Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SassySalamander
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@SassySalamander There should be some mental repercussions for seeing her boyfriend like that - in addition, police should totally be on her trail (and they may vote her out because they don't want da police on their tail). Also, you don't exactly explain her joining the Coven (or even being in Tampa) in her backstory (or why really).

Will make those additions :)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SassySalamander
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@Ghost Note Okay! Made some edits to Molly's history. Let me know if anything else needs revision :)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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@SassySalamander Accepted. Just be aware that, if she gets an abstraction of her own (or otherwise) then she'll lose the Fragment.

LIMITS ⫻ The limits are already listed in the power section.

WEAKNESSES ⫻ Molly is not a true Extra-Normal being like the rest of the Coven, which means that she has no emotional field. This means that she is practically defenseless against the wide range of Extra-Normal abilities out there like mind control and certain other abilities that'd more or less kill her instantly.

Aaaaaaaand with that I'm cutting off the applications for the time being lest we get absolutely overloaded. People who are already in the RP can still make sheets and if you already expressed interest and by chance already finished a sheet by now then I'll consider it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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I updated my relations with the new characters.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Alright so in between chapters I wanted to do "interludes" where I have plot related shit happen and flashbacks/recollections. For the latter, unlike Vivid Recollections, there isn't some big mystery to solve so I wanted to put shit like showing important character moments and the orgins for beings such as the Jaws/Babylon/The Witch's Darkness. I'll cut to the chase: I want you scrubs to send me flashbacks n' shit so I can put it in the interludes so other people can shine.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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I also made some changes to how Babylon's curses work; they can work on the Extra-Normal now but they can be resisted (and don't last long). So it'll make her a bit more useful (and justify why so many people are uneasy around her lol).

I also added another curse I came up with.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ratattack
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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I added the character list and I did the calculations and the age average is 22.8.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RogueFox
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Ya just had to call us out, didn't you Ghost? I'll make an Apparition! For variety, and because it seems fun. Now to think about what emotion fuels it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ratattack
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Dont play into his bidding, apparations are just pure sauce.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Okay I have a question for the Adept players and this probably going to be a tough one: I want to rework the Adepts like completely to make them stand out from the other types (and because I kinda think their description is a bit of a clusterfuck atm). Basically they'll have the potential to use all possible abilities within their category but will be limited to a list of "spells" that they have to learn first. It might require a little bit of rewriting some power descriptions, but if you guys are cool with things atm I'll leave it alone.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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Okay I have a question for the Adept players and this probably going to be a tough one: I want to rework the Adepts like completely to make them stand out from the other types (and because I kinda think their description is a bit of a clusterfuck atm). Basically they'll have the potential to use all possible abilities within their category but will be limited to a list of "spells" that they have to learn first. It might require a little bit of rewriting some power descriptions, but if you guys are cool with things atm I'll leave it alone.

3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by RogueFox
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RogueFox
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Okay I have a question for the Adept players and this probably going to be a tough one: I want to rework the Adepts like completely to make them stand out from the other types (and because I kinda think their description is a bit of a clusterfuck atm). Basically they'll have the potential to use all possible abilities within their category but will be limited to a list of "spells" that they have to learn first. It might require a little bit of rewriting some power descriptions, but if you guys are cool with things atm I'll leave it alone.

I'm fine with that. I honestly thought that's how things already were, since you mentioned older adepts were more powerful that they had just learned more abilities from their time as an adept.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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I'd definitely be ok with revamping Adepts
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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@RogueFox You told me you were submitting Casper the friendly ghost!!1!!!

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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since I got everyone on board: here is the Adept rework

Adept - Adepts are people who are descended from people from another universe who have a supernatural connection known as Glint. These descendants are either exiles or runaways of this universe, but they have passed down their Extra-normal connection to the people of this world. Creating a group of people known as Adepts, who are more in line with traditional mages and wizards than the Awakened. They access their Abstraction via the use of a tool known as a "Channeler". A channeler is an object that the Adept has a very close emotional bond to - maybe it's a childhood toy or weapon of some sort - that allows them to utilize their abstraction. Whenever an Adept uses their abstraction they call it "Casting". It's possible to Cast without a Channel however an Adept's body is not capable of handling all of that magic going through their body. It will cause nasty burns in addition to being a very unstable and unfocused casting - so it should only be used as a last resort. They are also capable of channeling through objects they have no connection but it'll be far weaker and unstable. Whenever an Adept uses their abstraction their sigil appears around their channeler.

The Adepts seemingly have a connection to eleven different magic lights known as "Lux". These connections are inherited and passed down from father to son, mother to the daughter, and so on. It's unknown how this works as the Lux is seemingly a spiritual power, not a genetic one. By having a connection to a type of Lux, an Adept will gain the ability to learn magic relating to that category of Lux. Whenever one Adept has a child with an adept of a different color; that child will have a connection to both types of Lux. A child may be born capable of using every kind of Lux, but the more different kinds of Lux they are connected to, the weaker all of their abilities are. Which started the practice in the League of largely mating with people of your own Lux.

There is a way for Adepts to give this connection with the Blind. It's a technique that is reserved only for those they have a strong emotional bond with, but they can focus and pass on this connection to the Lux to them. Thus allowing them to gain an abstraction and learn how to cast. However, to use Lux and start Casting in the first place, an Adept must first discover their ability. One way for an Adept to discover their ability is to get taught how to do it from another Adept. The main way they can discover their abstraction is known as a Kindling-Event, basically a vision of the past or future. If they undergo an event in which they experience a strong emotion that corresponds with their color (Say a person with Blue lux feeling sorrow, a green Lux feeling joy, and so on) they will receive one of two visions. One of the main visions they'll receive is one of the people who passed down the connection telling them of their heritage and their abilities and how to utilize it. This person can be anyone in their bloodline and can be more than one person talking to them, as the Lux is passed down from one person to the next like a chain. The only stipulation is that the person is always deceased, as they will be speaking to the phantasm of that person. The other, rarer and vaguer is a vision of the future (or possibly, of another version of themselves) casting and using Lux.

Unlike the Awakened, Aberrants, and the Apparitions, Adepts don't have access to one specific abstraction but a collection of different usages best described as "Spells", all within their category. This is known as developing an Affinity, and its easier for Adepts to develop spells that reflect them as a person (Again a firey person would have an easier time using fire than water). The Spells can be a specific usage such as shooting a fireball, creating a wall, to a more generalized usage such as manipulation of water. Spells can take ages to develop depending on the person, but each person can come up with their own personal list of spells Because of this, the older Adepts are the strongest members as they've had ages to develop their catalog. While spells are personal, there are many spells that are passed down or shared among groups of people. As it's easier to learn someone else's spells than develop your own. Spells are different and can have many different effects that can persist for seconds or ages and people can learn a wide variety of different spells.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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