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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Callum kept walking with Bellua, silently humming to himself Bellua wasn't much for conversation. Callum was thinking about food when he heard something which made him tense.
Did he just say "Come here, I'll throw you across"? Callum looked at Bellua for a second or two. He tilted his head.
"You don- I mean you wou- You couldn- You couldn't be serio- that is cr- your joki-....." Callum looked down for second before looking back at Bellua.
"Fine" Callum sighed as he walked forwards towards Bellua
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

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Muse sighed internally, turning around and realizing that the second they’d walked into the door, one of their group members had disappeared. “You’re right.” He spoke up. “Thanks for the heads-up, Nautilus.” He told him, before scanning the immediate area, looking around to see if he could find any trace of the guy, and waiting for a few seconds to see if he’d turn up again. “I guess we should look for him, then.” He spoke up. “Anyone know which way he went?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SadSongs
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SadSongs The Confused

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The girl jolted, looking about as one of the party members started talking. At least this muse person was decently polite. "Heck if I know," she responded , honestly not really caring about the fact that someone was missing at first. However, she would wish someone to come looking for her if she disappeared... it was only right to go out and find him. "I think I remember seeing him go in that direction," she mumbled, pointing towards the first path the boy took. "I honestly had zoned out, as I'm sure you understand I have a lot on my mind at the moment."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Euclid

Euclid The Portmanteau Professional

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Callum walked toward Bellua, the demon grasped hold of the young one's arm. Without hesitation, he took a step forward and swung, carrying Callum's body with his immense strength. The force used was enough to send Callum barreling over the patch of darkness and into the next biome, a large field with rising grass. After Callum landed, Bellua took a couple steps backward and braced himself before taking off at a sprint. Pushing off with legs, he leaped over the darkness and landed on the other side with a thud. They were now one step closer to Kalmaysia, and one step closer to a deal completed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Euclid

Euclid The Portmanteau Professional

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Minutes passed by and, by now, Euclid was sweating a little. He didn't want to fail and have the group be caught and quite possibly killed by GM. "Come on," he whispered, hearing the bobby pin move around inside the lock. All of a sudden, he felt something pushed upward within its interior and he applied more force, pushing the tumbler up and catching it in a hold. One step closer, he thought. The rest was coming second nature, tumbler after tumbler catching inside the lock until it finally groaned and released its security. Grabbing the door handle, he turned it and gave a push, watching it come open.

"I... I did it!" he exclaimed, sounding confused and delighted all at once. Standing up, he pushed open the door, throwing the bag against the interior wall of the dormitory before moving to help Leon inside. "Come on, we have to get inside quickly. No knowing what could happen if we wait out here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

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Muse began to walk in the direction Jacklyn pointed in, keeping his eyes open for any signs of the boy. He wanted to call out his name, but soon realized he didn't even remember it. Damn, I really am bad at this... he thought to himself as he made his way towards the cafeteria, beckoning to the rest of the group to stay close, as he didn't want to lose anyone else. Making his way into the large, spacey room, it didn't take long for his attention to land on the smashed-in window. "Shit, what happened here?!" Muse exclaimed, scurrying towards the broken glass to get a better look. The RP, from what he'd seen so far, seemed awfully peaceful...

"Hey, didn't one of you say you were in this roleplay?" he asked the group. "Is property damage at this level... common? I mean, I've seen supernatural high school roleplays where nearly the entire school gets wrecked overnight and then rebuilt by robot maids, but most roleplays of this genre aren't as crazy as that one. In particular things seemed pretty calm, here." he began thinking out loud, worried that a certain someone might've trespassed here earlier. Sure, all he could confirm was a broken window, but if GM had come here and disturbed things, who knows what else he could've done...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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She nodded, accepting the help from Euclid, her mind numb. She felt... she didn't know what she felt. She just wanted to lay down and rest. She, with Euclid's help, placed Leon onto Ethan's bed. It was almost exactly like Lily's just... more blue and yellow. she shrugged. So Ethan had a thing for electric colors. He was the legendary Thunderbird reincarnate after all. She let out a long sigh and walked over to the living area. She let her body fall onto the couch, the remote laying right beside her. She let a small smile grow on her face as she reached for it.

"Euclid, there's a kitchenette across from the bedroom where we put Leon. If you want to make something, that is. There's also a bathroom in that same bedroom. I think we can let Leon sleep in the big bed for tonight. I can build a small bed for myself and sleep on the floor if you'd like the couch." She explained, searching the remote for the on switch. She smiled brightly when it turned on, showing the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. She chuckled at herself. To think a show like this existed in this world. Though, it was a world reflected from her own so it made sense they'd have similar things. She sat back on the couch, pulling her legs up, and watched the TV with mild amusement, just happy to have a moment to relax, the fears from before gone. She wasn't one to hold onto things and she'd much rather forget her problems for now. She wasn't one for going non-stop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Euclid

Euclid The Portmanteau Professional

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I'll take the floor," Euclid replied, walking into the bathroom so he could wash up. "I don't mind." He closed the door behind him, letting out an exhausted sigh. Turning on the faucet, he let the water run for a second before cupping a bit in his hands and splashing it onto his face. He took a minute to catch his breath from all the movement, staring into the sink as he turned off the faucet. They'd all been through a lot so far, and it was taking a bit of a toll on him. Pushing off from the sink, he stood up and looked in the mirror before exiting the bathroom.

He found a spot on the floor, crossing his legs and leaning back against the couch. Lowering his head, his eyelids closed shut and he was soon lost to sleep, the sounds of the television fading out into nothingness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Callum winced as he got thrown across the void. He kept his eyes shut until he fell his face smack against something hard, and then all of his body as well. oooooow ow ow ow . He opened his eyes...grass? Well that was not what he was expecting. He stumbled up and turned around just as Bellua appeared from the void. "You would be good at sport...." Callum mumbled as he took a deep breath.

He looked around "This was not what I was expecting, well...At least, it seems to be nicer then where we just were." Callum sighed as he glanced at Bellua. "Umm, You first I guess." Callum gestured with his arms. Awww....This hurts, ow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Euclid

Euclid The Portmanteau Professional

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The demon straightened as he stood, his vision set on the floating island that was now closer than before. He heard Callum speak. "You would be good at sports."

"I do not know these 'sports' of which you speak," Bellua replied, chest expanding and contracting with each breath. He was not much for words, rather letting his actions do the talking. He stepped away from a patch of grass and surveyed the area, looking for signs of his prey or any targets that posed a hindrance to his plans. Callum, for the most part, was simply a tag-along; a minuscule inconvenience with which he could deal for now. Chances are that the Void Walker would have to silence him if things weren't running smoothly. Of all the things Bellua had become, the word 'expedient' came to mind.

"This was not what I was expecting," Callum stated. Bellua had noticed his injuries and, while it could be detrimental to a normal being, it was nothing to one such as he. Forgoing the situation, he started walking again. Callum spoke again. "At least, it seems to be nicer than where we just were. Umm, you first, I guess."

"No," the demon replied, stopping in a clearing a few yards away. "We rest for now."

Chances are that my task lies not too far away, he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Neobullseye


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A part of Leon was impressed that Euclid actually managed to get the lock open with nothing but a hairpin. Not that he had the energy to comment on it right now though; he had trouble enough not passing out right then and there. If he could stay upright for just one more minute, they would be able to get inside, and he could lie down on some furniture meant for lying down on it.
He allowed himself to be carried to another room -- which for some inexplicable reason was filled with blaring yellow and blue colors. Again, Leon wasn't planning on commenting on it right now; all he wanted was some rest, something which he'd hopefully get in just a minute. That bed looked so soft and inviting...
Seeing as Leon was already halfway into unconciousness before hitting the bed and only forcing himself to stay awake due to fainting in the middle of nowhere being a really bad idea, it didn't take long for his body to sink into some much-needed sleep...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Of course you don't know of spor-....Why am I even thinking about this? Callum rolled his eyes as he turned around to look at Bellua. This guy was the being of "Serious" Such would be with someone with the name "Bellua" Probably the reason he wants to find his "creator" . Callum snickered to himself. Good one Callum.

"No," Bellua replied, stopping in a clearing a few yards away. "We rest for now."

Oh finally Callum somewhat awkwardly walked over to a large rock that seemed to be not too uncomfortable. The advantage being he could lean against it. He wasn't to far away from Bellua, but not that close either. He didn't want to be close to Bellua. It was pretty obvious that Bellua only thought of him as a tool to get closer his Target.
But Callum decided to put his thoughts away, just for hopefully at least a minute of closed eyes.
He hoped
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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She let out a small huff at Euclid, giving up. Looks like she wasn't going to be the nice person and sleep on the floor. Though, she was perfectly okay with it. She stayed seated on the couch, watching TV for a little bit, feeling as if things could be like normal again. It helps her relax and think. When they'd entered the room, she made sure the door got locked before heading over here, not that it would do much if that GM guy could just blow a hole in the door. She leaned her head back, staring up at the ceiling. Why was this so hard? She just wanted to go back home. This had to be one of her weird ass dreams again. Though, she hadn't had a real nightmare in a very, very long time. She stopped having them when she was still in Elementary school.

She let out a long shuddering sigh. Well, tomorrow they'd have to get moving again. As much as she wanted to stay in Ethan's room and revel in the normality of it all, well normal for what happened today, they did need to keep moving. A base wasn't much of a base if they bad guy knew where you were. As much as she hated to admit it, they needed to move on to another place, somewhere away from Kalmaysia. Still, she couldn't help but think of what happened to the characters here. She'd heard Ebil's character earlier that day. She chuckled. So much had happened, she'd even forgotten his name. Matt, wasn't it? The phoenix boy. She sat back up, the TV still going. She looked down to see Euclid already asleep on the floor, leaning against the couch peacefully.

She stood up and walked over to Ethan's room to check on Leon and get a few supplies. She smiled, seeing him sound asleep. Good, he needed it. Maybe when he's rested, he'll be of a sounder mind.

Though, I think we're all starting to go a bit crazy.

She shook the thought and walked over to the closet, grabbing two blankets and a pillow. With them in hand, she walked back to the couch and placed one of the blankets over Euclid and then made herself a bed on the couch. She lay still for a few hours, simply watching TV before sleep finally took her, the TV still playing lightly in the background, lulling her to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Euclid

Euclid The Portmanteau Professional

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Callum leaned against a large rock in the clearing, Bellua knelt down and swept loose blades of dried grass into a small pile that lay in the center of a patch of dirt. Using his finger, he drew a large circle just inside the edge of the dirt patch, then drew a smaller circle inside the first before filling the space between the two with archaic symbols of an indecipherable language. The demon brought his hands up to his chest, palm against its twin as he muttered several words, then cupped them over the grass pile and waited with his eyes closed. When he removed them, a fire was born and Bellua moved to grab more grass and feed its flame.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Wai, I’m ho-“ Godmodder called as he materialized in what was once his makeshift hideout, chrome-colored laptop in hand, and then froze when he realized the place didn’t look quite the same as how he’d left it. “…Where the fuck is Wai.” He whispered. The tyrant’s eyes narrowed as he scanned the bedroom, his left eye illuminating the area like a nightlight. “And who the fuck is…” he paused, looking down at the figure in the bed. A grin of mild amusement spread across his face as he recognized Leon as the roleplayer from earlier. Looks like Rin did a number on him after all. he thought to himself. Which reminds me, I should get to work on designing Rin 2.0… he mused, nonchalantly walking around the bed and sitting down on the floor, not in the mood to start another chase. Or, would this technically be Rin 3.0? Since even the most recent Rin was already based off of that old Rin… though it’s not the same sort of remake… GM let his mind wander as he opened the laptop on the floor in front of himself and turned it on, adding bright white streaks to the flickering purple light that lit up the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Neobullseye


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

For most of the time, Leon had no idea what was happening mere feet away from him. That is, until he rolled on to his side and, as fate would have it, placed his face straight in the path of one of the beams of light produced by GM's laptop -- something which, as you might expect, tends to wake up people pretty fast. With a moan, the young man slowly opened his eyes, then immediately squeezed them shut again while placing his hand in front of his face to block out the bright light. "What the... Turn that light off," he moaned, his voice still heavy with sleep -- this same drowsyness causing him to not realise the situation he was in since earlier that day, situation in which blindly calling out to people you have no idea who they are is a very bad idea indeed. What idiot is aiming a flashlight at me anyway? Still half asleep, he pushed himself upright and took a look at the source of the light from an angle that wouldn't blind him, hoping that this would allow him to identify said source of light.
...Oh, fuck my life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Look, kid, I still have work I need to do. I’m gonna need to keep this computer on for a while longer.” GM shot back, glaring at Leon as the white-and-blue loading screen for an unfamiliar program came up on his screen. “Especially since this old thing’s been running a lot slower than my old desktop. I’ve lost so much of my old workplace… Oh well, at least I managed to salvage what I could.” He continued to ramble. “Speaking of which, since I lost my old hideout, I kind of turned this place into my temporary home.” GM informed Leon. “So uh… again, wasn’t expecting guests. How’d you even get in here, anyway? Did I forget to lock the door?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Callum opened one of his eyes slightly, Bellua was doing something. Making marks of the ground? He lazily watched when suddenly there was fire. Callum gasped slightly as the flame was born. But quickly Callum closed his eyes once again. Magic, Demon crap I assume. Pfft, I want to do magic Callum thought to himself as he adjusted himself to get more comfortable. He was tired and in pain, but he just couldn't get asleep. He didn't know the reason, but he just couldn't.

Callum thoughts moved to the fact that he the situation he found himself in was at least a very weird one. Stuck with a demon called Bellua to find his "Creator" and then hope that he Bellua doesn't think "Parting company" is Killing him. I wonder if there's any other....people here, normal human beings.....that aren't evil or anything. .

Callum sighed as he napped, waiting for either sleep or something interesting to happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Neobullseye


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leon's mind was racing. Apparently this place was GM's personal base or something like that. There was still the question of how he managed to got in though; seeing as he was wondering how they got in and questioned about whether or not he locked the door, that logically meant that he didn't use said door himself. After all, if he had done so, then he would've seen the picked lock on it. That meant that he had some other ability to enter places, which in turn meant that not a single place in this entire area would be safe. Maybe GM's claim of godhood wasn't all that far-fetched after all. And to anger a god would be nothing short of suicide. Which left only one logical course of action...

"We... got in through the front door," Leon said, his voice far more normal than it was mere minutes ago, although it did betray an obvious sign of nervousness. "I'm not sure where the others are at the moment though; the moment they helped me into this bed, I went out like a light. For all I know they're long gone, although I doubt they would leave me behind." He then fell silent, not knowing exactly how to continue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"'They'...?" GM echoed, eyebrow raised. "How many of you are there?" he asked. "And... did I really leave the front door unlocked? Jeez, that's not good. I was worried I might lose my mind but..." he trailed off, rubbing his forehead. "At any rate," he brought himself to his feet, setting his laptop on the floor just as a 3D map of some sort of island finally loaded. "Maybe you should take me to meet your friends?" he grinned somewhat sadistically. "I mean, I brought you all here, but I didn't take the time to memorize your faces. Well, at least not all of you..." he rambled.
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