Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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@EliteCommander, @Enalais

It wouldn't take long before the gunship swiftly emerged into Alderaan's orbit, where it would be found in the midst of a major space confrontation. A stray shot would hit the top of the gunship as Samus immediately pulled the ship towards the right and proceeded to take evasive maneuvers.

"Hang on tight!" the bounty hunter called out before they stabilized.

It looked as if the majority of the allied fleet was also joining the fight against one of those star destroyers that Samus had boarded during her first few days in this universe. There was an impressive volley of fighters going at each other, with volleys of red and green bolts being traded left and right. She had to be careful to traversing through this hazardous and chaotic maze. Either way, they won't be participating in a dogfight or anything else until they get confirmation of what they should be doing. Proceeding to make her presence known, the huntress opened her comms to her allied frequency.

"This is Samus Aran," she hailed to all who happened to be listening, "I've just arrived onto the battlefield carrying the Kig-Yar, Thaz. Requesting to board on any one of the major vessels, over."

They would soon be given a response, one that granted them permission to be beamed up onto the SSV Glasgow. However, being as the individuals would only be able to make it onboard, the bounty huntress would have to be forced to park her ship somewhere away from the battle. And with no asteroid for her to perch on, she would have to rely on luck that her ship will not be noticed by the enemy. Still she agreed and after parking her gunship just beyond the battle radiud, she and Thaz would be swiftly beamed up to the cruiser's hangar bay with little delay.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Vael 'Virisusai and Thaz - The Glasgow

The process of being transported to the Glasgow did not come with as much of a sensation as Vael might have expected, though it was still startling, even expecting it. He had used teleportation technology in the past, the last time he had deployed from a supercarrier. Although, that had been many years ago. This seemed to work differently and did not seem to require the large devices or immense power.

In any case, Vael did not long concern himself with the technology of his allies. They had an enemy that needed to be dealt with quickly. Vael, Erthos, and his Scorch guard arrived in the hangar of the Glasgow at around the same time as Samus and Thaz. The Kig-Yar’s gaze wandered around the hangar somewhat lazily until she spotted the Aegis’ Field Commander nearby, at which point she straightened up uncharacteristically formally.

While Vael did notice Thaz, his focus was on the Human officer addressing the forces gathered in the hangar. He approached quickly, brushing past an ODST as he moved towards the front of the group. “You intend to capture this enemy ship? For a vessel that size, this is not a task to be taken lightly. What is your plan of attack?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Before the Glasgow had even made the call the Daedalus had been pulling away to a safe distance. They had locked onto the co-ordinates based on the data they had on the teams mission to Alderaan. Caldwell wasn't terribly happy about the fact that as soon as they dropped out of hyperspace they had practically landed on top of the hostile ship. As the Glasgow declared its plan to everyone he hit his comms channel. "Caldwell here, I disagree with your assessment Glasgow. We need to take out this ship and then focus on the task at hand. It could take hours to clear a ship from bulkhead to bulkhead, and from what Anubis promised we don't have that kind of time to commit. We should destroy the ship and focus on the job at hand."

The voice of Skywalker came through on the open channel, keying his command console he switched to the open channel rather than their secure line between ships of the fleet. "General Skywalker, I recommend you fall back to a safe distance as the Glasgow commands while we decide on our next steps here. The ship you're facing is far more powerful than yours."

He could hear the confusion in the mans voice as he responded. "As you advise, I'm going to send my second in command to your ship the Glasgow. Captain Rex is an honourable man, and will speak on my behalf." Almost on cue a LAAT launched from the Venator on a course for the Glasgow, as Caldwell switched back to the encrypted frequency.

"Samus you have clearance to board, once you get close enough we'll momentarily drop the shields for you to board. Someone will lead you up to the bridge."

Caldwell rubbed his brow with his thumb and forefingers. This whole excursion was becoming a headache.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 17 days ago

Aboard The Va

"I'm keenly aware," Yiithren said, activating the com built into his seat. "Unfortunately I need a bit more time before my ship is capable of doing what you ask. Our speed and weapons efficiency has been greatly reduced from our jump, meaning we can't afford to just charge in blindly."

"Unless you want lose your only real weapon against Anubis ships that is..." he mused, somewhat annoyedly, as he relayed commands to his crew. If he couldn't get them up close and personal with that Assimilator without risking the integrity of his own craft, then he would snipe it from afar. It wasn't his preferred method of approach really, as the beam could only be launched in one direction at any time, but it was either that or remaining stationary and risking complete annihilation or capture.

And gods forbid they were ever captured.

Yiithren couldn't even begin to imagine the kind of damage Anubis could cause if he ever got his hands on Cantharian tech.

The Va made its way through the vast dark, albeit much slower than usual due to system damage from the activation of the jump drive, its crew working overtime to restore its weapons to optimal levels in the absence of the ships chief engineer. After a few minutes had passed, and the ship had gotten into a relatively good position, the beam itself had been restored to prime functionality and was currently being charged up for an assault on the Assimilators shields.

Seconds pass.

And the void remains silent.

Minutes pass.

And the void is alight with violet fire.

The beam is fired as the ship is maneuvered to the right, and it arcs through the void before impacting with the opposing crafts shields, burning them out.

"There," Yiithren says, his crew beginning evasive maneuvers. "It's shields are down."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Jason Erthos-Aboard the Glasgow

Jason joined Vael next to the Glasgow's captain and looked at the Elliot. "I would suggest keeping it simple and take the bridge. Remove the admiral and bridge crew and you've essentially rendered the crew worthless. The entirety of the flow of command is usually stationed there, though the XO might be somewhere on a lower level. If that turns out to be the case, then you can blow several decks without compromising the hangar." Jason sighs. "But all the other things depends on how much of Republic construction Anubis used. For sure, the bridge will still be a solid target."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

The Glasgow- Over Alderaan.

It appeared that people were literally appearing in his hangar, as if through teleportation. It was here that he had an idea so he opened a channel to the rest of the fleet. "Negative Caldwell. While agree time is of precious concern not only does our fleet lack the firepower, and shields of that beast. But it can be an invaluable tool to helping people evacuate while the rest of the fleet arrives. But Jason has a good idea. Can you beam us aboard their bridge, now that their shields are down? If our teams can take it fast enough, without the enemy signalling for reinforcements it might be possible to trigger a false positive, by making it seem like their reactor is going critical triggering a mass evacuation. Then it might just be a matter of picking off the escaping craft, and life pods. Or we can turn life support off from the main bridge, and suffocate most of their naval personnel out. Leaving nothing but personnel who are wearing armor." He said into the comm, looking over the gathered crews. "What do you guys think?" He asked, the gathered crews.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Vael 'Virisusai and Thaz - The Glasgow

“It is a potentially viable tactic, though not guaranteed.” Vael replied to the Human. “Most vessels I have served on have security measures to make it more difficult to simply shut down life support. We might overcome them, though we should also have alternatives in mind.”

As the Human had mentioned, they had little time to waste if they wanted to capture the bridge before communications could be sent. Fortunately, the recent subject of teleportation meant that Vael’s mind was not far from that alternative. “I agree we should assault the bridge. Even should we fail to disable life support, or convince them to abandon ship, we may yet win the battle from that position. We will be able to shut down their defenses, disable their weapons. I am aware that the Daedalus has the means to scan for signs of life. If we disable their weapons, then the Daedalus will be able to approach as close as it needs and scan in as much detail as is required to locate each Imperial on board. Then, it can use its teleportation to simply…remove them. But no matter which solution we take, we will need to ensure that the forces of this Jedi General Anakin Skywalker have left the ship before we enact it.”

Vael took a step forward, drawing his plasma rifle in his left hand and an energy sword in his right. “I am ready. We should attack swiftly and decisively. Steel yourselves and bring your weapons to bear; we will be appearing in the midst of the enemy. If there are any barricades in this hangar that we can use for cover, we should teleport them along with us.” He said as he sparked his blade to life.

Thaz, meanwhile, felt her heart start to beat a bit faster. Throwing herself straight into the middle of the enemy’s bridge…that was not what she had been expecting when they had come to help with an evacuation. Still, she was not about to mark herself a coward in front of Vael. She moved her beam rifle to her back, finding that it was probably not the best weapon for use inside an enemy capital ship. She drew her plasma pistol, then powered on her point defense gauntlet before backing herself up almost against Samus’ leg. She had to admit, standing next to the bounty hunter made her feel just a bit safer.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Colonel Sheppard

Sheppard held up his hand. "Really we can beam straight aboard, though I have to say I'm still in support of just blowing that ship to kingdom come. With the size of the Aegis and how close we are to another world we could probably evacuate just as much of the planet as if we spent wasting time capturing a ship and then ferrying people around. Remember in order to beam aboard we need to beam aboard the Daedalus first and then over."

He cocked his P90. Really he could do with his whole team back, Teyla was no doubt still on the planet helping out where she needed to be. If they did capture the ship then he'd want McKay and Ronon for sure.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Erin Gor'shan-Glasgow Hangar

Stepping up, Mayhem Squad's captain weighs in behind Shepard. "Under normal circumstances, I would agree, sending that thing straight to the depths of the nearest black hole is a better plan, but we also have to consider that the moment that ship stops transmitting, especially before it's supposed to, that psycho who just displayed Palpatine's body to the whole galaxy could speed up the planet's destruction. If nothing else, taking and locking down the bridge, maybe even turning the automated defenses on the crew and marines on board, is a good idea."

Her squad remained silent, but were in full agreement with the sentiment.

Jason Erthos-Glasgow Hangar

The Supreme Commander couldn't help but grin at Captain Gor'shan's assessment of the situation. "I knew I made you a special forces lead for a reason. And on that note, Mister Shepard, special forces don't do the evacuation efforts any good unless they start launching troops to the surface to attempt and impede any evacuation attempts. I don't see that happening." Eighty was moving the Scorch Guard into position to get ready to take the bridge when they were beamed across. "I do suggest, however, we should wait for Captain Rex. He might be a clone, but he fights with the heart of any true Mandalorian."

Captain Rex-Glasgow Hangar

The LAA/T pilot found the directions given by the seemingly friendly ship to their hangar to seem a bit odd, but sure enough, eventually they made their way in where a bunch of different beings and, to Rex's astonishment, some Clones were gathered. When the ship set down, he and several of his Blue and White clad brothers disembarked and looked the assembly over. "Alright, so who's in charge here?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Vael ‘Virisusai - Aboard The Glasgow

Vael was the first to respond, carrying a sense of urgency in his voice. “We cannot afford to delay for too long. If we do, we may lose the opportunity to disable the vessel without alerting the Empire.”

Given that time was of the essence, Vael had no qualms about giving a straightforward explanation, which would no doubt raise even more questions for the clone. However, Vael was clearly favoring that they take action as quickly as possible. “We intend to take control of the Imperial ship’s bridge by means of teleportation. Once there, we have several options for clearing the rest of the ship.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

The Glasgow - Orbit around Alderaan.

Travis turned to the clone, and nodded. "Welcome aboard. Our Sanghelli friend here has the just of it. Teleport into the ship, take over the bridge, stop it from calling in back up. So you'll have to move quickly once you show up on the bridge. Once we have the bridge the enemy won't be able to call for reinforcements. Clearing the ship can come after that. But when we reach that bridge I'll leave it in the capable hands of Lieutenant Wilkes, and Sergeant Major Sparky." Travis stated, gesturing to the special forces leader, and the giant robot with what looks to be a minigun. "Sergeant Sparky is a technical genius, so it's possible with a little help, and know how he might be able to slice the systems of the ship. That's what you guys call hacking here right, slicing? Never mind that isn't important. Arm up, as I'm contacting the Daedalus to get you guys on that bridge, Wilkes will send a message when the bridge is secure, and we'll work from there. Godspeed People." He added.

Travis brought up his omni-tool, opening a channel to the Daedalus. "Glasgow to Daedalus. Our men are ready to secure the bridge of the enemy ship. Lock into their signal, and work your magic. Glasgow out." Travis put down his omni-tool, and stepped back from the other crews so they could leave. Sarah Wilkes, and her team began gathering the physical barricades that they had before they were beamed out. "We don't have many physical barriers, as we can generate barriers out of matter. They're tough, they'll hold, and some can be made to have some nifty tricks. It's all good stuff people. Hope you're ready." She said, giving Travis a reaffirming nod as he stepped back.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Erin Gor'shan-Glasgow Hangar

Erin nodded as the Glasgow's teams started prepping for the teleportation over to the Assimilator-class and got her team into formation. "Alright, Mayhem, standard bridge secure once we're in. Meteor, Rawwk, clear the lift section. Wrench, Guardian, clear the control pits and get to work turning the onboard defenses on the crew. I'll move with the joint unit to secure the rest of the top of the control tower."

Jason Erthos-Glasgow Hangar

Approaching where Travis stood, Jason joined him with one fist clenched. He preferred to lead from the front, join his soldiers in their charge, but this time he'd have to sit it out. "I should have brought my armor..."

Captain Rex-Glasgow Hangar

"Telepor...you know what, fine. We'll go with that." Signalling the six clones with him, Captain Rex joins the ARC Trooper he recognized and stood behind the Scorch Guard, his twin pistols in hand as his clones readied their rifles.

Guard Captain Eighty-Glasgow Hangar

Nodding in acknowledgement to Rex, he turns to his Guardsman and speaks only a few words. "Breach and Clear formation 4, no survivors. Make sure the Captain and his men make it through this." And with that, it was only a matter of the Daedalus moving them to the objective.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


There was no pomp, no ceremony, as the group of assembled individuals was transported aboard the bridge of the Assimilator. Still many of the crew were running around frantically trying to get shields online. Sheppard had decided to not to wear the armor he didn't recognize, his uniform would do just fine. As soon as he was beamed aboard he raised let his P90 rest on its sling, while he raised his dart gun. Aiming at the two kull troopers he opened fire, a dart hitting both Kull troopers and then almost instantly afterward they disappeared in a flurry of light as they were beamed away from the bridge. He let it rest in its sling as the rest of the group split up and hit their individual assignments. Sheppard was running this by himself, he sent the marines down to the surface to help Teyla in trying to organize the evacuation. Besides, this was a full-on military operation, and while her training had come a long way it didn't prepare her for something like this.

He ignored the crew securing the bridge, while he pushed up behind the ones running towards the lift that led up to the bridge. Dart gun raised, ready to fire the small transmitters that would let the Daedalus know who they had to beam off.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Aboard the Assimilator

The teams momentarily braced themselves as the familiar sensation, for most of them at least, of the Daedalus's beaming technology moving them kicked in. First was a stop at the source of the technology itself, where Captain Rex and his men recovered briefly before confirming they were ready to move to the bridge of the enemy ship. The sensation took hold again and then they were in the midst of the Assimilator's bridge, where the captain was screaming for someone to bring their shields back online. Erin grinned as Mayhem Squad moved on their objectives. "'Ello there, gov'ner." As the captain turned, he received a stunblast to the chest from her rifle as Shepard fired his darts into the two black armored Kull Troopers who vanished a second later.

The bridge crew, in response, flies into what cover they can find as they recover from the shock and the first of the lethal enemy attacks hits the remaining members. The Clone Marines on board are quick to find cover and begin returning fire, though four of them are downed before cover can even be found. Much to the surprise of the boarders, many of the bridge crew also had blaster pistols that they pulled out and returned fire with and what should have been a quick shock and awe capture objective turned into a fire fight as Scorch Guard and Mayhem Squad's Wrench and Guardian moved into cover behind the few solid pieces that Wilkes's teams could set up.

Meanwhile, Meteor, Rawwk, and Shepard, along with a pair of Scorch Guard, Guardsman Ahri'ahab, a Wookie carrying a bowcaster with a large doube-bladed warblade on his back, and Guardsman Yrel, a Miraluka wielding twin blaster pistols with a single lightsaber hilt hanging from her belt, rushed the lift area, which was designed differently compared to a Venator. The primary lifts were still set against the tower's back walls, but the lift room was twice as large and there were a pair of heavily armored Clones who's forward facing arms were emitting energy shields as their heavy blaster rifles began firing, which forces the group into cover themselves. Behind them a trio of more Kull Warriors advanced on the allied forces.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DisturbedSpec
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DisturbedSpec Someone who has a theroetical degree in phyics.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

UNSC The Assimilator

1910 Hours, April 31st 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Sentinel 1-1 / Assimilator Bay / Interacting with: @EliteCommander

He'd seen the hulking mass, and gathered his team to rally near him. That gold-plated Sangheili only signified one thing, and it was the ranking it held meant it was more than capable of wiping all of them out if it so wanted to. However before Leon could protest, he found himself subjected to one of the worst experiences of his life. In a blinking flash, the setting changed instantly. Leon's vision blurred as he fought to steady himself- the effect comparable to the sudden deceleration of a ship from Slip Space. Staving off the wave of nausea, he shook his head as his visor depolarized to look around and assess his environment more clearly. All he saw was grey and white- it was as if the UNSC's regular ship design had barely taken on a slight boost in flair. Looking around, he saw his other team-members as his VISR highlighted them in an orange outline. They too were all staggering about, some clutching their abdomens as they slowly recovered from the acute effects caused by that teleportation beam. He barely registered the strange sounds of incoming weapons fire that sent his body into an adrenaline-fueled overdrive. With his visor polarizing, Leon screamed into his helmet's open comm channel. "Get to cover, MOVE!"

The lead ODST and his team fought off the disorientation as a surge of adrenaline took hold; causing everyone to stack up at the nearest wall leading down the hallway that the enemy engaged them at. "Team, status!"


"I'm good!"



"Fookin' scared but 'm up!"

As the burning weapons fire came down the corridor in a hail, it would only serve to be a matter of time before these fucks had to reload, right? Then again, they only managed to neutralize that wizard with a glowstick and his two armored cronies with electric Bo-staffs back in the temple- they had little idea of what these weapons could actually do. Leon glanced over to the red-outlined Sangheili, then back to his men. "Wait for a break in the fire to move; the area's too hot. Mark that Elite IFF as friendly; I don't want mistakes." The last thing he wanted to do was engage the enemy and become caught in a crossfire with the massive group assaulting the bridge all at once. "Weapons at the ready, safeties off." Only those within close proximity could hear him, as this was mostly directed to his team's internal communications. Readying his suppressed BR55, he toggled the fire selector to burst-fire and waited for a signal.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Vael 'Virisusai - Assimilator Bridge

Having already experienced it once, Vael was prepared for the teleportation to the Assimilator’s bridge. He did not know what kind of layout to expect from the bridge, but he still knew his intentions for how to carry out the attack. To be successful in their overall objectives, they would need to act quickly and decisively.

The boarding party was beamed aboard into the very middle of the enemy’s bridge, leaving themselves surrounded on nearly all sides. However, Vael did not consider them to be at a disadvantage. They had the element of surprise, and from the position they had taken, the Imperial bridge crew had precious few options for cover from them. Meanwhile, the boarding team had taken deployable cover from the Glasgow with them, though Vael himself was not yet actually making use of it. He stood tall over the rest, quickly taking aim with his plasma rifle. The armored clone guards were the greatest immediate threat to them, but they were not Vael’s first target. He did not know precisely which console controlled communications, so he first fired upon any member of the bridge crew that were at or near a console. His priority was to prevent them from calling for help. The control consoles seemed to mostly be found in “pits” recessed down into the floor, with walkways between them, and so for those that Vael first targeted, there was little hope for escape. Their unarmored uniforms did nothing to protect them, nor obscure the gruesome holes his plasma rifle burned through them.

Even without taking cover, the biotic barriers and other defenses provided by Vael’s allies made it more difficult for the enemy to find an angle on him. He did take two hits from blaster bolts, but showed little visible concern as his shields flared up around him. As a high-ranking commander, Vael had the strongest energy shielding available to a Sangheili warrior. He could afford to take hits; his enemy could not. He could take the opportunity to do as much damage as he could while the enemy was still scrambling for cover. And more than that, by presenting an obvious and intimidating target for the enemy, he could draw fire away from his more vulnerable allies. He could not be sure of the protective capabilities of the armor of all of his allies, but he did know that, while the UNSC soldiers next to him did have somewhat protective physical armor, it still paled in comparison to energy shielding.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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With the confusion of the impending destruction of Alderaan, Sonia had decided to stay down with Lord Bail. She was a fair fighter, but she was a brilliant organizer and strategist. Organizing schedules and getting people martialed into evacuation procedures was something that her mother had been quite good at, managing to keep a guerilla movement off of the radar for years, it was something that she was very insistent on teaching her daughter. Egg Carrier was making best speed, but it would take them a few hours.

K'Tari, on the otherhand, had gone up to the Glasgow. She was going for the simple fact that she was one of the only one of them that had actually boarded an Assimilator previously. As she saw the rest of the teams suiting up, she looked down at her own bare form and realized that, she was probably under-equipped for this kind of boarding action. Making her way to the Glasgow's armoury, she passed several people running around, getting prepared for the boarding action. She arrived at the armoury and saw several teams kitting up. Closing her eyes, she reached out with her thoughts and found the Quartermaster among them. Approaching the woman she stared around. "These are some nice things you have here." She said. "After reading your report, i noticed that there were species of all different shapes and sizes of your world, i don't suppose you have something in my size that i can borrow?" She asked. The Quartermaster turned around and looked around before looking the echidna up and down. She then shook her head, unable to believe that some of their allies looked like something out of a saturday morning cartoon.

"I'm..." She looked at her datapad, before quickly sizing her up. "Not in the time alotted, I might be able to rig SOMETHING given a few hours, maybe a modified suit based off of the ones used by the Volus. Sadly a copy right now would be a little... Wide around the waist." The Quartermaster replied.

"I understand." T'Kari bowed. "I was rather interested, specifically because of your "Biotics" as you called them in the report. Sounds very similar to the magics i use, but most powered armours that i have used in the past have inhibited my powers more than they have helped, your Biotic soldiers seem to be enhanced by the armour."

"Makes sense... Well, i'll have to talk with the captain about next time, but to be honest, i'm not sure if he'll accept. I'll put in the order anyway, i'm curious to see if these "Magics" of yours are actually Biotics or something else." She quickly tapped the pad, before looking around. "Request sent. You want a gun? I can spare one of those." She suggested.

"No, most uncivilized forms of combat." She sighed. There was a blare from the ships intercomm, indicating that they should gather. She rushed through the ship, dodging crewmembers as she met with the other. She saw all of the teams making last second weapons checks. She was alone among Overlanders. She gulped a little. She knew that there was no ill intent from these ones, but... Old habits die hard. As they were finally teleported, she was familiar with how this worked, seeing how she had experienced Chaos Control. As they rematerialized, T'Kari saw a Kull trooper raise his arms and try to open fire with its wrist weapons. She instinctively raised her arms and shouted something in a long dead language as she thrusted her other arm out. The black armoured creature found itself picked up, slammed into the ceiling, then the floor, then the ceiling again, then the floor again, before throwing it into the one that Shepard had just tagged. The two of them getting dematerialized together. She then dived into cover, and poked her head up to see the Kull Warrriors and enemy Clones blasting them. She ducked her head back down, before placing a palm on the ground and beginning to chant. As she did so, a green energy field appeared around the immediate beam-in site. The bolts of the wrist-weapons bouncing off of the green field. "WHATEVER YOU'RE GOING TO DO, DO IT FAST!" She called as he eyes glowed green. These Kull weapons were more than she was used to holding off.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

N7 Crew, Aboard enemy capital craft.

As Sarah Wilkes was teleported from her sport in the Glasgow, aboard the enemy bridge. She felt the disorientation first, but she quickly adjusted as her allies began to gun down the crew, and marines around them. She joined in. Her first action was to help her sanghelli ally gun down the unarmored crew. Many would call this a war crime, but when you're in another universe, and when you're special forces. Rules of war didn't really apply to you anyways. Her rounds made mincemeat of much of the unarmored crew members, for those she could reach fast enough she brought them into the air, and slammed them into the floor of the ship in a very gruesome display of her biotics.

Gunfire tore through much of the ship, as the two factions fought. She watched Sparky approach the downed captain bringing up his own barriers to protect the friendly troopers, and the downed man. Then setting up an automated turret which served the function as gunning down those who the geth did not perceive as friendlies, but also recharging the shields of the N7 operatives who got hit in the gunfight. "Sparky stay here, we'll go support the lift team!" Sarah shouted over the chaos, taking the rest of her team with her into the lift hub.

As the team exited, they provided covering fire for the weird animal-humanoid hybrid that accompanied them, and the troopers from The Resurgence. "Lets see how tough these kull troopers really are!" Sarah shouted, she began to glow the element zero usage giving her an blue glow that made her shine radiantly. She lifted all three kull off the ground, leaving them floating helplessly in the air, as if someone turned off the gravity. It would be comical, if they weren't some of the most dangerous beings they'd ever encountered. "Alright, lets show these bad boys, how we do it on Earth!" She shouted. Peppering the floating targets with as much gunfire, and grenade fire as they could muster.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sheppard was kept very busy. He never even bothered to raise his P90 as they continued pushing through the bridge, always with the dart gun shooting his little transponder darts. Knocking two off here, and then again there. He got the ones that were enveloped in blue energy, and the ones enveloped in green energy. Each time the dart struck true there was a white shimmering as the figure disappeared. Which was when things started to get a bit more difficult. Elsewhere in the ship the command was given, bays open and fighters lurched forth. The bridge shook as it was strafed by its own fighters, attempting to dissuade the boarders, or destroy them, before they had the opportunity to delve deeper into the ship than they had already gotten.

Sheppard tapped his earpiece. "Daedalus! We need 302 support, they're trying to blow up the bridge with us on it."

"Copy that Sheppard, we see them. We're on our way." Sheppard grimaced, this was all taking time. Time they didn't have. "Once you've launched 302s, advise you get int ouch with the Glasgow to beam civilians up from the surface onto the vessel. Move them to the nearest habitable planet."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Aboard the Assimilator

As the three Kull Troopers vanished due to the Daedalus's beaming technology, Meteor and Rawwk pushed more aggressively on the shielded troopers, the former tossing a flashbang between them and the latter a droid popper. One caused the pair to go blind and deaf briefly and the other shorted out their shields, allowing the focused fire of the two Guardsmen to bring them down, Ahri'ahab's bowcaster bolts sending their crumbled forms crashing into the walls behind them as Yrel put accurate shots into their helmet visors, making sure they were down for the count. On the bridge proper, while resistance had been more than they'd anticipated, within moments the only meaningful resistance remaining was a handful of heavily armored Clone Marines taking cover behind a bulwark. Wrench was already hacking into the ship's controls and had turned the majority of the ship's defenses on the crew down below and had just moved to lock down the lifts when sounds of them coming up reached Rawwk and Ahri'ahab, who'd swapped to his warblade to deal with any survivors.

The pair dove for cover as they reached the top and the sniper took aim as Meteor prepped his grenade launcher and Yrel aimed her dual pistols. After a moment, the doors opened and three soldiers walked out, long swords on their left hip and a blaster pistol of strange design on their right. "This ship belongs to our lord Anubis. You get one chance to leave of your own volition." Meteor answered in his signature fashion, a HE grenade to the speaker's face, except there was never an explosion. He seemed to twitch and the munition fell to the floor sliced in two. "Very well. You will all make fine sacrifices." Moving faster than someone without the Force should have been able to, they rush the group as the other lift opens and five more file out, rushing those on the bridge. Erin growled as she tried to get a clear shot with her rifle as they moved to engage everyone at close range.

Eighty clashed with one, only to get flung across the bridge into the group of marines who'd been taking cover, who all scattered from the force of the landing. Scorch Guard and Guardian blasted them, taking them out of the fight before they added to the problem. Groaning as he picked himself up, the familiar sense of a cyborg limb sending flying having knocked the wind out of him, he prepped to get back into the fight. "They're advanced cyborgs of some kind! Not all that tech is ours though, so stay sharp!" Yrel had already traded her blasters for her lightsaber, the lavender blade clashing with the vibrosword of the cyborg soldier.
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