Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Saturday Evening
Collab with @Fabricant451@Hey Im Jordan@Bee



Henry had once found himself wondering, what truly awkward situations were. This, he felt, was one of them. He wasn’t used to this kind of thing; normally, Henry was the odd man out. At family gatherings, Henry war with his mothers had made family dinners awkward for him, even though it normally went well for everyone else. But right now? Right now was next level. For starters, everyone except him and Justin were dressed to the gills. Henry had, quite casually, lied to Justin and told him that the dinner was ‘pretty casual, yo’ and ‘don’t trip too much on dressin’ up, nobody else is gonna! here, just wear this,’ which was why he and Justin were wearing matching tuxedo t-shirts. Henry hadn’t done it to ruin Justin’s chances with Cyndi, or Justin’s night. No, no Henry was just petty and liked to say ‘fuck Hailey’ whenever he got the chance, and that was why he’d decided to mock her dress code.

But… Henry had pretty quickly found out that he needn’t try to make things bad… they were already pretty shitty! He must have not been paying attention, which was… entirely possible, given that he had a hot Korean GF that lived with him. They were working on the language barrier, but sex and love were universal. Especially sex! The important point was that Henry had missed something. Hailey was glancing at Mother and Dad like she hated them, Mama was eyeing the entire table like it was going to spontaneously combust.

What the fuck had he missed? It must have been something big. Not even just that though, there was Hailey’s girlfriend, who looked so nervous she might fall out of her chair at any given time, and Justin — who just looked completely out of place, dude probably didn’t know anything about fine dining, and Min-seo’s eyes were wide and he could almost smell the fear on her… well, fear and pretty flowers, which he was pretty sure was her hair, which was so soft and velvety to the touch and… oh, oops, Henry was horny again. Jesus it was hard being a teenager. Appetizers hadn’t even been served yet for fuck’s sake! But, it wasn’t Henry’s fault that Min-seo smelled yummy!

Then, of course, there were the parents, the dad, Ty, who was as bright and jolly as ever. Nothing would ever bring him down, it seemed, even if Hailey looked so… venomous. Or, maybe Henry was just misjudging, and Hailey had to go to the bathroom… Upon second glance, no way. That was definitely just her bitch face. There was Julie, who had come with Ty to meet all the kids’s S.O.’s, and she just had a smile on her face. Mama, and Mother, who were both basically always on resting bitch faces…

Henry couldn’t handle the quiet, and the awkwardness, he couldn’t handle how his girlfriend looked terrified, and he most importantly couldn’t handle his big sister looking like she hated their parents. That was just, not okay. Henry hated her, sure, and he hated them too, sure, but he respected the bond they had. And dammit, deep down, Henry loved Hailey and he loved his parents and he couldn’t handle them being so WEIRD. Clearing his throat, Henry looked across the table at Justin.

“So, dinner parties, huh? Where’s the fire, am I right, yo? Or am I right?”

He tried, okay?

For once, Cyndi Green was relating to her brother, which was rare since her return. She couldn’t handle whatever this was. Why did Hailey want a formal dinner? Was it really to have the parents meet the two girlfriends and one boyfriend? Her eyes were like fire in water, passion in ice. She scanned the room, resting on each person for a second, and then stopping on Alyssa. The boss bitch of the house. She wanted to bite her cheek, but she had to be composed. She had to show her mother she was ready for a relationship, even though to her, this was far too fast. She barely knew her date!

When Cyndi looked at Alyssa, it was obvious that she sought out for constant approval and desired for mother to be happy with her, over her own happiness. Her right hand reached for her hair to twirl it, pull it, play with it, but she stopped herself. No fiddling! Instead, she grabbed her glass of water and took a sip of it, before placing it gently down. Turning her head, she looked at Justin, who most likely felt ten times worse than anyone at this table. One, they only went on their first date four days ago and two, he was sitting at the Green table. “I like your shirt.” She mouthed, hoping that gave him a boost in confidence. And well, she did like seeing his biceps and stuff. She wouldn’t allow just anyone to date her, after all.

“How often do you workout?!” Aunty Julie chirped in. Hey, she wasn’t one to lie about seeing a handsome young lad. And Justin there, he was fucking fine. She had yet to meet this mystery man that’s taken the heart of her Stella. It may have not been disclosed to her, but Julianna wasn’t dumb. Call it mother’s intuition or the fact that Stella literally hums wherever she goes in the house like a Disney princess, Julie knew there was someone and it was only a matter of time where she’d have to request (demand) to meet him. At this point, Julie was use to seeing Min around, but Hana was new for her. Since the attention was thrown on Justin, she didn’t want to take away the spotlight from him just yet so she turned her attention to Hailey and Hana respectively and gave them a giddy two thumbs up. She approved! And she loved the collar!

Justin hadn’t felt this nervous since the first time he worked out with Ryan Townsend, the Los Angeles Chargers legend. Somehow, this felt far, far worse to him. It was one thing to work out with one of the greatest quarterbacks ever, but to be sitting here with his… whatever Cyndi was to him at this point (because they definitely weren’t just friends anymore). It was bad enough that he was sitting here with the Greens practically boring holes into him with those gazes. It was even worse that he was sitting in a tuxedo shirt that was clearly too small for him. The color was nice though. Made his eyes pop.

Glancing at Cyndi, he saw her mouth something at him. He wasn’t exactly the best at reading lips, but he was pretty sure it was a compliment about his shirt. At least somebody liked it, and Justin showed his gratitude by flashing a quick smile at Cyndi. Justin felt like his shirt was going to pop and explode at any given minute if he so much as reached for a fork.

Suddenly, a nice lady from somewhere he couldn’t place had asked him a question. How often did he work out? It was hard for him to be humble about it. He couldn’t give a modest answer because nobody would believe it. Or, it might’ve given the impression that he was on steroids, which he was not on. He found it hard to figure out what sorts of answers to give in a situation like this.

“At least once a day, ma’am. Different groups every day.” For a brief second, Julianna Locke’s right eye twitched, but her smile never wavered from her face. He called her MA’AM. She’d have to cry about it later! Ask her husband if she was getting old and if she should start considering plastic surgery. Maybe her diet and workout plan was failing her! Oh no. She was absolutely UGLY.

The weirdest thing about the dinner for Hana Park wasn’t the eye-rolling fact that Henry and his cohort decided to take things incredibly seriously with their little t-shirt stunt nor was it the fact that Min-seo seemed to be dressed more for an Academy Awards after party rather than an assuredly awkward dinner. The weirdest thing was the thumbs up flashed her way by someone she assumed to be a family member. Hana used to think her family was big just because she had three siblings - but a family of six felt a lot smaller when she only ever saw four people at dinner at any one time. The Green family seemed nothing if not...elaborate and perhaps eccentric but that could well have been the opinion of someone on the outside looking in. Hailey didn’t talk much about her family and Hana didn’t ask - not that she often had a chance to do so in the first place. But she had made a conscious decision to not involve herself unless called upon. Nothing would be worse for Hailey and by extension herself than Hana piping in with a comment or remark that got promptly ignored or shot down. Fortunately the attention was on someone who Henry probably convinced cutting off the blood flow via a shirt was a good idea. But the night was young.

Until then, however, she held Hailey’s hand under the table, having given it a calming squeeze when the Tuxedo Terrors entered the room.

Hailey didn’t say a word, because what could she possibly say at this point? She didn’t want to speak to these people, and she almost didn’t want to be here. It was cringey to hear her mother-in-law (or whatever) lust after a man half her age, it was ridiculous to see the shirt that Henry and Cyndi’s boytoy were wearing, and the only good things going for Hailey was the simple fact that Korea raised their women to be quiet, heads down, and submissive. Neither Hana nor Min-seo had said something that would embarrass her or make it worse. Even so, Hailey didn’t say a word, she kept her hand on Hana’s, squeezing tighter and tighter as she got more and more frustrated. This was pointless, for fuck’s sake. There was no such thing as honor anymore! What was the point of this?

There wasn’t a point, that was the goddamn point of this. That it was, inherently, pointless! Henry’s attempt at conversation, his attempt at offering an olive branch to his sister was unsuccessful. All it had done was make her even more furious, shaking her head, Hailey looked at the head of the table, toward her mother, asking with her eyes.

“The food will be here shortly. For now, I suggest you make polite conversation with your family and their loved ones.”

In an instant, it was painfully clear where Hailey’s cadence and speaking habits came from.

There really was not enough wine for this night. None of the Greens and Lockes put together could act ordinary for once. They made dysfunctional look bearable. They made simple COMPLICATED. Just one normal night. Could Evelyn have that? Just once? Where she didn’t have to take care of everyone and make sure no one killed each other? It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that this filthy rich family weren’t laid back and the ones that suffered? Those that were trying to get a glimpse at all the demons. Eerily picking up her glass, Eve took a sip wondering what it would take to make everyone behave and compliant. Find a happy middle ground. No one had to like each other in this damn family but they could at least act mature while there were guests over. Placing her glass down, she decided to break the tension with a subject everyone should be aware of: “Henry, Cyndi. It’s almost your birthday. I’d like to do something for you two, even if it’s small. And I’d prefer if we all could be together, as a family, like tonight.”

“The fuck?

After speaking, Henry could feel the bewildered look of his father, and the icy stare of his mother on him, and he cleared his throat. “I mean, uhm. I thought we agreed, ma’am, that you and the rest of the family, ma’am, would leave me alone and let me go to Disneyland with Min-seo alone and you wouldn’t try to do something as a family, ma’am. So I could… enjoy myself, ma’am.” There, Henry couldn’t have spoken with more respect if his life depended on it. He’d said ‘ma’am’ like almost six times! Mission accomplished, he was surely free… why wasn’t Alyssa looking away from him? Why did it just seem like she was staring harder? “But perhaps…” Alyssa nodded slightly, and Henry kept going, slowly, deliberately. Carefully. “We could, ma’am, have a quick family breakfast before we left to Disney.”

Hm. Evelyn took another sip and nodded. That sufficed. She knew very well what the arrangements were, but as a mother that never got to spend time with her children, of course she’d bargain for more. Her eyes went to Cyndi. For her lack of friends, Eve was going to throw her a party but she wanted to see exactly what her daughter wanted. Henry and Hailey never failed to make things clear with her. Cyndi only cared to share with Alyssa. Cyndi focused on not breaking eye contact with her mama even if she wanted to run into her hole. She hated when the attention was all on her. She thought back on her date with Justin and then the conversation she had with both her siblings after it. What did she want? At first hesitant and then nodding to herself, she firmly answered (even if there was a slight shake in her voice), “I want to spend a weekend at our private beach, hopefully with friends if I get more by then.” Wow. She was such a sad soul.

That was easy enough. Okay, Eve was satisfied with the answers she’d received, now she’d allow someone else to talk. The lady of the Green family went back to her alcohol. She wasn’t going to direct anything toward Hailey because she knew Hailey was already past her limit.

While the Greens and Lockes were talking amongst themselves and taking care of family business, Justin took a page out of the Koreans' book and sat there idly, staring off into the distance. The awkward feeling was so thick that it had to be cut with a hot knife to do anything. Justin felt awkward, and he was more than sure that he wasn't the only person who felt the same way.

He was in over his head. Every single fiber of his being wanted to tear away from this situation and retreat home so he could sit on his couch and not be subjected to this torture. The Greens were a completely different caliber. Why did he let Henry convince him to wear something like this? He felt stupid. He felt embarrassed.

Justin really wished someone could save him before the tension would kill him.

“I’m not hearing polite conversation.” Alyssa said in a voice that was only one or two steps away from a flatout hiss. From her spot at the head of the table, Alyssa glared individually at every one there, casually swirling her wine glass in her hand. Did they not understand they were to do what they were told? This was the kind of person her children were ‘dating?’ Poor taste. They almost surely got it from their father. Who, by the way, was not helping things. At least Evelyn seemed pleased…

“So… Justin, right? Nice shirt, bud.” Cyndi’s father was speaking now, looking down at Justin who was sitting beside his youngest daughter. As he spoke, Henry raised his glass in his father’s direction. At least someone got it in this hellhole. “Trust me, if you think this is bad, you should see us at Christmas. There’s a fully stocked bar.”

"Yeah, it's Justin." He paused momentarily, "Thanks." Justin chuckled sheepishly. Right now Justin was more of a coward than the field general he was on the field. He couldn't get past how many eyes were on him, and he was pretty sure the head of the table just cursed him.

However Justin had no idea what he assumed to be Cyndi's dad was talking about, which was shown by the rather puzzled look on his face. He just glanced at Cyndi, before looking back at the elder Green. Evelyn had finished her glass and one of the butlers of the household immediately poured more, which was a perfect display of exactly what Ty was talking about.

“SO.” Evelyn took another sip. Her irritation increasing. “Let’s play an ice breaker game since no one wants to actually move the conversation anywhere. Two truths and a lie. When I go, Ty and Alyssa aren’t allowed to participate. Let’s see how well you all actually know each other.” Yeah, the alcohol was hitting the musician and if Hailey was just about having it, Eve was peaking as well. “I was born in Milan, Italy. I absolutely love Gummy candy. Specifically Gummy Bears. And I was twelve years old when my band started.”

Figuring nobody else was going to answer, especially the silent Koreans, Justin cleared his throat and made his guess. This was a total shot in the dark but Justin had a feeling that the gummy candy thing was a lie. There was a bit too much behind that answer which lead him to believe that wasn't the correct answer. "Gummy candy is the lie.".

“Correct. I prefer sour skittles. Gummy bears is their aunt Amity’s favorite. Now, you go.”

Justin did something. He was proud of the fact that he somehow managed to figure out the one lie his… Cyndi's aunt told (Eve was Cyndi’s mommy, Justin). Now he just had to figure out one of his own. That was hard. How much could he reveal about himself right now? What sorts of things should he say?

"Uhhh… I also play baseball. I love strawberries. Aaannndd…. I- I have a sister."

“This bitch ain’t like strawberries, no way.” While Henry was the first one to crop up, Alyssa seemed interested in the conversation for the first time since it had began. Were they talking about strawberries? That was something that deserved her interest. Henry took a sip from his soda, whatever it was. Coke? Vanilla coke? He wasn’t sure. “How ‘bout it, Justin. You like strawberries?”

"Nah, you got me." Justin chuckled, before glaring at the pile of strawberries in a nearby cornucopia. "Never liked them. Too sour." Strangely enough Justin did like strawberry flavored things, just not strawberries themselves. It was kind of like liking ketchup but not tomatoes. "Your turn, dude."

Alyssa raised an eyebrow. Eh! Wrong answer, pal. Alyssa had never found herself so quickly disinterested in someone before. Almost as a sign of defiance, she reached out and casually grabbed one of the strawberries, popping it into her mouth and munching on it. Henry watched his mother do that, and shook his head in Justin’s direction. He went straight for the jugular on the one thing she truly loved in life… even Cyndi looked displeased by this answer. Like mother, like daughter. When he took his turn, Henry leaned back in the chair, “I used to play the violin, I named my capybaras after my parents’s betrayal, and I like playing the flute.” There, that was good, surely.

Hailey looked up then, and scowled, shaking her head in her brother’s direction. “Neither of those are a lie! It’s literally in the name that one of them needs to be a lie! You can’t just bend every rule to fit yourself, Henry! That’s retarded.”

“Alright, alright! Damn.” Henry had to think. If one of them had to be a lie, then it wasn’t exactly an easy situation. Who made the rules to these stupid ass games, anyway? Two truths and a lie, about himself? “Uh…” Stupid ass game, stupid ass prizes. Pour another glass for yourself, you alcoholic bitch. Ain’t like Henry DIDN’T WANT TO BE HERE or anything. “I like k-pop, my capybaras are named after my parent’s betrayal —” Henry was trying to make a point. “My favorite movie is Cloud Atlas.”

Good fucking luck.

Min-seo made a move like she was ready to speak up at long last; she didn’t quite know the rules of the game - namely if she was allowed to answer or if someone specific had to, but if there was one thing she knew about Henry (and really she liked to think she knew a decent amount) she knew he wasn’t exactly a fan of k-pop. If he was he probably would’ve asked if she was related to a trainee in Seoul that shared her family name. She was but Henry didn’t know that.

”You don’t-”

“There’s no way your favorite movie is Cloud Atlas.” Hana spoke up, cutting Min-seo and her softer voice off. Min-seo closed her mouth and retreated back to her quiet space of awkward fidgeting. “That’s a three hour, high concept, genre-crossing, allegorical movie. The book even more so. Other than the Nea So Copros - sorry, the Neo Seoul - story there’s not even any action.” Cloud Atlas was ostensibly a science fiction novel and movie even if it crossed genres which, of course, made it a work Hana was incredibly familiar with. She preferred the book but she had seen the movie multiple times in theaters. It made her cry. She told no one, other than her sister. “Sonmi-451...the Fabricant in the movie? I told my sister that the actress looks like her but she just laughed and said they had different noses. And then she fell asleep. No way is that your favorite movie.”

At her end of the table, Min-seo was smiling to herself. "This should be funny.

Henry leaned forward and shook his head, “WRONG ANSWER, PAL. What do you think I am, some kind of fuckin’, Marvel watchin’, fuckin’ The Rock movie watchin’, scrub ass, chad movies only little ass BITCH? Is that what you think over there? Call me an idiot in my own home, huh? Who do ya think you are?” Henry demanded, waving a peach at Hana as if it were a deadly weapon. Unfortunately for the middle Green, his words set off the ticking time bomb, as Hailey lifted up her fork and stabbed it into the table, causing Ty to wince and Cyndi to ‘eep’. He’d be hearing it from Alyssa over this tomorrow. It was an expensive table, to be fair.

“Do not speak to her, as if she is one of your slimy little friends! You are beneath her, and you will act like it, you little prick. Don’t think that just because, oh no, ‘the family is together for a nice little dinner’ that you’re immune. You do not have any right to be mean to her because she called you out as an idiot. WHICH IS WHAT YOU PRESENT YOURSELF AS!” Hailey’s brother had brought this down upon himself, but maybe it was all part of his plan to ruin their night and get out of it so he could go make out with that little brat who he’d fooled into liking her.

While Henry got ready to fire back, Alyssa took another sip from her wine glass, and turned her attention to the quiet girl in the room, Min-seo. Leaning forward, Alyssa spoke to her; though she was speaking not in English, but instead, Min-seo’s native language. And what exactly, dear, do you see in this one?Alyssa asked, gesturing with a strawberry toward her son.

Henry didn’t get an aggressive word out toward Hailey, because he stopped, and stared at his mother, and then at Min-seo. “Wait… what?” With her cheeks puffed in embarrassment, and big eyes, Cyndi was looking from Hana, to Min, to Henry, to Hailey, to her mother, then to Min again. She couldn’t even think about what was going on in Justin’s head anymore because this was probably the most intense family dinner she’s ever had, and they were usually pretty intense! When her mother spoke Korean, which she could actually catch on to most of the words, thanks to classes she took in Seoul, Cyndi anxiously waited for Min’s response. The anxiety of this whole night was killing her. It was obvious her mother was over Justin simply by the fact that he hated strawberry and now here she was giving the cute, timid one the floor. Could this night get any worse?!

Hana had every intention of following up on Henry’s predictable response with her own but Hailey took to the field in typical Hailey fashion. She could sit back and watch the fireworks and finally get an understanding as to the appeal of ‘white knights’. Though she doubted that term applied when the one doing the defending was actually her girlfriend. Hana just assumed Henry was getting super defensive because she was right in her claims; it was easy to say the lie wasn’t actually a lie just like it was easy to say you didn’t have a good hand in poker. At this table, Hana figured she was the best at telling lies anyway with the difference being all the lies she told had always been to herself.

Min-seo glanced up from looking between the table and the loud argument between siblings and turned her head towards Alyssa, a look of confusion to her face. Of all the places she figured she’d hear her native language she never figured it would be here. Most people she encountered only knew Korean through K-Pop which was like saying someone knew Japanese because they watched anime or Spanish because they knew the macarena. Min wasn’t going to question it, she was just glad to hear a language she understood. That’s...difficult to answer. But it’s because of how kind he is. He might not always show it, but he is a soft, sweetheart towards me and towards Parker. Of course he is cute but being cute doesn’t make up for a bad personality. I think...I think with me helping him with his...demons...he will be better off. I see...in him...the good parts.” Min-seo responded quickly, speaking longer and more fluently than she likely had since her arrival. Cyndi’s once confused expression turned into hopeful admiration. That was the nicest anyone’s talked about Henry. Her heart fluttered in excitement for her brother. He had such a good catch!

Alyssa tapped her chin. The plot thickened, and her interest was rising. Score one for the children, and to everyone’s (most importantly Alyssa’s) surprise, it was for her son. Hailey’s outburst wasn’t attractive, and the haughty words of the girlfriend didn’t help. At the very least, Alyssa was happy for Hailey and Cyndi, but it was Henry she was most proud of. He had, it seemed, done well. Or, at the very least, he’d tricked Min-seo. “Hm… We will talk later. For now, I do have one other question. My son, and this boy,a lazy finger lifted up and toward Justin. You will draw them together, yes? Like the ones I found in your room.Alyssa’s words were accented with an almost smug, teasing smile.

It was fortunate that Min wasn’t in the middle of eating or drinking since the question posed to her would have caused something to be dropped from her hands and frankly, a broken glass in this house was probably worth a small fortune. How had Alyssa seen those drawings? Min had been careful to keep them out of sight...though there was that one evening where Parker demanded attention and Min...might have left a sketchbook behind but...she shook her head as her eyes darted around the table. No one else here spoke Korean, right? No one else knew? Then why did she feel like she did back in Seoul? Why did she feel like everyone was glaring at her, judging her, thinking ill of her? Min grabbed a glass of water, careful that it didn't spill with how shaky her hand was holding it, and took a long sip. Everyone was staring...everyone was looking...everyone was thinking the worst about her… Those...weren’t...I didn’t...I...I can’t….it...it wouldn’t be...right.”

Of course it would. It is the American way, and you know what they say. When in Rome… Ask Cyndi about Tumblr. She will show you how to build a following for your art. It’s very good, and you can refine it… perhaps stop drawing your classmates, but… no one has to know.Alyssa said, eating her strawberry, as Henry looked between his mother and his girlfriend. What was going on? What was he missing? What were they talking about? Why didn’t he speak Korean!? This was bullshit! Trust me. You have a talent, don’t run from it. It is your turn in the game. English, please.Alyssa cleared her throat and moved back to English, looking around the group. “It is Min-seo’s turn now.”

“What?! You can’t just talk to my girlfriend in a language I don’t even vaguely understand, and then just change the rules of the game in front of us! What the hell!? Mom, put a stop to this madness! Dad, step in! Raise your hand, threaten her! Julie make whiny noises! Does no one see the insanity being laid out before us!?”

The only parent that responded was unfortunately Alyssa, in a voice that was a thousand degrees colder than the one she had been using to speak with Min-seo. “I make the rules, Henry.”

Henry glared, but… Henry shut his mouth, and gave the floor to Min-seo.

They were still playing the game? Min blinked twice and returned to the present situation; the verbal fight between Henry and Hailey seemed to die down but Min-seo still had so many questions. What was a ‘tumblr’ and how much of her art had Alyssa seen and in what capacity? Min’s style of art wasn’t exactly the kind of thing they did gallery openings for, they had a very specific sort of audience and that audience was...not found at home. Once again she shook her head; it was probably not a good idea to wonder if her boyfriend’s mother looked at her yaoi art. ”I...have been in...teevee...video...I have...two...mom….I...have been..to...four...country.”

With her hands on her chest, Cyndi couldn’t help but feel Min’s embarrassment. She was too sweet for this world. Hopefully this would make her feel better. She chimed in, “I’m going to take an educational guess and say you haven’t been to four countries.” And then like her mother did, but more broken, Cyndi spoke in Korean, Is… falsehood… countries? And…. I… will help… with… art…. I like.... that… art… and you… have… cute...What was the word for ducks? What was the word for DUCKS?! She’ll just say it in English, “Ducks.”

Listening to the ordeal between the Green family and the Koreans had revealed a lot more about Cyndi’s family than he had previously anticipated. Alyssa could speak Korean? Damn, Justin didn’t speak Korean at all and from what it looked like, Alyssa already wasn’t the biggest fan of him. As a matter of fact, she seemed like the polar opposite of a fan. Justin could feel every single word from her that was directed at him penetrate into his soul.

He had to do something to turn the tide, because at the rate things were going the Greens would’ve probably pulled up to his house and relocated him to buttfuck nowhere, Nebraska to get him away from Cyndi. It was tough to figure out what to do. Maybe his opportunity would rise up later, but for the time being he was going to bide his time and wait for the opportunity should it come.

However, he couldn’t just leave Cyndi’s efforts alone. He was amazed at her efforts to speak Korean. It was tough for westerners to pick up the language, despite one just schooling the whole damn family in it just now. Justin took the opportunity to nudge Cyndi, before looking at her. “Nice Korean…”

Her cheeks were kissed pink with the compliment. Was her korean really okay? Justin seemed to think so. That was part of the reason she broke down and wanted to go home. She couldn’t handle the language barrier. “Thank you…” For the first time that night, Cyndi took a risk and went to hold her boyfriend’s hand under the table, officially deciding yes, she’d give him a chance.

Justin’s eyes widened as he felt a soft, warm object in his hand underneath the table. Taking a gander underneath, it turned out to be Cyndi’s hand. It… made him feel all warm and tingly inside. He smiled softly, before looking over at Cyndi again, squeezing her hand just a bit. “Always.”

Alyssa watched the exchanged between Cyndi and Justin with muted interest. Maybe there was something there, though she hadn’t been certain about Justin when he’d walked in, and she’d suddenly been less so after the strawberry incident, but… this was okay. She could learn to live with this, and be happy with it.

“HA. Y’all niggas gayyyyy.”

And then it was over.

With flaming red cheeks, Cyndi retracted her hand. Yeah, she wasn’t used to PDA and her brother ruined a moment for her! She actually showed Justin affection! What a jerk.

“Henry.” Evelyn tsked and when she did so, the food finally came in. “Oh, great. Game’s over. Let’s eat.” Cyndi’s embarrassment turned into a glare at her brother, as Xander put a plate in front of her and her boyfriend. Tonight they’d have Osso buco alla Milanese, which was a Lombard speciality cuisine. With a whisper, Cyndi’s butler hinted at the dessert, “And for dessert, tiramisu and gelato.”

”Delicious! Thank you so much.” With that, Xander finished his rounds, giving everyone a plate, since Hailey’s butler had better things to do and Henry’s butler was still overseas and then left the room to go back to his game of candy crush.

“Oh, great, yeah. No, no, this doesn’t make us look like rich, elitist prick McAssholes at all.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A @smarty0114 & @Hey Im Jordan collab
Featuring: Connor Prince, Owen Lyon, Damian O’Connor & Henry Green
Location: The Green House

“Why do you got me carryin’ this fucking thing? It’s heavy, dude.” Owen complained from the back end of a huge, heavy CRT TV that Henry had himself and Damian carrying up the stairs. Henry, standing in the back of the Elite, looked over at Connor, and shrugged his shoulders. The truth was, Henry didn’t want to carry the goddamn thing, because it weighed like a thousand pounds. Owen and Damian were both ripped to the fucking gills, why wouldn’t he have them carry it? Owen, of course, was probably just bitter because he had to carry the heavy part.

“Because, dude! Shit’s heavy. I ain’t gonna carry it, I’ll drop it like a bitch. You and Dames, though? You guys got this. And before you ask, this guy here, dude’s a guest. He ain’t liftin’ shit so we can play Melee and Double Dash. Which, by the way, took a while to find and buy. Seven gotdamn months I been huntin’ this T.V. down, now we finally got a CRT to play old ass GameCube games on. You’re in for a treat, brother.” Henry said, glancing over at Connor.

“I shoulda took my shirt off… Geezus, I’m building up a sweat.”

“Great, now I’m gonna have shirtless, sweaty, glistening, Chad McChad in my room playing video games.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

Connor’s first week at BHHS had been eventful, what with basketball tryouts and a certain blonde who was playing hard to get like it was an Olympic sport. Damian inviting him to Henry’s was a nice break from reality. He’d been moping over his involuntary relocation to California, until he’d come to the realization that his dad had sent him to the party capital of the world for a detox. If this school was good for one thing, it was a good fucking time. Damian and his friends seemed to be the best time of all, and so he’d seized the opportunity.

“Where the fuck did you find this thing anyways? It’s ancient,” Connor said, following behind Damian and Owen as they climbed the stairs. He said a silent prayer that neither of them slipped and came tumbling down. Crushed by big ass TV was the least cool way to die.

“Flew to Florida. Made a couple of contacts. Found a fatass Smash nerd, traced him to his locals. Bought some shitty ass Florida weed, banged a pretty fire Florida line, and bought their tournament TV. Now, we’re carrying it up to the game room so we can plug a console from 2001 into a TV from 1990 and play a game that’s only fun when you’re high. Any questions?” Henry asked, leaning forward toward Connor slightly with a raised eyebrow.

“One,” Connor said, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a dime bag stuffed with weed. “You got a bong?” He cracked a cheeky grin, because of fucking course Henry had a bong. He’d known the guy for all of ten minutes, and there was nothing he was more sure of. These dudes might be obscenely rich in the way that makes you question the wealth divide in America, but they were chill as fuck, he’d give them that.

“Dude… I got like, seven. Don’t even worry about that. Take a left here, I opened the door for you guys.” Henry said, directing traffic to the two muscleheads that sighed as they followed orders. Heading into the room that Henry had designated, they placed the TV on the ground in the center of the room, and found themselves face-to-face with a giant, wall mounted, modern TV.

“Oh, you MOTHERFUCKER!” Owen snapped, turning to glare at Henry, who frowned, wondering what the problem was.

“What, dude? That little blonde nerd kid you’re always hanging out with TOLD ME that I need the CRT to have an authentic Smash experience!” Henry said defensively, and Owen just seemed to get more mad.

“Yeah, if we wanna play the shitty ass one from the 2000s! What, did Zach tell you not to play Smash Ultimate, too? He’s a fucking idiot, Henry! He’s like a goddamn twig. Why would you trust him with anything?!” Owen demanded, and Henry shook his head.

“He plays Smash! We don’t! He knows things we don’t about this kinda thing, and he said Melee is the best, and that it’s best played on a CRT TV, so I hunted one down!” Henry snapped defensively.

Connor laughed. “Henry, I’m not gonna lie, I don’t think Smash is like, something you get a degree in. I’m pretty sure the bar for being an expert is pretty low. I mean, yeah there’s techniques and shit, but like, it’s a video game. I think their enjoyable on like, any TV.” He walked over to the fat box of plastic, glass and metal and gave it a slap. “Plus, there’s a reason these things were left in the Stone Age. But, I mean, since you got it, and y’all hauled it all the way up here, we might as well put it to some use.” He shrugged and took a seat on the couch in front of the TV, taking in Henry’s room. The place was nice, he couldn’t deny that.

“I mean, I guess you’re right, but I trust that dude. He’s good at it, dude. Yo, Damian, help me move this — yo, what the fuck dude! I thought we agreed, no strippin’ down in my house!” Henry complained, but it seemed like it was all in vain. Damian had already discarded his shirt and was taking off his belt to get out of his jeans, leaving Henry to drag the T.V. to the wall by himself. There was a designated spot for it, with its own entertainment center, but Henry didn’t seem like he was going to lift it up on his own.

“Hell nah, brother. I ain’t about to do all of that, and then try and relax while wearing my goddamn shirt and pants.” By that point, Damian had stripped down to his boxers, dropping his jeans and shirt on the ground. Stretching to either side, Damian sighed as he rolled his neck side to side. “That’s so much better… I don’t know how you guys can live without taking your fucking shirt off, at least.”

Connor’s gaze fell on Damian, damn near naked and covered in muscles. Jesus, how did a dude even get that ripped? He hadn’t quite realized how closely Damian toed the line of nudism, but this was as clear a sign as he could get. Looking over Damian’s body, he was greeted with that all too familiar discomfort in his stomach, yet admiration held his gaze steady. He was just forcing the discomfort down when he felt an unwelcome twitching and-HOLYFUCKINGSHIT. His dick had decided that now was a good time to stand to attention, for whatever reason that might fucking be. Leaning forward ever so slightly to hide his situation, he looked over at Owen and Henry. “So, we Smashin’ or what?”

“We can get to the Smashin’ here pretty soon, calm down, turbo. Henry’s gonna wanna get ripped, and I gotta get comfortable.” Damian said, pulling over one of the huge Lazy Boy chairs in the room over, sitting down in it and folding his hands on his stomach, and closing his eyes. Damian and his perfectly chiseled body seemed like it was gearing up for a nap. Owen was moving toward the minifridge, and Henry was approaching Connor with his bong for the night in his hands.

“Yo, you okay, bro? You were starin’ at Dames pretty hard there, bro, don’t think no one noticed. I noticed, I’m a very observant motherfucker. Gimme your weed.” He said, holding out his hand. For the most part, Henry at least seemed to not care about the staring. In fact, he might have just been bluffing — it was tough to tell with him, and it always was. “I got a lighter, don’t worry.”

Connor pulled the weed out of his pocket and handed it to Henry. “I’m chillin. I was just, like, thinking and shit. Sometimes, to everyone’s amazement, I think,” he said with a chuckle. His situation had resolved itself, thank God. That had been weird. Connor obviously knew when a dude was good looking. For instance, he was currently surrounded by good looking dudes, hell, he was a good looking dude. He might even go as far as to say that he had an appreciation for a hot guy, but popping a boner over his new homie taking off his clothes? Yeah, that was whack.

Alright, fine. Henry was going to give it to him. He’d let it go, if he didn’t want to admit that the real amazement in the room was Damian’s iron corded muscles, especially when coupled with the lighting (that seemed to always hit him just right, that fucker) and the slight sheen of sweat he had on from heaving the TV up the stairs… what? Henry may have liked girls, but that also meant he knew what girls liked. And, the reality was, Damian was what girls liked. Girls and… very possibly Connor. But hey, Henry wasn’t one to judge — his daddy had taught him better than that.

As Henry finished up packing the bong, Owen approached with a couple of bottles in his hands, and he glanced over at Henry, “Seriously? No beer?” Owen asked in a standard Owen voice — a grumpy, stilted, and gruff one. Regardless, Owen held out one of the bottles of coke to Connor. “Drink.”

“Thanks,” he said, taking one of the bottles and twisting off the cap. He took a sip from the bottle, thankful that Henry had dropped his staring episode. Despite that, he couldn’t shake the gnawing feeling in his stomach, the one that told him everyone knew. “So like, how do you guys all know each other?” he asked, both out of curiosity and an effort to divert attention away from him.

“For the most part, we sort of grew up together. Our dads were, and mostly still are, pretty close when they were younger. We didn’t really have the same type of bond that they do, at least not at first, but after I had a pretty bad breakup, Damian suggested that we make a ‘thing’ like our Dads had.” He paused to take a sip of his drink, and glance over at their glorious leader — who was currently lightly napping. “Damian’s a good dude, and he’s a helluva leader. He got kicked off of the football team because of some dumbass shit I did at a party he threw… I don’t know how they’re gonna go without his… energy, I guess? I dunno. Anyway, Henry here, he’s not really in the group.”

Henry’s eyes lifted up from the bong and he pulled his mouth off of it. Keeping the smoke in his lungs, he spoke in a slightly strained voice. “That’s cuz I ain’t wanna be in your little boy band,” the smoke left and Henry coughed, still trying to speak. “I’m just your consultant since none of ya know how to deal with my bitch ass sister.”

Owen shook his head and looked back at Connor, “we call ourselves the Elite because we think we’re clever.”

Connor chuckled. The Elite was about as melodramatic a name you could get, but this was a melodramatic school. After this last week, he wouldn’t even rank that on his top ten weirdest things list. Henry passed him the bong and Connor grabbed it gently, and brought it to his lap. “Your sister’s Hailey, right?” he asked, before lighting the bowl and taking in a deep pull of smoke. The politics at BHHS were hard to follow, especially considering how many people seemed to be related in this town. He’d slowly been getting the hang of it though, and Hailey Green had been hard to miss.

“Yeah, un-fucking-fortunately. We’ve made.. amends, I guess, but sibling rivalries run deep and burn hot, so dinner was fucking awkward. Christ.” Henry ran a hand through his hair and shook his head, thinking back to the Saturday night to himself, and realizing he did need a fucking beer. His sister was an easy trigger point for him, and he was realizing now that he was sitting with someone that didn’t have any idea about her. “Hailey’s alright, she’s just… very dedicated and kind of a control freak. She did Owen dirty, but I think time heals all wounds. Funny thing? Only reason she and I made up is we’re both fucking Korean girls. Shit.”

“Well, that’s one way I guess. Korean girls could probably give us world peace, let’s be honest,” Connor said. He had half a mind to ask them about Selena, but he refrained. He’d already brought her up to Damian the other day, and it seemed like she wasn’t exactly well liked within this circle. He handed the bong towards Owen, who gave him a short shake of his head, so he passed it back towards Henry, and took another sip of his Coke. “I won’t lie, this schools kinda fuckin’ crazy. I mean, back in New York, I went to this private school that was all senator’s kids and shit, and even they didn’t get into the shit you guys do. Guess it’s a west coast thing,” he said.

“Dude, this school is retarded. Beverly Hills High School has more like… espionage, and political intrigue than a fuckin’ James Bond movie. Everybody here thinks they’re way more important than everyone else on the gotdamn planet because they’re lucky enough to be born and bred into rich ass families. They all think high school never ends. I’m over here just tryna make it through this shit, get laid, get high, get drink, rinse and repeat, and my sister is here makin’ this into damn near Game of Thrones shit. Now, I ain’t ever watch Game of Thrones, but I can only assume.” Henry signed and shook his head, hitting the bong and blowing the smoke out, “I gotta say, I’m at least happy that she’s done being a bitch, but I already know that someone else is gonna fill the void.”

“They’re animals. Leeches. They live for this drama shit, and the rest of us have to die for it. Try to avoid it if you can, but the reality is… it’ll come for you, buddy.” Owen said, looking up at Connor. BHHS was a terrible place, and they were all equally stuck in it.

“It’s high school. I’m pretty sure it is legally required to suck ass,” Connor said. He took another hit and as he exhaled, he let the wave of calming euphoria rush over him. This was good stuff. Connor shrugged and said, “Bullshit comes and goes, but high school, that shit never ends. Maybe I’m biased though. My dad basically just plays the same game, with a bunch of adults.”

“What’s your Dad do? Mine hides behind his sister — my Mom’s wife, my Mother. It’s a whole thing, don’t worry about it — and goes to festivals. He also owns and runs one of the local pizza parlors, Captain Cuddles. It’s stupid, it’s named after one of his nicknames from the girls in his friend group… look, I hate my father.” Henry paused to take the bong and hit it, before adding. “I hate all my parents, we don’t get on so well, but I can’t complain. I got a credit card with no limit, and nobody asks any questions. I live with the girl I’m sleeping with… no real complaints. We just… don’t get on so hot.” Henry shrugged his shoulders, but the reality was that it was a touchy subject for the young man; weed, or no weed.

Hating your Dad? Connor spoke that language like a pro. “Mines a senator from New York. Timothy Prince, youngest governor of New York, current head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and asshole extraordinaire,” Connor said, chuckling before he took a hit. “He didn’t think my image was great for a presidential campaign, so here I am.” He shrugged. “I mean, now I don’t have to see him, or my mom, and I’m pretty much allowed to do whatever, as long as I keep it quiet from my uncle. Life could be worse,” Connor said, with far more nonchalance than he actually felt about the situation. In all honesty, that rejection had cut deep, but the boys didn’t want to know about his deep seeded issues with acceptance. That would just be a downer.

“I heard the image thing before. If you ask the newspapers I’m a ‘bad boy,’ whatever the fuck that means. Moms think I’d make a good reality show character, but that I need to tighten up my act before I ruin ‘the good name of the family,’ whatever the fuck that means. Fact is, it’s not my fault the company has my name in it… It doesn’t matter. Mom and Mother kinda ignore me, so I do whatever I want.” Henry shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, and checked his watch. “Yo, how long should we let that fucker sleep before we play some games? Real asshole, that guy is.” He said, gesturing toward the sleeping Damian.

Connor looked over at Damian, who was still looking like a Greek god unfortunately, and shrugged. “How long can the dude sleep? Dudes not even high and he’s passed the fuck out,” He laughed for no real reason other than the fact that he was high as shit. “I’d just blast some music in his ear and call it a day.”

“I dunno, probably a while. He’s a tired dude. It’s cool, we can just let him sleep… The rest of us can play, and he’ll probably wake up from the noises. No worries,” Henry shook his head, and stood up, wobbled from side to side, and headed over to the shelf that seemed to have one of every game console known to man. High off his ass, Henry paused and turned to look at Connor, squinting slightly. “Ay, bro, you gay? It’s cool if you gay. Pride!” Henry had lost all form of inhibition.

A nervous chuckle broke through his lips, and he turned that chuckle into a full blown laugh. “Nah bro. Thanks for the support though, I’m sure the community appreciates,” he said. Despite his grin, his cheeks were tinged red, and his stomach was doing flips. That was a normal response to being asked point blank if you’re gay, especially when you’re definitely NOT gay. Definitely, totally, one hundred percent, not gay. “Now, lets Smash.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
Avatar of Grimoire Gaming

Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

A @GhostMami & @Hey Im Jordan Collab
Featuring: Marshall & Ophelia
Location: Hello Bistro
Time: Saturday Afternoon

Early morning sunlight peered through the sheer silver curtains in Marshall’s room. He blinked open his eyes and rolled over, his cheek brushing against fabric that was most certainly not the same thread count as his bedding. Realizing what it was — his jacket from date night — he smiled and bunched it up against his face just as he did last night. The scent of Jamie’s cologne was gone, but the memories were still there to brighten up his morning. Yawning, he sat up and reach for his phone — which was no longer on the end table, but in his bed… having gone the whole night without charging. The battery was low, but he could just bring his charger to dance. Which reminded him…

Marshall let out a deep sigh, seemingly coming all the way up from his toes, and stared down at his phone. He had let himself enjoy his perfect date, but now it was time to face facts. Facts that his now-boyfriend had carelessly written for the entire school to read. Facts that broke Marshall’s heart after already having broken his friendship with Owen. With another begrudging sigh, Marsh tapped out a quick text his best friend, his Candyland Queen. If she could still be those things which, despite his heartbreak, he hoped she could be. He wasn’t ready to lose another friend over this shit.

To: Feels
can we meet up for lunch?

It was still pretty early for a Saturday morning, but whatever. Marshall was an early bird and he had dance practice to get ready for. Having sent the text, he chucked the phone on his bed and started to do his morning routine.

The reply took a moment to show up in Marshall’s phone — and it was certainly expected. It was early, and the Candyland Queen had a long Friday. Between meeting with Trixie, and going to the Lyon house to talk to Kylie… She had been emotionally exhausted, and beyond tired when she went to sleep, but she wasn’t up late.

She was just scared to respond. She was scared of what Marshall would have to say, scared of how he would say it, and even scared of how she’d reply. A meeting for lunch was terrifying to say the least, but she knew she had to say yes. She had to face it one way or the other…

To: Gumdrop
yeah, sure. where and when?

Wow, even sending that text was stressful.

All washed up and ready to go, Marsh picked up his phone and glanced at the screen. There were a few notifications, one of which appeared to be a text. He felt a nervous ball form in his stomach as he looked down at the screen and clicked the button to read it. Well… that seemed like a fine enough response, he guessed.

To: Feels
i have dance soon so…
how about noon at the Hello Bistro near the mall?

With that sent, he headed off to the dance studio in his little purple Mini.

Ophelia had been to the Hello Bistro before; it would not have been out of line to say that it was the most popular lunch destination for her and her little group, but never before had it seemed so big. Maybe Ophelia just felt small? Facing her problems, her mistakes, and her bad decisions with Trixie and Cassandra had been easy, but with Marshall? Ophelia’s actions had hit him worst of all. She’d taken away his best friend, and left one of his others heartbroken.


Ophelia lifted up the glass of water in front of her, and took a sip of it. Geeze, was the water colder than she remembered? She should have taken the time to do her hair. She looked out of place, and ever so slightly undone, so to speak. Ophelia hadn’t taken the time to put herself completely together, because the truth was she’d had trouble willing herself out of bed. She was scared to face Marshall! It was scary, she’d have to tell him that, yes, his boyfriend was in fact right. Ophelia had indeed done it all, like some kind of wormtongue.

Maybe Mom had a point, maybe she should have been a comic nerd this whole time. At least there was no drama and no temptations in that group. Ophelia sat the water down and waved the waitress away. “I’m still waiting for someone.”

“Honey, you’ve been sitting here for forty minutes now —”

“I was early!”

Marshall, however, was not early. He wasn’t late, just on time, which was basically late. Especially now that he was sitting in the driver’s seat of his parked car staring at the Hello Bistro logo as if it had just insulted him. His hair was wet from his post-workout shower, his legs were cramping from dancing, and his stomach was doing somersaults because this conversation already sucked and it hadn’t even started yet. Unless the texts to plan this counted…

After taking a deep breath and exiting the vehicle, the drama king made his way into one of his favorite restaurants. Maybe the tastiness of a Quinoavocado salad would make this whole thing easier to face. If he even had the stomach to eat right now. He spotted his blonde bestie and sat down quietly at the table. Nervously, he toyed with his damp hair in an attempt to get it out of his face. “Hey…” He started simply.

Well, there he was. Now came the hard part, of talking about things. What was she supposed to say? How was she supposed to open here? Marshall already had the story, or at least parts of the story that Jamie had told. Ophelia certainly wasn’t going to lie, she’d lied enough in the past, and she was done with that, but where did she even begin? How did she begin? Why was this even so hard?

“Hi.” She said finally, before looking down at the table again. Part of her wished that the waitress would come back so that Ophelia could show that she hadn’t been stood up, but she did her best to push the thought away. That inherent pettiness was Hailey’s training, not Ophelia herself. “Uhm… it’s good to see you.” Ophelia was starting out slow, carefully.

She couldn’t possibly mean that. They both knew how awkward this was, it didn’t feel good for either of them. This wasn’t good. But… might as well get right to it. Quick like a band-aid. “I don’t really like beating around the bush, so I just wanna know…” What did he want to know? Marshall scratched at his chin. “...why?” There were a lot of why’s. Why did she do what she did? Why choose cheating, when she knew how much that triggered him because of his dad? Why not tell him? Why let him believe the lie and sever the bond of his only healthy male friendship? So many why’s… he wondered briefly which one she would answer, if any.

That was a loaded question, and Ophelia had to think about how to ask it. She lifted up the glass of water and pulled it up to her lips. “Well… let me just start at the top, the very top. The root of the issue.” Ophelia figured that was as good as any. “Before I go too hard, just know that I accept full responsibility for my actions, absolutely. I’m a big girl, I made choices. But, Hailey Green is insane. Like, really and truly psychopathic. She never really liked Owen, because she thought that Owen ‘threatened the balance,’ like she was a Jedi and he was a Sith or something… I don’t know, she’s crazy. Anyway, after Owen butted heads with her during the whole thing with Quincy, who just went by her regular name back then — Jennifer Hart, remember? — Hailey decided that Owen needed to be done away with, and that he didn’t fit in with the group.”

Ophelia shrugged. Hailey was right, at least on one point. Owen never really did fit in with the group that he was hanging with back then. He was… different, and he fought Hailey on almost everything. “So, she came to me to do it, because I’m… you know, I’m good with people, and figuring out the best way to… make them happy, or make them not happy. I knew what I had to do to get Owen out, and the fact of the matter is, I could either agree with Hailey, or I, myself, could get declared ‘excommunicado,’ like fucking John Wick. Only for me? There wouldn’t be a little dog following me around and making me happy. I’d just be… sad and lonely. Because she would alienate and ostracize me, because that’s what she does, Marshall. So I did what I told her I was going to do. I didn’t tell anyone, because I couldn’t tell anyone. It was delicate, it was scary, it was dangerous. It was a ticking time bomb, and it was stupid and idiotic of me to do it, but I just… I didn’t feel like I had a choice.” She took another drink from the glass of water. Ophelia was making more references to the ‘secret side’ of herself, the nerdier side was coming out a little bit. If nothing else, the situation had made her more comfortable with who she was.

“Anyway, I did it the way that I did it because I knew that was easiest. It was reliable, it worked. It worked really well, it worked too well. It set off a snowball of reactions, and now that the time bomb has went off, I’m just waiting for the dust to settle so I can see what’s left. It’s scary. It’s not fun. I wouldn’t do it again if I had the chance, but I don’t, and all I can do now is accept the consequences of my actions and decisions. I wish you figured it out some other way, I told Trixie myself. I would have liked to tell you too.”

“But… you didn’t. And I think that hurts the most, Feels.” Marsh sighed and shook his head in disappointment. He took a sip of the water sitting in front of him, which had a hell of a lot of condensation. How long had she been here for? “You said you’re taking responsibility, but following it up with all those excuses doesn’t sound like it. Hailey is just a person, Ophelia. A regular, mortal, high school girl. Just like you. Sure, she’s scary, but that’s no excuse for it. You would absolutely not have been sad and lonely, you would always have me. She doesn’t control everyone’s opinions, at least not your best friends. Those of us that matter, the Candies, we would always be there for you.”

He sighed again. Once the words started flowing, they wouldn’t stop. Marshall had a lot of emotions bottled up concerning this. Months worth of emotions. “You know who is fucking scary? In an actual lethal way? Owen Lyon. He almost beat the shit out of me, Feels. Because of this, because of what you made all of us believe. I saw it in his eyes, he wanted me fucking dead. And he did beat the shit out of Jamie — granted, he kinda had that coming given his big mouth. I had dinner at his house the other night and I honestly kind of wish he had killed me at that point, because it went terribly. His family hates me, he hates me, I hate me for believing any of this shit.” He groaned into the palms of his hands and rubbed his face.

Well, Marshall had a point. Owen Lyon was pretty violently scary. The lethal kind of scary, and he had almost killed Marshall.. and he did come pretty close to obliterating Jamie. But that wasn’t necessarily Ophelia’s fault! Owen just had anger issues, and that wasn’t her fault, but she did trigger him… maybe this was on her. She sighed and shook her head. “You’re right, I fucked up. I did! That’s on me. Owen lost his mind, and he’s crazy and dangerous, but he’s fine now. I’m fine with everyone but you, and there’s not even anything I can do other than to apologize over and over and over. I’m sorry, I am. I’m at a wall, though, I don’t know what else to do.” Ophelia muttered, picking up the cup of water once more. She didn’t drink it though, she just lifted it up and looked at it, averting her eyes from Marshall. “I hurt… everyone I loved. I messed the fuck up, I did everyone dirty. I just want everything to be okay.” She sat the glass down, and then looked up, trying to brighten.

“There is some good news, though.”

“It’s… fine.” Marshall said, picking up his water again as well. “Just don’t do something like that again, you bitch.” He said, smirking over the rim of his glass. A little bit of his normal self shining through. Setting the glass down and swallowing, he asked: “What’s the good news? I could use some. Well, I have some of my own too, but you first.”

“Cassie and I… are a thing now.” Ophelia said, looking up with a little smile. At least there was that to take from this that wasn’t a bad thing! Even if she and Marshall were arguing — although it seemed like they had made up! — the important thing was that she had someone in her life now. It was a new feeling, a fresh one… something she hadn’t felt before, despite all the preaching she did about love, and how pure of a feeling it was. “What’s your good news?” She asked, leaning forward. Gossip! They were on the right track.

“No shitttt. Two candies dating, huh?” Marshall mused at the thought. Cute, Cassie was a sweet girl. Hopefully this would keep Ophelia feeling confident and happy despite this misstep. When she didn’t know what his news was, he tisked. “Did you even check your socials today?” Marsh asked, rolling his eyes. “I made it official last night. I now have a boyfriend and had the best date of my life last night.” The theater star beamed a smile.

“I wouldn’t say dating, but we like… kissed and had a heart to heart! It was really nice and I really want it to work out.” Ophelia explained, before she gasped and put her hand over her mouth. He went on his first date with Jamie! That was exciting. “That’s great! I haven’t checked my social in like… almost three days, Marshall. I’ve been…. a little stressed out.” She explained, before something clicked in her mind. “Oh… have you worked things out with Owen? From what I’ve heard… Jamie made it a little bit worse with him, and I don’t know how you’re gonna manage to balance that one.”

At that, Marshall’s smile fell away. Yeah… Jamie’s article was… something. “I gave Jamie a lot of shit for that. Like a lot, a lot. I don’t think he’ll be doing anything like that ever again. But, Owen…” He sighed and shrugged sadly. “Even before the article, things were really bad. I think that bridge is totally burned now. He hates me and he’s really not the forgiving type. Unless you’re Trixie, I guess. Oh… the power of love, or at least sex. I loved him too, not like love love but you know, he was my only guy friend. One of my best friends. So it sucks…”

“Maybe you should try talking to him again? It’s worth a shot, isn’t it? Trixie and I are good now… Oh! That reminds me, she’s gonna join Candyland! I helped her work things out with Kylie, too so I think that helped out a lot.” Ophelia shrugged, and looked down at her phone. Then, she looked up, as if something had dawned on her. “Oh, man, Trixie. She’s totally at my house… Do you want to come over? Either way, I should get back… She was REALLY high last night.”

“Really?!” Marshall responded, his smile returning. “That’s awesome, I love Trix. Hmmm, we’ll have to think of a good candy name for her. Oh! That reminds me. The Candies have a new ship to help set sail! My dance partner Josie has some mystery crush, more info to be announced once I get it out of her.” He grinned impishly. “But sure, I’ll come along. We can just get our salads to go. Let’s get Trix her fave too. Wait — she got high?” Not like he was one to judge, given his recent encounters with Kit.

“She didn’t really have much of a choice, Kylie sort of forced her to take it, and then she was supposed to go back to the gym to fuck Owen, but Owen was gonna go to Jamie’s house, so he forced Trixie to come to my house and then Owen did go to Jamie’s house and… oh man, we have so much to talk about…”

“OWEN WENT TO JAMIE’S HOUSE?!” Oh shit, how did he not know that? Was he a bad boyfriend for not checking in? With this whole lunch thing taking up his thoughts, he'd hardly sent more than a good morning text. They certainly did have a lot to talk about.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
Avatar of Fabricant451

Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Featuring @Hey Im Jordan
A Puzzle Buddies
At the Captain Cuddles Friday night date night

“This isn’t crosswords in homeroom, but it’ll work for the night.” Adriana said, looking up from the puzzle pieces that they had laid out on the booth table in front of them, with plates of food in the center. She and Erika had forgot their crossword puzzles, but the puzzle buddies were not to be deterred, not by something like that. They had just mentioned to Ty their plight, and he’d produced a couple of jigsaw puzzles from the back, with no clear explanation for why he had them.. not that the buddies were complaining. “After we finish the puzzle and the food, we can just head back to my place and close the night out, if you want.” Adriana wasn’t even trying to be coy, mostly because she knew, if she was too coy, then Erika wouldn’t get it.

Some people might have gotten bored of Captain Cuddles even with all the amenities and the good pizza but some people weren’t Erika Morales. Even before she was dating the volleyball captain - something that sometimes she still felt was like a crazy dream until she remembered she didn’t fuck with hallucinogenics so it had to be real - Erika was at Captain Cuddles damn near five nights a week. What? It was good when high and Erika was nothing if not often under the influence. But since Athena came into her life she still got high, but in more moderation. Erika couldn’t be a good girlfriend if she was blitzed every time they hung out. Now when Erika came to Captain Cuddles on date nights she and Athena were given the biggest table so they could work on their puzzles together and because it was near the back of the dining section so the could totally make out without disturbing others.

“Wait, are your parents home? Cuz, like, do they have, like...ear plugs? Also is it cool if I stay over? My mom’s being a total zorra just because I got a C on a pop quiz.” Erika took a sip from her straw, the Puzzle Buddies shared one drink with a pitcher because it was cute and Erika really liked reminding herself that she was dating the hottest, in her opinion - the only one that mattered - girl in school by doing cute gestures. So she was a softie and a burnout, so what. “We should, like, find the corner pieces first.”

“Nah, my parents are out, and you can totally stay over. You can always stay over, you know that,” Erika said, smiling over at her girlfriend. She reached under the table and squeezed her knee, taking a sip from her own straw. She looked at the puzzle laid out in front of them and nodded her agreement. Of course, before they found all the pieces, Adriana had to finish something. It was one of her tiny little pet peeves… all of the pieces had to be flipped over the right way so she could see the picture, or it just didn’t work. “Here, help me flip them over? I like to see the picture,” of course, Erika already knew that. In a lot of ways, Erika was the best girlfriend that Adriana could have asked for… especially when compared to her competition.

“Right on, beb.” Erika had a habit of calling ‘Thena ‘beb’ instead of ‘babe’. Erika thought it was cute since just ‘babe’ was so...played out. Beb was just cute and stuff and sure Erika might have overdone it on the affection but that was just a byproduct of her being enamored. They were like Romeo and Juliet only without the suicide and weird family dynamics and stuff...so they weren’t actually like Romeo and Juliet but Erika never claimed to be an expert at literature. “I’ll make you breakfast. Unless I’m sleeping, then you gotta, like...wake me. I promise not to burn the eggs this time. I’ve been practicing.” Erika helped in flipping over the pieces; it wasn’t how she typically solved a jigsaw but it wasn’t about her method but their method and this was ‘Thena’s preference. It had its benefits, of course, compared to Erika’s method of just placing the corners and flipping pieces as she picked them up.

“You know the first puzzle I ever did was how I got a hundred percent on a test? Like...the puzzle was like seventy five pieces and a map of the states and I did the puzzle every day faster and faster and I just, like...learned all the states...and in alphabetical order. Still know ‘em too. I’m, like, basically a genius, got me a photographic memory.” Erika was busily flipping over pieces with one hand while lightly pinching Adriana’s under the table. “...How many pieces is this?”

At least she’d been practicing. The last time she’d come over and tried to make breakfast, it hadn’t ended well… it had almost ended in a call to the fire department, but the end result was instead her entire family leaving the house for a day while it aired out. Adriana wasn’t even sure how her parents were still okay with the relationship after that stunt, but… Erika was back in the next day. Athena locked their fingers together underneath the table and frowned. “500, I think? Is that too many pieces? It’s the Golden Gate Bridge.” Adriana replied, smiling.

“I’ll help with the eggs, just in case. Don’t worry, it’ll be cuter if we wear matching aprons!” Adriana swept the issue of the eggs under the rug, setting it up so they could work together. “Do you really have a photographic memory? I didn’t know that.” She was always learning new things about her girlfriend!

“Nah, it’s the perfect number. Cuz we’re doing it together and that’s perfect.” If her friends were there they probably would’ve been laughing at Erika over lines like that but fuck them, they were the ones that said she had no chance with someone like Athena what with her basically being like...prep jock royalty or whatever. Plus Erika knew stuff like that at least got a pity chuckle and smile and if she wasn’t down with weed she’d get high on her girlfriend’s smiles. “Didja know the bridge started construction in...1933? It was kind of a big deal, like a weird celebration, thousands of people showed up for it. It took four years to build. It’s probably, like, the most famous bridge in the world.”

Erik realized she had been talking about a bridge which was probably the world’s lamest talking point this side of like...the weather. “Sorry. I read it in a book once, like for a report on Art Deco. That kinda stuff interests me...like...history...you know? It’s like...cool? Like...knowing what people did before now...except for all the, like...death and war and stuff. I dunno if I have a photographic memory but I, like...really like history. Like did you know we’ve been going out for six months? I think, like...they’re gonna put us in the history books under like...famous couples or something.”

Athena had a feeling Erika was just trying to seem smart for her, and when she dropped the fact about when construction on the bridge had begun. It was part of the reason why she was so attracted to her — Erika tried so hard and made Athena feel like she was the most important girl in the world. Not that Erika had to try that hard anymore, Athena was head over heels in love with her. Athena squeezed her hand under the table and even snuggled up into Erika’s side a little bit as she looked at the puzzle, messing around with the pieces.

“Yeah, I think they will too.” Athena whispered into Erika’s ear, before she put a kiss on Erika’s cheek, and moved one of Erika’s arms so it wrapped around the volleyball queen’s shoulder, and Athena got comfortable in her girlfriend’s arm, “history is your favorite subject, huh? I’ll keep that in mind.” After she spoke, she held up a closed hand, and opened it up — revealing the four corner pieces.

“Ta da.”

If Athena had expected Erika to focus on the puzzle now she would be sorely mistaken. Of course Erika would do her best but right now her mind was on her own cheek and the fact that her girlfriend was really cuddly. It was a good thought process and one she would happily focus on. “Sharp eyes, Shorts, that’s why you’re the captain.” The nickname ‘Shorts’ seemed fairly self explanatory. It had been one article of clothing Athena had been wearing when Erika first saw her - the same day she walked up, asked her out, and scored a date. It wasn’t the shorts Erika fell for, but the person who filled them out. “Of course, like, we’re one arm down so our puzzle might take longer. I’m game if you are, got nowhere else I wanna be right now.”

“That’s no problem… at all.” Athena replied, snuggling deeper into Erika’s grasph. She had been a little worried about it when she’d first agreed to go out with the stoner girl — after all, she wasn’t exactly in Athena’s ‘group,’ so to speak, but she had been ever grateful that she’d agreed. Erika was perfect in almost every way! She was sweet, caring, interesting… she was just a little slow at times. But that was just the weed fog, and Athena couldn’t judge her on that — she liked to smoke herself. “If we don’t finish it, we can just take it home. With the pizza.”

“Isn’t the puzzle, like ...property of Captain Cuddles? Shit, I didn’t know the volleyball queen was down with theft. I got a bad girl over here. Get you some prison tats and a shaved head! You’d still look good, though, like, for real.” As Erika spoke in her jovial ,teasing manner, she gave Athena’s arm a squeeze so her girlfriend could feel the subtle rhythms in her body as she spoke. Like they were on the same wavelength. “I’ve taken so much pizza home cuz like...sometimes if you ask people they’ll just give you slices they don’t eat and I’m, like, on a budget cuz my mom won’t give me an allowance or nothing so, like, it’s real cool when people let you snag a slice. I’d eat pizza cold, you know. Like...shit’s good. But weirdly it’s not, like, one of my craving foods? Like when I get real munchy I fuck with quesadillas and, like, good-ass nachos like from a gas station with the gooey cheese and chili that comes from like a push button?”

It was only then that Erika realized she was ranting again and just flat stopped talking for a moment. “Sorry, beb…”

Athena shook her head as Erika apologized. The truth was, she liked listening to the rants that Erika had. The way she spoke, and the cadence she had… it was cute and sweet, and she got so excited about things that it was hard to be anything but happy when she spoke like that. “It’s fine, that’s why I always buy you the buffet so you can get as much pizza as you want for our little dates.” Athena said, stealing another kiss on the cheek. She would bring the puzzle back! It wasn’t like she was really stealing. Just… borrowing for an extended period of time.

“And that’s why when I start, like, earning and not just pooling allowance and stuff I’m gonna treat you to, like, the best day ever. Like, something so good it’d make, like...everyone jealous of you for having such an awesome girlfriend.” It was nice to have dreams, goals, and for Erika, who never had much of either, it was easy to promise. With the way she spoke it was almost as if she was trying to convince herself of the possibility rather than believing it fully. If nothing else she was earnest in her words even if they were nothing more than a hopeful pipe dream. “But until then you’re just gonna have to settle for hanging out and cuddling and kissing and sex and shit. And me supporting the shit out of you at games. But I promise, one day, like, your friends won’t have to think I’m, like, not worthy of you or whatever. Shit, Elon Musk smoked and he’s like...a smart guy I think so if he can do it, I can do it. Except I’ll do it better because I won’t be an asshole and I’ll be doing it for someone I love and shit. Yeah. You’ll see.”

“I know you will, beb.” And with that simple declaration, Athena leaned over, and kissed Erika softly and lovingly on the lips.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A @smarty0114 & @Hey Im Jordan collab
Featuring: A Double Bishop, Quincy Hart and Wyatt Durand
Location: Dreamland

Wyatt was lying on one of A Double’s many couches in Dreamland, his feet high in the air. He raised a joint to his lips and inhaled, and then blew out the smoke in a series of rings that eventually dissipated into the air. “I don’t know what to doooooo!” he whined. He lolled his head to the side to see Quincy and A Double standing in front of an old whiteboard, scribbling down words he couldn’t read. “One of you, tell me what to do, please! I’m begging you!”

The young stoner’s date with True had gone well, but he’d been left with an unshakeable anxiety since they’d parted. He couldn’t stop thinking about how he should be doing things, when to kiss her, where to put his hands, did she like holding hands, or would she rather he shoved his hand into her back pocket, or was that too much? He’d hoped his friends could help him, y’know since they’d done all this shit with each other, but they were currently engrossed in planning the Tekken tournament.

“Wy, I’m telling you, just be yourself! The girls fucking crazy about you,” Quincy said. She walked over to Wyatt and plucked the joint from his fingers taking her own hit before handing it to her boyfriend.

“It’s true, dude — haha. She really is… it’s kinda sweet,” A Double said, taking the joint and hitting it before he turned to look at the whiteboard. Stepping toward it, he erased a bit, carefully holding the joint in between his lips. With his other hand, he scribbled something on the board himself, before squinting and shaking his head. He pulled the lit joint out and blew out the smoke before he headed over to Wyatt, and held it out to his best friend.

“Hey do you think we should have peanut butter swirl brownies, or just regular fudgy brownies? This is non-weed brownies.” Wyatt’s opinion on the matter was of the utmost importance, especially with how stoned he already was — he’d know what sounded best to a high guy who was about to watch people play Tekken.

“Easy. Both.” Wyatt took in another lungful of smoke and blew it out. “I knowwwww she likes me! I just don’t want to scare her off!” There were so many things he wanted to do but no idea when to do them. He’d almost kissed her the other night, but he didn’t want to seem too forward. He wasn’t going to be the guy who just swung in for sex, although sex was very much on his mind at the moment. How the fuck could it not be?

Quincy rolled her eyes and peered down at Wyatt. “Dude, as long as you don’t just whip your dick out in the middle of dinner, you’re fine!”

Wyatt looked up at Q. “So don’t whip my dick out at dinner, got it.” Wyatt went into his phone and began tapping out a page in his notes, while Q turned to A Double. “How are we spreading the word about this? Flyers? Snapchat? Personal invites?” she asked, walking back over to the whiteboard.

“Dude, if she likes you, just like… kiss her, man. That’s all Q did, because I liked her and then she kissed me, and now we’re like… together and all.” A Double offered in advice to his friend, shrugging his shoulders. Kissing was the secret solution, wasn’t it? After he and Q kissed for the first time, it was like all they did was kiss! He had a feeling that was what Wyatt wanted… Without waiting for an answer, A Double spun on his heel to look at his girlfriend again, “I think we should do all of them! True said she was going to invite her friend, since she probably knows who the one that beat all our scores is… So we just have to fill the rest of the bracket, right? I think we can do it… If we advertise on everything, I mean!”

Quincy nodded and scribbled the word “everything” on the whiteboard in her messy handwriting. The whiteboard was covered with multicolored thoughts and blurbs of ideas. To anybody else, it might look like the workings of someone with a debilitating psychosis, but to Q and A Double, it was a plan. This tournament was going to fucking rock.

Meanwhile, Wyatt was grappling with the reality his friends had thrown at him. It made sense, but at the same time, he was pretty sure it was insanity. How could he just kiss her? The more he thought about it, the more confusing it became, until he realized, finally, that the only way to simplify the problem, was to just do it. “I’m going to kiss her.” Wyatt’s voice rang out after a moment, drawing a stare from Q.

“Good for you buddy. Go for it. I’m glad it only took you an hour and a half to figure that one out.”

“Man this whiteboard is totally cool… do you think we can use it for other stuff?” A Double asked Q, before he looked over at Wyatt and squinted. “Hey, man, why don’t you call her and meet up and like… kiss her? Oh, by the way, will you help me do commentary? The real Tekken tournaments on YouTube have commentary, so I think we totally should too.” A Double said, before looking at Q for confirmation, and then scribbling it onto the board without waiting for her to nod or not.

“Well, I can’t just say that? Can I?” Wyatt looked confused and finally, an exasperated Q came over to solve his problems. “Phone,” she said, extending her hand towards him. He hesitated for a moment, but handed it over, looking over to A Double. “I can do commentary! I love commenting!” Meanwhile, Quincy’s fingers flew across the screen and hit send before Wyatt even realized she was typing. She handed the phone back to him. Intrigued, he looked at the screen and saw one text, sent to True.

To: True
Wanna kiss?

His mouth fell open, and Quincy shook her head. “Thank me later, Lover Boy.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Kit's place
Collab with @Hey Im Jordan
Text to Future Husband @smarty0114

At least Kit had worked everything out with her parents. She was a little stressed out about how hard it’d been to get through it, and it had taken a lot of measured self-reflection to realize that… her parents, in fact, didn’t really care. It wasn’t that big of a deal to anyone but Kit — maybe that was why it hurt so much. She’d thought the Doc would hate her, but the Doc had promised to get her a replacement. and her mother had smelled like rotten grapes but had also helped calm her down.

Still, Kit wasn’t exactly forgiving Hana yet. She hadn’t even texted the girl! That would show her! Maybe. Kit had kissed her though! Oooh, she’d have to tell True that. She had way more kissing experience than True did now, she was practically an expert. True, of course, was sitting in Kit’s messy bedroom, flopped on the bed and staring at her phone (Kit thought she’d caught True sniffing it once or twice, but she pushed that thought out of her mind), because there was some text message from one of the weed kids.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, at least if you asked Kit, the cultivators of the Devil’s lettuce had decided that they were going to put on their own King of Iron First Tournament. They were going to enter the Tekken, they were going to… play Kit in her own game and get their faces curbstomped. Kit wasn’t even sure that True had the right data, “hey, Truly.” Kit frowned when she didn’t get an immediate reaction, and she grabbed the open bag of Doritos off her desk and grabbed one of the chips. She took a bite of it — she wasn’t going to waste an entire fucking Dorito, she wasn’t some kind of savage — and then tossed it at Truly’s face. “Earth to True! You didn’t actually tell me anything about the tournament! Throw that Dorito back, please.”

Snapping back to reality, True side glanced toward her friend, still stuck between heaven and Earth, “What? Sorry I’m just waiting for him to propose already.” She sighed in desperation. Picking herself up, changing positions so that she was laying on her tummy, she tried to put her phone down to focus on her best friend, but… her hand had a TIGHT grip on it. She seemed to have not heard the Dorito comment because now it was crushed under her. “Oh oops.” It was hard to focus! Now, what did Kitkat ask her about? The date? Did she want to know more about her date? “KITTTT, HE’S JUST SO AMAZEBALLS. We had so much fun! And because I’m blind I crashed into him during laser tag and we stood there… for a minute.. or two… AND HE DIDN’T MAKE A MOVE.” She was defeated. They could’ve gotten so far.

“You should have made a move… Ugh, I can’t BELIEVE you crushed my Dorito! Those are the only thing that bring me joy. A cute Korean girl I’ve had a crush on since she started making YouTube videos about Final Fantasy kissed me yesterday and I’M STILL pretty freakin’ upset, and now my best friend is sitting on my Doritos! I don’t want BUTT flavored Doritos! At least not… your butt. And I didn’t even ask about the date!” Kit sighed and spun back in her chair to face her computer screen, clicking around. If True didn’t even want to help, then Kit was just going to look at r/cosplaygirls. “The video games, True! The video games! Tell me about the games!”

“Sorry! I’m here!” Truly Bliss squealed, not liking that she upset her bestie. Sitting up, she brushed the chip in her hand and hopped off the bed to throw it in the trash, near Kit’s desk. “They want to destroy ‘A, S, S,’ and ‘H, O, L’ at Burntown… that’s the skateboard place! I never pay attention to anyone else but Wyatt. A Tekken tourney! I laughed sooooo hard, but don’t worry. I didn’t share your secrets. THAT REMINDS ME.” Dramatically, True fell on the floor on a pile of Kit’s clothes, they were probably dirty, oh well, “WHAT IS OVERWATCH?!”

Kit watched as True fell on a pile of her clothes — yikes, that’s the dirty pile… oh well, I’ll tell her another time… — and then screamed about Overwatch. For once, it seemed True was speaking Kit’s language. Kit had been big on Overwatch for a little bit, briefly after she learned about Healsluts. That fell out of favor once the r/healsluts server learned that she, Kitastrophe, was in fact only 14 years old. After that, Kit mostly moved on — back to fighting games and League and CS:GO. BUT, she had been pretty good in her time! In fact, she’d even been ranked Master for a while.

The important part was, she could teach True how to play that! “Overwatch is an arena shooter that a lot of cute submissive girls play where they play Mercy and do this specific emote to tell you ‘hey, I wanna heal you and I want you to bully me because I’m not doing a good enough job.’ And there’s this guy who’s a monkey, and then there’s this other guy who’s a hamster and I used to like the hamster, but I also liked this Korean girl with a mech who’s named Hana. One day, I’ll meet a D. Va cosplayer… Here, look!’ Kit said, clicking around on her screen and bringing Overwatch up.

“And then there’s like this British girl that’s gay, and she’s like so cool and she’s gay and she makes it cool to be gay, so I can be gay and it’s not a big deal and like, representation matters. And there’s this other guy that’s like a Cyborg Ninja and he’s basically the MEGA CHAD of Overwatch. Like, like think Damian if he were Asian, right? Well, he got ATTACKED by some OTHER NINJAS and then they had to make him a robot! And he stopped having sex. It owns.”

True’s head poked behind the back of Kit’s gaming chair as she looked at all the things and retained NONE of it. She was panicking! How would he ever want to marry her if she couldn’t play Overwatch?! Was this the end as she knew it? YOU AREN’T A GAMER. WHY ARE YOU EVEN TRYING???? “That’s cool and all but can you teach me by tomorrow? I scheduled a ‘party up’ this weekend, which is now.”

“NO. Dude, shooters are honed through HOURS of practice and yelling at your computer screen! You think I can teach you by TOMORROW? No way! There’s no way! I’d have to be some kind of, some kind of TACTICAL GENIUS! I’d have to be some kind of ninja, some kind of…” Kit paused, hovering over one character as she tilted her head. The Thomas genius genes were waking up, the three hamsters that piloted Kit’s two brain cells were coming to life… a plan was formulating. “What if I play and you just wear my headset and pretend to be good at the game?”

Her almost sad demeanor took a 180 and the mastermind plan that could only be thought of from Kit! Jumping in the air, excitedly, True cheered, “You’d do that for me?! Oh my god. My DDR skills already stunned him. If YOU play for ME then he’d want to marry me! Right?!” She could already hear the wedding bells and soon she could showcase him to mommy and daddy and big brother. Then, they could play house and it’ll just be amazing! Who needed to be good at life when she had a friend to do that for her?! Her grin was wide and she couldn’t wait for tomorrow, just to hear his voice and the compliments. Ahhhhhhhhhh.

“Yeah, totally. And I bet he’d want to marry you or somethin’ like that.” Kit explained, shrugging her shoulders. It was a way to approach things! Sure, it was unethical, and frowned upon, but it wasn’t like anyone would know. In the meantime, Kit would teach True how to play for real, so that if Wyatt ever wanted to LAN, she’d be in the clear. “Can you get me some of your mom’s brownies? The really fudgy ones, not the ‘secret ones’ that she thinks we don’t know are weed brownies.”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll bring ‘em tomorrow and other goodies. We’ll spend all night playing games then I’ll be sleepy for school, but a whiff of Wyatt should wake me up.” The small redhead smiled at her friend before retreating back to the bed where she had briefly left her phone. She went to go check it. Still nothing. Maybe he didn’t miss her. She was a failure as a lover. Wasn’t it his job to send the first text? Maybe she should. Or shouldn’t. She wanted to but she also didn’t want to scare him off.

Resting her head on Kit’s pillow, she heavily sighed, “It’s all surreal. He didn’t notice me at all last semester. Not at the halloween party or homecoming or anything. And now… we’ve gone on a date.” She couldn’t believe it. This was a fantasy and yet it was so daunting because maybe she WAS in over her head seeing how he didn’t even text her yet.

“Dude, you’re weird. But it’s like a good weird, and I bet he totally digs you. I would, if I was lucky enough to have someone love me so much they were ready to lie about the things they liked and did so that I’d give them a chance. See, you just had to GO for it.” Kit explained, through a mouthful of crunchy, delicious, Cool Ranch Doritos. Scratching her nose with a Dorito dusty hand, Kit stared at it for a second before she popped it into her mouth to eat the delicious dust. Then, she stood up and went over to the minifridge, grabbing a Red Bull out of it.

“You should probably have sex with him. My other best friend had sex with her boyfriend on Brian’s boat and now they like, sleep in the same room every night so they can have more sex. It’s probably the next, you know, logical step. Hey, do you want a Red Bull?”

“Redbull hurts my tummy, do you have a juicebox?” True asked before adding, “I’ll get another pep talk from Damian and Joy! All I remember from the first one is SPITTERS AIN’T QUITTERS. So I guess after we kiss I gotta explore whatever that means! Is sex scary?” Would Kit know? Her mother seemed opened about those kind of topics, maybe she would. Her phone vibrated, however, Truly wanted to hear the answer to the question before looking at her phone.

“Are you sure that’s what they said? Because I’m pretty sure it’s the opposite? The spitters are the quitters, because they spit out the… you know what, I’m gonna send you some links. Make sure you watch them with the door open and on Bluetooth to the surround sound….” Kit paused, and thought about it, withdrawing a single Capri Sun from the back of her fridge. “Uh, please don’t actually do that. Door shut, lights off, headphones in. ANYWAY, I don’t know that sex isn’t scary, but I think it is! I’ve only seen like, a bajillion porns and hentais and read doujins! My only real extensive sex knowledge is based off of a video I have of Min and Henry having sex, and it didn’t look scary. It looked like Min was gonna die for a brief second, and then she looked like, super happy.” With that, Kit threw the Capri Sun over to True.

“It’s Strawberry Kiwi and I don’t like that. And it’s from the back of the fridge… so don’t be surprised if it’s like, frozen or slushy.”

“Thank youuuu.” She took the straw and poked a hole into the juice. Hopefully she’d be able to suck it up even if it was hard! Well, frozen. “Oh, that’s right. Spitters are quitters. I guess I DID forget my brother’s lessons!”

“Maybe you should like, take notes, or record it. That’s a big thing to forget!”

After taking a harsh sip out of the Capri Sun, it was extremely cold, True’s eyes widened when she registered what her friend had said, “WHY ARE YOU WATCHING SEX VIDEOS OF PEOPLE WE KNOW?!” Quickly, she placed her drink on the nightstand and grabbed her phone, but still didn’t check it. THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION TOO WAS IMPORTANT.

“I dunno, because I like… wanted to? Min took the video for me! Henry knew about it. They were into it! It’s not like that’s weird or anything, it’s completely natural to want to watch sex instead of have it because you’re not that attracted to men, but you’d probably like, suck a dick if you could. But it’d have to be the right dick. So instead you just like, watch your friend do it! That’s not a bad thing, True! Keep it down, the Professor might hear you.”

“You’re so matureeeee.” True weeped at how advanced and smart her friend was in sexual things. Why was she so slow? Why was she so naive?! How could you watch other people? She knew she’d only be able to do it if Wyatt told her to, but she’d prefer just having sex with him. That’s what sex was for. To have sex with the one you love and she LOVED him. Finally, she looked down to her phone and unlocked her screen to see a text that stopped her heart. W-wha? Suddenly, and not on purpose, she threw her phone up in the air as if it was a hot potato and rolled off the bed, hard. THUMP. True was not quiet at all. She stared at the ceiling from the floor. Her face beaming red. Did he really want to?

Normally, friends would be concerned at this point. Normally. But Kit knew True well enough to know that she was arguably the most melodramatic, over the top person at their school. And that included Shauna and Marshall both. So, instead of checking on True, Kit just hopped out of her chair and headed over to the discarded phone and picked it up, “geeze, what’s got you so worked up? Oh, hey! Nice, go suck on his tongue. I got you.”

To: My Future Husband
Sure! Like… now? Can you come pick me up from my friends house?
She lives in the blue house on Third Street near the beach!

“There, with any luck, he’s on his way. Go get ‘em, killer!”

“KATHRYN, WHAT IS GOING ON? ARE YOU BOTH OKAY????! DO I NEED TO COME UP THERE???” The Professor yelled from the kitchen, as she drank wine and made a meal for her and the girls. The Doc was with his best friend, doing something.


Hurriedly, True went to her phone, swiping it from her friend and looked at what she wrote: “What… have you done?”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
Avatar of Hey Im Jordan

Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Friday night, after Hana broke Kit's bong,
before Saturday hangout with True
Collab with @TootsiePop

The fact that the house was quiet and clean when they walked inside was a problem. Oliver knew his daughter well enough to know that it was a problem. Kit being quiet was almost like her way of giving her parents the biggest red flag in the world. The last time she had been quiet, they’d later discovered a hole the size of Kit behind a cleverly moved piece of furniture. Oliver knew based on the phone call Kit was upset. She had even been crying, and she definitely hadn’t been faking it.

“Sorry our date got cut short… do you want me to go talk to her, or…?” Oliver asked, looking over at Molly before glancing toward the stairs… when he noticed his daughter standing at the top, with an almost wraithlike appearance. Based on his first glance, Oliver thought she might have been crying since he got off the phone with her. Oliver glanced over at his wife, but before he could say anything to Kit, their daughter was hobbling down the stairs, and talking.

“I brought her over and she had cake and we played games and then she broke it and it’s gone and she broke it and I let you DOWN.” Kit said through teary eyes and sniffles as she approached her parents. Oliver hadn’t really been mentally prepared for this kind of thing; he’d thought that he was just going to hang out with Molly and maybe get lucky, but now there was this. “And she took the whole cake! I told her to, but I really want cake now!”

The harsh smell of wine could be smelt off the Professor. There was a slight sway in her legs, as she stood there watching her daughter be mopey and make her way to her and her husband. Listening as carefully as she could to her child’s needs, Molly fumbled in her purse, dropped it, bent over to pick it up, then fumbled in it again, “I’mma give Rem’s a call.” She slurred. “I get you cake to make you better. Mommy loves you sooooooooo much~!” She blinked at her phone, trying to find one of the Wells. It was blurry. She handed her phone to her husband, “You do it!” And proceeded to pull Kit into a motherly hug.

Oh god, the Professor smelled like nasty grapes. Kit gagged, mostly involuntarily. Kit didn’t know what that was, but she definitely knew that she hated it. “Doc, what do you guys do when you’re out? Why does she smell!? Why can’t she hold her phone?” Maybe it was just the stressors of being an adult getting to the Professor… some kind of tragic tale… Kit didn’t have time for that! “I don’t have time for this! You need a bath. Let’s… let’s go.” Kit declared, squirming her way out of Molly’s grip and gesturing for Molly to follow her up the stairs, turning around to tut at the Doc. “Clearly, you let the Professor lose control!”

“Yes. Clearly.” Oliver muttered, following after Molly and his daughter. At least, it seemed that Kit was over whatever she was upset about — or this was just the calm before the storm…

Unable to go up the stairs, leaning over the railing, Molly debated if she should crawl. She had forgotten about the cake request and now was trying her best to make it to the bathroom. Her legs wanted to give out. Maybe she should let her legs give out. She was kind of sleepy. “You bathe with me? We can have bubble bath! And I’ll put one of my lush balls in toooooo.” Molly slowly, slowly let all her weight go to her legs. She started to drop.

Luckily for Molly, she was married to the super dad. Without skipping a beat, Oliver caught Molly and scooped her up into his arms, looking at Kit as he walked past her. “I gotta go put the Professor to bed, KitKat.” He said, looking down at the girl, who stoically nodded. “We’ll talk soon, just me and you. We’ll go get pancakes, and then we can pick True up, alright? Tomorrow morning?” Oliver offered as he headed toward the bedroom. He would have liked to talk to Kit then and there, but the fact was… he couldn’t. The Professor was too fucking trashed, he had to make sure she didn’t choke to death on her own vomit, or like… worse. Cry.

“Uhm… yeah, that sounds good! And I wouldn’t bathe with you, Professor! I’m 15! You don’t bathe with other people when you’re older than like, freakin’ 10!”

“You’re gonna make her bring up college…”

“WHEN I WAS TWENTY…” The Professor spoke nonsense, though to her the story was coherent. The volume of her voice got further and further away until she and her husband were in the master bedroom. The door closed and she yawned, “It’s good story.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bee
Avatar of Bee

Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 8 days ago

A Collaboration Between: @Bee and @TootsiePop
Featuring: Justin Quentin and Cyndi Green

Justin was still in shock from witnessing what was probably the most G thing he had ever seen. He didn’t know that Cyndi was capable of spitting such fire. But yet, there she was, burning the place down with her words. Watching her come back up to where they were before, Justin’s eyes were wide in shock.

”Did you just do that… Cyndi Green... jesus.”

“My siblings are better than me, but my daddy is the best.” A family that raps together stays together. Cyndi nonchalantly shrugged, playing it off like she didn’t like the attention. Truth be told, Cyndi loved when she was seen. The limelight was something she sought but it was a constant battle of insecurities, doubt, and not knowing what to necessarily prioritize or not, in her young life.

No longer needing to stay here, she spoke her desire to her suitor, while Xander went behind her and put her white jacket on her shoulders, “Ice cream or froyo?” Right now, she wanted something sweet. Who cares about dinner when dessert was waiting for her somewhere! Her white jacket suited her gold dress wonderfully. She was lovely. Absolutely lovely.

“Well?” Xander muttered impatiently. He wasn’t used to being Cyndi’s date chauffeur and frankly, he preferred escorting her around. Not a plus one. But. He was the eyes and ears for her mother, Alyssa, so his attendance was mandatory. As she well knew, he’d never leave Cyndi alone, like truly alone. Her life was his responsibility and that meant he had to watch her like a hawk, while not making her feel claustrophobic because he was too close. He was her shield and sword. If Justin wanted to continue and pursue her, the boy would have to accept there were obstacles he would need to overcome and prerequisites he needed to have, to even have a chance for approval.

If Cyndi’s siblings were better than her then Justin was in some trouble. Did he just go in over his head with this girl? Was he even good enough for her? Surely the starting quarterback for the BHHS football team had some sort of ground on the talented rapper singer girl known as Cyndi Green. He felt inadequate -- but then again nobody had really seen him play. Maybe he was the Cyndi Green of the high school football world.

Being yanked back to reality after Xander asked him a question, he blinked twice and blubbered a bit. ”Uhhh… fro-yo! You can customize froyo more than ice cream. Whaddya say, Cyndi?”

“I say… that sounds perfect.” Batting her eyes, she offered her hand for him to hold. Part of her was surprised all this came natural to her, but then again, she did read many romance novels. It only made sense that she knew how to be a girlfriend!



She wasn’t his girlfriend. With the thought, Cyndi’s cheeks were kissed pink, yet she didn’t waiver from her stance of wanting to hold his hand.

Sitting at a table, with a big concation of froyo (a few things Justin picked and a few things she picked, combined into one). Cyndi was simple with her selection, which was birthday cake flavor froyo, with rainbow sprinkles, whipped cream, and a cherry on the top. The large cup was in between her and the boy that liked her. Sure, this might have been a bit forward on her part with them sharing a cup, but hey, if he wasn’t going to be forward, she would! Her daddy was pretty forward so it only made sense she should be too.

Cyndi scanned the room to see where Xander was hiding. Her eyes fell on the back of his hat and a faint smile graced her face. Xander was her best friend and she appreciated everything he did for her. She wondered when the last time he went on a date. For as long as she’s known him, ever since he came in after her first butler passed away, his life has always been about her. Although she liked being selfish and having him all to herself, she did pity him.

Being a butler for her family… was it lonely?

Sitting by himself, Xander was three tables away from them, playing Candy Crush on his phone. He seemed indifferent on being the third wheel of his Green’s date. None of the butlers were paid to feel. They were paid to keep their Green safe and try their best to direct them toward the path that would make them happy — as well as not upset mother dearest too much. At times, Xander felt more of an advisor than a bodyguard. This is what he signed up for.

“Is football what you want to do after you graduate? I can’t get a really good read on you besides football being your life.” Starting them off with his passion and his future could lead to finding out the things she needed to know to see if her parents would like him. Sports was also just a good conversation starter for someone like him, she assumed. After taking a spoonful of froyo, she graciously put it in her mouth and beamed in happiness. This was delicious!

That was a lot of froyo. The stack was nearly the size of his forearm, not to mention the mountain of toppings that seemed to be on it as well. Justin was a much bigger proponent of the regular, tart flavored variant of frozen yogurt. Additionally, his contribution to the froyo mountain were a whole bunch of gummi candies. Gummi bears, gummi worms -- the works. It was a nice contrast of sweetness to the tart of the froyo.

Sticking his spoon into froyo mountain, he looked at Cyndi intently as she asked him about his football career. That was an interesting question to ask, but one he had gotten pretty often. If you asked him a few months ago, however, it would’ve been an entirely different answer. One minute he was the backup and the next he was the brand new starting quarterback after the departure of Damian.

He loved the game of football, and it was something he’d been playing his whole life. The game was something he lived and breathed, to say the least. Admittedly, the first couple of years were tough considering that he was stuck behind what might have been one of the most talented quarterbacks ever. Then, all of a sudden, he was done and out. Justin wasn’t expecting to take over so quickly, but he had to take what he was given.

”After I graduate? I just want to play football.” Justin started to take a spoonful of the frozen yogurt, simultaneously trying to get a gummi bear or two on the spoon, ”If the football thing doesn’t work out, though… maybe sports management? Something in the industry.”

Justin shrugged. His life without football wasn’t right. It was hard for him to imagine. It wasn’t something he wanted to think about, though.

”You? What’s going on with you after all this?” Hopefully she knew he was referring to high school.

“One day…” Cyndi paused, trying to gather the right words to say, “One day I’ll fly. Just like my aunty Amie. You see, I feel like right now, while I’m still so young, I shouldn’t waste time. If I want to make a statement and inspire people, may it be through my dancing, or music, or acting even, I need to work. People listen to fame, right?” That question was rhetorical. He didn’t need to answer that. “I want people to listen to me. But as far as the tabloids are concerned, I’m just the baby Green who does nothing scandalous. My main fan base are ballerinas, mothers, and their little girls. I got this ‘Disney’ image and I don’t want to be remembered like that. Not forever.” She picked at a sour worm and slurped it up before questioning him. “Is it wrong of me to want?” In reality, she was questioning herself.

”No. Not at all.”

Justin understood where Cyndi was coming from. It was clear to him that this girl was as ambitious as ever, and she had aspirations higher than the sky. But, her situation was tough. Given how powerful the Greens were, it was tough to make herself rise above one of the most known names in the world. It was one thing to be a Green, but to become Cyndi Green was about as hard as any task can be.

He wanted to reserve his judgment. He felt like he wasn’t close enough to Cyndi to really speak his mind in that fashion. ”Nobody can stop you except for you.” Justin stabbed at a mountain of what was probably the birthday cake froyo, ”The heart wants what it wants.”

“Yeah,” Bashfully, Cyndi twinkled at the boy that slid into her DMs. She was starting to believe taking a shot in the dark was incredibly worth it. It was too early to determine if this football player and her were a good fit. For now, he kept her intrigued and she did yearn for his attention. Dating and doting was exciting, as well as scary. All at the same time. Without the leap of faith, you will never know if the risk had a big reward or not. After being silent for another moment or two, she whispered the words he said, before taking another scoop of froyo, “The heart wants what it wants.” Her gaze never wavered from his face.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Collab with @Hey Im Jordan



“Hey, are you sure this is a good idea, dude? This doesn’t seem like a good idea, dude.” A Double had some concerns. Logical fallacies, really. These concerns however, were brushed away with a wave of the hand by Mason Aspen, the hero of the day. A Double and Mason were joined by a mutual friend (aka: dude they knew with a camera. always document stuff, CR said) as they trekked up the super ramp, to the top. Between Mason and A Double, was a go-kart, the vehicle of the day.

“Yeah, dude. Totally. This is safe.”

“But, like, you’re taking a flat-track go-kart off of the super ramp, and like… you wanna do a front flip, but like… The go-kart has no shocks…”

“Uh-huh. What’s your point?”

“So it’s gonna bottom out on the other side! You’ll break your tailbone or something.” A Double protested. He was all about doing dumb stuff, but… this seemed a little ridiculous. All that was going to happen was Mason was going to fly down the ramp at high, unsafe speeds, launch into the air, overshoot the landing, and bust his ass. And, granted, it would be on camera. “I just don’t see this going well. Unless you land it perfectly, but the thing’s gonna go too fast! This has a 200cc motor in it, dude. This isn’t the baby baby one.”

“Nah, what you don’t understand, A Dubs, is that I am a mathematician, and I already did the physics, bro. I’m gonna come at this just right and I’m gonna have the smoothest landing ever, you see — A Double.” Mason huffed as they sat the go-kart down on the top of the ramp, letting out a breath from the effort of dragging it all that way. “What you don’t get, my friend, my friends —” Mason made sure to acknowledge Jax, “is that I am the cream of the crop, and the cream… the cream my friends… always rises to the top. Nobody does it better. Nobody ever has, nobody ever will.”

A Double just kind of stared at Mason for a few seconds that hung in the air, blinking. A Double was too high for this. Way too fucking high for this. He was sky high. He was so high that he didn’t even want to talk about this anymore — so he looked at Jax. “So I been wondering…. the lip thing. Do girls like it? ...like, do they really? Because it looks kinda impractical, at best.”

“Of course girls like it. It’s the bad boy look. Plus the, ahem, scent. That MUSK he covers himself in. It’s all to get poon. I respect it, champ.”

“It hasn’t failed me yet. But, I like the lip ring because it’s my aesthetic. When I’m DJing, the girls are all over me. Trust. They’re into it.” Jax Dalton would like to think a pretty little Dancing Queen was into it too, but their meeting was short lived. He’d have to pay her a visit. See if she was down for a little fun. Y’know, without strings attached.

While he finished setting up his Z-Grip rig, having already attached a Go Pro on Mason’s go kart and helmet, he looked over to his two assistants, Rose and Honey. Dude made filmmaking a production. He was all about getting the shot. He let his little sister control the drone for aerial shots, he made sure to train her with that so she could help him whenever, and Rose, who also had a keen eye like him, would take care of capturing the wide shot - in hopes that their boy did this stunt successfully. As for him? He’d be getting the mobile shots that this specific community cared about. Yes, that fucking meant he was skateboarding right behind his dude and potentially getting hurt, but it was a risk he was willing to take. For the GRAM and the YOUTUBE channel. Sick tasty shots didn’t just happen. One had to strive for it and take life threatening risks. It’s the thrill that mattered. He’d holding onto a prayer Rose will get a good ass wide angle when Mason soars. If not, he’d just cut to the Go Pro footage.

“Big brother, May-may, Adubs, Rosie Posie, this doesn’t look safe at all. This looks really scary.” Honey held the controller for the drone from a safe distant, her heart racing. The Dreamland crew always did crazy stuff like this! Especially MASON and what if it hospitalized him?! or worst, killed him?

Ilyana Powers shrugged, completely use to stunts like this because of her father and his crew. Her mind was caught up with the conversation she had with her mother, on Wednesday night, after the parents returned from Japan. She hoped she could rekindle a friendship with Henry, especially after she pushed him aside during his ‘fuck you’ phase. They were close once. She used to know everything about him! Now, that was Min’s place, but she did miss him and her mother made her realize that. She was also starting to realize she might have bisexual tendencies because she liked both guys and girls! She used to be into Henry, she was really into her brother’s girlfriend, Q, and she was starting to admire Shiloh?! Like what even was that kiss she did? CARPE DIEM BECAUSE SHE WAS HIGH AND WANTED TO BE LIKE HENRY?

Okay. Stop panicking. To be honest, she felt like she didn’t know if she was more gay or more hetero because she felt like she was crushing on everyone! Hell, even MASON and JAX were pretty hot. Is this what happens after someone kisses you and you start thinking about things you’ve never thought about before? Like the fact that you’re a girl with romantic and sexual desires? And worst, she was a virgin which probably didn’t help her imagination! She had avoided Shiloh like the plague after she kissed her. Maybe she should get some pointers from Henry. He understood liking people and what to do! Right? She blew a large bubble of her pink bubble gum, letting it explode and then sucking it back in. “You can do it, Mace!” The best thing to do with her thoughts was to push them aside and focus on the moment. “JC, I’m rolling. How ‘bout you Hun’ you good to go?”

With a big pout, Honey nodded. Her little body had so much fear right now. It was almost time!

“Now, Honey Girl. I need you to be ready. You can get some of the best shots, you just gotta flow with Turbo, you got it?”

“Yes, Big Brother…”

A Double wasn’t sure they needed this many people for what they were going to do, but he wasn’t one to question it. He’d just sent a text, and agreed to let Mason use the super ramp. The fact was, A Double didn’t really care that much about this. Looking between everyone, his eyes settled on Mason, and A Double said, matter of factly, “He’s going to die.” He said, nodding to himself. It seemed like a lot of effort for an Instagram post, but then again… everything Mason tended to do seemed like a lot of effort for an Instagram post. “Do you guys wanna get Taco Bell after this?” He asked, looking between the group. Mason was the first to answer, giving a nod.

“Huh? Yeah, sure. If I’m not… you know, missing stuff.” He said, situating the go-kart at the top of the ramp. As he sat down in the driver’s seat, he looked back at the group of people gathered, and said. “Maybe even if I am missing stuff… Those nacho fries are pretty damn good.” He admitted, shaking his head as he pushed the start button on the Go-Kart and fired it up. “Let’s get this over with.”

“He’s gonna die, or break his collarbone, or something. I can feel it.”

“Taco bell sounds dope, honestly. We should hit up the group. Tell them to meet us there. I think Honey could appreciate having more friends. Ain’t that right, Bumblebee?” Rose nudged Honey’s shoulder, who didn’t react because she was super duper focused on Mason and fearing for his life.

“Ah… yeah… sure… can-can we get this over with?” The lovable sunshine whimpered. Jax decided to give his boys a thumbs up to tacos, before stepping on his skateboard, waiting. He was concentrated and READY.

“Yeah, uh, relax dude. We’re almost ready…” Mason said, glancing over at the blonde girl and shaking his head. Did she not understand that these things took time? He revved the engine, and glanced over at A Double, “drop my needle, my guy.” As A Double stared dumbly at Mason, Mason sighed. “Play the music, champ.” A Double shrugged his shoulders, and hit the play button.

Mason nodded and pushed his sunglasses down, before looking over at Honey. Now, we can get this over with.” He said, before he shifted the kart into gear and went down over the hill. Once the initial drop was done, he punched the throttle down and the go-kart rapidly sped up, before he launched off of the ramp and leaned his body forward, forcing the frame with him…

A Double watched from the top of the ramp, and thought about what they’d have to do if he died. Was there, like, rules? A procedure? Eh, Rose would probably know. He’d leave that one up to her… A Double watched as Mason completed his first rotation, and decided he’d just think about the Taco Bell. On the other side of the ramp, Mason slammed down right side up, and A Double seemed a little surprised… huh, he made it.

Or so A Double thought, anyway. Before Mason could get to the end of the landing zone, he’d spiraled out of control, and gravity tossed him from the kart, sending him sliding up, and the kart going off into the dirt. A Double winced, and watched to see if Mason would move, or do anything. Better to wait and see than crowd him immediately.


“...yeah I guess!”


“OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OK? SHOULD I CALL 911????” Honey ran with the controller, while bringing the drone down. This was no good! He needs to go to the hospital! While Honey was freaking out. Rose strolled behind her, unconcerned. When she approached the daredevil, she examined his body and asked, “Does your head hurt? How many fingers am I holding up?” She put out three. While Rose was checking on Mason’s well being, Jax went to check on the condition of the Kart and his Go Pro.

“I’m fine, dude, don’t crowd me. I’m not gonna die. You got three fingers. I’m good, don’t worry about it. Maybe a few scratches, but I’ll live.” Mason said, though he decided to just lie on the floor for a while longer, looking up at both Honey and Rose. Finally setting his eyes on Honey, Mason grinned. “Hey, how ya doing? You want me to take you next time?”

Naively, Honey blinked at the boy who laid on the floor, “Take me where?” Rose furrowed her eyebrows and even if he was injured, she kicked him. “Stop that.”

Jax was too busy sitting on the ground and looking at his footage. Yeah. This was straight up banger. During a playback, he called out to everyone because he could hear his stomach rumble, “Sooooooooooooo… how about them tacos?”

“Hey! Don’t hit me. I could have internal bleeding,” Mason protested, scrambling up to his feet and shooting Rose a look. “Maybe I need her to give me a more detailed once over!” He huffed, folding his arms over his chest.


“I don’t know what any of that means, May-May.” Honey only knew musicals and Disney. He was talking fancy for her. Maybe he liked that she helped her brother film! She should do it again. For sure.

“Let’s just go eat.”

“I just might show you.”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
Avatar of Hey Im Jordan

Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Location: The 365 Combat Club
Time: Sunday afternoon
Zachary Webb

“You okay, man? You look… distracted, which is… like, super weird for you.” Zach asked, looking over at Owen on the other side of the ring. Owen looked back at Zach and shot him a glare. Zach helplessly shrugged his shoulders and found himself wondering why he even bothered with this guy. At least Owen was a good teacher. Zach had gotten a little stronger since he’d started doing Owen’s weird ‘training exercises,’ between that and fucking around with gym equipment until Owen showed him the right way, Zach had bulked up just the slightest bit. At least he liked to think so!

Was he going to beat Sam anytime soon? No, probably not… but dammit, he felt like he was on the way. There was a chance, even if it was slim...

“I got a lot on my mind, young grasshopper.” Owen explained, as he moved over toward Zach and adjusted the heavy bag that he had been practicing on. “Breathe, with each of your hits. You know, considering you’ve only been at this for like, what, a week? You’re not doin’ too bad. Don’t get a swelled head, either. You’re not that good, but you’re learning, it’s good to see. Watch.” Owen took a step back and gestured for Zach to stand on his side of the bag. Owen made sure Zach was out of the way, before he slammed his fist into the bag, and began to… vent, so to speak. “I’m sorry, dude, I’m just a little mad. Because. I got this bitch Jamie writing things about me. And Trixie thinks she can just go talk to my fucking mom. After I told her to just stay with Ophelia! And then my mom gave her one of those fucking BROWNIES! AND SHE DOESN’T COME BACK TO THE GYM! LIKE I TOLD HER TO! SHE JUST FUCKS OFF! TO OPHELIA’S HOUSE! DOESN’T ANSWER HER PHONE! DOESN’T ANSWER MY TEXTS!” Zach watched as Owen exploded on the bag and in his words, and when he finished the final kick, the bag slid down the line, and Zach was staring with wide eyes, wondering if Owen was going to beat him next. “See? Ya gotta breathe… young grasshopper.” Owen said, breathing slowly as he caught his breath from the outburst, prompting Zach to nod slowly and look around the empty gym. Was this how Owen acted when he was alone?

“Hey, should I come back later, or…?”

Zach turned to look at the new voice, the one he hadn’t heard before. Owen, still breathing heavily, spun around slowly to look at the voice, and then he smiled. “Hey, you came.” He said, and he seemed like all his problems had been lifted off his shoulders; in fact, if Zach didn’t know better (Owen wasn’t capable of expressing positive emotion, was he?) he would have reckoned that Owen looked excited, maybe even… did Owen look happy? There was no way.

“Yeah, I thought about it and I figured… why not. This is basically what I’m built for, isn’t it? Screw it.”

Owen nodded his agreement to the mystery man, and gestured for him to come inside. The young, handsome blonde man did as was suggested, and stepped deeper into the gym from the doorway he was standing in. With a duffel bag on his shoulder, he looked almost like any other gym goer, but from the way that Owen was reacting, Zach knew that wasn’t true. “Zach, Sean. Sean, Zach. Zach, go close up. We’re done for the day.”

At that one, Zach was confused again. He should have learned a while ago not to really question what Owen said or wanted, but unfortunately… Zach either didn’t care or just was an idiot. “Wait, but why? Don’t we usually close at like, 10:30? We can’t close now, what about the people who come in late?” Zach asked, before the ire of Owen was turned onto him.

“Man, you must be real fuckin’ stupid. Sean, you were just outside… The sign on the door say 365 Combat Club, or 365, 24/7 Combat Club?”

“Sign says 365 Combat Club.” Sean piped in, throwing his duffel bag on the ground. Zach looked at Owen, who nodded his head, and Zach groaned, but walked away from the heavy bag. As he walked around the room, closing the windows and the blinds, Owen was in the ring, and gesturing for Sean to follow him. Sean, who seemed confused, ultimately obliged. Watching Owen throw off his shirt and put on his gloves, Sean shook his head. “Wait, hold on. There’s no… there’s no reason to fight,” Sean protested. He didn’t want to fight Owen! Didn’t the Lyon boy get he message when Sean kissed him instead of hitting him?

“You ain’t got one? Well, brother, I do.” Owen said in a blunt, terse voice. He wasn’t going to let it stand. There was no way that he let Sean go without figuring out which one of them really was the baddest dude at Beverly Hills High. Without waiting for a response, Owen threw a pair of gloves over at Sean. Sean stared at Owen, and realized that he didn’t really have a choice. Sighing, he took his own shirt off and tugged the gloves on.

Zach finished up, just in time for Owen to yell for him again. “Zach! Come here.” Like clockwork, Zach walked over, and then he looked between Owen and Sean with great interest. Was he going to get to see a fight? Between two people who knew what they were doing? That was enticing! It was going to be great — Zach had heard about the blond kid’s fight at the boat party, and Zach knew what kind of person Owen was… “You’re gonna ring that bell, then you’re gonna count when one of us goes down, and can’t meet the ten count. Got it?”

“Got it!” That was easy, Zach could do that in his sleep. He went over to the bell, and picked up the striking hammer. Before h e could hit it though, Sean spoke again.

“We reeeally don’t have to do thi—”

“Yes we do. Ring the damn bell, Zach.”

Sean sighed, but put up his hands.

Ring ring ring!

Almost as soon as the bell rang, both competitors rushed across the ring toward each other….

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Bee
Avatar of Bee

Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 8 days ago

Featuring: Yung Steve & Allison Bentley

"What should I do, Allison?"

Yung Steve cried out, his hands in his hair as he paced back and forth in his room, frantically. There was a distraught look on his face, one that clearly showed that he was in distress. But what could Steven of the Youth be so torn up about? It was like his life was on the line, dancing on top of the thinnest of ice. Life was good for him! He had a killer performance not too long ago and he had fans hopping on his social media faster than rabbits on Easter. It was the most exposure he'd ever had, that actually did him favors and not just turned him into a laughingstock among his peers.

But there he was, practically tearing his hair out over something, and Allison was huddled in a corner with a notebook on her knees. Her big blue eyes was tracking the Asian rapper, who was grunting and fuming over what appeared to be a life-changing decision. Allison was simply tapping a pen against her chin, glancing up and down from her notebook and Yung Steve. The freshman had no idea what she was doing in a place like this, but the phone rang and a phone call from Yung Steve wasn't something she could turn down. Not while the Yung Steve Signal was going off!

"I don't know, dude. What do you want to do?"

"Dude! That's what I'm asking you! I don't know what I want to do!"

Yung Steve was getting increasingly frustrated with everything that was happening, with Allison's inability to think to his own inability to decide. The frustration was bothering him so much that he decided to flop onto his bed. A big poofing noise came from the bed as he fell onto it, rubbing the bridge of his nose in the meantime. He stared at his dark blue ceiling, before deciding to let his hands fall to the side.

"Should I do it, Allison? Should I really do it?!"

Allison was in the middle of scribbling something on her notebook before Yung Steve interrupted her. She clicked her pen before using it to scratch her temple. Allison was lost. The poor girl was starting to regret responding to the Yung Steve Signal, but if she didn't come over her phone would've been blown into an entirely different continent. She really had no choice, if you thought about it.


"Yung Steve."

"Right..." Allison rolled her eyes, "Wait. Hold on. I've known you since before I could even walk. Why can't I call you Steven anymore?"

Having wrestler parents did that to you. Yung Steve and Allison were around each other long before Yung Steve was even a thing. As a matter of fact, if you dug close enough on episodes of AWE, you could spot Yung Steve and Allison hanging around backstage with their parents. Their friendship went back a long way, to say the least.

"People don't call Snoop Dogg "Calvin". Respect the game, Allie-son."

"That isn't my name!"

"Neither is Steve or Steven."

"...yes it is!"

"...shut up. That ain't the issue here, Alls!"

Yung Steve took a moment to grab a pillow off of his bed and chuck it at Allison. Luckily for her, the pillow was a mile off of her head, so Allison didn't move a single inch nor did she even flinch. She knew Yung Steve wasn't going to do hit her with a pillow, and even if he did it wasn't going to be hard nor was it going to hurt.

"If you want to run for the student body, go for it. There's nobody that can stop you, not even me. Not even my mom."

"Which one? Wait- y'know what? They're both pretty scary."

Yung Steve shook his head. He always had a fear of Death Adder and Tsunami, even though they were far from the feuding wrestlers they were many years ago. Allison still didn't understand why he was so scared of her parents.

"You think I'll win, though?"

"I dunno. You think I'm a fortune teller? I can't tell the future, Steve."

"YUNG STEVE. ALLISON. WE WENT OVER THIS. I'm not trying to lose! I want people to put some respek on Yung Steve's name! Unlike some people."

Yung Steve got up from his bed and glanced at Allison momentarily, before putting his hands on his head and pacing back and forth. "If I do this... will you promise to vote for me?" Yung Steve asked curiously, staring Allison down with those dark eyes of his.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Allison wasn't really wanting to waste her vote on Yung Steve. She already knew that he didn't stand a chance against the Greens and Helmsleys that were expected to take the ballot. But she pitied the poor guy, he was probably going to have less votes than she had fingers on her hands, and she had all ten fingers.

"Real shit?!" Yung Steve exclaimed, "I'm gonna do it, then! I'm gonna run for president. King of the school. Call me President Yung Steve." Yung Steve was just about to run out of the room in celebration, before pausing mid-stride.

"How do I sign up, again?"

Allison leaned back against the wall, sighing.

"Damn it, Steven..."

"Yung. Steve."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A @smarty0114 and [@Tootsie Pop] collab
Featuring: Jamie Callaghan & Beatrix Kingsley
Location: Starbucks, Saturday Morning

Sitting inside a mostly empty Starbucks in Beverly Hills, Jamie’s fingers rapped a quick rhythm against the table. It was Saturday morning, and Trixie had agreed to meet him here. He’d hoped that sleep would give him a clearer head, but he was just as angry as he’d been the night before. Angry at Owen Lyon, angry at Trixie, and most of all, angry at himself. That said, he wasn’t about to continue this mess. He’d done what Trixie wanted, and whether or not she was pleased with the results wasn’t his concern. This was just him collecting. She could fuck off to Timbuktu for all he cared, as long as he got the paper when she left.

On hispanic time, Beatrix Kingsley, recovering from her first stoner night, threw the Starbucks door open, wearing shades to hide her droopy eyes. Her hair was in a high ponytail and her body sported activewear. With her, on a leash, was her husky, Atlas, who she had been neglecting for a week and kind of hated herself for it. “Heyyyyyy, Mitzy. It won’t be long, I promise. I know your animal policy. I’d just prefer him to be here with me rather than outside, ya know?” The dog had his tongue out, breathing heavily. He had gone on his morning jog with his mistress and was the happiest dog on the planet. He sniffed around and ultimately found himself licking Jamie’s shoes.

“No more than ten minutes, okay? My boss will kill me!”

“That’s more than enough time. Hey, Atlas. Stop that.” The husky whined, but obediently went beside his mommy. Not once did he bark out of turn. He was a good boy. With her reusable Starbucks cup, she quickly requested the barista to top it off with Passion Fruit tea. Mitzy eyed the high schooler because of what was already in the cup, but… she wasn’t the police. For whatever reason, the girl needed this and so, she didn’t stop her. Keeping quiet, the barista did her job. In no time, Trixie was sitting in front of Jamie with the dog leash tied to her chair. Atlas laid down beside Trixie and rested. He looked up at the boy with kind eyes before widely yawning. He was so tired. He did so much play. Now it was time to rest. And then play some more. “Try this. It’s delish.” There was vodka in it.

Jamie eyed the drink suspiciously but nevertheless, brought it up to his lips and took a quick sip. The taste of vodka was a surprise, one that made him wrinkle his nose, but he set it back down without much more fuss. “Rough night? Maybe almost as rough as mine?” Jamie fixed Trixie with a steely glare, his arms crossed over his chest. “Your boyfriend came to my house last night, pretty livid about an article that you commissioned,” Jamie said. “Weird, huh?” Jamie cocked his head, sarcasm dripping off his words.

“Aw, honey.” Trixie took her drink back and gave herself a delicate sip before chuckling, “You really don’t know how to own up to your fuck ups, do you?” She teased her dear friend, who she had no doubt was dealing with his own set of problems. “I might’ve given you permission, but you wrote it. You published it. Own your work. But I’m not here to give you grief. I’m sure Marshmallow has done that enough, which by the way congratulations.” Cheers to her gay bestie’s success! “As for my night, I wouldn’t say it was rough but I do have a bit to clean up and until then, I won’t be getting any sex. That’s okay though!” She gleamed at the angry Newsie, bringing her Problem back to her lips. She’s been using alcohol as a coping mechanism since the break up. It wasn’t like she could just break the habit. She needed it.

Jamie scoffed, and rolled his eyes, but he held his tongue. He wasn’t here to defend his position, he’d done that enough with Marshall. “We made a deal. You and Owen are back together, which is grand, really. I hope the wedding to BHHS’ resident psycho goes well, but I want the paper. I did what you wanted, and I took a lot of shit for it, not including what I got myself into,” Jamie said. “I’ll be damned if I come out of this with nothing.”

“Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” Trixie shrugged in nonchalance at his desperateness. It was charming how hellbent he was to have the paper. His baby. Her’s too. And yet here she was holding the keys to a nice, pristine sports car as her like minded frenemy eagerly jumped for it. Of course, Trixie wasn’t anything but honest. If there was one quality she could say was good about herself it was she could never tell a lie or break promises. “Thanks to your lack of class, no subtleties or use of factual references — just harsh ‘rumor has it’— the principal wants to shut down our paper near immediately and have our members, the few that we have, join the Morning Show crew. We did get a lot of traction, and I thank you for that. But like a double edged sword, we also got backlash. So, here’s my solution. You and me will set up a board meeting to discuss the integrity of the paper and why this creative outlet should stay alive. I will put all the blame on myself for your article because I wanted to shame Hailey and Ophelia, and then the paper is all yours. With the condition, you clean it up, because I have no doubt we’ll be on probation for the rest of the semester. Sounds good?”

Jamie sighed, and leaned back in his chair. Did it sound good? No, not at all, but he wouldn’t deny she was right. He’d jump through these hoops, and then the paper would be his. Cleaning it up, that was easy. He’d made plenty of messes, how hard could this one be to clean? “Fine. You take the fall, the entire fall this time. I don’t need Owen showing up to my house to complain to my mom about how I stole your job. Actually, speaking of Owen, let your boyfriend know that if he comes around my house again, I’ll turn his life into a fucking reality show, that would put the Kardashians to shame.” Jamie said. He had no desire to continue his feud with Owen Lyon but he wasn’t about to seem cowed by his stunt last night. At the end of the day, the worst Owen could do is kill him.

You do realize his mother as a teenager and her family were the stars of Living it Up with the Lyons… Trixie kept her personal thoughts to herself. Technically, the Lyons had a far better drama show than the Kardasians, but that was just her opinion. She supposed since Kardasians were what was ‘hip’ now, of course he’d reference that. Anyways, if she weren’t tipsy, she might’ve gotten offended but that was more of the reason she should drink. So she could be a diplomat and not a bitch.

Coming prepared, Trixie reached for her gym shoulder bag, which was on the floor beside her dog, and pulled out a folder. She retrieved a contract she written up and slid it over to Jamie, “This here explains the terms of our agreement. You promise to no longer interfere with Owen Lyon, and his personal affairs, which includes me. We can talk, we can mingle, but it will be strictly in a professional setting. You will keep Marshall Radley away from Owen Lyon. If you care about your boyfriend, you will do so at all cost. I will publicly apologize on the Morning Show, taking the full blame, and in return, you will no longer be under the protection of Owen Lyon under any circumstance. If you get bullied, or pushed in the corner, that is your problem. Not his. I will also not advise you for the paper and since HOT is dead, I am no longer a threat to the student body so using my name to ‘blacklist’ other students is no longer applicable.” She gestured for him to take the pen from her hand, “Break this and I assure you, you will come to learn that my boyfriend isn’t the only one that can get ‘psycho’.”

Jamie eyed the contract with a look of distaste. He picked it up and thumbed through it, confirming the clauses that Trixie had mentioned were all included. The part concerning Marshall was questionable. He wasn’t sure his new boyfriend would be jumping to get to Owen, but if he was, he surely wouldn’t appreciate Jamie interfering. Other than that though, there weren’t any noticeable hiccups or riders that he could see, but then again, he wasn’t a lawyer. A part of him, the one who’d seen way too many TV dramas, wanted to take this home and have a lawyer look over it, to talk it over with Marshall. Another part though, the one that hungered for this reward, for the position he’d waited for, for over two years, grabbed the pen and signed. He looked up at Trixie, and smiled. “A pleasure doing business with you,” he said.

“We do get a lot of pleasure from this, don’t we?” Trixie slid the signed document back in front of her and gave Jamie a last goodbye, “Good luck with your future and all. I only wish the best for you.” Atlas went to a standing position and stretched his body, sensing it was almost time to leave this popsicle stand.

“Same to you,” Jamie said, unsure if he really meant it. Trixie left him sitting where she’d found him, and flashed him a playful wink as she pushed out the Starbucks doors and into the rest of the world. Jamie shook his head, while his face broke out into a grin. He’d done it.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Continuation of The Green Table.
Collab with @Bee@Hey Im Jordan@Fabricant451

“Like, seriously, why can’t we just be a normal fucking family and get pizza? All eat in our separate rooms, like real, old fashioned, red blooded goddamn Americans. But noooo, because Moms was born in Milan and likes to pretend she’s soooo Italian, we gotta eat this shit that me and Pops can’t even pronounce.” As Henry complained, Ty looked like he was going to speak, but before he could get a word in edgewise, Henry was back on the gun. Ty looked at Eve, looked at Julie, and then looked at his lap and sighed — when did his son become so… so infuriating? “And don’t you say you can, you son of a bitch, because I know you’re as dumb as I fuckin’ am. At least it ain’t fuckin’ duck.” Henry paused, finally, and looked between the parents. “Best not be no duck in this fuckin’ dish or I’m gonna go FULL APACHE on you motherfuckers. I will go apeshit on you.”

Again, Ty looked like he was going to speak, but this time he was silenced by a raised hand from Alyssa, and Ty sighed again. Why was he here? He looked at his youngest, sitting next to a BOY, and found himself reminded. He’d have to hang out with Justin privately — together, the Greens and their extended family could be a bit… overwhelming. “Firstly, there is no duck. I assure you, I’m aware of your girlfriend’s… fascination with ducks, and I’m not so cruel as to serve it to her. Now, secondly, if you want a pizza, then I recommend you go to your father’s pizza parlor. Tonight, we are eating as a family so that I, and the rest of your collective parental figures, can meet our children’s significant others.”

“Meet ‘em on your own time, not my time! Besides, I took Min to meet Pops, not my fault neither of your fucking golden children brought theirs to introduce them!” Henry was on the defensive, but when wasn’t he on the defensive when it came to interacting with his parents? He felt like — in some cases, he was — they were always attacking him.

Suddenly, it was Ty’s to shine! Before he had a chance to be silenced, he blurted. “Hailey told me about Hana the day they met, and she introduced her officially at the shop last night.”

Henry had a few things he could have said, but when he took a sidelong glance at an awkward, shy, possibly even mentally cringing Min-seo, Henry decided to make another play. With himself and Hailey accounted for, Henry chose to take the heat off of himself, and... suddenly, all eyes were on Cyndi and Justin.

With her napkin on her lap and her fork turning slowly in her pasta, the baby of the family narrowed her eyes at her brother, before clearing her throat, “I think this is rather forward, since I only got back from Seoul this week and went on one date with Justin.” She lifted her pasta to her lips and then rolled her eyes, “I’m sorry I’m not as ‘efficient’ as you two. I would have rathered introduced Justin when I knew he was a right fit.” She turned her attention to her date and apologetically whispered, “No offense.” There was lingering attitude seeping out of her. She was completely over tonight and she was sure her Football boy was too. She hated being compared to those two. With nothing more to say, she put pasta in her mouth.

Jeez. Cyndi was harsh, but she had a point. This was about one of the worst situations for him to be in, and to be introduced to his girlfriend’s (???) family. It was hard enough meeting the parents, but to bring in the extended family was an entirely different level. He was more than sure there were a couple people googling him as they sat there and spoke.

There wasn’t much for Justin to say after that. After listening to Cyndi quietly apologize, he flashed her a reassuring smile. “No worries. I get it.” Justin understood Cyndi’s annoyance. This was a shitty situation all around, but one that was far from over, unfortunately.

The truth was, Henry didn’t care about Justin and Cyndi’s relationship. He didn’t care about how they felt or anything like that, he cared about getting the despicable three off his fucking back. It would be the ‘despicable four,’ but Justin had done a pretty good job of getting Julie to pout and stare at her food in a silent huff. Henry decided that he’d take the high road, and he made the smart move of shutting up, and shoveling pasta into his mouth.

Hailey on the other hand, was on a warpath. Why wouldn’t she be? She’d argued with her parents — for the first time in her life, her father included — she’d picked a fight with her brother and, if you asked her, won. If her sister wanted to sit there and mock her, then Hailey would pay her back in kind. “I’m sorry, princess, but some of us just… know what we want, and don’t have to play games with ourselves until we feel good about it.” Hailey said, in a void dripping with sarcasm and bitterness. She was over this, but it was what she had requested, after all.

Henry, quietly taking a bite of his food, made a side eyed glance at his father, who just shrugged his shoulders. Henry made some gestures with his hands, not so subtly asking to be excused, but Ty just shook his head and held up three fingers.

Something grew inside of Cyndi that she was never aware that she had. With a plain smile on her face, she placed her fork down, picked up her napkin, and wiped her lips, before folding it and putting it on the table. “Mother, I do apologize for the words I’m about to say. I’m only apologizing to you.” She turned her head to her sister and gave her an equal challenging stare, “You would know about games wouldn’t you? At least I’m a princess, you’re just a goddamn bitch. Have you even fixed your problems at school yet? No. You haven’t. Because you make fires. You don’t put them out. Honestly. I’m over this dinner.” Cyndi stood up, starting to regret even coming back home from South Korea, “Xander. Take Justin home. He doesn’t deserve someone acting like she’s better than him, when really she’s one of the most hated people at our school.” The blonde stormed off to the morning room, where her mother’s piano was.. Her fucking sister was the worst.

Evelyn’s eyebrows furrowed, “Alyssa, Ty. Deal with your daughters.”

“Oh, if I were her, I would have chosen my words much more carefully.” Hailey said, lifting her glass up to her lips as she watched her sister walk away, with a thin smile on her lips. She looked at her mother and raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry?”

Before Evelyn could respond, though, Henry cleared his throat. “Can me and Min bounce out now, though? Goddamn. Knew this shit was gonna turn into a dumpster fire the second I walked into it.”

Justin was caught off guard by Cyndi’s sudden outburst and clapback to Hailey. He blinked twice while holding his fork. He didn’t know Cyndi for long, but he was sure that she didn’t have that inside of her. At least, until now. This had gone south faster than a flock of geese on the cusp of winter. He didn’t know what to do. There was a lot of fire between the both of them. But, it only took Justin a very brief moment for him to figure out what the best course of action was.

Was it the wisest? Not really, considering his standing with the Green family, but he felt that in a situation like this the best thing he could do was check up on his now girlfriend. Not too long after Cyndi stormed off, Justin stood up and followed after her. He didn’t want to call out after her but considering the size of the estate, he wasn’t sure where she stormed off to. “Cyndi?”

As Justin went on a search for the apple of his eye, Evelyn blankly stared at her son, before sighing, “I will allow it, if you promise to spend a day with me.” As her only son, Eve tried whatever she could to understand him, but a lot of times it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with her and that was what broke her heart.

“Oh… well, aight then, I guess we’re in it for the long haul. When Xander bringing the dessert out?”

On the other hand, Hailey stood up from the table, and gestured for Hana to follow her. As the eldest walked away with her girlfriend, Henry looked out around the table, “when were one of you fuckers gonna tell me Mother spoke Korean?”

Meanwhile, Justin heard no response from the sophomore. Instead, there was the sound of piano music, which was her only way to express her emotions and hopefully make herself feel better.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 8 days ago

A Collaboration Between: @Bee and @TootsiePop
Featuring: Justin Quentin and Cyndi Green

Hearing the soft notes of a piano nearby, Justin turned toward the source of the noise. There was only one plausible explanation for the beautiful sounds that traveled down the hallways. He was drawn toward it, the beautiful notes pulling at his heart. It was practically begging for Justin to come, and it was something he could not back down from.

Turning around a corner, he found her. Cyndi. Sitting by her lonesome in front of what he assumed to be a grand piano. Stepping in slowly, he was careful to not disturb her focus. Stepping softly against the hardwood floor, he only watched as he closed in slowly. It wasn’t until he was close before he said something. ”Hey.”

Justin was careful to be soft. ”You okay?” Justin asked, slowly making his way over to the bench and taking a seat next to her. ”Look, I’m sorry things went poorly down there. It… it sucks, and I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”

“Everyone in my family has strong personalities. It’s a lot in comparison to me.” She softly responded back, her voice shaking. Her eyes were begging to release her guilt, regret, and sadness with tears, but she kept her attention to the piano. If she looked at the boy that took interest in her, she would cry. He was in over his head. “My mother will be here soon. I did a bad thing. I was unpleasant and I made things worse. I let my emotions get the better of me and that has never been a good thing in this family. Especially because I know Hailey was trying to do something that would make mama happy. I knew that.”

She wasn’t sure if Justin was aware of her family dynamic. That Alyssa and Evelyn were married. That Alyssa and Ty were half-siblings. That Evelyn and Ty made each of the Green kids so that there was Green blood in them. That Ty was married to Julianna and had his own family, while still being romantically involved with Eve. It was confusing to an outsider, but to her, that was her normal. A family with a lot of love, even if at times, they wanted to cut each other’s throats. The Greens were complicated, as she was sure other families were too. “You should go home, Justin.”

Her music stirred wonders in others’ souls, just like her mother Evelyn did. She shimmered under the dim light. Breathtaking. “I don’t think this is going to work out. Me and you.” She sadly admitted. If there was someone not worth the chase, it was her. She was nothing. A disgrace to her family name. Cyndi wanted to stop while she was ahead. A coward. Silly her for thinking she could catch up to her older siblings in experience. Silly her for thinking she could live in the moment when she was stuck in both the past and the future. What she was battling everyday and what she wished she could be.

Hailey was right. She was always right. It was because of her Min-seo would get sent back home, ultimately making Henry hate her more than he already did. It was her lack of clarity and confidence that she couldn’t tell if Justin was a right fit or not, like how Hailey knew her and Hana belonged together and Henry and Min, all the same. She didn’t know if she had the courage to fight this battle of having Justin win her mother’s approval. Her sister was right. Her mother would never trust her judgement ever again. Why did she even try? She wasn’t meant to think for herself. She wasn’t meant to stray too far from the nest… she wasn’t meant to take risks. It would only lead to her upsetting everyone and getting hurt. Cyndi Green was a failure. A complete disappointment.

The mention of this not working out stabbed Justin in the heart just a bit, causing him to look away for just a second until he realized she wasn’t thinking rationally. It was clear that Cyndi was hurting, and hurt people tend to talk out of a place that didn’t necessarily reflect what they actually felt. Words were thrown around without actually meaning them.

”Come on now.” Justin reassured, ”You’re only saying that because of what just happened. I’d feel the exact same way if I was in your position. But, I’m not scared. I’m not worried at all.” Justin was definitely lying, but it didn’t matter to him. He wanted to make Cyndi happier, and more confident in the situation they were in right now, at least in terms of their relationship. There wasn’t much, if at all anything, that he could do about the family.

”All this’ll be is one speedbump. All it is - nothing more.”

“I guess so…” She stopped playing the piano and turned her body to look at him. Her watery eyes undeniably visible. “We can try. But know this is only the start. Things will get worse before they get good and I cannot promise you I will always be the nicest. I can’t promise you I will make you happy. I will try. I will give you a chance. But I’m far from worth it.” The tears started rolling down her face and she stood up, retreating to the large window that peered into the darkness of the front of her house. The long driveway. The shrubbery. The castle gates. “Now, Justin. Please, before my mother comes. Leave. Text me when you’re home.”

Justin stood up as Cyndi left her seat, watching her walk up to the window and stare out. He was about to follow and embrace her, but the words that followed soon after had dissuaded whatever intentions he had shortly afterwards. The situation had taken too much of a toll on Cyndi, apparently. He wanted to give her more reassurance, but he couldn’t. Cyndi had wanted him to go home, and he had to respect that. It didn’t matter if he wanted to do something else. In this situation, and at this stage in their relationship, it was far better that he respected her wishes.

Slowly stepping backwards toward the door, he nodded. ”Okay, Cyndi... “ He trailed, ”I-I’ll text you when I get home. I hope you feel better…” Space. Space was the best option right now. He didn’t want to suffocate her and be overbearing.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Sitting on the ground within her playroom, on top of a blanket, and boyfriend, a room designed for picnics and tea parties, Mina Bellerose reached for her tea cup that awaited for her on a table designed to look like a tea trunk stomp. She leisurely took a ladylike sip as she scanned her set up. Her favorite part of this room was the swinging bench and the fruit cart which today displayed strawberries. A little symbolism to her dear cousin’s family. Her tea set was beautiful and whimsical with pink floral design. It looked like it was made for a child. It was. And her outfit was a slim short sleeve lace chiffon dress, with a light peach color, shipped from South Korea.

She seemed unbothered as she waited for her guest this lovely Saturday evening. All the other guests had arrived, in the form of her dolls, but not her special guest, who knew well enough she did not tolerate tardiness. There was five minutes to spare. In the corner of the room, she had a live orchestra band, cellist, pianist, violinist and all, because sometimes it was necessary to add to the atmosphere. The Fashion Princess, the only child of Maxwell Bellerose Jr, needed the calming music because honestly? If she acted out what her mind was thinking, that would be far more… metal. She felt good about her decision. She felt good about this new project, deciding to leave a documentary about the school to someone who cares. She felt good. “Christopher, should I give her a call? She’s running awfully late. Very unlike her. Correction. On time was late, early was on time, in the fashion Legacy’s book. Gingerly, with ease and mild irritation, she took another sip while nestling her bottom on her lover’s lap.

Christopher knew how this plan of hers ended. It wasn’t going to be pretty, but Mina had already made up her mind, and considering that they were practically one and the same, it was unwise for him to aggressively disagree with her. Instead, Christopher would just wait for the inevitable. Mina was going to sit down. And cry. And throw a fit. And Christopher would be there to do his job and cheer her up, like any good boyfriend. As she asked about giving her friend a call, Christopher shrugged his shoulders. “Let’s just wait a few more minutes, princess.” He suggested, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Mina would learn patience eventually…

Fixing her hat, Emmy-Lou made her way in just a minute before she would be on time. She knew she should have been there earlier but she had messed up her makeup the first time around and that simply wouldn’t do. So she restarted and of course that caused her to be ‘late’. "Now I’m sure y’all are tarred and feathered that I’m late. Trust me, I’m tore up over it too. It was my mistake truly, so I must tell y’all I am truly sorry for making y’all wait on me. Truly sorry. But may I say, y’all look as dashing as always.” Emmy sat down delicately and smoothed her skirt out, her back straight and chin up. Looking as lady-like and prim and polished as always. She may have been slightly flustered internally but it did not show externally.

With a calculative glint in her dark void eyes, Mina gave her friend a delicate smile, “Only because flattery will get you literally everywhere in life, you are granted one pass with me. Also that dress, absolutely lovely.” If it weren’t for the compliments, the princess would’ve made her friend cry most likely. The attire simply gave her brownie points for looking exactly how Mina preferred, especially in her playroom. “Now please, help yourself with a macaron and some tea. We have important matters to discuss.” Bending over a little bit, the Bellerose heiress placed her drink back on the table, and when she fixed her posture, her arms wrapped around her lover. She leaned her head on his chest and although her face was plastered with a bright smile, her dark gaze was that of a ravening hawk. Patiently, she waited.

Taking a macaron delicately, she used her free hand to catch any crumbs as she bit into it, doing so until she finished the delightful pastry. Emmy-Lou then picked up her cup of tea and with the grace she had hammered into her from a young age, took a sip before bringing it down from her lips and finally looking into her friend’s eyes. ”I reckon I should start by apologizing for not doing my best at keeping y’all up to date on what is happening at the school but since my last update, things went out of kilter lickety split. Everything was just not hunkey dorey! I was doing my best to put everything in order but obviously y’all found out before I could do so. I shoulda done better Mina. I’m sorry.”

“Oh Emmy-Lou, no need to apologize I’m already over it.” She wasn’t. Absentmindedly, she traced her finger in circles on Christopher’s chest before whining, “It just isn’t right!!! Everyone thinks my cousin is this tyrannical beast, thanks to this horrid article with no evidence! What? So she is no longer on friendly terms with Ophelia and Trixie? THAT gives someone who SHOULDN’T be involved PERMISSION to air out her dirty laundry and probably ‘fluff’ the truth to get likes?! What?!” Fuck you, Jamie Callaghan. This was annoying! Stupid! Nonsensical! He was on the top of her shit list. “So the Punisher’s son can’t keep his emotional whirlwind of a girlfriend to trust him WHOLEHEARTEDLY? I would never-ever-ever in a million years think a PICTURE meant my LOVE cheated on me! And. Christopher knows I’ll kill him if he ever does. Isn’t that right, Teddy?” Mina looked up at her beloved giving him the most innocent grin.

If you asked Christopher — no one ever did — this whole thing should have blown over after the New Year’s party. He wasn’t too interested in it, but Mina was, so he was dragged along as a spectator. If she wanted to pick a fight with Hailey and the rest of them, then that was her prerogative. Christopher would be along for the ride, and to catch her when she inevitably hit the ground. When she addressed him directly, Christopher looked at her, and smiled with a nod. “Of course, Princess. Focus on your important meeting.”

That’s right! This meeting was IMPORTANT. “Where was I? Oh, yes. This school will utterly go to the dogs and I can’t allow that. I’m sure there will be an announcement about the student council since I know my cousin can no longer be bothered by UNGRATEFUL, GOOD-FOR-NOTHING SWINES.” She paused to calm herself down, thinking about the school enraged her. Truly, vengeance was her drive. “If you want me to feel better, I’ll need you to run for President. You have the charm, you are an absolute angel, and you aren’t one of the big Five, which our school doesn’t necessarily like. As a Bellerose, closely tied to the Green family, I cannot possibly take the charge, but you can. You can be the shining light this school truly needs. I’ll help you with your campaign, but I won’t be your running mate. It’s best if I stay… in the shadows. And if you win, we can make the school sugary sweet. How does that sound?”

Emmy-Lou listened to Mina intently, nodding every now and then in agreement while occasionally taking sips of her tea. She knew Mina was upset and that if she didn’t want to end up on her bad side she needed to stay quiet and listen. As she was informed of Mina’s plan, a smile spread onto her face. Setting her tea down gently, she folded her hands in her lap. ”As y’all know your druthers is my ruthers, so you’re darn tootin’ I will run for president. I will of course need y’alls help as you do know better than I who I need to get on my side to ensure a victory. You can count on me. I’ll win the school over with my winning personality, looks, charm, and your plan of course.” Emmy smiled widely at the idea of being school president. Ma and Pa would be proud. She’d have more power in the school. Not to mention it would look great on her resume.

“ACTUALLY!” A sudden light bulb went over Mina’s head. “I might know your perfect running mate. She will win you big sympathy points because she’s the cutest little thing and easily… influenced. Her only downside is her social skills. I’m sure I can convince her to try to get out of her comfort zone. She’s Scott Lyon’s little sister and looks like an absolute doll. Just imagine her right beside you? Picture perfect! Also since she is a transgender, you might win points with the LGBTQ community. She actually came back from her vacation today.” Mina was already taking out her phone to find her childhood friend’s number. “I’ll give her a call and get back to you. Sounds good?”

”Ain’t that a swell idea! You really do have a horse sense Mina!” Emmy-Lou clapped her hands together in excitement. Her face then became blank as her mind began to turn with an idea. It then lit back up even brighter than before, ”We should be called the TEA PARTY!!!” She exclaimed excitedly, in one of her blonde moments nonetheless.

“I like it.” It’s true. The Tea Party had a nice ring to it. It would be easily marketable and they could get away with overdressing Anastasia solely because of their name. There were avenues for this. They could take down any competitor using pure cuteness as their weapon. Yes, good thinking, Emmy-Lou. Good thinking, indeed.

With the plan laid out before them, Christopher nodded and looked over at Emmy-Lou, “you can go now. Make a scene and some noise… posters, a slogan, maybe even pamphlets. You’re intelligent, I’m sure you can figure it out. Talk to people, find out what they need or want. Post on Snapchat.” Christopher was once again relegated to the ‘shooing people because Mina was done with them’ role, but he handled this particular role quite well.

”I’ll get to that lickety split! Now you two enjoy your evening while I just skedaddle on out of here.” Emmy-Lou stood up, grabbing a few of the sweets and putting them in her purse. She then wiggled her fingers in a little wave and made her way out, her heels clicking with each step she took, fading as she got further away. She was already planning her first step in her head. She was going to make sure she made them proud.

In arrogant triumph, her faintly glossed lips tugged upwards into a sinister smirk. Tilting her head, with the phone against her left ear, the ringback tone filling the room, as she waited, Mina giggled, “I’m going to have so much fun.”

After a few seconds, a sheepish, quiet voice answered: “H-hello. Hi. Mina. Are… are you ok?”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
Avatar of Hey Im Jordan

Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Collab with @TootsiePop

Scott was locked in his room. If he never spoke to his father again, that would be for the best. He’d dealt with his father, and they’d reached something of an agreement. Scott wouldn’t talk to him, and in return, Gabriel would leave him the fuck alone. It’d helped that Katie had lashed out at Gabriel too, but it wasn’t enough. Dad had crossed the line! Scott was sick of his shit, and he wasn’t gonna put up with it anymore, no matter how much it would upset Grandma Bi at the next family get together.

For now, he was sitting in his room with AJ. They were… just sitting, but they were best friends, so sometimes just sitting was what they needed. It may have been quiet, but it was nonetheless comforting. Scott was in a good mood, anyway! He and Katie were a thing, completely and totally, and the truth was? That was awesome. It was way better than Scott could have ever hoped it would be.

He wanted to climb to the highest point in the tallest tower and shout it at the top of his lungs. That, of course, was not something he could do. He had to settle for the next best thing. At least AJ was here. “Dude. I think I’m in love.”

Sitting, his back leaned against the backboard, holding a bowl of opened starbursts, AJ Tyler, designated ‘asshole ex’ of Jamie Callaghan, threw a red one in his mouth, as he glanced at his best friend. Love, he said? With the feminist bitch? He chewed slowly, his shades hooked onto his shirt, and surveyed Scott’s expression. He was… happy. It wasn’t AJ’s place to ruin Scott’s honeymoon phase with cynicism, “Yeah? How do you know?” It might be best to keep his bitterness locked inside and the fact that he let Cecily convince him to fool Bailee into a relationship with him. Yeah. That was definitely for the best. Lifting the bowl close to his friend, he offered, “Want some?”

Scott looked at the bowl of candy, and thought about it for a second, before taking a handful of them. Popping one into his mouth, he nodded. “Yeah, I think so. I’m not… like, sure, but she’s really awesome.” Scott couldn’t believe what he was saying, but really, he couldn’t believe anything that had happened over the past couple of days. The realization and admittance that he didn’t just like Katie, he liked her. After all, who else knew him best? “She came over and yelled at my dad, and it was frankly the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. After that, we fucked….”

“Right where you’re sitting, actually.”

“Nice. Are you guys as loud in bed as you are in… general?” AJ chuckled, really not caring if he was sitting on a dirty blanket. Katie was hot. He could get behind laying on the sheets she was naked on. Ain’t nothing but a thing.

“Maybe.” Was Scott’s only reply, before he grabbed a basketball off the ground, and tossed it into the hoop, watching it swish through the net. That wasn’t the important stuff right now, AJ! The important stuff was that Scott was now engaged in a serious relationship. “I’ve never had someone stand up for me like that before.” AJ knew better than anyone that Scott’s dad was… beyond ‘douchebag’ levels, especially when his mom and sister were gone, and both of them had been gone for a few weeks now. “It was… cool.”

“Might help that like, she doesn’t know the dude. Because I grew up seeing your father and if it wasn’t for Mama Blair. He’d probably throw me around just like he does to you. Yeah. No.” At least when it came to Gabriel, AJ would admit he was scared of him. He’s SEEN some shit and if he intervened he’d make it ten times worse for Scott. Maybe tits was the solution. Katie had tits. Blair had tits. So did Ana, sorta. They were coming in. “I love you, my guy, but I want to live to see tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I don’t even know what to do.” Scott complained, shaking his head. He didn’t understand why his dad was such a fucking… prick, but he knew one thing: He hated it. And he loved that Katie hated it too! The people that knew didn’t like it, sure, but no one really did anything for him, not even his mom. She stepped in when she had to, but she didn’t exactly try and get Gabriel to never do it again, not like Katie had. Katie had told Gabriel off, and it was awesome. “Like, what do I do next? Do I call her? Do I text her? Do I do nothing?”

Jesus. AJ forgot how inexperienced his friend was. Katie legit was the first. First kiss. First fuck. First to tell his dad to fuck off. The fucking first. AJ was in middle school when these questions were all he could think about, but after Jamie? Fuck that. He wasn’t here for love and sure, he had a potential good girl and was going to be her first in a lot too, but it wasn’t out of love. High school wasn’t meant for love. Sorry, Bailee.

Throwing a yellow one in his mouth, AJ shrugged, “She likes that you annoy her, so yeah sure. See if she wants to do something with you tonight. Maybe do like a double date thing with her best friend and Dames. That could be fun. I don’t really know Katie like you do, so that’s the best you’re getting from me.”

AJ did have a point; Scott definitely knew Katie better than AJ did, and one thing that Scott had a very strong feeling about, was that Katie was a private person. Scott wasn’t even sure there would be any PDAs from Katie in his future, though it wasn’t a bad thing. He didn’t mind not sucking on Katie’s tongue in front of everyone — he was different from AJ. While AJ wanted to show off that he was with someone, Scott felt like it was enough for him and her to know.

A double date though? It was… an idea. Maybe she’d like that, since Joy was her best friend, and as far as Scott knew, they were both in their first relationships… It was worth a shot. “I could ask about a double date, that’s a good idea.” Scott was just… new to relationships, yeah. “I think she’s like… busy, right now, though. Shopping with Joy.”

“That’s okay. Call her around lunch time. Those girls can’t shop forever. Well, they could, but doesn’t Joy… eat a lot? I’m pretty sure she eats like a beast. OH!” AJ snapped his fingers with a sudden thought, the bowl resting on his lap, “Do you need condoms? Lube? Toys? We could totally go get that. Like right now.”

“No! I don’t need none of that stuff, dude!” Scott protested, looking up at AJ and shaking his head. AJ was too much for him sometimes — sure, Scott did a good job of having that ‘cool, chill’ persona, but AJ took it to the next level… sort of. Scott would argue that AJ had actually never been the same since he’d gotten his heart broken (AJ would never admit it) with Jamie. That was why AJ had tried to flex on Jamie in the hall, and Scott knew the truth. AJ was just… jaded. He didn’t say it aloud though, because AJ would have never taken it seriously from him. “Look, man, I got this, I think. I think this could be really good for me.”

“You sure? Like not even condoms? That doesn’t even require us to go out. I got some in my backpack.” Even if he hadn’t had sex since Jamie. But, hey. No one needed to know that. “I don’t want to see a mini Scott or mini Katie anytime soon. God that would be a nightmare.” Those two were so rowdy. If they ever made a love child, that would be them times TEN.

“Yeah right, yours would be too small.” Scott scoffed, rolling his eyes. He had condoms already, anyway. AJ did have a point though, and Scott decided he’d try and broach a dangerous, volatile subject. “Yeah, I get that. I guess that’s why you were fucking Jamie, huh? It’s easy if you just bone other dudes, huh? Then you don’t even have to worry about kids. I guess there’s still like… diseases.” Scott said, looking at his phone, and sitting down in a chair by his desk. “How are you doing, anyway? In the way of getting laid, I mean.”

In defense, AJ grabbed the pillow beside him and flung it at Scotty, “Fuck you, dude.” He didn’t take it personal, but that was a LOW BLOW. Purposely hitting his head on the backboard, AJ grumbled and answered, “I guess sooner or later Bailee will take off that chastity belt for me. BTDubs. Me and Bails are sorta a thing? At least her drunk self was like into it. I might give her a try.” To make Jamie jealous.

“Playing with fire.” Not that Scott was going to judge. AJ, it seemed, liked to light himself on fire. Maybe it was in his blood? Scott wasn’t too sure — he didn’t care to ask, either. AJ was doing his thing, and it was working for him… more or less. “Right, and the goal of the plan is to… what, get Jamie to realize what he’s missing?” Scott was treading lightly, but he was definitely in a minefield.

“Why the fuck would I do that, Scott? Jamie and Marshall can have their fairytale romance. I’m over it. We said our goodbyes, anyways. He’s tired of hurting people, and I’m tired of him running to me for advice.” Half truths. Half lies. “I’m gettin’ back in the game! That’s why I got Bails. She’s the fire that I need. Maybe I need a fiery girl to tell me to shut the fuck up, you know?” Honestly, if he wasn’t still in love with Jamie this plan did make a lot of sense. Bailee was kind of a bitch, but a sad bitch. The only thing that didn’t remind him of his ma was she was also pure. Ew. What was he saying? Why was he comparing Bailee to his MOM?

“Bailee. Is the fire that you need in your life. Uh-huh.” Scott was going to have to let it go, AJ was clearly guarded and jaded. Scott wasn’t the one to break those barriers down, that was up to someone else — maybe even Bailee. Scott couldn’t do everything for him, all he could do was offer support when AJ’s plan ultimately exploded in his face. “What, like your mom?”

“Okay. That’s enough of this pussy bitch talk. Let’s do something. I’m bored. You’re in love. What-the-fuck-ever. We should ride.”

“Yeah, okay let’s go —”

“SCOTT! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!” Scott was cut off by his father, and that caused him to glance over at AJ. If his dad wanted him, then there probably was nothing good that was going to happen...

“What do you want, motherfucker!?” Scott yelled back, frustrated that his dad would even call him down after the way things had gone so far this weekend.


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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 8 days ago

Featuring: Olivia Lee and Benjamin Webb
A collaboration between: @Bee and @TootsiePop with a small feature from @Hey Im Jordan

So, their last encounter hadn’t gone so well. The awkward encounter between Olivia and Benjamin had been less than ideal. As a matter of fact, it was probably one of the worst moments of Olivia’s life. She hadn’t really had a good string of days, lately. There was the fact that she lost her clothes (although they were recovered) and now the awkward encounter. Luckily, a special someone had tipped Olivia off as to where Ben worked out.

Stepping into the 365 Club, the sounds of weights slamming onto the floor echoed throughout the gym as Olivia looked around. Not many people were in here. Hopefully there was someone that could get her access inside and see if Ben was around.

The gym, a place that soothes the soul. A place where Benjamin Webb could be as selfish as he wanted. As prideful as he wanted. The one place where it was okay to make everything about him. The zone. His zone. Benjamin loved the gym, more than he loved a lot of things. It kept him focused. Taught him subject matters that people thought he couldn’t do because he was labeled ‘stupid’ at school. Just because he wasn’t an ace in books, didn’t mean he wasn’t an ace in life. He learned how to count, how to plan, how to perform, and how to endure. Lifelong skills that would take him far. Exercising was no joke to him. This was not a game. This was his life.

When he gets bigger, he gets better. When he gets better, he turns into the swole beast he loves to see. He wasn’t doing this for anyone but himself and it was all business. He didn’t seek attention. He wasn’t showboating. This was for him. No one else mattered when he wasn’t thinking about anything else or anyone else.

There was so much discipline that went into working out and the gym was the place where he could put his body into action and his mind at its side. Feeling powerless. Feeling dumb. Feeling negativity. These feelings were unnecessary and completely undone here. His safe place. His haven.

Working out, it gave him narcotics in the form of energy, endurance, and edge. Defined muscle tone and strength. Full control over what was happening to him and his body. Smarts he didn’t think he had when he was doing his homework. An addictive hobby.

Yeah, this was the best.

Bigger, better.

Down the Beast’s forehead, a salty droplet made its way from top to bottom, like summer rain. Once it reached his chin, it dripped off and fell onto the ground. With his earbuds on, and completely shirtless, he listened to Remember the Name by Fort Minor. It was right after school, on Friday. Prior to coming here, his classmate, Marissa, a cute mouse-like girl, who was also considered ‘special ed’, showed him a recording of Cyndi Green rapping at the Underground. Her last line made him think of one song on repeat until he made his way to the gym. Now, he was listening to it.

Cardio and shoulders day. Benjamin went to the gym everyday, usually in the morning, but today he didn’t wake up early enough (damn his bed, damn it to hell). So, he had to go after school.

With his feet hip-width apart, he held the barbell in front of his chest. His arms bent and his hands were shoulder-width apart. Barbell shoulder press. Objective? To increase strength and density throughout his core complex and upper back. Bracing his abs, he pressed the barbell overhead, locking his arms and standing tall. Yeah, boi. Feel the burn. Man, he loved this.
It didn’t take long for Olivia to figure out where exactly the boy she met a few days ago was. He was the shirtless man going hard in the middle of the gym with sweat practically pouring off his body. Going hard was an understatement, to say the least once she got a better look of how much weight he was pushing on that barbell.

Olivia, luckily, was dressed for the gym and to work out. Since she was coming in there she might as well make her time worthwhile instead of going there for one dude in her street clothes. Putting her bags down, she started walking toward an empty squat rack to get warmed up. It was a good way to get around having to directly talk to Benjamin. Things were still a little awkward and Olivia wasn’t particularly interested in directly engaging with him just yet.

He was probably far too busy to notice anyway.

Owen was like the all seeing eye from the Lord of the Rings. Anything that happened within his domain, he saw; and his domain was the 365 Combat Club. He saw when people needed help with their equipment, he saw when people were getting a little too rowdy, and when they could use critique on their technique. In this case, it was the latter. He knew he’d have to step in, or the girl at the squat rack would keep stealing looks at his lovable oaf Benji.

Owen hated doing this, he hated having to do anything, including something as simple or straightforward as wing-manning. He wanted to sit in his chair and observe his kingdom, and watch P.R.D. on variety shows on his phone, but nooo. People needed him to do stuff.

Without even standing up from his chair, Owen popped the ball he had in his hands over the room, and watched it soar until it hit its mark (he should have been the quarterback, eat your heart out Damian), and bounced off of Benji’s big ass head. When the other boy looked up at him, Owen shook his head, and instead just pointed at Olivia, mouthing ‘nah that was here.’

With that, Owen shifted in his chair, readjusted his earbuds, and looked back down at his phone just in time to see the start of the next segment. Mission accomplished.

In response, the Beast placed the barbell back on its stand. After, he reached for his towel and water. Once the towel was placed on his sweaty shoulders, he started guzzling down the clear liquid in his 2.2 liter bottle. Refreshing. Just what the doctor ordered. Quickly, he wiped his lips, put his water back on the counter table, and grabbed the ball. With heavy steps, he was a big dude, he made his way to the girl who had called him retarded recently and examed her form, her assets, [il]mildly[/i] impressed, before holding the ball up, “You threw the world at me.”

Olivia had no idea what Owen was even up to as she was busy warming up at the squat rack. She didn’t put the weights on yet as it was an incredibly stupid idea to start going hard without warming up. But, she figured once she started putting on the weights, the amount she would push was definitely something to be impressed with. Not like, it mattered, anyway.

She was mid-rep before she was yanked from the zone by a voice behind her. Olivia didn’t bother answering until she finished the rep, putting the bar where it was supposed to be before she turned around. Did someone else come in while she was warming up?

As it turned out, nobody came in.

But, Olivia had no idea what Ben was talking about. ”I did?” Olivia looked at the ball, rather confused as to what he was referring to.

“Yeah. You did.” It hit him right in the head. She must’ve wanted to grab his attention for something. Now she’s playing dumb? Is this to make up for calling him one of those people when he was in special classes? That’s a weird way to apologize but okay. Whatever floats her boat. Putting the large ball on the floor, he sat on it, staring at her with contemplation. Asians were kind of pretty. This must be the first time she’s come to the gym because he has never seen her here before. “Do.. do you come here often?”

Deciding to let the completely false accusation go, she blinked twice and took a moment to process Benji’s question. ”N-No, I don’t come here often.” Olivia shrugged, ”I should start coming here more often though.” Olivia rested her arms on the barbell, deciding to inquire more with Benji since the two were talking now anyway. Might have not been on her terms, but it was whatever.

”You a regular here?”

“Yeh.” His lips curved into a childish smile, as he bounced in front of her. “You know when you’re really good at something, like it might be the only thing you’re good at, but you’re good at it? Being at the gym, exercising, training, hitting things. That makes me feel good. My dad owns a comic store and, like, when I’m here I feel super, just like all the characters I read about. If I could live here, I would but Owen would hate babysitting me.”

Olivia watched and listened to Benji intently. She knew exactly where he was coming from, considering sports and fighting was the one thing she was good at. The fighter found solace in exercise when other things failed to. She nodded as he spoke about how much the gym made him happy. Olivia understood that as well.

”Hitting things and exercising makes me feel good too.” The girl smiled, moving herself so that she barely hanging on the barbell with her hands. ”Ain’t nothing like punching someone in the face.”

Maybe not the face unless it was part of the rules, but hey, she was aggressive and he kind of liked it. Maybe he should use the rest of his gym time to watch her punch the bag. “Well… I don’t want to keep you from feeling good. So, uh. See you.” Anxiously, the big guy got off the World ball and started retreating away. However, when he walked a few steps, he turned back and stutteringly asked, “D-do you want to eat, eat, uh eat lunch together? Sometime? Anytime? You choose the time? At school. Uh, I mean. During lunch period. You can’t really choose lunch time. But, like, in my mom’s office? It’s, uh, c-cozy.”

Was this man asking her on a date? She was as shocked as ever, but holy moly was she surprised. She felt something tickle in her belly, and it resulted in the goofiest smile that Olivia could have ever mustered. She was smiling like an idiot, and she could feel her cheeks get a little red. ”Yeah, yeah sure! We can totally have lunch in your mom’s office or something. That’d be nice.” Olivia smiled, ”Sometime next week sound good?”

“Yeah! Great! Awesome.” Suddenly, and more prepared, he could feel something darting to his head again. This time he was ready and with quick reflexes he caught a… marker! Looking around, with a perplexed look on his face, he tried to find the culprit. Everyone looked too busy. Maybe markers had magical properties or something. It was really convenient! He handed it to her and offered his hand, or arm, or whatever she wanted to write on, for her… “N-num...ber.”

Was this place cursed or something? All of a sudden a marker came out of nowhere for Benji to catch. It was like he casted “accio marker” or something like that. That definitely meant that Olivia wasn’t the one to throw the ball that started this whole thing in the first place. Olivia wasn’t tripping after all! Her brain wasn’t entirely mush.

Taking the marker from Benji’s hands, she pulled off the cap and decided to write on his arm. The hand was going to get mad sweaty which was going to smear the number. The arm was pretty much the best place save for an actual piece of paper. Chuckling softly, Olivia gripped Benjamin’s arm lightly and wrote her number down. She added a little heart at the end just for a nice touch. ”You can call me or text me. I respond quicker through text though.”

After that, a faint blush fell on Benjamin’s cheeks. All he could do was eagerly, and with great speed, nod and then speed walk away to the punching bag. He made sure to go on the other side to hide himself, even if she could still see his big muscle body. Being big had its downsides.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
Avatar of Hey Im Jordan

Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Featuring: Kit Thomas
Location: A Denny’s… The Professor wouldn’t approve!
Date: Saturday, before True’s hang out!

“Your mom —”

“The Professor.”

“The Professor would kill me if she knew I took you here, with that health kick she’s on. Why do you even like this place?”

The Kitastrophe and her father, the Doc, were sitting in a Denny’s off the side of the freeway in Los Angeles. It smelled like old old grease, and the Doc could have sworn he smelled a hint of Lemon Pledge in there. It was, to be honest, not a place he would have normally went, but the rules were, if Kit wanted to talk, then Kit would choose where they were going to go.

The Doc and Kit had a few such rules. It helped that she was secretly a huge daddy’s girl (not that anyone could blame her, Oliver was pretty good at this), but the agreement was: if they both adhered to the rules, then Kit would be open and honest with her father. At least then, he didn’t have to worry about her drinking and driving, or doing something worse. The agreement had served its purpose over the years, Kit had been in some shit — once or twice dragging True with her — and Oliver had always been ready to pull her out of it, so long as she talked to him about it.

It was easy, and Kit loved it. It made her life so simple and straightforward. Even if she was just yelling and screaming at someone online, and needed the Doc’s help to get that bastard, he was there! When she needed to talk about how she was pretty damn sure she liked girls, the Doc was there. It was easy, and it was nice, and Kit was always surprised to find that there were people in online that didn’t have great relationships with their dads.

Kit had an okay relationship with the Professor too, but lately… the Professor seemed like she was going through some shit (Kit had heard the Doc say the Professor was a day drinker, but Kit didn’t really get that), and the Doc had always been more easily approachable for Kit anyway. When he offered pancakes in the morning, Kit had been happy to take it.

And here she was, enjoying delicious pancakes.

When the Doc asked his question, Kit looked up as if he were an idiot. Did the Doc seriously not know? That was insane! How could he not know? It was clear as day. Taking a bite from her Oreo milkshake, Kit decided to explain; the Doc had helped her a lot over her life. It was time to give back.

“Where else can I go to get an Oreo shake, with a stack of Cinnamon and Salted Caramel pancakes, a side of bacon — extra extra crispy because Denny’s bacon isn’t really that good… — and then finish my meal with a chocolate lava cake with salted caramel and Oreo pieces on top?” After Kit spoke, the Doc stared at her if she were crazy, and Kit waved a fork with a huge chunk of pancake on the end of it. “Exactly. You got nothin’ , Doc.” Kit said triumphantly, and the Doc just shook his head. He wasn’t going to fight her, at least he could have bacon and eggs here.

“Just don’t tell your mom —”

“The Professor.” Kit was ever vigilant in correcting her parents. Eventually, they’d get the message.

“Just don’t tell the Professor I let you get all this stuff, alright? She’ll have my head. ‘She’ll rot her teeth out!’” The Doc shuddered, hearing Molly’s angry screaming voice in his ears. He knew he’d have hell to pay if she found out that he let their precious daughter eat cinnamon and caramel pancakes and two orders of ice cream at ten in the morning. There was more sugar than sustenance on Kit’s plate, but that wasn’t important… Not really.

“So. The glass.”

Oh no, there it was. Kit wasn’t read for this, her face immediately darkened when he said the not-so-magic words. She was concerned about many things. And she wasn’t sure where to begin with it, was the main problem. She tore the piece of pancake off of her fork, and chewed slowly while considering things. What was she supposed to say? She didn’t even know! This kind of thing was too hard for her, she wasn’t good at this part of their deal.

She stuffed another bite of Oreo milkshake into her mouth, before she started. Her words were slow, and measured — Kit wasn’t sure if she’d end up emotionally broken down again. “Okay, uhm… I think it’s important for us to start at the beginning… Do you remember when I said I liked girls?”

“Yes, that wasn’t that long ago. Selena started it, right?”

Kit nodded, sipping at the milkshake again. “Yes! Partially. It was partially Selena and there was another girl, too, but I didn’t think she was like… real. You know? Because she was a celebrity! Like, a YouTube celebrity. Selena was — is, still I guess — pretty much… perfect. Sort of like…”

“Something you want but can’t have.”

“Yeah! Exactly! Something I want but can’t have. But she was physically there! She was touchable, so I came up with my master plan — you know my master plan. Oh, by the way I kissed Selena… it wasn’t all that. But I kissed this other girl and that was pretty good! But, uhm, that’s not the point. The point is this other girl! You see, there was this other girl. Her name is VanillaSunrise.”

“Twitch streamer?”

“YouTuber. Remember when I wanted to start playing 14 and I made you buy all the expansions and then like a year of gametime? That’s because she plays 14, and I liked watching her videos… even the older, cringey ones! Because, like… because I just like listening to her talk. I like listening to her talk about the game, and I liked… you know, her. I really did, Doc!”

Kit took a deep breath and a moment to take another bite of her pancakes, enjoying the delicious, sugary, salty, caramel-y whipped cream that topped the pancakes. She needed to keep a cool head, “basically, I fell in love with two girls at once — Selena in real life, and the voice of VanillaSunrise. And her personality, and the way she talked and spoke… I even liked the way she wrote! See, it turned out she writes, like…. fan fiction, kinda? It’s good, but I don’t think you’d like it.”

“So… I… met her, Doc! I met her at school, she goes to my school. Isn’t that insane? I just… I met her, because she’s dating Hailey.” Kit explained, sucking at her milkshake again, and frowning when it was empty. She looked at the Doc, who shook his head, but grabbed the remainder of it — in the mixing bowl, and poured it into his daughter’s glass. “Thanks, Doc. So, it turns out that the VanillaSunrise, the smut writer, the 14 player, my hero, and like my SECOND LOVE OF MY LIFE goes to school with me! I was like, inches away from her, Doc. I could smell her. Is that weird?”

“Honestly? A little bit.”

“Well… okay, okay. Fair. She smells like… delicious vanilla… Sorry! So basically, I ended up talking to Hana — that’s VanillaSunrise — in gym class, and telling her that I knew who she was… I dunno, it was after Selena and I thought that I… I dunno I wanted Hana to like me, I guess. But she didn’t! So I… I pulled some strings. I got Hailey to force her to come over last night… and she did, and we played games, and it was great. BUT.”

Kit paused again, taking another bite of her pancakes. She was running low on food, but she was getting pretty full… she just didn’t want to stop eating because it tasted, really really good. She was gonna get fat, wasn’t she? She totally was… Kit grumbled, but she definitely didn’t stop eating the pancakes.

“But! It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted more. So I like… looked for an opening, and then I found one… so I like… took it. The truth is, Doc. When the glass broke, I wasn’t… I was faking it. I knew it wasn’t a big deal, and I knew I’d get another one from you. But I didn’t act like that! I cried and I threw a fit until… until she agreed to kiss me.” At this, the Doc raised an eyebrow, and Kit shrugged her shoulders. “Anyway, I got a kiss… it wasn’t much, but I wish I got more. I want more.”

“I wasn’t upset when I called you about the bong, I just didn’t know what to say! I was upset, because of how easy it was. I knew that she was with Hailey, but I still manipulated her into kissing me! Maybe there’s something wrong with me… maybe I’m a real like… like psychopath! What if I grow up to be a cult leader, Doc!? Why is the only thing I can think about doing it again!?”

That… that was a lot to digest.

“Do you… do you know what you did was wrong?”

“Well, well yes… but —”

“But nothing, Kitkat. Look, I know you well enough to know that no matter what I say or do… Kit’s gonna do what Kit’s gonna do. I think you learn best via trial by fire, anyway. Let’s just… let’s let this play out.”

Well… the Doc had a point. Kit nodded, and sipped from her milkshake, before dipping a chunk of cinnamon pancake into it. “Let’s go get True.”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After the shitshow that was The Green Table
Collab with @Hey Im Jordan

Truth was? Henry was stressed out.

He’d asked Min-Seo to head back to the room while he took care of business with one of his sisters, but he didn’t even want to handle this right now. He just didn’t think he’d be able to sleep if he let Cyndi go to bed all piss. Henry was too good, that was the reality of the situation. He was too good! Standing in front of Cyndi’s door, with his hands full of two plates — each one holding dessert from the dinner she’d walked out on — Henry knocked on the door.

The knock was quickly followed by the jingling of the door as Henry tried to let himself in. It hadn’t occurred to him to that the door could be locked, but here it was. Locked. Henry never locked his door! Not even when he was balls deep in his girlfriend! Where did his sisters get off thinking they could get away with this kind of crap? UGH.

He knocked again, but there was still no response. Why did he even bother?

To Cyndi, it may have seemed like the incessant knocking and jiggling of the door belonged to one of her parents, perhaps even her mother. After all, who else would be trying to talk to her after that night? Who else would be trying to make her feel good after her siblings had collectively made her feel so… not good? The answer may have very well been a shock, as Henry’s unmistakable voice rang off through the door.

“Cyndi! You best open this door, girl. I’m not playin’ with you.”

The voice she didn’t expect caused Princess Cyndi to jump in her bed, surprised. Shocked. Confused. Slapping her diary closed, she pushed it under her pillows then wiped her eyes. Her face was wet. “Henry, it’s not a good time…” Even with her saying that, she was already tiptoeing to the door. Inches away from it, she whispered, “It’s okay. I know I’m a dead girl. Hailey wants to kill me. I made Justin sad. Mommy, mama, and daddy are disappointed in me. Go to Min! You’d rather do that, right?!”

“You better quit your whining and open this door. Not a good time, she says,” Henry scoffed, as he looked down at the gelato in his hands. Didn’t she understand the severity of the situation? This stupid shit that he brought her was going to MELT and he hadn’t even gotten to do the important part yet. “I brought you your dessert. I know you want this dessert. Hurry up, before I eat it. And yeah, for the record, I would rather go be with Min, but I can’t do that shit because I gotta be the older brother here, and I gotta handle my shit.” Henry said with a huff into the still closed, still locked door.

Denying dessert was against everything she stood for. Cyndi loved dessert. But if she unlocked the door and opened it, Henry would see how ugly she was. She wasn’t pretty when she cried and her eyes were red and puffy. At last, she really wanted dessert. Quietly, she first unlocked the door. Subsequently, she creaked open the door, only a little bit to verify he indeed had dessert.

Henry waved the bowl of gelato and the plate of tiramisu in front of the crack and groaned. “DOOR. Open. Now. You think I ain’t never seen a girl cry? Come on, I’m a womanizing asshole, I’ve seen a girl cry! It’s not a big deal.”

“It’s a big deal to me.” She mumbled, but ultimately, she opened the door wide and stood to the side so he could walk in. “I guess place it on my nightstand.”

“Shaddap, I’m here to cheer your ass up.” Henry said, thrusting the food into her hands as he walked into the room. Looking around, Henry was reminded how girly Cyndi was. Whack. Without waiting though, Henry gestured for Cyndi to sit down. “So, you know what? I’ve come to realize, you’re havin’ a bad day. And that’s fine, that’s cool. But I got a plan to help you out. See, when I got upset last, the Hailstorm herself stepped into my room and offered me some help. Said she got it from pops. It makes sense. I’m boutta make you realize there ain’t nothin’ wrong with your old cheesy cryin’ ass.” Henry reached into his pocket and withdrew two bluetooth earbuds, which he held out to his sister.

“You’re gonna place that plate on your nightstand — speakin’ logically? That’s where I shoulda put it, but I ain’t nobody’s maid. Put your own shit on the nightstand — and then you’re gonna pop these earbuds in, lay down on your bed, close your eyes, and focus on the sound. You ain’t gonna move, talk, or blink for five minutes, you got that?”

“I don’t really think I can decline, can I?” Cyndi heavily sighed, not knowing what her brother was going to show her. With her cute, eeyore night gown on, a different one, she had a lot of them, she shuffled to her nightstand, placed the dessert down, hopped on her bed then hesitantly grabbed the earbuds, “This isn’t sex stuff… right?”

“ABSOLUTE. SILENCE.” Henry barked, pushing Cyndi so she was laying back on the bed. “Eyes closed. Focus on the words. Nothing else.” With that, Henry pressed play.

This was weird, but okay. Whatever. The music started off soft, oddly peaceful for her brother. Reminded her of something you’d hear in a movie’s dream sequence. Not even fifteen seconds in, there was a man’s voice. A sample from somewhere? She couldn’t tell. Now, she felt like she was going into space… this was kind of trippy. Then the voice kind of yelled at her and she was kind of shocked. In a way, she felt like this was her brother’s way of telling her to get outside of her head. Stop attacking yourself. The music shifted to dubstep, not intense or anything, and the motivational samples kept coming.

Trust yourself.

Where were these samples from? This voice kind of sounded familiar. She couldn’t pin the show or movie, though. The voice told her to not hold anything back and realize her strength. Her power. She wanted to open her eyes when the beat started picking up. This was honestly making her heart race. What was going on?

Okay. This was getting kind of cool. Subtly, she started bobbing her head, forgetting why she was even listening to this in the first place but going with the flow. She’d have to ask where this was from because this sounded intense.

The beat dropped and it went back to a calm, like the calm before the storm. She stopped moving, and at this point she was completely immersed in the experience. Repeatedly, she was told that she was strong. So strong. And that was something she… needed to hear because compared to her siblings and every Green family member, she felt like she was the weakest link. She would never compare. This song was telling her to stop thinking that and see the good she had. She was a different strong, but she was still a strong person.

Was Henry telling her to go hard? To stop holding back? The music was shifting back in speed and wubs. Was she even capable of optimizing herself? Not letting anyone or anything hold her back?

You want to see the real power of a super saiyan god.


This was Dragonball. She never watched it but she knew where super saiyans came from. This kind of made her want to watch it. It sounded like a journey of a person, or perhaps people, believing in their own strength. She liked the sound of that. She liked how it kind of made you believe you had power to do what you set your mind on.

Sometimes life is too uncertain to have regrets.
The samples ended and then shortly after the music trailed off and came to a stop. It was over? Opening her eyes, she glanced over to her brother but didn’t say a word. She was still mentally stunned at what she just listened to.

Henry nodded as she opened her eyes, holding his hand out for the earbuds, “mhm. That’s the shit, ain’t it? That’s the power of Dragon Ball Z. Shit’s good shit. There’s a reason Hailey and Pops have watched it so much, maybe you should check it out. That can be like, your in. Only thing Hailey loves as much as herself, Hana, or having control, is anime.” Henry shrugged his shoulders, but he wasn’t that concerned about it. The important part was it seemed like it had hit its marks, and that was what mattered. After all, he hadn’t given her the secret video just so she could keep moping.

“I don’t know what to say, Henry.” She lifted her body up and dropped the earbuds in his hand. Swiftly afterwards, she went for the gelato, which was for sure melting. Luckily, her other dessert wouldn’t melt. Before she started shoveling the delicious goodness, she inquired, “So you don’t struggle with anything? Being confident in yourself comes easy to you and sis. I’m really pumped to do my best, but I don’t even know where to begin.”

“Well, there are a lot more videos like that… Could start there. There are some good Vegeta ones, too… Watch Rock Lee vs Gaara, too — just the regular thing. I like the dub, Hailey likes the sub, Dad likes ‘em both. Uhhh, I’d check out Todoroki vs Deku, too, but maybe just watch the whole My Hero Academia, I think you could learn a lot from that… wait, you ain’t talkin’ about anime, huh? Uh… nah, I don’t struggle with nothin’. Ain’t got time for it. Just do your best, and remember if you’re worried about the planet, just… forget about it. Don’t hold anything back. Just like Goku says, right?”

“Forget about it and don’t hold anything back. Yeah, I can do that.” She widely smiled at her brother. Her mood was better and she didn’t think Henry was a complete dick! “Thank you, Henry. This… means a lot to me.” Taking a risk, she put the gelato back down, crawled to her brother, and glomped him so that she could give him a tight embrace.

Whoa, that was weird. Henry didn’t like it, but he wasn’t about to stop it — Cyndi was delicate, and Henry needed to treat her as such. Instead of squirming out of it, he instead just returned the embrace, and nodded. “Yeah, Cyndi. No problem.” After they pulled away, Henry headed out the door, adding, “watch the damn anime. It’s on the wifi, you know how to get it going. Trust me, if you can talk anime with Hailey, maybe she’ll calm down.”

Already with a remote in hand, she agreeably answered while waving him goodbye, “You got it! Hey, Henry. Before you leave…”

“I love you, Big Brother.”

“Man, don’t hit me with that gay shit… I love you too, now quit cryin’.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bee
Avatar of Bee

Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 8 days ago

Featuring: Ariana Song and Sarah Rosen

"That's why you don't play monk!"

"You put it on Torment 14, and I'm missing a piece of my set!" Sarah replied, her hands slamming down on the desk they were sharing, "What made you think that was a good idea? I can't even breathe here."

The two gamer girls were posted up in Ariana's room, sitting in front of their screens as they tackled the wonderful game known as Diablo 3 together. Currently they were playing adventure mode, where the goal was to simply go into a rift and kill all the monsters as quickly as they could. Ariana was currently using her demon hunter to boost Sarah, who was trying to set up her monk but wasn't exactly having an easy time doing so. It didn't help that Sarah was trying a class she didn't know at all. Usually she played as a Crusader or a Demon Hunter, but some persuasion on Ariana's part (the fact that she was the one playing a demon hunter and having two of the same build made no sense) helped her decide to play monk instead, which wasn't exactly going well.

After the encounter in the coffee shop, the two girls had agreed to hang out together and play something. They had burned through and won a couple games of Counter Strike and League, although it wasn't easy. It was what happened when you had two Master Guardian Elites and two Masters play together. On one hand you had some top talents, but on the other hand you were also playing against top talents as well. it wasn't exactly steamrolls, but they managed to eek out some VERY close wins. But, after having to deal with the upmost stress and gaming their asses off, they decided to wind down and play some Diablo. There was way less brainpower involved with the dungeon crawler than there was with the other games. As some would say, it wasn't as much of a big-brain game as it was to CSGO and League of Legends.

At least, to most people anyway.

"You're not that weak. Are your binds set up correctly? You should be able to hang with these dudes."

"I am hanging..." Sarah paused momentarily to run away from a demon that was about to deal upwards of 1.4 billion points of damage to her, "...from a noose."

Ariana groaned in the back. She was enjoying hitting a button and one shotting everyone around her, but if Sarah was miserable some things were going to have to change so she could have a better time. The obliteration of demons and monsters was one thing, but a miserable Sarah was an entirely different thing. "Alright buddy. After this rift... we can fuckin'... uh- lower the torment. Torment V. I promise." Ariana glanced up from behind her screen, raising her eyebrows so her fellow gamer could see.

"Okay..." Sarah shrugged, holding down her mouse so her little monk could run away for dear life. Without the piece of her armor set, she couldn't really be competitive at all. It was boring watching Ariana run around and one shot everything while everything was one shotting her and hiding out in a corner while Ariana cleared rooms out for her. It wasn't fun at all, and it was the result of one singular item. It was a measly ring that she needed to obtain in order to complete her build and do damage in the billions.

Looking at the purple meter on the side of the screen, it was filling up at a great rate for soloing it. But, it would've been faster if Sarah was in on the fun. Hiding out in the corner of the room, Sarah took out her phone to take a look at it while Ariana was doing her thing. However, she was startled once she heard the noise that signaled the arrival of the rift boss. It was loud, and it was scary considering Sarah had lost track of how much progress Ariana was making. She yelped a bit before she got back to the game.

"Oooohhhh shit. Yoooo Sarah, come help!" Turns out bosses on Torment XIV were a lot harder than she had expected, especially doing it one on one. Ariana was mashing her buttons as hard as she could, but she only had so much hatred to go off of before she ran out. Sarah, in the meantime, was making her way to Ariana. Sarah was fulling expecting to get yeeted on, but she couldn't just leave Ariana hanging. Running as fast as she could, she could hear the sounds of knives been thrown and thunder booming get louder and louder.

By the time Sarah got there, both Ariana and the boss were a tick away from defeating each other. It was just a matter of luck, and as it had turned out Ariana had pulled the short straw. Just as soon as Sarah had gotten in range, Ariana's Demon Hunter had turned into a gravestone, and the boss was just about to aggro onto her. "Sarah! Run!" On cue, Sarah turned back the other way and tried to get to the level entrance, where Ariana would be respawning. However, the boss teleported in front of her and cut her off. If she got any closer, she ran a HUGE risk of being killed. On instinct, Sarah hit a button in a mad dash of abilities. A hail mary, if you will. Something had to work and do something so she could stay alive long enough for Ariana to come back.

Lo and behold, the boss disappeared in a giant glow. Dissolving into a pool of blood and being replaced with a plethora of loot and gems and whatnot. "Oh SHIT." Ariana stood up and raised her arms in victory. "Oh my god! Sarah, you did it!" Ariana had a look of astonishment on her face as she took off her headset, getting out of her seat to congratulate Sarah on her improbable victory, even if it was just a bit of luck. Sarah, having processed what had just happened, was also surprised and quite frankly couldn't handle what happened. It was such a stupid thing to be excited over, but she was so happy she had clutched the rift. The odds were stacked against her. She was a squishy target against a boss with over a billion points of health, and to do a critical shot to finish off the boss was something that was more than extraordinary.

"I did it, oh my god I did it!" Sarah jumped out of her seat as well, giggling deliriously as she stood up to meet Ariana halfway. "Dude that was fucking awesome! I can't believe it! Hoooly shit!" Ariana cheered, "You're the best, Sarah. Oh my god. I've never seen anything like it..." Ariana was truly stunned, and she was excited just from seeing it. Being caught up in the happiness and the positive attention from Ariana, Sarah couldn't help but to get caught up in it. It was one thing to be praised by her teammates online, but to be praised by Ariana in this fashion for such a play... Sarah just couldn't help herself.

Sarah got caught up in the praise, and as a result, when she and Ariana made contact, she kissed her. Didn't even hesitate. Sarah just WENT for it, which definitely caught Ariana off guard. It was waaaaaaaaaay out of left field and was more unexpected than the Spanish Inquisition.

Breaking the kiss, Ariana was left standing there, eyes wider than ever. "Uh..."

"...uh oh?"
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