Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mikalo


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Interesting, hello! I'm new here.. and I would like to ask a question. We can have both made up gods, or greek gods or Egyptian? Sorry for the dumb questions
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

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Dead Cruiser said
Then in all likelihood it's a relationship of mutual indifference. "Yes, yes, stay in your magic, happy fantasy land and out of my hair."

Enlightened. I like it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fair Lady
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The Fair Lady

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nihris cares more for her children then for the underworld and they do dream. Everything dreams :) I wanted Nihris to have at least one friend and the dreamers both seem nice. Would either be interested?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Mikalo said
Interesting, hello! I'm new here.. and I would like to ask a question. We can have both made up gods, or greek gods or Egyptian? Sorry for the dumb questions

All originals. No pre-established gods.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mikalo


Member Offline since relaunch

Okay, thanks. Finally someone can answer a straight foward question. I was thinking about making my character the deity of weaponry and skilled fighting, and strength. If this IS accepted, then i'll just put my character sheet out with information.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 3 days ago

You're better off just making a character sheet. HeySeuss really is unlikely to say anything to that other than, "Sounds fine, I'll know for sure when I see your character sheet."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mikalo


Member Offline since relaunch

Alrighty~ Thanks for the heads up.

Mikalo Moutoku; the deity of Weaponry, skilled fighting, and strength. Created by the the deity who had been the head of the gods that continued to fight over the newfound open throne position. Being created way before things had fallen down low out of the peace that barely held the fighting steady and sturdy to a minimum, he had only been using his swords against training dummies or spars with his brother and sister deity.

Being in the simple human form of a six foot tall figure with a nice muscular build, usually seen dressed in his red kimono and baggy white pants. A thick rope is tied and entangled around his waist and kimono to keep the sheathe from falling outward. The sheathe holds a blade named Sinryuishi, a sword that can control the waters of the earth and heavens.

Rarely known, his symbol of patience in battle is represented by his elemental control over the water of the heavens and the earth, and summoning sea creatures just for the salty feel.

His attitude is usually unshown, due to him being completely quite all the time, stumbling about the heavens and watching battles like the drunken fool he is, always carrying a bottle of sake within the confines of his left hand. Just for the fun, he'll jump into battle to either protect or sharpen his blade skills.

His hair can either turn into an obsidian black into a golden orange mixed with a lighter gold. He is olive-skinned, and the sunlight reveals his cross shaped scar on his right cheek. He is the one who invented the sword and most of the metals known to man. He was the deity who had shown man weapons, eventually they began killing eachother. Which is why he is somewhat one of the most hated gods, driven into insanity and carelessness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

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The Fair Lady said
Nihris cares more for her children then for the underworld and they do dream. Everything dreams :) I wanted Nihris to have at least one friend and the dreamers both seem nice. Would either be interested?

Oh, no doubt. But which? Maybe brother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fair Lady
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The Fair Lady

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ruby said
Oh, no doubt. But which? Maybe brother.

Sounds swell. :) What kind of friendship?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Guy

Crazy Guy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Now that I'm officially accepted, I'm going to start evaluating how Metanoia would do around the other gods in the game so far. You guys can accept or reject my thoughts on Metanoia's relationship with your character as you so choose.

Nanaeios: Metanoia would be a little suspicious of her, seeing as how necromancers pray to her and pledge their souls to her and necromancers don't usually do the things they do for benevolent purposes. And he probably wouldn't stop giving her crap about letting sirens and harpies run about and kill people instead of hunting animals. He's probably a little miffed at her ability to mood-swing into either frothing rage or overwhelming angst at so much as an improper greeting these day. He would probably share ground with her concerning their mutual like of love and devotion, as well as their states of loneliness and loss, and she probably isn't too much of a dick that he can't lend his ears to her voice if she felt like calling on him. That said, he'd probably still try to convert her to his way of thinking.

Mikazliqui: This god would have already lost points with Metanoia for creating the current race of vampires. So, if they've never spoken to each other aside from the polite greeting upon Mikazliqui's ascension, it'd probably be a relationship in which Metanoia just stares disapprovingly at him and tries guilt-tripping him into atonement for all the harm he's caused and encouraged. If they've spoken to each other in the past at length, I bet that their relationship would be one of mutual dislike, if not tranquil fury or intent to cause harm for the other.

Morios: If Mikazliqui earned Metanoia's disapproval and anger, then Morios would certainly inspire the older god's outright animosity for promoting the baser instincts and darker desires that Metanoia believes is dragging mankind down the toilet. Metanoia would probably go out of his way to avoid him, direct his Wanderers to counter the work of Morios' followers, and generally stymie his efforts at every turn. If these two come to conflict, Metanoia would not feel bad striking down this idol. Though occasionally Morios would probably say something so offensive/out-there/funny that Metanoia would actually laugh and try to find some good in Morios, probably until he crosses the line again and Metanoia goes back to hating him.

Vael and Nys: I'm pretty sure Ruby and I have covered this somewhere in the OOC.

Daeros: Metanoia would probably view Daeros as a more coherent and actively more malicious version of Morios, so the same would apply here, especially since both hate what the other desires most in mortals.

Nihiris: Metanoia would probably share her silence, though every now and then he would bother her about caring more about the humans below, as he does for every deity that doesn't meet his standards.

Lefredias: Metanoia would definitely be wary of Lefredias, as he views the shadow-god as an unstable, reckless being with too much power than he should rightfully have. Metanoia would definitely try appealing to Lefredias, asking him to learn forgiveness rather than revenge, but it's likely these pleas will fall on deaf ears. After all, Metanoia would have been one of the few deities to even give Lefredias any attention after he was cast out.

Eskellon: Metanoia would probably have one of those not-quite master-apprentice relationships with Eskellon, as he sees Eskellon's past retributions for admittedly heinous crimes as overdoing it and not allowing anyone to redeem themselves of their wrongdoings. Metanoia probably would've had a hand in raising Eskellon and definitely would've been one of the backers in the efforts to cure him when Eskellon went insane. Metanoia would definitely enjoy spending time tutoring/entertaining/hanging out with Eskellon, though he might sour their relationship with his occasional rebukes towards Eskellon's way of curtailing evil. But, then again, he would also praise Eskellon for at least managing to raise a few heroes out of what Metanoia has not shied away from calling "utter atrocities."

For all the deities in common, Metanoia would be the god who checks on their affairs and tries to make them act righteously. He will either be a constant annoyance or a friendly adviser, depending on whether the god he's talking to would accept his words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 3 days ago

Yeah, Metanoia and Mikazliqui would most definitely not have a very productive relationship. Especially considering the latter's thoughts regarding the harm he has allegedly caused.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fair Lady
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The Fair Lady

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

That chicken is so epic. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Eskellon has mixed feelings towards Nanaeios. He admires her strength and passion, yet almost shares the purview of the Sky with her, yet not close enough to cause much of a rivalry. She specifically controls storms, while Eskellon focuses on thunder, lightning and wind, she controls wild waves of wind and water, giving them enough leeway to forsake competition and not necessarily needing to care about each other's similar Patronage. Eskellon feels sorry for her, seeing her as wild and just a little bit similar to him when he was imprisoned in the Crystal Tower as a Mad god. However, he also sees her as wild and uncontrollable, far more so than even he is when he has one of his legendary furious fits of fury and anger towards evil doers.

Eskellon heavily dislikes, but does not hate Mikazliqui. He pities him for his childhood and the curse cast upon him, yet Mikazliqui is "creepy" to him. He considers him down right evil, with his past tendencies to demand and accept blood sacrifices, and his slaughter of countless innocents and defenseless. Mikazliqui is one of the rare situations in which Eskellon shows pragmatic restraint and even idealistic forgiveness. He sees Mikazliqui as an enemy, but he wants Mikazliqui to see his mistake in dominating others and causing suffering. Eskellon is unsure as to whether Mikazliqui is redeemable as far as good and evil is concerned, but knowing the suffering he had endured in his very early life, he is unsure as to whether he should just unleash his full wrath on him. As such he sees Mikazliqui as an ugly bastard who should be pitied and perhaps, if possible, brought over to the other side, to the Light.

Eskellon views Morios like hemoirroids. Ugly, disgusting and putrid. He vies Morios as a nuisance, a plague and a pestilence, and hates what Morios has done to the world, including broken families, broken hearts and people who had fallen to abusive loved ones. Eskellon would like to beat some sense into Morios, but he recognizes he isn't nearly as evil as Mikazliqui, necessarily at least. Thus, even though he sees Morios as a filthy criminal, he doesn't hold him to the same level of villainy as say, a Nazi in real world terms. It's Morios'es relationship wtih Eskellon's adopted mother that keeps him from opposing him openly.

Eskellon sees Metanoia as a kindred spirit. Inferior in his arcane arts, yet superior in more mundane ways, such as knowledge of the sciences, art, etcetera, they are both scholarly, and Eskellon sees him as a colleague. He believes him to be egotistical, but respects him all the same, and sees him as an equal. He hopes to become true friends with him one day, if he isn't already.

Eskellon sees Dream to be utterly fascinating, and reminds Dream of his own magical arts. He views Dream as a very powerful god/ddess, and an equal in terms of pure dangerous force. Eskellon loves their treatment of Aroesus after his death, but thus far he has been unable to found out much about them. He wishes to be on good terms with them, perhaps even so far as to form an alliance.

Dareos is another deity that Eskellon views as "Necessary Hemorrhoids". What would life be without material prosperity and trade for mortals? Not very good. He views Dareos as a "Lying bastard". Also, being the god of drugs and corruption makes Eskellon desire to turn Dareos into a worm, instead of a snake. Also, when Aroesus was slain, and Dareos was so elated, Eskellon seriously considered giving Dareos a full body make over. (Transforming him into stone).

Eskellon feels only pain and sympathy for Nihris. He has fallen for Nihris in a way, but he is only loyal to Desdemona. He wishes to be a strong friend of Nihris, and wishes to comfort her. He has made a magical concoction to bring her relief to her broken heart.

He doesn't harbor any particular dislike towards Lefredias but recognizes him as an enemy and a threat. He is repulsed at the manner of his birth, but beyond that, doesn't have much to say about him.

He would admire Dihira as much as Metanoia, but he doesn't know what to think about her, or if he should trust her. He sees her as a "possibly friendly" rival, but he respects her and to some extent likes her, but he is paranoid of her. Too paranoid of her to hold much more than a passing admiration of her. With that said, he highly respects her, as mentioned, even though he feels that with her patronage over lost arts and secrets, that she infringes far too much on his patronage over magic. He enjoys speaking with her in a professional manner, however, about certain subjects that the two have in common. If nothing else Eskellon enjoys giving Dihira professional courtesy.

He loves Lathunis. Eskellon holds nothing but praise and respect for Lathunis. An old man loves to have a wife into their old age, and Lathunis tends to provide that for mortals in their world. He generally acts more benevolent than many other deities, and thus, he has earned much honor from Eskellon.

Eskellon isn't sure anyone loves Phoebus. He doesn't. He isn't afraid of her, but he doesn't hate her either. He dislikes her but. . . eh. . . he doesn't have much to say about her. He would rather just ignore her. Unless, of course, he ever finds out if she presents a threat.

Kyraeos is a disappointment to Eskellon. He respects, even likes and admires Kyraeos, but his defilement of various beautiful people over the years, frustrates Eskellon, as he views Kyraeos as a highly respectful colleague who has an annoying habit to disappoint him with his great lust, victimizing, on occasion, even some of Eskellon's worshipers, over the centuries. With all that said, Kyraeos'es embodiment and power over the mystic greatness of the Moon fascinates him, and while he will always remain honorable towards Kyraeos, he may eventually finally have enough of his ill treatment of mortals and call him out on it. Not that he hasn't already done so, but he may make his annoyance more official in the future.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zacharius


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I'm thinking of running with the ex-Queen idea, although I have a few questions, I'll PM HeySeuss tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by singmesweetly
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I posted a potential heir apparent except she isn't everything I hoped for her to be. -3-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Why u all hate alchoholz so much?

Haha, this should be fun, although I guess we won't be having too many parties.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Squrmy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

We can have some parties, MelonHead! Daeros likes parties - he'll bring the drugs, if you bring the booze and prostitutes! ;)

Uh, I'm cool with all the relationship ideas flung out in my direction so far, aside from the fact that Daeros wasn't openly elated when the old King of the Gods was slain - he might be a malicious bastard, but he's a politician; he's not stupid. He'd act appropriately mournful for the shortest, most acceptable period of time before starting to make his plans to make himself more powerful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Noxious ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ish

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I am open for relationship discussion, though most relationships would be easier as enemies or simply resourceful on occasion. I am down for someone to have been involved in the murder of her children so she could harbor a special hatred. The Dreamers would have the best chance of being a little closer to good because sharing knowledge in dreams would benefit her influence. HELLIS. I want us to be friends. <3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dead Cruiser said
You're better off just making a character sheet. HeySeuss really is unlikely to say anything to that other than, "Sounds fine, I'll know for sure when I see your character sheet."

I'm glad people know me by now. That's exactly what I would say. ;)

Noxious, she's approved, but I'm on a mobile device (GO USA HOCKEY) and I will do housekeeping after this game is over, for better or worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zacharius


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WIP, but going to dinner, and knowing my computer, I might lose it otherwise.

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