust religious people at all. She never really did it always felt like they were trying to force their beliefs down her throat sometimes.

Erica Monroe

Location: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (D4) -> (D5)
Skills: Knife

Erica would look over her shoulder once more at Preslee seeing the body of the girl laying there, and sighed slightly she was alone again and saw as the walkers started to get themselves unstuck from the swamp nearby. She needed to move forward now, and focused on the road in front of her now. As Erica then noticed a single walker coming up on her again as well, after what happened with Preslee Erica quickly drew out her knife in the other hand. She would avoid it as much as possible but had them out just in case the walker got to close for comfort.

When it was close enough Erica took her knife and quickly thrusted the knife into it's skull, she made sure that she didn't touch it's slimy looking skin. It was very slippery as what had just happened with her traveling companion as Erica then simply whipped away the blood off of her knife with her shirt. Erica continued to move forward, further down the road whipping away a little bit more of the sweat from her forehead. She didn't want to stop just yet, feeling the humidity getting to her a bit but pressed forward regardless.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sister Genevieve

Location: Main Street (E8) (Inside Hordebuster)
Skills: N/A

Genevieve sheathed her sword, thankful the imminent danger had passed. The weather seemed to be getting worse and more of the vermin were coming, but they seemed to be dealing with the weather just as much as them. She turned to those that came to help and was surprised when the blonde woman offered her a spot in their vehicle. She was prepared to offer them what little shelter she had in the church. Still, when God provided a blessing, one did not turn it down. "Thank you very kindly." She followed her inside the massive truck where the others were.

Once there, Genevieve marveled at the vehicle. "This vehicle is quite something. Very impressive. But I suppose I should introduce myself first. My name is Sister Genevieve and thank you for coming to my aid. Truly, God was watching out for us. What brings you all out here, if you do not mind my curiosity?" She eyed the others, taking them all in as she was unable to do so out in that weather.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Quincy, Florida: E9. House, C9
Skills: Fast reflexes, general medical, shotguns

So far no more infected were arriving, thank god for that. Setting the shotgun down against the wall Manny helped Thalia onto the table. Most of it fell to Beatrice as she was a lot more physically able then Manny was,though Manny refused to let it be done alone. "Alexander! Find me something to prop her legs up with! Then get ready to hold her down! I can't have her moving as I get to this!" Manny was... freaked out. Out of all the times he had to do this, he had only gotten it to work once. His general surgery skills were a little aged. Helped when there was a minor lack of infrastructure, but a lack of everything?

Thana said she would be right back with something to cut, thank god. Manny was worried he would have to pull this off with a pocket knife and a hammer. Though he had never done it before he was scared to think about what his options would be. God, what if the screaming brought more walkers? Alexander was one thing, he could move independently, but Thalia? She would need help no matter how well she recovered from this. And between the group they only had 18 bullets, 17 of which were for Manny's shotgun. At least they had walls, a clean enough table, and hopefully the wind would mask the screams as the limb is removed.

He needed more supplies then he had. He had some supplies though, in his bag. Where was his bag? "Beatrice! I need supplies! My bag, find the quick clot Gauss, sharpie, Petrolatum Dressing, compressed bandages, and over night pads! Go!" He needed as much as he could get, there would be a lot of blood. God, there was going to be so much blood. At least Thalia kept up her sense of humor, the damn o'war. Manny didn't care for the canned pastas much. He had watched a video a few years back about those same companies passing a health inspection despite hundreds of cockroaches falling into the pasta. Not something he cared for.

Manny could hear the fear in Thalia's voice as she joked. It scared Manny, but he needed her awake more then he needed her calm. Granted, working on someone asleep is ideal, but with the trauma she is about to receive she may not wake up if she goes under. He wouldn't care too much except he lacked what he needed to make sure that didn't happen. "Thalia? Listen to me. You can have all the bug infested cans of soup you want. Just promise me you'll get a pirate hook alright? Not one of those cheap fuckers either, something strong enough to throw bodies. Something brutal and scary. Got it?" Manny was joking, he didn't care much, but he figured it would make her feel better. And it hopefully gave her something to laugh about. "THANA HURRY THE FUCK UP! WE HAVE SECONDS TO GET STARTED!" Manny was getting loud again. He hated being loud. But he was running out of time, he needed to be started by now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Year 5: Update

Date: April 1st, 2012

Thana Martin

Location: Quincy : House (E9): Inside House (B9)
Skills: Survival, Red Neck Engineering, Close Combat Fighting, Free Climbing

Thana heard Manny but she was focused on the task at hand. (Ha, see what I did there? Even Thana has a sense of humor.) "Come on..." she said quietly and then there was the sound of a whirling motor in the garage. HOLY BUTTERED FUCKING BISCUITS! IT WORKED!" Thana screamed. It wasn't like the woman to yell. It wasn't like the woman to slip into a deep southern accent. It wasn't like Thana to use a phrase reminiscent of Black James. Yet she did all three and she had damn good reason to do it. What she had bet everything, a hail mary pass as it were, had just paid off in spades.

Rushing out of the garage, she came out. She had something large in each hand and it was hard to tell because of her running and everything going on but once she reached the table she dropped one thing on the ground. It was attached to the other with a rednecked rigged set of wires. Handing over a Circular power saw to Manny she nodded to him. "Ready to cut when you are doc," she said as she slammed both her elbows down into Thalia's shoulders, pressing her hands down across the womans chest and leaning over her.

Bea, straddle her and pin those fucking legs!" Thana had never been a grappler but she had a hell of grip considering her abilities when it came to close combat fighting and free climbing. She intended to use them. Thalia's shoulders and arms were not going to move during this. Thana pinned her hard and took a deep breath. "You hold the fuck still, that's an order or I'll knock you the fuck out," she said in a flat voice before kissing her on the tip of the nose and smirking.

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Okefenokee: E13 (Road)

Wayne jogged back to the truck and got his shit before looking at ol' Sportecus. "I got a yellow brick road to follow," he said and smirked as he started jogging down the road a bit. He was high as a kite right then, running off adrenaline and rocks being gotten off. "No shit we ain't in Kansas anymore, when the fuck you ever been in Kansas?" he said swatting at the air. It looked like he grabbed something and shoved it into his pack but it was nothing but air. "That ought to shut your bucktoothed ass up for a bit." He was laughing and seemed rather happy right then.

Turning around he kept walking but backwards now as he looked back at the others. "You just pissed those winged nuts are getting more action in twenty fours than we have combined in the last five years," Wayne chuckled. He stopped and eyed Robert for a moment. "Unless you can fart enough to fill the tank, it ain't going anywhere. OUT OF GAS!" he yelled while throwing his hands up in the air.

Spinning back around he started strutting down the road. Then he started singing to himself, god it was really off key. Some people call me the space cowboy yeah. Some call me the gangster of love. Some people call me Maurice. 'Cause I speak of the pompitous of love. People talk about me baby. Say I'm doin' you wrong, doin' you wrong. Well don't you worry baby, don't worry. 'Cause I'm right here at home. 'Cause I'm a picker, I'm a grinner, I'm a lover, and I'm a sinner playin' my music in the sun. I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a mid-night toker, I get my lovin' on the run. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh."
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Amelia Payne

Location:Headland, Alabama , E Main st.(E8)-> Inside the Horde Buster
Skills: N/A

The madness of weather outside was continuing. In such a condition one only wished to stay inside in a dry and warm place! Such downpour was just insane to be out in! Not to mention about visibility and hearing in situation like this! Once more she looked around before finally climbing into the Horde Buster. The moment the rain stopped hitting her body, she felt like she was in a completely different world! She could hear and she could see! Then there was also the fact she wasn't feeling like she was in a high pressured shower.

Amelia quickly pulled her hair from her face and put it backwards across her shoulder and then with a swipe she tried to get rid of all the water on her face. Mind you it wasn't really effective all things considering, but it was a step in the right direction! They probably had to change clothes and dry up as soon as possible to avoid getting sick. Getting sick in this situation was not an good thing to happen! They needed to stay mobile, top state and a sick person was a problem that could hold back the entire group!

“Sure hope we have a dry towel or two laying around...?” She asked, water dripping from her whole body. It was like a shower all things considering really... a shower she took with her clothes on! She looked at the Nun who had joined them in the vehicle, she seemed impress with it, good. Then she looked at Riley and at Jack. Finally she threw a glance at Ash, just before something happened. The horde buster died...? Something went horribly wrong here.” Ash, you didn't just turn off the engine in a weird way... right?” She asked, with concern in her voice. 'God Fucking dammit!' She swore in her mind and then threw a glance at the Nun...' At least I didn't say it vocally!' She thought to herself with a nod. Situation just turned bad if something happened to their old pal the Horde Buster...
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Quincy : Inside house (G6)
Skills: N/A

Alexander felt his conscience being torn apart like a south-east Asian country in a bloody civil war, funded by two global superpowers. Manny was their doctor, and for saving his life a great one too! Alexander looked around the room as quickly yet intently as he possibly could as Manny told him to find something to prop up Thalia's legs with, and was about to start limping into the kitchen to find something. What that something was, he had no idea; it could be pots and pans stacked on top of each other, rollings pins or even a waste-basket racket that could hold up her legs. But then then another order was given.

Thana had ordered Beatrice to keep Thalia's legs still while she handed a...a circular saw to Manny? Alexander knew that she could make things most people couldn't (and probably shouldn't), but he was still damned impressed. But if Bea was to hold her legs, what about his own orders from Manny? Who should he follow? The medic or the sergeant? Alexander looked between their group, torn as what to do, until his soldierly instinct kicked in again; He had another job to do.

Alexander didn't move further into the kitchen, nor over to the table to help with the operation, but instead pulled out the hammer and held it in his right arm, his left arm still clinging tightly around his walking cane. If the three others were focused on the operation, he seriously needed to watch all their backs! A medic could certainly try to run out in the open to help a fallen comrade, but without that handy M60 MG covering your ass, you were a sitting duck. Sitting ducks got eaten. So Alexander held his hammer ready in case something popped in unannounced, while throwing a comment to Thalia along the others. "You're going to make it, Angel! Just think of the fuckin' great mugs you can get down here!"

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Okefenokee: E14
Skills: Survival, Scouting

Nigel wondered what was going on inside the mind of Wayne as he was making his way down that stretch of desolute road, feeling like one of the fortunate ones not to have lost his marbles. As with the distance between him and Wayne growing, at least he had the safety of distance from his violent and incoherent words, which was probably for the best. If one stared into the abyss long enough, the abyss started looking back into you, some said. Perhaps if Nigel "Hadrian" looked long enough, he'd see what or who he was talking to? Then again, did he really want to know what "winged nuts" were?

Hank answered his question, somewhat, but considering the circumstances the cautious Roman was happy with the answer. Down that road, fair enough. And Robert was probably right; they probably didn't have much choice, seen as the direction they came from was a bad place. Bitter weeds. Nigel looked at Robert, giving him a look of telling him "Not now" about the whole naming thing. Yes it was annoying and insulting, but probably not the best time or place to take up the issue. Not when they weren't safe to continue the Athenian course of pathos.

"Can't be too hard to find something that'll drive again. Probably not in the swamp though, too humid. Until then, we'll be civil if you two are civil as well. No use in making this more complicated." Nigel "Hadrian" began to say to Robert and Hank, while he himself made his way to the road. "If we're going the same way, might as well know the names. Like he said, you can call me Hadrian." Standing in the middle of it, he pulled out a pair of binoculars and started scanning the horizon for anything of interest. But he only saw bushes, trees, swamps, a strutting Steve Miller...high as a Germanic berserker. "I'm sure he can take care of himself, but...should he be going out there without you, or us?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Newnan

Location: Headland: E. Main Street D8 (inside Hordebuster)
Skills: Athletics

Jack reached out to Riley, giving her a hand and getting her inside the Hordebuster. He was a bit wary with the nun on a personal level, but she was also a potential source of information about his wife and beggars couldn't be choosers. Sister Genevieve - it was a bit of a mouthful, but also struck him as a good name for a nun. Beyond the obvious choices of Mary, Ruth, Rachel, and Judith. He was about to say something to the nun, closing the door since Amelia had gotten in as well, when he heard an ominous sound.

(Not to be confused with the ominous sounds outside, of course...)

"Did yah baby just die on us?" Jack shouted forward to Ash. Part of him blamed the nun for this. They'd stopped to help her and now, the Buster seemed to be in bad shape. The very thing that was keeping them alive and helping to close the distance between Tatiana and him....He clenched his hand slightly. It wasn't rational to blame the Sister, but he did silently anyways. At least they were safe from the elements inside of Buster at the moment...And hopefully whatever happened could be fixed. They'd made repairs before. He was just crossing his fingers that this would be another situation they could remedy.

...Might be a bit longah, Solovey...Stay safe...

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quincy: Inside House (D13)
Skills: Stamina, Climbing

Beatrice stared at Thalia, a bit in shock and surprised with what had started to happen. The last person she had had any sort of encounter with had been Richard back in Newnan - and that was just one night, purely physical. How had Thalia figured out that she liked her? It was running through her head, but now wasn't the time to ask that. Her friend was dying. Hopefully Manny could save her, but...She then blinked rapidly, as Thalia's words changed drastically, bringing up the O Wars again and Beatrice rolled her eyes. "Eres una perra de cebo queer enferma1," Beatrice whispered to Thalia. She gave her hand a squeeze.

She glanced up at Manny, raising an eyebrow. Manny seemed to almost be going into hysterics, but Navy ran into the room a second later and gave her an order. It also seemed to be a more rational one. And then, as if she had been a dominatrix before all of this happened and the process-server story was just a cover, Beatrice easily straddled Thalia and had her pinned down, essentially making Thalia into her bitch. "Ahora, si te hubiera estado mirando, estarías demasiado adolorido para caminar, demasiado distraído para dormir, y estarías rogando por probar mis O ahora mismo2," Beatrice whispered to Thalia.

"Escucha a Navy, ¿de acuerdo, cariño?3"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Headland: E. Main Street, E8 (inside Hordebuster)
Skills: Leadership, Engineering, Mechanic

Thankfully, the team began to pile back into the Hordebuster without further incident or casualty. While not fully to the plan, he had to admit that they hadn't lost anything, no one died, and the new person didn't seem immediately hostile. This was as close to a good sign as they could expect, this day and age. Along the slightly more annoying events of the past couple of minutes, Ash had taken note of the sidearm pulled by Riley while they were recovering the errant Nun. While the details of the incident were fuzzy due to the pouring rain, at least she had not fired it off. It was a discussion for later on, and privately. No sense in making an issue in front of everyone.

The Nun spoke her piece about the vehicle being impressive and introducing herself, moving on to God watching out for them. It was about this time that Ash started to tune out everything else that was going on inside of the Hordebuster. Something was very wrong with his truck. Very wrong. He didn't like the sudden movement in the dials and dash indicators telling him about a massive spike in engine heat, nor was he particularly a fan of the red light that came on, and suddenly went back off at exactly the same time the engine ground to a halt with a heartbreaking, anticlimactic whine. Through the wheel, Ash could feel the vibrations from a physical shifting somewhere in the engine. The audible sound of ceramic popping was one hell of a letdown, as well.

Ash knew what this was immediately. Another close friend had just perished.

The Hordebuster had been with his family since long before the Outbreak. It was the thing which indirectly kept the (legitimate) family business afloat until it had a chance to be successful. It had been there when he returned home to Virginia after the Outbreak, still lovingly kept running. It was there for his people when they needed it, a labor of love and necessity to make the alterations that transformed it from a dump truck refitted for ware transport to a road beast capable of smashing through barricades, clearing a road of stationary vehicles, and cutting through a horde of the Dead like it was taking a Sunday drive through the country. It served as his home on the open road, and most importantly, it saved lives. His and many others.

Five years after the world turned sideways, and it finally gave out. Manufactured in 1989 in Canada, released to the United States in 1990, gone through multiple updates and modifications in its life, and it was a close to a living, breathing thing with family and personality as any machine had a right to be. The Hordebuster finally lay silent, a huge, metal Hero that lay down for its eternal rest. Ash felt like he had just lost a part of himself. The great military Engineer and his most notable contribution - his most successful feat of practical engineering - was lost to him. He knew it. He didn't even have to open the hood. That sound, that shift of parts, the sudden flare of engine heat? It was a thing that could not be repaired short of getting it into a full working facility.

"She's gone." stated Ash with defeated finality, to himself and to his people in the truck's cab. His words could barely be heard over the sound of driving rain pelting the truck, but they carried the weight of a man experiencing loss and covering it with discipline. "She's gone. We need to salvage anything we can from her. Tools, cordage, tarps. As much water in as many containers as we can carry. Alcohol from the aux barrels. Anything we can move quickly with. We no longer have the luxury of guaranteed safety from the Dead while we sleep."

Turning to the newcomer, "Ma'am, I'm going to be straight with you. This just turned into a very bad day for us. Here it is: If you attempt any harm to myself or my people, it won't end well for you. I won't hesitate because you're in a habit. I will kill you. Now, if you have someplace to be, none of us are going to keep you from it. Hang out until the rain dies down and go your merry way. If you're with us, you're following my lead. Period. We're traveling south. My name is Ash Holloway, formerly Captain, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. That should about wrap it up unless you have something specific on your mind. Questions?"

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quincy: D13
Skills: Survival

This was it. Everybody was using sarcasm to make her feel better, so time was getting close, one way or another. Even Alexander's halfhearted attempt was endearing in its own way, bringing her back to the first day they met; the day she found out about her family. The day she lost Lola. Also the day they raided a cult stronghold and did some truly frightening work. Tio Caesar would have been proud.

Manny, on the other hand, was already talking about a pirate hook. He probably meant well, but it solidified him as the reigning master of "too soon" in Thalia's mind, seeing as the cut hadn't even been made yet. She shrugged it off and vowed to smack him with the first piece of functional prosthesis she could find/make/commission her favorite Redneck Engineer to assemble.

But speaking of redneck engineering, Thalia was surprised at the physicality of the woman digging her elbows into her shoulders and pinning her torso to the table. Thana's words stuck with her. It made things more real, even more so when she landed a peck on her nose. Affection wasn't their thing. Or at least it hadn't been. And being truthful, Thalia had seen Thana fight. She had always been curious which one of them would win in a bareknuckle scrap, if they were both at their best. Sadly, Thalia realized that she would never know now. She used to be vorpal hell in a boxing ring, and something worse in a back alley. That was about to change. Still, it beat dying.

But what probably gave her the most surprise was Beatrice, getting damned physical and saying all sorts of wonderfully... suggestive ...things to her. It made Thalia consider the position that the three of them were in; concerned, tangled, and forceful, and just for a single, hot second, she felt a blush rise in her cheeks despite the looming, mortal thing which was about to happen. "O's" indeed.

"De acuerdo, y eso está muy caliente. Después de que mi muñón cicatrice, debemos intentarlo de nuevo. Sin la sierra."1 She smiled nervously. Tears were in her eyes still as she switched to slightly Boston accented English, yelling for the old man with the rigged power saw, "If we're going to do this, then fucking do it! I don't got all day!" She was almost looking forward to screaming her way into shock and passing out from the intense, mind-blowing pain.

Hank Wright

Location: Okefenokee: E14 -> E13
Skills: People Reading

The sudden bit of choice indignation at Hank's choice of words, specifically the noms de guerre he had been so free in dispensing toward the Roman fellow during their thusfar short span of acquaintanceship, gave him a half-second of pause. Giving it a think, he seemed to remember the man being called Robert by his companion. And Robert seemed particularly annoyed at Hank's little habit. But not so much, seemingly, as to refrain from taking part himself. Hadrian, he called him. Referring to a wall built in Britannia by the Romans. Sitting on his ass after work with a beer and control of the remote actually did expand his education somewhat, though he was more of a WWII Documentary buff if given his options. "That's a good one there, Bobbo. 'Hadrian'. I'd go for more of a recognizable emperor or movie character, but I gotta admit, for the connoisseur (of sorts) that's not bad. History Channel much, did ya Sport?" It was one of his favorite channels, too.

Of course, the joke was on him when it was revealed in conversation that he actually went by Hadrian. Har har har. "But, on to late breaking news about the truck: Uh, it's dead where it sits. My learned..." he gestured in the direction of Wayne, sauntering up the road to a tune that apparently only he could hear. Hank shook his head, waving away the last word he spoke as if by force of mental white-out, and continued "...yeah, nuh-uh. My colleague has been pretty forthcoming as to the WHY of it all, but if you feel like giving that rusted shitbox a gander under her skirt, have at it. Don't think she'll complain." His plastered smile that had recently cropped up had all of the earmarks of sarcasm, "Oh, but my face is going to be so red when you come a'pulling up behind us. Betcha."

Hank hefted his shovel and started up the road. Roman Guy seemed to have some interest in Wayne's safety, not to mention establishing some sort of common ground. "Yeah, whatever. I'm Hank. Now, far be it for me to argue with a man wearing a metal shirt, but, I'm giving him some space until the pills wear down some. You want to go say hi, I'm not stopping you. Let me know how it works out for everybody involved." He nodded vigorously, giving a mock expression of encouragement as he walked along. The good news was that if anybody died, Hank did have a shovel.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Headland, Alabama: E. Main Street, (E8)
Skills: N/A

Riley was grateful for Jack as he helped her back into the Hordebuster as she ran a hand through her short but drenched hair, looking over at their newest little addition to the group as she introduced herself. Yep she was certainly one of those major bible thumper types as she looked over towards Amelia. It was certainly going to be very interesting to see how her reaction would be if they kissed each other in front of the nun. "I'm Riley, nice to meet you." She said as she leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes letting out a slight sigh, it was a bit relaxing hearing the rain beating down outside.

Her attention then turned back to Sister Genevieve as she asked what they where doing out here, looking towards the others before shrugging there wasn't any harm in answering her question. "We are looking for supplies." Riley answered, and then she paused for a moment looking directly towards Ashton. Hearing the engine finally give out after so long was never a good sign at all, and leaned forward towards Ashton. "We should check it out when the weather clears up. Maybe the fire station has some spare parts?" Riley asked, she hadn't learned to much on mechanics yet but it was something major to kill the engine like that.

Erica Monroe

Location: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (D5) -> (C6)
Skills: Knife

Erica would look over her shoulder at the oncoming horde that was now on her back, which wasn't a good thing at all but they were a good distance away for now. She needed to keep herself ahead of the herd now, as she stopped and froze for a second seeing there was a walker in front of her now. She quickly drew out her knife and went towards the walker, and gave it a rather sharp and hard kick to it's knee, Riley quickly stepped back and then thrusted the knife directly into it's skull. Sighing heavily to herself as Erica wipped away some of the blood off of her knife.

Erica needed to keep moving otherwise Preslee would have died for nothing now, and started to run a lot faster now and she didn't want to become a meal for any of the oncoming walkers either as Erica moved forward. Erica kept her knife out and kept her eyes open paying close attention to the surrounding areas around her and moved onward, she wanted to get out of the swamp right now and get as far away from the walkers as quickly as possible now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sister Genevieve

Location: Main Street (E8)
Skills: N/A

Genevieve nodded and listened as only one introduced herself. Truthfully, she couldn't blame them. After all, she was a stranger and she was certain they hadn't seen many like her before. For all they knew, she was truly a heathen hoping to lead them to their demise. They were looking for supplies and stopped to help her? Truly, God was watching over them because with the rain, it would have been messy handling it for herself. Oh she would have done it, but it would have been tricky.

That is when things went downhill. The massive truck she had admired didn't seem to be working. She got the sense this was a big deal. The truck offered protection. She couldn't imagine even the second coming of Jesus would open the truck up. "I am truly sorry about this." It was all she could offer. She had no vehicle to speak of.

Ash came over to her and read off his spiel. She got the sense he had been waiting to do this and that the breaking of his trusted truck was the straw that broke the camel's back. She listened before she responded, in kind. "You are right to be untrusting, but I truly mean no harm. I don't have much, but I am sure there are some supplies left in the church I was resting in. Other than that, I will help out. I can't help but feel God put me here to meet you lot and provide what assistance I could." Before she exited the truck to prepare for their journey, she turned back to Ash. "As for killing me? You can certainly try." She gave a warm smile before she stepped out to wait for the others before they got moving.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Year 5: Update

Date: April 1st, 2012

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Okefenokee: D12 (Road)

Wayne was having far too much fun being on this little high of his. Sure he was hearing a voice coming from his bag. Okay it was in his head but in his head it sounded like it was coming from his bag. That fucking little blue unicorn he kept seeing and hearing was really starting to put a damper on his high. Or at least it was trying. Lecturing him on the evils of drugs. Little that did that fucker know that maybe those drugs were the only thing keeping him from committing Imagincide. Was that a thing? Of course it was. He was a detective, so if he knew a cide it was real. Okay, maybe him stating what was real and what wasn't wasn't the best of ideas but hey. There it was.

Strolling down the road he kept singing, badly, but to him he sounded like damn Freddy Mercury. And so, why not! "Oh! Let's go! Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low. Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet. Machine guns ready to go. Are you ready, hey, are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat? Out of the doorway the bullets rip to the sound of the beat. Another one bites the dust, another one bites the dust and another one gone, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust. Hey, I'm gonna get you, too. Another one bites the dust."

And another one was going to bite the dust, that was for sure. He spotted another face eater in his line of sight. He had time for another verse though, so he was enjoying the stroll.

Headland Alabama

Location: Headland: East Main Street (E7)

The rain was coming down in sheets. They were in a town they hadn't secured. The Hoardbuster had just broken down and needed to be buried if a grave large enough could be dug. Thing was, they also had a new Nun in the group. One that might or might not fit in. So, ride dead. One. New Nun. Two. These things come in threes don't they? Of course they do. And so they shall.

As the rain pounded down on the top of the newly departed hordebuster a car drove past them. The cars lights barely being able to be seen because of the rain. It couldn't be heard but as it passed, it swerved. Cutting sharply to the right and spinning as its breaks locked and it screeched to a halt in the middle of the road about a block down from the hordebuster. The passenger door side facing back towards the vehicle that contained the group.

It had barely stopped when a body came rolling out, tucking a shoulder as it did. It had something in its hand that went spilling out on the ground. The figure scrambled as the driver door flung open and someone else got out quickly. The figure on the ground, grabbed whatever it was on the ground and then it became clear as the flare was lit. The person started waving it and running like a bat out of hell. The rain slowly letting up but just barely. Enough to make out it was a woman, with red hair, plastered to her face. "ПОМОГИТЕ! ПОХИЩЕН! У ДЕТЕЙ! РАЗЪЕМ! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, БОГ БУДЕТ В НЕМ! ПОМОГИТЕ!!" the woman screamed in Russian.

The person who had gotten out of the driver side was rushing, she turned and flung the flare at him, darting this way and that and trying to make a break for it back towards the car. "ASH!!! NEWNAN??? SOMEONE FUCKING HELP!!!" she screamed as two more got out of the car and started to open fire. Tatiana diving behind broken down car in the middle of the road divide. Pulling out her knife from her boot she pushed her hair out of her face. This was her one chance. She had to try.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Newnan

Location: Headland: E. Main Street D8 (inside Hordebuster) ---> E7
Skills: Survival, Pistol, Athletics, Russian

Jack nodded as Ash confirmed his grim suspicions. And if Ash said there was no hope for the 'Buster and they needed to haul ass without it, then that was that. Ash knew far more about engineering than he did, so he'd trust his judgment - as much as he would miss the safety and shelter the Hordebuster provided, Jack's number one priority was to keep moving - to keep on pushing South. He would have started instantly gathering up supplies and materials, if it hadn't been for a car going zoom on past them.

Car... His eyes followed it, seeing a woman emerge from the vehicle looking insane. With all of the rain, it was hard to see and hear but.... Auburn...RUSSIAN? RUSSIAN?!?!?!?! FUCKITY FUCKING RUSSIAN?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? His heart beat rapidly and had it been any other situation, Jack might have impressed the chain of command upon the newcomer by deferring to Ash, asking for a plan, and then making a movement.

But he wasn't going to wait to ask for permission on this one and he sure as hell wouldn't be asking for forgiveness later. Tatiana had waited long enough.

Jack leapt out of the Hordebuster, not even pausing to nod at Sister before he went into a sprint, pulling his pistol on the way over. His mind was working frantically, just pushing him to get to Tatiana as quickly as he could. Everything else was a blur - the Hordebuster's death, Riley and Amelia probably making faces at each other he imagined, the nun trying to convert them all or something - hell, a clown could have showed up with a trail of bloody footprints and he would have been entirely oblivious to it. Riley could have been a brunette this entire time and he wouldn't have noticed. Chloe could have been alive and kicking it with Ryan. Ash could have suddenly turned into the Geico Gecko. He was hyper focused on the task at hand - saving his family.

He reached the car and jumped and slid over the hood, getting a clean shot on one of the killers and took them down. Four more bullets left. His feet hit pavement and he shifted himself, until he was essentially acting as an additional shield for Tatiana. "Ya poluchil tebya, solovey,1" He finally let himself take a breath, but he wasn't done yet.

"Now let's kill the bastahds who took our kid."

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quincy: Inside House (D13)
Skills: Stamina, Climbing

Beatrice was keeping Thalia effortlessly pinned. Perhaps she really had missed her calling as a dominatrix. The blush on Thalia's face did not go amiss and Beatrice couldn't deny, something was certainly stirring due to this position. She never was one to be open or forward with her emotions, yet this playful 'game' of sorts she was participating in, all as a mock continuation of the O Wars...It was perhaps the closest she had gotten to emotional honesty in a long time.

Yes, she most certainly did miss her calling. "No sé si podría permitirse otra sesión, pero tal vez le daremos un descuento: los tenemos disponibles para personas con discapacidades y calificará en un momento2" Beatrice said with a smirk. She did hope that they got a move on with it. As much fun as it was to keep Thalia pinned down like this, she was certain that the longer they waited, the lower the odds of survival became.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Robert Weldon

Location: Okefenokee: E14 > E13
Skills: None

Facing he facts headfirst was the only way to get through disappointment quickly. However disappointment never triumphed Robert’s optimism. “Yea, we’ll find another,” he agreed with Hadrian after learning the truck would no longer be of service. He paid no mind to Hank’s nicknaming and sarcasm, it was clear he cared little to none about their preferences or feelings. Before Robert could get another word out, Hank started following his lost friend, moving down the road with purpose.

The two men really struck Robert as odd. They didn’t seem to care about their lives, heading straight forward without a game plan. However, that oddity - at times - could be a hint of faith. Where these men simply barbaric or did they truly believe in something far greater than themselves?

Moving forward, Robert turned towards Hadrian. “We have to move. I don’t know what you’re looking for out here, but I think sticking together for now is our best shot,” he stated. Despite their differences, it was true that with numbers the odds of survival increased drastically. It was unfortunate however that their numbers increased with the addition of two....complicated persons. Furthermore, there was still a lack of trust, but people were people, and helping one another was what God would want.

Robert took to the road, settling alongside Hadrian at a steady pace - keeping Hank in clear sight. He dug in his pack, once again removing two bags of chips. “Let’s try this again, Ranch or Cheese?” He asked Hadrian, extending both bags towards the man as they walked. After all that fighting he was certain Hadrian could not refuse.
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