Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by I Need A Name
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I Need A Name

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welcome to King's Throne; the most popular mmorpg of its time. The driving factor of so many players? The chance to instantly become the most powerful single individual in the world. There are only rumors as to what this power is comprised of. Some say the throne is a skeleton key to every technological device and data storage in existence; while others say it is the very chair of the secret one-world leader, a shadow government that ranks above every nation.

In a mysterious ad that interrupted every broadcast, the world was invited to battle it out in the virtual world; probably a last ditch effort to pass the crown for reasons unknown (theorists speculate). It was stated that the throne would be ruled by a new king or queen by the start of the new year. Will you pass this chance to be the ruler you were destined to become?

King's Throne is a battle royal rpg of swords and magic. Supporting all varieties of low-tech weaponry and armor as well as supporting powerful abilities. What makes King's Throne stand apart from other games of its time is each player's Spirit ability. Unique to each and every player, based on their own profile as a character. Another variance of the norm at the time, was the decision to avoid the leveling mechanic that plagued most games. Each character is as powerful in their base form as the day they first spawned into the world. Gold being your only restriction from buying the higher tier items and spells.

There are six elements of magic. Holy, Demonic, Thunder, Earth, Fire, and Water. While Holy and Demonic tend to combat and counteract one another, in relation with the other elements; they are all created without bias or superiority. Earth magic tending to be more defensive and sturdy when compared to the stronger and offensive Fire magic. Water magic being the go-to for support and battle control, where Thunder makes quick, and precise strikes.

Greetings, and thanks for looking at my interest check. Its a bit sloppy, but its my first day here~ xD
I wasn't really looking for managing a large group rp, but the way I have this planned I'm sure we could use a good number of people.
But this is just the interest check, I'll expand on the character sheets, magic, Spirit, and what-have-you if this can get off the ground from here. Though, for the most part it will be free form for what your characters can do. The focus of the rp will mostly to be to battle other characters/npcs and look for the throne, though there will be plenty of aspects to explore in your journey. Any questions, ask away~.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I might be interested.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eneui
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Eneui The Awkward

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Is there a limit on what magic we may use? Or can I go full Solaire with holy/lightning magic?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nerdy Reference
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Nerdy Reference So Subtle and Clever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Color me interested.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Interested, already getting some ideas for a Spirit ability.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by I Need A Name
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I Need A Name

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

>.> ohboy people!

@Eneui No limit, persay. You'll find that most people tend to stick between certain themes ranging from being mono-type purists to rainbow-color jank.


@ all;

I'll be busy probably for the remainder of the weekend; but feel free to add your voice here, talk about the weather, and/or ask me questions. I'll unload a main thread close to sunday night/monday morning so we can start getting in character sheets, and it'll include a snap ton of world details so you'll have a better idea.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@I Need A Name I might be interested in this, if I can fit it in around my other RPs.

A question about the spirit abilities. You say each player gets a unique ability "based on their own profile as a character"; does this mean the ability is based on what the person is like in real life, or is it based on the profile they create for their character in game?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

maybe. we'll see.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by I Need A Name
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I Need A Name

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@King Cosmos Cool cool; we'd be glad to have you if you can.

I'm mostly letting y'all come up with your spirit ability. But technically it would be based on their in-game character that they made.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@I Need A Name So the concept interests me, but how do the Spirit Powers work? Like what kind of power are you looking for? Like a special combo move? Or some kind of passive skill that gives them an advantage in a fight?

Like I have an idea for something like... "The Golden Rule." A power that gives the player extra bonuses in acquiring wealth, and a passive acquiring of gold. That can then be spent on items, or on dealing extra damage in attacks, or increased defense? Like a "I get more money, that I can spend on temporary attack boosts and such."

A few examples of possible spirit powers, to gauge the intended strength would be nice.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by I Need A Name
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I Need A Name

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Reflection So the whole concept of spirit powers is just that one thing that tips the scale in a normal fight. It could, if you want, be this big flashy final move that would in all reality end the world if you took logic into account. It deals massive damage, but usually one time use for day/combat/cooldown. Or it could be a more passive thing like "The Golden Rule" (which I love by the way). Or even a counter that punishes specific conditions. "Foolish fool, you've activated my trap card!"

I'll be sure to give examples to everything and be more specific, though hopefully that made it a bit more clearer.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by I Need A Name
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I Need A Name

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Also, just a heads up.

I tried to get everything ready this weekend, but I lost a day to help my grandmother move out of her lake house. I'll be getting the OOC up this week (perhaps today still, but might not) so everyone can gander and look and join if they were so inclined. Thanks for your interest and sorry for the delay.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'd be interested in this.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Keeping an eye on this. Not fully sure in regards to my interest yet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by I Need A Name
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I Need A Name

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey guys, sorry but I'm going to have to close this for a while probably. First, thanks again for your interest. I'll probably try to get this up and running as soon as / if I can. Unfortunately, I came home to a soggy laptop soaked in milk. My dog made a mess while I was away; and the computer is as dead as a brick. We'll see what condition I can restore it to, but who knows. If I do continue this, I'll let everyone here know. Thanks, sorry.
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