Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yeah it's a bit but it did teach me a lot, it was all a while ago now though. Here's to hoping! :D

Yes I've been trying to learn more about sketching and drawing. I play primarily on the PC and have been enjoying VR games as of late. Plushy-making is awesome!! What kind of plushy's did you make?
I really want to get into cosplaying so I can make a barbarian outfit once a bit more fit-looking for a larp lol.

Yeah, Dan definitely is digging himself a bit of a hole. Right now he's a good bit on edge but he should loosen up once the attention isn't quite so focused on just him lol.

Yeah, I was kind of concerned when they all first got together but I'm actually quite enjoying their dynamics! They all have very distinct story's and outlooks on current circumstance too so that should be quite fun as things progress and we get the chance to see how everyone reacts to things and comes together over all of it. Since they'll let Dan take the lead it should keep things pretty open to considering he's not the most profoundly brave person lol. I've really enjoyed how Anora has been reacting to them and wouldn't be at all surprised if their outlooks and circumstance caused some sort of meltdown for her lol. We've only seen characters so far too, I'm excited to introduce unique environments and society's to Anora as well.

Well, I read this interesting thing in a book recently about limitations actually being what defines who you are no matter how horrible or how great. He said that if we were God, we wouldn't even have any sort of merits or personality because there would be nothing to overcome or enjoy or be sad about because there'd be nothing to keep us from joy or sorrow. A person is only brave because they overcame some sort of fear or circumstance and they're only happy because they were once sad. I kind of enjoyed that thought. I know I'd been told it before, just never quite like he put it I suppose.
The book is Twelve Rules to Life by Jordan Peterson'

Also, HOORAY FOR PAGE 4!!! I've had so much fun and can't wait for more iwth an excellent partner such as yourself!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Aaaand at least that wasn't a month's wait. xD

Ooh! VR! What kind of headset do you use for that? Or do you go to a place that offers it? I've been thinking about looking into VR, but am not quite sure where to start. The one for the PS looks promising, but I still need to do more research. Plushy-wise, a lot from games as of late. Let's see. I made a few chocobos (one for me and a few others for friends who I decided needed one), a moogle, and a cat called Mr. Mew (The World Ends with You)--the pattern for which I had to design--so far. Could put them together and snap a picture if you'd like to see them! I also have a Shadow Heartless, but I made him a long while ago. Still want to make Carbuncle (Final Fantasy) and maybe Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine). Oh, and Chirithy (Kingdom Hearts), but he looks a bit more on the complicated side.

AAH! You LARP (or want to, anyway)? That's awesome! Do you plan on making things for it yourself, or buying whenever you find something that would work?

I have the feeling that everyone but Darsby is on edge. Or if he is, he's good at hiding it!

A diversity in characters always creates extra interest in a story. I'm glad it's turned out the way it has so far! Well. The jury's still out on whether or not Anora will let Dan take the lead. In full or for how long, anyway. Ooh, that's an interesting mix, there: Anora tends to be more of a leader, and, obviously, braver than what's probably healthy for her safety (she is in my head, anyway). Brave, but rash. I have the feeling it's going to be fun to see Dan's further reactions to someone like that. For me, anyway. Probably not so much for Dan. Can't wait to encounter the environments and societies you concoct!

Hmm. I'd have to say I disagree that our limitations are what define us. It's what we choose to do knowing those limitations, how close to or beyond them we push ourselves, or how we work around them to achieve our desires. They don't define us. They're just a roadblock on the way to figuring out who we are. A roadblock that could even help us come to realize our true selves.
But "A person is only brave because they overcame some sort of fear or circumstance and they're only happy because they were once sad." I've thought that, especially the second part, for years. To some degree, anyway; we couldn't really know what happiness is unless we knew what sorrow was. First part's basically the definition of "bravery." Heh.

GO US! Aww! I've had a lot of fun, too. Thanks for being such an understanding GM! I look forward to many more pages of RPing (and OOC) with you as well! ^.^
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lol yeah, I understand though xD

I use the HTC vive. It's quite the 'game-changer' ( I have no regrets) but I'd recommend going the cheaper route with the PSVR stuff right now. It's reliable with plenty of titles and I have a feeling VR will change quite a bit in the next few years so it's not worth it to make a major investment. That being said, it's a ton of fun!! I feel it's totally worth it and love playing VR.

You've made all kinds of plushies it sounds like!! I'd love to see them grouped up in a picture! I can honestly say I don't know half of those titles but would still love to see an adorable iteration of them. Though I do know the FF stuff of course. I love me a good moogle.

I used to LARP a bit, I may have the opportunity to do so again in the coming year! I'm a good bit excited! I like making my own stuff, right now I'm starting pretty simple but love the idea of getting a bit more complicated as my body gets a bit bigger with the workouts.

Darsby is pretty relaxed, I decided to write a bit about that in the latest post lol! They'll all become a bit more simple to understand as time goes on. We may end up in some human-type society for a minute which could help in showing just how alien Darsby and Ahllasta really are when compared to your average joe lol.

I think she'll do fine. The cast is pretty good right now in the sense that it'll probably let her get in trouble and hurt but isn't just going to let her get killed in an instant. I'm excited to see her in political scenario's where she has no idea how serious things really are at the beginning lol.

I think my meaning came across wrong because I totally agree with everything you said. What I meant is that you can't define yourself as someone who's overcome something until you've figured out what it is you overcame, thus is where the whole idea of limits being defining comes in. I feel like we understand each other, I'm just talking about it all at a super-base level.

I'm glad you've had a good time so far! I'm definitely trying to calm it down a bit before things explode in Anora's face again lol. I'd like to think that things will eventually get easy for her but I'm thinking she may just end up getting good at coping with extravagant situations xD
You definitely make it easy to be understanding and I can't wait for many more pages as well!! :D
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Which is but one thing that makes you awesome. I miss when my brain would let me get out a good post+ a day…

Oh! That’s great to know about PSVR. And VR in general Just want to look into what games I’d be interested in at this point, I think. Make sure there are enough to justify the more expensive purchase. Heh. From my understanding, most of the other VR headsets need a really good gaming computer, which I don’t have. So there’s that. Heh. Yeah, with how technology’s going, it wouldn’t surprise me if they wound up with something like what you see in media for VR soon enough. xD If we end up with a Sword Art Online situation, though…

Not a Kingdom Hearts fan, then, I take it? And picture below! Along with an ita backpack I made this week. Because when I can’t make myself write, I apparently craft.

That’s fantastic! I hope you do get that chance. Hey, simple’s the best place to start! Heh. Well, you could always get practice in before then. Unless you’re super lucky, super skilled, or both, chances are, I bet you’ll want to make changes to the first ones. Remind me. You’re doing an original character, right? So an actual LARP character rather than a cosplay-style one?

*Shrugs.* Complicated characters are fun. They keep you guessing. :-) Ha! Awesome. Hope Ahllasta has some magic up her sleeve to blend in or stay unseen, appearance wise! Heh

Yeah, no instant deaths is always a good thing. Horribly maimed, sure, but I like Anora’s character, and would rather not have to make another for this. If I she does end up doing something that would make her wind up in an instant death situation rather than something she could potentially weasel her way out of (or get rescued from, whichever), let me know and I'll edit whatever's needed.

Oh! Sorry for my misunderstanding, then! Gotchya. And quite true!

Eh, once she fully comes to grasp that this new side of the world she’s in is real, she’ll be fine, I’m sure. She’s wanted adventure and whatnot, but just didn’t expect it like this. Besides, characters often having it “easy” gets boring, fast, in my opinion. xD Every story has its tense, action-packed scenes, and some meaningful lull scenes. Keeps things balanced and gives a chance to get to actually know a character in different situations!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Well, I always enjoy it when you do have the mind for it! I'm glad to write another post for our RP.

If a sword art online situation goes down I don't care how in debt I have to get to experience that xD
Until then though, psvr is one of the better options.

I've always enjoyed the art style of kingdom hearts but I've never been someone who'd call themselves a fan of the series. I was always an Xbox guy so I had the platform barrier.

THOSE ARE ALL AWESOME!!! You have some serious skills! I've always loved arts and crafts but was discouraged from it for idiotic masculinity reasons in my earlier years. I definitely want to pick it up at some point. You definitely have a talent for it!! Do you make gifts for family or anything?

It's more of an original thing not a cosplay thing. I mean we swing some foam swords around so having a costume that can move and take a beating are most important.

Reading has been hugely illuminating for me lately as I've realized I have not done these characters justice for the most part in portraying their emotional state. I mean, I describe their actions but how they feel and look have not been my strong suites. I hope Dan comes across a bit more as intended now. He's like an innocently neurotic dude who doesn't look at people like most people look at eachother. He's much more innocent about it with a genuine interest in others should they be open to him at all. I kept his last answer open as I assumed Anora would have a question or two before he could muster up the courage to continue speaking or ask her any questions of his own lol.

Yeah, no worries! I don't plan on killing her off or letting her die. I want her to learn about the world she's in and the crazy entourage she now has to take her from place to place. She may get hurt or some crazy stuff can and will happen but that's all a part of the learning experience. We're too invested for me to just kill her off without you saying you totally want to or something lol

Yeah, sorry I came across all wrong there too lol

I'm excited to see all of these scenes with her! Things might take a little bit to really escalate into any big-time action stuff but that doesn't mean there won't be any tense moments along the way. I have a MUCH BETTER understanding of my characters so the interactions they have with her and each other will have quite a bit of meaning. There are some serious stories to tell about each of their lives :D
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Hmm. I’m starting to think things might be easier for the whole sibling vs. her thing if it turns out Anora’s adopted. xD Unless you have a reason for that. Can’t remember if I’d initially intended her to be since it's been such a long time since I wrote that up for her, but I have her bio set up pretty perfectly for that. (Do need to change an age/year-passage in her bio, though, that doesn’t line up. And should probably give it a quick edit, especially depending on what’s decided on this front. Is there a certain number of years she would have had her powers for? I have it on there she's had them for about nine years, I believe, so thought I should ask.) But that means that, with the way I’ve been playing it, she wouldn’t actually know. She’s trying to figure that out for herself, though, at this point, so let me know what would work best in the long run for your story? And if I should probably edit anything this time around. Heh.

Right?! Though, I’d probably be one of the first ones to die in an SAO situation. At least it’d be an epic death, though.

Ah, gotchya. Yeah, it’s odd they didn’t release the complete set for that on both systems. I’d think they would, since they did that with KH3. But anyway. PlayStation fan all the way, on my end.

Thanks much! ^.^ Ugh, it’s stupid that people do that. I hope you do get to try something crafty someday! It’s a lot of fun. Even if you suck at it, all that matters is that you enjoyed it! Yeah, I make things for friends and family all the time. Sometimes even when I don’t, it gets gifted anyway to keep out clutter. I do a lot of sewing, but dabble in other things, with claywork also being a big one for me. If you’d like a starting suggestion, clay’s pretty easy to get started with, I think, and there are a crapton of beginner tutorials out there on YT.

Hey, some cosplays are made to take a beating. xD But gotchya. That’s neat it’s for an OC! And that’s technically still cosplay, just an OC cosplay. ;-)

“Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out.” You can’t truly become a really good writer without reading a lot, that’s for sure! :-) “An innocently neurotic dude.” That’s just fantastic. Needless to say, good assumption. Heh.

Oh, I didn’t think you did! First bit was just me messing around. Second was in case she decided to go off and do something super stupid she couldn’t actually get out of. xD

And I’m excited to see more scenes with your guys, and to get to know more about them! Especially since they’re apparently about to have another problem added with that last little scene shift.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Well, I was thinking that she could have been born to a regular family and her powers could have manifested whenever. I was thinking about introducing a 'sibling', but, the thing about Anora is she's essentially like a reincarnation of an old guardian that's been brought into existence because of a passing thought of Pahn. If she met a sibling, it would be someone who recognizes her in body and stuff but wouldn't actually be related by birth if all of that makes sense? Her immediate life isn't a huge worry as her ancestry and the powers at play stretch super far back into time and she'll be pulled into that history more as thingsp rogress and her abilities awaken. People are going to start interacting with her differently and taking her more seriously soon as I introduce more measurable value to your character via past-ties and abilities.

I honestly feel like i haven't been making Anora enough of the kind of 'main character' in my head. This isn't to say that everyone else isn't important or of similar value, it's just that she's kind of been swept into all of this and sorrounded by powerful people without any real backstory to it. I mean, it can't be helped at first, but I am excited to give her more info/history and ability as far as things are concerned.

Yeah I've been doing a lot of drawing and a bit of work on music.

There's a lot of problems brewing behind the scenes here, and not all of it is even what you might htink it is xD.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

In that case, I did edit my last post--just the last couple paragraphs--to make my life easier with her next response. Hope that's okay! Her questions remained the same, I just got rid of the contemplation of adoption. Nothing that looked like it could change any response. Let me know if that's okay? If not, I'll gladly edit again. :-) And sorry about that! And for the wait. I'll get to an actual IC reply as soon as I'm able.

"Essentially like a reincarnation." So not an actual, full-fledged reincarnation type deal, just something borderline? For a type of reference point, anything like in The Last Airbender, where it seems more like a connection to those of the past who have held the Avatar powers, rather than what the concept is typically? Sorry, I only ask because I tend to not be a fan of using the full-fledged concept, but I have had exceptions, depending on how--and why--it's used. So just trying to get a read on that here.

Eh, I haven't noticed! Or haven't felt like I'm playing a background character, anyway. I get and understand that! Until you get more into a story, the character(s) it's following may not always appear to be extremely important in the whole grand scheme of things. But then you get a reveal, or something happens later on, and you see how potent a character's presence is. As I've said, so far, I'm enjoying this, and like the group you've introduced so far. They all feel pretty important to me. You know, I'd probably be on the sad side if they lose Darsby. xD (Not poking for spoilers! I like the suspense of not knowing. Just making the statement.)

You sing, right? I remember you sending me a video once of you singing and a friend playing the guitar. Unless I just imagined that...

Those are the best kind! And problems not being what they seem are even better. *Evil grin.*
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yeah thats totally fine! I'm not a massive stickler for needed corrections lol.

Yea think more like avatar. She is 100% yours amd any relation to past reincarnations will be through looks, whatever visions she ends up having, and the raw substance of her powers.

Yeah I'll just let you wait and see for everything involving the characters so I dont spoik too much lol.

I do sing! I do a bit of rapping too to chill beats and stuff. I've always loved music but just need to actually produce lol.

ALSO, I apologize for vanishing. I found out recently my retirement date from the navy so I've been busy with that and planning my trip home and all the other life stuff that goes down when you exit the military. I'll try and get an IC post up when I can but it may still be a bit as I just sold my desktop and cant fix my laptop until I get home several states away. I hope your doing okay! Hows life been on your end?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Sounds interesting! :-D It'll be fun when she finds all that out. Heh.

Glad I didn't just imagine that you sing, then! Heh. Ooh, rapping. Neat! Do you write your own lyrics, or mostly do covers?

No worries. I basically just did the same thing, vanishing. That's great you've gotten your official retirement date! I bet your family and friends can't wait to see you. Have any big plans? Or, I suppose, it'd be better by now to ask if you DID anything? You know, I sometimes forget that desktops are still a thing. Haven't had a desktop in the household in probably somewhere around ten years... Dang, that's weird to think about. Kinda crazy: I've had my current laptop since around 2013, maybe '14.

*Laughs hysterically, then bangs head against the wall in answer to your question.* Been filled with canceled move after canceled move. After the last buyers fell through roughly a week before closing, our current buyers have wound up moving the closing date back so many times because of buyers for their place falling through. Not long ago, we didn't find out until the DAY BEFORE CLOSING that their deal fell through and our closing had to be adjusted. We had already loaded a freakin' moving van and had a rental lined up. Now things are just a huge mess, and closing is just a hopeful guesstimate right now. Then our water went out again for a couple days not long after. Got it fixed quickly, but still.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I just do some freestyle stuff, having fun with it and what not. It's kind of stress-relieving for some reason.

I have been very busy moving into my friend's house and settling back into life in my hometown. It's been interesting transitioning into civilian life for sure. I've been using my laptop but it's been interesting not having a machine quite so powerful as my desktop was. Will especially be challenging with a game to design lol.

That all sounds like A LOT to deal with! How's that been coming along in the past month since you messaged? Any better? I hope closing is less of fantasy to some degree.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

AAAAAHHHH! *Tackle-hugs you.* HI! Welcome back! :-D It's been a while! I hope things are going okay for you, and that you're staying safe amidst all the recent insanity!

Since it's been a while, I probably should back-read a bit, but will get to a response as soon as my brain lets me. I've quite missed this RP, though.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hey! I wasn't sure if you'd still be around so I figured I'd make a post in the IC. Life has been totally crazy but I'm making the most of it. I got out of The Navy and setting everything up.

How have you been during all of this craziness?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Yep, I'm still around! Disappear frequently without warning, but I'm here and up for continuing this if you are! I've read the last couple pages--we've written a lot in just a few pages!--and updated Anora's character profile a bit. Added a section with everything in her backpack so I don't randomly give her something she doesn't actually have.

That's all you can do, really, isn't it? Make the most of things? I remember you saying you were working on doing everything necessary to fully get out of the Navy. Glad it finally went through! Sorry things have still been hectic, though.

Been okay. Still alive and mostly well, that's for sure! Going to end up moving to another state here soon, thankfully. Can't wait for that, but getting there's been a pain. And it's been delayed thanks to the dang virus.
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