Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Burai Kasei

As mild-mannered as he often was, Burai was nothing if not a prankster, and seing the Hyuuga girl's chakra writhe with hurt was entriely too satisfying for him to comfortably admit. 'Serves her right,' he thought, his face twisting into something between a smirk and a frown. The girl was entirely too big for her boots, and, frankly, he'd been meaning to knock her down a few pegs since she'd first looked down her nose at him. A twist of laughter made its way onto his face, and he cast his gaze to Shiori directly.

The girl was... far from what he had expected. Equal parts malign and puckish, he found himself drawn to her somehow. Perhaps it was curiosity? Or perhaps simply caution... Either way, he gave her a firm nod, returning her handshake warmly.

"In that case, Shiori-san, let us hope that day comes sooner rather than later." A moment later, he addressed the Hyuuga girl, although his head never moved. "I'm afraid the same does not extend to you, Hyuuga. Perhaps, one should think twice before casting judgements, hm?" Against his better instinvt, he smirked. Let no one say that Burai Kasei was a wimp!

He would deny, until his dying breath, that he had jumped when Kenshiro announced himself.

He would vehemently deny having forgotten to tag the boy.

He wheeled around, (most assuredly not) startled, and choked out a sputtering laugh.

"Ah! Kenshiro-san! I didn't see you there!" Sensing an opportunity to gather his dignity, he coughed, pointing to his headband, and mustered a chuckle. "For obvious reasons, of course! Myself and Shiori-san were just discussing you" He held out his hand, smiling. "It's a pleasure to work with you!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tenshi Hokori

Upon the road into Konoha rolled in a merchant wagon upon this day. This was a plain ordinary wagon drawn by two horses, with a middle-aged merchant at the reins. The only thing strange was in the back of the wagon was a young man in fancy white and black cloaked clothing fast asleep. As the wagon road into the gates of the village it stopped. The man who was at the reins smacked the wagon in trying to wake the man in the back The young man woke up and crawled out of the back of the wagon without saying anything. He grabs his bag out of the wag, then his wooden sword and fixes it to his hip on his belt. He dusts off his clothing from his ride within the wagon, he then makes sure he straightened his gear before walking through the gate.

The young man groggly walks over to the gate entrance to talk to the shinobi guards at the gate. Stumbling a bit he was still waking up, he says sleepily, "I'm Tenshi Hokori here *Yawns* to see the Ho*Yawns* Hokage." This young man armed with scrolls and a wooden training sword at his hip. As he got closer his belt bore the emblem of the village that he hailed from this man was from Kumogakure. Without many words he would go ahead to walk into the village. Not one to wait for anyone Tenshi walked into the village half awake looking to find his own way to the Hokage on his own.

Tenshi was taking in the village as he walked through it, this was far different then the village he hailed from. He just walked around for a bit trying to find his own way to the Hokage, while also exploring the village he would be in for a while. Instead of going to the obvious buildings he just walked around just to see what he could find until either the leaf shinobi sent someone to direct him to the right place or he finds the Hokage on his own.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Misaki Mori"Challenging me? Really? You must really like getting crushed underfoot."
W-what is this?!? M-molester?!? Misaki wasn't entirely sure what this meant, but she was sure it was some kind of disrespect. She remembered something about how some men had the power to get you pregnant whether you wanted to be or not, and she was sure that she had heard that molestation was related to this. It was some kind of underhanded jutsu practiced by ninja who couldn't win on their own. So, that was Rashiku's game... She'd heard about how ruthless the Mist was and so it only made sense that they'd do anything to win. How deceitful... And to think that a moment ago she was actually hoping to be on his team!

Keh! She clenched her fists and struck her arms straight down in anger as Rashiku's face turned a bright red. He'd been caught! The evidence was all over his face! That's as much as she needed to know. He protested his innocence, but of course he would, the treacherous Mist nin! In just a few more moments, she'd have been carrying his baby and would have to put her ninja career on hold and then she'd never catch up! And w-why did he even want her to carry his child anyway?!? They barely knew each other! She felt her ears starting to go a little red and frowned as hard as she could to push away the embarrassment, hoping that putting on a fiercer face would stop her asking uncomfortable questions.

No... Instead sh-she'd...!

"Y-you...", she said, her eyes blazing and her hands making a snake sign, "Screw off!!!!", and immediately reversed the course of her leg, kicking him in the head in the opposite direction in a burst of electric sparks that sent him rocketing through his accomplice Kiyoshi (who was sent spinning away into the sky) and into... a couple of girls that just so happened to show up! Ami and Kimi, of all people! Misaki scoffed and yelled, "Maybe next time you'll think twice and actually only try to impregnate girls you're married to!"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kuroki Kiyuusagi"You've got a lotta nerve! I got you right in my sights."
Kuroki left the Hokage's office with a frown and clenched teeth. Being assigned a genin team wasn't the end of the world, but it wasn't what he was expecting. With everything he'd been hearing, he'd expected to be out roughing it for a week or more in the Northern wilderness watching for moves at the border. It was doubly disappointing because he wanted to try growing a wilderness beard. He could imagine coming back to the village as if he'd been on some long journey and his girlfriend (a tall leggy blonde Yamanaka who, to his knowledge, didn't exist) would run up and throw her arms around him and he'd scoff and look away and spit on the ground. It was a satisfying image, but one that wouldn't happen now. Well... he was sure he'd find a way around it, even without the girlfriend. Whatever.

And anyway, he couldn't think about whether or not he could get a girlfriend before his next away mission. He was, at this moment, assigned to meet and chaperone some dumb Kumo ambassador. Why they'd picked him for this job was anybody's guess, but Kuroki was gonna make the most of it. Show him a little Konoha hospitality. The nice thing about meeting and greeting was that you could charge the Konoha expense account for... uh... meals and entertainment. He grinned inwardly to himself as he walked down the road to the gates with his hands in his pockets. Yeah, okay. It looked like it wouldn't be so bad a day after all.

"Hey! You're the Kumo guy", he said, cocking his head a little sideways and popping his eye at the boy, who was quite a bit younger than he was expecting even from his picture, "I'm yer chaperone, get it?"

This ambassador hadn't waited at the gates either. He was strolling into Konoha like he owned the place! Keh! Cocky Kumo shinobi don't even have any respect as outsiders! Then again, he was still a kid. Probably not any older than he was. Didn't know any better, probably.

"I'll bet yer hungry after yer trip. I'm gonna take you to the best spot in town, unless you're too tired. Up to you", he said, crossing his arms.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tenshi Hokori

Tenshi's initial thoughts of this village at the start when he entered the village was up in the air. The only village he had known prior was the Cloud but the Leaf village was different. By the manner everyone held themselves and how each person acted this was a different village then his own. The abundance of trees and plant life was the first thing Tenshi noticed. He had hoped he would have a chance to wander a bit longer his wants were irrelevant.

It wasnt long after he had entered the village he hears a guy yell out "Hey! You're the Kumo guy" The mood of exploration was right then done, and Tenshi's attention shifted from his admired gaze over the village to the individual who called out to him. Tenshi's first thought was did he really stand out that much? He did dress a bit fancy like but apparat from his belt buckle he had not thought someone would figure out who he was as quick as that happened. Yet he wasn't surprised, his Raikage and higher level jounin did approve his mission he had requested and word was sent ahead that his arrival would happen soon. With how the villages distance themselves Tenshi wouldn't be surprised if the Leaf compiled a whole slew of data on him before his arrival. Who he was, what he looked like things like that.

After the man said he was to be his chaperone he felt by this mans mannerisms he was being talked down to. While one could think this would be disrespectful Tenshi couldn't blame the man their villages weren't exactly allies, but Tenshi responded, "Oh a chaperone for me? So fancy! Awesome! Someone to make sure I go where I am suppose to and not to wander around aimlessly. Honestly I don't envy you right now in the slightest, but its necessary. Cant have that Kumo guy walking around , might find out he might like this village and we cant have that can we?"

Lighthearted conversation and a bit of jokes as Tenshi kept things civil with the leaf shinobi. His attention drifted a bit a but when this guy asked if he was hungry the attention shifted right back to this man as he grinned slightly from the question, "Hungry? Possibly, real question is who is buying, and where to?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kuroki Kiyuusagi"You've got a lotta nerve! I got you right in my sights."
Kuroki raised an eyebrow, grimaced menacingly, and then laughed, slapping the kid on the back.

"aright aright, my treat", Kuroki replied quickly indicating with his head to follow, "Do they have ramen in Kumo? I hear you guys eat octopus and seaweed! Don't matter. I'm takin' you tah the best place in town. Meetin' some friends there anyway, so y'might as well tag along and learn somethin'."

And with that, he began walking bow-legged with his hands in his pockets through town, seemingly taking up as much space as possible, with his head low slung on his neck. He liked to think it gave him the miasma of being a tough guy. It was still pretty early in the day and the village was abuzz with activity. Kuroki took no mind and navigated through them, occasionally checking back to see if his charge was still following along.

"I hear you're the Raikage's kid. Surprised she sent you here. Must be pretty sure we ain't gonna kill you, then", he said after a minute or two. He laughed and nudged the kid in the elbow with his elbow, "Alright, here we are. Hey old man! Me and my well-dressed friend want some ramen!"

He walked past the fabric awning and sat on a stool. The whole of the restaurant was unassuming and small, almost just a bar, but it smelled of warm buttery pork, fresh delicious fish, spices, vegetables, the unmistakable smell of wheat and buckwheat, and the man behind the bar looked old enough to know what to do with every single one of his ingredients.

"Your a little too old to be calling me old man, aren't you", replied the man with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah, two bowls of tonkatsu ramen! Two bottles of sake! And not the cheap stuff! Cold, unfiltered", Kuroki growled through a grin, "And put it on the village tab. I'm on official business!"

"Does the hokage know that", said the man, raising an eyebrow, but left presumably for the kitchen.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rashiku Karata __________________


Every night of my life
I watch angels fall from the sky
Every time that the sun still sets
I pray they don't take mine
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to my regret
And now I know that I'm alive
These leaf nin weren't right in the head! Any time he'd do anything Rashiku was always getting accused of some sort of heinous act. Believing that he wanted to murder everyone in sight wasn't enough it seemed, now they thought he was a degenerate on top of all of that! It really was a mystery as to what he'd done to earn such ire. Despite his bad rapport with most of the other students, maybe Misaki would be different. Rashiku looked back to her, hoping that she could clear the air and tell what really happened... 'Oh... She's angry...' All hope for things to end reasonably washed away in a flash of lightning as Misaki kicked him into the air. Everything was white for a moment, Rashiku possibly having lost consciousness, but when things cleared up, he was laying a few inches off of the ground.

Vision blurry, Rashiku wondered if he might have been seriously injured or even killed, with how soft the ground felt below him. There wasn't a wet and cold feeling of mud, if anything the softness was... warm. He tried to move, successful, so he wasn't dead, but as he turned to look where he landed, death might have been slightly preferable. As if by conspiracy to make him look like the worst degenerate in the village, he'd landed right on top of a small blonde girl, his hands on her shoulders pushing her down against the ground. This girl's friend staring at them, and Misaki yelling something about i-impregnation, this was a disaster! 'What is happening?!' There was no fixing this situation, the best option being to just... leave. Gently as he could, he pushed himself up off of the blonde girl's shoulders. "Sorry..." With an awkward shuffle of his legs he moved off of her and walked away from the others, not even looking at them, especially not Misaki.

For a little while Rashiku wandered somewhat aimlessly, at first going towards his single room apartment, but then going past. Going inside there would just sour the day and evening. It'd be better to find something to rinse out the beginning of the morning. Before long Rashiku had made his way to the market district, stopping into a small but known ramen shop, waiting to get an order after the louder guests. At first they wouldn't be of any interest, but the boy overheard the loud one talk about official business for the village. Rashiku's gaze went over to them, seeing if there were any clues. None were overtly obvious, but the man with the Bakuto's garb looked familiar and not unlike the Karata's armor. The Karata clan had studied some techniques of the Cloud Village Shinobi, along with the Samurai, as they used more arts dedicated to outright battle over stealth. Karata had incorporated some of these, developing them in their own direction. Symbols on the man's outfit confirmed it, that he was definitely from Kumogakure. He didn't want to bring attention to himself, but the curiosity was too strong for Rashiku to not keep his ears open, trying to gather what was happening with a cloud village member being within the leaf's walls.

One push is all you'll need
A fist-first philosophy
We watch with wounded eyes
So I hope you recognize
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to the regret
And now I see the world through diamond eyes

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tenshi Hokori

Just entered a village and was about to be treated to a free meal Tenshi had to admit to himself so far he was enjoying himself in this village. Then the first question came about if his village had ramen and did they eat seaweed and octopus, to which Tenshi responded quickly to, "Well I am not sure of any place that doesn't have some sort of Ramen. As for the seaweed and octopus, I wouldn't know about eating any seaweed, but Octopus I haven't eaten any myself I do know some people do."

Tenshi followed easily as he just looked around quickly he got a feel of his surroundings. He quickly noticed that his chaperone kept looking back to see if he had stopped following. Not really surprised by this, but he was more surprised by the way he been treated so far. With the relationship of their opposing villages he expected a little more distance but this was rather friendly maybe it was just this guys personality or Tenshi was wrong with his expectations of how he would be treated in this village. After Kuroki talked about Tenshi being the Raikage's kid, his comment was quick, "Is that really common knowledge here? Well if it is or not, it isnt like I am her actual son. If anything happened to me she would just be upset that I wasted village resources by pushing for this mission."

The banter between the guy Tenshi presumed was the shop owner and Kuroki started as the orders finished up for some sake. After the man left Tenshi said, "On the village's tab? So this isn't your treat then its your Hokage's treat! Any way, hope the Hokage doesn't mind a cloud shinobi drinking on his tab on his first day in the village. So what do I call you? I should know who I am dining with or at least your name."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kuroki Kiyuusagi"You've got a lotta nerve! I got you right in my sights."
It sounded like he'd struck a nerve. So, the kid had problems with his mom? Not really Kuroki's problem. Every family had issues, he guessed, but if they were so distant, why would she trust him in some other village? His eyebrow twitched for a second and he yawned as the pretty young waitress, the old man's daughter, arrived with a large bottle of cold sake and two sake glasses. It was a good bottle of nigori. He knew because he'd had it before.

"Hey! Come on! I know you guys have better than this", said Kuroki, leaning over at the girl, "Where's the good stuff? The really good stuff?"

The girl put the tray down and bowed deeply, embarrassed, "S-sorry. Father doesn't believe that you actually have the hokage's permission... Sorry!"

She bowed several more times, but Kuroki merely threw an arm around Tenshi's shoulders and said, "See this kid here? He's from Kumo! The Raikage's son! I'm an attaché. So, make with the good stuff!"

"O-oh! Of course, Kiyuusagi-san", and as she went to take the bottle back, Kuroki snatched it.


She bowed again and left. Kuroki poured two glasses, handing one to Tenshi and swirling his own in his hand a bit, which he thought looked refined.

"Kiyuusagi Kuroki. You asked. That's my name", he said to Tenshi as soon as the waitress was out of earshot. He took a sip of his sake, "Don't worry. No one knows who you are except me... and... uh... I guess Ayame the waitress over there. I got a couple pictures, basic facts, the usual. So... What's your mom want you here for anyway?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tenshi Hokori

"Hokori Tenshi is my name if you didnt already know." He introduced himself after Kuroki did. It wasnt soon long after Kuroki pour the sake he started to sip on it. He listened to the explanation of how he knew who he was and how not many people knew who he was. Then asked the question that he expected was 'what did his mom what by sending him to this village?'

After a bit of nursing his glass of saké he sighs and answers, "Honestly she doesn't really want anything other than to see me fail at doing something that she doesn't think is possible or really cares about. What I am hoping to make is a stable working alliance between our two villages instead of the normal hostility our villages had over the years with each other." At first he is simple and start to the point with a serious tone. Answering the question with no hesitation once he had a bit to drink. Then he switches back to his more docile laid back self, "But hey that shouldnt be too hard look at us now. A leaf and cloud shinobi sharing a drink together and soon some ramen. The alliance of Leaf and cloud at its finest!"

He notices a kid had entered the ramen shop normally this wouldn't have sparked any interest to Tenshi. Maybe it was the alcohol or it was just the timing but he noticed the kid had a sword on him. Tenshi had an itch for a sparing session for a while since his journey to the village. It didn't matter if this was a kid or not he would challenge anyone given any chance especially with someone who may have some sort of skills with a sword. He said very bluntly, "You know swords aren't toys right kid?" He put a heavy emphases on the word kid. Tenshi's pure intention was to cause this kid to spark a confrontation in as he tried to get into a fight with him.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Admiral Char
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Admiral Char

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shiori Spiga"Once you’re devoured, it doesn’t matter who you were before."

As Shiori’s friend, Yuzumi Hyuuga had taken plenty of insults from the spiga, but she couldn’t let a nobody like Burai get away without returning shots. As he spoke, her eyes burned like hot coals. But her face stayed calm, her lips a narrow smile.

“They gave you the blind and the branch house, Shiori. I’d be insulted to have such half-rate teammates. But then again, the Spiga are cannibals. I’m sure the hokage knows what he’s doing.”

“How touching, it's worried for the boys.” Replied Shiori in mock sincerity. “Don’t worry. My appetite won’t be a problem, so long as they agree that I’m in charge.” Shiori said sweetly, then turned away towards her teammates. Yuzumi glared daggers at her for a moment, but then the look was gone as if thrown aside, and the calm mask returned.

“I’m sure.” Replied the Hyuuga, then adding to the boys, “Make sure you don’t embarrass me. For your sake."

"Uh, yeah, good luck!" Added the pretty girl to their right, who up to this point had been silent. Yuzumi frowned.

"Come on Miki, our teams are waiting."

And then there were only the three of them. Shiori sat up in her seat and smiled.

"So. We should get to know each other. I'd like to get some food. Shall we?"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kenshiro Hyuuga
Location: Academy Classroom
Company: Burai, Shiori
Injuries: None
Chakra: 100%

Burai definitely seemed to be more cooperative than Shiori, at least for the moment. Kenshiro gladly shook the boy's hand, with a grip that was stronger than how dainty he may have seemed at times. "Nothing too spicy I hope. Can't be the subject of gossip without being at least a bit curious." He joked around with the other lad for a moment, relaxing his shoulders and getting to be more calm. One piece of the team seemed to be going smoothly at least. But then the poison began to seep in just as quickly, with Yuzumi belittling himself and Burai, and Shiori stating that she'd be in charge upon threat of cannibalism. The boy sighed with disappointment, both from Yuzumi not returning the respect he'd given her, and having to deal with what Shiori was trying. While Kenshiro didn't really care about being in charge, and actually preferred taking orders, following the plans of a Spiga sounded like suicide with only a couple of extra steps. "It'll be the Jounin who's in charge of us." He'd stated firmly, making his position clear, but also not showing hostility.

Kenshiro gave the other two girls a wave as they left, mostly to the girl who showed a bit of courtesy. Yuzumi having lost his good will. Already things were seeming aimless with just the three of them, but fortunately Shiori gave a suggestion that wasn't too terrible, at least for the moment. "Lunch would be good. How about I take us to my home? Get some lunch there and you could see my folks." Kenshiro hoped they would agree. It would be helpful if his parents could also take stock of his teammates and possibly give him advice on how to get along with them best. Particularly Shiori. She was the more worrisome one of the two.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Burai Kasei

Burai laughed along with Kenshiro's easy quip, smiling in relief as the boy's chakra seemed to settle, at least somewhat. It appeared as though he had one less issue to worry about in this team. He had, of course, been worried that some small hostility may have surfaced upon close interaction, but so far his male teammate seemed entirely mellow.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said of the Hyuuga girl. Her insult may have stung, had this been his first year. As it was, his smile turned hard. "Blind, but not unseeing. Be sure not to forget it." Satisfying though the retort was, it didn't stop him from reeling internally at such a blunt confirmation of the Spiga's... dietary habits. Was it really such common knowledge?! Such was, he supposed, the cost of spending most of one's time in one's own company. He cast another assessing glance at Shiori as the girls parted, tuning out the conversation to a degree. It... certainly explained a few of the observations he'd made. A part of him had always dismissed that clan's reputation as malicious rumours.

He watched the other pair leave to find their teams, and took the opportunity to launch a blunt pencil at the Hyuuga's head. Distracted as he was, it didn't reach her. He turned back to face Shiori directly. His smile, pasted onto his face even now, seemed rather more forced than he would've liked.

"In this case, Shiori, Kenshiro, I should hope that we could make decisions as a team. Especially given that our Jounin Sensei will carry the authority." He paused. "And I'm afraid, Shiori-san, that I would make rather an unpleasant meal. I am both stringy and distinctly caustic." A laugh bubbled from his throat. "Rather like eating cement and gristle, I should think!" He kept laughing, despite his... mixed feelings. This, he realized, would be one of those days. Fortunately, it died off quickly, and he sighed.

"I think it would wonderful to acquaint ourselves over lunch." He turned, worriedly, towards Kenshiro. "If, of course, your parents will not mind? It's... all too clear to me that relations between our clans are... shall we say tense?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rashiku Karata __________________


Every night of my life
I watch angels fall from the sky
Every time that the sun still sets
I pray they don't take mine
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to my regret
And now I know that I'm alive
Kuroki wasn't entirely correct about only the waitress knowing the Cloud Shinobi's identity. Even if Rashiku hadn't been paying attention, the two weren't exactly being quiet or inconspicuous. The boy took an extra glance before his teriyaki rice bowl was placed infront of him, checking more clearly what the Raikage's son looked like. As a genin it was unlikely to matter to him, but it was better to know than to not. Knowing what Tenshi looked like and that there was talk of an alliance was good enough to Rashiku for that moment, and he'd planned on simply enjoying his meal from then onward. But...

At some point in the early morning Rashiku must have blacked out, and in this state that could not be remembered, gone right into the middle of the market square. Then he probably proceeded to dropkick a puppy over a building in the most public viewing location possible. This was the only thing that would explain why seemingly everyone in the village was out to ruin his day. It had to be revenge. Even the Cloud was in on it! At first, the boy barely even acknowledged what Tenshi had said to him, his eyes widening with a stressed disbelief that any hostility at this point was happening at all. But after a few seconds of the initial shock, the words still ringing in the air formed more clearly and clicked, and the Raikage's Ambassador succeeded in earning a furious glare from the fresh genin. "Hiou Kuroki. That is the classmate who I killed with this weapon. DO NOT dishonor him by claiming I did not know my intentions!" What the boy said may not have made much sense with the comment that had been directed towards him, but he still seemed adamant on his stance, with Tenshi having clearly earned his ire.

One push is all you'll need
A fist-first philosophy
We watch with wounded eyes
So I hope you recognize
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to the regret
And now I see the world through diamond eyes

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by SecretSinner91
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago





Holder of the Two-tailed
No one had answered Kimi's question. Kimi frowned as Ami looked a bit confused to what was happening. The two girls barely had time to react when Rashiku was suddenly kicked by Misaki. Kimi was able to move away in time but Ami wasn't so lucky. The small girl could only stand there for a second before she was suddenly crashed into by Rashiku. Ami let out a soft groat, before her eyes went wide seeing Rashiku was on top of her. Ami felt super terrified and Misaki's comments about getting impregnated did NOT HELP. Kimi stood there in shock. She wasn't sure if she should laught or commit murder. Before either girl could react, Rashiku had suddenly stood up, apologizing for what happened and walked away. Ami lied there on the floor for a moment, feeling horrible now. She made Rashiku feel horrible, and he was supposed to be her teammate.

"Geez, guys. I leave you all alone and shit hits the fan. The fuck was going on here anyway?" Kimi asked with an annoyed expression on her face. However, Ami started to leave suddenly that it caught Kimi off guard. "Kiddo? Ah, shit. Listen, we'll talk about it later. Gotta make sure Kiddo is okay," Kimi said before she gave Jin and Maki a mock salute before she started to follow the blonde. Ami was hadn't realized Kimi was following her. The small girl was trying to find Rashiku to apologize. They were supposed to be teammates, right? If Ami couldn't interact with him, then... that would be bad, wouldn't it? Rashiku was scary, but he did say sorry to her. If he was mean, he wouldn't have. At least, that was the logic Ami was working with. She hoped everything was a misunderstanding and maybe they could be friends?

Kimi managed to catch up to Ami was they reached to Ichi Ramen. Kimi spotted Rashiki as did Ami. "So, you gonna talk to him, Kiddo?" Kimi asked. Ami nodded her head yes. "H-He's my t-t-teammate, so I h-have to talk to h-him... A-And say s-sorry to him" Ami explained, as she fidgeted in place. Kimi patted Ami's head and gave her a cheesy grin. "Alright, Kiddo. Do what you gotta do. I'll stand here and cheer ya on, okay?" Kimi cheered. Ami smiled at Kimi and nodded. "T-Thank you, K-Kimi" Ami chirped. The small girl looked over and took a deep breath before she started to walk over to the ramen stand, as Kimi hid, keeping an ear shot.

Ami got close enough to Rashiku. However, before she could say anything, Rashiku suddenly spoke about killing someone with his sword to the adult he was speaking to, in an anfered tone. Ami's eyes went wide as she looked very terrified. Rashiku actually did kill someone?! It wasn't a false rumor?! Ami was trembling in place but the small girl was trying to keep herself calm before she suddenly reached out and gently grasped the sleeve of Rashiku's jacket and gently tugged it to get his attention. Was it child-like? Maybe, but Ami could sense the tension in the air. "U-Um, R-Rashiku-san? W-We're teammates... s-so... u-um... s-sorry about e-earlier. A-Are you okay?"

Firebrand of the Uchiha
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Haruno Remi, Chotzu Akimichi, and Yue Nara
Team 6

Even without a traditional set up, Yue had found herself placed in an Ino-Shika-Cho set up and she found this very annoying. Her name wasn't Shika-something nor Ino-something, but they'd gone and done it anyway. It was probably because Chotzu had a "Cho" in his name and they wanted to salvage what they could of their traditions. If his name had been Dumpling, she wondered if they'd have even bothered. It wasn't as if Yue disliked Chotzu any more than she disliked most other people, he was what you'd expect from an Akimichi... only much shorter and either hyperactive or completely asleep; it was the principle of the thing.

"Ah! Teuchi-sama! Your ramen is fantastic as usual! Do I detect a hint of some fresh wild flowers, today", asked Remi, cheerful and carefree as always. Yue rolled her eyes.

"Good catch, young Haruno, I found the last plum blossom petals of winter in the cupboards. They were hiding!"

"That must be why it's so refreshing on a sunny summer day like today, just a little taste of winter...", continued Remi chuckling to himself and lifting a single noodle to his mouth, "Chotzu seems to appreciate it too!"

"Ahm-lom-mom-blom-top-blotch", said Chotzu between huge spoonfuls. He then picked up the bowl and poured the entirety of the contents into his mouth. What he lacked in height, he seemed to make up for with voracity of appetite. Yue couldn't say that it was helping her own appetite, though. Watching him wolfing down all that food while Remi waxed poetic, practically flirting with the ramen vender just made her feel incredibly self-conscious. She turned away from them and tried to act as if she were just sitting there alone. She shouldn't have come, but Remi wouldn't take angry glares for an answer and Chotzu insisted that all the tension of being genin had made him too hungry to function, so here she was... whether she liked it or not.

Moments later, a rather loud and rude man entered with another man, a foreigner by the outfit, in tow, demanding their own ramen. Village business they said. Yue looked at her bowl and tried to listen in. It had to be more interesting than the vapid musings of her overly sunny companion or the endless void that was Chotzu. Village business, it sounded like... the son of the Raikag-

"Yue! You haven't touched your ramen! You're... not a vegetarian, are you? I should have guessed when you'd said miso ramen... Of course! How rude of me! With your family being so in touch with-"

"...not a vegetarian..., she murmured, her cheeks turning a bright red as she sank into her overcoat. Luckily or perhaps unluckily, the foreigner leaped to his feet and challenged... someone... a boy from her class that Yue didn't talk that much to to a duel! And... her classmate... Rashiku, she thought... He looked to be accepting? Foolish. Even if the foreigner was a blowhard challenging a child because he thought he could win, he was still more experienced by far, experienced enough to be sent on a mission to Konoha. That meant he was trusted. And if he was really the Raikage's son... Was he here to start trouble? The rude man he was with didn't seem to be stopping him.

If they fought and this man was serious, Rashiku would die. The question is just how serious exactly was h-

"My! Quite the floor show...", said Remi, breaking Yue out of her thoughts. He was smiling but his eyes were transfixed with what was happening, "He isn't serious is he?"

Yue stuck her hands in her pockets and leaned away from Remi.

"Mm...", she replied watching the man's fingertips. You could figure a lot about what someone intended by what they were doing with their fingertips. The tension was so palpable that even Chotzu had stopped eating actively and had turned, merely sipping his third bowl of ramen tentatively.

And then Ami Uzumaki of all people came onto the scene! What was with people?!? Why were they so fascinated with this poor silver-haired kid?!? Yue could only imagine suddenly getting that much attention and even thinking about it made her angry and raised her hackles.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Takayuki Mekakushi

Takayuki frowned as he left the Hokage's office. He supposed he should be happy; he had, after all, been nagging the man for a team for quite some time, and he couldn't deny the pool of excitement currently bubbling in his chest. Still, the news of attacks to the north was... deeply worrying, especially given that they'd been able to track his own movements. The widely accepted theory was that his movements were planned, at random, by the Hokage's office. Frankly, that it was common knowledge suited him just fine; it was, after all, a load of bollocks. With a flash of hand signs, Taka flickered to his apartment, making quick work of the lock, and sauntering over to his desk. There, sealed into the wood, he kept his map book, and he spent a tense few minutes scratching through and redrawing many of the countless, multicoloured lines that he used for routing. This book, started when he was a simple chuunin, was his pride and joy: A journal and atlas, all in one, hand-drawn from scratch, featuring every shortcut, clear channel, nook, cranny and straight he'd ever run, and likely ever would.

Finally, with a deep sigh and a wistful smile, he scratched out the final route, dotting a new one in some 3 miles West, and snapped the book shut, resealing it before leaning back in his chair. Taka's accommodation was a blatant reflection of his lifestyle. Given that he was so often away from the village, he'd lived in his humble studio apartment for the better part of ten years. His bed lay, unmade, in the corner, and next to it was a potter's wheel and a high cabinet filled with clay and tools. On the opposite end was a rather spartan kitchen, still littered with the aftermath of yesterday's lunch. He eyed it, dubiously.

"Welp," he muttered, "That's going in as a D rank!" He spent another moment stretching, laughter on his breath, then turned his gaze to the folders he'd been given on his students. He spent longer than he'd perhaps meant to, just reading through the files, a broad smile slowly blossoming across his face. They were a ragtag band, certainly, and he'd have to keep a close eye on the boy from Mist (Lord knew he'd seen what they could be like), not to mention a bloody Jinchuuriki, (and hadn't that been a surprise, on his first team), but still...

His eyes shone, one arm twitching restlessly.

"My kids are going to be fun!"

Later, with a few raw eggs and a cup of milk down his gullet, and a wood carving of a duck for each of his students in his pockets (It was far trickier to work with than fruit, but equally more permanent), he began making his way through the village towards the academy, taking a much deserved walk, taking in his surroundings as he went. As a child, he'd wanted to get out, to see the world, and to prove himself wherever he went. Now, he wasn't sure there was anywhere he'd rather be than home. A voice caught his ear.

"Lots of shinobi at Ichiraku today!" That got his attention, and he kept half an ear on the civilian conversation, stopping to eye a shop window. It wasn't as though such a thing was rare, of course, Ichiraku Ramen had been a hub for Ninja for as long as he could remember, but there was always the chance one of his genin was there - that and he hadn't had a bowl of the stuff in quite some time. That settled, he changed course, and made for the rooftops. From there, he fixed his eye onto Ichiraku's and Flickered over, some twenty metres to the right. What he saw, needless to say, rather upset him.

It was, from a certain point of view, an amusing scene. One of his fellow Jounin observing a cloud nin (whatthehellwasacloudninthereforhe'dfuckingkillhim!), who seemed to be threatening one of his kids, another one, the Jinchuuriki, tugging at the boy's sleeve while another team watched from nearby. All told, he felt rather sorry for the proprietor. Especially given what he was about to do. In a single, swift movement, his brass knuckles were fixed firmly over his knuckles, and just the faintest hint of the Shroud was flickering over his hair. Shredded leaves exploded across the scene as he flashed between Rashiku and the Cloud Nin in a Surging Flicker. A tongue of flame rushed across the fingers of his left hand. He turned, viciously, to the one from cloud, a snarl tarnishing his lips.

"You,", he began, voice barely a whisper, "have twenty seconds to tell me who you are, what in god's name you're doing in my village, and why, precisely, you seem to be inciting a conflict with my student."

And then, suddenly, the tension was gone from his form, and he turned genially to the old man at the counter.

"Sorry for the ruckus, Teuchi-san. Just trying to diffuse the situation." He paused. "One bowl of Pork Ramen, if you don't mind." Order placed, he cast an eye over his shoulder at Rashiku, smiling kindly - although his body hadn't moved from where he'd arrived. He reached into a pocket and pulled out two of the carved ducks, handing both to the boy. "Sorry about this, kids, I won't be a second. There's one of those each. Carved them myself!" He laughed. "I'm Takayuki Mekakushi, your Jounin sensei!" He placed emphasis on the word Jounin, and looked back to the older boy, a wicked glint in his eye.

He needed to resolve this quickly.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tenshi Hokori

His method to wind the kid up had worked at first Tenshi had tried to fight the urge to smile the entire time as this kid as a lot like he was when it came to interacting with the comments he used to stir him up. Then his smile disappeared as others started to poke out of no where. First was a little genin girl who was appeared to look out for he teammate. Tenshi couldn't fault her on that she protected her comrade he would do the same at her age if someone appeared to start stuff with his friends. Then the next were the genin who were already in the room at least they kept to themselves, finally came the older guy. If Tenshi had to guess based on how he spoke this was a jounin.

Tenshi suppressed the urge to whack this jounin with his sword with the way he was talked to, but he just took a sip from his sake then took a deep breath not letting this guy get to him. Then he first spoke to the kid he began all this tension on just plain out ignored the jounin who demanded answers out of him, "Relax kid, that's the right response you should give someone if you are a dedicated swordsmen. Remind me of myself in a way. I always hated when some came up to me thinking I didn't know how to used my weapons. Maybe you and I should have a sparring session in the future. I have always enjoyed fighting other swordsmen. Doesn't matter the age really, if a swordsmen is good enough a rookie can surprise even a master with their skills always remember that kid." He then slaps some money on the table and orders towards the table, "Get the kid whatever he wants, I'll pay for it."

Once he finished talking his head snapped to the jounin, "Now yow, it has been twenty seconds and you still don't need to know who I am. If your Hokage didn't tell you then you obviously don't need to know. As for why I am in your village once again if your Hokage didn't tell you, then once again obviously you didn't need to know bub. As for the last question that I can tell you. I was just stirring the kid up to have a little spar session with him as I don't get to see someone with similar taste in weapon choice as myself before some stuck up jounin put a pin into that before it could go anywhere. Now if you are done asking questions of information you don't have and don't need, I am going to enjoy my meal here and then Kuroki here will take me where I need to go." A bit irritated one could at least said after this, as he had done with the kid this jounin winded him up. He then gets up and faces the jounin that irritated him, "You know what on a second thought since you put a pin into my fun how about you step up and replace the kid? Maybe I'll even answer your questions if I feel like it afterwards."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jin Kani"Feel the sting of the honorable crab, the Fabulous Jin Kani!"
"Wh-what's going on out here?!?"

It was Bohi-sensei! Likely attracted by the thud of Kiyoshi's body impacting upon the top of the school's roof, she had come to investigate! She was intrepid, oh yes, she was intrepid. It was something that Jin had noticed even from before, her fearless investigation of wrong-doing wherever she found it. No wonder she would fall for Jin, they were both alike in this way and Jin's virtues were so clear and obvious, undoubtedly attractive to so virtuous a woman. It was a shame that Jin's heart was so big and so important, such a prize, for it would be easy to fall for such a woman were he not aware of his own greatness. Alas, no matter what chemistry there was between them, he would, like her, put on that brave and tragic face that a student and teacher must wear.

"It was that Karata, sensei! He attempted to molest Mori-chan", he explained, getting right to the point.

"Molested?!? Th-that's a serious charge", Hana exclaimed, approaching the fuming and quite red Misaki. She bent down a bit to get level with her, though the truth was that she wasn't much taller than her students, a trait Jin always found endearing, "Is it true, Mori-san? Did Rashiku... Did he try to violate you?"

"He did! I saw it myself", yelled Jin shaking his fist venomously, as if the question had been addressed to him, "He had his hand on her leg and was looking at her... WITH IMPROPER THOUGHTS!!!"

"Kani-san! I was talking to Misaki", she replied with the same commanding voice she reserved for serious situations. Jin was content that she'd get to the bottom of it in her own way, "Tell me what happened, Mori-san. Don't worry..."

Misaki stammered, stamped a foot, crossed her arms and looked away... but ultimately, managed to, so bravely, utter a few words, "Well... I was... talking to him about... I wanted to be on his team because...", she looked briefly to Jin and then back to Hana-sensei and seemed to grow quiet, "...and then... gr..."

Bohi-sensei nodded, "I think I understand... So this was just a misunderstanding."

A misunderstanding? No! Jin had seen everything! It was no misunderstanding! Karata-san had put his mitts all over Misaki's delicate legs, probing her tender milky thighs like... like... Jin couldn't follow this line of thinking. It was far too dishonorable and disrespectful to Misaki to even imagine it! Karata-san was like a perverted octopus of a man! And yet... What was Bohi-sensei getting at? Whatever it was, Mori-chan appeared to calm a little.

"I understand that... We don't all get to be on the same team as our... friends... and that can be hard. But even if you aren't on the team with your... friend... you can still see each other and talk to each other! There's no rule that says you can't", continued the teacher. Mori-chan looked a little confused... BUT NOT AS CONFUSED AS THE GREAT JIN!!!

"And you don't have to feel... you know... pressured to do things you don't want to do, just because you're worried about what you might lose if you don't. If Rashiku or anyone was making you feel that way, you can always talk to me about it", she said, much to the consternation of JIN!... and also Misaki.

"That's not what I-"

"I know. It's okay. Now...", replied Bohi-sensei cutting her short and looking around, "What... happened over there?!? Is that... What's Hyuuga-san doing up there?!? GET DOWN FROM THERE! IT ISN'T ALLOWED!!!"

Kiyoshi twitched a little in response.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hiro Hyuuga"A dog must obey. Stay down."
"Mori Misaki and Kani Jin are my teammates", said Hiro, his hands on his knees and his eyes cast down. It was true that his father was very busy, especially on a day like today, but still he had asked for his son to visit him after class. He could not meet his eyes, but he could feel his father's eyes on him like a spotlight. There was nothing else.

"They are powerful, but unruly subordinates", said Seiji as if their subordinate positions were already known. Hiro felt his chest tighten and he pressed his lips together as he looked away. They would be his subordinates, whether he cared for it or not. He tried to look up to meet his father's eyes, but could only manage it for a moment.

"They will be good subordinates", Hiro replied, sensing his father's implication. His father's face lightened a little, imperceptibly to most, but not to Hiro. He knew his father, knew that his words were little more than an acknowledgement, a polite gesture, for what was already said and understood. Even those without the subtlety of the Byakugan could sense just what he wanted them to, and often without knowing it. Hiro was born in his father's gravity and felt the pull more keenly than most.

"They are a challenge", he replied, with the barest... humor and... pride? No. He was being challenged.

"They will not be a challenge. They cannot stand to me", Hiro replied coldly. Now Seiji looked away. Had he said the wrong thing? Hiro felt lost, strangely and ventured a further, "I will bring our family honor."

The words hung in the air almost echoing, but Hiro gave no indication of how loud they were in his mind. With Seiji's calm eyes seeming to run over every line on his face, it was all he could do to keep his composure. His face remained neutral. After what seemed an eternity, Seiji finally asked him another question, "Who is your jounin?"

Did he not know? Did he not assign this jounin to him? Perhaps he hadn't. His father had many more important things to do in the village. He could not concern himself with everything. What was the worth of a genin's jounin to the whole village? It was suitable.

"A man named Kamoji. He doesn't appear to have a family name", Hiro replied without much emotion.

"Kamoji. You will learn much from him. Do not...", said Seiji, pausing for a moment, "...be fooled by him. It is unwise."

"Yes father. I will give him respect."

"Be careful with your respect. It is a weapon that can be turned against you", Seiji remarked sharply enough that Hiro felt a sting and hung his head.

"Yes. I will remember that", said Hiro. There was silence again. His father was looking at him with such... intensity.

"I will leave you to your work", Hiro finally said, breaking the silence and getting to his feet. He bowed deeply and headed to the door.

"Hiro", called his father, and Hiro turned to face him, "I love you son. I am very proud of you."

Hiro bowed twice and left.
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