Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nate1008
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Name: The Infestation
Nation type: Minor Belligerent
Once a small virus trapped in an air pocket of the undergrowth of Acanta IV. Now, a flourishing plague seeking to infest all. The Infestation hates all that is not blighted by their plague. They see themselves as guardians of peace and unison with the power of a hive mind. Now, it is slightly participating in the war, but is too small to be noticed by the larger factions. Most governments think of it as a type of flu right now and believe the Infestation is just a tall tale.
The Infestation was an airborne virus, trapped deep beneath the surface of a cave world known as Acanta IV.
When a mining colony dug into the pocket, the virus infested them and took over their home world in a few
weeks due to no military response and small resistance.
Major Holdings: Central Hive (located inside Acanta IV)
Demographics: Infested: 80%, other races (prisoners/slaves): 20%

The Infested is a vast set of different races, factions and creatures, smashed together to create a hive mind. The Infestation uses Infested for any kind of job, like military or tending to the hive.

Slaves: Slaves are, again, a vast set of different races. They are normally forced to work and become infested later on. Slaves are broken down. Mentally and physically until they cant fight back and feel like they should just submit to the hive as they work in harsh and horrible conditions.
Society: The Infestations Society revolves around the Hive Mind. The Infestation seeks to Infest everything and seek out the best way to benefit the hive mind. The infestation has no will on their own and cannot control themselves. They cannot do anything. Their soul is trapped inside their skin, and cant do anything as they watch themselves kill their friends and family and feel the pain of the injuries they endure.
Economy: The Infestation does not need many resources besides food. They eat, kill and infest any living creature.
Government: The Infestation has a rule system. A dictatorship. The Hive Mind is never replaced and is the main leader. The Hive Mind has created a pyramid of power and put itself on top. The Hive Queens are second most powerful and the Swarm Leaders are third.
Technological Information: The Infestation does not create tech on their own. Instead, they steal it from other races by infesting their tech. The infestation has no tanks for instance. Instead, they infest others tanks. then Infestation now has tanks.
Major Techs: The Infestation has no techs and cannot create them on their own.
Military Information: The entire populace of the Infestation is military. Solders, Civilians and animals alike evolve and adapt new biological weapons to use in combat.
Military Overview: All of The Infested is military. The Slaves are used as cannon-fodder, to weaken the front line and the Infested are used as the troops.


Infested Dreadnought: Basically like a dreadnought of another race, but infested. It takes a spore implant to infest one and has less hull integrity and less shield.


Infested Battleship: Basically like a Battleship of another race, but infested. It takes a spore implant to infest one and has less hull integrity and less shield.


Infested Battle-cruisers: Basally like a battle-cruiser of another race, but infested. It takes a spore implant to infest one and has less hull integrity and less shield


Infested Cruiser: Basally like a Cruiser of another race, but infested. It takes a spore implant to infest one and has less hull integrity and less shield


Infested Destroyer: Basally like a Destroyer of another race, but infested. It takes a spore implant to infest one and has less hull integrity and less shield


Infested Frigate: Basally like a Frigate of another race, but infested. It takes a spore implant to infest one and has less hull integrity and less shield


Infested Corvette: Basally like a Corvette of another race, but infested. It takes a spore implant to infest one and has less hull integrity and less shield

Strike craft:

Infested Strike Craft: Basally like a Strike Craft of another race, but infested. It takes a spore implant to infest one and has less hull integrity and less shield
Army/Planetary forces:

Infested: The Infested are classic Infestation infantry. They have no fear of death and need no water or oxygen and have no moral. They look like their original race that they were before they became infested, just with tentacles and extra flesh.

Infested Vehicle: It is a vehicle made by another race, that has been infested. Now controlled by the Infestation.

Swarm Leader: Swarm Leaders command swarms. There is only one in each swarm. It is like a super-soldier version of an infested that is larger and stronger than the others. If it is killed, the entire swarm retreats. Swarm leaders have small amounts of moral and have little will of their own.

Queen: A Queen is the leader of an entire hive. She commands the swarm commanders and produces spores that, if planted by an infested, slowly creates a new hive. Queens have large amounts of will, but have moral.

Hive-Mind: The center of everything. The Hive-Mind is a massive mass of Infested flesh and tentacles. It is the master of all masters. It has no gender, needs no food and has all the will of the swarm.

Infested Hyperdread: Again, like a Hyperdread made by another race, but infested. However, it takes 20 spores to infest one and takes several months. Removing these spores will stop the infestation. If it is already infested, you cant save it. (Unless you have the cure for the infestation.)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So I'm a little interested in this and have the start of an idea I'd just like to run by to see if its okay, its an alternate take on a hivemind swarm.


The Lucifern Hosts

But a small civilization at the outset of the war, the Haradoni Union was young, excited and ambitious, hoping to prove themselves on the galactic stage. When the Great War broke out, legions of young men and women proudly marched off to war with all the pomp and circumstance of glory and victory. However, the Union bit off more than it could chew and after a singular stunning victory, they were met by set back after set back, defeat after defeat. What was once seen as a glorious honor became a solemn duty which then turned into a desperate defense. Unable to stand against what the major powers would consider a diversionary attack on their worlds turn into years of gruling warfare the young union couldn't sustain.

As the skies where filled with fire and the streets filled with dying soldiers, it was Prince Kartam who entered the secret vaults below the Royal Palace. He ignored all of the wonders and secrets that filled the hall until he came upon a chamber marked "Lucifern Virus" and within a sentient mass grew to greet him. This being was all that remained of a mysterious extraterrestial plauge that ravaged the Haradoni homeworld long ago and the prince had heard stories of the horrific corpse monsters it created and the heroes it slew, but Prince Kartam, last of his line, was desperate. The Union was on the brink of collaspe, his militia dying in droves, his family wiped out in a precision strike. And so, on that day, the Haradoni Union made a deal with the devil and the Prince became the first willing host of the Lucifern Virus.

His body twisted and contorted as bones broke and flesh ripped to be reshaped and molded. Soon a black ooze filled the streets and a deathly fog hung over the air. Slowly, the bodies of the dead rose again, undergoing rapid mutations and change, once again marching to war but now devoid of any feeling, any emotion, any pain and any remorse. Soon larger monsters formed from dozens of corpses roared and trampled the enemy underfoot. Unprepared to face off against such a nightmarish horde, the enemy broke and tried to flee back to their star ships, carrying the virus on them as they ran. Of the dozen ships tasked with the annihilation of the Haradoni Union, only one managed to return home, spreading the news of a horrific plague that stole the souls of the living and which even boarded their ships turning them into drifting hulks full of terrifying infected demons.


Basically think of a Minor Combatant with WW2 Japan's enthusiasm but Italy's combat competence. They managed to win one stunning victory mostly out of surprise and luck but then got flattened until they were almost destroyed by what the Major players wouldn't think of as a true invasion force; a "oh we should probably knock them out on our way" sort of deal. In desperation the Haradoni released an ancient alien plague that is like a combination of the Necromorphs from Dead Space, the Flood from Halo, the Simbiotes from Marvel and a little bit of Zerg/Tyranids, and willingly infected themselves in a deal with the devil scenario.

They all now look like horrid monsters from Dead Space but are are super durable and long lived, able to mutate/evolve rapidly, still use their old tech, have the whole direct control of the central hive mind and some other hive mind/swarm abilities. Their personalities are also sort of like the Necrons of 40k with the more important/noble people having more control over their minds since the hivemind recognizes their abilities are best used if they can think independently while much of the lower classes are drones and grunts.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

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@Nate1008@ClocktowerEchos So I'm not @Ozerath, but I do have an important question.

How will other players be interacting with those factions beyond just annihilating them? NRP games generally include strong political components on top of just waging war. There is more to a nation than just the military force, even if that's a component we'll see a lot of.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nate1008
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The Infestation is controlled by a hive-mind. Some infested retain the ability to speak their original languages and some hosts can even still be able to talk.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

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How will other players be interacting with those factions beyond just annihilating them?

The Lucifern Hosts aren't a mindless horde hell bent on consuming everything. They are still capable of trade and diplomacy (although they will have a different outlook on those). They don't want to conquer everyone outside of trying to get at that space elf goodie bag like everyone else, they kind of realized what happens when they tried (re: got their shit kicked in hard).

They still have research, they still look to colonize, they still seek to expand and they still do mostly what most other empires do. And because there's still a decent number of people who have independent thought you can still do 1 on 1 diplomacy and intrigue. In fact the hive mind is a double edge sword because while their own thoughts aren't really private so they can't hide things, its a lot easier to convince the lot of them to go and do something since you only need to convince a small number of people to have the collective conscious lean that way. In addition there's still delegation of power (think like a synaptic node) so some groups can still go rogue/have different ideas. The hivemind just makes it a lot harder for them to actually try and kill each other over it but they can just "ignore" the other.

This degree of independence means that trade is still possible, even if for just luxury resources because they still have wants and still want to show off and still want the finer things in life. Even among the lower masses of drones, there's still those who have skills that can be expressed like artists. Plus they don't just use biomass for everything; they have a biotic component to a lot of things but still need technology which means they still need researchers, still need builders, still need miners, still need all the things you'd need to build ships and factories and cars and stuff.

Hell, the virus can't even naturally reproduce, it needs host either in new life or new corpses. It can make like really small creatures out of pure biomass (think like Tyranid Rippers) but if they want anything that's actually sentience and useful, they need bodies. There's actually a whole culture around "introducing" the virus into younger people at various points in their lives. Think like age rituals or coming of age ceremonies.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nate1008
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@Nate1008@ClocktowerEchos So I'm not @Ozerath, but I do have an important question.

How will other players be interacting with those factions beyond just annihilating them? NRP games generally include strong political components on top of just waging war. There is more to a nation than just the military force, even if that's a component we'll see a lot of.

The Infestation may create temporary alliances for a while, but back-stab them later. Also, the Infestation may trade food for other resources anonymously, and may ally with other infestations like The Lucifern hosts.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Sierra>

The Infestation may create temporary alliances for a while, but back-stab them later. Also, the Infestation may trade food for other resources anonymously, and may ally with other infestations like The Lucifern hosts.

Just saying, having a history of backstabbing isn't going to make you a lot of friends. The entire fact that most people find infected beings to be repulsive/horrid/disgusting/etc already makes trying to interact with them hard enough. The two combined means that nobody is going to trust you enough to backstab.

Having the end goal of eating everything in the galaxy is also a really hard sell to just about everyone. The Lucifern Hosts are going to see the Infestation as more of a threat than anything just like everyone else since they, just like everyone else, don't trust the people who want to eat everything including themselves.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nate1008
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<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

Just saying, having a history of backstabbing isn't going to make you a lot of friends. The entire fact that most people find infected beings to be repulsive/horrid/disgusting/etc already makes trying to interact with them hard enough. The two combined means that nobody is going to trust you enough to backstab. Having the end goal of eating everything in the galaxy is also a really hard sell to just about everyone. The Lucifern Hosts are going to see the Infestation as more of a threat than anything just like everyone else since they, just like everyone else, don't trust the people who want to eat everything including themselves.

The Infestation does not use face com, witch means they can talk to someone, knowing who they are, without them knowing who called them. Also, the Infestation will not backstab a nation until they are 100% sure they can annihilate them entirely without any surviving witnesses.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

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<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>

The Infestation does not use face com, witch means they can talk to someone, knowing who they are, without them knowing who called them. Also, the Infestation will not backstab a nation until they are 100% sure they can annihilate them entirely without any surviving witnesses.

Again, spooky voices and a mysterious trail of stellar empires and civilizations suddenly going poof do not look good on a diplomatic resume.

People don't trust voices they can't put a face to or know the source of and are often regarded as going insane or something similar. Even if you backstab a space faring nation, the very fact that you are their last known major contact before they suddenly disappear will make people suspicious and connect the dots. This is also assuming they're completely isolated and can't contact someone else for help when their allies suddenly turn on them. In addition, space is HUGE, unless you can destroy every ship in space before they can leave the system, there are going to be survivors.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nate1008
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<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

Again, spooky voices and a mysterious trail of stellar empires and civilizations suddenly going poof do not look good on a diplomatic resume.

People don't trust voices they can't put a face to or know the source of and are often regarded as going insane or something similar. Even if you backstab a space faring nation, the very fact that you are their last known major contact before they suddenly disappear will make people suspicious and connect the dots. This is also assuming they're completely isolated and can't contact someone else for help when their allies suddenly turn on them. In addition, space is HUGE, unless you can destroy every ship in space before they can leave the system, there are going to be survivors.

Yes, Yes, Yes. The Infestation does not care about their diplomatic stance. They have no use for allies and, if they cannot be trusted anymore, some infested will allow themselves to get captured. Later on in prison/lab/ship, they break out and infest it too, continuing its spread. They could not care less for their temporary allies and may abandon them in the middle of battle and make believable excuses to prolong their "alliance". In addition, they may Infest important people in a nation and pretend like everything is fine while the infested person changes things in law/military/information in negative ways. Basically political sabotage. Also, they want people to escape because infected people could be on the ships and can spread the plague even farther.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yes, Yes, Yes. The Infestation does not care about their diplomatic stance. They have no use for allies and, if they cannot be trusted anymore, some infested will allow themselves to get captured. Later on in prison/lab/ship, they break out and infest it too, continuing its spread. They could not care less for their temporary allies and may abandon them in the middle of battle and make believable excuses to prolong their "alliance". In addition, they may Infest important people in a nation and pretend like everything is fine while the infested person changes things in law/military/information in negative ways. Basically political sabotage.

That's a fast way to antagonize every other faction... It will turn your infestation into something hunted across the galaxy and shown little mercy. As for your infection being able to reach the higher-ups, I very much doubt any player will willingly just give up their key figures of their faction. It will be an uphill battle on all fronts.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nate1008
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<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

That's a fast way to antagonize every other faction... It will turn your infestation into something hunted across the galaxy and shown little mercy. As for your infection being able to reach the higher-ups, I very much doubt any player will willingly just give up their key figures of their faction. It will be an uphill battle on all fronts.

The virus is airborne, waterborne and animalborne. It can travel through food, water and air. The virus will remain hidden and secretive for quite some time until they feel like they are ready to fight an actual war. And even if it was wiped out, how would someone find out that the virus just infected them. The moment they realize they are infected, its already too late. If the Hive-Mind was killed, it could regenerate somewhere else in time. The Infestation is not 100% stupid and knows they can be eliminated at any time, so they take things slow and wait to become powerful. Besides, the virus wants to be hunted anyway. The more hosts the better.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

Member Seen 2 days ago

Well i am interested in this game and i am making a machine state for this SO I don't need to worry about a bio-plague but i am pretty sure since that this plague gona be persecuted on day one I don't think i need to worry Also @Nate1008 is your virus have any kind of super mutation because virus are specific to a single race not every race
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nate1008
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well i am interested in this game and i am making a machine state for this SO I don't need to worry about a bio-plague but i am pretty sure since that this plague gona be persecuted on day one I don't think i need to worry Also @Nate1008 is your virus have any kind of super mutation because virus are specific to a single race not every race

The virus rapidly mutates and evolves. If it finds a new race its not familiar with it will take a few days for it to evolve against that race and learns how to infect them too. They can also infest machinery, but it takes longer. The infested flesh that grows on the mechanical creature is vulnerable and can be used as a target or asset to hit, making it easier to kill it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

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<Snipped quote by DX3214>

The virus rapidly mutates and evolves. If it finds a new race its not familiar with it will take a few days for it to evolve against that race and learns how to infect them too. They can also infest machinery, but it takes longer. The infested flesh that grows on the mechanical creature is vulnerable and can be used as a target or asset to hit, making it easier to kill it.

Okay, now I am curious as fuck is your virus a VIRUS or a bacteria or fungus? because how da fuck can something envolved to reproduce itself in living cells can also attach itself to metal and hijack it, you are dealing with robots not living organism
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

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I'mma be blunt, that has about ten different powergaming red flags all over it and it's liable to get shot down.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

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Uteqx Cybernetic union

Major Beligerent

Secondary names
The Uteqx Union, Uteqx Multisystem, The synthetic republic (Kolus used name) the federation of Nilos (Ryzaus used name)

General Information




The arrival
Many may claim who was the first race to start to walk in the stars but all admit that the Uteqx where there and say they were always there, little is known about Uteqx Creators, the only thing that is known is that they are not from this universe, the Uteqx landed in our universe in a mysterious machine Planet called 01010010, the name is a partial recovery of its original name, landing on the center of the Nebula of Cyuoene their arrival in the galaxy might be marked by the other powers as millions of years ago to the extremes saying five billion years ago the only thing for sure is that the Uteqx worship an organic humanoid that is said to have seen their creators.
The Uteqx came around the galaxy almost half a billion years ago the only marks of their creator's universe and who they are is an only know to a humanoid creature that is worshiped to this day on his regeneration capsule in a Superfortress on 01010010 the time of arrival is only remembered still by the so-called first generation that only five survivors exist.
The Age of anarchy/The age of swords
Only know by some exiled Uteqx who still have some levels of knowledge of their history, the eon of anarchy was the time their species arrived in the current universe this time was marked by the awakening of the first generation and the war for control over the scrap and ā€œbiodomesā€ scattered across the planet before being united under a single nation under the domain of the Ember Conclave
To the citizens of the core sector, this time is known as the time of warlords also called as the age of swords where their kind most relatable is a bronze to iron age period of a civilization this time period ended when six warlords unified their states and conquered the remaining regions of the planet unifying the world under the Uteqx union led by the five surviving warlords of the time forming the Ember conclave launching their kind to the stars and leading to an age of prosperity.

The Aeon of Peace/The Aeon of stagnation
With the centuries passing by the Uteqx came to colonize all the region of the nebula Cyuoene and then for an unknown reason decided to freeze their expansion and for next millions of years of an unmarked time they also stagnated technologically for some members of the Uteqx, they call this time period as the Aron of peace or the Aeon of stagnation due to the politically divided political nature of their country on current times this time ended by the arrival of the Ashtar
The reason being called Aeon is due to the fact that even the Uteqx historians don't know when the events that led to the colonization halt in Aeuburus and technological stagnation started, either way, the Uteqx froze in time for millions of years and when a power that came to rival than arrived they simply would submit in switch of high levels of autonomy and giving more resources in exchange for greater freedom this period of time also ended in confusion some information say 500 years before the Ashtar appeared to one hundred to the arrival of the Ashtar what happened during this time is still a mystery reserved to the oldest of the Uteqx.


Major Holdings

01010010: is the homeworld of the Uteqx the planet itself is an artificially built world made by their creators when they landed on the universe the Uteqx worship this planet as not only a birthplace but also as the first object that will return to their universe being an ecumenopolis planet it is also the economic and cultural center of their race the planet itself is located at the center of the Nebula of Cyuoene.

Luria Station: The station was constructed to be a deportation zone for races that lived inside the military sphere of influence and declared none Uteqx race allowed the first race to live in the station has been long gone but named it Luria station the station is the only door for the Uteqx to the outside world for both inside companies to diplomatic meetings are mostly arranged in Luria bring also a hub of almost all races of the galaxy that either seek asylum or simply freedom since Luria is quite literally ruled by a republic and policed by militias but protected by the UnionĀ“s military the station currently has billions of citizens currently registered.

Nilos is a habitable planet that is considered the second industrial core of the nation due to supplying resources that only livable planets make and also due to its proximity to Blouthil crystals that allow the production of Koslite to fuel their race once the headquarters of the General uprising that led to the fall of the dictator Krynar consequentially its population has a serious distrust of the military.

Blouthil is the name of a uninhabitable planet located in a resource-rich area of the Uteqx territories it was thanks to its enormous quantity of resources that the Uteqx self-sustained themselves for millions of years without much trade with other nations this allowed their state to become self-sufficient at the same time the moons of the planet including the region around was rich in Blouthil crystals this way the planet was renamed to blouthil.



The Union is split between four races now follow this thing because the Uteqx gonna get a bit complicated so i simply oversimplified

91% of the UnionĀ“s population is made of the Uteqx their race is synthetical mechanical species made by their creators to fulfill an unknown purpose due to their easy switch of bodies their race physical body is built with living metal that then is applied to what is called Construction physical Format codes that are their bodies that citizens will use until their death or the Codes destruction by unwanted external force, the choice of the code comes from birth being the following in abundance by percentage: (PS THIS IS LIKE THE PERCENTAGES OF THE USED APEARECENS)

31% Uses the Format Code-21 the oldest kind of the codes in operation being used by 32% of the population being a humanoid cybernetic body, made to all kinds of tasks this body allows the implantation of specialized equipment although of limited carrying weight, thanks to its easy fabrication and manipulation is generally the favorite but also more used because of the form of the called prophet.

24% Uses the Format Code-27 the so-called female version of Code-21 being similar to code-21 the only difference is the including of female levels of appearance such as breast and hair modification one thing that sets its difference is the fact that it can have wings while code-21 no the reasons being is unknown, it must be also noticed that Uteqx used propaganda has been depicting Code-27 soldiers as ā€œAngelsā€.

15% Utilises format Code-100 Nicknamed ā€œthe eyeā€ it is the most agile of the other codes, been known for easy escalation of walls harsh terrain and others due to their octopus design and also easy to stick in surface tentacles this format is utilized due to its effectiveness in closed zones and also other everyday jobs they also have been noted to be exceptionally good with camouflage fields and hacking abilities in militar levels of utility their code is famous for having extremely good levels of stealth most notably during the great war as it was utilized to break encryption and steal information.

10% Utilises the format Code-132 also known as the ā€œTitanā€ or ā€œColossusā€ most used on civilian level as transporter of heavy materials and constructor of large infrastructure but also this format has been more seen in the warfare use, dealing with strength issues such as fighting tanks, is also seen to be able to absorb damage and use the energy, to double down its strength and firepower, but this application is rarely seeing, due to the fact that overload of energy is commonly seeing, their armor is rather mysterious, but it has legends saying that many of them could survive, the collision of moons, but to differentiate the propaganda, with true is rather difficult but has been known, to be remarkable to sustain enormous damage, Such as artillery

6% of others Uteqx utilise format Code-211 its civilian purpose is only know to be a common worker or simply more efficient in manual job, because of its 4 to 6 arms depending on which construct, when dealing with military information the survivors call Code-211 as the ā€œRed Singerā€ due to the fame of they been able to create psionic illusions and even deactivate others psionic abilities and is also know to be able to rip someone spine with extreme facility.

1% utilizes Code-186 this code is very not utilized thanks in part for being the appearance code for Krynar consequently people think adopting this code indicates a symbol of rebellion or madness this codes are very famous for having part of their bodies submerged or included chemical and toxic material.

The remaining 13% are build in what is called Specialized formats good examples might include mechs, vehicles, animal looking robots and others codes.

5% Kolus make up the second rank of the population they are a reptilian like Race that lives more in the economic sphere colonies

3% Ryazus are darkened humanoid creatures with four arms that habit Luria station they are literally the most psionic powerful race in the Union behind some codes of the Uteqx

1% Others the nature of the Economic sphere makes it prime ground for all races settle most noticeable because of economic and military aid to the Sphere


Daily life and such. Not the most important section but useful for giving us a sense of how your citizens actually feel about their nation. Can include religion, fashion, etc.


This could go under society if you like. Mostly just make it clear up front if youā€™re an industrial powerhouse, a nation of refined master artisans, etc. Also things people might want to know for trading purposes.


The Uteqx government is divided between 3 government branches nicknamed the Amber conclave, The Congress of the crescent moon and the Obsidian council
The amber conclave is where most of the executive power resides led by the five chancellors and the high chancellor leader of the nation members being Cybel, Prism, Aura, Codex, and Helix with Cybel being the head of the conclave, making him the Head of state although only in theory in practice his powers are just a little above the others, the five have the power to generate lawns and rules in a instant, including accepting new laws of the Crescent moon council and Obsidian council although making only by five members the council is currently split between the leaders of two factions most notably the Progressives and the conservatives. (Please don't start PLEASE)
The Congress of the crescent moon is the parliament of the nation formed of elected individuals across the sectors or states if you prefer the name, the Congress holds the ability to create new laws decide investments on sectors and the members also have the job of representing the population of their sector while major proposals that can affect the whole nation such as embargo or limitation of trade need to pass through the Conclave are directly send to Amber conclave minors dealing with sector status or simply small issues are generally delegated to the Congress meanwhile laws and proposals that affect the lives of the citizens such as rights and population control it must pass through the Obsidian Council making then hold part legislative and part of the executive the congress now stays in a rough position most notably by two factions splitting the Congress in half following the same problems in the Amber conclave.
The Obsidian council holds the remaining part of the legislative having the power to influence the lives of the citizens of the nation from both military and the economic sphere of the nation while its power to judge and protect the citizens are ensured the Obsidian council still bows down towards the Amber conclave one of the most notable acts of the Amber conclave can do is the appointment of the Head of the council.

Technological Information

Major Techs

Mostly interested in military techs, here: FTL, weapons, shields, armor, power, engines, etc. Civilian techs are also here, and sometimes just as important.

Military Information

Military Overview

Describe general doctrine, history, whatever floats your space boats.


Your space boats. Include pics or donā€™t, Iā€™m not your supervisor. Youā€™ll probably want to have one or two of most of the classes, but it doesnā€™t really matter too much. Iā€™m also including some flavour options here that you might want to consider. In short, the history of the galaxy has divied up ship designs into three waves: Great War (ships built before and during the Great War), Detente (ships built during the Detente, some wonky designs in the larger classes due to treaty limitations), and Modern (ships built in the year since the message)








Strike craft:

Army/Planetary forces

Outline some doctrine, highlight some major units. Iā€™m not great at doing ground forces so not much guidance here.

The Shathal Hyperdread
Shathal is considered the last remaining symbol of the Uteqx passed glory consequently the ship itself is mostly used for ceremonial or by the council on private missions
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Heavy WIP, even the name is still up for change.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 11 days ago

I'll throw my hat in the ring for this, looks very interesting. The first idea that comes to mind is playing a splinter group of a now-collapsed empire, that have become a pseudo-scavenger/pirate faction in recent years, a haven for renegades and runaways based around a Port Royal style home-planet/star-base. Would that be something that could work?

I may not be the GM, but I can certainly say that your idea definitely sounds pretty good to me, and funny thing, someone else was planning a similar faction but unfortunallty couldn't join due to IRL reasons.

Edit: Your an Ascendancy too @Legion02? Best buds :P
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

WIP - Feedback Appreciated <3

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