Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Nyxx Hollow


Nyxx smiled as a bead of sweat dripped down her cheek, but she kept up that large smile and shook the girl's hand when Kyle started talking about a third travel partner and she had to admit her base personality and Kyle’s are much too similar and it would cause issues with progress.

“A third person to keep us motivated would be nice, ” she said with a yawn “Speaking of motivation” she said starting nod off while standing up. Just when she’d actually manage to catch up on her sleep something started pecking at the top of her head waking her up instantly.

Nyxx yelled as it took her by surprise and a bird’s beak wasn’t exactly the softest thing in the world. It was Lupin that Swablu her newly caught puff ball was nice and healed up as well as out of his Pokeball for some weird reason. “The hell Lupin?” she asked, looking up at the bird who just landed on her head resting in his new nest he was quickly evicted by Nelz who knocked him completely off claiming the giant puff of hair above her head as hers.

The pokecenter’s nurses ran behind both of them with their pokeballs in hand. “We…. finished healing them, but they started fighting and ran away” one of them said in the middle of panting rapidly being that they chased these problem children all around the center. Nyxx grabbed her pokeballs and recalled both of them before they tore up the place “This is going to be a very long journey with these two, I’m going to need a third Pokemon to mediate them, ” she joked before being pulled by Kyle out of the pokecenter whom she’d completely forgotten who she was with and why up to this point in her absent mindedness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Laach
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Laach They call me fish

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Orez Shrin

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
He rapped on the door a third time. Hopefully this professor was OK with unscheduled to-be trainers visiting him without warning. He didn't really have the patience to wait for anyone to prepare for his arrival. Luckily he already caught his first Pokemon a week ago since he got here. He doesn't know much about how the Pokemon lab system works, but risking having to wait for who knows how long for a starter Pokemon to be shipped out for him... well, you get the idea. He just wanted his Pokedex and registration as a trainer. That's all.

"Excuse me," he projects his voice through the door, "I was wondering if the professor of this fine establishment was currently present. Forgive me for not warning you ahead of time, but I came here to get registration as a trainer in this region."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Professor Bonsai


Bonsai looked at the young man on the other side of the glass door and hit a button causing the doors to slide open. "I'm sorry, we just had that door fixed. A few young trainers like yourself went a bit...far during a battle earlier." He said scratching the back of his head.

"So...uh, what's your name? I don't think I recognize you." He said flipping through the trainer cards that weren't claimed. "Even if I don't have you here it only takes a few moments to get a Trainer card printed up. I still have a few Pokedexes left over as well." Bonsai said as he opene up a drawer in his desk and retrieved a spare Pokedex.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Laach
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Laach They call me fish

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Orez Shrin

"My name?" He grins proudly, gone was his less than enthralled demeanor he had before. He explains to the professor, "I am Orez Shrin. I have come from a faraway land as an ambassador, a liberator, and a friend. It is my duty to assist the people of this island. Namely the ones afflicted by terrible disasters and rogue groups who would like nothing more than to take advantage of them... of course I can't really do that without a trainer card." He scratches the back of his neck and gives a sincere smile.

After a weeks worth of travel through the region, he noticed a few key aspects. The first was that the island was a hotbed for pokemon. Usually a steady supply of trainers would keep their numbers in check, but that does not seem to be the case here. It's quite obvious what this entails. But the real thing he's worried about is if the business he plans on starting will have enough poeple for it to gain a profit. Whatever the case, one weeks worth of investigation is not going to be enough.

He needs to explore the entire island in order to understand what he's up against. He needs info on the people and what they are like. The possible threats to his business need to be located and potentially expunged. And none of this can be done without the proper escort for his tourism. The social equivalent of a passport to all the gyms and other facilities, a trainer card, is what he needs most of all. Without a trainer card and gym badges, he'd have some trouble getting respect from trainer and Pokemon alike.

Remembering the Pokemon he had caught upon his arrival to this island, he digs through his bag in order to show it to the professor. "Wait a second professor,"he interrupts, "I already managed to catch my first pokemon." He holds out his pokeball in front of him as proof. "You don't need to give me my free starter Pokemon if you don't want, although it would be nice if you did."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Professor Bonsai


Bonsai raised his brow when Orez began explaining his motivation. Kosei was certainly in need of help, but these younger trainers didn't have a whole lot of hope at their current level.

"I'm glad you already caught one, the starter Pokemon for Kosei trainers haven't come in just yet." Bonsai said relieved that he wouldn't have to ask this new trainer to wait a few days. "But a trainer card...Let me get to work on that." He said typing on the computer at his desk. Moments later a small flash came from the computer as he took Orez's picture. After going to the back room to print what he had on the screen. He returned with a small laminated card with a picture of Orez on the front.

"Alright, you're all registered. Just take this Pokedex and these five Pokeballs."
Professor Bonsai said as he placed the items on his desk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alexandria "Alexis" Deva

At the Pokemon Center


Before she knew it, the daughter of a famous coordinator, and her friend had run off to who knows where, saying that she could tag along, but leaving no time for Alexis to process everything, she quickly lost track of where they went in the midst of thinking about the pros and cons of traveling alongside such an individual.

"That was...wierd", commented Alexis.

Once again, the rising star found herself alone on her journey, save for her Snorunt. The beginning of their journey was starting out on a low note, so there was only one thing she had to think of.

"Snorunt. Let's go recruiting."

As she walked over to the town's edge, where they would transition onto the road, Alexis thought of many things. The boy who defeated her and Snorunt, the boy that had the audacity to laugh at her, the girl with the psychic powers, and the of Madame Hollow's daughter and her traveling companion. She fought with herself to figure out if they were a sign that she was not meant to be the idol she wanted to be. If she was not meant to gain the adoration that al those others had. She had...doubts. So early on her journey, this would not be the best way to start off her adventure.

Snorunt saw Alexis with a worried look. It was strange to see her with such a face. The Pokemon felt that it wasn't going to be the last time either. Still, there's being humbled, and there's being crestfallen. To become the latter so early...it wasn't a good feeling for anyone.

Snorunt had to do something, so it jumped out of Alexis' arms, and started running. Alexis followed, confused about what Snorunt was trying to do. The Pokemon had led her to what seemed to be a Hoppip. It's pink body was floating around on its lonesome, seemingly humming to itself. Snorunt hopped up and down, trying to tell her to attempt catching it.

Alexis hesitated on what to do, but then pulled out a pokeball. She threw it, but Snorunt knocked it right back at Alexis.

"Snorunt! Sno!"

Snorunt seemed to be annoyed, and was trying to tell her something. With all that was running through her mind, Alexis couldn't figure out what that something was. The Hoppip noticed the trainer and her Pokemon, and decided to attack them after they bothered it.

Alexis, freezing up on what to do, said nothing, which was actually enough to distract Snorunt, allowing the Pokemon to be hit. Taking notice of this, she instinctively told Snorunt to use Powder Snow. The attack hit, but it was by pure luck that it didn't force the Hoppip to retreat. She tried to throw a pokeball again, and it managed to make contact.

As the light on the ball flashed, Alexis didn't know what would happen. If the Pokemon broke free, then it would mean to her that she wasn't meant for the life she dreamed of.

"We...We did it?"

A silence filled the air...then Alexis smiled. Then she laughed. It wasn't her normal laugh, either. It was a sort of innocently happy laugh. Something she hadn't done since her infant days.

"We did it! Yes! We caught one!"

Alexis looked at Snorunt and said,

"I knew it! We're destined to become the brightest stars this world has ever seen! Don't worry everyone, we're here to make all of your destinies come true!"

Snorunt shook her head and walked over to the pokeball. After bringing it to Alexis, her trainer smiled in return, and carried the Pokemon in her arms again. Their journey had finally begun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex Rossmoore

Pokémon Center


"You haven't gotten a second Pokémon yet?" Thw girl who practically fainted from before asked.

"No, I haven't. I figured I'd spend more time with Beldum before focusing my time on another Pokémon. I mean, yeah I'll have to do it eventually, but not just yet." He looked towards Beldum and gave him a double on the... Head? Whatever the thing his eye was placed in. He could almost see the future of him evolving before his eyes. The girl did have a point of making a deal of not having a second Pokémon. If he was going to face a gym like he hoped, he would probably need a second companion. Sure, Beldum was strong, but a close combat from Windshire Gym's Staraptor, or a unexpected fire type move wwould mean he's in big trouble.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Laach
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Laach They call me fish

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Orez Shrin

He pockets the five Pokeballs and the Pokedex. "Thank you very much professor," he beams a smile before turning to leave. "Sorry, but now that I've got my trainer's license I just can't wait to get out there and start my journey for real. Hope we can talk again some other time because you seem like a really nice person." He waves goodbye before leaving towards the shore.

Hmm... he begins pondering what his next step should be. The flying type gym is obviously off limits until he can at least get a Pokemon that can counter said flying types. Ice, rock, and electric Pokemon are the preferred options here. The shore just so happens to be a wonderful place to find rock type Pokemon, so he's headed off there to find one right away...

Moments later...

"R-rill! Azurill!" the Pokemon cries in desperation as it attempts to fend itself off from the enemy Snivy.

"Snay, use vine whip." He looks at the battle with a dull look in his eyes as if it is a chore to battle the Azurill in front of him. Laying on the ground and beaten to submission, the azurill attempts its final act of defiance by using watergun once more on its assailant, but the snivy only blinks away the attack as if it did nothing. Delivering the final blow to the Azurill, Snay runs back to its trainer hoping up and down excitedly over its latest accomplishment. Orez kneels down to pat his partner on the head. "You did good Snay," he gives a warm smile. "It's not over yet though, we still need to find that rock pokemon." Snivy nods in understanding as Orez stand back up. "Now..." he begins to walk over to the rocky shore, scanning carefully between every crevice for his future teamate. "If I were a rock pokemon, where would I be?..."

"All~..." He hears a whisper from somewhere.

"... I said if I were a rock type, where would I be?"

"Baltoy!..." This time it was more of a giggle than a whisper. Orez cracks a smile, recognizing a game when he sees one.

"Hey, Snay." His pokemon turns around, clueless as to the game that is currently being played. "I can't seem to find any rock types around here. I think it's time to head home."

"Ivy?" It tilts its head in confusion. Before it begins to question its master's orders for too long, it hears the mysterious giggle for the first time. Snivy turns her head in the direction of the noise, wondering what it was.

"Bingo." Orez walks over straight to the area that Snivy was looking at. Thank Arceus for superior Pokemon hearing. Once he makes it to the suspected hiding spot, he kneels down and brings out a pokeball. "Found ya." Erupting from the sand in a glorious spinning display, a top shaped Pokemon makes its appearance before the newly instated trainer. "Snay, now!" His pokemon quickly recognizes whats happening and launches a vine straight at the spinning Baltoy. The vine quickly entangles itself around the floating doll, stopping its rapid rotation in its tracks. The leafy appendage tightens around its prey in demonstration of Snay's newest move, wrap. The clay construct struggles in its green confines, feeling the pressure slowly drain away at its life force. Snay grins confidently knowing the battle is as good as won at this point.
Snay's overconfidence is immediately shown as a pinkish glow begins to envelop him and his vine. Baltoy uses confusion to lift the opponent Snivy into the air into a much more vulnerable state. The Snivy flails defenslesly, and as a consequence, loosens its grip on the Baltoy. Taking this as its chance, the Baltoy grabs onto the garden rope and begins using it as leverage to spin the Snivy around. It starts out slow, but slowly picks up speed, keeping the Snivy in the air with its confusion in the meantime. Eventually the scene begins looking like a incredibly wide top spinning at incredible speeds. Eventually it becomes too hard for the Baltoy to hold on to its living flail for any longer, and it launches the poor grass snake across the sandy shores. Its trainer, immediately sensing the direness of the situation, rushes up to his wounded ally to check its condition.

"S-Snivy" she murmurs in pain.
"Holy crap, are you alright?" He begins digging inside his bag for one of the potions he brought along with him for the trip.
"Snivy." Snay gets back to its feet, albeit a little clumsily after the beating it had taken.
"Huh?" The sudden energy his pokemon has surprising him enough to stop his search
"Sni vy." It murmurs in confidence, still not down for the count.
"You sure?"
Snivy only nods and walks forward towards the Baltoy which had been so courteous to wait for it. Orez returns his gesture of understanding, and round two of Snivy versus Baltoy starts to get under way. Starting off the battle thanks to her superior speed stats, Snivy glares at the Baltoy, putting it into a state of paralysis. Baltoy is too surprised by this move to react to Snay's follow up attack, receiving a heavy super effective blow to the head. The levitating Pokemon is sent careening into the side of a rock, much like before when it launched Snivy into the sand, although with a much less softer landing. Baltoy attempts to recover by using harden, but its paralyzed state prevents it from doing anything of the sort. Once more, it gets hit by a vine whip. The force is enough to knock it unconscious once and for all.
Orez wastes no time in throwing his pokeball, encapsulating the fainted baltoy inside.
Baltoy caught!
(Cue victory music)
Snivy collapses in exhaustion from its most recent battle, but with a smile on its face.
"Snivy, return." A red flashing light retrieves his pokemon. "Rest. You were amazing out there..." He looks up at the setting sky. "It's getting pretty late. I think we should head back to the pokecenter to rest. I think they offer a free place to sleep for travelling trainers." He begins his trek back to Windshire.

@Heckno12 @LuckyBlackCat
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers


Whether or not Sophia had been the first to get a second Pokemon, at least she wasn't the last. "Yeah... Might be an idea," she commented drily, thinking back to the disastrous battle she'd seen by the lab. How had that even gone so wrong, anyway? In any case, the Beldum looked to be in good form now.

The other Pokeball opened. "Gothi-ta?" After gazing around in fascination at all the other Pokemon, Gothita approached her exhausted trainer, worry in her wide blue eyes.

"Really," Sophia reassured the Pokemon, her voice much softer. "This is nothing. Just a slight headache." Ok, she'd just made the understatement of the year. She made a mental note not to go looking for Pokemon while in that state again. As she leaned down to pat Gothita, her surroundings spun, and she gripped onto the arm of the chair with a groan.

"Ita!" Gothita stared up at her.

Sophia forced herself to smile. "It's... alright." She reached down and stroked the bow-like feelers on the sides of the Gothita's head. This earned a cheerful squeak. "I'll be ok once I've rested a bit." She tickled the Pokemon behind the feelers, the sight of Gothita's happy face giving her mood a slight but well-needed lift.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rheese Laudat

Pokemon Center


"Rest is probably a good idea." Rheese said a sigh. He was always tired, but in one day he had accomplished more than he had in at least the last half of his life, so he had a fair excuse for once. "So, travelling alone would be...a bit more difficult." He said not wanting to admit that half of the point would be sharing supplies. "Seeing as you two were the first I met, and seeing as I actually know your names...want to team up when we set out in the morning?"

Wooper seemed to like the idea of teaming up with these two, he could eventually face that Beldum again and possibly even win. "Woop." The dopey blue Pokemon spoke up with a nod. Rheese patted Cottonee to see what she thought only to find out that she was sound asleep. While Rheese had no fear of Team Noble (cough, yet, cough) he also didn't like the idea of being on his own in a region that was so foreign to him. The fact that ten year olds did this on a regular basis was astounding to say the least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

@Heckno12 @AbysmalDemon

"Sounds like a plan," Sophia replied. So far, Rheese seemed like the best person to travel with. Better than that pretentious know-it-all who'd smirked at the demonstration of her abilities, or the loudmouthed diva who'd outright laughed. Rheese, at least, recognised her talent. He was the only one who did at the moment, but that was better than nothing.

"Yeah, I'd better find somewhere to stay," she said, standing up. Ugh, too quickly. Bad idea. She wobbled in place, grimacing and rubbing her forehead. "Got to be well rested for any gym battles. Not that they'll be a challenge." She could picture it, holding her first gym badge, proving her worth. The adventure she'd spent her life waiting for was actually happening, the first step on the path carved out for her accomplished. She'd fulfill her promise to her family, and make them proud.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


After he had finished resting where the buss had stopped he felt it was time to hit up on the pokémon center to recharge his batteries and get something to eat. He gently put the Eevee down from his lap and stretched before yawning slightly, he then heard his belly growling and he kew that he was getting hungry. He Figured hsi Eevee woudl be hungry as well so food would have to come first. He walked over to the pokémon center with his Eevee happily trotting beside him, then as he went inside he would go to the caféteria and sit down again by a seat.
There he would put the charger in and start charging his Pokégear and also check the menu before ordering some pokémon food for Eevee.

He couldn't wait to get his food when he placed his order, then as it finally arrive he dug into it like a wolf and his Eevee had no better food manners. Then after they had emptied their plates and felt satisfied the both of them would let out a satisfied burp before just chilling away letting the batteries charge.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rheese Laudat

Pokemon Center


"Y'know you can always just stay at the Pokemon Center." Rheese suggested, glad that Sophia had agreed to travel with him. Her psychic power didn't seem inherently useful, but for all he knew, she was just acting tired. "I don't think you should be wandering around like that." Rheese yawned and took his Pokegear out of his pack. Pulling up the map, after looking at it for a moment he nodded to himself. "Besides, the gym isn't too far from here, if we get a fairly early start we can challenge this Vincent guy before we leave Windshire." When he said the name 'Vincent' he got a few odd stares from the workers in the Center. None of them said a word, but he got the sense that something was up. Deciding not to mention it, Rheese got up from his chair.

Wooper gave Rheese a nudge and yawned to indicate he was ready to go back into his Pokeball. After returning both him and Cottonee, he decided to check with the Nurses about sleeping arrangements. Even if Sophia didn't want to stay there, he'd never turn down free lodging.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

"I'm ok," Sophia insisted. She couldn't let herself appear weak in front of people. "But if it's close to the gym..." A tiny sleeping room in a Pokemon Centre wasn't her first choice, but it was free, and although she wouldn't admit it, she wasn't exactly up to more wandering around. All she wanted to do right now was rest.

She couldn't help but notice people giving Rheese strange looks at the mention of the Gym Leader's name. What was going on there? It didn't matter. Whoever this Vincent guy was, he'd surely be no problem to beat.

She patted Gothita one more time before returning her to her Pokeball. With a yawn, she shuffled over to one of the nurses and asked about lodging. Sure enough, it turned out there were several empty rooms. The nurse led her down a hallway and showed her one of them, which she peered into with a frown. A couple of bunkbeds, a small desk and a chair, all crammed close together? What kind of place was this for her to sleep in? Still, she sat down on one of the lower beds and sighed. It was only for tonight, and she had a busy day ahead of her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alexandria "Alexis" Deva

Out in the Wild

"It's getting kinda dark...let's try to catch one more."

For every moment after Snorunt helped lift Alexis, the pokemon returned to being indifferent to her happy, arrogant, prideful attitude. They had spent quite a while searching for other pokemon to catch, but for some reason barely any had yet to be seen. This region was proving to be strange with it's rumors, and now it's oddly scarce amount of pokemon. Maybe they were simply hiding, or something. After all, many would be intimidated to approach Alexis. Most of them probably want to join her team, but are too nervous to approach them.

Honestly, it was somewhat frustrating, but eventually, they came across one wild pokemon. It was an Eevee. It was grinning at them as if it was above them...It was even more frustrating...though, they took the chance to face it and catch it.

Snorunt jumped in front of Alexis to get into a fighting position, but as soon as she hit the ground, her head immediately made contact with her opponent's Tail Whip. The Eevee then proceeded to snicker at her.

"Oooh...That looks like it stings."

"Snorunt!" exclaimed Snorunt in anger.

"Okay, okay. Double Team!"

Snorunt complied, and started using her speed to create afterimages that surrounded her opponent. Unlike the trainer and torchic from before, this pokemon wasn't as lucky, and couldn't get a good hit on Snorunt. The battle pretty much played out the way Alexis wanted it, with Snorunt whittling away at Eevee with Powder Snow, until it had become exhausted enough to catch. Alexis threw a poke ball, and caught it. Of course, she was worried when it took a while to click assure her that the catch was successful, but now she had half a team.

"Alright! Let's head back, Snorunt. We have a big day tomorrow!"

For the first time in this region, Alexis returned Snorunt into her pokeball...that she had completely forgotten to do when she first got her trainer license...Good thing no one tried to catch Snorunt all that time. Still, now Alexis had another to do before they set off tomorrow. Officially catching Snorunt took away the last of her pokeballs. She'd have to buy some more later on.

For now, though, she headed back into town, and decided to rest at the Pokemon center. when Alexis went into her room, she quickly changed into her pajamas, and prepared the next day's clothes. After all was set, she got into bed, and fell into her nightly slumber...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex Rossmoore
Pokémon Center

Alex let out a yawn. It was getting dark and there was no way he was going to catch his second Pokémon right now. He yawned again, this time bigger. "I wouldn't mind staying at the Pokémon center for a bit. My mom used to work at one... They had pillows and disposable blankets and everything." Alex had been exhausted. It was hot, he had battled, and his Beldum almost killed another Pokémon. He got another cup of water and downed it in one gulp. "A-actuaaaalllly," he started to say in the middle of yet another yawn, "I'm going to head off right now." He walked over to one of the many small unoccupied sleeping rooms, and laid down with his hands behind his head. In a few minutes he nodded off into a deep sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oscar Berg

After giving his two pokemon a proper loving and recalling Skoll(growlithe), Oscar heads to the Bed and Breakfast to wind down and prepare for bed. The Bed and breakfast might be more expensive than the Pokecenter but the Bed and Breakfast does offer some services that the Pokecenter does not have. Upon entering the Bed and Breakfast, Oscar greets the receptionist and heads to his room. Using the key that he got earlier, Oscar enters the room and puts on the lights. It is a small room with two single beds, althought Oscar only needs one for himself, a small on-suite bathroom ,with a toilet and shower, among other things that Oscar would not be using. Roadrunner jumps on the other far bed and sleeps on the pillow. Oscar smiles at Roadrunner. Oscar put his bag by the door, grabs a towel at the foot of the nearest bed, goes into the bathroom and closes the door. After awhile, Oscar comes out with the towel around his waist. Oscar puts the side-table lamp on and turns the room lights off. Once in bed, Oscar say goognight to Roadrunner and Roadrunner chirps back. Oscar turns off the the side-table lamp and goes to sleep.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Nyxx Hollow


Nyxx was dragged along outside the pokecenter and watched as Kyle did battle with an innocent Starly, poor bird had no idea what was happening still it was a better thing than how she met Swablu. Treecko was a very good fighter and very persistent at least that’s what she would have taken note of if she had not just fallen asleep on a nearby bench. Rolling over on her back, she snored out loud completely knocked out, the only thing that woke her up was the ‘ding’ the Pokeball made when it caught a Pokémon. By this time the sky had turned a deep amber color and night was slowly creeping up on them and sighs out her eyes barely open as she yawns out louder standing up.

“Congrats, now we need to go back to the pokecenter to heal those two up and I’d say let’s get a room and continue in the morning, I’m running on empty” She explains leaving out the part where shes always running on empty. Regardless, she drags him along, backtracking all the way back to the center to do just that mostly because she wanted to sleep. "Hello everyone were back" she announced with a half attempted laugh at her own lazily executed joke.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle sighed at the joke Nyxx made. Kyle patted her on the back.

"Yea..no. How about we leave the jokes to me butterly."

Kyle got out a pokeball and returned Treecko. Then he walked over to the counter.

"Yea I need these two back to full strength,"Kyle said with both his pokeballs in hand,"I would appreciate it if you could heal them."

The nurse took both pokeballs, giving a tendered hearted smile and words of encouragement, explain she will rbing them back to him when they are done. Kyle decided to walk back over to Nyxx.

"I'm pretty beat too butterfly, and we should definelty find a place to rest up, shower, eat. After we finish here we can move out."

Kyle kept snapping his fingers for her attention while he spoke. Then Kyle waited a few moments after speaking before he spoke again.

"So yea looks like your mom is a super star, and we have already met one person who just simply adores her. Think we could get any perks off that, like free food and board?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Laach
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Laach They call me fish

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Orez Shrin

Orez makes his way into the pokecenter to come upon the sight of what appears to be a young couple standing right in front of the Nurse's front desk. It seems that they are discussing the complications of lodgings, despite the answer being right in front of them. Do these people not know that pokecenters offer free resting areas to trainers? Perhaps they are not registered trainers and are just here for their Pokemon's health. If that were the case, he would expect to see the pokemon standing right beside them. Actually, on closer inspection, it does seem that they are in the possession of pokeballs, so they must be trainers.

What a coincidence! He did not expect to see trainers like himself so early in his journey. Perhaps these are the trainers the professor had spoke of when he had mentioned the devestation to his building. The only way to know for sure though is to ask himself. With this in his mind, he walks up to the two trainers to introduce himself.

He intrudes on their conversation, "greetings trainers, my name is Orez Shrin. I could not help but overhear that you are having trouble finding a place to stay the night? Perhaps you have not heard of the free resting places currently being offered by every pokecenter across this island? Resting in the wilderness would be dangerous for two adventurers such as yourselves." He places his two pokeballs down on the counter, then gestures for Nurse Joy to come over and take care of them.
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