Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hillview High - Mason Square
@Surtr Inc

Rage flared up inside of Penny as Claire refused to see logic, and if it wasn’t for Britney finally getting a chance to speak she would’ve been ready to see whose Abstraction was truly stronger right then and there. Penny tried to cool her head as Britney explained that the Glutton fed on emotions. Although if there was any one group of people in the world to target for a PMS feast, it would be this one. There was no reassurance that came with Britney’s explanation, and Penny didn’t want to bet on the hope and a prayer that some eldritch emotion eater would happen to just screw up slightly enough that a handful of them could escape.

However, there was no more time to think as the avatar of the Glutton absorbed the wall and stared them down. In a snap, Justin had lit himself on fire like the Human Torch, seemingly intent to make a final stand against the monster. Penny grumbled. If what Britney said was true, then all they could hope for was to buy enough time until the creature made a colossal fuck up. She backed away to give herself some space before dumping out the entire contents of her bag on the ground. Piled at her feet was a makeshift arsenal of pens and rocks and shards of glass and whatever other junk she found fit to become a rocket. Without even looking Penny reached into the pile of trash and grabbed a handful of garbage. The world around her blurred, her head throbbing with pain as she prepared to dodge any rogue tentacles.

“Eat up, you fucking fat ass,” she growled, repulsing the items at the avatar as if they were bullets. She doubted it would even harm it, but she was tired of running.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hillview High - Mason Square.

Paige was irrelevant to Jordan's line of thought at the moment, as the Glutton was coming to devour them all. The hell even was this thing?! Things like that shouldn't even exist. The girl thought this was some kind of punishment for... what she did. For all the sins she commited, so God has personally sent his most vile creation after her. She looked back at it as it... ate reality. Everything was being absorbed into it's maw, and her legs were moving on their own, ignoring the crippling pain that she is feeling in her bad leg. With the help of Kimberly she got far away from this thing as she could.

Jordan was far too... stressed, to notice what Kimberly noticed. And if Jordan had noticed what Kimberly had noticed, she would get a lot more stressed: the thing was growing bigger. She didn't notice if it growing because of what it ate, or that's just what it did. The point was that the thing was going to eat all of them if they didn't figure something out. Sweat was trickling down, as she tried to think of something. She wished that she had a get-out-of-jail-free-card. These morons got amazing powers, and stuff, and Kimberly got nothing. Except the burden of getting everyone out of here.

They made it to the stairs, and maybe going upstairs wasn't the best idea, but there wasn't no where else to go. They ran up the stairs, and the Glutton was literally at the foot of the stairs eating away at them at surprising speed. An inhuman sound came from the thing as it violently vibrated, and the speed doubled. It wasn't long before it was pulling the stairs from underneath their feet - and the stair that Jordan was on was yanked towards the thing. She let out a loud scream the mere instant that it fell, and Kimberly could only desperately try to save her friend despite her falling out of her grasp.

This was it.

Jordan realized that this was the end. All those hours she spent up feeling guilt over what she had were over. She could finally die as she fell into the Glutton's warming-

Kimberly's hand stopping her fall snapped her back to reality... and suddenly, the light and the Glutton was gone, and everything that it did to the school was reverted back to normal. Jordan regained her footing and looked around. "Was...?" Jordan absentmindedly trailed the words out of her mouth, but she looked around.

"It was a hallucination," Lynette out and spatted the obvious.

"That thing..." Kimberly looked around, shocked that everything felt so real. Jordan slipping out of her hand felt real, "I think that was more than just a hallucination, Lynn..." She trailed off.

"... That thing ain't just some monster." Jordan added on. However, they heard the sounds of a battle in the distance, they weren't sure just what was going on there.

"... Maybe we should go the other way." Jordan quietly noticed.

Hillview High - Mason Square.

As everyone prepared for the final battle with this thing, Claire had one thing that she needed: a god damn cigarette. She hadn't had a light in awhile and... if she was going to die in this fight, she was at least going to die with a cigarette in her mouth. Justin summoned a powerful flaming tiger that flew into the fight after unleashing a raging roar. It landed right in front of Justin and unleashed a massive barrage of flames right at the Glutton. The fire burned away at the Glutton's being... but it simply recovered what it had lost in an instant. Claire noticed that it had slowed down, though. That meant that they could do something to do. The barrage that Penny sent it's way that consumed, and disappeared in a mass of sparks. Claire, not really thinking, and still feeling rage towards Penny and this fucking thing, yanked a locker off the wall and tossed it at it. Screaming loud as she possibly could... she watched as it consumed the locker, too. But, every time it consumed something, she noticed it slowing down.

"Fuck." She hissed to herself, she looked at Britney, whom declined not to even try to fight. Instead, she was creating a... lot of vines and roots around the group. She even noticed some vines around herself. Claire didn't even get a chance to look at it before the Glutton came to a stop, before it stuck it's hand out. Dozens of black tendrils came out of the being and flew directly towards Penny and went at piercing speeds.

"Penny!" Britney shouted, before the vines rose up into the air to deflect the attack by the Glutton, and give Penny a window - albeit small, to escape.

Hillview High

"This..." A boy in a black coat stood outside of the "cage" that the Glutton had made. He kept a healthy distance away from the abomination's construct out of very justified fear of the thing. But, it knew exactly what it was, even as he gazed up into the sky at the thing's monstrous form. It sent shivers down his spine, and he was at a loss for words.

The day has finally come.

The Glutton has reawakened and there's nothing they can do about it.

"Goro!" One of the two robed persons with arrows strapped to their backs behind him shouted, and the teen turned around, and they said, "We have to report this to Amethyst immediately!"

"Agreed, make us a path at once."

They both nodded, and they both drew out their bows and arrows. Intricate symbols illuminated on their bodies, and in turn, their bows glow with the same patterns. They drew their arrows, and shot them into nothing - but a massive swirling purple portal opened up and the three of them ran inside.

This was a simple mission only a few hours ago.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
Avatar of Atrophy

Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hillview High - Mason Square

Rita’s chest tightened, each gasp of air painful as she continued to run, her legs crying out to stop, her heart hammering against her ribs. It felt like she was going round in circles, and perhaps she was, as she traced the perimeter of black tendrils that had surrounded the school and the woods around it. She stayed about ten feet away from them as they shimmered and weaved against one another, creating an impassable barrier. In the distance she could her shouting, crying, screaming, and her imagination painted in the rest of the picture of what awfulness it was that she was missing. There was no way she was going back there, and no way she was getting through that tentacle wall. And so, she kept running around in circles, her body threatening to quit with each step.

And then it did. She doubled over, hands on her knees, as she fought back the urge to vomit stomach acid and little else. There was a sharp pain in her side, perhaps from all of the running, perhaps from a tussle with a branch, and her sweater was torn here and there. She laughed between her dry heaves. What a stupid thing to think about, a sweater, when her life was on the line. Still, focusing on something else gave her a little bit of clarity. In fact, it gave her just enough awareness to hear a stick snap, turn her head towards the school, have her eyes go wide as a tall, dark figure emerged from the brush, and give out a bloodcurdling scream as it collided with her.

Hillview High - Mason Square

Penny lost track of how many swears she uttered as she unloaded on the Glutton, every toss punctuated with a sharp, colorful language as if that would do it any good. Between the trinity attack of Justin, Claire, and herself, it was slowing down ever so slightly, but nothing significant. She continued on in her half-crouched position, launching shot after shot at the Glutton, hoping that something would give. Like what? Like it was allergic to type no. 2 pencils? Whatever, she had to keep—the Glutton stopped. And then…

“Oh shit!”

It felt as if the world slowed to a crawl. Thanks to her Abstraction, Penny could see that she was utterly fucked, even as she began to dive out of the way. She had gotten too close. Claire’s fault, definitely, not that she had time to think about it. No, she really had no time to think about anything at all, except how she had failed her idiot brothers, both of them. Well, maybe she’d find some closure in the afterlife, assuming there even was one. Assuming she’d even get into the good place.

And then Brit’s vines hit the tendrils and dissolved into them, giving Penny enough time to finish her dodge. As she hit the ground she kept rolling away from the Glutton, gracelessly getting up to her feet a moment later. She was still too close for comfort as she began backing away, still not willing to give up the fight but hopeless to contribute, and looked for something to put in between her and the Glutton if it picked her as a target again.

Hillview High - Mason Square

“Jesus, sorry, crap. You dead?”

Rita laid sprawled out on the earth below, her gasps for breath as she tried to capture the wind that had been knocked out of her serving as an answer for the question. Billy, wide-eyed, slightly scratched, but otherwise unharmed towered above her, looking frantically over his shoulder for a pursuer that was not there. Rita, still struggling for air but no longer feeling like a total fish out of water, attempted to sit up, and grabbed Billy’s hand when he offered it. She rubbed a dirty sleeve across her face, sweat and tears mixing together, as she collected herself. Between sharp breaths, she asked: ”Why did you do that?”

“I wanted to knock you out." He paused. "I'm joking, obviously. Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” said Billy. As he looked away his eyes twitched with slight confusion. “I’m trying to find a way out of this mess. I kind of took off running when shit hit the fan. Like you did, I take it.”

“Yeah,” heaved Rita. “I don’t...I don’t know what’s happening. It’s good to see someone else is alive.”

“Still, man,” said Billy, taking a step towards the barrier of black, “we won’t be alive much longer if we can’t get through there. Do you know of a way through?”

“If I did I wouldn’t be here,” snapped Rita. She grabbed her temple. “Sorry. I meant to say that I’m afraid to touch it.”

“I know what you mean,” said Billy, his voice growing grim before it lightened up again. “Here, get up off the ground. I’ve got an idea.”

“What is it?” she asked, hesitantly as she stood up completely.

Billy never seemed like the type to fully grasp a situation, but he seemed weirdly calm about all of this. She watched as the wall shifted behind him, the tendrils like black snakes rolling around one another. He looked down at her, a shadow crossing his glasses as the corner of his lips twitched. She could see that he was fighting the response. Then, her Abstraction broke through and his face twisted into a serpent’s smirk as he grabbed her by the shoulders, hard, his fingers digging into her flesh. His voice growled through his teeth as he began to lift her: “It’s obvious, you stupid bitch. We give it a test.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hillview High – Mason Square

Rien didn’t want to abandon Maddie, but they knew that Penny was right. So they shoved some leaves over her, along with Penny’s jacket. They doubted it would do much, but maybe the glutton would concentrate on the people who were actually moving. Now wasn’t that a lovely thought?

They decided not to follow Penny – wherever she was going, it seemed closer to the thick of things. Rien was under no illusion that they’d be useful there. They’d rather just figure a way out of this mess. Not that they thought they could do that either.

They took of running in the opposite direction, going as fast as they could towards the wall. They narrowly avoided colliding with it, so one minded in their goal of getting to it. There had to be a way through it, right?

As they tried to figure it out they heard voices nearby – other people, obviously… including the familiar voice of someone who had fucked right off when everything went to shit. Not that Rien had (many) hard feelings about it, not in this situation. But going towards other people would be a good thing.

They got to the other two just as Billy grabbed Rita by the shoulders, growling out something far to ominous.

“Oy! I hope you’re not planning to throw someone else into that wall,” Rien was quick to make themselves known, throwing Billy something of a glare. “I think there are better ways to test it… and this isn’t the way to go about it.”

Hoping that he wouldn’t do anything stupid quickly, now that someone else was here, they pulled out their sketch pad. It only took a couple of minutes to draw up a mouse – and they made sure to keep a good hold of it after they pulled it out of the drawing. It was very much alive, and they would’ve felt bad about what they were about to do if it wasn’t for the situation.

“How about we test it with this, yeah?” Rien asked, holding up the mouse.

Hillview High – Mason Square
@Ciaran@Surtr Inc

“It’s ok,” Caelea responded to Paige, with a slight nod as she mostly concentrated on running. “I don’t want to watch anyone else die.”

Not after what had happened to Hagan. She wasn’t even friends with this girl, or anyone else here for that matter, but it felt wrong to lose anyone else. She wanted to prevent that as much as she could.

Caelea was silent when they bumped into Jordan and Kimberly, and silent still as they continued running in the same direction as the pair. She tried not to let her thoughts go down the negative – about how they were pretty screwed if the glutton actually came after them. Caelea could run pretty quickly by herself, but not while supporting someone else.

“What the fuck,” Caelea put a hand out to balance herself, only to find out she wasn’t actually falling. The extreme panic she’d felt continued to pound through her brains, making her want to just run the fuck away. But she couldn’t just abandon Paige, not when she’d been scared this whole time anyway. She forced herself to calm down just enough.

“I can agree with that,” Caelea nodded slightly to Jordan. “I don’t want to find out what’s going on over there…”

“And I don’t fancy our chances if it comes back for us.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hillview High - Mason Square.

Now, Claire was the least motivated person in the world to fight the Glutton at the moment. Britney's little pep talk left her pissed, how in the hell is Brit even supposed to expect them to hope that the Glutton screws up? Penny was merely inches away from death, and she expects them to ride on a God damn hope? Well, Claire wasn't having any of it, her aura was a bright red color, and she used that strength to rip a locker off the wall and toss it at the Glutton. The monstrous Avatar stuck its hand out which stretched out, exploding into thousands of tendrils that cut it into a thousand different pieces. It was good for distracting the Glutton for about a few seconds, yeah, so that was great for Penny. It was funny, a few hours ago Claire would have looooved to throw that locker at Penny, but right now it was easy to forget grudges in the bigger picture.

Claire turned her head as Justin's Soul-Self continued barraging the thing with more fire - but whatever he hit it with was just recovered a few moments later. She couldn't even see a hint of emotion on Justin's face, but every now and then the Soul-Self would stop and shake its head in frustration. Right before it continued, Claire didn't have time to think on what that meant, but it was literally a waste of energy. The Glutton can't be burned or anything, obviously, best they're doing is slowing it down. That was probably why Brit wasn't even trying? Claire thought it was just cowardice, but...

... Maybe Britney's right.

When that thought passed through her head, seemingly on cue, the Glutton jetted right toward Penny at lightning fast speeds. The being's human... shape betrayed how fucking fast this thing could go, it was basically flying towards Penny. And suddenly, all those thoughts just disappeared, they were replaced by sheer action. She launched towards Penny and the Glutton, without a second thought, with hopes of saving somebody. Claire had covered the ground between them and she cocked her fist back and delivered a mighty punch to the Glutton's side that had the being comically warping around the punch. The eldritch horror went flying across the room until it impacted the wall and bounced off. Suddenly, Claire's rageful aura disappeared as she smiled, it went back to her neutral blue color. She could feel it, this thing wasn't as powerful as dangerous as Brit tried to make it out to be.

"Claire, no!" Britney tried to warn her, but Claire didn't listen. The Glutton charged her, and she delivered yet another punch to its mid-section, before sending a wide-arced haymaker to it that sent it skidding backward. Taking one step she closed the distance before punching it yet again with two quick blows and felt hope. Hope that they'll get out of here, and hope that she'll get revenge for Hagan like he deserved. Claire cocked her fist back for the blow that she knew would end all this and threw the punch hard as she could.

When this punch made the impact with the Glutton, the being consumed her hand. Her whole arm disappeared in a mass of orange spikes, and by the time reflexes kicked in she was missing everything under the upper arm. Her aura had been completely shattered, and all of that hope and demeanor was gone. She pulled back and stared at her arm, a bloody stub that was completely and cleanly cut through. Tears were running down her eyes as she loudly hollered and spun around.

"I knew this would happen!" Britney loudly said and scolded herself for letting it reach this point, but in all honesty, there wasn't much she could do. Claire's strength made it impossible to properly restrain her - at least that was the excuse Britney made for herself. She dropped to her hands and knees and immediately created dozens of vines, and immediately felt physical weakness upon such an act. The vines went out fast as they could towards Claire, and she was praying that she would be fast enough.

However, in the middle of Claire's wild pivot, she turned her back to the Glutton.

Then... the unthinkable happened.

Claire just suddenly felt pain in her chest, like there was something in her, as everything felt lighter. Like a massive weight had just been lifted off of her heavy shoulders. When she looked around at the group, they stared at her with various expressions of shock. Just out of some kind of dull curiosity, she looked down at her chest and saw it. The Glutton's hand was sticking out of her chest, and all she could do was go wide-eyed. She couldn't even get out her last words before... Before she went completely limp, lifted up by the Glutton into the air. Like it was presenting some kind of sick trophy, that it had killed their strongest warrior and was showing them how hopeless it all was.

Britney had covered her mouth and tears had begun to stream down her cheeks. Even though her hands, her sobbing could be heard, as she tried desperately not to scream Claire's name. She slammed her fist onto the ground repeatedly, as she finally let the tears flow. It's all my fault! She thought to herself and realized that it was due to her poor leadership that her distant friend was dead. Killed by the very being that she had set out to stop, and she failed. She failed to save her friends from it... The tears wouldn't stop running, as Britney had forgotten that the Glutton is feeding off this.

The Soul-Self had vanished as Justin fell to his knees. He was honestly hoping that it would remain away because the rush of emotion was the last thing that Justin wanted. He didn't know Claire as well as Britney, but he did know that she was the first friend that he had ever gotten upon arriving at this pisshole of a town. Damn it... damn it all. The flames flared up around Justin... before they all extinguished with grief.

The Glutton continued to hold Claire up, and felt all of their emotions feed it. Make it stronger.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
Avatar of Atrophy

Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hillview High - Mason Square

Rien’s arrival froze Billy in place, and gave Rita just the necessary wiggle room to drive her knee up into his groin. Billy let out a soundless scream as he let Rita go and doubled over. Rita backed away from him and gave him a horrified look; he had truly planned to throw her into the barrier surrounding them. A whirlpool of emotions swirled inside of her, fear and anger at the top. She pulled her hands, balled into fists, against her chest, as if she was ready to throw a haymaker at Billy if he tried to get up.

“Jesus, man,” squeaked Billy as he held himself, “I was just joking. Obviously.”

“That’s bullshit!” yelled Rita as she pointed an accusatory finger at Billy and looked frantically at Rien. “He’s lying! He’s lying!”

“I’ll admit it was a little tasteless. Ow. Dude, I think you cracked one…” said Billy as he tossed a smile over to Rien. God this girl had begun to annoy him. He just wanted to find a way out; it obviously wasn’t personal, so why make such a big deal out of it? He focused his mind at her, instinct as his guide, as he reached out with his Abstraction.

Rita felt a weight enter her mind as she was hit by a wave of exhaustion; she didn’t know how, but she knew it had come from Billy. “What are you doing?” she demanded

“Just trying to put you to sleep,” he said in a daze, and then he snapped out of it with a look of confusion. As he seemed to become aware again of his surroundings the feeling of exhaustion that had hit Rita began to dissipate. He smiled up at her, and said, “Seriously, you should calm down.”

“How about we test it with this, yeah?” Rien asked, holding up the mouse.

“Aw, poor rat,” said Billy, as he got on his feet. “Rita, would you like to do the honors?”

Rita took a step back.

“Fine, suit yourself,” said Billy, as he grabbed the mouse out of Rien’s hand and chucked it at the wall. It squeaked as it sailed through the air before it hit the black void and disintegrated as it was dissolved by the orange light. Billy stared at the empty spot where the mouse had hit the wall, a guilty look on his face, and then turned around in time to spot Rita as she fled away from them. With a cock of an eyebrow Billy turned to Rien with a shrug. “Some people, right bro? You don’t think you can draw us a doorway or something?”

Hillview High - Mason Square
@Surtr Inc

The Glutton was coming at Penny again, even faster than before. She didn’t need the side effects of her Abstraction to tell her that there was no time to dodge it, and gasped when Claire came out of her peripheries with a nasty right hook that sent the Glutton flying. Penny was shocked by two thing: first, she never expected Claire to try and save her and second, she thought the thing was untouchable. Had Claire’s aura nullified its ability to eat everything it touched? Penny gave a supportive “Fuck yeah!” as Claire clobbered the abomination again, and again, and—

Penny’s face went pale as the Glutton swallowed and then disappeared Claire’s arm, and screamed when it impaled her on a spike. Claire had been someone Penny had hated, but even she could begrudgingly admit that Claire was the strongest out of all of them. Penny felt her spirit shatter as she watched the girl go limp and slide down the Glutton’s appendage, her hand held up to her mouth in horror. Her vision blurred, a mix of her Abstraction and the tears in her eyes, as she seeked out her remaining companions. It was clear they could no longer fight this thing.

She looked over at Britney as her former friend pounded the ground in frustration. She rushed over to the girl in an awkward, broken stumble and grabbed her on the shoulder. In a hushed, choked voice she whispered, “Get up. We have to run.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hillview High - Mason Square.

Claire's body disappeared into the mass of orange sparks, and not a trace of her body remained. Consumed by the being, and that hurt Britney even worse.

Her best friend was gone without so much of a trace. There was nothing to bury.

Penny's hands got her out of her grief-spell, and she was reminded that the Glutton could do the same to the rest of them. “Get up. We have to run.” Penny said, but honestly, was there anywhere to run? They were trapped like rats in a cage, and there was nothing to do but wait to die. However, there was something in her, a determination and a ray of hope that compelled her to climb to her feet. She was still feeling a little weak from utilizing her abstraction, but she was able to force herself back up and run... so was Justin. The Glutton came after them a few moments later, always keeping a bit of distance between them that Britney knew that he could cover if it really chose to.

Eventually, the group made it outside and... it was snowing? In the middle of September? When she was outside she was barraged by the cold winds that are usually reserved for the summertime up here in Farmer Hill. She looked around confused before she remembered that thing was right behind them... and above them. Britney looked up and saw the orange light that shined miles from the Glutton's "true" form, and it was almost like a sun. It told her there was truly no escape - the being's avatar came towards them and she couldn't help but lose everything. This was all too much - she thought that she could handle whatever the Glutton had thrown at her, but she was truly the wrong one here. She got all these people killed, all on the hope that they'd find a way to kill the Glutton - only to fail in the worst possible moment.

Everyone here hates Britney... and she hates herself for failing so horribly as a leader. She was backing against the "cage" with the rest of the group as the Glutton's form was approaching them quickly. It was finally over, and she was going to die at the hand of this world's "devil". She closed her eyes as she thought about just driving a wooden spear right through her skull to spare herself whatever this thing will do to her...

If you don't want to die, get out of the way.

They all heard the voice, it was almost like an otherworldly presence... then they saw a bright light at the top of the school and Britney knew just who it was. "Move!" Britney shouted as she dove off to the sie and hit the ground and felt the impact hitting her front - it was just in the nick of time because a massive white laser-beam came from the top of the school that engulfed the Glutton - even hitting its cage. She climbed on her feet and looked up at the rooftop seeing a bunch of figures in robes wielding an assortment of different weapons and she knew exactly who they were.

Why did Amethyst allow them to come here?

When the beam faded, the Glutton had completely lost its form; taking the appearance of a black mass that looked similar to smoke. Before regaining its humanoid shape and the robed figures raised their weapons, and symbols began to float in the air above them. They unleashed a barrage of different elements - ice, fire, light - that the Glutton consumed, but the being was immobilized by it.

One of the figures in a black robe wielding a bow and arrow ran up and shot an area in an area off to the side, and the arrow disappeared and turned into a swirling white portal. Everyone in the school heard a message in their heads again.

Go for the portal! We'll hold it off, and be quick! There's only so long we can keep this thing off you!

It was a miracle, the thing that Britney was hoping for! The Watchers were not something she expected to come to their rescue, but she knew that Amethyst had ulterior motives for letting them come here. That was, of course, for another time because Britney was running like hell towards that portal. She was tired, beaten, and in desperate need of a nap, there was nothing getting in between her and that portal. The others were feeling the same way as they ran for the portal. The school was pretty much engulfed in flames, and everyone was making a break for it, freedom was so close.

However, the Glutton underwent a change - its avatar disappeared into thin air and it forms above them began violently shaking. Before it released a sound so alien and horrific that their minds couldn't perceive it as any sound - it was a painful reaction that caused everyone present to drop to their knees. The sound persisted and it was too much for the group to take, they began falling unconscious one by one...

Britney knew that it was a fool's errand to believe that the Watchers would fare any better against the Glutton than what they did. The pain was overwhelming, the Glutton's power was overwhelming. Britney fell to her knees as she tried to resist, but she felt a white light overtake her, and she felt the weight being lifted off of her. She looked around and saw the same light wrapping around everyone else and they all faded away, still, she felt herself falling unconscious.

"Don't panic," Britney heard the voice of the... what did Nate call it? God-Child? It was heavenly, and relaxing, even in this time of need, "I should have gotten involved sooner, but I'm getting you all out of there... but I need you to do one thing for me..."

The God-Child's voice trailed off before they added on; "Sleep. You all have fought long enough..."

And that's what Britney did, she let her mind go at ease and finally rest. All the guilt and self-hatred faded away, and she felt herself relieve herself of at least a hundred pounds. Britney knew that this was only the beginning, and the real fight was right around the corner. Which was why she decided to get some rest.

Because tomorrow was a new day...

When the universe was first created, there truly was darkness. It was a different kind of darkness, where there was just nothing. No concept of time, no matter or any kind of material things, there was just nothing. As far as the eye could see... standing in the middle of it was an experience that no other being would experience, nor comprehend. This being simply stood in the darkness, with nothing to keep it company. This being had so many ideas so much power that with a wave of its hand it created a light in the distance. It brought illumination to the being, but the being felt an odd sense of... disappointment, it didn't know why. The being teleported to this light, and it was merely a ball of light in the distance - serving no purpose other than to shine. The being held this light, which was the size of planets, in between two fingers. There had to be more to it than just shining so the ball of light became a ball of fire with a mere thought, and it gave off heat. A heat that wouldn't bother a being like that, but there needed to be more to it.

Every light needs something to shine on.

So the Being, normally the size of galaxies, shrunk down to the size of a human and stood on the surface of this burning star. It turned around and stared at the nothingness, feeling an odd sense of loneliness in this cold, empty, reality. It waved it's hand around with an open palm, and planets were willed into existence around the star and there was finally a view. Though, the being still felt something wrong here and teleported to one of the planets. It was directly under the view of this sun, and it was one of the most beautiful sights that it ever saw, but there was something missing here. The planet was empty... just a hunk of stone floating in space. The being snapped its fingers and water flooded outwards and the planet was filled with air, sunny clouds, and more.

Still, it was missing something - it sensed something strange as it looked up and saw another being that was dwarfing the planet, merely staring downwards at him. When it noticed that he was staring back, the Stranger fled, flying at incomprehensible speeds and the Being flew off after it even faster. After catching up with it, it wasn't long before they were flying side by side as if they had come to an agreement. Or upon recognizing the other. They flew across this empty voice, and as they flew new worlds and starts came into existence, and shortly after: life.

They finally ended the lonely universe, and brought creation. Everything that the life within them hold dear.

They made each other complete.

Flower fields... flower fields as far as the eye can see. They weren't any less beautiful because of the blood-red sky and orange sun in the distance, it was a morbid sight for anyone else. But, for the few that resided here, it was comforting. It produced a sense of nostalgia and belonging that nothing else could replicate, almost like an infant being in the grace of their mother. This world was similar to that feeling, and one person marched across the flower fields which seemed endless, and endless. The person passed men, women, and children playing in the fields, and had not a piece of clothing on. They played in endless bliss as the one clothed person paused for a moment, smiled, and continued walking on.

This person, on their journey, marched and marched, and marched, but they finally reached their destination, A massive dead and withered tree, that was seemingly cut in half, and hollowed out. They stood at the tree and pulled their hood off, bowing in awe as an orange light materialized at the top of the tree.

"I know how angry you are... that meddlesome false God has saved them, and now they are most likely going to attempt to stop us," The person said, monotone as their attitude didn't shift one way or another even for a second. "But, nothing will get in the way of redeeming the remaining worlds. But, what if I presented a better idea...?"

If the Glutton was capable of facial expressions, it'd be intrigued.

"Even though they are touched by the false God, and have the power to keep you sealed... Perhaps they have the power to do the opposite? Touched by the False God or not, they are still humans, and thus, they can be redeemed. You showed that everyone can be saved and their sins can be erased if they believe..."

The stranger raised his head, as he said,

"... So let me Speak."
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