Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AdmrlStalfos19
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AdmrlStalfos19 Undead. Not Updated

Member Seen 6 days ago

Interactions: Mizutani Hiroyuki* (@HachiRoku), Tachibana Kotone (@Sola)

It was safe to say that Midori wasn't expecting the girl to grind her bike to a halt so suddenly, and now all of a sudden she was afeared that she might've startled the poor girl into bolting the other direction. If that were to happen, then there was no way she could catch up. Realizing that she'd have to run after all, Midori took off after the brown-haired girl, only to be forced into stopping just as abruptly, lest she run straight into another boy. Thankfully the collision didn't actually come to pass, but still...

"Hey, watch where you're...!" Midori turned to face the boy, only to find that he'd already walked all the way around her, and most likely into the store, without much of a second thought, 'Jackass.'

Now that she thought about it, that boy was wearing a very similar uniform to Midori's, and he looked to be about the same age. No doubt this meant the two of them would in the same school, which wasn't surprising since there was only one high school Kurosuoba even had. But it was also very possible that the two of them would be in the same class as well, much to Midori's dismay.

In any case, catching up to the boy so she could have a few choice words with him wouldn't be a difficult task for Midori at all, but for now she turned her head back around and kept going, managing to finally catch up to the brown-haired girl just as she turned her bike around. She fell to her knees and was wheezing heavily by the end of her run, and had been clutching her chest as though she'd already suffered from a heart attack. Midori looked towards the girl with eyes wide open, as if to portray that she was in agony.

"You need to not... make me run down... this entire way... ever again... for one thing..." Midori said through her panting, desperately trying to get a deep enough inhale before feeling the need to exhale again.


Eventually, Midori was able to stabilize her breathing, and found the strength to stand up again. Her knees may have looked to have taken a hit from her sudden collapse, but the injuries to them were minor at worst. The only real way Midori could've been hurt was out of embarrassment, for the fact that she couldn't even run a single length of footpath without her legs caving in like that, but even then, this girl had never given the slightest hint that she was of the judgmental type... well, at least not as far as Midori recalled.

"Oh my god, why would people torture themselves like this?" Midori asked, almost forgetting for a second that the girl she was trying to talk to was right there, "Actually, before you answer that, I wanna ask you something else. My dad's coming over to visit us for a few days, and my older brother and I are trying to find somewhere for him to stay. Do you think there'd be a room free in that ryokan that you and your mom work in? I'd greatly appreciate it, miss... uh... Kinuye, I wanna say? Kaede? Kazue? Something else along those lines that I'm sure I'm missing...?"

Midori snapped her fingernails a few times, trying to come with more names that she could spitball in hopes that they'd match the face. She knew that the girl's first name had three syllables in it and that it started with a K. But it was evident that Midori was drawing a blank...
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 4 days ago

A Randomly Named Street, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018
| 6:32 AM

"Well, then I'm glad." The thin teenager in glass replied. He was about to step in, but the situation resolved itself anyway.

"I'm Amari. Hatsu Amari. Like he said, I'm kind of a math person, so it gives me an edge. And here's someone who's the master of everything else." Amari introduced to Renzo before looking over to his best friend with a straight face. "Including meteoring his opponent's soul online. You know I haven't screwed you in that card game for a while. Let me revise my deck after school today and let's battle again, shall we?"

Knowing the comment didn't really make any senses to a stranger, and especially to a non-gamer if Renzo turned out to be one, Amari quickly turned over to him.

"Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you Igarashi-san." He had his hands out, offering a shake "And we can take our time. As long as we don't screw around somewhere else, we can arrive there at around..." He halted for a second, doing the calculation in his head. "Six forty seven. With traffic, probably six fifty seven." Then pouted his lips "Three minutes is still early..."

Nevertheless, Ryuuto was right. They should pick up the pace.

@Raging Fenrir@Rabidporcupine
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ES
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ES Just passing through

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ishihara Miyuki
Ishihara Residence, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018
| 6:51 AM

Juno replied moments later after Miyuki greeted him. Unlike his formal demeanor back in the convenience shop, he appeared to be surprised with Miyuki's sudden approach. The blue-haired girl tried to figure out how to continue the conversation, but Juno once again took the lead, saying that he was not expecting her to enroll in Fujioka awkwardly. At this moment, Miyuki wondered that her sudden warm approach to Juno could be too much for the introverted boy.

"Yeah!" She maintained her cheerful expression. "I guess Kurosuoba is a small town after all. At least I have some familiar faces to go around with."

Before the conversation could continue on, Miyuki heard a girl's voice calling out their names.

"Tatsujin-kun! Ishihara-san!"

She turned around, noticing that a blond-haired girl was dragging an annoyed brunette. The voluptuous blonde then introduced herself as Shimizu Ichika, though the other, shorter girl merely greeted them. Miyuki felt familiar with Ichika, but she could not remember where she met her.

"Good morning, Shimizu-san!" She bowed to Ichika, before doing the same to the annoyed girl with a red sweater. "Good morning! I'm Ishihara Miyuki. It's nice to meet you!" She greeted, with a polite introduction of herself.

Once she was done, Miyuki placed her gaze at Ichika, trying to remember where she met her.

"Have we met before, Shimizu-san?"

Then, she raised her amber colored eyes.

"Wait a minute... Aren't you the one with a bicycle who works at the French café?"

Both Ichika and Miyuki got acquainted due to an accident which happened near at their workplace. Fortunately no one got badly hurt, although Miyuki was unsure how badly damaged Ichika's bicycle was.

"Are you okay, Shimizu-san? I hope you didn't hurt bad from the accident..."

Miyuki asked with a concern.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Tsukimi Residence, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018
| 5:45 AM

The sun had barely begun to peek over the horizon as Mari made the jog back to the Tsukimi residence, practically skipping through the front door after a quick morning run around the neighbourhood. Up by five, out by ten past, run until half past and back home by quarter to. A simple exercise to build up some much needed energy for the long day ahead, and Mari was already brimming with it not even before the clock struck six. Crisply ironed uniform, check. Stupidly intricate skincare routine, completed. With the addition of eating toast, salad and chopped fruits from a bowl for breakfast and the TV in the living room blaring out the household silence, it was just like the usual school morning for Mari.

However, what was different was that this was a new house, a new school, a new city. Fujioka Senior High was unfamiliar territory with unfamiliar people, but nervousness wouldn't overcome the young girl on her first day. Enthusiasm, butterflies, every excited emotion under the sun, it was all Mari could think of all night. Being able to start anew in a different place where she knew hardly anyone; it was all she ever wanted. But first days meant first impressions, and so Mari wanted to make them good.

5:55, she was already prepared to head out. Before she did, Mari slipped into the bathroom one more time, getting a good look at her reflection. Just one more look in the mirror.

Mari had to reassure herself. Doubts, unease, she was forcing it all to the side. She knew that the past was truly be behind her now; she wouldn't have to worry about it anymore, wouldn't have to think about it. Perhaps leaving the bustling Tokyo metropolis was a great idea after all, even if the totally silent neighbourhood street corners would take some getting used to. This was the next chapter, the next stage, Mari didn't want to ruin this for herself again. Anger, negativity, she wouldn't let it get that restrictive hold on her mentality. She had to change and this would be the best time to do it. This was a new beginning, a new year, and Mari was rearing to go.

Mustering up a smile, Mari wanted to make sure she left the house looking in a cheerful disposition. Stepping outside once more, she murmured a swift goodbye, as she always did.

And as always, there wasn't anyone to hear it. Her mother had long left during her short run.

Towards a random street, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018
| 6:34 AM

Hearing the wind rush past her ears as she biked down the hill was a satisfying sound to Mari. The faster she went down the louder it got, and the more she felt that exhilarating thrill in her veins. Riding down the many secluded slopes it took to get to the main road definitely kept her awake.

6:35. She was going to have to speed things up.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Althiel
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Althiel Advocate of Waifu Smiles™

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fujioka Senior High, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018 | 6:51 AM

Interactions: Ishihara, Miyuki @ES | Shimizu, Ichika / Himawari, Shiori @Hero

To be able to converse with her in such an oddly warm and casual manner, as if they were more friends than acquaintances, was another surprise he wasn't anticipating from the usually tranquil Miyuki. Perhaps she wanted to fully embrace and experience the high school life, like most others. "Heh.. I guess so." Juno looked away, hiding his half-assed, dispirited expression.

"..don't expect much from me, though." He silently expressed.

"Tatsujin-kun! Ishihara-san!"

Juno's eyes followed the source of the rather peppy voice, aware of their identities. A blonde called out to them, complete with a waving gesture. Her outward appearance gave off the impression of being Miss most-popular-girl-at-school and with merit, if the males' varying glances behind her were any indication. And accompanying her was a brunette; someone he was oh-so familiar with.

"Er.. Mornin'." He forced a smile in regards to the blonde's cheery disposition. She introduced herself as Shimizu, Ichika. Immediately, he noted the stark contrast between her and the girl she's with. "..Juno. Tatsujin Juno. Though it looks like Himawari-san already told you about me." He replied, scratching the back of his head.

The blue-haired female beside him seemed to know who she was, and so he excused himself from their mano a mano. In truth, he was feeling a tad uneasy being around them. The last thing he hoped for was being approached by others, let alone females. Passing by them, Juno acknowledged the irritable brunette's presence, sulking a few feet away by her lonesome while the other two conversed. He sighed. It would be rude to just outright ignore her after they shared their forced greetings earlier.

"To think you had a friend.. Huh." He approached her with a quite a derogatory remark, though in her case it was a playful one, considering this is how they usually chew the fat at work. Compared to Miyuki and Ichika, he was more comfortable talking with her, his fellow co-worker whom he shares the post with almost every day of the week these past few months.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Raging Fenrir@Conscripts

Igarashi Renzo

Ren's posture visibly relaxed when Ryuuto forgave him, although he did let out a little sigh when he decided to call him Igarashi-san.

"Well, I guess that's fine too." He said. "'s long as we can still be friends, you can call me whatever ya want!"

He chuckled a little when he suggested that, should he be in their class, a top score in maths would be out of his reach.

"Well, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, you could put me in a class with a couple'a rocks an' a chicken, an' I'd probably still be at the bottom if we're talkin' about maths! Me an' maths go together 'bout as well as kappa an headstands, ya know?"

He then quickly turned to the now named Amari, Ren's own massive hand wrapping around his to shake it vigorously.

"'s nice to meetcha too!" He said cheerfully. "No idea whatcha just said, bein' honest, but if it's somethin' to do with videogames, then I'm excited ta learn! Never really had 'em back home for the most part, so I've been lookin' forward to tryin' some of 'em out!"

However, once his two new friends began to talk about how they needed to get moving, he remembered his panic from before. He almost took off running again right then and there, the reemerging panic blatantly obvious on his face. However, Ryuuto and Amari seemed calm enough about the whole thing, and considering that a decent chunk of the previous conversation had been about how much better with numbers they were than him, he decided he should be safe to trust their judgement.

"Well..." He said slowly, a small frown on his face. "If ya really reckon we can make it in time without too much rushin', then I guess it should be fine. Let's get movin' then, I guess! This towns pretty big though, so I'm countin' on you guys to make sure I don' get too turned round or anythin!"

And so, with one last salute to his fallen companion Sandwich-kun, may he rest in peace, he began walking in the direction that he was pretty sure led to the school.

It was a mere five minutes or so later before he walked around another corner, and found himself being thrown to the ground by a sensation that had begun to feel all too familiar over the last few days.

He'd just been hit by another bike, hadn't he?

Slowly tilting his head back up, his suspicions were confirmed, seeing a short haired girl in another Fujioka uniform.

"Hey..." He wheezed from his position on the ground. "s your bike ok?"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

City Streets, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018 | 6:35 AM

Kotone was distraught. She had thought this school year would have been just another boring school year, but here Kotone was, severely distressed by the display the girl put on. The girl's hands went to her chest, wheezing heavily as she fell to her knees. Was she okay? Did she need Kotone to call for help?

"You need to not... make me run down... this entire way... ever again... for one thing..."

"I-I... uh..."

She struggled to pierce together a full sentence, feeling rather overwhelmed and confused. Kotone thought to offer her the drink she was going to have later for lunch, though it seemed the overly dramatic girl had recovered without it.

"Oh my god, why would people torture themselves like this?"

The next set of words that came out of the girl's mouth was like a blow to Kotone's stomach. Had this girl been deliberately trying to make Kotone feel agitated and upset this whole time? Being an avid runner, Kotone felt it was rather depressing to have one of her favorite hobbies described as "torture." A whole range of emotions were now flourishing inside Kotone, and none of them were good in any sense or form. Kotone already wanted to go back home; to climb back in bed and hide from everyone.

"W-Well, runn—"

Kotone tried stammering out a reply, but she was promptly cut off by the chubby girl going off on a tangent. Apparently, what she had wanted to stop Kotone for was to ask to see if there was a room available for her father. There were usually rooms available unless, of course, there was some event in the big city. The ryokan was cheaper than a modern hotel and it had some amenities that were hard to come by in this day and age. If you wanted the authentic experience, after all, it was best to come to an authentic inn.

Nonetheless, it wasn't long before Kotone felt awkward once again. The girl struggled for a name, though rather than focus on her last name, like every Japanese did, she started naming off first names similar to hers. Were they on a first name basis already, or was it a slip of the tongue?

Either way, Kotone needed to reply.

"Kotone; Tachibana Kotone." Kotone timidly replied, queasy with uneasiness. "T-There are rooms available, your otousan can find our rates on our website..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ichika's eyes lit up slightly as the blue haired girl asked if they had met before. That's right, they have! Not like they were super best friends (yet) but yes, her face was definitely a familiar one. Nodding rather eagerly, her enthusiasm and excitement froze in place as Ishihara asked about her bicycle. The one she had somewhat unwittingly crashed. Shiori had suggested getting the bike to making going to and from work somewhat easier. She had agreed it was a good idea, but she had never learned how to ride one. Despite that, she had been determined to teach herself and in all fairness she did pick it up rather quickly.

The faithful event had transpired when Ichika had been in a bit of a rush. The young girl zipped through the streets easily enough, but the trouble came when she tried (and failed) to stop.

"Oh, y-yeah! Totally!" She tried to play it off, clearly trying to save face. The few scrapes she had earned from the accident paled in comparison to the poor bike. "I'm sturdier than I look, believe it or not!"

After a moment, she managed to regain her composure, smiling at Ishihara. "What an awesome coincidence that we're going to be attending the same school!" She stated somewhat happily.

There was nothing around that particularly interested the girl, so Shiori was content with just standing around. Her eyes were focused on the gate before her, a somewhat dull expression on her face. Her mind wandered over to a place of numbers and money, making a mental list of what she needed to grab from the store before heading home. It would probably be better to do an actual run to the market, but having to essentially babysit Ichika all the time was somewhat draining.

As she plucked her red sweater off of her for a moment, she noticed Juno approach her. Raising an eyebrow at him, she watched him with mild curiosity. The taller boy seemed somewhat amused to find Shiori with someone, his teasing tone turning her neutral frown into a slight scowl. It was way too early to be dealing with his probably good natured ribbing. Then again, that was their shtick on what could be considered a daily basis. He'd poke fun at her, she'd try to ignore him, he'd manage to rile her up, then the bickering would kick off. Mundane, maybe, but it alleviated her boredom, so she couldn't complain.

"Shut up, Tatsujin," She muttered, rolling her eyes before looking up at him. Keeping her hands in her pocket, she turned towards Juno. "She's my cousin, we're living together for the school year. Saying we're friends is a stretch."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 4 mos ago


A random street, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018
| 6:37 AM


Mari was too late to react properly to a person coming out of nowhere as she cycled down the hill at breakneck speed. First, she braked her bike. Second, she felt the hard clash on the other end of her bike. And third, the dangerously sudden stop sent Mari flying off her bike; had she not thrown herself off upon impact, whatever injuries she could have come out with would have been much more severe.

"You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me..."

Mari didn't have time to think as she mumbled and rubbed her head; in that short moment she wasn't in the right mind to deal with the accident quietly. She felt the leftover adrenaline cause her blood to boil as she stood up and threw her bike up back on its wheels with her right arm. Her face scrunched up into expressions of anger, reconsideration and realisation in the few too many seconds it took for her to not only calm down, but to realise that the collision was, pretty much, her fault.

"Look… crap, you okay, man? Forget about my bike, I could've messed you up, like, really bad!" Mari exclaimed. "I'm so sorry about that, I was cycling down that hill way too fast and then you kinda just... popped up outta nowhere."

Mari attempted a smile as she crouched down to extend her hand. Though she had managed to retain her calm, she wasn't sure if the boy was feeling the same. She had just crashed into him with her bike, after all.

It was when she finally noticed the familiar uniform he wore that she felt an awkward churning inside her gut.

Mari swore under her breath. This was not a good first impression.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AdmrlStalfos19
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AdmrlStalfos19 Undead. Not Updated

Member Seen 6 days ago

Interactions: Tachibana Kotone (@Sola)

Tachibana Kotone. So that was the brown-haired girl's name, huh? Midori had not heard the name Kotone for so long, that it had evidently escaped her completely. Midori couldn't help but emit a sheepish laughter at the revelation.

"Egusa Midori. I'm glad we were finally able to introduce ourselves properly this time around," she offered her hand as she said this.


Afterwards, Midori looked down at her phone. She saw that Atsumori hadn't texted her back yet and asked where she went, but that wasn't too surprising for her. After all, it was entirely possible that he started a conversation with the woman that worked behind the counter and, knowing Atsumori, he had a tendency to continue dragging such conversations on for longer than necessary. In any case...

"We've still got plenty of time," Midori mused to herself, before looking back up towards Kotone, her curiosity somewhat piqued, "Now what were you gonna say when I went on that tangent again? About that whole running thing?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ES
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ES Just passing through

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ishihara Miyuki
Ishihara Residence, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018
| 6:55 AM

Ichika soon earnestly replied to Miyuki, although it was obvious that she was surprised when Miyuki asked how well she was doing after the bicycle accident. At this juncture, the blue haired girl realized that she had kicked off the conversation in an awkward way. Then again, the accident was the only thing that she could remember on how she got acquainted with Ichika. Miyuki smiled alongside with Ichika as the best she can, while hoping that she did not set off any alarms. Despite being a rather stoic person, Miyuki was afraid of giving people the wrong ideas.

"Glad that you're okay, Shimizu-san!"

Then the blonde proceeded to express her surprise when she realized that Miyuki is attending the same high school as herself, while gently smiling.

("Uh oh... I blew this conversation up, didn't I?")

Miyuki smiled in response as well, hoping to salvage the awkward conversation between them. The bespectacled girl began to think on how to steer the conversation. Then she remembered on the spunky girl that walked alongside with. With that in mind, Miyuki continued on.

"Yeah! Seems Kurosuoba is actually quite small than I expected!" Miyuki lets out a chuckle. "I hope we can get along well!"

Then she steered the conversation towards to Shiori, the one who walked alongside with Ichika earlier on.

"By the way, the girl who walked with you just now... Is she your best friend?"

Miyuki smiled, hoping that by giving Ichika the lead will make the conversation less awkward. What a way to start off her first day in school, is it not?

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Saimoto Residence, Kurosuoba, Japan
April 3, 2018 | 6:07 am

Saimoto Mitsuko moved her hand to her head, with a quiet sigh left her lips. Not that she was trying to be quiet. She lived alone. It was one of the main reasons that her mood was always so dour when she woke up to face the day. As confident and hard-working as she was, sometimes she just hoped her father would come home one day and tell her he got a job in the city, close enough where he didn’t have to travel all the time and pretty much exclusively talk through a web camera or phone. She knew he loved the work he did and she respected it, understood it, but it didn’t stop the desire for things to be different.

When food was handled, dishes were put away, and lunch was prepared she left. Perhaps it was early for most students, but Mitsuko was probably one of the very few members of her class that actually had to be 100% self-oriented. She didn’t have an older sister to look after her, parents to wake her if she slept through an alarm, or close treasured childhood friend to make sure she was okay. She wished it wasn’t like the way it was, but she couldn’t change the fact her dad worked overseas and her mother had been dead since she was nine years old. Nobody could change that. The best thing she could do was give everything one hundred percent and do the best she could.

Fujioka High School, Gates
April 3, 2018 | Present

Mitsuko pressed her foot against the base of the wall that separated the premises of Fukushima High School from the streets of Kurosuoba. It was still thirty or so minutes until the school opened its gates and Mitsuko was stuck flipping through her phone as she waited for the new school year to offically begin. She had been sure to be perfectly ready when she arrived, so it was just a matter of waiting and dealing with any of the students that decided it would be a good idea to talk to the her at seven thirty in the morning. As she continued to wait for time to pass and the day to begin she pressed her fingers down on her phone, cycling through the albums she had downloaded to her cellphone, trying to figure out what particular band interested her at the moment. She smiled warmly as she found a record that she hadn’t listened to yet and was in her queue.

For the last few years this was Mitsuko’s “ritual”, a choice made to make the first day of the school year something different and something she’d remember for the rest of her teenage years. Perhaps it was a silly thing to celebrate a mundane existence with fresh experience. But for Mitsuko it made sense.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tanaka Residence, Kurosuoba, Japan
April 3, 2018 | 6:06 am

Kazuto smiled as his aunt grimaced at Tsubasa's antics. It reminded him a lot of when him and Tsubasa were kids with her always acting outlandish or weird. One of his friends had once called her annoying, but he didn't exactly agree. He knew he missed his life in Kurosuoba but he didn't exactly realize how much he did. As the minutes passed by he remained seated as he finished his meal though it was obvious that Tsubasa had obviously beat him to it. It was her mistake, he presumed, eating that fast was just going to make her feel naseous and bloated. Hardly becoming for a girl who wanted to be a idol.

“You're going to get a stomach-ache if you keep eating like that, Tsu-chan.” He commented as he moved from the table to look over his backpack and what he had prepared to take with him to school for his first day.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Tsubasa was genuinely surprised by Kazuto's reaction to her antics. She was certainly aware that her grown up skills weren´t the best, but to end up no better than she started? It was a huge mistake, one that would have to be fixed immediately. Her mind exploded in a fury of possible strategies and solutions to save face among her new roommate. If any of the adults in her life could peer into her brain, they'd be flabbergasted at just how much passion she had and how absolutely none of it was being funneled into studying. They'd probably also complain about whatever flavor of the month pop song was looping endlessly in her head, but that's besides the point.

"Eh, sorry Kazuto!" she said. Starting her sentences like this was a calculated move that had since grown out of control and rooted itself with the rest of her habits. Upon seeing her cousin on the finishing stages of getting ready she gobbled her last bits of breakfast and took off towards the bathroom. There was no way she´d let herself be the last one out.

Analyzing her face with the spirit of an idol critic solidified her concerns over appearances. A messy blob of hair, a crooked bow and collar, flaw after flaw was added to her to-do list. Anyone seeing her both now and until she was finished would have mistaken her for a regular girl out of the lack of accessories outside of a good luck bracelet.

Tsubasa´s past and frequent encounters with authority figures had made her compliant in the rules surrounding student uniforms, with the exception of her hair. A single ponytail, tied to the side of her head as a silent sign of defiance. It was a visually interesting hairstyle that was simultaneously normal enough to get away with. She took one last look at herself in the mirror before rushing to the entrance of their house, where Kazuto was no doubt already suited up and waiting for her. "Wait for me~!" she shouted.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fujioka Senior High, Kurosuoba, Japan
April 3, 2018 | 7:00 am

7:00 AM.

As the minutes passed, the grounds of Fujioka Senior High began to fill with activity. Teachers toiled away inside the school, finalizing their preparations for the school year whilst a growing number of students awaited outside the yet to be opened gates.

One teacher in particular, Kurihara Tsuru, had finished her preparations earlier than the rest. The staff board had put her on gate duty, placing Kurihara-sensei in charge of opening the gate each morning and ensuring that all students made it to class on time. With the stress of each new school year leaving her more wearier than how she was before, Kurihara-sensei wasn't particularly enthused to have to deal with slowpokes. Someone being late meant more paperwork, and more paperwork meant a hassle.

Still, it was something she had to deal with.

Once the clock struck seven, Kurihara-sensei had made her way to the front gates, where a number of students had been waiting to be let in. Unlatching the locking mechanism, Kurihara-sensei dragged the large metal gate open across the walkway. When the gate was secured, Kurihara-sensei turned to the students, and addressed them as a whole.

"Hurry up, now. You all don't want to be late to class on your first day."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Althiel
Avatar of Althiel

Althiel Advocate of Waifu Smiles™

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fujioka Senior High, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018 | 6:57 AM

Himawari, Shiori @Hero

"That so..?"

Juno glanced at the chipper blonde once more, then back to Shiori's glum, grumpy disposition. "Funny contrast," He remarked. Reaching into his pockets and opening his flip phone once more, he checked for the time once more, followed by a groan. "Really wish I could buy myself a watch right now..." The clock finally striking seven sharp, his attention turned towards the school gates, where a female teacher had finally dragged them open. Right on cue. The students marched in like a herd, noisier than they were earlier.

"Ugh. Later." Without paying further heed to the brunette, Juno went on ahead by his lonesome, walking in tandem with the swarm.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HachiRoku
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HachiRoku New Engine

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fujioka Senior High, Kurosuoba
April 3, 2018 | 7:00 am

The floodgates have opened; the hour of reckoning is upon us! Well, not really, at least not to anyone else. School was officially starting, which also signaled new friendships, new clubs, and more of activities seemingly designed with the sole intent of stressing Hiroyuki out. It wasn't that he was too eager to join too many clubs or make too many friends: quite the contrary, really. The last thing he wanted was to be noticed, bothered, or, worst of all, have attention drawn to him.

Okay, all I need to do is get to class, and fit in. That's not hard.

Trying his best to avoid eye contact and get to class as normally as possible, he silently plodded forth, hoping not to bump into the wrong person. Good thing nobody knew him- at least not yet.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

City Streets, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018 | 6:45 AM

"I... I think so, too." Kotone replied, shaking hands with Egusa-san. Still, Kotone had felt worn out. Despite favoring a nice jog as a hobby, there was no way Kotone could compete with the bundle of energy that was Egusa-san. The girls had truly met for the first time just a moment ago, yet Kotone struggled to keep up with Egusa-san bouncing all over the place.

Taking a momentarily glance at her phone, Egusa-san shifted the conversation back to before. Apparently, Egusa-san desired to know what Kotone attempted to say before being cut off by her rambling, and as exhausted as the brown-haired girl was, she was always willing to discuss her hobbies. However, Kotone wondered if Egusa-san would even be willing to hear her out. She did, after all, just consider one of Kotone's favorite activities to be synonymous with torture.

Nonetheless, it would've been rude to brush Egusa-san off by refusing to say anything. "Well, I was trying to say that I don't see running as torture... Sure, you might feel exhausted, but running has various benefits, like helping improve your mood or reducing the risk for heart disease." Kotone explained, listing off what was on the top of her head. Having ran for fun and competition for years, Kotone knew these were facts every runner knew, but at the same time most non-runners had no knowledge of as just getting started could seem a daunting task for the new runner.

Before Kotone could continue, however, her phone began to buzz in her school bag. Pulling her phone out from her bag, Kotone glanced at the notification, noticing it had been a text message from her mother.

Did you make it to school yet?

Looking at the phone's clock, Kotone noticed that time had already passed considerably. It was unlikely that Kotone would be late to school, but today was the day of their opening ceremony and orientation. If anything, Kotone needed to be on time for that, lest she receive a scolding from one of the many teachers and staff attending the ceremony. Plus, if her mother had found out that Kotone was late on her first day, she would never hear the end of it.

"I... I have to get going, okay?" Kotone replied, placing a foot on the pedal of her bike, though she was reminded of what she promised her father. It would take some time for Kotone to get used to Egusa-san, but they were both wearing the same first year uniform, making it very likely they were in the same class. "If I see you at school, we can talk later... maybe at lunch, or something."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Da Streets, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018 | 6:40 AM

Tsubasa skipped ahead of her cousin without a care in the world. As far as she was concerned, this day was off to a perfect start.

It was rare for her to show any enthusiasm for school aside from the occasional club activity or festival. Her head buzzed with thoughts over the types of people she would meet and eventually befriend within the school´s walls. It looked like a boring building and had nothing in common with the silver behemoths of academies found in manga, but she was expecting that. Didn´t all sugary media for teenagers have the same message about creating miracles out of hard work? This was an apt place to start her antics, definitely.

"Ka. Zu. To. Kun~" she groaned, starting off sweetly and then dropping into a deeper and more familiar voice that stretched his honorific in a very impatient way. The pair didn't have much of a gap between them yet Tsubasa insisted on walking side by side as part of the construction of a perfect first day. She had gone as far as memorizing the school's location better than last week's newest hits, and that was saying something. Being a tryhard could occasionally result in doing things reserved for the more intellectual students, it seemed.

A part of her secretly expected for some sort of unlikely or strange event to happen on her way to school, just like in a manga. Even a stray cat in a box would be enough. It was optimistic and childish thinking that kept the boring reality of academia locked away for now.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AdmrlStalfos19
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AdmrlStalfos19 Undead. Not Updated

Member Seen 6 days ago

Interactions: Tachibana Kotone (@Sola)

"Well, I was trying to say that I don't see running as torture... Sure, you might feel exhausted, but running has various benefits, like helping improve your mood or reducing the risk for heart disease," while she wouldn't want to admit it, that was not what Midori wanted to hear. It sounded as though Kotone was completely unaware of how much harder it would be for Midori to try to get herself fit. Midori felt as though she needed to say something, but what could she say? She'd lost friends before over clashes of opinion before and, considering she rarely came across any to begin with, that was the last thing she needed.

"Well... you've seen how I was at the end of it, alright?" Midori said in a tone of depression, "Just try to look at it from my perspective. Please."

With that, her head sank low. Midori had no idea that Kotone would take an interest in running, and now that she'd known, she was quick to feel bad for what she said earlier. She was still skeptical about the idea of her mood being improved by running, and she was adamant that she was past the point of no return when it come to looking after one's health. But perhaps that was because she had the wrong mindset entirely...

"I... I have to get going, okay?" Kotone stated, "If I see you at school, we can talk later... maybe at lunch, or something."

"Hm?" Midori wondered, looking down at her phone again, then back up towards Kotone, "Oh yeah; sure! I'll see you around."

That reminded her. She had to get back to the convenience store so that she could get her snacks off of Atsumori.


Sure enough, Midori arrived at the school gates with a significantly improved mood. She had gotten a packet of pocky, a couple bottles of soda and... a large percentage of her money back. Atsumori must've assumed that what Midori really wanted was to raid the convenience store, much to her dismay. But she was thankful that she got some more food out of the ordeal at the very least.

Of course, it was safe to say that Kotone would've arrived several minutes before Midori had. She did have a bike after all, and unlike Midori, Kotone wouldn't have had to stop by at the convenience store for any particular reason.

'I wonder where Miyuki is,' Midori kept watch on the streets. After all, there were others that had yet to arrive...
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